Emnelisten dækker især den socialistiske traditions kritik af zionismen, den israelske debat om staten Israels historie (som den kom op blandt israelske historikere i slutningen af 80’erne) og den nutidige kritik omkring zionismen og statens Israels historie, set fra danske og internationale venstrefløjs- og solidaritetssynspunkter.
I anledning af 60-året for settler-staten Israels dannelse og Nakbaen (den etniske udrensning af palæstinenserne i 1948), har vi revideret og ajourført emnelisten fra 2002, og samlet en række artikler, bøger og sites, som alle handler om zionismen, dens historie og konsekvenser. For de nyere bøger gælder, at de ikke er fuldtekst-online, men vi har tilføjet anmeldelser og uddrag online.
Emnelisten dækker især den socialistiske traditions kritik af zionismen, den israelske debat om staten Israels historie (som den kom op blandt israelske historikere i slutningen af 80’erne) og den nutidige kritik omkring zionismen og statens Israels historie, set fra danske og internationale venstrefløjs- og solidaritetssynspunkter.
Vi har lagt vægt på, at de medtagne links ikke repræsenterer fascisme og racisme, herunder anti-semitisme (dog undtaget dokumenter fra The Zionist Library).
Poul Mikael Allarp
Juni 2002
Ajourført og revideret fra april 2008 og frem –
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Emneoversigten Palæstina / Israel
- Emnelisten: Israel 1948 og Nakbaen (katastrofen)
- Linkboxen: The Politics of Anti-Semitism (book edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair, 2003)
- Linkboxen: Den israelske lobby og amerikansk udenrigspolitik
Marxists Internet Archive
- Israel-Arab/Palestinian Conflict. A collection of texts on Israel-Arab/Palestinian conflict and cooperation during the British Mandate of Palestine and after creation of Israel.
- Letter to the New York Times (1948). By Albert Einstein, Hanna Arendt ect.
Puls 48 (Puls48.dk)
“Puls 48 er din portal til hjertet af Palæstina! Puls 48 er en platform, hvor vi giver palæstinensere en stemme, og deler deres liv og hverdag under besættelsen.”
Solidarity & Workers Liberty
Wikipedia, , the free encyclopedia
- Timeline of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
- Timeline of anti-Zionism
- Timeline of Zionism
- Anti-Zionism
- Zionism
- History of Zionism
- The First Zionist CFongress (1897)
- 1948 Palestinian exodus
- Nakba Day
- Causes of the 1948 Palestinian exodus
- From the river to the sea
På dansk
Amnesty International
Israels regering begår folkedrab i Gaza, konkluderer Amnesty International i en ny rapport (Amnesty International, 5. december 2024). “Amnesty International har nu fundet tilstrækkeligt dokumentation til at konkludere, at Israels regering har begået og fortsat begår folkedrab mod palæstinenserne i den besatte Gaza-stribe. At det internationale samfund har ladet det ske, vil for evigt være en ‘skamplet på vores kollektive samvittighed’, siger Amnestys internationale generalsekretær Agnès Callamard.”
Et kolonialt projekt: 75-året for oprettelsen af staten Israel (14. maj 2023)
“I dag er det 75 år siden, at ‘katastrofen’ for det palæstinensiske folk blev til virkelighed: Staten Israel blev oprettet og hundredtusindvis af palæstinensere blev fordrevet fra deres hjem. Hvordan gik det til, at palæstinenserne fra at været tvunget til at leve under den britiske kolonimagt i dag fortsat må kæmpe mod en besættelsesmagt? “
Autonom Infoservice
Palæstinas fremtid – et interview med Mustafa Barghouti (8. november 2024)
“Mustafa Barghouti er læge og generalsekretær for det Palæstinensiske Nationale Enhedsinitiativ, som han grundlagde i 2002.” Se også 2. del af interviewet (5. december 2024).
I skyggen af Israels krig i Gaza udvides bosættelserne på Vestbredden (2. august 2024) “Siden Israels militære invasion af Gazastriben den 27. oktober 2023 har israelske bosættere på Vestbredden væbnet angrebet palæstinensiske landsbybeboere og konstant udvidet deres territorium.”
Israels annektionsplan er en ”krigs- erklæring mod palæstinenserne” (8. juli 2020)
“Israels ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu kan efter den 1. juli 2020 når som helst påbegynde den planlagte annexion af op til 30 procent af det besatte Vestbredden.”
Alfred Lang mfl.: Palæstinas tragedie – et historisk tilbageblik på konflikten (6. januar 2018). Artiklen er skrevet marts 2002.
“Zionismens historie, kolonimagternes rolle og udviklingen i Palæstina. Indeholder desuden et interview med den jødiske marxist og fagforeningsleder Jakob Moneta (85 år), som fra 1933 til 1947 arbejdede i kibbutz i Palæstina, men siden brød med zionismen.”
Carlo Hansen: Israel har taget det hele: Historien om det koloniserede Palæstina (2002)
Om den historiske baggrund for Israel Palæstina konflikten: “… den målrettede ødelæggelse af palæstinensernes eksistensmuligheder er blot et logisk led i zionismens århundredlange bestræbelse på at overtage hele Palæstina.”
IHRA og Den Nye Antisemitisme (Eftertrykket.dk, 24. juli 2024). Benjamin Magnusson interviewer Poya Pakzad: “Den israelske stat, dens allierede og ideologiske støtter har i flere år promoveret det vildledende koncept om ‘den nye antisemitisme’ … Senest har Folketinget vedtaget en handleplan mod antisemitisme, der vil støtte forskning i ‘den nye antisemitisme’ og forbyde eller brændemærke kritik af ‘Israels eksistensberettigelse’ som antisemitisme.”
Israel, palæstinenserne, og truslen om fred (Eftertrykket.dk, 3. november 2023)
“På baggrund af Hamas’ blodige terrorangreb d. 7. oktober 2023, og Israels brutale respons, opruller Poya Pakzad her de historiske hovedpunkter og centrale politiske drivkræfter, som har hindret freden mellem Israel og palæstinenserne i henved et halvt århundrede.”
Lars Erslev Andersen: Forsker om Løkkes Mellemøst-besøg: “Israel har aldrig accepteret en suveræn palæstinensisk stat” (13. januar 2025)
“På sit aktuelle Mellemøsten-besøg vil udenrigsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (M) tale om behovet for en tostatsløsning. Men sandheden er, at Israel aldrig har accepteret ideen om en reelt uafhængig palæstinensisk nabo.”
For at opnå en tostatsløsning i Israel-Palæstina må vi gøre op med Israels apartheidpolitik. Af Mogens Lykketoft, Hubert Védrine, Sayeeda Warsi og Erkki Tuomioja (2. november 2022)
“Vi er nødt til at anerkende, at Israels politikker og praksisser over for de palæstinensere, der bor på Vestbredden, Østjerusalem og i Gaza, er apartheid, og vi opfordrer vores kolleger i det europæiske politiske samfund til at slutte sig til os.”
Kritisk Debat
Morten Thing: Antisemitisme (15. april 2020). P.t. ikke online.
“Siden 1970 har det været et genkommende tema i den offentlige debat ikke blot i Danmark, men i hele den vestlige verden: Fra at have været en typisk støtte i kampen mod antisemitisme havde venstrefløjen ændret sig til ikke blot anti-israelsk, men til antisemitisk.”
Niels Frølich: At leve her eller der – den jødiske arbejderbevægelse og zionismen (15. april 2020). P.t. ikke online.
“Anklagerne mod Jeremy Corbyn og venstrefløjen i det britiske Labour-parti for anti-semitisme har igen sat forholdet mellem arbejderbevægelse og zionisme på dagsordenen. Konflikten har sit udspring de særlige historisk betingede forhold, som den jødiske befolkningsdel i Østeuropa levede under frem til Anden Verdenskrigs udbrud.”
Leksikon for det 21. århundrede
Jens Nauntofte: Fra jødisk nationalhjem til nationalstaten Israel
Jaques Hersh: Zionismens iboende autisme! (24. april 2013)
“Et fænomen, som har domineret den europæiske kultursfære i mere end 60 år, er den goodwill, zionismens statsprojekt har opnået.” Også online på Kritisk Debat (15. april 2013)
Palaestina-Info (online på Internet Archive)
Jacob Feldt: Zionismen
“Zionisme er den jødiske udgave af nationalisme. Navnet zionisme henviser til Zion, som er en bibelsk benævnelse for Jerusalem… I 1897 dannedes den Zionistiske Verdensorganisation under Theodor Herzls ledelse, hvilket var den egentlige politiske begyndelse på zionismen både som ideologi og som praktisk handlemåde.”
Lucas Grollenberg: Palæstinenserne og den tidlige zionistiske bevægelse
Et længere uddrag af Lucas Grollenberg bog fra 1977 med en historisk analyse af udviklingen i forholdet mellem den zionistiske bevægelse og den arabiske befolkning i Palæstina. (Dansk udgave: Palæstinenserne og staten Israel, 1980).
Carlo Hansen: Palæstina-konflikten – et historisk overblik
“I det følgende kan du på seks sider få et historisk overblik over Palæstina-konflikten gennem de sidste 100 år. Indlægget har oprindeligt været bragt i Drømmen om Palæstina, udgivet af Dansk Flygtningehjælp, 2003.”
Palæstina-Orientering (online på Danpal.dk)
Børge S. Christiansen: Staten (nr. 2, 1998, s. 3-5)
“Om de begivenheder og historiske forudsætninger, der førte frem til FN’s deling af Palæstina i 1947 og staten Israels udråbelse i maj 1948.”
Baruch Kimmerling: Hverken demokratisk eller jødisk (nr. 4, december 1997)
“Den israelske stats definition af ‘jødiskhed’ gør de to begreber ‘demokrati’ og ‘jødiskhed’ indbyrdes modsigende. Resultatet er, at Israel næppe har hvad der svarer til den almindeligt accepterede opfattelse af vestlig-liberalt og oplyst demokrati.”
Transfer – oplægget til fordrivelsen i 1948 (nr. 4, december 1997; online på Palaestina-info.dk)
“I den følgende artikel diskuterer Christian Ulstrup overvejelserne i den zionistiske bevægelse frem til 1948. Begrebet Transfer indgår i.ø. i de politiske overvejelser på den israelske højrefløj den dag i dag.”
Morten Thing: Jødestaten i 100 år (nr. 1, marts 1996, s. 3-9)
“Det var i februar hundrede år siden, den moderne zionismes fader Theodor Herzl udgav ‘Der Judenstaat’. Palæstina-Orientering har bedt historikeren Morten Thing om at kommentere jubilæet.” Også online på Palaestina-info.dk: Theodor Herzl og jødestaten.
Flemming M. Hansen: Erobringen af det tomme land (nr. 4, 1986, s. s. 9-12)
“Den zionistiske propaganda har med stor succes skabt myten om Palæstina som et tomt land, dengang de jødiske kolonister ankom. Fordrivelsen af 750.000 palæstinenserne og besættelsen af Vestbredden og Gaza afslørede den falske myte.”
Svend Holm-Nielsen: Zionismens ideologi (nr. 2-3, 1981, s. 4-7)
“Artiklen gennemgår myterne bag den zionistiske ideologi og forklarer hvorfor zionismen er blevet karakteriseret som en form for racisme.”
Svend Holm-Nielsen: Korsfarerstaten Jerusalem – den zionistiske stat Israel (nr. 4, 1980, s. 3-7)
“Artiklen gennemgår den middelalderlige korsfarerstat Jerusalem’s historie – dens ide, udvikling og forfald og drager paralleller til det moderne Israel og zionismen.”
Svend Holm-Nielsen: Jødisk antizionisme (nr. 4, 1979, s. 11-15)
“Det er et fast led i zionistisk propaganda, at modstand imod zionisme har noget med jødehad at gøre … [men] det er ikke rigtigt, at alle jøder er zionister. Lige fra zionismens begyndelse har der været modstand imod den blandt jøder.”
Søren Højmark: To zionistiske klassikere (nr. 4, 1979, s. 4-7)
“Leon Pinsker og Teodor Herzl betragtes ofte som zionismens fædre. Artiklen gennemgår deres grundlæggende værker: Leon Pinskers ‘Autoemanicipation’ (1892) og Herzl’s ‘Den Jødiske stat’ (1896).”
Svend Holm-Nielsen: Af Palæstinas historie (nr. 2, 1979, s. 4-7; online på Internet Archive)
“En historisk gennemgang fra forhistorisk tid indtil staten Israel oprettes og det engelske mandatstyres trækkes tilbage – maj 1948.”
Puls 48 (Puls48.dk)
“Puls 48 er din portal til hjertet af Palæstina! Puls 48 er en platform, hvor vi giver palæstinensere en stemme, og deler deres liv og hverdag under besættelsen.”
Roskilde Universitetsbibliotek
Morten Thing: Anti: begreberne antikommunisme – antisemitisme og deres historie (pdf) (2003, 92 sider). Scroll ned til afsnittet Antisemitisme (s. 49)
“[Antisemitisme] bruges om enhver kritik af den israelske stats politik. En sådan kritik af Israel betegnes ofte som anti-zionisme, selvom kritikerne ikke nødvendigvis er modstanderes af staten Israels fortsatte eksistens.”
Socialistisk Arbejderavis
Martin Bagge Johansen: Zionismen – den falske Messias (nr. 204, 2002)
“Zionismen er en ideologi, der bygger på kolonialisme og racisme, og den fungerer som legitimering af Israels besættelse og undertrykkelse af det palæstinensiske folk.”
