Brexit between United Kingdom EU. Photo: Petr Kratochvil (CC0 1.0)
Brexit between United Kingdom EU. Photo: Petr Kratochvil (CC0 1.0)

Linkbox om Brexit – EU afstemning i juni 2016 i Storbritannien – set fra venstre, med link til sites og artikler på dansk og engelsk. Opdateret med artikler om valget december 2019.

Indhold / Contents


Leksikale, sites + på dansk

  • Emneord: EU –  BrexitDaxit
  • Brexit og venstresidens krise. Af Asbjørn Wahl (Blog, 3. september 2016). “Venstresida, med sine illusjoner, (har) satt seg i en situasjon der de verken er i stand til å organisere de misnøyde til politisk motstand, eller å gi misnøyen et politisk uttrykk.”
  • Hvad mener Enhedslisten egentligt? Af Leif Donbæk Thomsen (Blog, 8. juli 2016). “Enhedslistens principprogram er meget klar i spyttet … (men) onde tunger ville måske endda kalde det direkte uigennemskueligt, hvad Enhedslisten egenligt mener.”
  • Er der et liv efter EU? Af Rinja Ronja Kari (Blog, 7. juli 2016). “Folkebevægelsen vil indsamle gode ideer og tanker om, hvordan verden ser ud efter et dansk exit fra EU.”
  • Seks myter i Brexit-debatten. Af Tobias Clausen (Blog, 7. juli 2016). “(Jeg) forsøger at aflive nogle af de mest udbredte myter og misvisende historier om det britiske nej.”
  • EU-hønen og nationalisme-ægget. Af Louise Pedersen (Blog, 7. juli 2016). “EU er ikke den eneste størrelse i verden, der skaber fremmedhad og intolerance … (men) i Europa er EU for hovedparten den høne, der lægger nationalisme-æggene.”
  • Vær Solidarisk – forlad EU. Af Margit Kjeldgaard (Blog, 6. juli 2016). “Verden er større end EU, og international solidaritet er en god grund til at forlade EU.”
  • “Ud af EU”: handlingslammende nationalisme. Af Steen Gottlieb (Blog, 2. juli 2016). “Enhedslistens strategi … er nationalistisk, og partiet er derved afmægtigt parkeret i en blindgyde …”
  • Brexit handler om protest, frygt og politisk elite. Af Peter Kenworthy (1. juli 2016). “Kompleksiteten i årsagerne og situationen, der førte til Brexit er noget mindre sort og hvid.”
  • Alternativet til EU. Af Astrid Vang Hansen (Blog, 29. juni 2016). “Kravet om en folkeafstemning om EU-medlemskab må ikke stå alene.”
  • Drop illusionerne! EU kan ikke forandres indefra. Af Rina Ronja Kari (Blog, 28. juni 2016). “… udviklingen er kun gået i retning af mere EU-integration og mere politik til skade for arbejdstagere, velfærd og miljø.”
  • Politik! – tak! Af Pernille Frahm (Blog, 28. juni 2016). “Det er ikke lykkedes gennem det europæiske samarbejde at skaffe folk økonomiske og sociale rettigheder af betydning …”
  • Kan Brexit være progressivt og en sejr for venstrefløjen? Af Yannick Harrison (27. juni 2016). “Brexit var aldrig en venstreorienteret kamp mod demokratiske problemer i EU, men en kampagne på et racistisk grundlag.”
  • Brexit er et wake up call for EU-eliten. Af Nikolaj Villumsen (24. juni 2016). “I går var det demokratiet, som talte i Storbritannien … Den britiske befolkning ønsker at være fri af EU.”
  • Tanker efter Brexit. Af Pelle Dragsted (Blog, 24. juni 2016). “Det er ikke hverken nationalistisk eller højrepopulistisk at ønske, at flere beslutninger bliver taget tæt på én selv i nationale parlamenter …”
  • Brexit – et jivende slag mod Europas lønmodtagerklasse. Af Steen Gottlieb (Blog, 19. juni 2016). “Brexit betyder deregulering og bliver en styrkelse de mest aggressive dele af kapitalistklassen.”
  • »EU er en klub for arbejdsgiverne«. Af  Tobias Clausen (17. juni 2016). Interview med Karlson Lingwood, sømand og ledelsesmedlem i fagforeningen RMT, der organiserer over 80.000 britiske transportarbejdere.
  • Forlader briterne EU? Af Christian Juhl (Kontradoxa, 15. juni 2016). “Danskerne skal have mulighed for at stemme, ligesom briterne.”
  • Når medierne dumper detektor-testen. Af Tobias Clausen (Blog, 13. juni 2016). Om ECD’s Brexit-rapport og mediernes økonomiske skræmmekampagne.
  • Situationen i Storbritannien er gift for venstrefløjen. Af Mads Wilmann (Blog, 23. maj 2016). “Nejsiden af venstrefløjen har (…) et antiprojekt (ud af EU-siden), og dette vil i GB sandsynligvis blive opslugt af meget stærkere højrenationale og konservative kræfter …”
  • EU i krise: Derfor er radikal forandring mulig. Af Torkil Lausen (4. maj 2016). “EU modstanden er ikke en modstand mod kapitalisme, men et forsvar af nationale privilegier i en ulige verden.”
  • I Storbritannien stemmer de progressive også nej. Af Rina Ronja Kari (Blog, 24. februar 2016). “Den bevægelse (i Storbritannien), som ønsker et nej på et progressivt og demokratisk grundlag, skal vide, at de ikke står alene.”

