David Harvey og kapitalismen


Linkbox med anmeldelser, debat og interviews om/med den britiske marxist og geograf David Harvey og hans nye bog udgivet på Solidaritets forlag oktober 2015. / Debate, reviews and interviews about/with the British Marxist and geographer David Harvey.

Bjarne A. Frandsen
Oktober 2015. Revideret august 2018.


David Harvey: Sytten modsætninger og enden på kapitalisme (Solidaritet, oktober 2015, 400 sider, 120 kr.). Introduktion om David Harvey af Rolf Czeskleba-Dupont og Peter Schultz Jørgensen (s.9-23).



Bogen er et røntgenbillede af kapitalen. Harvey dissekerer kapitalens indre for at afdække, hvordan den virker. Han viser i velskrevne essays, hvordan kapitalens modsætninger på mange områder fører fra krise til krise. Vi skal dog ikke tro, at kapitalismen bryder sammen af sig selv.


David Harveys bog i danske og engelsk udgave


Leksikale / Sites

David Harvey (Wikipedia.dk). Og en større artikel på engelsk. Med mange links.

DavidHarvey.org. See here Reading Capital: A close reading of the text of Karl Marx’s Capital Volume I-2 in 25 video lectures by David Harvey.


På dansk (og norsk)

Autonom Infoservice

Det sidste marked er udtømt. Af Peter Schultz Jørgensen (10. maj 2014). Interview med David Harvey: “Den 79-årige geograf David Harvey trækker fulde huse til sine forelæsninger om kapitalismens indre modsætninger. Han synes ikke Thomas Piketty har et modsvar og efterlyser politiske bevægelser med et alternativ.”


Introduktion til David Harveys samfundsforståelse. Af Rolf Czeskleba-Dupont og Peter Schultz Jørgensen (Kontradoxa, 22. oktober 2015). “Den britiske geograf David Harvey har siden 1970’erne forsket i forholdet mellem byudvikling, sociale bevægelser og kapitalismens indre modsætninger. Modkraft bringer indledningen [til Solidaritets bog Sytten modsætninger og enden på kapitalisme], der præsenterer Harveys tænkning i koncentreret form.”

Det Ny Clarté

En geografs forståelse af kapitalisme og vejen til socialisme (pdf). Af Steen Folke (nr.28, november 2015, s.88-91). Scroll ned. “Det er imponerende, at et lille forlag som Solidaritet får oversat og udgiver denne spændende, men ikke letlæste bog. Den danske udgave har en glimrende og grundig introduktion til David Harveys forfatterskab.”

Rødt!: Marxistisk Tidsskrift

Karl Marx, David Harvey – og gjeldsbobla i Kina. Av Torstein Dahle (Gnist, nr.2, 2018, s.38-45). Anmeldelse af David Harvey, Marx, Capital and the Madness of Economic Reason (Profile Books, 2017): “Da Marx levde, var kapitalismen det dominerende økonomiske systemet i en ganske liten del av verden, mens den i dag omfatter hele jordkloden og har dramatiske effekter og resultater.”

Kapitalismens indre motsetninger og slutten på kapitalismen. Av Ståle Holgersen (nr.4, 2014, s.151-154). “Bokas styrke og dens skjønnhet ligger primært i dens presentasjonsform. For selv om den er relativt enkelt skrevet, blir det aldri overfladisk eller upresist.”

Se også:

David Harvey mod revolution: den akademiske ”marxismes” bankerot. Af Jorge Martin (Revolution, 28. juli 2020). “I denne artikel vil jeg dog kun fokusere på hans nyeste udtalelser mod revolution, fordi jeg ikke mener, at han har fremsat denne holdning på en så entydig måde, og også fordi hans kommentarer fremhæver et alment problem blandt akademikere og reformister.”


In English


“The most dangerous book I have ever written”: A commentary on Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism. By David Harvey (May 19, 2015). The full version of the article will be published shortly in Human Geography: A New Radical Journal (Vol.8, No.2, 2015).

The Intercept

Leading Marxist scholar David Harvey on Trump, Wall Street, and debt peonage. By Jeremy Scahill (January 21, 2018). “As Trump celebrates his first year in office and demonstrations confront a year of his rule, David Harvey sat down for an interview on Intercepted.”

International Socialism

X-ray vision. By Camilla Royle (Issue 147, Summer 2015). “Unfortunately, Harvey’s suggestions about how we might go about changing it are amongst the weakest aspects of his book … Despite these criticisms, Seventeen Contradictions is an incredibly useful reference point for anyone wanting to unpick the contradictions inherent in the capitalist system.”

Marx & Philosophy Review of Books

Seventeen contradictions and the end of capitalism. By Vishrut Arya (19 June 2014; online at Internet Archive). “[The book], despite its limitations, provides a powerful analysis and conceptual map of capital oriented toward precisely such an aim.”

The Project: A Socialist Journal

Seventeen contradictions and the end of capitalism. By Nick Rogers (January 12, 2015; online at Internet Archive). ” It is a tribute to the creativity of Harvey’s thinking and the clarity of his writing that, despite my differences with him, I nevertheless found this a worthwhile and thought-provoking book.”

Socialist Review

Seventeen contradictions of capitalism. By Francesca Manning (Issue 391, May 2014). “This timely work is full of key insights and outside-the-box analysis … However the tendency to make sweeping claims while neglecting to provide empirical evidence for them is a major weakness of the book.”


