Denne linksamling er i 3 dele og handler om marxistisk økonomi. 1. Kapitalen og en række introduktioner og debatartikler. 2. Marxistiske kriseteorier. 3. En række bøger og pjecer på dansk om marxistisk økonomi.
Indhold / Contents

- Om Kapitalen / On Capital
- Marxistiske kriseteorier / Marxist theories on crises
- Bøger/pjecer på dansk om marxistisk økonomi (introduktioner mv.)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek/see also:
- Tidslinjen: 11. september 1867, for yderligere materiale om Kapitalen.
- Linkbox: Karl Marx 200
- Tidslinjen: 5. maj 1818 om Karl Marx.
- Linkbox: Marxist Books on the Global Financial Crisis and Capitalism
- Linkbox Kapitalismen i krise (2) 2009-
- Linkbox: Kapitalismen i krise (1) 2008
- Linkbox: Neoliberalisme
- Emneoversigt: Økonomi / Economy
Om Kapitalen / On Capital
Af Karl Marx. 11 bind. Redigeret af Johs. Witt-Hansen (Rhodos, 1970-1972)
Se 1. bog (bind 1-3) online på Marxistiske Klassikere
- Kapitalen. Af Gerd Callesen.
Capital Condensed: A Short Guide to Marx’s Capital for Our Age of Global Crises
By Colin Chalmers (Beachy Head Press, 2023, 150 pages)
“The idea of the book was just to condense what Marx said in Capital into something that was more easily readable and much, much shorter.” See:
- The books Introduction (Capitalcondensed.net)
- Think outside the box of capitalism! (Solidarity & Workers Liberty, Issue 688, 1 November 2023). Colin Chalmers spoke to Solidarity.
A Companion to Marx’s ‘Capital’, [Volume 1]
By David Harvey (Verso, 2010, 356 pages)
“Based on his recent lectures, this current volume aims to bring this depth of learning to a broader audience, guiding first-time readers through a fascinating and deeply rewarding text. A Companion to Marx’s Capital offers fresh, original and sometimes critical interpretations of a book that changed the course of history and, as Harvey intimates, may do so again.” See:
- The book online at Libcom.org
- Reading Capital: A close reading of the text of Karl Marx’s Capital, Volume I, in 13 video lectures by Professor David Harvey (DavidHarvey.org)
- Walking through Capital with David Harvey. By Martin Thomas (Solidarity, Issue 230, 25 January 2012)
- How much is too much? Review by Benjamin Kunkel (London Review of Books, Vol.33, No.3, February 2011)
- Review by Adam Fabry (Socialist Review, Issue 346, April 2010)
A Companion to Marx’s ‘Capital’, Volume 2
By David Harvey (Verso, 2013, 384 pages)
“Based on his recent lectures, and following the success of his companion to the first volume of Capital, Harvey turns his attention to Volume 2, aiming to bring his depth of learning to a broader audience, guiding first-time readers through a fascinating and often-neglected text.” See:
- The book online at Libcom.org
- To venner når du skal lese kapitalen. Av Jokke Fjeldstad (Gnist: Marxistisk Tidsskrift, nr.2, 2018).
- Reading Capital: A close reading of the text of Karl Marx’s Capital Volume 2 (plus parts of Volume 3) in 12 video lectures by Professor David Harvey (DavidHarvey.org)
- Review by Derek Wall (Marx & Philosophy Review of Books, 2 May 2014)
Deciphering Capital: Marx’s Capital and its Destiny
By Alex Callinicos (Bookmarks, 2014, 334 pages)
“Alex Callinicos offers his own substantial contribution to the debate. He tackles the question of Marx’s method, his relation to Hegel, value theory and labour. He engages with Marxist thinkers past and present, from Gramsci and Althusser to Harvey and Jameson.” See:
- Deciphering Capital (YouTube.com, 1:03:44 min.). Alex Callinicos at Marxism 2014.
- Marx’s Method in Capital (YouTube.com, 1:21:21 min.). David Harvey & Alex Callinicos at Marxism 2014.