Autonom Infoservice

Storbritannien: Brexit, Lexit – “In” eller “Out” af EU? (22. juni 2016). “Om de forskellige holdninger indenfor den britiske fagbevægelse og venstrefløjen i forbindelse med  folkeafstemningen den 23. juni.”

Henrik Herløv Lund (site)

Læren af Brexit-debatten: EU selv skyld i modstand pga. manglende politisk effektivitet og demokratisk underskud (pdf) (Kritiske Analyser, 23. juni 2016, 5 s.). “… voldsomheden af Brexit-debatten (peger) på nogle store svagheder og fejl ved EU …”

EU som ondskabens imperium? Af Holger K. Nielsen (16. juli 2016). “Unionen giver ofte for lidt politisk modspil til de rå markedskræfter. Men hvis alternativet er, at der intet sker, er vi på herrens mark. Hvis vi ikke havde EU, måtte vi opfinde det.”

“Hvis ikke Europas venstrefløj tager folks EU-skepsis alvorligt, går de til nogen, der gør” (7. juli 2016). Interview med Pernille Skipper.

Enhedslisten kæmper stadig for et rødt-grønt Europa. Af Rune Lund (7. juli 2016). “… som venstreorienterede kan vi ikke lade være med at kritisere EU’s demokratiske underskud, bare fordi vores politiske modstandere på højrefløjen har meldt sig i debatten.”

Enhedslistens nationale drejning er uspiselig for socialister. Af Claus Bryld (, 5. juli 2016). “EL’s taktiske alliance med DF minder – sat på spidsen – om det tyske kommunistpartis lejlighedsvise alliance med nazisterne før Hitlers magtovertagelse.” Se læserbrev af Finn Sørensen: Sammenligning af EL og Hitler er langt ude (20. juli) + Claus Bryld: EL savner historisk bevidsthed (1. august).

Kritisk Debat

Nederlaget. Af Jan Helbak (december 2019). “Labour tabte brexitvalget december 2019 den 12. september 2015, hvor Jeremy Corbyn holdt sin tiltrædelsestale som ny formand for partiet. Her blev partiets underliggende og styrende ambivalens i forhold til EU gjort fuldstændig tydelig og dermed også partiets politisk strategiske svaghed.”

Vi har brug for en Labour-Brexit. Af Costas Lapavitsas (august 2019). “… det at konfrontere den neoliberalistiske kapitalisme i Europa indebærer et brud med EU. Venstrefløjen bør derfor begynde at udforme politiske og ideologiske instrumenter, der kan støtte sand internationalisme og solidaritet blandt de europæiske folk.”

Exitstrategiens illusion. Af Jan Helbak (august 2019). “Costas Lapivitsa … fortjener en kritisk analyse, da Lapavitsas argumenter også har en vis gang på jorden på den danske venstrefløj, selv om der også her foregår en diskret opblødning af fronterne.”

