Svenske miljøaktivister udenfor Barsebäckværket i 1986. På vejene rundt om atomkraftværket sattes disse skilte op nogle dage efter Tjernobyl-katastrofen blev kendt.Se 31. maj nedenfor Kilde: By Foto: Jonn Leffmann, CC BY 3.0,
Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 2005.
Den amerikanske venstrefløjsaktivist og skribent om race/klasse, Theodore W. (William) Allen, dør i Brooklyn, New York. (Født 23. august 1919 i Indianapolis, Indiana). Hovedværk: The Invention of the White Race (1975/1994/1997/2012). See the books online (pdf): Vol. 1: Racial Oppression and Racial Control + Vol. 2: The Origin of Racial Oppression in Anglo-America (
Biografiske links/Sites:
Theodore W. Allen ( Med links til videoer + online bibliography.
On the life, work, and legacy of Theodore W. Allen ( By Jeffrey B. Perry. Incl. video slide presentation: “The Invention of the White Race” by Theodore W. Allen (2:11 hour). Also: Key pages on Hubert H. Harrison* & Theodore W. Allen.
*For Hubert H. Harrison, see Timeline April 27, 1883.
Theodore W. Allen: working-class scholar + Theodore W. Allen’s legacy. By Jeffrey B. Perry (Against the Current, Issue 191, November-December 2017). “Theodore W. Allen was an anti-white supremacist, working-class intellectual and activist, whose work on the centrality of struggle against white supremacy is growing in importance and influene 98 years after his birth.”
Theodore W. Allen’s work on the centrality of the struggle against white supremacy. By Jeffrey B. Perry (New Politics, Blog, August 23, 2017). “With its meticulous primary research, equalitarian motif, emphasis on the class struggle dimension of history, and groundbreaking analysis his work continues to grow in influence and importance.”
Theodore Allen on race and privilege (, April 28, 2015). “Jeffrey B. Perry discusses the writings of Theodore Allen and, in particular, the evolution of the concept of white privilege.”
The Invention of the White Race. By Jeffrey Perry (CounterPunch, May 21, 2013). About the new expanded edition of Theodore W. Allen’s two-volume book, republished by Verso Books.
The developing conjuncture and some insights from Hubert Harrison and Theodore W. Allen on the centrality of the fight against white supremacy (pdf). By Jeffrey B. Perry (Cultural Logic, 2010, 117 p.; online at “… the fullest treatment of the development of Allen’s thought.”
Introduction to Theodore Allen … By Jonathan Scott (Socialism and Democracy, Vol.43, No.1, March 2007). “Theodore Allen’s magisterial two-volume work of US labor history, The Invention of the White Race, is the product of three decades of empirical research in the colonial archives of Virginia and many years of arduous writing and revision.”
Class struggle and the origin of racial slavery (pdf). By Theodore William Allen (Cultural Logic, Vol.9, 2006; online at “This article is an edited version of a pamphlet from 1976 … A treatment of racial slavery as a response to class struggle and of the consequences for the entire working class. Includes bibliographical references.”
Before the white race was invented. By Jonathan Scott (Against the Current, Issue 72, January-February 1998). Review of Theodore W. Allen, The Invention of the White Race. Vol. 1: Racial Oppression and Social Control + Vol. 2: The Origin of Racial Oppression in Anglo-America (Verso, 1994 and 1997). “One of the great contributions of Allen’s study is a complete debunking of the myth that race and skin color are the same thing.”
White blindspot: The original essays on combating white supremacy and white-skin privilege (1967) (pdf). By Noel Ignatin [i.e. Ignatiev] and Ted Allen (Sds-org.1960). “The first is a letter to Progressive Labor Party, by Noel Ignatin, with a letter of support and commentary by Ted Allen. The second is Ted Allen’s essay, ‘Can white radicals be radicalized?’”
See critique by Candace Cohn: Privilege and the working class (, April 15, 2015).
Jeffrey B. Perry (1946-2022) (Verso, Blog, 3 January 2023). “The working-class scholar and labor activist Jeffrey B. Perry passed away in September 2022, leaving behind a legacy of radical writing and labor struggle. Sean I. Ahern remembers Perry’s life and work in this obituary.”