- Deciphering Capital (YouTube.com, 1:51:34 min.). Alex Callinicos, Michael Roberts & Christopher Arthur at Marxism 2014.
- Exploring Capital (Socialist Review, June 2014). “Socialist Review spoke to Alex Callinicos about his forthcoming book examining Marx’s understanding of capitalism.”
- Hjelp til å forstå Kapitalen. Anmeldelse av Torstein Dahle (Rødt! Marxistisk Tidskrift, nr.2, 2015, s.124-128)
- Capital in context. Review by Jacques Bidet (International Socialism, Issue 151, Summer 2016, p.203-204)
- Review by Pete Green (Marx & Philosophy Review of Books, 5 December 2014)
- Behind Capital. Review by Joe Sabatini (RS21, September 25, 2014)
- Why Karl Marx remains relevant. Review by Mark L Thomas (Socialist Worker, Issue 2411, 8 July 2014; online at Internet Archive)
- Michael Roberts on Deciphering Capital by Alex Callinicos (pdf) (Michael Roberts Blog, November 10, 2014)
- From establishment to anti-establishment (Michael Roberts Blog, October 28, 2014). Review of books by Owen Jones, Martin Wolf, Paul Krugman, James Galbraith – and Alex Callinicos’ book.
A Guide to Marx’s Capital, Volume 1-3
By Kenneth Smith (Anthem Press, 2012, 208 pages)
“A comprehensive and user-friendly guide to all three volumes of Karl Marx’s ‘Capital’, with advice on further reading and points for further discussion.” See:
- Review by Pete Green (Marx & Philosophy Review of Book, 7 February 2014). “As a guide to Marx’s economic thought this book is so wrong-headed it would take far more space than is available to critique its assorted errors and misinterpretations.”
An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx’s ‘Capital’
By Michael Heinrich (Monthly Review Press, 2012, 240 pages)
“Heinrich’s modern interpretation of Capital is now available to English-speaking readers for the first time. It has gone through nine editions in Germany, is the standard work for Marxist study groups, and is used widely in German universities. The author systematically covers all three volumes of Capital and explains all the basic aspects of Marx’s critique of capitalism in a way that is clear and concise.” See:
- An interview with Michael Heinrich: the interpretation of Capital, Part 1 (The North Star, October 21, 2013) + Part 2 (October 22, 2013)
- Tilbage til Marx for at se fremad. Af Steen Nepper Larsen (Information.dk, 16. november 2013). Anmeldelse af svenske udgave af bogen: Introduktion til de tre volymerna av Marx Kapitalet (Tankekraft Förlag, 2013)
- Reading Capital. Review by Charlie Post (Against the Current, Issue 164, May-June 2013)
- Review by Paul Hampton (Workers’ Liberty, 11 March 2013). With comments by Barry Finger.
- Review by Chris O’Kane (Marx & Philosophy Review of Books, 1 January 2013)
- Review by Dominic Alexander (Counterfire, 26 October 2012)
- The two Michaels (Heinrich and Roberts) in Berlin – dogmatism versus doubt (Michael Roberts Blog, May 19, 2015). From a debate with Michael Heinrich.
- Crisis theory, the law of the tendency of the profit rate to fall, and Marx’s studies in the 1870s. By Michael Heinrich (Monthly Review, Vol.64, No.11, April 2013, p.15-31)
- Some thoughts on Michael Heinrich versus ‘the classics’. By Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxist, May 29, 2013)
- The unmaking of Marx’s ‘Capital’: Heinrich’s attempt to eliminate Marx’s crisis theory. By Andrew Kliman, Alan Freeman, Nick Potts, Alexey Gusev and Brendan Cooney (With Sober Senses, July 22, 2013, 20 p.)
- Michael Roberts and Guglielmo Carchedi on Heinrich (pdf) (Michael Roberts Blog, May 19 – July 28, 2013, 15 p.)
