Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1976.
Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.
23. januar 1976
Den kommunistiske, sorte amerikanske verdenssanger Paul Robeson dør (“Old Man River”). (Født 9. april 1898).
Grundlagde borgerrettigheds-avisen ‘Freedom’ (November 1950 – July/August 1955); “… founded in Harlem … during the Cold War and McCarthy eras. It openly challenged racism, imperialism, colonialism, and political repression and advocated for civil rights, labor rights and world peace. Its writers and contributors included W.E.B. Du Bois …”. Undertitel: ‘Where one is enslaved. All are in chains!’ Online at New York University Libraries.
- Paul Robeson (
- Paul Robeson (Spartacus Educational)
- Paul Robeson Archive, 1898–1976 (Marxists Internet Archive)
Paul Robeson og koncerten i Peekskill. Af John Poulsen (, 12. april 2019). “For 70 år siden blev den sorte sanger Paul Robeson anklaget for uamerikansk virksomhed og Ku Klux Klan angreb deltagerne efter en af hans koncerter.” Med link til video: ‘The Robeson Concerts & Riots 1949, part 1-2, med Pete Seeger.
Paul Robeson er ikke glemt. Af Margit Andersen (, 14. august 2016). “Filminstruktøren Steve McQueen er igang med en film om den sorte amerikanske sanger Paul Robeson.”
How Paul Robeson became a socialist. By Taylor Dorrell (Jacobin, May 9, 2024). “Paul Robeson’s encounters with the international labor movement inspired his socialism and anti-imperialism.”
When Peoria banned Paul Robeson. By Peter Cole and Ricky Newcomb (Jacobin, August 16, 2023). “In April 1947, Paul Robeson, the outspoken leftist artist and singer, was barred from performing in Peoria, Illinois. The repressive move, though fought by a radical labor union of black and white workers, prefigured the Red Scare that would soon envelop the country.”
When Paul Robeson played Toussaint Louverture. By Christian Høgsbjerg (Jacobin, October 2, 2022). “Socialist actor, musician, and civil rights campaigner Paul Robeson viewed the Haitian Revolution as a guiding light in the struggle for freedom and dignity. In 1936, he played the revolutionary leader in C. L. R. James’s play Toussaint Louverture.”
Paul Robeson spent his life fighting against America’s extreme Right. By Joel Whitney (Jacobin, July 18, 2022). “Paul Robeson, the socialist actor, musician, and civil rights campaigner, dedicated his life to battling against right-wing red-baiting that has echoes in reactionary crusades against progressive education and ‘critical race theory’ today.”
Paul Robeson was one of the greatest figures of the 20th century (Jacobin, June 19, 2021). Original with the title: Paul Robeson: beleaugered leader (The Black Scholar, Vol.5, No.4, December 1973-January 1974). “Paul Robeson’s artistic achievements have stood the test of time. So has his commitment to socialist internationalism and the struggle against racism and colonialism wherever it emerges.”
Paul Robeson, artist as revolutionary. By Louis Proyect (CounterPunch, December 4, 2020). Review of Ballad of an American: A Graphic Biography of Paul Robeson, by (artist) Sharon Rudahl and edited by Paul Buhle and Lawrence Ware (Rutgers University Press, 2020, 142 p.). “Suffice it to say that Rudahl has written one of the best radical comic books I have ever read.” See also review by John Marciano: A renaissance fighter for freedom, justice, and peace (MR Online, January 13, 2021).
Lessons from the remarkable life of Paul Robeson. Part 1 + Part 2. By Tayo Aluko (Counterfire, October 18-29, 2019). “Paul Robeson’s extraordinary life holds many lessons for the present day.”
The Emperor Robeson. By Simon Callow (The New York Review of Books, Vol.65, No.2, February 8, 2018). Review of Gerald Horne, Paul Robeson: The Artist as Revolutionary (Pluto Press, 2016, 256 p.) + Jeff Sparrow, No Way But This: In Search of Paul Robeson (Scribe, 2017, 304 p.)
No Way But This: In Search of Paul Robeson. By Mark Farmer (Socialist Review, Issue 428, October 2017; online at Internet Archive). Review of Jeff Sparrow’s book (Scribe, 2017, 304 p.). “This is an excellent account in a number of ways.”