Socialistisk Information
Vashti Fox: Revolutionær anti-zionisme: En diskussion med Moshe Machover (14. april 2024)
“Moshe Machover er det eneste overlevende fra den gruppe, der dannede den revolutionære antizionistiske organisation Matzpen i Israel. Matzpen påvirkede en generation af både israelske og palæstinensiske modstandere af Israel, og efterlader en vigtig teoretisk arv til socialister i dag.”
Rohini Hensman: Antisemitisme: Den rigtige definition og den forkerte (5. december 2023)
“Og hvorfor vi må bekæmpe både antisemitisme og zionisme… ’Antisemitisme’ er det ord, der normalt bliver brugt om racisme imod jøder, hvis vi definerer ’racisme’ meget bredt som undertrykkelse af enhver gruppe mennesker på grund af fysiske karakteristika (som f.eks. hudfarve), sprog, religion, kaste, stamme, eller herkomst.”
Sherry Wolf: Tre påstande om zionisme – og svaret på dem (15. januar 2024)
“Hvis man ser nærmere på tilbagevendende påstande fra den israelske stats tilhængere, så får man nogle klare modargumenter foræret. Og når man samtidig river fåreklæderne af ulven, trævl for trævl, giver det mulighed for at formidle en dybere forståelse af zionismens karakter.”
David Finkel: Hvorfor er socialister imod zionismen? (18. september 2021)
“Zionismen er i sin natur imperialistisk og racistisk: Mest mulig jødisk jord og færrest mulige arabere. Og de arabere, der endnu ikke er fordrevet, skal behandles som mindreværdige borgere.”
Joseph Daher: Den palæstinensiske befrielseskamp og de arabiske revolutioner (30. juli 2021)
“Fordi palæstinensiske flygtninge i millionvis er integreret i Mellemøsten og i mindre grad i Nordafrika, er deres nationale og klassemæssige kamp flettet sammen med massernes kamp i hele regionen.”
Socialistisk Revy
Ann Rogers: Marxismen og det jødiske spørgsmål (nr.4, maj 1998)
“I år fejrer den israelske stat 50-års fødselsdag. Zionismen og Israels undertrykkelse af palæstinenserne forsvares tit ved at henvise til jødeforfølgelsen. Ann Rogers skriver om Abram Leons bog ‘The Jewish Question’, der forkaster zionismen og undersøger myter og realiteter bag antisemitismen.”
Læren fra Jeremy Corbyn: Hvordan skal venstrefløjen imødegå anklager om antisemitisme? Af Kim Benzon Knudsen, Niels Overgaard, Lars Ploug og Søs Nissen (24. november 2024)
“Den succesfulde kampagne mod Corbyn blev premieren for den drejebog, der senere blev forsøgt brugt mod Bernie Sanders i USA, og som vi ser tendenser til også at blive taget i brug i Danmark nu. Erfaringerne fra kampagnen mod Corbyn giver os derfor også nogle lektioner i, hvordan man IKKE skal reagere – eller med fordel kan undlade at reagere – på sådanne angreb.”
Morten Thing: Ilan Pappé forudsiger, at Israel går i opløsning (8. november 2024) “Sammenslutningen Academics For Palestine havde mandag 4. november indkaldt til konference på Københavns Universitet. Her havde de nemlig besøg af den israelske historiker Ilan Pappé, som i sit hjemland bliver kaldt en landsforræder på grund af sine historiske værker om palæstinensernes vilkår. I dag bor og arbejder Pappé i England.”
Morten Thing mfl.: Israel! Hvordan kunne det gå så galt (23. september 2024)
“Engang repræsenterede Israel mange jøders drømme og håb om et godt samfund. Det er en klar kontrast til den brutalitet, staten Israel i dag udviser, og store dele af landets befolkning bakker op om.”
Jonathan Ofir: Danmarks kamp mod antisemitismen og palæstinenserne (Kritisk Revy, 16. juli 2024)
“Den 25. juni offentliggjorde regeringen med opbakning fra hele Folketinget, en aftale om udvidelse af regeringens ‘Handlingsplan mod antisemitisme’ fra 2022 … Underskrivelse af en sådan aftale, som så klart betyder en indskrænkning af ytringsfriheden, især hvad angår det palæstinensiske spørgsmål, har naturligvis mødt størst modstand på venstrefløjen.”
Enzo Traverzo: Massakren i Gaza underminerer den demokratiske kultur (Kritisk Revy, 9. maj 2024)
“Israels tilhængere har gentagne gange påberåbt sig mindet om nazisternes folkemord for at legitimere massemord på civile i Gaza. Historikeren Enzo Traverso advarer om, at det kyniske misbrug af Holocaust-erindringen udgør en alvorlig fare for vores globale demokratiske kultur.”
Seth Ackerman: I Gaza var der en jernmur (Kritisk Revy, 26. januar 2024)
“Israel har, fordi landet er blevet afhængigt af at forøge sit territorium, og fordi det er omringet af fjender, som det selv har skabt, kastet alle moralske begrænsninger overbord.”
Dahlia Scheindlin: Israel: Venstrefløjen i fare (Kritisk Revy, 1. december 2023)
“Det er ikke så tit, man hører om en venstrefløj i Israel, på trods af, at staten fra sin oprettelse i 1948 var solidt baseret i den zionistiske arbejderbevægelse med sine østeuropæiske rødder. Siden den 7. oktober har Israels venstrefløj, der nærmest kan karakteriseres som venstrezionistisk, været udsat for en hidtil uset undertrykkelse. Læs her hvad der rører sig på denne fløj.”
Jamie Stern-Werner: Vi tager den lige én gang til: Det er ikke anti-semitisme at være modstander af Israels apartheid (25. november 2022)
“Et forslag i FN forsøger at få vedtaget en vildledende og stærkt farvet definition på antisemitisme. Det er et kynisk forsøg på at fritage Israel fra kritik, og misbruger den antiracistiske kamp til at gøre palæstinenserne tavse.”
Salwa Ibrahim: Tanker om den Tredje Intifada i Palæstina (6. juni 2021)
“Så lad os få det sagt med det samme: Den israelske højrefløj er ikke problemet. Det er zionismen. Det er en kolonialisme, der har til formål at udstøde og erstatte palæstinenserne – og er baggrunden for denne tredje intifada.”
Israel er et forbillede for autoritære stater i hele verden (3. juni 2021)
“‘Det nye ved opstanden i Palæstina lige nu er ikke selve opstanden, men reaktionerne på Israels brutalitet – både fra internationale menneskerettighedsorganisationer og fra den palæstinensiske modstand.’ Solidaritet har interviewet den danske fredsaktivist Yonathan Goldshtein, der selv har boet i de besatte områder.”
Tema: Israel, Palestina og vestens hykleri (pdf) (nr.29, 2004, 192 s.)
“Bidragene i dette heftet av Vardøger søker å gi en grundig analyse av de viktigste aspektene ved konflikten mellom Israel og Palestina og Vestens rolle i denne konflikten.”
Dansk Palæstinensisk Venskabsforening
“Sitet har aktuelle indlæg samt baggrundsoplysninger med henvisning til aftaler, konventioner og historiske dokumenter (fortrinsvis engelsksprogede). Desuden afsnit med fakta og aktiviteter. Links til videre søgning.”
“Formålet med Palæstina-Info er at tilvejebringe et redskab, som kan bruges af offentligheden og i undervisningssektoren – fra gymnasieskolen & HF og opefter. Dels med henblik på at forstå baggrunden for den hundredårige konflikt om Palæstina, dels forstå omstændighederne omkring den endeløse besættelse af Østjerusalem, Vestbredden og Gaza, samt flygtningespørgsmålet.”
Dansk Palæstinensisk Venskabsforening
Litteratur om Palæstinakonflikten
Smertensbarnet Israel – en personlig beretning
Af Preben Wilhjelm mfl. (Solidaritet, 2024, 143 sider)
“Denne beretning om en smertefuld, men påtvunget ændring af holdningen til staten Israel er foranlediget af vore ledende politikeres komplet ahistoriske reaktion på de hjemlige demonstrationer efter Hamas’ terroraktion mod Israel den 7. oktober 2023 og Israels efterfølgende sønderbombning af Gaza.” Se uddrag fra bogen (Solidaritet.dk, 22. november 2024).
Vaccinen fra Holocaust. Af Knud Vilby (Globalnyt, 15. januar 2025)
Afkolonialiser Palæstina: en kritik af vestlig teologis dominans i Mellemøsten
Af Mitri Raheb (Forlaget Eksistensen, 2024, 176 sider)
“Et historisk perspektiv på baggrunden for Israels besættelse af Vestbredden, set som udtryk for en nutidig imperial politik.”
5 A’er: Kontroversiel debatbog kritiserer vestlige teologers ansvar for palæstinensernes skæbne. Af Paula Larrain (Altinget.dk, 11. april 2024)
Palæstina og bosætterkolonialismen. Af Hans Henrik Fafner (POV International, 29. marts 2024)
Israel, et mislykket samfund, en mislykket stat
Af Morten Thing (Solidaritet, 2023, 224 sider)
“… at indse, at hele konstruktionen af den jødiske stat hvilede på racisme, den opfattelse, at ikke blot palæstinenserne, men også de arabiske jøder, stod på et lavere civilisationstrin end os europæiske jøder, var et bjerg at komme over.” Se bogens prolog (s.9-18): Hvem stillede det jødiske spørgsmål og hvem besvarede det? (Solidaritet.dk/Kritisk Revy, 15. maj 2023)
Alt det, du ikke har lyst til at vide om Israel (Solidaritet.dk, 6. juni 2023)
Israel som skuffelse og sorg. Af Egon Clausen (POV International, 1. juni 2023)
Morten Things Israel er en beskrivelse af en skuffelse. Af Jonathan Ofi (Solidaritet.dk/Kritisk Revy, 27. september 2023).
Den korte historie om Israel og Palæstina
Af Michael Scott-Baumann (Svane og Bilgrav, 2023, 272 sider)
Israel og Palæstina: Klar og gedigen oplysning til tiden. Af Lars Erslev Andersen (Globalnyt, 3. januar 2024)
Om zionisme
Af Pierre Stambul (Klim, 2016, 74 sider). Med forord af Morten Thing.
“Zionismen forvandler jøderne – Europas tidligere pariaer, som man havde dømt til ikke at kunne assimileres – til europæiske kolonister i Mellemøsten.”
“Forfatteren argumenterer for at se Israel som et apartheidsystem, der på mange måder fungerer lig det apartheidstyre, der fandtes i Sydafrika.”
Redigeret af Audrea Lim (Solidaritet, 2012, 301 sider)
Med bidrag fra bl.a. Mustafa og Omar Barhhouti, Joel Beinin, Angela Davis, Ken Loach, Naomi Klein, Ilan Pappe, Michel Warchawsky og Slavoj Zizek. Bogen er online på Solidaritet.dk (pdf) (via Internet Archive). Se også engelske udgave: The Case for Sanctions against Israel (pdf) (Verso, 2012, 244 p.; online at Bamdadi.com)
Det moderne Palæstinas historie: et land, to folk
Af Ilan Pappe (Klim, 2009, 396 sider)
“Palæstina bebos af to folk med hver sin nationale identitet. Ilan Pappe beskriver landets historie fra tiden under det Ottomanske Rige først i 1800-tallet frem til vor tid.”
BogFeature af Simon Ankjærgaard (Historie-online.dk, maj 2009)
‘Israel er godt på vej til at tabe PR-kampen’ (Information, 2. oktober, 2009). Interview med Ilan Pappe.
Historien om det moderne Palæstina. Af Birgitte Rahbek (Information.dk, 5. februar 2004)
Jødehad i danske medier
Af Therkel Stræde (Brandts Danmarks Mediemuseum, 2009, 63 sider). Med forord af Flemming Steen Nielsen.
Billed- og teksteksempler på udviklingen af antisemitismen i Danmark. Til udstilling om emnet på museet 2008-09. Forslag til videre læsning. Også om jødernes historie i Danmark.
Israels erobring af Palæstina: fra Rishon LeZion til Ariel
Af Carsten Skovgaard Jensen (Aalborg Universitetsforlag, 2007, 525 sider)
“Bogen er et opgør med den officielle historieforskning i Israel. Den forholder sig kritisk til en række sejlivede myter omkring zionismen og staten Israels forhold til palæstinenserne.”
Se omtale på Fagboginfo.dk.
Lubya var en by i Palæstina
Af Mahmoud Issa (Tiderne Skifter, 2005, 274 sider)
“Gennem hundredvis af samtaler med eksilerede indbyggere fra Lubya og deres efterkommere – og gennem omfattende studier i historiske arkiver og dokumenter – har Mahmoud Issa i denne bog, som også udgives på arabisk, hebraisk og engelsk, foretaget en personlig rejse tilbage til fortiden og livet i Lubya før og efter den etniske udrensning. Bogens kombination af makrohistorie og mundtlige beretninger (mikrohistorie) afdækker den etniske udrensnings brutale ansigt i 1948.”
Se også Mahmoud Issa: Masseflugten i 1948 – kerneproblemet i den palæstinensiske katastrofe (Palæstina-Info)
Kaktussens land: en rejse i selvbedrag: 100 års kamp om Palæstina
Af Carlo Hansen (Forlaget Klim, 2002, 288 sider)
“Den erfarne journalist, Carlo Hansen, fortæller nøgternt og vidende om vilkårene i de palæstinensiske flygtningelejre, om overgrebene og de ufattelige lidelser, men ikke mindst om historien bag landflygtigheden.”
Se omtale på Fagboginfo.dk.