Bookwatch: racism and resistance. By Brian Richardson (International Socialism, Issue 168, Autumn 2020, p.193-203). “This article will review some of the publications that have caught the popular mood, reflecting on their strengths and weaknesses.”
Beyond “Race Relations” (Jacobin, 17 January 2020). Daniel Denvir interviews Barbara J. Fields and Karen E. Fields: “The authors of Racecraft on the illusion of race, the dead-end of ‘whiteness’, and the need to revive class politics.”
Is there a white skin privilege? (, October 30, 2013). “The idea that all whites are privileged at the expense of Blacks is popular on the left–but Bill Mullen makes the case that Marxism offers a better understanding of racism.” With What else to read (11 articles).
Roots of the white skin privilege analysis (, November 11, 2013). “Jeffrey B. Perry, Bill Mullen and David Camfield add further contributions to a debate about the theory and analysis of a ‘white skin privilege’.”
Race, class, and “whiteness theory”. By Sharon Smith (International Socialist Review, Issue 46, March–April 2006). “In recent years, the notion that all whites gain from racism and are equally responsible for Black oppression has gained acceptance, especially in academic circles.”
On Roediger’s Wages of Whiteness (pdf). By Theodore W. Allen (Cultural Logic, Vol.4, No.2, Spring 2001). Review of the second edition of David Roediger’s book (1999).
Bookwatch: Figthing to unite black and white. By Lee Sustar (International Socialism, Issue 71, Summer 1996, p. 155-164). “A number of books written over decades and from a variety of political viewpoints do enable us to trace the tradition of black and white unity.”
16. februar 2005
Denne dato trådte Kyoto-protokollen i kraft om reduktion af udledning af drivhusgasser.
Kyoto-protokollen (, 2009)
What to become of the Kyoto Protocol. Se nedenfor 16. februar. Kilde:
Samarbejdskomiteen for Fred og Sikkerhed – DKPs forlængede arm? (pdf). Af Mikkel Steffen Nielsen og Niels Ejgil Trebbien Dybbro (Speciale på historie, Institut for Kultur og Identitet, Roskilde Universitet, 2012, 126 sider; online på Internet Archive).
Den socialistiske intellektuelle Chris Pallis (= Maurice Brinton) dør i London, født i Bombay/Mumbay 2. december 1923, se denne.
31. maj 2005
Denne dato kl. 23.59 lukkede atomkraftværket Barsebäck i Sverige (åbnet 15. maj 1975, se denne)
30. juni 2005
Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier (DIIS) udgiver udredningen Danmark under den kolde krig. Den sikkerhedspolitiske situation 1945-1991 på fire bind (2350 sider).
Udredning om den kolde krig: Den sikkerhedspolitiske situation 1945-1991. 4 bind (Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier, DIIS, 2005, 2350 sider). Se værket online på DIIS’s site.
Kvinder på montagefabrik i 1960 før udflytningen til Sydøstasien efter den kolde krig. Kilde: Arbejdermuseet.
DIIS-rapporten I (Arbejderhistorie, nr.1, april 2006, s.59-93). Med bidrag bl.a. af Poul Villaume.
DIIS-rapporten II (Arbejderhistorie, nr. 2-3, september 2006, s.86-104). Med bidrag bl.a. af Knud Holt Nielsen.
DIIS-rapporten III (Arbejderhistorie, nr.4, december 2006, s.75-94). Med bidrag af Fred P. Jensen, Rasmus Mariager og Knud Holt Nielsen.
Den kolde krig (, september 2005; online på Internet Archive). “I forlængelse af DIIS’ offentliggørelse af udredningen om Danmark og den kolde krig … har vi bedt en række historikere om deres syn på sagen.”
DIIS-udredningen (2005) (pdf). Af Bent Jensen (, s.28-42; online på Internet Archive). Scroll ned.
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen: 7. maj 1945, om PETs oprettelse, historie og debat.
Kilder, forskning og litteratur (pdf). Af Bent Jensen (Forlaget Gyldendals side til bogen “Ulve, får og vogtere”, bd. 1+2, 2014) (63 sider; online på Internet Archive)
”Et undertrykt folk har altid ret”: Solidaritet med den 3. verden i 1960’ernes og 1970’ernes Danmark (pdf). Af Karen Steller Bjerregaard (Ph.d.-afhandling ved Institut for kultur og identitet, Afdeling for historie, RUC, 2010, 499 sider; online på RUC)
Værdikampens dobbeltstandarder. Af Daniell Marcussen (Aalborg Universitet, 2003, 40 sider; online på, 4. december 2007). Universitetsopgave om den danske højrefløj under Den kolde Krig.