Brexit – en social protest. Af Inger V. Johansen (august 2016). “… kan det være med til at skabe en helt anden dagsorden og nye muligheder for en mere social udvikling i et kriseramt EU eller Europa? Eller er det ikke på tide at venstrefløjen bereder sig på et alternativ til EU?”

“Big business is bad politics”. Af Jan Helbak (juni 2016). “Lexit (left exit) legitimerer højrepopulisternes nationalkonservative og autoritære sirenesang, og marginaliserer endnu engang venstrefløjen til fable om fantasifostret …”

Brittisk vänsterpress om Brexit (pdf) (10. december 2018). “Avgörandets stund närmar sig när det gäller att godta eller förkasta det Brexit-avtal som brittiska tories-regeringen framförhandlat. Motsättningarna stora om detta.”

Europa skal hverken være Juncker-blåt eller Le Pen-sort. Af Pelle Dragsted (6. juli 2016). “Fremtidens Europa skal være rødt, grønt og demokratisk.”


Brexit sender chokbølger gennem hele det europæiske etablissement. Af Alan Woods (25. juni 2016). “Sejren til Brexit betyder ikke en styrkelse af den revolutionære fløj eller bare venstrefløjen, sådan som nogle illusoriske folk forestillede sig, men tværtimod en sejr til reaktionens kræfter …”

Socialistisk Information

Et katastrofalt valgresultat: Forsvar corbyismens landvindinger. Af Andy Stowe (15. december 2019) + Lindsey German: Efter det britiske valg: Hvordan kommer vi videre? (16. december 2019).

Brexit: For enhed og solidaritet i Europa, mod racisme og social dumping (3. juli 2016). “Denne udtalelse er vedtaget af Fjerde Internationales ledelse den 28. juni 2016.”

Brexit er en katastrofe, men kampen fortsætter (3. juli 2016). “Udtalelse vedtaget af Socialist Resistance, den britiske sektion af Fjerde Internationale, den 25. juni 2016, efter folkeafstemningen.”

(Også) venstrefløjen er uenige om ”stay” or ”leave”. Af Niels Overgaard Hansen (4. juni 2016). “Den yderste venstrefløj er imod EUs politik, men mange er alligevel imod udmeldelse med argumentet om, at det vil gavne højrefløjen og puste til racisme og nationalisme.”

Det britiske valg: Højrepopulismens triumf – og tid til eftertanke (24. januar 2020). “Mikkel Warming gør status på det britiske valg i december 2019, som sendte Labour til tælling. Resultatet skyldtes ifølge ham både Labours svage budskab og De Konservatives transformation.”

Valget i UK: Da nation trumfede klasse. Af Esben Bøgh Sørensen (21. december 2019). “Men hvad handlede valget egentlig om, hvad gik der galt, og hvad kan vi lære af Labours udvikling de seneste år? Tre væsentlige spørgsmål for Labours venstrefløj – og for venstrefløjen i andre lande.”

Kampen er startet om Corbyns eftermæle (20. december 2019). “Hvis Jeremy Corbyn og Labours fremgang ved det britiske parlamentsvalg i 2017 viste, at partier kan vinde på at gå til venstre – hvad viser resultatet af det seneste valg så? Kim Kristensen har undersøgt en række af de foreløbige bud.”

Hvad sker der, hvis Storbritannien melder sig ud af EU? Af Mikkel Andreas Beck (16. juni 2016). “Hvordan melder man sig egentlig ud af EU? Og hvad bliver resultatet?”


Sites & articles in English



Against the Current

The crisis of British politics (Issue 202, September-October 2019). Suzi Weissman interviews Daniel Finn. See also Daniel Finn: Crosscurrents: Corbyn, Labour and the Brexit crisis (New Left Review, Issue 118, July-August 2019, p.5-35).

Was Brexit a working-class revolt? By Kim Moody (Issue 184, September-October 2016). “If the EU is moving toward disintegration, so far at least it is doing so on the basis of a resurgence of rampant nationalism not a socialist or even social democratic future.”


