Stowage of the British slave ship Brookes under the regulated slave trade act of 1788. Date: December 1788. Made by Plymouth Chapter of the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade. This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division. Public Domain.
Stowage of the British slave ship Brookes under the regulated slave trade act of 1788. Date: December 1788. Made by Plymouth Chapter of the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade. This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Emneboks med samling af emnelister, linkboxe, personlister, tidslinje mm. på Socialistisk Bibliotek (+ leksikale) om slaveriet og modstand / Links at Socialistisk Bibliotek – Progressive Online Library – on the history of slavery and rebellions.

Den aktuelle årsag er danske premieren (2014) på filmen “12 Years A Slave”.

The current reason for this collection is the Danish opening of the movie “12 Years A Slave”.

Indhold/ Content:


Se også-links / See also links

På dansk:

In English:

Marxists Internet Archive:

Sailor on a slave ship suspending an African girl by her ankle from a rope over a pulley. Captain John Kimber stands on the left with a whip in his hand. Title: "The abolition of the slave trade Or the inhumanity of dealers in human flesh exemplified in Captn. Kimber's treatment of a young Negro girl of 15 for her virjen (sic) modesty." Shows an alleged incident of an enslaved African girl whipped to death for refusing to dance naked on the deck of the slave ship Recovery, a slaver owned by Bristol merchants. Captain John Kimber was denounced before the House of Commons by William Wilberforce over the incident. In response to outrage by abolitionists, Captain Kimber was brought up on charges before the High Court of Admiralty in June 1792, but acquitted of all charges. Published by S.W Fores, London, April 10, 1792. Attributed to Isaac Cruikshank, 1756?-1811? Public Domain. Collection: Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division.
Sailor on a slave ship suspending an African girl by her ankle from a rope over a pulley. Captain John Kimber stands on the left with a whip in his hand. Title: “The abolition of the slave trade Or the inhumanity of dealers in human flesh exemplified in Captn. Kimber’s treatment of a young Negro girl of 15 for her virjen (sic) modesty.” Shows an alleged incident of an enslaved African girl whipped to death for refusing to dance naked on the deck of the slave ship Recovery, a slaver owned by Bristol merchants. Captain John Kimber was denounced before the House of Commons by William Wilberforce over the incident. In response to outrage by abolitionists, Captain Kimber was brought up on charges before the High Court of Admiralty in June 1792, but acquitted of all charges. Published by S.W Fores, London, April 10, 1792. Attributed to Isaac Cruikshank, 1756?-1811? Public Domain. Collection: Library of Congress’s Prints and Photographs division. Source: Wikimedia Commons.



Den Amerikanske Borgerkrig og Abraham Lincoln / Links on the American Civil War, the abolishing of slavery and on president Lincoln (& Karl Marx!). Artikler mm. / Articles etc., Emancipationserklæringen / The Emancipation Proclamation + Abraham Lincoln & Steven Spielbergs ‘Lincoln’.

John Brown – guerilla mod slaveriet: om den amerikanske abolitionist og slaverimodstander John Brown. Og om sangen “John Brown’s Body”.

C.L.R. James & “The Black Jacobins”. Biografier, sites, artikler om C.L.R. James og bogen “The Black Jacobins” / Biographies, sites, articles on C.L.R. James and on his book “The Black Jacobins” (on Toussaint L’Ouverture and the slave revolution).

Malcolm X og “House Negro”, incl.  tekst/video on “House Negro and Field Negro”.

Black Jacobins by C.L.R. James (First Edition, Secker & Warburg, 1938 - Jacket
Black Jacobins by C.L.R. James (First Edition, Secker & Warburg, 1938 – Jacket


Am I not a man emblem used during the campaign to abolish slavery. The image is from a book from 1788. Made 1787 by Josiah Wedgwood, William Hackwood et Henry Webber. Public Domain.
Am I not a man emblem used during the campaign to abolish slavery. The image is from a book from 1788. Made 1787 by Josiah Wedgwood, William Hackwood et Henry Webber. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Tidslinje / Timeline

3. juli 1848 om frigivelse af slaver i Dansk Vestindien / July 3, 1848 on the liberation of slaves at Danish West Indies.  

1. juli 1839 om oprøret på slaveskibet ‘Amistad’ / July 1, 1839 on the rebellion on the slave ship ‘Amistad’.

18. august 1823 om slaveoprør i Britisk Guyana.

17. februar 1818 om Frederick Douglass / February 17, 1818 on Frederick Douglass.

25. marts 1807, hvor England vedtager forbud mod slavehandel / March 25, 1807 on the British abolition of slave trade.

1. januar 1804 om slaveoprøret på Haiti / January 1, 1804 on the slave rebellion on Haiti.

9. september 1739 om Stono-opstanden, slave-oprør i South Carolina / September 9, 1739: Stono Rebellion in South Carolina.

August 1619: de første slavegjorte fra Afrika ankommer til Nordamerika.

71 f.v.t. om slaven Spartakus’ oprør mod Romerriget / 71 BC on the Spartacus rebellion against the Roman Impire.

See also Abolition of slavery timeline (

Scan from book Twelve Years a Slave, by Solomon Northup (1853) Auburn: Derby and Miller, p. 56. Ilustration: Frederick M. Coffin. Public Domain.
Scan from book Twelve Years a Slave, by Solomon Northup (1853) Auburn: Derby and Miller, p. 56. Ilustration: Frederick M. Coffin. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.