Via Appia ved Rom, hvor Spartacus og andre slaveoprørere blev hængt til skræk og advarsel. Foto: Taget september 2010 af Alex1011. (CC BY-SA 3.0). Kilde: Wikimedia Commons.
Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 71 før vor tid..
Den romerske slave Spartacus, født ca. 101 f.v.t., korsfæstes af romerne på Via Appia uden for Rom efter at have anført det største slaveoprør i romertiden, år 73-71 f.v.t., den såkaldte Spartacus-opstand.
Navnet Spartacus/Spartakus er brugt af mange revolutionære organisationer, og oprøret og hans person har inspireret flere bøger, film, tv-serier, etc.
Spartacus: en glemt myte? Af Jesper Carlsen. I: Antikke samfunn i krig og fred: Festskrift til J.H. Schreiner. Red. af Jon W. Iddeng (Oslo, Novus Forlag, 2003, s.138-152; online på DocPlayer). “Spartacus-opstanden var temaet for en international konference afholdt i Blagoevgrad i 1977 i anledning af dens 2050 årsdag.”
How Stanley Kubrick’s Spartacus broke the Hollywood blacklists. By Taylor Dorrell (Jacobin, September 14, 2023). “Telling the story of a slave revolt in ancient Rome, the 1960 film Spartacus was penned by two blacklisted Communist writers. Its arrival in theaters was a middle finger to the McCarthyist witch hunt in Hollywood and publishing.”
60 years of Spartacus. By Phil Butland (International Socialism, Issue 172, Autumn 2021, p.191-206). “For all the film’s weaknesses, there is much to love, both politically, and artistically.”
‘I’m Spartacus!’ (Mutiny, 6 February 2020; online at Internet Archive). “Neil Faulkner pays homage to the slave leader Spartacus and the film star who recreated him for a modern audience.”
Spartacus: rebel or ‘proto-communist’? (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, May 15, 2015). With video of the talk (53:29 min.). “The slave revolt led by Spartacus shook the Roman world to its foundations and, although a failure, has inspired the oppressed for centuries. Communist historian Doug Enaa Greene delivered a talk at the Center for Marxist Education on Spartacus on March 7, 2015.”
A new perspective on antiquity’s greatest slave rebel. By Paul D’Amato (International Socialist Review, Issue 91, Winter 2013-14). Review of Aldo Schiavone, Spartacus (Harvard University Press, 2013, 150 p.). “It places Spartacus in a deep historical context, and, through intelligent conjecture, tries to explain the movements and decisions of the slave army, challenging a number of previously held assumptions along the way.”
Who was Spartacus? By Paul D’Amato (, January 15, 2010). “The gladiators decided to ‘strike for their own freedom rather than for the amusement of spectators’, according to the Roman historian Appian.”
Spartacus – a real representative of the proletariat of ancient times. By Alan Woods (In Defence of Marxism, 3 April 2009). “The spectacle of these most downtrodden people rising up with arms in hand and inflicting defeat after defeat on the armies of the world’s greatest power is one of the most amazing and moving events in history.”
Spartacus and the slaves in revolt. By Neil Faulkner (Socialist Worker, Issue 1935, 22 January 2005). “Over 2,000 years ago a great slave revolt shook the Roman system of exploitation and violence. It is still inspiring for us today.”
The fight between slave and free (Socialist Review, Issue 302, December 2005; online at Internet Archive). “Theresa Urbainczyk looks at the social struggles of ancient Rome.”
Spartacus revolt: inspiration for the proletariat (World Revolution, No.247, September 2001). “The aim of this article is not … to produce a detailed history of Spartacus, but to show why the Spartacus revolt, though carried out by a different exploited class, can really only be understood …”
Spartacus and class struggle in ancient Rome (Graham Stevenson’s site, 1986). “The rebellion of the followers of Spartacus, let us call them Spartacans, very nearly ruined Rome, which was practically brought to its knees in a very short space of time. How was this so? Who was Spartacus? What happened in this great event, known to Rome’s historians as the Servile War? But first, was slave rebellion a common feature of classical antiquity, or did Spartacus lead something entirely unique?”