The Robeson Files. By Jacqueline Mulhallen (Counterfire, 11 July 2011). “The Robeson Files was … programme about politics: fighting racism and linking anti-racism to the wider struggle.”
Paul Robeson Collection: Flawed attempts to bring black pride to the screen. By Simon Basketter (Socialist Worker, Issue 2089, 23 February 2008). “A new collection of the films of black singer and actor Paul Robeson are a reminder of the racism in the industry in the 1930s.”
A great record. By Mike Faulkner (Socialist Review, Issue 218, April 1998; online at Internet Archive). “In the 1930s he became a radical critic of colonialism, imperialism and racism in the US and throughout the world.”
Paul Robeson: a flawed martyr. By Barry Finger (New Politics, Issue 25, Summer 1998, p.132-136; online at Internet Archive). “Robeson’s fealty to Stalinism already had a long history.”
Se også / See also:
Remembering the overlooked life of Eslanda Robeson, wife of civil rights legend Paul Robeson. By Amy Goodman (Democracy Now!, February 12, 2013). “Black History Month with Barbara Ransby, author of the new biography, Eslanda: The Large and Unconventional Life of Mrs. Paul Robeson (Yale University Press, 2013, 448 p.).”
Paul Robeson, “Joe Hill” – Robeson singing the famous labor ballad with photo overlay.
(YouTube, 3 min.)
31. januar 1976
Dansk Vietnamesisk Forening stiftes “for at samle de forskellige fløje at Vietnambevægelsen i et fortsat solidaritetsarbejde, efter at Vietnam-krigen sluttede”.
Første forperson var Kate Fleron, 1976-1977 (se herom 6. juni 1909). ‘DVF er politisk uafhængig og har til formål at befordre samarbejde og forståelse mellem Danmark og Vietnam, Cambodja og Laos’ (citat fra foreningens site).
Dansk Vietnamesisk Forenings “første militante bomærke (til venstre) blev lavet af Dea Trier Mørch, og først i 1989 blev det erstattet af et mere fredeligt motiv lavet af Thomas Kruse. Begge billedkunstnere var medlemmer af det politiske kunstnerkollektiv Røde Mor.” (Citat fra foreningens site).
- Dansk Vietnamesisk Forening (
- Dansk Vietnamesisk Forening (site)
Se også:
Tidslinjen 5. august 1964 om Vietnambevægelsen.
Cuba og Vietnam som symbolske og konkrete utopier: danske solidaritetsrejser i 1960’erne og 1970’erne (pdf). Af Karen Stelle Bjerregaard (Arbejderhistorie, nr. 1, 2011, s.29-37; ‘Rejser til Vietnam’ s.32- ). Hjemmeside for mangeårig formand og aktivist i foreningen, med bl.a. (foto)reportager fra lange rejser i Vietnam efter krigen.
4. februar 1976
Loven om ligeløn; Lov om lige løn til mænd og kvinder. Lov nr. 32 af 4. februar 1976.
Leksikalt mv.:
- Ligelønsloven 4. februar 1976 (Århus Universitet). Med links til en række artikler om ligelønsspørgsmålet.
- Bekendtgørelse af lov om lige løn til mænd og kvinder (, 5. september 2008).
- Ligeløn. ( Med link til Lønkommissionens redegørelse; Sammenfatning og konklusion (maj 2010, 54 s.)
- Ligeløn (
- Kampen for ligeløn fra 1951 til nu (, rev. 2015)
- Ligeløn (Kvinfo temasider)
- Ligeløn (Dansk Kvindesamfund)
Blå blok modarbejder ligeløn. Af Ulla Jeppesen (, 8. marts 2016)
Temaside: Gender Pay Gap (Løngab mellem kønnene) (Danmarks Statistik)
Kvinder og mænd i 100 år – fra ligeret mod ligestilling (pdf) (Danmarks Statistik, juni 2015, 41 s.). Se her: Indkomst og ligeløn (s.14-17)
Køn,værdi og ligeløn: idekatalog til lovforbedringer (pdf) (Det Nationale Ligelønsnetværk, maj 2012, 29 s.)
Hvorfor har vi lønforskelle mellem kvinder og mænd? En antologi om ligeløn i Danmark (pdf). Red. Mette Deding & Helle Holt (SFI – Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd, 2010, 246 s.; online på VIVE).