En stat for enhver pris: konflikten i Mellemøsten
Af Birgitte Rahbek (Fremad, 2000, 407 sider)
“Bogen handler om kampen for og om Palæstina fra konfliktens begyndelse til den aktuelle situation.”
Se hele bogen online på forfatterens site (pdf) (Birgitterahbek.dk)
Dyr fred. Anmeldelse af Charlotte Aagaard (Information, 13. september 2000)
Det tabte land: en personlig historie
Af Göran Rosenberg (Forlaget Tiderne Skifter, 1998/2001, 494 sider)
“I en personlig essayistisk beretning skildrer forfatteren vor civilisations største og mest gennemgribende utopi: Det forjættede land, Messiasriget, Sion, Israel.”
Se interview med forfatteren: Forjættede land farvel (Information, 20. marts 1998)
Israel – 50 år som USA’s vagthund. Af Margit Johansen (Socialistisk Revy nr. 5, juni/juli 1998, s. 10)
Zionismens Israel: et land i evig krig
Af Kit Broholm og Anne Grethe Holmsgård (Historisk Revy, 1984, 236 sider)
“Bogen er en grundig og lettilgængelig fremstilling af den historiske baggrund for og myterne omkring den nuværende konflikt. Den giver en materialistisk forklaring på årsagerne til antisemitismen i de førkapitalistiske samfund, og dokumenterer at den zionistiske bevægelse ikke opstod som en ‘befrielsesbevægelse’, men tværtimod som en reaktionær og proimperialistisk bevægelse …”
Israel – en tidsindstillet bombe?: en kritisk studie i Israels kamp mod palæstinenserne
Af Jens Nauntofte (Vindrose, 1983, 224 sider)
Palæstinenserne og staten Israel
Af Lucas Grollenberg (Finn Blytmans Forlag, 1980, 162 sider)
Israel-Palæstina, konflikt uden ende?
Af Lars Møller-Rasmussen Informations Forlag, 1976, 211 sider)
Historien bag Palæstina-problemet
Af Svend Holm-Nielsen (Berlingske Forlag, 1975, 206 sider)
Den palæstinensiske befrielseskamp
En antologi ved Jens Nauntofte (Gyldendals Logbøger, 1971, 272 sider)
Israel uden zionisme
Af Uri Avnery (Notabene, 1970, 255 sider)
In English
+972 Magazine
‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza. By Yuval Abraham (April 3, 2024)
“The Israeli army has marked tens of thousands of Gazans as suspects for assassination, using an AI targeting system with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties, +972 and Local Call reveal.”
Against the Current
Alan Wald: The antisemitism scare: guide for the perplexed (Issue 234, January-February 2025)
“The situation we face is that protests and scholarship fundamentally challenging the Zionist position, especially those demonstrating that current events are not an aberration but a fulfillment of Zionism, are being outlawed as ‘antisemitic’.”
Alan Wald: Cause at heart: Socialists & the abolition of antisemitism (Issue 232, September-October 2024)
“To help untangle the existing confusion, there are five new books, all far above mid, one of which can help us name and locate antisemitism as it relates to the present, and the others which provide evidence for the necessity of anti-Zionism as part of the same struggle.”
David Finkel: Why do Socialists oppose Zionism? (Issue 214, September-October 2021)
“The following notes are a very sketchy primer. It is not a detailed historical analysis nor a discussion of the Palestinian liberation struggle. The readings cited at the end provide some background and insight on these critical subjects.”
Alan Wald: On Jewish revolutionary internationalism (Issue 209, November-December 2020)
“The thought-provoking history of Jewish Revolutionary Internationalism, most numerical and gathering steam in Yiddishland, and unfolding in its most rousing yet puzzling form in the era of Hitler and Stalin, shadows us into the present.”
Frederica Marsi: ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean? (2 November 2023)
“Critics have called its use anti-Semitic amid Israel’s war on Gaza. But the slogan has more complex roots, say analysts.”
American Socialist
Isaac Deutscher: Message of the non-jewish Jew (September 1958)
“By virtue of his special environment and social position, the ‘non-Jewish Jew from Spinoza to Freud has often made important contributions to science, culture, politics.”
Amnesty International
Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians: Cruel system of domination and crime against humanity (February 1, 2022, 278 p.)
“Amnesty International has analysed Israel’s intent to create and maintain a system of oppression and domination over Palestinians and examined its key components: territorial fragmentation; segregation and control; dispossession of land and property; and denial of economic and social rights. It has concluded that this system amounts to apartheid.”
See also:
Jamie Stem-Weiner: It’s not antisemitic to oppose Israel’s apartheid rule over the Palestinians (Jacobin, November 23, 2022). Også på dansk (Solidaritet.dk, 25. november 2022).
Yara Hawari: It’s undeniable: Israel is an apartheid state (Jacobin, February 2, 2022).
Alex Snowdon: Calling it what it is: Amnesty’s bold stand against Israeli apartheid (Counterfire, February 1, 2022).
Moshé Machover: Behind Israeli aparthheid (Weekly Worker, Issue 1382, February 10, 2022).
Lev Grimberg: It isn’t apartheid – it’s worse (Haaretz.com, February 24, 2022; online at Internet Archive).
Anticapitalist Resistance
Palestine and Marxism (2 September 2024)
“Liam McQuade reviews Joseph Daher’s book, Palestine and Marxism [Resistance Books, 2024, 159 p.], highlighting its argument that a socialist, democratic, and secular state in historic Palestine is the only viable solution to the ongoing conflict, contrasting this with the reactionary and anti-democratic nature of Hamas and the impossibility of reforming the Israeli state under its current ideology.”
From the river to the sea: the true history of a famous slogan For Palestine (27 October 2023)
“The size and spirit of recent Palestine solidarity demonstrations across Britain has shocked our rulers and sent them into a frenzy. The air is thick with calls to ban such demonstrations, or crack down on their slogans and chant. Adam Johannes looks at the history of one of the movement’s most well known slogans, its call for a one state solution and its aspirations for lasting peace.”
B’Tselem: The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories
A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid (12 January 2021)
“The entire area Israel controls between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea is governed by a single regime working to advance and perpetuate the supremacy of one group over another.”
See also:
Richard Silverstein: Israeli NGO: Israel is an apartheid regime (Jacobin, January 22, 2021).
Moshé Machover: Behind Israeli aparthheid (Weekly Worker, Issue 1382, February 10, 2022).
Lev Grimberg: It isn’t apartheid – it’s worse (Haaretz.com, February 24, 2022; online at Internet Archive).
Alex Snowdon: Israeli apartheid and the rebirth of Palestinian mass resistance (June 5, 2021)
“The current wave of Palestinian revolt is especially threatening to Israel because it is characterised by a high level of mobilisation, including a general strike, by Palestinians in Israel.”
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!
Eddie Abrahams: Communism, fundamentalism and the question of Palestine (Issue 111, February-March 1993)
“With the collapse of the USSR, the Great Powers are targeting Islamic fundamentalism as the ‘evil enemy’ undermining world order, the market economy and democracy. Such propaganda combined with fundamentalism’s radical, anti-western and anti-Israeli rhetoric can generate illusions that it has progressive, democratic, anti-imperialist features. Hamas’s record and role shows this is not the case. Islamic fundamentalism – like its Christian and Jewish variants – is an anti-democratic, reactionary and pro-capitalist political trend”.
Global Dialogue
An introduction to the Israel-Palestine conflict
From the introduction of Norman Finkelstein: Image and reality of the Israel-Palestine conflict (Verso, 2003, p. xi-xxxviii; online at Internet Archive WayBackMachine)
Historical Materialism
Marxism and the critique of antisemitism (Vol.32, No.1-2, 2024)
“This introduction and the special issue as a whole give some possible avenues for reflection: connection with Islamophobia, the place of Zionism and Holocaust memory in the projection of Western power, the rise of a new far right, and the shifting class position of both Jewish and other racialised communities, imperialism, and the ongoing crises of capitalism.”
Human Rigths Watch
A threshold crossed: Israeli authorities and the crimes of apartheid and persecution (April 27, 2021)
“Some have claimed that the current reality amounts to apartheid. Few, however, have conducted a detailed legal analysis based on the international crimes of apartheid or persecution. In this report, Human Rights Watch examines the extent to which that threshold has already been crossed in certain of the areas where Israeli authorities exercise control.”
See also:
Moshé Machover: Behind Israeli aparthheid (Weekly Worker, Issue 1382, February 10, 2022).
Lev Grimberg: It isn’t apartheid – it’s worse (Haaretz.com, February 24, 2022; online at Internet Archive).
In Defence of Marxism
Fred Weston: Stalin’s responsibility in the creation of Israel and its disastrous consequences (
Fred Weston: Marxists and the call for Intifada: what it really means (
Francesco Merli: The history of Israel-Palestine to 1993 (27 October 2023)
“The article traces this history from the origins of Zionism, through the creation of Israel, the Six Day War, the first Intifada, up to the betrayal of the Oslo Accords in 1993.”
Francesco Merli: 75 years since the Nakba: free Palestine! Intifada until victory! (12 May 2023)
“This weekend, protests will be taking place across the world to mark the 75th anniversary of the Nakba – the disaster faced by the Palestinian people as part of the creation of Israel. We say: Fight for a Socialist Federation of the Middle East!”
Yossi Schwartz: The origins of the Jews (15 December 2003, online at Internet Archive)
“For the working class it is important to understand the difference between the ugly anti-Semitism (anti-Jewish) on the one hand and the struggle against imperialism and colonialism including that of the Israeli state on the other. For this reason a short history of the Jews and anti-Semitism, including the role of the Zionist movement, is important.”
International Court of Justice
Legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the occupied Palestinan territority, including East Jerusalem (19 July 2024)
Press Release: “The State of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is unlawful; the State of Israel is under an obligation to bring to an end its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory as rapidly as possible; the State of Israel is under an obligation to cease immediately all new settlement activities, and to evacuate all settlers from the Occupied Palestinian Territory.”
See also:
ICJ case on Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories (Wikipedia.org)
ICJ opinion declaring Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories unlawful is historic vindication of Palestinians’ rights (Amnesty International, July 19, 2024)
International Socialism
Jane Hardy and Katie Cole: Palestinian women’s resistance today: imperialism, Islamism and violence (Issue 185, Winter 2025)
“This article explores how the conditions for Palestinian resistance and for women in particular have changed since 1993. We argue that, despite a new set of obstacles, women have not disappeared from public and political spaces, but they continue to organise, to be active and resist.”
Jane Hardy and Katie Coles: Palestinian women’s resistance: from the Great Revolt to the First Intifada, 1936 to 1993 (Issue 184, Autumn 2024)
“This article explores how Palestinian women’s activism in the national liberation movement is intertwined with the struggle against their oppression—a history of activism and rebellion that can be traced back to the 1920s and earlier.”
Ramsis Kilani: Strategies for liberation: old and new arguments in the Palestinian left (Issue 183, Sommer 2024)
“In this article, I argue that the reasons for the decline of the historic organisations of the Palestinian left lie primarily in their prioritisation of military strategies, which made them dependent on the structures of the PLO.”
Joseph Chonara: A second Nakba? (Issue 181, Winter 2024, p.3-26)
“The carnage wrought by Israeli forces on the Gaza Strip is a moment of unimaginable brutality. It is also a moment of intensification of the exclusion of and violence against Palestinians stretching back over three-quarters of a century.”
Rob Ferguson: Israel’s roadmap to genocide (Issue 181, Winter 2024, p.27-40)
“The targeting of the civilian population is not simply a paroxysm of rage, but rather a deliberate strategy aimed at crushing the Palestinian spirit of resistance and enforcing total submission. Yet, despite the horror, and the might of the Israeli state, this war also reflects a crisis of the Zionist project—and, with it, a threat to the imperial order in the Middle East.”
Anne Alexander: Palestine: between permanent war and permanent revolution (Issue 181, Winter 2024, p.41-64) “… there is no real route out of the state of ‘permanent war’ except through a sustained struggle for far-reaching political and social transformation, not only in Palestine, but also in the neighbouring states. This article argues that such a process of “permanent revolution” is the only way out of the Palestinians’ predicament that offers real hope for justice and liberation.”
Israel’s crisis and the Palestinian resistance (Issue 180, Autumn 2023, p.11-26)
“Interview [conducted in late August] with Toufic Haddad, a Palestinian author and journalist living in Jerusalem, and Israeli-born academic Ilan Pappé, who provide insight into the deep processes underlying Israel’s political crisis and reflect on the state of the Palestinian resistance.”
Anne Alexander: Ending apartheid in Palestine: the case for a revolutionary strategy (Issue 173, Winter 2022, p.29-58)
“… how did a political system justified by an ideology of explicit racial hierarchy manage to survive the end of the colonial order in the wake of the Second World War? … [and] how and why does Palestinian resistance sustain itself in the face of overwhelming pressure from this highly militarised state?”
John Newsinger: The Labour Party, anti-Semitism and Zionism (Issue 153, Winter 2017, p.119-148)
“… the essential underpinning of the Labour Party’s commitment to Zionism was, from the beginning and continues to be today, its usefulness first to the British Empire and, since the 1950s, to the British State’s ‘special relationship’ with US imperialism.”
Chris Harman: Hizbollah and the war Israel lost (Issue 112, Autumn 2006, p.8-42)
“What began as a long planned Israeli attack aimed at destroying Hizbollah ended in a humiliation for Israel.”
Tom Hickey and Philip Marfleet: The ‘South Africa moment’: Palestine, Israel and the boycott (Issue 128, Autumn 2010, p.31-55)
“This article examines the background to these developments [Boycott Campaigns], the lessons from previous campaigns for boycotts and sanctions, and the implications for the Palestinian movement.”