Strategy beyond the referendum (June 27, 2016). “As the established order falls apart, Chris Bambery argues how the left should respond.”

This vote was about far more than immigration (June 25, 2016). “The vote to leave the EU was fuelled by class divisions, argues Alastair Stephens.”

The EU vote: this is what a social crisis looks like (June 15, 2016). “Tail-ending the Cameron Remain campaign is hemorrhaging working class support for Labour and the left, argues John Rees.” With comments.

The EU referendum and the Left. By Alex Snowdon (April 24, 2016). “The EU referendum has generated a lot of debate on the British Left, with a range of perspectives on the EU itself and on whether socialists should advocate a vote to leave …”

Debunked: 12 left-wing reasons for remaining in the European Union. By Alex Snowdon (April 19, 2016). “The referendum is not a vote on whether we want to be ‘part of Europe’ its a vote on an institution that has done far more harm than good.” With comments.

Europe and socialist strategy (28 February 2016). “Kevin Ovenden examines the various political strategies on offer from the European left.”

5 reasons to leave the EU (February 20, 2016). “There are many reasons why Britain should leave the EU. Alastair Stephens lists just five.”

Critical Legal Thinking

Brexit as nostalgia for Empire. By Nadine El-Enany (19 June 2016). “The run up to the EU referendum has shown Britain for what it is. Woodwork: the washed-up bracken of the British Empire, and the ugly flotsam of its legacy of racism.” With comments.

Green Left Weekly

‘Brexit’ vote dividing all sides, but Corbyn right to campaign to remain. By Derek Wall (international coordinator of the Green Party) (April 30, 2016).

In Defence of Marxism

  • Section: EU

Brexit vote sends shockwaves across European Establishment. By Alan Woods (24 June 2016). “The victory of Brexit does not mean a strengthening of the revolutionary or left-wing tendency as some deluded people imagine, but on the contrary, a victory for the forces of reaction …”

The EU referendum and xenophobia: How to fight the Right. By Adam Booth (21 June 2016). “On the Leave side, the months leading up to this referendum have seen a ratcheting up of xenophobic and racist rhetoric …”

The delusions of Brexit (27 April 2016). “Daniel Morley looks at the nationalist delusions of the Brexit camp in the Tories and UKIP, and highlights the limitations of the arguments of left-wing Leave campaigners.”

The crisis in Europe: What is the EU and where is it going? Part 1-3. By Josh Holroyd (15 February – 3 March 2016). “… Marxists stand for neither European nor British capitalism, but for a Socialist Britain as part of a Socialist Europe!”

International Socialism

The wages of Brexit. By Alex Callinicos (International Socialism, Issue 165, Winter 2020). “So why did Corbyn lose? International Socialism went to press four days after the general election, so this assessment is written amid the heat generated by a crushing result for the left as a whole, not just the Labour Party.”

Brexit blues. By Alex Callinicos (International Socialism, Issue 161, Winter 2019, p.3-19). “The radical and revolutionary left too should avoid getting trapped on one side or other of the debate within the ruling class and instead stand ready to promote and help shape ‘fundamental revolts’.” See also Feedback by Wayne Asher: In a hole and still digging: the left and Brexit (ibid., p.149-162) + Sabby Sagall: Remain and replace—a socialist case (Issue 162, Spring 2019, p.165-169) + Sean Leahy: Why we voted Leave (Issue 162, Spring 2019, p.171-175) + Wayne Asher: Socialists and the Leave vote—a (brief) reply to Sean Leahy (Issue 163, Summer 2019, p.173-176).

Widening fractures. By Alex Callinicos (Issue 152, Autumn 2016, p.3-19). “The real problem lies in the disruption Brexit might cause to the global positioning of British capitalism and thereby to the dominant capitalist networks.”

Why did Britain vote Leave? By Charlie Kimber (Issue 152, Autumn 2016, p.21-42). “The British vote on 23 June 2016 to leave the European Union was a bitter blow for the establishment, big business, the international financial institutions, the rich and the politicians.”

David Cameron’s cunning plan goes awry. By Alex Callinicos (Issue 151, Summer 2016). “… an attempt to make sense of the situation in ignorance of whether or not the British people have rejected the EU.” See updated, revised, and extended version: Brexit: a world-historic turn (27 June 2016).