7. marts 1976
Forfatteren Tove Ditlevsen dør. (Født 14. december 1917, se denne).
17. marts 1976
Den italienske kommunistiske filminstruktør Luchino Visconti dør. (Født 2. november 1906, se denne)
23. marts 1976
Generalernes kup i Argentina indleder en blodig diktaturperiode.
- Argentina: 1976-1983 Militærdiktatur [scroll ned til afsnittet] ( Scroll ned til afsnittet.
- Dirty War (
Argentina’s General Videla and the “war on terror”. By Bill Van Auken (World Socialist Web Site, 22 May 2013). “Operation Condor involved the combined efforts of military regimes in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, with indispensable logistical support and military aid from the Pentagon and the CIA.”
Se også:
- Operation Condor (
- Plan Condor (SourceWatch)
The CIA’s secret global war against the Left. By Branko Marcetic (Jacobin, November 30, 2020). “Forty-five years ago, under a cloak of secrecy, Operation Condor was officially launched: a global campaign of violent repression against the Latin American left by the region’s quasi-fascist military dictatorships. The US government not only knew about the program — it helped to engineer it.”
The undead ghost of Operation Condor. By J. Patrice McSherry (Logos: A Journal of Modern Society & Culture, Vol.4, No.2, Spring 2005). “Today, as shadowy U.S. forces use “disappearance,” torture, and illegal cross-border transfers of prisoners in the ‘war on terror’–practices that evoke Condor in the 1970s–an examination of Operation Condor and its methods is as instructive as it is unsettling.”
8. maj 1976
Inspireret af samarbejde i FNs Kvindeår, 1975, stiftes KULU, Kvindernes U-landsudvalg.
Kvindernes U-landsudvalg (KULU) (
Kvindernes U-landsudvalg (site). Inkl. Bibliotek og dokumentatinssamling.
9. maj 1976
Lederen af den tyske byguerillagruppe Rote Arme Fraktion, RAF, Ulrikke Meinhofs omdiskuterede selvmord i Stammheimfængslet i Stuttgart.
Tidslinjen 18. oktober 1977, om Baader-Meinhof-gruppen/Rote Armee Fraktion (Socialistisk Bibliotek)
10. maj 1976
Aktionsgruppen Arbejdere Akademikere (AAA) dannes.
Aktionsgruppen Arbejdere Akademikere (AAA) (
AAA (site)
19. maj 1976
3. juni 1976
Den tidligere socialdemokratiske partiformand og statsminister Viggo Kampmann dør i Faxe. (Født på Frederiksberg 21. juli 1910, se denne)
10. juni 1976
I Milano-forstaden Seveso spredes dioxin over et større område.
Seveso (
16. juni 1976
Oprøret i Sydafrika udløses gennem skoleelevdemonstrationer i Johannesburg-forstaden Soweto og bliver til national opstand gennem bl.a. undervisningsboycot.
- Soweto (
- Soweto riots (
The children that rocked apartheid: forty years since the Soweto Uprising. By Charlie Kimber (Socialist Worker, Issue 2508, 14 June 2016). “Forty years ago this week the South African township of Soweto, near Johannesburg, exploded in revolt. School students defied the might of the apartheid state.”
The Black student rebellion of 1976. By Noor Nieftagodien (Amandla! Issue 46, June 2016). “A defining feature of the 1976 uprising was the decisive entry of black students onto the stage of history.”
The rebellion that revived South Africa’s liberation struggle. By David Whitehouse (Works in Theory, July 13, 2013). “Based on an article of the same name in Socialist Worker, written in July 2006, thirty years after the outbreak of the Soweto uprising. This article is part of a series.”
The Soweto uprising 1976. By Weizmann Hamilton (Socialism Today, Issue 102, July-August 2006). “The author had been an activist in the Black Consciousness movement.”
Soweto 1976 (Socialist Worker [US], Issue 595, July 14, 2006). “David Whitehouse tells the story of the revolt that rocked a Cold War ally of the U.S.–the monstrous apartheid dictatorship in South Africa.”
When Soweto rose up. By Bruce George (Socialist Worker [UK], 17 June 2006, Issue 2005). “Young people took to the streets of South Africa 30 years ago this week, shaking the racist apartheid regime, and revealing the power that would finally end their oppression.”
