President Bush and Vice President Cheney in the Presidential Limousine. 13. august 2002. From: Collection: Vice Presidential Records of the Photography Office (George W. Bush Administration), 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009
President Bush and Vice President Cheney in the Presidential Limousine. 13. august 2002. From: Collection: Vice Presidential Records of the Photography Office (George W. Bush Administration), 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009

Linkbox om USAs 43. præsidents periode (2001-2009)
(Tidsskriftcentret, januar 2009)

George W. Bush
George W. Bush


George W. Bush Countdown
Incl. Reasons America should have voted against Bush in the 2004 presidential election:

Billionaries For Bush: Government of, by, and for the corporations (“waiting for pardons…)



Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip (BBC News, Middle East). Bushs efterfølgende bemærkninger viser, at han ikke fatter betydningen af skokastet.


The ten worst nightmares Bush inflicted on America. By Juan Cole (22 December 2009)
“Here are my picks for the top ten worst things about the wretched period, which, however, will continue to follow us until the economy is re-regulated, anti-trust concerns again pursued, a new, tweaked fairness doctrine is implemented, and we return to a more normal distribution of wealth.”

International Viewpoint

Balance-sheet of U.S. imperialism. By Gilbert Achcar (Issue 404, September 2008)
“The interests of American imperialism obviously find their ultimate guarantee in military supremacy, but a politico-ideological facelift is a necessary and useful complement. Under Bush, the arrogance and right-wing shift went so far that it seems imperative for the “enlightened” fraction of the American establishment to steer ‘to the left’, at least in words.”


It’s always the right time to call George W. Bush a war criminal. By Chip Gibbons (May 21, 2022)
“If George W. Bush is not going to stand trial for war crimes, he should at the very least stop appearing in public to weigh in on unjustified wars, as he did this week when he accidentally referred to the ‘wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq’.”

Den amerikanske filminstruktørs site er fyldt med anti-Bush stof.

Se også vores emneliste på det gamle site/Internet Archive:

Michael Moore & Fahrenheit 9/11
Den Cannes-vindende dokumentarfilm om præsident Bush og 11. september-angrebet.

Socialist Worker [US]

Crimes of the Bush dynasty : From corporate crimes to murder in Iraq. By David Zirin (February 6, 2004)
“The Bush saga – from George W. Bush in the White House today to the great grandfathers on both sides of the family – is the story of four generations amassing their fortunes and achieving the heights of power through the cronyest of crony capitalisms.”

Spartacus Educational [UK]

The Crimes of George H. W. Bush

The Conspirators – The Investigators [Pretty meny, long biographies]

State of Nature

What matters now? The Bush/Cheney legacy. By Dennis Loo (Autumn 2008; online at Internet Archive)
“The reason why the rest of the political leadership class outside of the GOP has been unwilling to stop the Bush regime is because they share with the GOP a fundamental agreement about the rightness and necessity of a U.S. Empire.”

Bush’s Library: The Kurds, oil and missing records. By Laray Polk (Autumn 2008; online at Internet Archive)
“The history worth telling will include the egregious acts of deception and will be defined, like Nixon’s presidency, by what is missing and known to have been destroyed.”

Bushism: “The term has become part of popular folklore and is the basis of a number of websites and published books. It is often used to caricature…” Links to books and sites.


Bush Frantically Seeks a Legacy. By Bill Berkowitz (November 2008, online at
“Team Bush is looking for anything that might belie the fact that a majority of Americans believe that President Bush will go down as one of the worst presidents in U.S. history.”

Search: anti-bush or Bye bye Bush

Min. 1.620 results/690 hits. Incl. Bye-Bye Bush – (The Listening Post; 19 Dec 08 (8:30 min. af 12:10) om medierne og Bush’s exit.

“George Bush’s Last Hour” – How it all ends. The president is finished. Long live the puppet president …”


Se også:


9/11 : Imperialisme og terror efter 11. september

Afghanistan – krig og besættelse

Terrorlovgivning, overvågning og retssikkerhed

Bye Bye Bush – præsidentbesøget 6. juli 2005

Danske artikler – Articles / Sites – Funny Stuff – Kampagnesites – Efter den 6. juli-demoen.

Artiklen: Neokonservatisme (på NB links til 11 biografier for neokonservative omkring Bush.

Og ikke mindst:
Linkbox: Efter valget af Obama
Kommentarer til situationen og især om forventningerne efter valget af Barack Obama til præsident i USA. Danske og engelsksprogede artikler fra venstrefløjen.