Inkvisitionens hærgen: venstrefløjens historie. Af Morten Thing (Solidaritet, nr.2, juni 2000, s.12-21; online på Internet Archive)
Pierre Broué, en af de vigtigste revolutionære historikere, dør i Grenoble, Svejts. (Født 8. maj 1926 i Privas, departementet Ardéche, Frankrig).
Siden 1978 redaktør af skriftserien Les Cahiers Léon Trotsky.
Biografier & nekrologer/Biographies and obituraries:
Om Pierre Broué (pdf). Av Daniel Bensaid (Encyclopédia Universalis; online på “Som engagerad historiker, fackligt aktiv, lärare och revolutionär aktivist deltog han i över 60 år i de stormiga inre strider som delade den trotskistiska rörelsen och härjade hans egen strömning.”
Pierre Broué (1926-2005). By Vincent Présumey (Revolutionary History, Vol.9, No.4, 2007, p.5-91). I uddrag på (pdf). “Vincent Présumey’s article casts an interesting and critical light not only on Pierre Broué, but equally on the political tendency of which he was a member, indeed at times a leader, from 1944/5 until his de facto expulsion in 1989, the PCI/OCI/PT – generally known as the ‘Lambertistes’.” Se hele temanummeret: Pierre Broué: revolutionary historian (p.1-189; online på Marxists Internet Archive).
Pierre Broué, 1929–2005. By Sebastian Budgen (Socialist Worker, Issue 1963, 13 August 2005). “… he was a formidable historian and a man of prodigious talents and energy.”
Pierre Broué: A rare combination. By Ian Birchall (International Socialism, Issue 108, Autumn 2005, p.179-180). “Pierre Broué, who died in July, was one of the most important historians in the revolutionary socialist tradition.”
Pierre Broué 1926-2005. By Murray Smith (International Viewpoint, 8 September 2005). “Before becoming a renowned historian Pierre Broué was a militant, and he never ceased to be one.”
In memory of Pierre Broué (1926-2005). By Alan Woods (In Defence of Marxism, 1 August 2005). “Pierre Broué was internationally renowned as a historian of the international revolutionary movement. For 45 years he was active in Trotskyist politics in France and internationally.” I svensk udgave: Till minne av Pierre Broué (pdf) (
Om bøger/On books:
Communists against Stalin: the massacre of a generation. By Alan Woods (In Defence of Marxism, 25 November 2016). “Introduction to the first Italian edition of Pierre Broué’s book, Communists against Stalin: the massacre of a generation).
The German Revolution, 1917-1923. By Pierré Broué (Brill, 2005 / Haymarket Books, 2006, 991 p.). Online at (pdf). Reviews: Pierre Broué’s The German Revolution 1917-1923. Part 1-2. By Todd Chretien (International Socialist Review, Issue 50, November–December 2006 + Issue 52, March-April 2007). “Part one of this review covered Pierre Broué’s analysis of the events from the First World War to the outbreak of revolution in November 1918 … The final part of this review will discuss what came next …” When history failed to turn. By Neil Davidson (International Socialism, Issue 108, Autumn 2005, p.181-186). Review of Pierre Broué, The German Revolution, 1917-1923 (2005). “Broué does full justice to the importance of his subject. This is a work conceived on an epic scale, comprising 900 pages of carefully researched text, plus a chronological table and biographical notes.” Om Pierre Broués “Tyska revolutionen” (pdf). Av Todd Chretien ( “… ett epokgörande arbete om de för den europeiska revolutionen avgörande åren efter 1. världskriget.”
Understanding Trotsky. Review article by Ernest Mandel (Socialist Outlook, No.17, Summer 1989; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “Until now, Isaac Deutscher’s Prophet trilogy has been the seminal work on the life of Leon Trotsky. Now it has been overtaken by Pierre Broué’s masterly book (Fayard, Paris 1988).”