South Africa: Soweto uprising’s 30th anniversary. By Percy Ngonyama (Green Left Weekly, Issue 673, June 28, 2006). “In the days leading up to the 30th anniversary young people were urged by the government and South Africa’s National Youth Commission to take part in planned nationwide commemorations.”
The way forward from Soweto (Marxists Internet Archive). “Extract from political report adopted by the Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party, April 1977.”
DRUM 1976-1980: An exhibition from the pages of Drum Magazine (pdf) (, June 2006, 52 p.)
Se også:
Steve Biko—Black Consciousness and liberation (Socialist Worker, Issue 2784, 4 December 2021). “Born 75 years ago this month, Steve Biko was one of South Africa’s most important activists and thinkers. Yet he is barely mentioned in many histories. Charlie Kimber looks at Biko’s life and politics.”
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Tidslinjen: 21. marts 1960, om Sharpeville-massakren og anti-apartheid bevægelsen.
- Tidslinjen: 12. juni 1964, om Nelson Mandela.
- Tidslinjen: 11. februar 1990, om Mandelas frigivelse fra fængsel.
- Tidslinjen: 27. april 1994, om Sydafrikas første frie valg.
- Tidslinjen: 16. august 2012, om Marikana-massakren.
25. juni 1976
Prisforhøjelser i Polen udløser spontane strejker og uroligheder, og fører til dannelsen af Komiteen til Arbejdernes Forsvar (KOR).
Klassekampene i Polen: dokumenter fra arbejderopstandene i 1956, 1970-71 og 1976. Red. af Tania Ørum (Tiderne Skifter, 1977).
30. juni 1976
Den socialdemokratiske justitsminister Orla Møllers “blokadecirkulæret”, der ulovliggør kampvåbnet fysiske blokader.
Blokadecirkulæret (
Fysisk blokade (
Philip Lauritzen: Blokade – frihed og tvang i Danmark + pjecen: Blokade – frihed og tvang i Danmark. – Tillæg. Informations Forlag, 1977.
4. juli 1976
Teatergruppen Solvognens aktionsteaer “Wounded Knee” på besøg i Rebild Bakker på USA’s 200-års fødselsdag for Uafhængighedserklæringen slås ned, 56 anholdte.
Fyrre indianere på smukke hesterygge (pdf). Af Nils Arne Sørensen (Syddansk Universitet, juni 2009, 4 s.). Kort om Rebild-sammenkomsternes historie.
Rebild Bakker, 4. juli 1976 (Niels Vest Film). Fejring af USAs’ 200 års fødselsdag med hilsen Solvognen.
Rebild-bogen: undertrykkelse, teater, medier, meningsdannelse: en dokumentation for skole og hjem (Demos, 1976, 227 s.). I kolofonen: Rebildbogen af Egon Jensen.
Filmen, der er STUM og varer 5 min. og 41 sek., vistes i retssalen i Hadsund ovenpå Teatergruppen Solvognens Rebildaktion, som forsvareren Chr. Vilh. Hagens’ bevis på, at Solvognen optrådte ikke-voldeligt. (
Video: Musik i virkeligheden – Jomfru Ane Rebild 76 (, 28 min.) Claus Flygare, Jon Bang Carlsen mfl. om Rebild-aktionen og teatergruppen Solvognen.
Se også:
- Gade- og aktionsteater i Danmark (
- Solvognen i 15 år (, 14. november 2002). Anmeldelse af Nina Rasmussen: Solvognen – fortællinger fra vores ungdom (Rosinante, 2002, 409 s.)
- Mellem demonstration og aktion. Af Ole Wugge Christiansen (, 14. september 2005). Om 1970’ernes politiske gade- og aktionsteater.
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Tidslinjen: 4. juli 1776 om Uafhængighedserklæringen.
- Thorkild Weiss Madsen (Socialister på Assistens Kirkegård, personer)
- Solvognens teater “Julemandshæren” december 1974 (linksamling på Socialistisk Bibliotek)
2. august 1976
Den amerikanske marxist, redaktør af Monthly Review og forfatter til Labor and Monopoly Capital (1974), Harry Braverman dør i Honesdale, Pennsylvania. (Født 9. december 1920, se denne).