60 years of Spartacus. By Phil Butland (International Socialism, Issue 172, Autumn 2021, p.191-206). “For all the film’s weaknesses, there is much to love, both politically, and artistically.”
Spartacus: Film and History (pdf). Edited by Martin M. Winkler (Wiley-Blackwell, 2006, 280 p.). “[The book] presents a new assessment of the film from a variety of perspectives.”
Three essays from Cineaste Magazine. By Duncan L. Cooper (The Kubrick Site, 1996): Trumbo vs. Kubrick: their debate over the political meaning of Spartacus + Who killed Spartacus? + Spartacus: still censored after all these years.
Se også:
American film actor Kirk Douglas (1916–2020). By David Walsh (World Socialist Web Site, 10 February 2020). “One of the leading film actors of the post-World War II era, he also played a role in helping to end the anti-communist blacklist by hiring and crediting blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo for his efforts on Spartacus (1960).”
How Kirk Douglas overstated his role in breaking the Hollywood Blacklist. By John Meroney and Sean Coons (The Atlantic, July 5, 2012). “For years, the actor has taken credit for bravely hiring a communist screenwriter in the McCarthy era. But there have long been questions about his version of the story.”
McCartyism (Spartacus Educational). Og om Dalton Trumbo.
Om betydningen af den sortlistede Dalton Trumbos manuskript til Spartacus, se også: Opening Titles (3:50) ( & “I’m Spartacus” (clip):
Kirk Douglas talks about blacklisted ‘Spartacus’ screenwriter Dalton Trumbo (, 11.40 min.)
Spartacus. By Aldo Schiavone (Harvard University Press, 2013, 208 p.). Review by Jeff Jackson (Socialist Review, Issue 380, May 2013; online at Internet Archive). See also review by Paul D’Amato: A new perspective on antiquity’s greatest slave rebel (International Socialist Review, Issue 91, Winter 2013-14)
The Spartacus War. By Barry Strauss (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2009, 240 p.). Review by Phil Shannon: Spartacus: the slave who became a liberator (Green Left Review, Issue 805, August 5, 2009)
Spartacus: Film and History (pdf). Edited by Martin M. Winkler (Wiley-Blackwell, 2006, 280 p.). “[The book] presents a new assessment of the film from a variety of perspectives.”
Spartacus: The Leader of the Roman Slaves. By Francis Ambrose Ridley (Frank Maitland, 1962, 90 p.; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “Marxist historian F.A. Ridley’s account of the revolt led by, among others, Thracian gladiator Spartacus, one of the prominent escaped slave leaders of the Third Servile War against the Roman Republic. Ridley places Spartacus and the uprising in the context of the social systems of antiquity; the rise of Rome as a world power; revolution and counter-revolution in antiquity; the rise of Christianity — and the Spartacist tradition of revolutionary history.” See also 1. edition: Spartacus: A Study in Revolutionary History (National Labour Press, 1944, 79 p.). På dansk:
Spartacus: et studium i revolutionær historie. Af F.A. Ridley (Socialistisk Arbejderforlag, 2002, 39 s.). Oversat af Børge Trolle fra Spartacus: A Study in Revolutionary History (National Labour Press, 1944, 79 p.). Med forord (side 4), noter og personnavne ved oversætteren.
Spartacus. Af Howard Fast (Forlaget Tiden, 1953, 324 s.). Roman.
Gladiatorerne. Af Arthur Koestler (Povl Branners Forlag, 1948, 222 s.). Roman.
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen: 4. september 476, om Romerriget generelt og rigets endeligt.
Tidslinjen: 11. november 1914, om forfatteren til Spartacus, Howard Fast.
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