Trotsky, by Pierre Broué: an attempt at a biography. Review article by Matthew Cobb (Permanent Revolution, No.8, Spring 1989). “Broué’s book is undoubtedly for the moment the definitive study of Trotsky’s life, although it certainly should not be the final word.”
The Spanish Revolution. By Pierre Broué (1973, 66 p., online at “… our topic, the revolution, that is, the struggle of the Spanish workers and peasants for their rights and liberties, for the factories and the land, and finally, for political power.” Se svensk udgave på (pdf).
Source: MIA –
28. juli 2005
Den irske uafhængighedsbevægelses militære organisation IRA, Irish Republican Army, afslutter den væbnede kamp.
Interview with Daniel Finn. Part One + Part Two (Rebel, August 19, 2021). “Daniel Finn’s 2019 book One Man’s Terrorist provided a radical reinterpretation of the Provisional IRA. Rebel spoke to him about the the conditions of their initial emergence, their changing strategies, as well as the context today two decades on from the Good Friday Agreement.”
Insurrection to accommodation. By Shaun Harkin (International Socialist Review, Issue 81, January-February 2012). Review of Tommy McKearney, The Provisional IRA: From Insurrection to Parliament (Pluto Press, 2011). “McKearney’s book is a very readable and informative account of the rise and fall of the Provisional IRA. Though he is often very critical of the IRA’s strategies and tactics, McKearney’s refusal to root these holistically within the Republican tradition is the book’s principal political weakness.”
Se også:
Tidslinjen 24. april 1916, om Påskeopstanden/on the Easter Rising (Socialistisk Bibliotek)
Who are Sinn Fein? Socialist Worker, Issue 2691, 8 February 2020). “As counting begins in the Irish elections, Socialist Worker wishes the best to Solidarity-People Before Profit. With Sinn Fein neck and neck for top spot according to exit polls, Simon Basketter looks at the party’s history.”
29. august 2005
Orkanen Katrina rammer USA, og især Florida og New Orleans. Bliver en af de værste orkan-ulykker i USAs historie, som koster over 1800 menneskeliv.
New Orleans, La., August 29, 2005 — Aerial of a flooded New Orleans neighborhood with a roadway going down into flood waters. New Orleans is being evacuated as a result of floods from hurricane Katrina. Thousand of people have been rescued from the flood waters by moving to their roofs and attics. Photo by Jocelyn Augustino/FEMA Date: 30 ugust 2005. Public domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons
A storm in New Orleans: Looking back at Katrina. By Kristian Williams (International Socialist Review, Issue 98, Fall 2015). An excerpt from the new edition of Our Enemies in Blue: Police and Power in America (AK Press, 2015)
Still left behind in the new New Orleans (, August 31, 2015). “When Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast on August 29, 2005, Larry Bradshaw and Lorrie Beth Slonsky were stuck in New Orleans – interview with Elizabeth Schulte.” With links.
What made Katrina a “Katrina moment”? (, August 28, 2015). “Ten years after Hurricane Katrina crashed into the Gulf Coast, Elizabeth Schulte remembers the impact on how Americans thought about politics and government.” With links.
How the ruling class remade New Orleans. By Thomas Jessen Adams (Jacobin, August 29, 2015). “The language of social justice has been used to sell intensified neoliberalism in post-Katrina New Orleans.”
Hurricane Isaac pounds Gulf Coast: Seven years after the Katrina disaster. By Andre Damon (World Socialist Web Site, 30 August 2012)
Class & race in a modern catastrophe: lessons of Katrina. By Derrick Morrison (Against the Current, Issue 155, November-December 2011). Review of David Brunsma, David Overfelt and Steve Pico (eds.), The Sociology of Katrina
Perspectives on a Modern Catastrophe (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2010)
New Orleans: five years after the flood (Socialist Worker, Issue 2216, 28 August 2010). “Jonathan Neale reports from New Orleans five years after Hurricane Katrina devastated the city.”
Three years after Katrina: While Republicans and Democrats gather and celebrate, a city still searches for recovery. By Jordan Flaherty (Left Turn, August 27, 2008)
Borgerrettighedsaktivisten Rosa Parks dør (født 4. februar 1913, se denne).