A critique of Heinrich’s, ‘crisis theory, the law of the tendency of the profit rate to fall, and Marx’s studies in the 1870s’ (Monthly Review, December 1, 2013). Articles by Shane Mage, Fred Moseley, Guglielmo Carchedi & Michael Roberts and Michael Heinrich.
- Heinrich responds (Michael Roberts Blog, December 10, 2013)
Karl Marx’s ‘Capital’ in Lithographs
By Hugo Gellert (Ray Long & Richard R. Smith, 1934, 60 pages; online at Internet Archive)
“In this book only the most essential parts of the original text are given. But with the aid of the drawings the necessary material for the understanding of the fundamentals of Marxism is included.” See also extracts with litographs at Graphic Witness (March 7, 2018; online at Internet Archive).
Marx’s ‘Capital’
By Ben Fine and Alfredo Saad-Filho. Sixth edition (Pluto Press, 2016, 208 pages)
“Discussing Capital’s relevance today, the authors consider Marx’s impact on economics, philosophy, history, politics and other social sciences. Keeping abstract theorising to a minimum, this readable introduction highlights the continuing relevance of Marx’s ideas in the light of the problems of contemporary capitalism.” See:
- The the fourth edition (2004) online at McNally.org (pdf)
- Review by Duncan Simpson (Counterfire, 8 October 2010)
- Norsk udgave: Om Kapitalen av Marx (Forlaget Rødt!, 2009, 218 sider). Oversættelse af 5. engelske udgave (2010).
“Dette er den beste veilederen for å forstå hovedverket til Karl Marx, Kapitalen. Om Kapitalen av Marx forklarer komplekse tanker på en beundringsverdig klar måte. Den har den sjeldne egenskapen at den både har noe viktig å si til økonomer og samtidig er tilgjengelig for lesere som ikke er spesialister i faget.”
Marx’s Capital Illustrated
By David N. Smith, illustrated by Phil Evans (Haymarket Books, 2014, 211 pages)
“Fresh, funny, and copiously illustrated, this book is for everyone who wants better insight into Capital and capitalism.”
Marx’s Das Kapital for Beginners
By Michael Wayne (Steerforth Press, 2012, 144 pages)
“[The book] runs through in chapter format some of the key concepts of Capital from the commodity to value and crises. There are quotes from Capital itself and the text, together with the illustrations.” See:
- Why reading Marx’s Das Kapital still matters. By Mike Wayne (Counterfire, 21 June 2012)
- Review by Keith Flett (LSHG Newsletter, Issue 47, Autumn 2012)
- Review by Dominique Richards (Socialist Review, Issue 372, September 2012)
A People’s Guide to Capitalism
By Hadas Thier (Haymarket Books, 2020, 300 pages)
“A lively, accessible, and timely guide to Capitalism for those who want to understand and dismantle the world of the 1%.” See:
- Solid og letlæst vejviser i kapitalismen og dens kriser. Af Torstein Dahle (Solidaritet.dk, 25. marts 2021). “Den bedste introduktion jeg har læst i nyere tid.”
- Excerpts from the book: Under Capitalism, there’s no such thing as a “Fair day’s wage for a fair day’s work” (Jacobin, July 9, 2020) + The working class is the vast majority of society (Jacobin, September 13, 2020).
- Marxism shows us how our problems are connected. By Alan Maass (Jacobin, January 5, 2020). “[The book] is a lively, accessible, and thorough account of Marxist economic theory, as well as a study guide …”
- Review by Michael Roberts (Blogging from a Marxist economist, October 25, 2020). “Be that as it may [the crisis theory], Thier has written an excellent introduction to Marx’s analysis of capitalism …”
- Economics for the People. By Steve Leigh (New Politics, September 22, 2020). “This is a well-written, accessible introduction, which is also stimulating even for those familiar with Marxist Economics.”