The EU referendum: The case for a socialist Yes vote. By John Palmer (Issue 148, Autumn 2015). “The ‘Balkanisation’ of Europe would represent a historic defeat for human progress …”

The internationalist case against the European Union. By Alex Callinicos (Issue 148, Autumn 2015). “How to vote in that referendum is a difficult choice for anyone on the left … [but] there is a powerful internationalist case against the EU.”

International Socialist Review

After Brexit: Will the European Union crack up? By Neil Davidson (Issue 102, Fall 2016, online only). “I have to give a talk of two halves: one, a talk about the EU … and two, a talk about what has happened in Britain.”

Jacobin: Reason in Revolt

The obsessive Remainers have scored a massive own goal. By Daniel Finn (19 December 2019). “For the last three years, second-referendum campaigners heaped blame on Jeremy Corbyn for his alleged role in “facilitating” Brexit. Yet their determined efforts to torpedo his leadership destroyed any chance of a compromise solution — and made the hardest of hard Brexits inevitable.”

Europe’s Left after Brexit (5 September 2016). “Former Greek finance minster Yanis Varoufakis responds to his critics and lays out DiEM25’s plan for resisting within the European Union.”

An open letter to the British Left. By Stathis Kouvelakis (5 July 2016). “A Greek leftist on why British socialists shouldn’t shy away from rejecting the European Union.”

The Left after Leave. By Ed Rooksby (1 July 2016). “Brexit offered the Left bad choices, and its aftermath has emboldened a racist right. What do we do now?”

There is no Left Exit. By Ed Rooksby (22 June 2016). “We shouldn’t have illusions about transforming the EU from below. But a Leave vote would only strengthen the Right.”

The Socialist case for Remain. By David Renton (22 June 2016). “It’s not clear that a Leave vote would make our tasks on the Left any easier.”

The Socialist case for Leave. By Neil Davidson (22 June 2016). “The European Union provides internationalism for the bosses, not for workers. We should join the vote to leave it tomorrow.”

Brexit and the Left. By Richard Seymour (22 June 2016). “The European Union is brutal and undemocratic — ignoring that just gives the Right more power.”

Die Linke Berlin

Brexit and the British Left – a debate between Joseph Choonara and Pete Green (March 2016). “Great Britain is preparing to vote on leaving the EU (Brexit). This has provoked a significant discussion inside the British Left. We talked to 2 leading figures about what how British socialists should respond to the referendum.”

Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal

Scottish Socialist Party, Sinn Féin, Momentum and Left Unity on Brexit referendum result (June 26, 2016). “Links has republished a variety of statements reflecting the views of key left forces in England, Scotland and Ireland.”

Should the left support a “Brexit” in the upcoming British referendum? (February 12, 2016). “We are republishing two opposing views on whether the left should support a British exit, or ‘Brexit’, by Luke Cooper and Chris Bambery.”

Michael Roberts Blog: blogging from a Marxist economist

The Brexit deal (December 29, 2020). “The UK finally leaves the European Union on 31 December, after 48 years of membership. The initial decision to leave, made in the special referendum back in June 2016, has taken over four tortuous years to implement. So what does the deal mean for British capital and labour?”

Brexit: 100 days and after (December 18, 2018). “On balance, leaving the EU is a negative for British capital but it is also not good news for British labour …”

The impact of Brexit (June 24, 2016). “Brexit in the long run may not make a huge difference to the health of British capitalism, but right now it could help accelerate a new global recession.”

Brexit, China, the Fed and the global recession  (June 15, 2016). “The vote on Brexit has assumed a greater global significance than I originally thought.”

Brexit: stay or leave? (March 24, 2016). “Leaving the EU would probably be marginally bad for British capital and there would be little or no gain for British Labour.”

Monthly Review

Exchange: Brexit, the EU and the Left (Vol.71, No.5, October 2019). Costas Lapavitsas’s The Left Case Against the EU (Polity, 2019) is recognized as the leading work advocating Lexit, the left-wing case for Brexit, and for nations leaving the European Union more generally … we are publishing two assessments of Lapavitsas’s book [Neil Davidson and Andy Storey] followed by his extensive response.”