Blev 1. december 1955, se denne, anledning til den afgørende busstrejke i Alabama, USA (scroll ned)
Rosa Parks being fingerprinted by Deputy Sheriff D.H. Lackey after being arrested for boycotting public transportation, Montgomery, Alabama, February, 1956. Author: The Plain Dealer, a newspaper in Chicago. public domain Source: Wikimedia Commons
5. november 2005
Kommunistisk Samling dannes ud fra KPiD, der nedlægges 10. november 2006 ved dannelsen af Nyt Kommunistisk Parti (Kommunistisk Parti, dannet 11.-12. november 2006)
Lederen af Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) Evo Morales vinder præsidentvalget i Bolivia. 10. november 2019 “trækker” han sig fra præsidentposten efter pres fra militæret og højrefløjen taget magten i et blodigt kup.
The Plenary session of the Cmara of the Deputies for solemn session of the National Congress destined giving possession to a president and to a vice president of the Republic. 1 January 2019 Photo: Edilson Rodrigues/Agência Senado. (CC BY 2.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons
Bolivia: Morales og MAS-partiets kæmpe sejr er en lussing til den amerikanske elite, som hyldede militærkuppet for et år siden. Af Shawn Gude (, 11. november 2020). “Umiddelbart efter sidste års højrefløjskup i Bolivia, fejrede og forsvarede den amerikanske elite afsætningen af Evo Morales. Den massive valgsejr i oktober var en afvisning af deres vås – og en kæmpe triumf for demokratiet i Bolivia.”
Hvorfor Lucho og David vandt valget i Bolivia. Af Pablo Solón (Socialistisk Information, 25. oktober 2020). “Bevægelsen mod Socialisme (MAS) vandt valget i Bolivia i første valgrunde. Præsident- og vicepræsidentkandidat Luis Arce ‘Lucho’ og David Choquehuanca fik 55,1 procent af stemmerne, Carlos Mesa fra koalitionen Comunidad Ciudadana (CC) fik 28,8 og Luis Fernando Camacho fra Creemos 14 procent.”
14 år med Evo Morales’ sociale revolution (pdf). Af Niels Boel (Kritisk Debat, 15. oktober 2020, s.65-79). “Sociale fremskridt og voksende magtkoncentration – en status før Bolivias præsidentvalg d. 18. oktober.” Scroll ned.
Bolivia: Et kup er et kup! Af Martin Mosquera (Socialistisk Information, 23. januar 2020). “I november tvang det bolivianske militær Evo Morales til at træde tilbage: den klassiske definition på et kup. På trods af kendsgerningerne er der kommentatorer – selv på venstrefløjen – der har været ude af stand til at forstå, hvad det var: Et komplot fra elitens side.”
Hvad skete der i Bolivia for nylig? Af Niels Frølich (Kritisk Debat, december 2019). “Hvordan kunne det gå til at landets til dato længst siddende, mest populære præsident nogensinde, der også er landets første indfødte præsident, og under hvis styre flere millioner af bolivianere er kommet ud af en uhyrlig fattigdom, måtte flygte uden det kom til omfattende modstand og borgerkrig?” P.t. ikke online.
Bolivias ”Bevægelse for Socialisme” og kuppet. Af Jorge Jorquera (Socialististisk Information, 1. december 2019). “Bolivias arbejdere vil ikke acceptere kuppet og vil ikke tillade, at disse eliter får lov til at befæste deres direkte, ubegrænsede dominans over den bolivianske stat.”
Herboende bolivianer: Vi vil ikke længere ses ned på (, 20. november 2019). “Aymara-indianeren Aydee Carvajal Alcocer fra Bolivia bor i Danmark på syvende år. Hun stammer oprindeligt fra kuppets epicenter, byen Santa Cruz og kender udmærket kupmagerne og deres voldelige, højreorienterede bander, fortæller hun.”
Fordøm kuppet i Bolivia! Af Fjerde Internationale (Socialistisk Information, 16. november 2019). “Der er ikke tid til fejlfortolkninger. Bolivia er offer for et brutalt og voldeligt statskup, organiseret af det racistiske ekstreme højre, som i de seneste måneder er begyndt at generobre politisk terræn og social opbakning i Andeslandet.”
Evo Morales: “Min ’forbrydelse’ er, at jeg er venstreorienteret, indigena og antiimperialist” (Autonom Infoservice, 13. november 2019). “Bolivias præsident Evo Morales er trådt tilbage. Natten til den 12. november flygtede han til Mexico i politisk eksil.”