PolyluxMarx: An Illustrated Workbook for Studying Marx’s Capital
By Valeria Bruschi, Antonella Muzzupappa, Sabine Nuss, Anne Stecklner and Ingo Stützle (Monthly Review Press, 2014, 136 pages)
“Reading Capital can be a daunting endeavor and most readers need guidance when tackling this complex work. PolyluxMarx provides such guidance …” See:
- PolyluxMarx: A Capital Workbook in Slides (Polyluxmarx.de)
- Review by Sean Ledwith (Counterfire, September 18, 2014)
A Reader’s Guide to Marx’s Capital
By Joseph Choonara (Bookmarks, 2017, 160 pages)
“This book, aimed at both individual readers and reading groups, takes each chapter of the first volume of Capital in turn, leading the reader through Marx’s key arguments and offering insights and contemporary examples that can provide further illumination.” See:
- Capital—a vampire at work. By Joseph Choonara (Socialist Worker, Issue 2567, 12 August 2017). “The first volume of Karl Marx’s Capital was published a century and a half ago. Joseph Choonara, author of a new reader’s guide to the work, explains its relevance today.”
- Interview: ‘People are searching for ideas to explain the system’ (Socialist Review, Issue 426, July-August 2017; online at Internet Archive). “Camilla Royle spoke to Joseph Choonara about the relevance of Marx’s great work to the world today.” See also debate: Productive labour?, by Ken Muller (ibid., Issue 427, September 2017) + An important distinction, by Joseph Choonara (ibid., Issue 428, October 2017) + Defining value, by Raymond Storry (ibid., Issue 430, December 2017).
- Marx’s Capital at 150. Review by Nick Moore (International Socialism, Issue 156, Autumn 2017, p.177-188). “Choonara’s guide stands out not just because of its clarity and accessibility but also because of the way he deals with Marx’s method and the crucial concept of value.”
- Review by Sean Egan (Irish Marxist Review, Vol.6, No.18, 2017, p.90-91). “I was surprised at the scope and depth of material that Choonara covered in such a small, slim volume.”
- Best books of 2017 (Michael Roberts Blog, December 21, 2017). “In my view, Joseph Choonara’s [book] was the clearest and concise of all the various ‘readers’ or video lectures that are available or were published this year.”
Representing ‘Capital’: A Reading of Volume One
By Fredric Jameson (Verso, 2011, 168 pages)
“… Fredric Jameson’s first book-length engagement with Marx’s magnum opus, is a unique work of scholarship that records the progression of Marx’s thought as if it were a musical score.” See:
- Fredric Jameson on the reserve army. By Matt McGregor (Monthly Review, Vol.63, April 2012)
- Review by Simon Choat (Marx & Philosophy Review of Books, 2 March 2012)
- Review by John Cooper (Socialist Review, Issue 361, September 2011)
Understanding Marx’s Capital: A Readers Guide
By Adam Booth and Rob Sewell (Wellred, 2018, 280 pages)
“The aim of this book is to help guide readers through the pages of volume one of Capital; to bring out the main themes and ideas contained within it; and to discuss the relevance of this great Marxist classic in terms of understanding the crisis-ridden world around us today.”
See Socialist.net.
Unravelling Capitalism: A Guide to Marxist Political Economy
By Joseph Choonara (Bookmarks, 2009, 159 pages)
“Joseph Choonara introduces Marx’s approach to understanding capitalism – developed above all in the three volumes of Capital. He also outlines how this can be applied to capitalism as it has developed since Marx’s time.” See:
- Review by Rob Jackson (Socialist Review, May 2009; online at Internet Archive)
- Unravelling nonsense (Revolutionary Communist Group, 2 December 2009)
- Guidebook for understanding the system. Review by Daisy Farnham (Solidarity (AU), December, 2009; online at Internet Archive)
- See also Joseph Choonara: Introducing Marxist Economics (pdf). Revised edition (SWP, 2013, 24 p.; online at Internet Archive) (Education for Socialists) + The political economy of the long depression (International Socialism, Issue 154, Spring 2018, p.81-110)
Marxistiske kriseteorier / Marxist theories on crises
Marxists Internet Archive
- Encyclopedia of Marxism: Glossary of Terms: Crisis of Capitalism
- Subject Archive: Marx and Engels on Political Economy
“Principle writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels on political economy, 1844-1883.” - Subject Archive: Political Economy After Marx: Marxist Critiques
“Analysis, criticism & explanation of Marx’s work on political economy.”
