2 C
23. januar 2023

Den spanske borgerkrig og revolution 1936-1939

Da den fascist-støttede general Franco i juli 1936 forsøgte at tage magten ved et militærkup imod den folkevalgte folkefronts-regering, svarede den spanske arbejderklasse igen med at overtage kontrollen over fabrikkerne og jorden centrale steder i landet.

The Spanish Civil War and Revolution 1936-1939

When the fascist-backed general Franco in July 1936 led the military coup against the elected Popular Front government, the Spanish working class answered back by taking over control of factories and land in central areas of the country. This response to the raising of the rich and the right put the question on who were to take control of society. This was the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.

Andrés Nin & POUM

Personliste om den spanske venstrefløjsleder og formand for partiet POUM, Andrés Nin, (catalansk: Andreu Nin i Pérez) fødes 4. februar 1892 i El Vendrell i Catalonien (og myrdes af stalinistiske agenter 20. juni 1937).

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