Genvalg til Morales – revolutionær forandring stadig på dagsordenen? Af Claire Veale (Socialistisk Information, 1. november 2014). “Hans regering har til gengæld ikke kunnet leve op til de revolutionære løfter, den først blev valgt på.”
De holder øje med Morales. Af Guy Smallmann (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr. 257, juni 2006). “Bolivias radikale præsident, Evo Morales, kom til magten efter en bølge af massekampe.”
Links in English:
Evo Morales ( Engelsk længere artikel.
How the US war on drugs subverted Bolivian democracy (Jacobin, November 13, 2021). Anton Flaig interviews with Juan Ramón Quintana: “It’s been two years since the right-wing coup against Evo Morales’s socialist government. One of his former ministers tells Jacobin about how the US war on drugs helped create a Bolivian military free from popular control.”
Bolivias Elections. By Bret Gustafson (New Politics, No.70, Winter 2021). “Bolivia has given the world an impressive lesson in democracy, but reactionary sectors of the country are once again revealing their anti-democratic impulse.”
Bolivia’s indigenous masses have changed the course of history. By Cindy Forster (Jacobin, December 18, 2020). “Fifteen years after Evo Morales was first elected president of Bolivia, his socialist party has returned to power. The far right hasn’t given up — but the indigenous masses that reversed the right-wing coup and forced elections have proven themselves a formidable force for justice and democracy.”
A new MAS era in Bolivia. By Pablo Stefanoni (Nacla, October 21, 2020). “Under new leadership, the MAS won a decisive victory. Now, economic crisis and a complicated situation for the regional Left will pose major challenges for the new government.”
See also Federico Fuentes: Bolivia: The people defeat the coup (Green Left Weekly, Issue 1286, October 22, 2020) + Nicole Fabricant: Bolivia has provided us a radical vision of hope (Jacobin, October 24, 2020).
Bolivia after Evo (RS21, 18 October 2020). “Mike Gonzalez analyses the presidency of Evo Morales, who became President of Bolivia in 2005 at the head of a powerful mass movement, and was ultimately ousted in a right-wing coup last year.
On the coup in Bolivia. By Bret Gustafson (Against the Current, Issue 204, January-February 2020). “This is a revanchist putsch led by the most conservative sectors of society. On social media, many who opposed Evo’s re-election for the sake of democracy, are now decrying a dictatorship of the right.”
Evo Morales, the coup and popular resistance (Socialist Review, Issue 452, December 2019). “A combination of local capitalist forces and US imperialism lies behind the coup in Bolivia. But, as Andy Brown explains, the picture is more complicated, with Morales’s own political aims being partly to blame for his lack of support, giving the right the opportunity to overthrow him.”
Counterrevolution in Bolivia: its roots and result. By Peter Hudis (RS21, 24 November 2019). “The counterrevolutionary coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia places in jeopardy one of the most important efforts at social change in decades – at the same time as it raises difficult questions about how to forge a democratic path to socialism.”
What’s happening in Bolivia is a violent Right-wing coup. By Laura Carlsen (Foreign Politics in Focus, November 20, 2019). “Progressives need to speak up: Morales made mistakes, but nothing justifies the violent right-wing putsch that followed.”
Understanding Bolivia’s nightmare. By Gabriel Hetland (NACLA, November 20, 2019). “The most immediately relevant time period to understand events preceding Morales’s resignation is from 2016 to the present. Focusing on this period helps with understanding the virulent opposition Morales faced in the weeks before he was forced out.”
A letter to intellectuals who deride revolutions in the name of purity. By Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Ana Maldonado, Pilar Troya Fernández, and Vijay Prashad (MR Online, November 20, 2019; online at Internet Archive). “Revolutions do not happen suddenly, nor do they immediately transform a society. A revolution is a process, which moves at different speeds whose tempo can change rapidly if the motor of history is accelerated by intensified class conflict.”
The coup in Bolivia has everything to do with the screen you’re using to read this. By Vijay Prashad (Counterpunch, November 20, 2019). “When you look at your computer screen, or the screen on your smartphone or the screen of your television set, it is a liquid crystal display (LCD). An important component of the LCD screen is indium, a rare metallic element that is processed out of zinc concentrate.”