Brexit and the EU implosion: National sovereignty – for what purpose? By Samir Amin (8 August 2016). “The defense of national sovereignty, like its critique, leads to serious misunderstandings once one detaches it from the social class content of the strategy in which it is embedded.

Morning Star

Communists applaud blow to imperialism (25 June 2016). “Communist parties across Europe and beyond congratulated the British people yesterday for their victory in the EU membership referendum.”

Why Morning Star supports a Leave vote (22 June 2016). ” A vote to Leave today will … be a step towards restoring democratic control of our economy, and would remove an obstacle to progress.”

Left wants Out for the right reasons (13 April 2016). “The launch of a left-wing campaign for Britain to leave the European Union this June is welcome — indeed overdue.”


Election analysis: a victory for the far Right: a crisis for the Left (Mutiny, 13 December 2019). “Neil Faulkner and Phil Hearse analyse the general election defeat and draw lessons for the battles ahead.”

New Left Review

Crosscurrents: Corbyn, Labour and the Brexit crisis. By Daniel Finn (Issue 118, July-August 2019, p.5-35). “This article will examine the extent of Labour’s internal transformation under Corbyn, as the necessary precondition for any wider success.” See alo interview with Daniel Finn: The crisis of British politics (Against the Current, Issue 202, September-October 2019).

Casting off? By Susan Watkins (Issue 100, July-August 2016, p.5-31). “How to assess the latest set-back for the European Union: the vote to leave by its second-largest state? Complex determinants of the Brexit protest … met by single-minded condemnation of it by the global elite.”

New Politics

The UK Election: A car crash on the left side of the road. By Kim Moody (New Politics, December 28, 2019). “The primary motivations for many of those who voted in favour of leaving the EU in the 2016 referendum were informed by English nationalism and anti-immigrant sentiment, but in 2019 these were reinforced by the argument that a democratic decision had been made, the people had decided.”

The endless Brexit crisis (Issue 67, Summer 2019). “Ashley Smith interviews Neil Davidson about the roots, politics, and trajectory of the battle over Brexit.”

Brexit: A victory for the populist right. By Barry Finger (June 25, 2016). “The reaction is, to put it bluntly, a toxic mix of little England racism and anti-establishment populism that, like all populisms, ransacks the grievances of the left and twists them into grotesque distortions.”

The Project: A Socialist Journal

Brexit or international socialism? By Nick Wrack (May 1, 2016). ” Here, I argue that the interests of the working class are best advanced by rejecting the arguments for Lexit/Brexit or abstention and voting to remain within the EU.”

Red Pepper

The Brexit nightmare. By Tom Walker (June 2016). “Unfortunately, Brexit did nothing but hand the initiative to the right – and make everything a hell of a lot worse.”

So you think the EU can’t be reformed? (June 2016). “A look at history will show you otherwise argues Hilary Wainwright and Mary Kaldor.”

EU debate: what are the real choices? (December 2015). “John Palmer argues the left must begin with simple answers.”

EU debate: We need to stay in Europe to change Europe (December 2015). “The idea that a social Europe could emerge by quitting the EU is a delusion. There are no quick fixes for neoliberalism, writes Luke Cooper.”

RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century

After Brexit: Keeping our heads when all around are losing theirs. By Rob Owen (June 28, 2016). “… we have to accept that the referendum damaged our side—dividing workers who see themselves as ‘British’ against migrant workers—as much as it damaged our ruling class.” With comments.

Part of the Union? – What should socialists argue in the EU referendum? (June 9, 2016). “Charlie Hore puts the case for a ‘remain’ vote, Christina Delistathi to ‘leave’ and Rob Owen for a ‘radical abstention’.” With comments.

EU referendum: for an internationalist leave position (18 April 2016). “There are differences in among rs21 members as to what are the key political questions at stake around the EU referendum, however discussions were illuminating and comradely.” With comments.

EU referendum: A crisis of the right, not an opportunity for the left (April 6, 2016). “Rob Owen [is] arguing the left can abstain from the vote without abstaining from the politics.” With comments.