- Marxistisk Ekonomi
Artiklar och Böcker på svensk om marxistisk ekonomi.
A History of Marxian Economics
By M.C. Howard and J.E. King
Vol. 1, 1888-1929 (pdf) (MacMillan, 1989, 359 pages; online at Digamo.free.fr)
“The analysis begins with Engels’s development of Marxism and early controversies in the theory of value. Subsequent chapters deal with the work of leading Marxist economists in the Second International, concentrating upon the work of German and Russian theorists. The volume concludes with a review of intellectual developments in political economy during the 1920s.”
Vol. 2, 1929-1990 (pdf) (MacMillan, 1992, 420 pages; online at Digamo.free.fr)
“The main themes of Marian political economy in this period are the analyses of the Great Depression and Stalinism, the understanding of the ‘long boom’ and its demise, the development of new theories of imperialism, continuing controversies in the theories of value and exploitation, and the formulation of a Marxism founded on rational choice and the elaboration of an economics of socialism.”
A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists
Second edition. Edited by Philip Aretis and Malcolm Sawyer (Edward Elgar, 2000, 722 pages). P.t. ikke online.
“The dissent indicated in the title of this dictionary is from neoclassical economics. Such dissenters are identified by a variety of labels (and sometimes no label at all) including institutionalist, post-Keynesian, Kaleckian, Marxian and neo-Marxian, Sraffian and radical political economists.”
På dansk og svensk
Er profitratens tendens til fald den rigtige forklaring på den økonomiske krise? (pdf). Af Jonas Gielfeldt (Kritisk Debat, 15. februar 2016; online på DBC Webarkiv)
“Jeg vil herefter gå ind og se på to forklaringer af den nuværende økonomiske krise: Den ene er Andrew Klimans fortolkning, der tager udgangspunkt i loven om profitratens tendens til fald, mens den anden er David Harvey, der i stedet tager sit afsæt i Marx’ perspektiv om overakkumulation/underkonsumption.”
Hundra år med marxistisk kristeori (Röda Rummet, nr.3, 2012, s.10-13). Artiklen er også trykt i tidsskriftet Rødt! (nr.2, 2013, s.16-29)
“Profitkvotens tendentiella fall, underkonsumtion eller överproduktion? Få ämnen i den marxistiska tradionen är snårigare än teoribildningen runt det kapitalistiska systemets kriser. Ståle Holgersen tecknar grunddragen i 100 års polemik om ‘den rätta teorin’.”
De store kriser 1: kriseteori og kriser i 1800-tallet – inspirationen fra Marx. Af Birger Linde (Internationale Udviklingsstudier, Roskilde Universitetscenter, 2004, 198 sider) (Project Paper, 4). Se Ole Wugge Christiansen: Marx og kriseteori (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 10. januar 2005). “Birger Linde har skrevet en fremragende introduktion til Marx’ økonomikritik, som viser hans teoriudvikling som en søgende proces. Men fokuseringen på kriseteori svækker kapitalismekritikken.”
Derfor er der krise. Af Chris Harman (Internationale Socialisters forlag, 1992, 61 sider; online på Marxisme.dk) (Kapitalismens krise, 1)
“Det centrale i Marx’ forklaring af kapitalismens tilbøjelighed til krise er, hvad han kalder ‘loven om profitratens tendens til fald’. Når kapitalismen udvikles, siger Marx, så tenderer profitraten, det man får tilbage på givne kapitalinvesteringer, til at falde, og det er et direkte resultat af den måde, som kapitalismen udvikler produktivkræfterne på, af den måde som væksten finder sted på.”
