Protests on 7th Avenue against the 1999 World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference, Seattle, Washington, U.S., 29 November 1999. Source: Item 176997, Fleets and Facilities Department Imagebank Collection (Record Series 0207-01), Seattle Municipal Archives. Author: Seattle Municipal Archives from Seattle, WA. (CC BY 2.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Protests on 7th Avenue against the 1999 World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference, Seattle, Washington, U.S., 29 November 1999. Source: Item 176997, Fleets and Facilities Department Imagebank Collection (Record Series 0207-01), Seattle Municipal Archives. Author: Seattle Municipal Archives from Seattle, WA. (CC BY 2.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Linkbox med nyere og ældre artikler om demonstrationer mod WTO/Verdensbanken/IMF i Seattle 1999, der startede en ny bevægelse mod den kapitalistiske globalisering.

Socialistisk Bibliotek, 2009.
Revideret november 2024.

Intro: World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference of 1999 protest activity (

Theme: WTO 1999 in Seattle (YES! Magazine, November 30 – December 3, 1999; online at Internet Archive)
“A series of commentaries on the events as they unfolded in Seattle at the time of the World Trade Organization’s meeting.”

Bog online: Emnelisten The Battle of Seattle: “Globalize This!” – on the Internet. Online-udgave af næsten alle antologiens bidrag (revideret november 2019).        Anmeldelse af bogen: From Seattle to Washington: the making of a movement. By Abbie Bakan (International Socialism, Issue 87, Summer 2000, p.85-93).

Nyere artikler/New articles

Seatlle bliver voksen. Af Naomi Klein (Socialistisk Information, 1. december 2009)
“København er ikke blot en gentagelse af Seattle. Der skabes en bevægelse, som bygger på styrken fra en tidligere periode, men som også lærer af de fejltagelser, der blev begået.”
Original article: Copenhagen: Seattle grows up (The Nation, November 12, 2009).

The “Battle of Seattle,” a quarter century later. By John Tarleton (Jacobin, November 30, 2024). “Twenty-five years ago today, a broad progressive coalition of protesters blocked and eventually shut down the Seattle World Trade Organization meetings. A longtime activist-journalist reflects on the long twists and shifts made by the American left since then.”

The legacy of the “Battle of Seattle” (Jacobin, June 5, 2024). Chandler Dandridge interviews D.W. Gibson: “In 1999, 50,000 activists hit the Seattle streets to block a major World Trade Organization conference. The anti-globalization movement petered out shortly thereafter, but the protests set the tone for the mass mobilizations of the 21st century.”

Unfinished business: The Battle of Seattle twenty years on. By Chris Nineham and Feyzi Ismail (Counterfire, December 2019). “The anti-neoliberal spirit of the Seattle protests of two decades encapsulated an internationalist but anti-globalisation mass movement that has lessons for us today.”

Twenty years after we shut down the WTO, the Left is finally resurgent. By Doug Henwood (Jacobin, November 30, 2019). “On November 30, 1999, activists shut down the World Trade Organization meetings in Seattle. The protests were a thrilling moment during bleak times for the socialist left. Now, years of resistance are finally paying off.”

The Battle of Seattle: shaking Capitalism. By Ana Rivera (Left Voice, November 30, 2019). “Twenty years ago, protesters from across the world descended on Seattle to protest against the World Trade Organization, sparking a movement against neoliberalism that is still with us today.”

Anti-capitalism ten years after Seattle (Counterfire, 16 March 2010)
“In 1999 thousands of activists fought with riot police to close down the WTO conference in Seattle. Ten years on Chris Nineham looks at the future of the anti-capitalist movement.”

Vigorous activism can defeat the denialists: A lesson from Seattle for Copenhagen. By Patrick Bond (Socialist Project/The Bullet, No.283, December 4, 2009)
“Why what happened in Seattle a decade ago matters for the movement today.”

Seattle and the global justice struggle. By Lee Sustar (, November 30, 2009)
“The protests against a World Trade Organization summit 10 years ago became a rallying point for a left-wing revival in the U.S. and around the globe.”

The battle of Seattle (Socialist Worker, Issue 2179, 28 November 2009)
“Socialist Worker looks at the 1999 protests that shut down the World Trade Organisation and at the legacy of the anti-capitalist movement.”

The 1999 Seattle protests gave birth to a global movement. By Alex Callinicos (Socialist Worker, Issue 2179, 28 November 2009)
“Ten years ago, the WTO summit in Seattle was paralysed by mass protests. Trade unionists, and environmental and debt campaigners came together to expose the damaging effects of the drive for free trade.”