12. august 1976
Massakren i den palæstinensiske flygtningelejr Timian-bakkerne, Tel el Zaatari, i Libanon (den størse og stærkeste palæstinensiske flygtningelejr), udført af kristne højremilitser, medfører op til anslået et par tusinder myrdede.
- Tel al-Zaatar massacre ( Længere engelsk artikel m.links. En kortere på norsk: Massakren i Tel el Zaatar (
- Tel al Za’atar (Manifest, nr 7, 5. november 1979, s.34-36; oversat fra PFLP Bulletin; online på
Lebanon Civil War 1976 | Thames Television (YouTube, 26:23 min.)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen: 26. september 1982, om massakren i Sabra og Chatila.
20. august 1976
Jayaben Desai i spidsen for kvindelige immigrantarbejdere starter Grunwick-kampen i London om fagforenings-anerkendelse. Slutter efter 670 dage, juli 1978.
- The Grunwick Dispute (Striking Women: Striking Out). Background to the Dispute – Conditions at Grunwick – The Dispute – Trade Union Response.
- Grunwick dispute
( - Grunwick 40 (Facebok page). With picture, vidos, etc.
“We Are The Lions”: Remembering the Grunwick Strike (Verso Blog, 22 August 2017). “Here, Ron Ramdin reflects on the meaning of the ‘Strikers in Saris’ for black autonomous struggles.”
Here to stay, here to fight – how the Grunwick strike changed everything (Socialist Worker, Issue 2517, 16 August 2016). “Forty years ago this Saturday Asian women workers at Grunwick photo processing plant in north west London walked out. Socialist Worker looks at how their strike, which lasted for nearly two years, was a game-changer in the struggle against racism.”
Grunwick strike 40 years on – lessons of an epic battle (The Socialist, 9 August 2016). “Bob Labi explains the rich lessons of the strike – particularly on how to react when legal restraints are used to weaken a struggle and the role migrant workers can play in spearheading struggle.”
Biting lions: remembering the Grunwick strike 40 years on (Red Pepper, April 11, 2016). “As the 40th anniversary of the Grunwick strike approaches, Sujata Aurora looks at its legacy and lessons for today.”
Strikers in Saris: A mural remembers the women who shook Britain in 1976. By Zinnia Ray Chaudhuri (, May 22, 2016). “The 40th anniversary of the Grunwick dispute is being marked with a collaborative art project.”
Grunwick boss dies: The lessons of Grunwick (Workers’ Liberty, 28 May 2012). “In 1976-77 Grunwick photo processing plant in north-west London was the site of an historic, ultimately defeated, but uniquely inspiring battle for trade union recognition.”
Thirty years since the Grunwick strike (Socialist Worker, Issue 2013, 12 August 2006). “Thirty years ago a small group of Asian workers at the Grunwick plant led a historic fight – and faced an onslaught from the right wing gang that would help to launch Thatcherism.”
Honour and learn from the Grunwick strike! (Solidarity & Workers’ Liberty, No.605, 8 September 2021). “Below we republish an overview of the strike and its significance written by Jean Lane in 1998, with a short introduction from 2012.”
The Grunwick Strike. By A. Sivanandan (Race & Class, Vol.19, No.1, Summer 1977; online at “There were mass pickets, sometimes violent, in support of the strikers. They eventually became disillusioned with the half-hearted and obstructive role of the unions and, towards the end of the defeated strike, conducted a hunger strike/picket outside the TUC headquarters.”
‘Defeat was Snatched from the Jaws of Victory’ – Remembering the Grunwick Strike. A film by Josh Stewart and Simon Youel. (, 9:28 min)
Se også/See also:
“Anti-racism and the socialist left, 1968-79”. By Satnam Virdee. Chapter 11 in: Against the Grain: The British Far Left from 1956. Edited by Evan Smith and Matthew Worley (Manchester University Press, 2014, p.209-228; online at Scroll down.
Jayaben Desai 1933–2010 (Socialist Worker, Issue 2233, 8 January 2011). “Ken Montague remembers the iconic leader of the Grunwick strike who died on 23 December 2010.”
Jayaben Desai: courageous leader of Grunwick strike. By Lindsay German (Counterfire, December 28, 2010)
Muslim working class struggles. By Hassan Mahamdallie (International Socialism, Issue 113, Winter 2007, p.93-117)
The balance of class forces in recent years. By Tony Cliff (International Socialism, No.6, Autumn 1979, p.1-50)
September 1976
Den britiske musik- og antiracistiske organisation Rock Against Racism dannes.