En indføring i kriseteoriernes historie. Af Anwar Shaikh (Kurasje, nr.22, januar 1980, s.5-50)
“Artiklen er skrevet som en kritisk introduktion til det virvar af kriseteorier, der er udviklet på forskellige tidspunkter i kapitalismens historie af såvel borgerskab som arbejderklasse, men som dog stadigvæk spiller en væsentlig rolle i den politiske kamp. Som bekendt eksisterer der jo flere delvist modstridende kriseforklaringer såvel indenfor socialdemokratiet som inden for de forskellige venstrefløjspartier.”
Se også svensk udgave: Introduktion till kristeoriernas historia (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se)
Kriser og kriseteorier. Af Paul Mattick (Kurasje/Modtryk, 1974, 136 sider; online på Marxistisk Internet Arkiv: Dansk afdeling)
Indhold: Den borgerlige økonomi – Marx’ kriseteori – Epigonerne – Blandingsøkonomiens glans og elendighed.
In English: Economic crisis and crisis theory (Marxists Internet Archive)
In English
Why capitalism fails: Marxist crisis theory. By Charlie Post (Tempest, October 19, 2023)
“Different socialist strategies rest, implicitly or explicitly, on different crisis theories. This talk will review the three main radical and Marxian theories—under-consumption, profit squeeze, and the falling rate of profit to determine their theoretical consistency, factual accuracy and political implications.”
The tendency for the rate of profit to decline—and why it matters. By Edward L. Tapia (New Politics, Issue 67, Summer 2919)
“This article seeks to present a brief theoretical outline of the law itself with the intention of highlighting its political significance to overcoming the logic of capital.”
The Marxist theory of economic crises in capitalism. Part one (Michael Roberts Blog, December 27, 2015) + Part two (December 29, 2015)
“Marx’s theory was based on his law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall and that this law was realistic and coherent … [and] some empirical evidence from modern capitalist economies to support this view.”
Radical economic theories of the current economic crisis (pdf) (URPE/Union of Radical Political Economics, August 2012, 23 p.)
With contributions from Steve Keen, Andrew Kliman, David M. Kotz, Arthur MacEwan and John Miller, Fred Moseley, Thomas I. Palley, Jack Rasmus, Michael Roberts, Anwar Shaikh and Richard Wolff.
Crisis or breakdown? (Michael Roberts Blog, September 12, 2012)
“The issue is this: is Marx’s causal explanation of capitalist crises just that: a theory of recurrent and even regular crises, of booms and slumps in capitalist accumulation? Or is it more than that (or alternatively), a theory of breakdown, namely an explanation of how capitalism cannot continue indefinitely (even if it has regular crises), but must reach its limits as a system of social organisation, then break down and be replaced by a new system.” See also:
- Revisiting a world rate of profit (pdf). By Michael Roberts (ibid., July 2015, 12 p.)
- The historical transience of capital: the downward trend in the rate of profit since XIX century (pdf). By Esteban Ezequiel Maito (MPRA Paper, No.55894, 11 May 2014, 22 p.)
Interpretations of the economic crisis. By Claudio Katz (International Socialist Review, Issue 75, January–February 2011)
“In the two years since the economic crisis began, explanations of what happened continue to be dominated by a point/counterpoint between neoliberals and Keynesians … In the face of these arguments a space has begun to open for another interpretation with Marxist roots, which attributes the upheaval to the inherent imbalances of capitalism.”
Exploring the roots of the crisis. By Charlie Post (Against the Current, No.141, July/August 2009)
“What follow is a very brief outline presentation of the four main radical and Marxist theories of crisis … After presenting each theory, I will attempt to evaluate them in terms of their political implications, logical structure, and factual/empirical validity.”
Marxist accounts of the current crisis. By Joseph Choonara (International Socialism, Issue 123, Summer 2009, p.81-110)
“The biggest global economic crisis since the 1930s has produced a range of analyses from Marxists. Joseph Choonara provides a critical survey.”
The rate of profit and the world today. By Chris Harman (International Socialism, No.115, Summer 2007, p.141-161)
“Few of Marx’s idea have produced as much criticism from subsequent Marxists as his theory of the falling rate of profit. Chris Harman explains the theory and looks at its relevance to capitalism today.”