Jim Higgins: Zionism (No.64, December 1973, p.15-21)
“In almost every respect the propaganda pretensions of Zionism cannot stand even a cursory examination.”
International Socialist Review
Daphna Thier: What’s the matter with the Israeli working class? (Issue 110, Fall 2018)
“… a settler-colonial working class relates to the state in a fundamentally different way than a traditional working class. Given incentives to promote colonization, it acts as collaborator with its own ruling class. The formation of the Israeli working class necessarily came at the expense of the formation of a multiracial class.”
One democratic state in historic Palestine: A socialist viewpoint (Issue 90, Summer 2013; web exclusive)
“Tikva Honig-Parnass responds to Moshé Machover and a one state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.”
Apartheid Israel and the contradictions of left Zionism. Interview with Tikva Honig-Parnass (Issue 72, July-August 2010)
“Israeli socialist activist Tikva Honig-Parnass fought in the 1948 War as a Zionist. Years later she would break with Zionism and join the ranks of the Israeli Socialist Organization, also known by the name of its publication, Matzpen (‘Compass’).”
Israelis and Palestinians: Conflict & resolution (Issue 65, May-June 2009)
“Israeli socialist Moshé Machover on the roots of conflict and what it will take to resolve it.”
Annie Levin: The hidden history of Zionism (Issue 24, July-August 2002)
“What kind of national liberation movement allies itself in every case and at every moment in its history with the powers of world imperialism? What national liberation struggle built its very existence on the colonization of another people, on the obliteration of that people’s history, their culture, and their land?”
Moshe Machover/Akiva Orr: The class character of Israel (1969) (Issue 23, May-June 2002)
“‘The class character of Israeli society’, first published in 1969, represents a pioneering Marxist analysis on the nature of the working class in Israel. Its authors, members of the now-defunct Israeli Socialist Organization, capture the uniqueness of Israeli society – ‘financed by imperialism without being exploited by it’. Although there have been many changes inside Israel and internationally, this article remains an important starting point for any discussion of the dynamics of Israeli society.”
Lance Selfa: Zionism: False Messiah (Issue 4, Spring 1998, p.9-15)
“No doubt all sorts of distorted history and ideological claptrap will accompany the media’s ‘celebration’ of Israel’s 50th anniversary. This is understandable, if only because the real history of Zionism and Israel is so sordid.”
Lance Selfa: Israel: the U.S. watchdog (Issue 4, Spring 1998, p.16-23)
“U.S. strategic doctrine relied on building a network of pro-Western states to hem in any Arab regime which bucked the West. Over the years, the U.S. relied on combinations of Turkey, the Shah’s Iran, Israel and the Gulf monarchies to forge this alliance. But Israel became the first among these only after its quick victory in its 1967 war.”
International Viewpoint
For the right to self-determination of Palestinians, for the withdrawal of imperialist forces from the Middle East (3 March 2024). Antoine Larrache interviews Gilbert Achcar:
“The war in Gaza continues, with its procession of horrors, but also with significant solidarity mobilizations and significant resistance in Palestine. Gilbert Achcar addresses this situation and the avenues for building resistance against Israel and its accomplices, the far right and imperialism.”
Francesco Saverio Leopardi: The Left has played a key role in the Palestinian struggle (July 2, 2024)
“The rivalry between Fatah and Hamas has dominated Palestinian politics since the 1990s. Yet for many years, the main challenge to Fatah came from the groups of the Palestinian left, which have made a huge contribution to the national movement.”
Seraj Assi: The ethnic cleansing of Palestine never ended (May 14, 2024)
“Israel was founded with the Nakba, a series of atrocities that ethnically cleansed Palestinians from their homeland. Today we are witnessing Israel engage in ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza on an even larger, more violent scale.”
Violent settler colonialism caused this war (May 7, 2024)
“Rashid Khalidi is a leading historian of the Middle East. In an interview, he explains how the current war in Palestine is the product of decades of violent settler colonialism designed to drive the Palestinians from their land.”
Suyin Haynes: These stunning images show Palestinian life before the Nakba (April 10, 2024)
“Zionist propaganda refers to pre-1948 Palestine as a ‘land without a people’. A new photographic collection pushes back against this erasure of Palestinian history — and shows the vitality of its society before the Nakba.”
The Gaza massacre is undermining the culture of democracy (April 6, 2024)
“Israel’s supporters have repeatedly invoked the memory of Nazi genocide to legitimize mass murder of civilians in Gaza. Historian Enzo Traverso warns that the cynical misuse of Holocaust remembrance poses a grave danger to our global democratic culture.”
Zionism’s history is also a history of Jewish Anti-Zionism (January 28, 2024). Daniel Denvir spoke with Shaul Magid:
“Defenders of Israel’s brutal war on Gaza have attempted to conflate anti-Zionism with antisemitism. But since its beginning, different forms of Zionist ideology have competed with varied anti-Zionisms for Jewish allegiance.”
Taher Labadi: How Israel dominates the Palestinian economy (January 13, 2024)
“Pounded by IDF bombs, Gaza’s population is today on the brink of starvation. For decades, Israel has systematically suppressed Palestinians’ independent economic activity — ensuring their dependence on Israel’s own economy.”
Seth Ackerman: There was an Iron Wall in Gaza (January 4, 2024)
“Addicted to territorial aggrandizement and encircled by enemies of its own making, Israel has freed itself of all moral constraints.”
Mass politics will win Palestinian freedom (July 8, 2023)
James Hutt spoke with Issam Aruri: “Guerilla armed struggle alone won’t accomplish the goals of Palestinian liberation, says longtime Palestinian leftist Issam Aruri. Strikes, demonstrations, and an organized movement of millions are the key to ending Israeli occupation.”
Jamie Stern-Weiner: It’s not antisemitic to oppose Israel’s apartheid rule over the Palestinians (November 23, 2022)
“The UN is being urged to adopt a misleading, partisan redefinition of antisemitism that is intended to protect Israel from critical scrutiny. We should oppose this cynical attempt to silence advocacy on behalf of the Palestinians in the name of anti-racism.”
Joel Beinin: Palestinian workers have a long history of resistance (June 6, 2021)
“The Palestinian general strike of May 18 fits into a much longer history of mobilization by Palestinian workers. From the British colonial years to the present, those struggles have faced harsh repression, but kept a spirit of resistance alive.”
The forgotten history of the Jewish, Anti-Zionist Left (July 21, 2020)
Sarah Lazare spoke with Benjamin Balthaser: “The roots of modern Zionism are in colonialism. This was the foundation of the Jewish left’s opposition to Zionism in the 1930s and ’40s, on the grounds that it is a form of right-wing nationalism and imperialism that is fundamentally opposed to working-class internationalism.”
Bernard Porter: The Israel-Palestine conflict isn’t a “Clash of Cultures”. It’s about colonialism (April 28, 2020). Review of Rashid Khalidi, The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonial Conquest and Resistance (Profile Books, 2020, 319 p.)
“Palestine has been battered for over a century, yet the narrative of a ‘tragic clash’ of two peoples with claims to the same territory still prevails. That framing is wrong — Palestine’s miseries are the product of settler-colonial conquest.”
Samuel Farber: A Zionist state at any cost (April 21, 2020). Review of Tom Segev, A State at Any Cost: The Life of David Ben-Gurion (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2019, 816 p.)
“The foundation of Israel is tied up with David Ben-Gurion, its first prime minister. Through examining his life, we see how Israel’s creation was from its beginnings doomed to create an apartheid-like state maintained by an oppressor nation.”
Journal of Palestine Studies
Moshé Machover: An immoral dilemma: the trap of Zionist propaganda (Vol.40, No.4, Summer 2018; online at Institute for Palestine Studies)
“Political Zionism is based on the fallacy that there exists a single nation encompassing all the world’s Jews. How can Zionism claim that Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people, since the only attribute shared by all Jews is Judaism, a religion and not an attribute of nationhood in any modern sense of the word?”
Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal
Kim Bullimore: Palestine: Zionism, class and occupation (Issue 30, 2007)
“While much has been written about the Palestinian struggle for national liberation, little has been written by the revolutionary and radical left that explores in depth the class nature of Zionism, the Israeli state or Palestinian society. The ongoing absence of a class-based analysis results in confusion not only about the class nature of the Israeli state but also about Palestinian society and the resistance.”
Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist
Brian A. Mitchell: Palestine and Israel (April 29, 2018). Guest post.
“The power and importance of original quotes cannot be stressed enough … Many of these quotes are not widely known, some not at all. So please do spread them widely so that many more people can know what really goes on in this troubled world in our name.”
Marxist Left Review
Palestine and the classless politics of settler colonial theory (Issue 27, Autumn 2024)
“Jordan Humphreys builds on his earlier work in critiquing settler colonial theory, this time as applied to arguably its strongest possible case.”
The Palestinian national liberation struggle: A socialist analysis (Issue 26, Spring 2023)
“This 2002 article by Mostafa Omar provides important background for understanding Israel’s genocidal war on Palestine, and the political limitations of the organisations that claimed to stand for Palestinian liberation.”
Revolutionaries, resistance fighters and firebrands: The radical Jewish tradition (Issue 23, Summer 2022)
“The contemporary narrative of Jewish history is one of ghettos, pogroms, suffering, oppression – Jews as the eternal victims. In this study Janey Stone presents an alternative view which shows that Jews have repeatedly fought back against their oppression, and formed a core part of the socialist movement.”
Michael Roberts Blog
Israel: the shattering of a dream (October 18, 2023)
“The ‘socialist dream’ of the early Israeli state has now given way to the capitalist reality. The gap between the lowest and highest earners in Israel is the second highest in the industrialized world, and the child poverty rate is second only to Mexico among developed countries.”
Middle East Information Center
Edward Said: Zionism from the standpoint of its victims (1979)
“Said’s investigation of the history and ideology of Zionism raised hackles from different quarters. Some Jewish critics, such as Robert Wistrich, protested the connections Said made between Zionism and European colonialism.”
Middle East Report
Lisa Hajjar and Basil Farraj: Israel is waging war on palestinian prisoners (September 4, 2024)
“Reports of systemic torture and rape in Israeli prisons have exploded in the year since October 7, but the state’s carceral violence has a longer history.”
Theme: Settler colonialism’s enduring entanglements (Issue 302, Spring 2022):
Areej Sabbagh-Khoury: “But if I don’t steal it, someone else is gonna steal it”: Israeli settler-colonial accumulation by dispossession
Daniel Monterescu and Ariel Handel: Indigenous wine and settler colonialism in Israel and Palestine
Leila Farsakh: The question of Palestinian statehood and the future of decolonization
Revisiting MERIP coverage of Israel as an apartheid state (February 4, 2022)
“MERIP articles [1985-2021] examine parallels—and distinctions—between Israel’s system of control and that of apartheid South Africa.”
Mouin Rabbani: The enduring question of Palestine (Issue 300, Fall 2021)
“… the centrality of the Palestinian cause and national movement to the region’s politics, and of Israel to US Middle East policy and regional counterrevolution, meant that Palestine figured prominently in MERIP’s coverage from the very outset.” With links to many MERIP-articles.
Joel Beinin and Lisa Hajjar: Palestine, Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict: A primer (February 2014)
Jeff Halper: The 94 percent solution: A matrix of control (Issue 216, Fall 2000)
“What is the matrix of control? It is an interlocking series of mechanisms, only a few of which require physical occupation of territory, that allow Israel to control every aspect of Palestinian life in the Occupied Territories.”
Theme: Who paid the price: 50 years of Israel (Issue 207, Summer 1998):
Steve Niva: Countering Israel’s 50th on the Internet: Al-Nakba Websites document Palestinian dispossession
Oren Yiftachel: Democracy or Ethnocracy: Territory and settler politics in Israel/Palestine
Middle East Report Online
Jonathan Cook: The myth of Israel’s liberal Supreme Court exposed (February 23, 2012)
“Little more than a decade ago … the Israeli Supreme Court issued two landmark rulings that, it was widely assumed, heralded the advent of a new, post-Zionist era for Israel. But with two more watershed judgments handed down over the winter of 2011-2012 the same court has decisively reversed the tide.”
Jeff Halper: Sharon’s national unity government: shoring up the ‘Iron Wall’ (March 13, 2001)
“In a famous article entitled ‘The Iron Wall’, published in 1923, Ze’ev Jabotinsky articulated a cardinal principle of the Zionist enterprise: Zionism should endeavor to bring about a Jewish state in the whole land of Israel, regardless of the Arab response.”
Middle East Research and Information Project
Joel Beinin and Lisa Hajjar: Palestine, Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict: A Primer (pdf) (2014, 16 p.)
“The publication was first published in 1991 and then updated in 2001. Obviously, much has happened in Israel-Palestine since then. By popular demand, Beinin and Hajjar have comprehensively updated and revised the primer.”
Mike Haynes Homepage
Preliminary summary of relative cost in deaths of conflict to Palestinians, Israelis and related groups (2010)
“How many have died in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians? A rough calculation with sources is here of some of the recent elements.”
Monthly Review
Moshé Machover: Messianic Zionism: The ass and the red heifer (Vol.71, No.9, February 2020)
“The relation between Zionism and Judaism (the Jewish religion) is paradoxical and complex. In its early days, Zionism was apparently a thoroughly secular political movement. In reality, while its ego was secular, its id has always been religious.”
Jacques Hersh: Inconvenient truths about ‘real existing’ Zionism (Vol.61, No.1, May 2009)
“To understand what has happened, it may be useful to go back to the roots of Zionism and to include the forces external to the movement that influenced the evolution of Jewish politics. Awareness of the past is of importance to any analysis of the present as well as projections of the future.”