“Was the first modern movement to have been built on the basis of radical music” (Dave Renton).
- Rock Against Racism (
- Anti-Nazi League (
Rock Against Racism – 35 år efter. Af Fabian Hansen (, 15. august 2011). “Med enkle metoder mobiliserede RAR tusinder af unge mennesker til kamp mod racismen, personificeret ved det højrenationalistiske parti National Front.”
How we beat them last time (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, 26 January 2019). “How can anti-fascists find a cultural politics to fit the current moment? David Renton speaks to Colin Revolting about Rock Against Racism, the Anti Nazi League and his new book, Never Again: Rock Against Racism and the Anti-Nazi League 1976-1982 (Routledge, 2018, 178 p.).” See also book review by Colin Revolting (ibid., 5 April 2019).
Rock Against Racism. By Mitch Mitchell and Allan Struthers (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, 18 May 2018). “Ruth Gregory, one of the organisers of the 100,000-strong Rock Against Racism carnival of 1978, talks to rs21 about anti-racist organising from then to now.”
Rock Against Racism: forty years on. By Dave Renton (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, 11 May 2018). “The 1978 Rock Against Racism carnival rallied 100,000 young people against the advancing far right. What were they fighting – and why was this particular fightback so very powerful?”
Remembering Rock Against Racism—how music helped to fight the Nazis (Socialist Worker, Issue 2533, 6 December 2016). “Rock Against Racism (RAR) was formed 40 years ago. A new book, Reminiscences of RAR, gives voice to some of those involved. Sadie Robinson looks at some of those voices.”
Rock Against Racism. By David Gilchrist (Socialist Review, Issue 407, November 2015). Review of Syd Shelton’s book (Autograph ABP, 2015): “The book and exhibition of photographer Syd Shelton’s work are a brilliant visual representation and record of this culture.”
We want rebel music. By Lee Billingham (International Socialism, Issue 130, Spring 2011). Review of Ian Goodyer, Crisis Music: The Cultural Politics of Rock Against Racism (Manchester University Press, 2009): “Ian Goodyer’s timely study of RAR aims for the first time to set the movement fully in its cultural and political context …”
The year rock found the power to unite. By Sarfraz Manzoor (The Observer, 20 April 2008). “On the eve of a festival marking the 30th anniversary of that remarkable day, we remember the birth of Rock Against Racism.”
Rock Against Racism: beating time, beating the Nazis. By Roger Huddle (Socialist Worker, Issue 2059, 10 July 2007). “The launch of Rock Against Racism 30 years ago was a defining moment in the struggle against the Nazi National Front.”
Ain’t music to Nazis’ ears. By Martin Smith (Socialist Review, Issue 315, June 2007). “Every generation has produced musical heroes who have been willing to wear their political hearts on their sleeves.”
Anti-Fascism: That was then, this is now. By Roger Huddle and Lee Billingham (Socialist Review, Issue 286, June 2004). “Music Against the Nazis – Rock against Racism in the 1970s and Love Music Hate Racism today.”
Letter from Britain: Carnival Against the Nazis. By Dave Widgery (Radical America, Vol.12, No.5, September-October 1978; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “The Left here is still basking in the reflected glory of the April 30th Carnival Against the Nazis which took 80,000 people to rock East London against racism in a march that was 3½ hours getting clear of Trafalgar Square and four miles in length.”
Beating Time: Riot ‘n’ Race ‘n’ Rock ‘n’ Roll. By David Widgery (Tigerstripe Books, 1986)
- Only rock and roll? By Ian Birchall (International Socialism, Issue 33, Autumn 1986, p.123-133; online at Marxists Internet Archive)
- Beating Time – a reply to Ian Birchall. By David Widgery (International Socialism, Issue 35, Summer 1987, p.148-157; online at Marxist Internet Archive)
Se også:
“Anti-racism and the socialist left, 1968-79”. By Satnam Virdee. Chapter 11 in: Against the Grain: The British Far Left from 1956. Edited by Evan Smith and Matthew Worley (Manchester University Press, 2014, p.209-228; online at Scroll down.
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Tidslinjen 8. april 1977 om RR gruppen ‘The Clash’.