Whose Europe? Theirs or ours? (March 29, 2016). “… however unfavourable the current balance of forces, our task it to argue for an exit from the un-reformable EU on left terms, write Jen Wilkinson and Paul O’Connell.” With comments.

Revolutionary socialists and the EU referendum campaign: sorting out the real issues (March 25, 2016). “The EU referendum offers no clear route for socialists; instead, John Walker argues, our focus should be on organising against the attack on migrants and workers …” With comments.

EU debate: A socialist case for leaving the EU (March 2, 2016). “Neil Davidson makes the case from a Scottish perspective about why socialists should support leaving the EU.” With comments.

Scottish Left Review

Exit stage left (Issue 92, March-April 2016). “Vince Mills puts the socialist case for leaving the EU.”

Socialist case against leaving (Issue 92, March-April 2016). “Hugh Cullen says populist xenophobia, nationalism & heightened neo-liberalism will win if we leave the EU.”

Socialism Today

Referendum revolt: Capitalist establishment shattered. By Peter Taaffe (Issue 200, July-August 2016). “The vote to leave the EU has rocked capitalist institutions – in Britain and internationally. It is yet another reflection of the anger at mass poverty and savage austerity …”

Socialists and the EU referendum (Issue 90, July-August 2015). “Clive Heemskerk looks at how socialists should approach the in-or-out EU debate.”

Socialist Democracy

Socialist Democracy statement on the European referendum (, April 2016). “No to the Racism! No to imperialist Europe! Yes to Britain remaining in Europe! Yes to a United Socialist States of Europe!”

Socialist Resistance

The UKIPisation of the Tory Party –The Brexit left in denial. By Alan Thornett (July 25, 2016). “Socialist Resistance argued for a remain vote on the basis that the referendum would be a carnival of reaction leading to a major shift to the right in British politics, and we have been right on both counts.”

Brexit vote is a disaster, but the struggle goes on (June 24, 2016). “The Brexit vote to leave the EU is a victory for the right-wing xenophobes and a disaster for the struggle against austerity in Britain.”

The left debates the case for EU exit (March 25, 2016). “Alan Thornett reports on the London meeting on March 23 called by Counterfire and the Communist Party of Britain (CPB) in support of an exit vote in the EU referendum.” With comments.

Socialist Review

A bloody bitter pill. By Joseph Choonara (Issue 453, January 2020). “The reasons for the Tory victory extend back beyond Jeremy Corbyn’s time as Labour Party leader and beyond Brexit. Joseph Choonara explains and points a way forward.”

After the leave vote: we can beat back racism and austerity. By Joseph Choonara (Issue 415, July-August 2016). “The vote was, above all else, a rebellion by working class people who feel they have had their lives torn apart by the ruling elite.”

Down with miserabism. By Joseph Choonara (Issue 414, June 2016). “… much of the left have taken the mistaken and less understandable decision to back a Remain vote.”

EU referendum: Should we stay or should we go? (Issue 404, July-August 2015). “Joseph Choonara argues that socialists should argue for a left wing No vote, despite the right wing dominating the campaign for a ‘Brexit’.

 Socialist Worker

We must overcome the dangerous divisions in the working class. By Alex Callinicos (Issue 2512, 12 July 2016). “It’s now very urgent for begin to overcome the divisions within both the left and the working class more broadly over the referendum.”

Brexit vote was a revolt against the rich. By Charle Kimber (Issue 2510, 28 June 2016). “The vote to leave the European Union last week defied the establishment and revealed a deep disaffection towards a system that has failed working class people.”

After EU vote and Cameron goes: unite to shape revolt against establishment. By Charlie Kimber (Issue 2509, 24 June 2016). “The politicians, the rich and the powerful who are so used to getting their own way have suffered a massive reverse.”

An anti-racist, anti-austerity and socialist case to vote Leave (Issue 2508, 14 June 2016). “The EU is racist and beyond reform. A Leave vote would mean a double crisis—for the Tories and the ruling class.”

Remain or Leave — the left debates different visions of Europe. By Tomáš Tengely-Evans (Issue 2506, 3 June 2016). “Natalie Bennett, Green Party leader, debates Joseph Choonara from the SWP and Lexit—the left leave campaign.” Text + Video.