Protestors massacred in post-coup Bolivia. By Olivia Arigho-Stiles (Counterpunch, November 18, 2019). “The refrain of anti-Morales protests last month was that under Morales had exceeded his term limits and was a dictator. As the words dictadura (dictatorship) newly graffitied outside the Mercado Lanza building in La Paz attest, now it appears they actually have one.”
Bolivia: Evo’s fall, the Fascist Right, and the power of memory. By Raúl Zibechi (Toward Freedom, November 16, 2019). “Previously, Morales was a campesino leader, but this time he could not appeal, in the face of the rise of a racist and opportunist right wing, for support from Bolivian popular organizations, which have been weakened after years of cooptation and repression.”
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Macho Camacho (Verso, Blog, 15 November 2019). “In office since 2006, Evo Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president, has been overthrown in a coup d’état. Debate on how this happened and what it all means has been proliferating on the international left. Ashley Smith talked with Jeffery R. Webber and Forrest Hylton, two long-time observers of Bolivia, to get a better sense of the issues at stake.”
The far-right coup in Bolivia. By Matt Wilgress (Jacobin, 14 November 2019). “In Bolivia, the military, police, and right-wing extremists have carried out a coup against the elected government. They intend to remain in power by violently suppressing the country’s indigenous and poor.”
Bolivia coup led by Christian fascist paramilitary leader and millionaire – with foreign support. By Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton (The Grayzone, November 11, 2019). “Bolivian coup leader Luis Fernando Camacho is a far-right multi-millionaire who arose from fascist movements in the Santa Cruz region, where the US has encouraged separatism. He has courted support from Colombia, Brazil, and the Venezuelan opposition.”
Kristallnacht in Bolivia. By Maria Galindo (Toward Freedom,November 11, 2019). “In the face of the delusional leadership of Evo, the Santa Cruz region produced another delusional, apparently antagonistic but at the same time complementary leader. A white man, entrepreneur, and president of a ‘civic’ organization who uses religious fanaticism and an openly misogynist discourse that promises the men of society the recovery of their ability to control women.”
Thoughts on Bolivia. By Bret Gustafson (Against the Current, Issue 203, November-December 2019). “From the outside, Evo’s MAS government appears to be a radical left alternative to the rightward shift in the region, recently hailed by a writer in The Nation as a ‘socialist success story’. Yet in this deep dependence on fossil fuels — and fossil capital — lies the dilemma of revolutionary Bolivia.”
Building a Bolivia for the next generation: An interview with Adriana Salvatierra (Jacobin, October 20, 2019). “In today’s election, Evo Morales is running for another term as Bolivian president, after almost fourteen years of sweeping economic and democratic reforms. But his Movement for Socialism is also handing power to young Bolivians to keep the revolution going.”
Latin America’s Pink Tide isn’t over (Jacobin, October 20, 2019). “Vice President Álvaro García Linera spoke to Jacobin about how their Movement for Socialism can make their revolution permanent — and stop the rise of the far right in Latin America.” See also Álvaro García Linera: The military coup that overthrew our government was revenge against indigenous Bolivians (ibid., 19 November 2019) + interview: “In moments of crisis, behind every moderate Liberal, there’s a Fascist” (ibid., 20 November 2019).
Bolivia’s patriarch in trouble (, March 7, 2016). “Raul Zibechi, editor of the Uruguayan weekly Brecha, discussed the political environment for the Bolivian referendum.”
Turning of the tide. By Eddie Ford (Weekly Worker, Issue 1095, 25 February 2016). “Bolivia’s ‘road to socialism’ turned out to be another dead end.”
Managing Bolivian Capitalism. By Jeffery R. Webber (Jacobin, Issue 13, January 2014). “Evo Morales’s administration has scored some successes, but it has failed to deliver on its more radical promises.”
Bolivia: Why is Evo Morales still so popular? By Fernando Molina (Links: Journal of Socialist Renewal, July 14, 2013). “This article, citing statistics and socio-political analysis, explains the economic, political and social strengths of the Movimiento al Socialismo (Movement Towards Socialism, MAS).”