- Tidslinjen: 13. august 1977, om Lewisham & Anti Nazi League.
- Tidslinjen: 30. april 1978, om Carnival Against the Nazis.
- Tidslinjen: 10. januar 2016, om musikeren David Bowie.
4. september 1976
Folkesangeren Philip David Ochs dør (født i Far Rockaway, New York, 19 december 1940, se denne).
9. september 1976
Mao Zedong dør i Beijing, i en alder af 82 år. (Født 26. december 1893 Shaoshan, Xiangtan amtet, Hunan-provinsen). Leder af Kinas Kommunistiske Parti.
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Linkboxen: Folkerepublikken Kina, 1949-
10. september 1976
Den amerikanske forfatter og filmmanuskriptforfatter Dalton Trumbo dør i Beverly Hills, Los Angeles. (Født 9. december 1905 i Montrose, Colorado, USA).
Var et af de mest fremtrædende ofre for McCarthyismen og sortlistningen i USAs filmindustri, men vandt to Oscars under ghostwriter-navne. Han var fremtrædende i den sortlistede gruppe i filmindustrien, “Hollywod Ten”.
Trumbo kom tilbage under eget navn, da skuespilleren Kirk Douglas brød sortlistningen med kravet om at lade Trumbo skrive manuskript i eget navn til filmen Spartacus i 1960 (instr. Stanley Kubrick).
Aktuel med filmen Trumbo, 2015, instr. Jay Roach, med Bryan Cranston & Helen Mirren (dansk premiere 11. februar 2016). Se Trumbo Official Trailer (YouTube, 2:32 min.).
Dalton Trumbo (
Dalton Trumbo (IMdB; biography)
Dalton Trumbo (Spartacus Educational)
Links om filmen “Trumbo”:
Trumbo (2015 film) (
Trumbo. By Bob Light (Socialist Review, Issue 410, February 2016). “Director Jay Roach and his star Bryan Cranston have produced a film from that most rare of genres – a left-wing feel-good movie.”
Trumbo: Hollywood’s Anti-Communist tribute to itself. By Eric Mann (CounterPunch, February 2, 2016). “Trumbo fosters rather than challenges the very anti-communism of its audience.”
Hollywood blacklisted my father Dalton Trumbo: now I’m proud they’ve put him on screen (The Guardian, 16 January 2016). Elizabeth Day interviews Mitzi Trumbo.
Trumbo – The Hollywood witch hunt. By Gaetana Caldwell-Smith (, December 31, 2015). “Hopefully, word of mouth will encourage the general public to see this engaging film …”
The Blacklist in ”˜Trumbo’ didn’t just restrict free speech. It changed how we talk about freedom. By Andrew Paul (In These Times, December 15, 2015). “Trumbo misses the opportunity to tell a more faithful, radical narrative of cinema’s Red Scare and its resistors.”
Trumbo trivializes McCarthy terror. By John Bell (, December 14, 2015). “… it is a shame that the makers of Trumbo chose to crank out a feel-good, Hollywood-friendly biography that ends up trivializing the McCarthy terror.”
Trumbo and the history of the Hollywood blacklist. By Fred Mazelis (World Socialist Web Site, 30 November 2015). “Trumbo, to be blunt, cannot be taken seriously as an examination of the fate of the American left … Nevertheless, this film does have certain significant saving graces. For that reason Trumbo’s appearance is important and timely.”
A witch-hunt victim’s revenge. By Elizabeth Schulte (, November 18, 2015). “It’s a welcome turn of events when a communist – who in his day was vilified and imprisoned for his political commitment – is the affable hero of a Hollywood movie about the importance of civil liberties.”
Why “Trumbo” is one of the most important films ever made. By Louis Proyect (CounterPunch, November 6, 2015). “… [the] film is so head and shoulders over every American film made this year in terms of direction, screenplay, acting, incidental music, and costume design, it becomes one for the ages.”
The Happy Jack Fish-Hatchery Papers (Esquire, January 1970; online at The Unrepentant Marxist, March 17, 2016). “In which the Messrs. Steve Allen, Dalton Trumbo, and Art Schlesinger, Jr, debate the true meaning of liberalism.”