Exit stage left – why we oppose the EU (Issue 2505, 24 May 2016). “Socialists and anticapitalists come out fighting to put their own case against the bosses’ European Union at an international rally in London last week, reports Alistair Farrow.”

Socialist Workers Party (SWP)

No exit from the Brexit crisis (December 20, 2018). “Neil Davidson was interviewed by Ashley Smith about the Brexit crisis and what it means for British politics and the European Union.” See also interview: Understanding the Brexit bedlam (Ibid., January 31, 2019).

Building the Left in the face of Brexit (, January 8, 2019). “Charlie Hore responds to Neil Davidson’s discussion of the Brexit crisis and offers an alternative analysis of the Leave vote.”

Discussing the meaning of the Brexit vote (June 27, 2016). ” Here, we publish a sample of the commentary from Richard Seymour of Lenin’s Tomb, Terry Conway writing in International Viewpoint, and Tom Bramble of Australia’s Red Flag.”

Why socialists should support a British exit (June 20, 2016). “Neil Davidson explains for a U.S. audience his case for casting a left-wing vote to Leave the EU.” See also Readers’ Views: Is the EU necessarily harmful to struggle? by John Palmer (June 22, 2016).

After the referendum. By Hannah Sell (24 June 2016). “Not only in Britain but across Europe many workers have been inspired by this vote against the bosses EU.”

EU referendum. Editorial (The Socialist, 19 June 2016). “We urge a vote for exit on 23 June, which will strike a serious blow against the Tories and the capitalist class.”

The Brexit Crisis: A Verso Report. Edited by Verso Books (12 July 2016). An ebook available for free download: “Leading writers provide their thoughts on the EU referendum. Includes contributions from Étienne Balibar, William Davies, Akwugo Emejulu, John R. Gillingham, Peter Hallward, Laleh Khalili, Stathis Kouvelakis, Sam Kriss, Rebecca Omonira-Oyekanmi, Lara Pawson,  Wolfgang Streeck, and more.”

Weekly Worker

Fear, confusion and delusions (Issue 113, 30 June 2016). “Left responses to the referendum result vary from despondency to total exuberance. Both are misplaced, argues Paul Demarty.”

The in-out kabuki dance (Issue 1102, 14 April 2016). “James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists says a passive boycott is not as good as an active boycott.”

Both sides are reactionary (Issue 1101, 7 April 2016). “Eddie Ford calls for an active boycott.”

A carnival of reaction (Issue 1095, 25 February 2016). “Neither side in the EU referendum campaign deserves leftwing support, argues Paul Demarty.”

Workers’ Liberty

The left and the Brexit vote. By Martin Thomas (24 June 2016). “Some on the left hail the Brexit vote as a victory. This is manipulative and fantasy-ridden politics.”

Europe: the Stalinist roots of the “left exit” myth. By Paul Hampton (Issue 54, June 2016, 8 p.). “The story of how the British revolutionary left went from an independent working class stance to accommodation with chauvinism and Stalinist “socialist-in-one-country” deserves to be better known.”

United Europe and the Marxist tradition. By Paul Hampton (8 August 2015). “The classical Marxist tradition debated many of the issues at stake in the referendum, from the standpoint of wanting to bring about socialism.”

What do Socialists say about the United States of Europe? (12 April 2013). “Early socialist debates about the United States of Europe help us orientate in today’s conditions.” See also: A highly serviceable political weapon (Weekly Worker, Issue 1105, 5 May 2016). “Jack Conrad discusses Lenin and the ‘United States of Europe’ slogan.”

World Socialist Web Site

UK vote to Leave the European Union triggers economic and political crisis. By Chris Marsden and Julie Hyland (25 June 2016). “The referendum has produced a significant shift to the right in Britain and throughout Europe.”

The pseudo-left’s nationalist Leave campaign in the UK Brexit referendum. Part 1-2. By Chris Marsden (19 March 2016). “Opposition to British membership of the European Union in the June 23 referendum is dominated by two rival nationalist and pro-big business groups, Leave EU and Vote Leave.”

For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum! (29 February 2016). Statement of the Socialist Equality Party, British section of the International Committee of the Fourth International.


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