Debate and interviews about Harvey’s other works

David Harvey: A Critical Reader (pdf)

Edited by Noel Castree and Derek Gregory (Blackwell, 2006, 317 p.). See David Harvey: List of Publications (p.295-302), and among 12 other articles: Introduction: troubling geographies, by Derek Gregory (p.1-25) + David Harvey and Marxism, by Alex Callinicos (p.47-54). “This book critically interrogates the work of David Harvey, one of the world’s most influential geographers, and one of its best known Marxists.”

Against the Current

The world and its particulars. By Luke Pretz (Against the Current, Issue 189, July-August 2017). Review of David Harvey, The Ways of the World (Oxford University Press, 2016, 384 p.): “[The book] is an excellent collection of essays from an academic who has contributed significantly to Marxist theory and its popularization.”


Debating Marx’s Crisis Theory & The Falling Rate of Profit (December 18, 2014). Debate between David Harvey and Michael Roberts.

Fifth International

Theories of late capitalist development: Harvey and Callinicos on contemporary imperialism. By Luke Cooper (Vol.3, No.4, 2010; online at Internet Archive). “The interventions of Harvey and Callinicos represent a shift of ground in Marxist political-economy, which had been an exercise in retrenchment and the defence of core principles under the attacks of post-modernism and Globalisation theory.”

Gnist: Marxistisk Tidsskrift

Karl Marx, David Harvey – og gjeldsbobla i Kina. Av Torstein Dahle (nr.2, 2018, s.38-45). Anmeldelse af David Harvey, Marx, Capital and the Madness of Economic Reason (Profile Books, 2017, 256 p.): “Da Marx levde, var kapitalismen det dominerende økonomiske systemet i en ganske liten del av verden, mens den i dag omfatter hele jordkloden og har dramatiske effekter og resultater.”

Historical Materialism

Symposium on David Harvey’s The New Imperialism (Historical Materialism, Vol.14, No.4, 2006, p.3-166). With articles by Sam Ashman (p.3-7), Ellen Meiksins Wood (p.9-34), Noel Castree (p.35-57), Bob Sutcliffe (p.59-78), Robert Brenner (p.79-105), Sam Asman and Alex Callinicos (p.107-131), Ben Fine (p.133-156) and David Harvey (p.157-166). Only first page of the articles online.  But see some of the articles online in full:

In Defence of Marxism

David Harvey against revolution: the bankruptcy of academic “Marxism”. By Jorge Martin (25 June 2020). ” In this article however, I will concentrate only on his most recent comments against revolution because I don’t think he’s put this view forward in such a clear-cut way, and also because his comments illustrate a problem common to academics and also reformists.” På dansk: David Harvey mod revolution: den akademiske ”marxismes” bankerot (Revolution, 28. juli 2020).

International Socialism

Imperialism: just a phase we’re going through? By Judy Cox (Issue 102, Spring 2004, p.119-130). Review (among other books) of David Harvey, The New Imperialism (2003). “David Harvey, for example, draws on Rosa Luxemburg’s work from around 100 years ago.”

International Socialist Review
  • Accumulation by dispossession: A critical assessment [of David Harvey’s theory]. By Geoff Bailey (Issue 95, Winter 2014-15). “One of the challenges for Marxists is to separate what is distinct about this moment in time from what remains consistent with earlier eras of capitalism.”
  • Explaining the crisis (Issue 73, September-October 2010). “David Harvey spoke to Hector Agredano about the economic crisis and the response from the Left.”
Jacobin: Reason in Revolt
  • Karl Marx is useful for our time, not just his (July 8, 2019). Arnau Barquer iterviews David Harvey: “The financial crash didn’t kill off neoliberalism — it actually embedded its logic ever deeper in our lives. Marxist geographer David Harvey says the only way to end this system for good is to change how we fight it.”
  • Why Marx’s Capital still matters (July 12, 2018). “David Harvey on why Karl Marx’s Capital is still the defining guide to understanding — and overcoming — the horrors of capitalism.” See also Nick Beams: A promotion of the “life-style” politics of the pseudo-left: David Harvey’s Jacobin interview on Marx’s Capital (World Socialist Web Site, 21 July 2018).
  • Neoliberalism is a political project (July 23, 2016). “Bjarke Skærlund Risager sat down with David Harvey to discuss the political nature of neoliberalism, how it has transformed modes of resistance, and why the Left still needs to be serious about ending capitalism.”
Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal

David Harvey’s new thesis is that ‘capitalism is too big to fail’. Is it? By Steve Ellner (July 5, 2020). “In my opinion Harvey’s contributions to Marxist thinking, with regard to both his theoretical formulations and efforts to make Marxism accessible to large numbers of people, are undeniable. All the more reason to be disappointed by his recent thesis.”

Michael Roberts Blog: blogging from a marxist economist
MR Online
New Left Project

Harvey versus Marx on Capitalism’s crises, Part 3: A rejoinder [to David Harvey]. By Andrew Kliman (13 May 2015). “New Left Project recently published a two-part critique by Andrew Kliman of leading Marxist geographer David Harvey’s objection to Marx’s theory of the falling rate of profit.” With links to Kliman’s two first articles (10 + 12 March) + Harvey’s response (30 March).

Red Pepper

David Harvey interview: The importance of postcapitalist imagination (August 2013). “From housing to wages, David Harvey says examining capitalism’s contradictions can point the way towards an alternative world.”

Review of African Political Economy

Theme: Imperialism in the 21st Century. With debate between David Harvey and John Smith, among others (2018-20).


Harvey books’ online (pdf)


See also at Socialistisk Library