Man gav Johnny et gevær. Af Dalton Trumbo (Povl Branner, 1940, 230 s.; 2. danske udgave: Lindhardt og Ringhof, 1972, 221 s.). Roman udgivet på amerikansk 1939: “Johnny Got His Gun” (se
Se også:
How Kirk Douglas overstated his role in breaking the Hollywood Blacklist. By John Meroney and Sean Coons (The Atlantic, July 5, 2012). “For years, the actor has taken credit for bravely hiring a communist screenwriter in the McCarthy era. But there have long been questions about his version of the story.”
Om betydningen af den sortlistede Dalton Trumbos manuskript til Spartacus, se også: Opening Titles (1:38-1:44) ( & “I’m Spartacus” (clip):
Spartacus – Opening Titles (YouTube, 3:42 min)
I’m Spartacus (Youtube, 1:26 min)
Johnny got his gun – Original Trailer, (YouTube, 2:41 min.)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Linksamlingen: Rosenberg-sagen og McCarthyismen / The Rosenberg Case and McCarthyism
- Tidslinjen: 25. november 1947, om Hollywood Ten
- Tidslinjen: -71, om Spartacus (opstanden og filmen)
21. november 1976
Kommunistisk Arbejderparti (KAP) dannes af Kommunistisk Forbund Marxister-Leninister (KFML). Opløst 24. november 1994. Formand 1976-84: Benito Scocozza.
Kommunistisk Arbejderparti (KAP). Af Andreas Nissen (
Kommunistisk Arbejderparti i ABA (Arbejdermuseet. (Kort leksikal artikel, biblioteks-links, fotos m.m.)
Kommunistisk Arbejderparti (KAP). Af Bertel Nygaard (, 26. februar 2012)
På tidslinjen 17. januar 1935 om Benito Scocozza
Scocozza, Benito (
Kommunistisk Arbejderparti i ABA. Af Jesper Jørgensen (Arbejdermuseet). “Det lille maoistiske parti, KAP, havde sin storhedstid i 1970’erne. Efter Den Kolde Krig har partiet især været omtalt i medierne ifm. problematiseringer af partiets og dets medlemmers støtte til De Røde Khemerer i Kampuchea og til styret i Albanien.”
Politiske partiers programmer: Kommunistisk Arbejderparti – KAP (Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Småtrykssamlingen). Programmer, sagpolitiske udtalelser, pjecer, valgaviser, love, vedtægter o.l. for perioden 1976-1988 (facsimile-aftryk)
Partiprogrammer: Kommunistisk Arbejderparti (KAP) (Arbejdermuseet). Fem stk. for perioden 1968-1984.
Podcast: Vand under broen, 6: Hans Henrik Nordstrøm om Kommunistisk Arbejderparti (KAP) (Radioaktiv, 2018, 50:12 min.). “… vi [har] inviteret komponist og tidligere medlem Hans Henrik Nordstrøm i studiet til en snak om dette parti og dets maoistiske inspirationskilder.”
26. november 1976
Benzinchaufførernes nederlag over for socialdemokratiske trusler om (den socialdemokraiske) regerings afgang – og brugen af det nye blokladecirklære afslutter efteråret 76’s strejkebølge, der indledes med plattedamernes kamp – og markerer ændringen i den danske klassekampssituation efter perioden 1969-76.
Under asken er der gløder. Af Hans Jørgen Vad (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr. 4, januar 1985). “Fra foråret 69 til foråret 70 ser vi her i landet det mest omfattende udbrud af spontane (overenskomststridige) strejker siden generalstrejken i 56.”
Se også:
1970’ernes strejkeopsving i Danmark (pdf). Af Helge Tetzschner (Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie, nr. 9, 1979, side 162-183). Samfundsmæssig baggrund og strejker (typer & statistik) og sammenlignet med andre lande.
Om studiet af arbejdskampe – en diskussion (pdf). Af Margit Groth, Herman Knudsen og Kurt Leihardt (Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie, nr. 9, 1979, side 184-206). “Arbejdskampe som indfaldsvinkel til studiet af arbejderbevægelsens historie.”
Arbejdskampstudier – en vejledende oversigt (pdf). Af Bjarne Andersen og Niels Senius Clausen (Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie, nr. 9, 1979, side 217-227). “Det er hensigten med denne oversigt i kortfattet form at give henvisninger til hjælpemidler/kilder til arbejdskampstudier – herunder en bibliografi over 70’ernes litteratur …”