Linkbox om Herbert Bibermans klassiske film, med artikler om filmen og baggrund om McCarthy-tidens heksejagt + link til hele filmen online.
Links on Bibermans classical film and on the background in McCarthyism + the whole film online.

Herbert Bibermans strejkefilm Salt of the Earth vises 14. marts 1954 i Grande Theatre i New York. Den påtænkte premiere i Chicago 28. maj aflyses.
Filmen er den eneste amerikanske film, der blev sortlistet under McCarthyismen, og blev først vist i USA igen i 1965. Instruktøren var én af de sortlistede ‘Hollywood Ten’, der blev idømt fængselsstraffe for at nægte at besvare spørgsmål fra House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) i oktober 1947.
Artikler mv.
- Salt of the Earth (1954 film) (Wikipedia.org)
- Salt of the Earth (Socialist TV, 23 December 2008)
- Salt of the Earth (February 27 – March 1, 2003)
“A conference commemorating th 50th anniversary of Salth of Earth, the only blacklisted American film.”

Jordens Salt: Historien om en strejkefilms skæbne. Af John Poulsen (Arbejderen.dk, 28. november 2019)
“Filmen Jordens Salt handler om en 14 måneder lang minestrejke i New Mexico i 1951, og alle midler blev taget i brug for at bremse optagelserne af den.”
‘Salt of the Earth’ 60th Anniversary release (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, August 11, 2014)
“Joe Sabatini re-examines the 1951 film ‘Salt of the Earth’ and argues for its contemporary relevance and importance.”
The many 50th anniversaries of Salt of Earth. By Larry Ceplair (Cineaste, Spring 2004)
Review of book, CD-ROM, DVD and movie.
Ideology and structure in ‘Salt of the Earth’. By Deborah Rosenfelt (Jump Cut, No.12/13, 1976)
“The continuing significance of Salt of the Earth for our own time arises from its attempt – rare in works of art in any medium – to integrate the struggles of women, of an ethnic minority, and workers.”
Blacklisted film restored and rehabilitated. By Lee Hockstader (Socialist Viewpoint, Vol.3, No.4, April 2003)
“It is doubtful that any other American movie ever inspired such official harassment and outright intimidation as Salt of the Earth, the saga of striking Mexican American miners written and directed by blacklisted Hollywood filmmakers during the Red Scare.”
Salt of the Earth (YouTube.com, 1:32:19 min.)

Omkring ‘Jordens salt’: en analyse af en film og dens tilblivelse (pdf). Af John Andersen og Claus Jørgensen (Kultur & Klasse, årg. 9, nr. 36, 1979, s. 104-135, online på Tidsskrift.dk)
“… udviklingen i klassekampen i slutningen af 60’erne … har til fulde bekræftet filmen og dens politiske indhold og gjort »Jordens Salt« til en kilometersten i den politiske filmkunst historie.”

The Suppression of Salt of the Earth: How Hollywood, Big Labor, and Politicians Blacklisted a Movie in Cold War America. By James J. Lorence (University of New Mexico Press, 1999). Se anmeldelse af Bob Wake på CultureVulture.net + indholdsfortegnelse og uddrag på Google Books.
Se også
Herbert Biberman (Wikipedia.org)
Herbert Biberman + producer Paul Jarrico (Spartacus Educational)
House Un-American Activities Committee (Wikipedia.org)
Tidslinjen 25. november 1947 om Hollywood blacklistning og The Hollywood Ten (Socialistisk Bibliotek)
Emnelisten Rosenberg-sagen og McCarthyismen (Socialistisk Bibliotek)

(MoMA – The Collections and Exerbitions)