The Nation
Avi Shlaim: A somber Anniversary (May 8, 2008)
“Sixty years after the founding of the State of Israel, the long conflict with the Palestinians, and with the Arab world at large, casts a pall over Israeli life.”
New International
Hal Draper: Israel’s Arab minority: The beginning of a tragedy (Vol. 22, No.2, Summer 1956, p.86-106)
“Today we find that, in truth, the setting up of the Zionist state coincided with a process whereby the large majority of the Palestinian Arabs found themselves separated from their land and homes. How did this happen?”
Hal Draper: Israel’s Arab minority: The great land robbery (Vol.13, No.1, Winter 1957, p.7-30)
L. Rock [i.e. Tony Cliff]: Class politics in Palestine (Vol.5, No.6, June 1939)
“The political problem of Palestine must be considered from two main points: first, a definition of the essence of the Arabian national movement, and, second, the role played by Jewish immigration and settlement.”
L. Rock [i.e. Tony Cliff]: The Jewish-Arab conflict (Vol.6, No.11, November 1938)
“The collision in the Arab-Jewish conflict is between two national exclusivist movements (between Zionism and the feudal, semi-bourgeois Arab leadership on the one hand, and on the other the struggle of the Arab masses against Zionism.”
New Left Review
Leaving Zion (Issue 148, July-August 2024, p.23-40)
“The rejection of Israel’s hegemony by a new generation of Jewish Americans—and their radical critique of its revenge war on Gaza—have altered the political-intellectual terrain in the US. Arielle Angel, editor in chief at Jewish Currents, discusses the journal’s role in this rupture with the Zionist establishment.”
The neck and the sword (Issue 147, May-June 2024, p.5-38).
“Rashid Khalidi talks to Tariq Ali about the history of the Palestinian national movement, its fraught relations with neighbouring Arab regimes, the realities of the US-run ‘peace process’, Israel’s grip on the Biden Administration and the strategic calculations – or miscalculations – of Hamas.”
Ilan Pappé: The collapse of Zionism (Sidecar, 21 June 2024)
“We are witnessing a historical process – or, more accurately, the beginnings of one – that is likely to culminate in the downfall of Zionism.”
Perry Anderson: The House of Zion (Issue 96, November-December 2015, p.5-37)
“The fate of the Palestinians and the fortunes of Israel, after fifty years of occupation, and American and European collusion with it. Realities behind the official tropes decorating a ‘two-state solution’, and hesitations of nascent debate over a single state in the territory once ruled as a mandate by Britain.”
Perry Anderson: Scurrying towards Bethlehem (Issue 10, July-August 2001, p.1-30)
“Behind the second Intifada lies a century of conflict in Palestine. What are its roots, and what are its prospects? The Oslo Accords, the Israeli landscape and the Arab world.”
Gabriel Piterberg: Erasing the Palestinians (Issue 10, July-August 2001, p.31-46)
“How the founding myths of Israel dictated conceptual removal of Palestinians, during and after physical removal. The invention of ‘retroactive transfer’ and ‘present absentees’ as the glacial euphemisms of ethnic cleansing.”
New Politics
Palestinian resistance and the war in Gaza (Issue 76, Winter 2024)
Phil Gasper interviews Toufic Haddad, a Palestinian author and academic living in Jerusalem: “What are the implications of the current war in Gaza for the future of Palestinian resistance?”
The political context of the crisis in Gaza (Issue 76, Winter 2024)
“Joel Beinin, Emeritus Professor at Stanford, discusses the politics of the Palestinian left and Hamas, and the US policies in Israel/Palestine.”
Saeed Rahnema: Obstacles to Palestinian-Israeli peace (December 9, 2023)
“If Al-Qaeda and ISIS were the indirect products of the policies of US imperialism, Hamas is a direct product of Israel. A glimpse into the painful history of 75 years of conflicts and confrontations between Israel and Palestinians helps one better understand the latest Hamas/Israeli fighting that started on October 7, 2023.”
Robini Hensman: The political and legal underpinnings of the Palestine-Israel conflict ( The Israeli state has responded by bombing the Gaza Strip, in which Hamas has its headquarters and over 2.3 million civilians have their homes, starving inhabitants of food, water, medicines and fuel. But why did this happen? And what can be done about it?”
Jason Schulman: The life and death of Socialist Zionism (Issue 35, Summer 2003)
“In previos decades it was not uncommon for democratic leftists, Jewish ones in particular, to believe that the state of Israel was on the road to exemplifying – as Irving Howe once put it – ‘the democratic socialist hope of combining radical social change with political freedom’. But times have obviously changed.”
Palestine Remembered
Ann M. Lesch: Zionism and its impact
The article is from Encyclopedia of the Palestinians, edited by Phillip Mattar (2000).
Large survey article about Zionism.
Red Flag
Revolutionary anti-Zionism: a discussion with Moshe Machover (2 April 2024)
“Vashti Fox interviewed Machover about his life, the history of Matzpen and its theoretical insights regarding Zionism and colonisation.”
RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century
Village by village, town by town – how Zionists tried to destroy Palestine in 1948 (November 11, 2014)
“In the sixth and final part of his series on Zionism, imperialism and the Palestinians, Neil Rogall describes the Nakba – the establishment of the Israeli state and catastrophe for Palestine.” With links to Part 1-5: The Origins of Zionism – Palestine, the Great War and imperialism – The origins of the Iron Wall: Zionist settlers during the mandate – The Birth of Palestinian Resistance and the 1936 uprising – Making the Palestinians the scapegoats for Nazi crimes.
Israel has always been a contradiction (March 12, 2021)
Robert Scheer interviews Larry Cross: “… who grew up in Israel shortly after it was founded [and] talks about the racism he witnessed in the young nation long before it occupied the West Bank and Gaza.”
Socialist Appeal
Palestine before 1948: How imperialism created Israel ()
“In the first part of our series on Israel-Palestine, Francesco Merli explains the shady dealings and machinations of the imperialist nations, which paved the way for the partitioning of Palestine, and opened up a Pandora’s Box of violence and degradation.”
See Part 2:
Israel-Palestine 1948-1993: A half-century of revolutionary struggle (Ibid., May 10, 2023)
“In the second part of our series on Israel-Palestine, Francesco Merli examines the wars, manoeuvres, and uprisings that characterised the decades following the creation of the Israeli state, and which have left the Palestinian people oppressed.”
Socialist Project
It is dark before the dawn, but Israeli settler colonialism is at an end (February 16, 2024) “Professor Ilan Pappé spoke at Islamic Human Rights Commission’s (IHRC) annual Genocide Memorial Day in London, UK, on 21st January 2024, on the need to understand that the genocide of Palestinians we are currently witnessing, as brutal as it is, is also the demise of the so-called Jewish state. We need to be ready to imagine a new world beyond it.”
Socialist Review
Ilan Pappe: Israel, the Holocaust and the Nakba (Issue 325, May 2008)
“Acclaimed anti-Zionist historian Ilan Pappe looks at the legacy of the Nazi persecution of Jews, and the complicity of world leaders, past and present, in maintaining the occupation in Palestine.”
Tony Cliff: The Jews, Israel and the Holocaust (Issue 219, May 1998)
“On the 50th anniversary of the state of Israel, Tony Cliff looks at the roots of Zionism while John Rose charts the history of the Israeli state.”
Socialist Worker (UK)
Rob Ferguson: The Jewish activists who fought for real freedom (Issue 2890, 30 January 2024)
Review of Donny Gluckstein and Janey Stone, The Radical Jewish Tradition (Bookmarks, 2024, 386 p.). “A new book rediscovers the Jewish non-Zionist tradition of fighting antisemitism.”
See also review by Clare Lemlich: Before World War II, Zionism was a fringe ideology (Jacobin, November 5, 2024).
‘Fear works if you cave in’ — Ilan Pappe on Israel, Palestine and antisemitism (Issue 2616, 4 August 2018)
“The right are trying to silence solidarity with Palestine by claiming it’s antisemitic to call Israel and its founding Zionist ideology racist. Ilan Pappe, a leading Israeli-born historian and anti-Zionist, spoke to Nick Clark about how to combat their claims.”
Ilan Pappe on how Israel was founded on ethnic cleansing (Issue 2011, 29 July 2006)
“Acclaimed anti-Zionist historian Ilan Pappe on Israel and the history of it’s destructive role in the Middle East.”
Analysing Zionism (Issue 1984, 21 January 2006)
“Last year saw the publication of two new books on this topic. Author Jacqueline Rose speaks to Anindya Bhattacharyya about her work, The Question of Zion, while Ronnie Kasrils responds to John Rose’s book The Myths of Zionism.”
Zionism’s colonial project (June 10, 2010)
“Lance Selfa describes the roots of the Zionist movement and the drive to create a Jewish state.” Extract from Lance Selfa (ed), The Struggle for Palestine (Haymarket Books, 2002, 256 p.).
Daphna Thier: The myth of liberal Zionism (June 13, 2011)
“Many Israelis say they are horrified by the rise of right in their country – but the war on Palestinians was carried out for years by ‘left’ Zionists.”
The Antisemitism of Zionism (November 7, 2024)
“Shane Burley argues that Zionism has a long history of entrenching antisemitism and serves as a reactionary, radical sectionalist mode of politics that spells disaster for both Jews and humanity more broadly.”
Toward decolonization: The struggle for Palestine today (February 9, 2024)
“Ashley Smith spoke with Tareq Baconi, author of Hamas Contained, about October 7th, Israel’s genocide, and the state of the Palestinian resistance and its implication for the region and world.”
South Africa’s case against Israel: The struggle against apartheid then and now (June 19, 2024)
“Helen Scott explains the significance of South Africa’s genocide case against Israel and reflects on the comparison between anti-apartheid struggles in the two countries.”
What would it take to win in Palestine? (January 2, 2024)
“David Camfield and Charlie Post argue that Palestinian liberation requires a regional revolutionary strategy based on the politics and methods of socialism from below.”
Series: From the River to the Sea (November 2023)
“No words can fully express Palestine’s seventy years of catastrophe, no words except: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
Semites, Anti-Semites, Zionists and Anti-Zionists (Blog, 4 March 2019)
“Emmanuel Macron recently described anti-Zionism as a new form of antisemitism, setting in motion a process to criminalize anti-Zionism. In this article, Shlomo Sand discusses changing natures of Judeophobia, Zionism, and of Jewish identity.”
Weekly Worker
Aim for deZionisation (Issue 1467, 16 November 2023)
“Israel is a work colony based on an ideology of blood and soil. Mike Macnair gets to grips with the logic and history of ethnic cleansing and expansionism.” See also letter from Moshe Machover: Corrections (Ibid., Issue 1468, 23 November 2023; scroll down).
Enlightenment and pure joy (Issue 1398, 9 June 2022). Judy Carousian reviews ‘Compass [Matzpen] and Moshé Machover’ by Helena Aksentijevic (YouTube, 2022, 38 min.). “Moshé considers that his work in Matzpen is the most important thing he has done in his entire political life.”
Tony Greenstein: Zionism and anti-Semitism (Issue 1287, February 20, 2020). Review of Stanley Heller, Zionist betrayal of Jews, from Herzl to Netanyahu (2019, 147 p.)
“This book is really just a sampler with a fairly arbitrary selection of topics about Zionism’s relationship with its Siamese twin, anti-Semitism. Without anti-Semitism there would have been no Zionism …”
Tony Greenstein: What Zionists want suppressed (Issue 1166, 3 August 2017). Review of Thomas Suarez, State of terror – how terrorism created modern Israel (Skyscraper Publications, 2016, 418 p.)
“Suarez has documented, in extremely copious detail, the war of terror that the Zionists waged, both against the Arabs and British from the late 1930s up to the Suez War.”
Zionism and anti-Semitism (Issue 1105, 5 May 2016). Interview with Israeli socialist Moshé Machover.
“In its essence [Zionism] is a political project, the project of colonising Palestine by Jews and turning it into a nation-state with an overwhelming Jewish majority.”
Zionism: Quest for legitimacy (Issue 1026, 18 September 2014)
“Israeli communist Moshé Machover examines the significance of Zionist claims that Israel is the ‘nation-state of the Jewish people’.”
Leandros Fischer: Left Zionism exposed (Issue 898, January 26, 2012). Review of Tikva Honig-Parnass, False Prophets of Peace: Liberal Zionism and the Struggle for Palestine (Haymarket Books, 2011)
“It is not only an academically brilliant work, backed up by a thorough description of contemporary left Zionist and post-Zionist discourse in Israel, but also an accessible and useful handbook for activists engaged in the struggle for Palestinian rights.”
Zionist collaborators with Nazism revealed (Issue 792, 5 November 2009)
“Tony Greenstein reviews two books by Francis Nicosia: The Third Reich and the Palestine question (London, 1985, 320 p.) and Zionism and anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany (Cambridge, 2008, 344 p.)
Moshé Machover: Breaking the chains of Zionist oppression (Issue 757, February 19, 2009)
“A resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict cannot be achieved within the confines of ‘historical Palestine’. Moshé Machover calls for a socialist approach.”
Unholy alliance (Issue 630, June 22, 2006)
“What is the link between Zionism and anti-semitism? Tony Greenstein explains that there is a closer connection than many modern Zionists would care to admit.”
Zionism and the holocaust (Issue 631, June 29, 2006)
“Tony Greenstein continues his examination of the unholy alliance between anti-semitism and Zionism. With the coming to power of the Nazis the collaboration reached new depths.”