Marx’s theory of economic crisis. By Stuart Easterling (International Socialist Review Issue, Issue 32, November–December 2003)
“This article will attempt to lay out the basic elements of the crisis theory found in Marx’s writings on economics, beginning with a review of some of the fundamentals of Marx’s analysis.”
Marx on capitalist crisis. By Martin Thomas (Workers’ Liberty, 28 August, 2008)
Notes from Brisbane Workers’ Liberty study course (2000)
See also: An exchange on crises and the ‘Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall’ (16 November, 2008)
Marx’s theory of crisis
By Simon Clarke (Palgrave Macmillan, 1994, 198 pages; online at Libcom.org)
“The theory of crisis has always played a central role within Marxism, and yet has been one of its weakest elements. Simon Clarke’s important new book provides the first systematic account of Marx’s own writings on crisis, examining the theory within the context of Marx’s critique of political economy and of the dynamics of capitalism.”
See reviews:
Making a comeback: the Marxist theory of crisis. By Judith Orr (International Socialism, Issue 79, Summer 1998, p.63-70).
Marx’s theory of crises. By Ernest Mandel (I: Marxian Economics, edited by John Eatwell, Murray Milgate & Peter Newman, London, The New Palgrave, 1990). Chapter from the article Karl Marx (p.1-38)
“Marx did not write a systematic treatise on capitalist crises. His major comments on the subject are spread around his major economic writings, as well as his articles for the New York Daily Tribune.”
Marx’s theory of crisis and its critics. By Chris Harman (International Socialism, Issue 11, Winter 1981, p.30-71)
“In this part we have attempted to deal, at an abstract level, with the dynamics of the system as depicted by Marx, and the factors (including those pointed out by Marx himself), which could offset the basic dynamic at various points in the development of the system.”
Economic crisis and crisis theory. By Paul Mattick (London, Merlin Press, 1981, 227 pages; online at Marxists Internet Archive)
Contents: Bourgeois Economics – Marx’s Crisis Theory – The Epigones – Splendor and Misery of the Mixed Economy – Ernest Mandel’s Late Capitalism.
In Danish: Kriser og kriseteorier (Marxistisk Internet Arkiv: Dansk afdeling)
Economic crises (pdf). By Anwar Shaikh (I: A Dictionary of Marxist Thought, edited by Tom Bottomore, Oxford, Blackwell, 1983, p.138-143) + Falling rate of profit (pdf) (p.159-160)
Theories of the crisis. By Chris Harman (International Socialism, Issue 9, Summer 1980, p.45-80)
“As the reality of capitalist crisis came to be something which was taken for granted in the late 1960s and early 1970s … a range of quite different explanations of the crisis appeared in Marxist publications. This article is an attempt to look at some of these.”
An introduction to the history of crisis theories (pdf). By Anwar Shaikh (I: U.S. Capitalism in Crisis, edited by Bruce Steinberg, New York, Union for Radical Political Economics, 1978, p.219-241)
“Anwar Shaikh traces the history of different theories of crisis and reviews their various political Implikations.”
Svensk udgave: Introduktion till kristeoriernas historia (pdf) (Fjärde Internationalen, nr.3-4, 1984; online på Marxistarkiv.se)
Dansk udgave: En indføring i kriseteoriernes historie (pdf) (Kurasje, nr.22, januar 1980, s.5-50)
Books and Pamphlets on Marxian Economics (Study Guide, The Socialist Party of Great Britain, July 1971; online at Internet Archive WayBack Machine)
Bøger/pjecer på dansk om marxistisk økonomi (introduktioner mv.)