The meaning of Seattle: Truth only becomes true through action. By Walden Bello (Transnational Institute, 1 December 2009)
“WTO+10: Before 1999, the momentum of globalization seemed to sweep everything in front of it, including the truth. But in Seattle, ordinary women and men made truth real with collective action.”

The Battle in Seattle: 10 years after the WTO (CounterPunch, November 6-8, 2009)
Mike Whitney interviewed Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn.

Bringing Seattle to the screen. By Leela Yellesetty (Socialist Worker, US, Issue 682, September 25, 2008)
“Review of Battle in Seattle, a docudrama recalling the 1999 protests that marked a high point of the movement against globalization.”

WTO protests in Seattle, November 30, 1999. Pepper spray is applied to the crowd. Source: WTO protests 10. Author: Steve Kaiser from Seattle, US. (CC BY-SA 2.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.
WTO protests in Seattle, November 30, 1999. Pepper spray is applied to the crowd. Source: WTO protests 10. Author: Steve Kaiser from Seattle, US. (CC BY-SA 2.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Showdown in Seattle: Five Days That Shook the WTO. Documentary, 1999 (, 1:00:04 min.) (Deep Dish Television, The Independent Media Center, Big Noise Films et al.). See Wikipedia + review by Herman Gilman, Showdown in Seattle: five days that shook the WTO and Five Union plumbers at WTO Seattle: what they saw, heard, did, and understood (Labor Studies Journal, 2004, 29:2, 2004, p.111–113).

Ældre artikler/Older articles

Articles in Danish first/then in English

Bedre end en brosten. Af John Jessen (Socialistisk Information, nr.159, november 2001). Anmeldelse af Michael Voss: Frihandel eller fribytteri: WTO – traktater, konflikter og konsekvenser (Fremad, 2001)

IMF, globalisering og modstand. Af Chris Harman (Internationale Socialisters Forlag, marts 2001, 20 s.)
“Pjecen beskriver, hvad IMF er, hvad den gør og virkningen af dens politik på mennesker både i de ‘udviklede’ økonomier og i den tedje verden.”

Erfaringer fra et vendepunkt. Af Kenneth Haar og Sven Gårn Hansen (Gaia, nr.27, efterår 1999, s.22-33). P.T. ikke online.
“Hvordan får vi rigtig hul på kampen mod den kapitalistiske globalisering? Forløbet omkring MAI-aftalen giver et par fingerpeg.”

Talking Seattle. By John Charlton (International Socialism, Issue 86, Spring 2000)
“I posted a questionnaire on the internet between November 1999 and January 2000. The responses I received, along with personal testimonies and articles, became the basis of this piece.”

Theme: From Seattle to D.C.: Rise of a new movement against global capitalism? (Labor Standard, Vol.2, No.1, Spring 2000)
“Coverage of the actions in Seattle and Washington D.C., and the fight over trade with China.”

The WTO’s nude world order. By Bill Resnick (Against the Current, No.85, March/April 2000)
“Seattle marked the emergence of the next new left, a wildly diverse and creative bunch. And they will be operating on a changing terrain, where not just corporate misbehavior but capitalism appears the problem, and can be fought.”

The clouds clear: Labor, Seattle and beyond. By Frank Borgers (Against the Current, No.85, March/April 2000)
“What follows are a series of snap-shots of some key events on the streets that help illuminate the challenges ahead in maintaining the coalition and expanding its agenda.”

IMF, Verdensbanken & WTO: Imperialismens økonomiske organisatorer. Av Christian Ringdal og Aslak Orre (Internasjonal Sosialisme, nr.6, høsten 2000)
“Erfaringene fra IMF og Verdensbankens arbeid i etterkrigstiden viser de mest barbariske trekkene ved det kapitalistiske systemet.”

Storming Seattle: Black flag over Seattle. By Paul de Armond (Albion Monitor, February 29, 2000)
Monitor special report: “We present the story of the Battle of Seattle in 20 parts, meant to be read in sequence.”

Seattle diary: It’s a gas, gas, gas! By Jeffrey St. Clair (CounterPunch, December 16, 1999)
“By the end of the week, much of Seattle’s shiny veneer had been scratched off, the WTO talks had collapsed in futility and acrimony and a new multinational popular resistance had blackened the eyes of global capitalism and its shock troops, if only for a few raucous days and nights.”

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