Hungary, Auschwitz and rewriting the holocaust (Issue 632, July 6, 2006)
“In his third article on Zionism, Tony Greenstein continues his examination of collaboration and denial.”
The real resistance (Issue 633, July 13 2006)
“Popular opposition to anti-semitism saved thousands of Jews under Nazi occupation, writes Tony Greenstein in this concluding article – despite rather than because of Zionism.”
Workers International News
Tony Cliff: The Middle East at the crossroads (Vol.6, No.3, December 1945)
“The events of the last few weeks in the Middle East have drawn the attention of the whole world to what is happening in this region. The terroristic acts of Zionist military organizations, the strikes and demonstrations of the Arab masses in Cairo, Alexandria, Damascus, Beirut and Baghdad against Zionism, and the concentration of British troops in Palestine has aroused numerous questions.”
Part 2: The role of Zionism (Vol.6, No.4, January 1946)
Part 3: The role of Stalinism (Vol.6, No.5, February-March 1946)
Workers’ Liberty
The Trotskyists and the creation of Israel: Nine key documents, 1929-1948 (3/13, 2007)
“Articles by Hal Draper, The Fourth International, The Revolutionary Communist League of Palestine, Max Shachtman, Albert Glotzer and Ernest Mandel.”
World Socialist Web Site
Chris Marsden: Exposing and opposing Zionism: A conversation with Ilan Pappé (World Socialist Web Site, 29 August 2024)
“It’s not a moment of Epiphany, where you wake up and suddenly you are on the other side of the Rubicon. It takes time. But there is a moment where you feel that you know enough and you understand enough and you have heard enough to challenge fundamentally the narrative of your own society, of your own state.”
Tom Peters: David North’s The Logic of Zionism: From Nationalist Myth to the Gaza Genocide addresses the disastrous consequences of nationalist political programs (17 June 2024)
“The series of lectures on the historical development of Zionism expose the bankruptcy of all politics based on nationalism and race— and point the way forward for all those who want to fight against genocide, war and dictatorship.”
Jean Shaoul: Stern: The Man, The Gang & The State, produced by Al Jazeera Documentary and directed by Hossam Sarhan (27 March 2024)
“The Stern Gang, founded by Avraham Stern in 1939, was one of the Zionist terrorist gangs responsible for a wave of murderous attacks on both Palestinians and British officials in Mandate Palestine and the Middle East before the establishment of the State of Israel.”
Jean Shaoul: Gaza: From colony, to open air prison, to killing field. Part 1-2 (2-4 November 2023)
“This genocidal war against civilians in Gaza is an escalation of policies pursued by the Israeli bourgeoisie for decades, aimed at dispossessing the Palestinian people of their lands, property and homes, about which the ruling elite assumes a collective historical amnesia.”
Jean Shaol: Israel and the Palestinians: a state founded on dispossession and ethnic cleansing. Part 1 (23 October 2023) + Part 2 (24 October 2023)
“Today’s events are the product of the founding of Israel in 1948 through the forcible expulsion of Palestine’s existing Arab population and of the three-quarters of a century of brutality and mass murder that followed.”
Jean Shaoul: Deep unease as Israel celebrates its 60th anniversary (8 May 2008)
“Despite the celebrations, not one of the commentators outside or within Israel has been able to disguise the deep sense of unease and disillusionment that pervades Israel.”
Jean Shaoul: The economic, social and political disaster produced by the Zionist project, Part 1-2 (January 2006)
“In short, Israel with all its cultural advantages, an educated workforce, and massive aid, is an economic and political disaster, dominated by enormous social inequality. The Israeli government does not represent the interests of the majority of the Jewish people who live in Israel, let alone the Jewish people all over the world.”
Jean Shaoul: Terrorism and the origins of Israel, Part 1 (21 June 2003) + Part 2 (23 June 2003)
“The Zionists of all political colours used terrorist methods to achieve statehood – something that present-day Zionists seem to have forgotten when they talk about refusing to negotiate with the Palestinians whom they routinely refer to as ‘terrorists’.”
Jean Shaoul: The political dead end of labour Zionism, Part 1-3 (April 2001)
“This three-part article examines the historical process that has led Israel’s Labour Party to form a coalition government with Likud under Ariel Sharon, and its participation in the brutal suppression of the Palestinian intifada.” Part 1: The origins and class character of political Zionism (5 April) + Part 2: The convergence of the Labour Zionists and Revisionist Zionism (6 April) + Part 3: The June 1967 & ‘Six Day War’: A turning point in the evolution of Israel (7 April).
Wikipedia, , the free encyclopedia
- Anti-Zionism
- Timeline of anti-Zionism
- Zionism
- History of Zionism
- The First Zionist CFongress (1897)
- 1948 Palestinian exodus
- Nakba Day
- Causes of the 1948 Palestinian exodus
Al-Ahram Weekly
1948-2002 – The Nakbah continiues (Issue No.586, 16-22 May 2002)
Special issue with articles by Ilan Pappe, Salman Abu Sitta, Tikva Honig-Parnas and M Shahid Alam.
1948-1998 (1998)
“Special pages commemorating 50 years of Arab dispossession since the creation of the State of Israel.” Compilation of articles and photographs.
Decolonize Palestine
“Decolonize Palestine is an independent, self-funded project founded by two Palestinians living in Ramallah.” With sections Palestine 101, Myths, Rainbow washing, FAQ and Reading list.
The Electronic Intifada
“The Electronic Intifada is an independent online news publication and educational resource focusing on Palestine, its people, politics, culture and place in the world.”
If Americans Knew
What every American need to know about Israel/Palestine.
Contents: History, Statistics, Current situation, US interest, Media analysis.
Institute for Palestine Studies
“The only institute in the world exclusively devoted to documentation, research, analysis, and publication on Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict.”
Israeli Occupation Archive (IOA)
“Israels war against Palestine: documenting the occupation of Palestinian and Arab lands.”
Journal of Palestine Studies
“The Journal is the only English language quarterly devoted exclusively to the study of Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Through its articles and interviews, it gives readers a full range of outlooks of scholars, decision makers, foreign policy analysts, journalists, and political activists of various nationalities-Arab, American, European, and Israeli.” The articles is not for free online.
Marxists Internet Archive
Jews, Marxism and the Worker’s Movement
“A subject index of texts from Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Leon and Luxemburg; texts from the Jewish Socialist and Labor Movement and the effect on the Jewish working class of the Russian Revolution.”
Middle East
Books and articles.
Middle East 1916-2001: A Documentary Record
The Avalon Project of the Yale University Law School i New Haven,
“Digital documents relevant to the Middle East history fields of law, history, economics, politics, diplomacy and government.”
Palestine Remembered, al Nakba 1948-
“A comprehensive source of information about about the villages and cities that were ethnically cleansed, looted, and destroyed by the Israeli army.”
Palestinian history, a chronology: From the earliest times until 1949
Zionists frequently asked questions
Reds – Die Roten
Collections of articles about Israel & Palestine
English booklists
Decolonize Israel
The Palestine reading list (browse by category)
Free Palestine: A Verso Reading List (17 November 2023). “A reading list on the ongoing struggle for Palestinian liberation.” + The Israel-Palestine conflict: A reading list. By Rowan Wilson and Bahar Mustafa (30 December 2016; online at Internet Archive)
Some suggested general sources on the Israeli-Palestine conflict
Assembled by Stephen Shalom (2001; online at Internet Archive)
Books in English online
The Origin of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
Published by Jews for Justice in the Middle East (2001)
“Our position, however, is that the Palestinians have a real grievance: their homeland for over a thousand years was taken, without their consent and mostly by force, during the creation of the state of Israel. And all subsequent crimes – on both sides – inevitably follow from this original injustice.”
Zionism, Israel & the Arabs
By Hal Draper (Center for Socialist History, 1997/1990, 215 p.)
15 articles from Labor Action, New International and New Politics (1948-1967).
Comrades and Enemies: Arab and Jewish Workers in Palestine, 1906-1948
By Zacharay Lockman (University of California Press, 1996, 440 p.)
“Zachary Lockman explores the mutually formative interactions between the Arab and Jewish working classes, labor movements, and worker-oriented political parties in Palestine just before and during the period of British colonial rule.”
Israel: Politics, Myths and Identity Crises (pdf)
By Akiva Orr (Pluto Press, 1994, 198 p.)
“This book consists of various essays dealing with the politics and ideology of Zionism, the sociology of Israel and politics of ethnicity generally. Some of these essays were written during the last twenty years, some are new.”
Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years (pdf)
By Israel Shahak (London, Pluto Press, 1994, 127 p.).
“Drawing on the Talmud and rabbinical laws,Israel Shahak embarks on a provocative study of the extent to which the secular state of Israel has been shaped by religious orthodoxies of an invidious and potentially lethal nature.”
Book review by Simon Behrman (Socialist Review, Issue 330, November 2008)
Israel: The Hijack State: America’s Watchdog in the Middle East
By John Rose (Socialist Workers Party, 1986, 62 p.)
“Israel’s evolution has seen the increasing use of state terror on a monumental scale. This, combined with American backing for the militarisation of its economy, has turned Israel into a ruthless outpost for Western domination of the Middle East. The pious noises about ‘terrorism’ from Israel, America and indeed Britain, conceal this deeper motivation.”
Israel’s Sacred Terrorism: A Study Based on Moshe Sharett’s Personal Diary and Other Documents
By Livia Rokach. With a foreword by Noam Chomsky (AAUG Press, 1986, 68 p.)
“The recently published Personal Diary of Moshe Sharett (1979) now offers a decisive and authoritative contribution to the demystification of the myth of lsrael’s security and its security policies. Between 1933 and 1948 Sharett guided the foreign relations of the Zionist movement, as head of the Jewish Agency’s Political Department, and from 1948 to 1956 he was lsrael’s foreign minister. In 1954 and 1955 he was its prime minister as well.”
The Iron Wall: Zionist Revisionism from Jabotinsky to Shamir
By Lenni Brenner (Zed Press, 1984, 221 p.)
“History of the Zionist Revisionist current, which has become the dominant force in Israeli politics.”
Zionism in the Age of the Dictators: A Reappraisal
By Lenni Brenner (Lawrence Hill Books, 1983, 277 p., online at Internet Archive)
“Devastating study demonstrating in detail how the Zionists were much more interested in establishing a Zionist state in Palestine than in making any efforts to defend European Jewry against anti-semitic attacks in the period between the two World Wars.” See Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (Counterpunch, February 24, 2014). “Lenni Brenner on his book by the same name, on the occasion of a new edition published in 2014.” (On Our Own Authority! Publishing; Updated edition, 346 p., February 4, 2014)
51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With The Nazis. Edited by Lenni Brenner (Barricade Books, 2002, 360 p.)
“This book presents 51 historic documents to indict Zionism for repeated attempts to collaborate with Adolf Hitler.” See Lenni Brenner: 51 Documents (Counterpunch, December 23, 2002) + review by Barry Sheppard: Dossier of Zionist-Nazi collaboration sheds light on Zionist movement (Green Left Weekly, Issue 1399, February 7, 2024).
The unJewish state: The Politics of Jewish Identity in Israel (pdf)
By Akiva Orr (Ithaca Press, 1983, 246 p.)
“This book describes the collapse of a cultural identity. It deals with the numerous attempts – and failures – over the last thirty years to provide a secular definition of Jewish identity in Israel.”
Zionism: False Messiah
By Nathan Weinstock. With introductionary interview with Moshe Machover (Ink Links, 1979, 330 p.; online at Reds – die Roten/Internet Archive)
“Zionism: False Messiah has as its subject one of the most historically complex and controversy-laden developments of this century: the rise of the Zionist movement, its implantation in Palestine and the eventual establishment of the state of Israel.”
The Other Israel: The Radical Case Against Zionism
Edited by Arie Bober (Anchor Books, 1972, 264 p.; online at Matzpen.org). Also online at Marxists Internet Archive.
“Collection of articles and documents produced by the Israeli Socialist Organization (Matzpen) in the late 1960s and early 1970s.” See especially part 3: A critique of Zionist ideology.
The Jewish Question: A Marxist Interpretation
By Abram Leon (1946/1970, 270 p.; online at Marxists Internet Archive). Without the forewords. See Introduction by Nat Weinstein (Socialist Viewpoint, Vol.2, No.3, March 2002). See an online edition with the forewords by Ernest Germain and Nathan Weinstock (The Charnel-House) + the Swedish edition with the forewords by Maxime Rodinson, Ernest Germain and Nathan Weinstock (Marxistarkiv.se).
See also John Rose: Karl Marx, Abram Leon and the Jewish Question – a reappraisal (International Socialism, Issue 119, Summer 2008).
The Problem of the Middle East
By Tony Cliff (unpublished manuscript, 1946; published at the Marxists Internet Archive, June 2011)
See chapter 19: Zionism
Other Books in English
After Zionism: One State for Israel and Palestine
Edited by Antony Loewenstein, Ahmed Moor (Saqi Books, 2024, 256 p.)
“In essays that challenge our assumptions, distinguished contributors with distinct and divergent perspectives dissect the century-long conflict between Zionism and the Palestinians … This timely new edition includes a new preface and essays by Omar Barghouti, Jonathan Cook, Joseph Dana, Jeremiah Haber, Jeff Halper, Ghada Karmi, Antony Loewenstein, Saree Makdisi, John Mearsheimer, Ilan Pappe, Sara Roy and Phil Weiss.”