Marxistisk økonomi: En introduktion til Marx’ arbejdsværditeori
Af Mick Brooks (Socialisten, 2016, 18 sider; online på Marxist.dk). Tidligere i: Hvad er marxisme? (Forlaget Marx, 2009, s.304-324)
Introduktion til marxistisk økonomi: fra basale begreber til moderne kriser
Af Rob Sewell (Forlaget Marx, 2015, 144 sider). Se anmeldelse af Ole Wugge Christiansen (Modkraft.dk, 27. november 2015)
Kapitalen af Karl Marx: en nyfortolkning af Kapitalen
Kolofontitel: Kapitalen – som manga (Modtryk, 2009, 174 sider, alle illustreret). Med efterord af Hans-Jørgen Schanz.
Introduktion til marxistisk økonomi
Af Alan Woods og Rob Sewell. I: Hvad er marxisme? (Forlaget Marx, 2009, s.429-443; online på Marxist.dk)
De basale begreber i marxistisk økonomi
Af Peter Green (Internationale Socialisters Forlag, 1990, 34 sider; online på Marxisme.dk) (Grundskoling for socialister, 1)
Kapital, krise og stat: en kort indføring i kritikken af den politiske økonomi
Af Birger Linde (Århus Bogcafe’s forlag, 1984, 56 sider). Kraftig revideret udgave af artikel i Den Røde Kalender 1975 (Politisk Revy, 1974, s.145-172)
Introduktion til den marxistiske kriseteori
Af Carsten Ringmose (Skipper Clement, 1979, 170 sider)
Den kapitalistiske økonomi: en populær fremstilling af Karl Marx’ økonomiske teori
Af Gustav Bang (Tiderne Skifter, 1978, 187 sider). Med tillæg af Karl Korsch: Vejledning ved læsning af ‘Kapitalen’s første bog (s.154-159). Tidligere udgivet med titlen: Den kapitalistiske samfundshusholdning (Socialdemokratiets Forlag Fremad, 1912, 149 sider). Tillægget også bragt i Den røde kalender 1974.
Karl Korsch-tillægget er fra: Introduction to Capital (1932) (Marxists Internet Archive)
Den kapitalistiske udbytning: en indføring i marxismen
Af Pierre Jalée (Demos, 1976, 125 sider)
Kapitalens tilblivelseshistorie: råudkastet til Kapitalen fra 1857-58
Af Roman Rosdolsky (Modtryk, 1975-76, 570 sider) (Til kritikken af den politiske økonomi, 14-15)
Online på svensk: Kapitalets tillkomsthistoria (pdf) (Marxistsarkiv.se)
Den marxistiske teori om kriser, kapital og staten
Af David S. Yaffe (Modtryk, 1974, 62 sider) (Til kritikken af den politiske økonomi, 7)
Online på svensk: Den marxistiska teorin om kriser, kapital och staten (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se)
In English: The Marxian theory of crisis, capital and the state (Marxists Internet Archive)
Marxismens grundspørgsmål
Af Karl Korsch (Den røde kalender 1974, Politisk Revy, 1973, s.122-142; online på Socialistisk Bibliotek). Også online på Marxisme.dk.
Vejledning ved læsning af “Kapitalen” (Bind I)
Af Karl Korsch (Den røde kalender 1974, Politisk Revy, 1973, s.142-145; online på Socialistisk Bibliotek). Også online på Marxisme.dk.
Indføring i marxismens økonomiske teori
Af Ernest Mandel (Revolutionære Socialisters Forbund, 1973, 64 sider) (Røde hæfter, 5). Genoptryk: Indføring i marxismens økonomiske teori: en introduktion (Solidaritet, 2016, 117 sider)
Online på svensk: Introduktion till marxismens ekonomiska teori (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se)
In English: An introduction to Marxist economic theory (Marxists Internet Archive)
Introduktion til Kapitalens første bind
Af Autorenkollektiv Marx-Arbeitsgruppe Historiker (Kurasje, 1972, 224 sider) (Bidrag til kritik af den politiske økonomi, 1)
Kapitalismens politiske økonomi
Af Isi Grünbaum (Røde Hane, 1970, 168 sider).
Revideret og udvidet udgave af Isi Grünbaums bog fra 1947, Kapitalismens økonomi.
Bogen udkom i en stærkt revideret udgave i 1980 (Tiden, 251 sider)