Indians, leftists, and rebellion in Bolivia. By Kevin Young (Against the Current, Issue 163, March/April 2013). Review of Jeffery Webber, Red October: Left-Indigenous Struggles in Modern Bolivia (Brill, 2011/Haymarket, 2012). See also review by Jason Farbman: Class struggle and indigenous liberation (International Socialist Review, Issue 83, May 2012)
Revolution against ‘progress’: the TIPNIS struggle and class contradictions in Bolivia. By Jeffery R Webber (International Socialism, Issue 133, Winter 2012). “Jeffrey R. Webber critically examines the recent attack by the Morales government on indigeneus land rights.” See debate: The Morales government: neoliberalism in disguise? By Federico Fuentes (International Socialism, Issue 134, Spring 2012) Emancipation by dispossession? A rejoinder to Federico Fuentes. By Jeffery R Webber (International Socialism, Issue 136, Autumn 2012)
Bolivia’s uncertain revolution. By Dawn Paley (Against the Current, Issue 155, November-December 2011). Review of, among others, Jeffery Webber, From rebellion to reform in Bolivia: Class struggle, indigenous liberation, and the politics of Evo Morales (Haymarket, 2011)
A revolution’s heritage. By Marc Becker (Against the Current, Issue 155, November-December 2011). Review of S. Sándor John, Bolivia’s Radical Tradition: Permanent revolution in the Andes (University of Arizona Press, 2009)
Evo Morales’ wrong turn in Bolivia. By Mike Gonzalez (Socialist Worker, Issue 2274, 22 October 2011). “Evo Morales was elected president of Bolivia as the voice of a mass movement; but a battle over a new road exposes the gulf between his rhetoric and reality.”
Evo between Bolivia’s classes. By Jason Farbman (International Socialist Review, Issue 77, May–June 2011). Review of Jeffery Webber, From rebellion to reform in Bolivia: Class struggle, indigenous liberation, and the politics of Evo Morales (Haymarket, 2011)
The rise of MAS and Evo Morales. By Susan Jappie (A World to Win, 23 May 2011). Review of Adrian Pearce (ed.), Evo Morales and the Movimiento Al Socialismo in Bolivia: The First Term in Context 2005-2009 (Institute for the Study of the Americas, 2011)
Rebellion and reform in Bolivia (, April 19, 2011). David Broder interviews Jeffery R. Webber about his two books on Bolivian politics.
Bolivia’s reconstituted neoliberalism: From rebellion to reform. By Jeffery R. Webber (International Socialist Review, Issue 73, September-October 2010). “The arguments advanced above clearly run against the standard accounts of the Morales government from both the right and the left.” See debate: Bolivia today: an exchange between Federico Fuentes and Jeffery Webber (Issue 76, March-April 2011) Separating fact from fantasy in Bolivia: A review of Jeffery R. Webber’s From Rebellion to Reform in Bolivia. By Federico Fuentes (MR Zine, 20 August 2011; online at Internet Archive)
Struggle, continuity and contradiction in Bolivia. By Jeffery R. Webber (International Socialism, Issue 125, Winter 2010). Review of John Crabtree and Laurence Whitehead (eds.), Unresolved Tensions: Bolivia Past and Present (University of Pittsburgh, 2008)
Bolivia: Transition on hold. By Jeffery R. Webber (Against the Current, Issue 129, July-August 2007). “… the Morales government represents the ideological resurgence of populism.”
Morales and the Bolivian state. By Crawford Spence and Mark Shenkin (International Socialism, Issue 112, Autumn 2006). “The following article explores the tentative development of a new form of political organisation in Bolivia, as it emerged after Evo Morales’s victory in the presidential elections of December 2005.”
The chequered rainbow. By Forrest Hylton and Sinclair Thomson (New Left Review, Issue 35, September-October 2005). “As tensions mount on the eve of national elections in Bolivia, a study of the longest insurrectionary cycle of any Latin American country …”
Bolivia: the rising of the people. By Mike Gonzalez (International Socialism, Issue 108, Autumn 2005). “Bolivia’s workers, peasants and indigenous peoples rose up to drive out the the second president in 21 months.”
The rebellion in Bolivia. By Jeffery R. Webber (Against the Current, Issue 116, May-June 2005). “Bolivia’s time of uncertainty is one of regionalizing class struggle and clearly delineated, conflicting national projects.” See also: Bolivia Postscript: Tensions building (ibid.)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen 9. april 1952, om den bolivianske “februar-revolution”.
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