“After Zionism” puts forth debates on one-state solution. Review by Sara Irwing (The Electronic Intifada, 14 August 2012)
Deluge: Gaza and Israel from Crisis to Cataclysm
Review by Kevin Crane (Counterfire, 2 May 2024)
The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World
By Antony Loewenstein (Verso, 2023, 272 p.)
“This book shows in-depth, for the first time, how Palestine has become the perfect laboratory for the Israeli military-techno complex: surveillance, home demolitions, indefinite incarceration and brutality to the hi-tech tools that drive the ‘Start-up Nation’.”
Review by Michael Lavalette (Counterfire, 23 November 2023)
How Israel exports its terror. Review by Miriam Scharf (Socialist Worker, Issue 2870, 25 August 2023)
Review by Gideon Polya (CounterCurrents, 29 August 2023)
Israel – selling arms to anyone who wants them. Review by Jasmine Duff (Marxist Left Review, Issue 26, Spring 2023)
One State: The Only Democratic Future for Palestine-Israel
By Ghada Karmi (Pluto Press, 2023, 208 p.)
“In this book, Karmi powerfully argues that this is the best possible settlement for the Palestinians, including the refugees; imagining a single secular state in historic Palestine, all of whose inhabitants would enjoy the same rights.”
‘Only a single state can bring Palestinian liberation’ (Socialist Worker, Issue 2882, 20 November 2023). Interview with Ghada Karmi.
Zionism during the Holocaust: The Weaponisation of Holocaust Memory in the Service of State and Nation
By Tony Greenstein (2022, 488 p.)
“… the German Zionist movement and the Nazis both agreed that Jews did not belong in Germany. The Nazis wanted them out – either by expulsion or, after 1941, by annihilating them. The Zionists wanted the best ‘human material’ to come to Palestine. They wrote off the rest of the Jews in a policy known as ‘selectivity’.”
Collaboration with Nazism. Review by Gary Rubin (Weekly Worker, Issue 1107, 11 August 2022)
Decolonising Israel, Liberating Palestine: Zionism, Settler Colonialism, and the Case for One Democratic State
By Jeff Halper (Pluto Press, 2021, 244 p.)
“Jeff Halper argues that the only way out of a colonial situation is decolonization: the dismantling of Zionist structures of domination and control and their replacement by a single democratic state, in which Palestinians and Israeli Jews forge a new civil society and a shared political community.”
Conceiving decolonization. Review by David Finkel (Against the Current, Issue 213, July-August 2921)
Review by Sybil Cock (Counterfire, July 22, 2021)
Decolonizing Israel: Jeff Halper’s political strategy. Review by Judith Deutsch (The Bullet, April 5, 2021)
Palestine, A Socialist Introduction
By Sumaya Awad and Brian Bean (eds.) (Haymarket Books, 2020, 250 p.)
“This edited volume makes an impassioned and informed case for the central place of Palestine in socialist organizing and of socialism in the struggle to free Palestine.”
The Palestinian Left will not be hijacked – A Critique of … Review by Samar Al-Saleh and L.K. (Viewpoint Magazine,
Not a cause for Palestinians only. Review by Merry Maisel (Against the Current, Issue 213, July-August 2021)
Review by Steve Leigh (New Politics, February 27, 2021)
And reply from Daniel Fischer: In support of joint struggle (Ibid., March 15, 2021)
+ reply from Brian Bean: No joint struggle with Settler Colonialism (Ibid., May 4, 2021)
+ reply from Moshe Machover: Prospects of joint class struggle (Ibid., May 8, 2021)
In Israel, Zionism prevents working-class solidarity. By Sumaya Awad and
Daphna Thier (Jacobin, April 4, 2021)
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Conquest and Resistance, 1917-2017
By Rashid Khalidi (Profile Books, 2020, 319 p.)
“Moving through these critical moments, Khalidi interweaves the voices of journalists, poets and resistance leaders with his own accounts as a child of a UN official and a resident of Beirut during the 1982 seige.”
“Israel is acting with full US approval” (Jacobin, October 13, 2024). Interview with Rashid Khalidi.
The neck and the sword (New Left Review, Issue 147, May-June 2024, p.5-38). Tariq Ali interviews Rashid Khalidi.
Violent settler colonialism caused this war (Jacobin, May 7, 2024). Interview with Rashid Khalidi.
Review by Jim Miles (Palestine Chronicle, July 24, 2022)
Victim of Zionist colonisation. Review by Moshé Machover (Weekly Worker, Issue 1303, 11 June 2020). Also in Against the Current (Issue 213, July-August 2021)
The Israel-Palestine conflict isn’t a ‘clash of culture’: It’s about colonialism. Review by Bernard Porter (Jacobin, April 28, 2020)
The erasure of Palestinians from Trump’s Mideast “Peace Plan” has a hundred-year history. By Rashid Khalidi (The Intercept, February 1, 2020). Excerpt from the book.
Historical landmarks in the hundred years’ war on Palestine. By Rashid Khalidi (Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol.47, No.1, Autumn 2017, p.6-17)
An Army Like No Other: How the Israel Defense Forces Made a Nation
By Haim Bresheeth-Zabner (Verso, 2020, 448 p.)
“In this fascinating history, Bresheeth-Zabner charts the evolution of the IDF from the Nakba to wars in Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and the continued assaults upon Gaza, and shows that the state of Israel has been formed out of its wars.”
Review by Miriam Scharf (Socialist Review, Issue 464, January 2021)
Israel is an army with a country attached. Review by Belén Fernández (Jacobin, August 24, 2020)
The Israeli Defense Forces is a misnomer. Review by Ron Jacobs (CounterPunch, June 19, 2020)
Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History
By Nur Masalha (Zed Books, 2018, 458 p.)
“Beginning with the late Bronze Age and moving through to the present day, this is the definitive history of Palestine and its people.”
The long history of Palestine. Review by Mark Krantz (International Socialism, Issue 162, Spring 2019)
Review by Miriam Scharf (Socialist Review, Issue 441, December 2018)
The Holocaust and the Nakba: A New Grammar of Trauma and History
By Bashir Bashir and Amos Goldberg (eds.) (Columbia University Press, 2018, 424 p.)
Interview with Bashir Bashir and Amos Goldberg (Jadaliyya, December 2018).
Ten Myths About Israel
By Ilan Pappe (Verso, 2017, 172 p.)
“The ‘ten myths’ that Pappe explores—repeated endlessly in the media, enforced by the military, accepted without question by the world’s governments—reinforce the regional status quo.”
Palestine was not empty. By Ilan Pappe (Verso, Blog, 10 October 2023). Excerpt from Ten Myths About Israel.
The Nakba and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. By Ilan Pappe (Verso, Blog, 15 May 2018). Excerpt from Ten Myths About Israel.
No, Israel is not a democracy. By Ilan Pappe (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 5 May 2017). Excerpt from Ten Myths About Israel.
Ilan Pappé, Ten Myths About Israel. Review by Ciaran O’Rourke (Irish Marxist Review, Vol.6, No.19, 2017)
Ilan Pappe’s Ten Myths About Israel. Review by Mike Downham (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 20th Century, July 31, 2017)
Deconstructing Israeli mythology. Review by Daphna Thier (SocialistWorker.org, July 24, 2017)
Palestine Ltd.: Neoliberalism and Nationalism in the Occupied Territory
By Toufic Haddad (I.B. Taurus, 2016, 368 p.)
“Drawing upon more than 20 years of policy literature, field-based interviews and recently declassified or leaked documents, he details how these frameworks have led to struggles over influencing Palestinian political and economic behaviour, and attempts to mould the class character of Palestinian society and its leadership.”
Toufic Haddad, Palestine Ltd. (Jadaliyya, August 22, 2017). Interview about the book.
The post-Oslo neoliberal laboratory. Review by Ibrahim K. Shikaki (Middle East Report, Issue 292-293, Fall/Winter 2019).
How neoliberalism undermined Palestinian liberation. Review by Bill Crane (International Socialist Review, Issue 109, Summer 2018).
War Against the People: Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification
By Jeff Halper (Pluto Press, 2015, 340 p.)
“A disturbing insight into the new phenomenon of the ‘securocratic’ war in the modern policed world, with a focus on the Israeli state.”
Global Palestine (Mondoweiss, June 14, 2016). Interview with Jeff Halper.
Israel’s national security state. Review by Nolan Rampy (International Socialist Review, Issue 108, Spring 2018).
War Against the People. Review by Kit Klarenberg (Counterfire, May 6, 2016).
War against the people. Review by John Newsinger (Socialist Review, Issue 410, February 2016)
Israelis and Palestinians: Conflict and Resolution
By Moshé Machover (Haymarket Books, 2012, 327 p.)
“The veteran Israeli socialist, Moshé Machover, has just brought out a wonderful collection of writings, chiefly his own, on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is no exaggeration to say that this book is the best possible introduction to the topic for English-speaking readers.”
Zionism, imperialism, and socialism. Review by Tom Mayer (Monthly Review, Vol.65, No.6, November 2013)
Realities of Zionism. Review by David Finkel (Against the Current, Issue 164, May-June 2013)
The intersemitic crisis. Review by Chris Gray (Weekly Worker, Issue 944, January 10, 2013)
Israel-Palestine: Race against history. By Moshé Machover (Weekly Worker, Issue 944, January 10, 2013)
Conflict & resolution: Israelis and Palestinians. By Moshé Machover (International Socialist Review, Issue Issue 65, May-June 2009)
One democratic state in historic Palestine: a socialist viewpoint. By Tikva Honig-Parnass (International Socialist Review, Issue 90, July 2013)
Matzpen – The Socialist Organization in Israel (site)
Palestinians in Israel: Segregation, Discrimination and Democracy
By Ben White (Pluto Press, 2012, 128 p.)
“[The book] considers a key issue ignored by the official ‘peace process’ and most mainstream commentators: that of the growing Palestinian minority within Israel itself.”
Beyond Apartheid? By Ben White (Pluto Press)
Review by Joe Glenton (Counterfire, 15 March 2012)
False Prophets of Peace: Liberal Zionism and the Struggle for Palestine
By Tikva Honig-Parnass (Haymarket Books, 2011, 264 p.)
“Through a critical analysis of the prevailing discourse of Zionist intellectuals and activists on the Jewish-democratic state, it uncovers the Zionist left’s central role in laying the foundation of the colonial settler state of Israel …”
Debunking the myth of the Zionist left. Review by Mich Levy and Max Ajl (Jadaliyya, June 14, 2013)
Realities of Zionism. Review by David Finkel (Against the Current, Issue 164, May-June 2013)
Palestine and liberal Zionism. Review by Hadas Thier (International Socialist Review, Issue 85, September 2012)
New book deconstructs myth that the Zionist left wants peace. Review by Jimmy Johnson (The Electronic Intifada, 2 March 2012)
Review by Ludwig Watzal (Palestine Chronicle, February 22, 2012)
Left Zionism exposed. Review by Leandros Fischer (Weekly Worker, Issue 898, January 26, 2012)
One democratic state in historic Palestine: a socialist viewpoint. By Tikva Honig-Parnass (International Socialist Review, Issue 90, July 2013)
Apartheid Israel and the contradictions of left Zionism (International Socialist Review, Issue 72, July 2010). Tikva Honig-Parnass interviewed by Leo Fischer.
The Forgotten Palestinians: A History of the Palestinians in Israel
By Ilan Pappe (Yale University Press, 2011, 336 p.)
“In this book, historian Ilan Pappé examines how Israeli Palestinians have fared under Jewish rule and what their lives tell us about both Israel’s attitude toward minorities and Palestinians’ attitudes toward the Jewish state.”
Review by Elaine Graham-Leigh (Counterfire, 12 April 2012)
Review by Khalil Nakhleh (The Palestinine Chronicle, September 2, 2011)
The Invention of the Jewish People
By Shlomo Sand (Verso, 2009, 400 p.)
“Leading Israeli historian evaluates the national myth of the Jewish exile from the promised land.” See also Shlomo Sand: The Invention of the Land of Israel (Verso, 2014, 304 p.).
Linkbox: Shlomo Sand & The Invention of the Jewish People (Socialistisk Bibliotek)
Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner’s Guide
By Ben White (Pluto Press, 2009, 172 p.)
“Indispensable for the Palestinian solidarity movement, [the book] distils the work of academics and experts into a highly readable introduction. This is the book to read if you want to understand the root of the conflict and how apartheid applies to the situation in Palestine.”
Israel er en apartheidstat (pdf). Af Irene Clausen (Gaia, nr.65, vinter 2010, s.28-29). Scroll ned.
Review by James Haywood (Socialist Review, September 2009; online at Internet Archive)
The Returns of Zionism: Myths, Politics and Scholarship in Israel
By Gabriel Piterberg (Verso, 2008, 298 p.)
“In this original and wide-ranging study, Gabriel Piterberg examines the ideology and literature behind the colonization of Palestine, from the late nineteenth century to the present. Exploring Zionism’s origins in Central-Eastern European nationalism and settler movements, he shows how its texts can be placed within a wider discourse of western colonization.”
Zionism’s many “Returns”. Review by Jimmy Johnson (Against the Current, Issue 152, May-June 2011)
Between moral outrage and historical analysis. Review by Tony Greenstein (Weekly Worker, Issue 751, January 8 2009)
Zionism under the microscope. Review by John Rose (International Socialism, Issue 120, Autumn 2008)
The returns of Zionism. Review by Simon Behrman (Socialist Review, Issue 327, July/August 2008)
Erasing the Palestinians. By Gabriel Piterberg (New Left Review, Issue 10, July-August 2001)
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History
By Norman G. Finkelstein. Updated edition (University of California Press, 2008, 412 p.)
“Meticulously researched and tightly argued, Beyond Chutzpah points to a consensus among historians and human rights organizations on the factual record of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Norman G. Finkelstein exposes the corruption of scholarship and the contrivance of controversy shrouding human rights abuses, and interrogates the new anti-Semitism.”
Dershowitz–Finkelstein affair (Wikipedia.org)
The case against Alan Dershowitz. By Frank J. Menetrez (CounterPunch, February 11, 2008) + Debate (February 26, 2008)
Israel’s advocates in the dock. Review by Ruth Tenne (International Socialism, Issue 111, Summer 2006)
Scholar Norman Finkelstein calls Professor Alan Dershowitz’s new book on Israel a ‘Hoax‘ (Democracy Now! September 24, 2003)
An Israeli in Palestine: Resisting Dispossession, Redeeming Israel
By Jeff Halper (Pluto Press, 2008, 336 p.)
“In this book, the Israeli anthropologist and activist Jeff Halper throws a harsh light on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the point of view of a critical insider. While the Zionist founders of Israel created a vibrant society, culture and economy, they did so at a high price: Israel could not maintain its exclusive Jewish character without imposing on the country’s Palestinian population policies of ethnic cleansing, occupation and discrimination …”
Et kritisk blik på den israelsk-palæstinensiske konflikt. Anmeldelse af Michael Irving Jensen (Information, 12. april 2008)
Review by Raymond Deane (The Electronic Intifada, 17 March 2008)
Overcoming Zionism: Creating a Single Democratic State in Israel/Palestine
By Joel Kovel (Pluto Press, 2007, 320 p.)
“Joel Kovel argues that the inner contradictions of Zionism have led Israel to a ”˜state-sponsored racism’ fully as incorrigible as that of apartheid South Africa and deserving of the same resolution. Only a path toward a single-state secular democracy can provide the justice essential to healing the wounds of the Middle East.”
Review and debate in Against the Current:
David Finkel: Political war over Palestine (No.131, Nov/Dec 2007)
Joel Kovel: A reply on overcoming Zionism (No.132, Jan/Feb 2008)
David Finkel: A rejoinder to Joel Kovel (No.133, March/April 2008)
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
By Ilan Pappe (One World, 2006, 313 p.)
“The renowned Israeli historian revisits the formative period of the State of Israel. Between 1947 and 1949, over 400 Palestinian villages were deliberately destroyed, and civilians were massacred. This book unveils the hidden and systematic ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians in 1948, and its relevance to resolving the conflict.”
Danish edition: Den etniske udrensning af Palæstina (Forlaget Klim, 2012).
Ethnic cleansing: Palestine reality. Review by Joel Finkel (Against the Current, No.139, March/April 2009)
Planning the terror that created Israel. Review by Mostafa Omar (International Socialist Review, Issue 57, January-February 2008)
The 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine (pdf). By Ilan Pappé (Journal of Palestine Studies, Autumn 2006, p.6-20; online at Internet Archive)
Pappe and Israel’s new historians. By Kit Weiner (Against the Current, No.152, May-June 2011)
Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State
By Jonathan Cook (Pluto Press, 2006, 248 p.)
“Jonathan Cook’s timely and important book on the Palestinians in Israel is by far the most penetrating and comprehensive on the subject to date … [He] builds, through exhaustive reference to the Hebrew press, a convincing picture of ethnocratic Zionism constantly preoccupied with a central dilemma: how to rid the land of its indigenous people.”
See the author’s site, with extracts and reviews of the book.
A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples
By Ilan Pappe. Second edition (Cambridge University Press, 2006, 384 p.)
“Ilan Pappe’s book traces the history of Palestine from the Ottomans in the nineteenth century, through the British Mandate, the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, and the subsequent wars and conflicts which have dominated this troubled region. The second edition of Pappe’s book has been updated to include the dramatic events of the 1990s and the early twenty-first century.”
See the author’s site, with reviews of the book.
See also Kit Weiner: Pappe and Israel’s New Historians (Against the Current, No.152, May-June 2011).
On the Border
By Michel Warschawski (Pluto Press, 2005, 240 p.)
“On the Border chronicles a radical political education in a time and place charged with idealism and danger. A Polish Frenchman and a rabbi’s son, Michel Warschawski left for Israel at the age of sixteen to to study the Talmud, and eventually became one of the most renowned figures of the Israeli left.”
Review by Moshé Machover (Iran Bulletin, 2007; online at Internet Archive)
An Israeli Anti-Zionist memoir. Review by Larry Hochman (Against the Current, No.118, September/October 2005)
The side of justice. Review by Ghada Karmi (Socialist Review, Issue 298, Juli 2005)
The Myths of Zionism
By John Rose (Pluto Press, 2004, 232 p.)
“Chapter-by-chapter, John Rose scrutinises the roots of the myths of Zionism. Mobilising recent scholarship, he separates fact from fiction presenting a detailed analysis of their origins and development. This includes a challenge to Zionism’s biblical claims using very recent and very startling Israeli archaeological conclusions.”
Review by Emad El-Din Marei Aysha (Logos, Vol.4, No.4, Fall 2005)
The false promise. Review by Sabby Sagall (International Socialism, Issue 105, Winter 2005)
Toward an Open Tomb: The Crisis of Israeli Society
By Michel Warschawski (Monthly Review Press, 2004, 128 p.)
“Warschawski has the keen eye of an Israeli insider. He develops a powerful critique of Israeli policies with a persuasive power drawn from his own Jewish origins and his deepening devotion to what he regards as the best Jewish traditions.”
Chapter 8: The new Israel (Monthly Review, Vol.56, No.7, December 2004)
A final warning? Review by David Finkel (Against the Current, No.113, November/December 2004)
Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict
By Norman Finkelstein. Second edition (Verso, 2003, xxxviii, 287 p.; online at Kalamullah.com)
First published in 1995, this highly acclaimed study scrutinizes popular and scholarly representations of the Israel-Palestine conflict. It begins with a novel theoretical inter-pretation of Zionism, and then moves on to critically engage the influential studies of Joan Peters, Benny Morris, and Anita Shapira. Carefully rehearsing the documentary record, Finkelstein also challenges the dominant images of the June 1967 and October 1973 Arab-Israeli wars. In a comprehensive new introduction, he provides the most succinct overview available in the English language of the Israel-Palestine conflict …”
See also the author’s site + + Wikipedia.org.
The Politics of Denial: Israel and the Palestinian Refugee Problem
By Nur Masalha (Pluto Press, 2003, 304 p.)
“The aim of this book is to analyze Israeli policies towards the Palestinian refugees as they evolved from the 1948 catastrophe (or nakba) to the present. Masalha discusses the 1948 exodus; Israeli resettlement schemes since 1948; Israeli approaches to compensation and restitution of property; Israeli refugee policies towards the internally displaced (‘present absentees’); and Israeli refugee policies during the Madrid and Oslo negotiations.”
Apartheid Israel: Possibilities for the Struggle Within
By Uri Davis (Zed Books, 2003, 242 p.)
“In this book, a sequel to Israel: An Apartheid State (1987), Uri Davis provides a critical insight into how it was possible for Jewish people, the victims of Nazi genocide in the Second World War, to subject the Palestinian people, beginning with the 1948-49 war, to such criminal policies as mass deportation, population transfers and ethnic cleansing, prolonged military government (with curfews, roadblocks and the like), and economic, social, cultural, civil and political strangulation, punctuated by Apache helicopters strafing civilians and their homes.”
See the authors site.
Living in a state of terror. Review by Gary Duke (Socialist Review, Issue 284, April 2004)
A final warning? Review by David Finkel (Against the Current, No.113, November/December 2004).
Israel’s struggle within. An interview with Uri Davis by David Finkel (Against the Current, No.113, November/December 2004)
The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians
By Noam Chomsky. Updated edition (Pluto Press, 1999, 587 p.)
“Since its original publication in 1983, Fateful Triangle has become a classic in the fields of political science and Middle East affairs. This new edition features new chapters and a new introduction by Noam Chomsky and a foreword by Edward Said.”
The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World
By Avi Shlaim (Norton, 1999, 448 p.)
“A powerful revisionist history of Israeli policy toward the Arab world.”
Israel at 60: the ‘iron wall’ revisited. By Avi Shlaim (OpenDemocracy, 8 May 2008)
Expulsion of the Palestinians: The Concept of ‘Transfer’ in Zionist Political Thought, 1882-1948
By Nur Masalha (Institute for Palestine Studies, 1992, 236 p.)
“In this meticulous work, based almost entirely on Hebrew archival material, Nur Masalha examines the Zionist concept of ‘transfer’, or the expulsion of the Palestinian population to neighboring Arab lands. Masalha establishes the extent to which ‘transfer’ was embraced by the highest levels of Zionist leadership, including virtually all the Founding Fathers of the Israeli state.”
Extract: ‘A miraculous clearing of the land?’: The Zionist concept of ‘Transfer’ and the 1948 Exodus
Så gør vi sådan, når vi flytter et folk… Review by Ian Gilmour (Palæstina Orientering, nr. 1, marts 1993)
1948 and after: Israel and the Palestinians
By Benny Morris (Oxford University Press, 1990, 284 p.)
“This collections of essays serves as complement to the study The birth of the Palestinian refugee problem, 1947-1949. In part, these essays are based on materials discovered after completing The Birth.”
1948 and after; Israel and the Palestinians (Wikipedia.org)
‘1948 and After’ revisited. Review essay by Nur Masalha (Journal of Palestine Studies, Summer 1995, p.90-95). Only first page online.
The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-49
By Benny Morris (Cambridge University Press, 1989, 380 p.)
“This book is the first full-lenght historical study of the birth of the Palestinian refugee problem. Based on recently declassified Israeli, British and American state and party political papers and on collections of hitherto untapped private papers …”
Roane Carey: Dr. Benny and Mr. Morris: The historian and the twisted politics of expulsion (CounterPunch, July 19/20, 2008)
Joel Beinin: Forgetfulness for memory: The limits of the new Israeli history (Winter 2005, p.6-23) (Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol.34, No.2, Winter 2004-05, p.6-23)
Joel Beinin: No more tears: Benny Morris and the road back from Liberal Zionism (Middle East Report, Issue 230, Spring 2004)
Walid Khalidi: Why did the Palestinians leave, revisited (Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol.34, No.2, Winter 2004-05, p.42-52)
Debate in Journal of Palestine Studies (Vol.21, No.1, 1991):
Norman Finkelstein: Myths, old and new (pdf) (Ibid., p.66-89)
Nur Masalha: A critique of Benny Morris (pdf) (Ibid., p.90-97)
Benny Morris: Responses to Finkelstein and Masalha (pdf) (Ibid., p.98-114) +
Norman Finkelstein: Rejoinder to Benny Morris (pdf) (Vol.21, No.2, 1992, p.61-71)
Blaming the Victims: Spurious Scholarship and the Palestinian Question
Edited by Edward W. Said and Christopher Hitchens (Verso, 1988/2001, 304 p.)
“Blaming the Victims demonstrates with cold precision how the consistent denial of truth about the Palestinians by governments and the media in the West … Contributors include Norman G. Finkelstein, Peretz Kidron, Noam Chomsky, G. W. Bowerstock, Ibrahim Abu-Loghod, Rashid Khalidi, Janet L. Abu-Lughod, Muhammed Hallaj, and Elia Zureik.”
Blaming the Victims (Wikipedia.org)
The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities
By Simha Flapan (Pantheon, 1987, 277 p.)
“The Israeli author demolishes, based on irrefutable Israeli sources, the seven basic myths upon which an aggressive Israel has depicted itself as the victim of aggression … The most egregious of the seven delusions is that 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes in 1948-1949 in response to calls from their leaders, who asked them to get out of the way temporarily while the Jews were driven into the sea. Flapan poignantly concedes that he, like most Israelis, accepted this and the other six myths as the core of Israel’s self-perception.”
From the Introduction: Israel’s birth myths (p.8-10)
Palestine: The truth about 1948. Review by Norman Finkelstein (Against the Current, no.15, july/august 1988; online at Internet Archive)
The 1948 Arab invasion of Israel deconstructed. Review by Ronald Bleier (Lies of Our Times, February 1993)
The Palestinian Catastrophe: The 1948 Expulsion of a People from Their Homeland
By Michael Palumbo (Quartet Books, 1987, 233 p.)
“Using newly discovered material from archives in United States, Europe and Israel as well as the documented testimony of the Jewish veterans, Michael Palumbo reveals how the Zionists carried out Ben Gurion’s plan to ‘expel the Arabs and take their place’.”
See chapter 1: Land without a people (p.1-33).
Israel and the Arabs
By Maxime Rodinson (Penguin, 1968/1982, 364 p.)
“The book traces the course of Zionism and examines the changing ambitions and interrelations of the Arab nations.”
Concluding chapter: On the general nature of the conflict (p.314-355).
The Gun and the Olive Branch: The Roots of Violence in the Middle East
By David Hirst (Faber & Faber, 1977, 367 p.)
“In this thoughtful and carefully-documented work the Middle East correspondent of The Guardian traces the origins of this terrible conflict back to the 1880s to show how Arab violence, though too often cruel and fanatical, is a response to the challenge of repeated agression.”
See Extracts from the book (scroll down to David Hirst).
From Haven to Conquest: Readings in Zionism and the Palestine problem until 1948
Edited by Walid Khalidi (Washington, DC, Institute for Palestine Studies, 1971/1987, 914 p.)
“Now a classic in its field, From Haven to Conquest is a unique compendium of difficult-to-obtain or out-of-print material on ‘Zionism and the history of Palestine from ancient times until 1948’.”