Personliste om den spanske venstrefløjsleder og formand for partiet POUM, Andrés Nin, (catalansk: Andreu Nin i Pérez) fødes 4. februar 1892 i El Vendrell i Catalonien (og myrdes af stalinistiske agenter 20. juni 1937).
Andrés Nin
- Andrés Nin Internet Archive (Marxists Internet Archive). Med kort biografi + tekster af Nin 1932-1937.
- Andreu Nin i Pérez (Wikipedia.org).
- Andres Nin (Spartacus Educational).
- Fundación Andre Nin: Andreu Nin, 1892-1937. Spansksproget site med tekster af/om Nin (online på Internet Archive WayBackMachine).

Mordet på Nin (pdf). Av Stephen Kotkin (Marxistarkiv.se, 18. maj 2021, 3 s.).
“Författare till omskriven Stalin-biografi om mordet på en känd revolutionär socialist under spanska inbördeskriget.”
Mordet på Andreu Nin –hur gick det till? (pdf). Av Martin Fahlgren (Marxistarkiv.se, september 2019, 20 s.).
“En del av artikeln utgörs av ett längre utdrag (kap. 39) ur historikern Hugh Thomas bok Spanska inbördeskriget.”
Andreu Nin’s Marxism tackled the big questions of Spanish and Catalan politics. By Andy Durgan (Jacobin, April 11, 2023). “Andreu Nin, leader of the POUM, was murdered by agents of Stalin during the Spanish Civil War. Nin’s legacy speaks to issues still relevant today, from Catalonia’s right to self-determination to the danger of the far right.”
Andreu Nin and the Poum in the Spanish Revolution. By Andy Durgan (Socialist Worker, Issue 2057, 30 June 2007).
“The revolutionary socialist Andreu Nin resisted fascism and Stalinism during the Spanish Civil War of 1936-9. Nin was murdered by Stalinists 70 years ago this month.”
22 June 1937 – Andres Nin murdered (POUMISTA, June 22, 2010).
“On this day in 1937 in the midst of the Spanish Civil War Andres Nin, a leading member of the Workers Party of Marxist Unity (POUM), was murdered by Stalinists.”
The Spanish Revolution: The life of Andreu Nin. By Wilebaldo Solano (ILP, Leeds, 1974; online at Internet Archive).
“Andreu Nin was one of the most important figures in the Spanish Revolutionary Marxist movement.”
Mordet på Andres Nin ved GPUs
“Han nektet å samarbeide med GPU, mot det spanske folks interesser. Det er hans eneste forbrytelse. Det er denne forbrytelsen han har betalt med sitt liv.”
Farewell to Andres Nin (1937). By Victor Serge (La Revolution Prolétarienne, No. 253, August 25, 1937; online at Marxists Internet Archive).
“Farewell, my friend. Your great courageous life is left to us, full of work and action.”

I Spanien dannes Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (POUM), Arbejderpartiet for Marxistisk Enhed, 29. september 1935 i Barcelona (Monserrat de Casanovas nr. 24), ved en sammenlægning af to partier, hvis ledere Andres Nin og Joaquin Maurin også bliver ledere af POUM.
- Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification (Wikipedia.org).
- The POUM (Marxists Internet Archive). Tekster 1936-1937 + plakater.
- Spanish Revolution: English language periodical of the Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (1936-1937) (Marxists Internet Archive).
- Fundación Andre Nin: POUM. Spanskspoget site med mange tekster (online på Internet Archive WayBackMachine).
- Le P.O.U.M. (La Bataille socialiste). Tekster, flest på fransk.
- Art from the Revolution (P.O.U.M. Posters) (Marxists Internet Archive).
- Vad är och vad vill P.O.U.M. [1936] (pdf). Av A. Nin och J Maurin (Marxistarkiv.se).
Med POUM: Internationella frivilliga vid den aragonska fronten (1936-37) (pdf). Av Andy Durgan (Marxistarkiv.se, 30. november 2023, 21 s.).
“Förutom i de Internationella brigaderna fanns ett stort antal internationella frivilliga organiserade i anarkosyndikalisternas och POUM:s milis. Denna artikel handlar om de senare.”
“En Moskvaprocess i Barcelona” (pdf). Av Reiner Tosstorff (Marxistarkiv.se, 6. oktober 2021, 32 s.).
“Artikeln som vi översatt här, handlar om förföljelsen av och rättegången mot POUM hösten 1938, och är hämtad från hans bok Die POUM in der spanischen Revolution (2006).”
Stalinisterna och POUM under inbördeskriget i Spanien (pdf). Av Pelai Pagès (Marxistarkiv.se, 25. maj 2021, 18 s.).
“Katalansk historiker om den omfattande hetskampanj och förföljelse mot det revolutionära socialistiska partiet POUM som stalinisterna genomförde från sommaren 1937 och framåt.”
Moskvarättegångar i Spanien (pdf). Av René Revol (Marxistarkiv.se, 22. november 2018). Ur franska tidskriften Cahiers Léon Trotsky, juli-september 1979.
“Julian Gorkins och Andrés Suárez’ böcker utgör en viktig dokumentation om stalinismens
repression i den spanska republiken 1937 och 1938 och framför allt om hur rättegången mot ledarna för POUM planerades och iscensattes.”
With the POUM International volunteers on the Aragon Front (1936-1937) (pdf). By Andy Durgan (EBRE 38, No.8, 2018, p.131-161).
“This article provides an overview of the origins and characteristics of the six hundred or so international militia who fought with the POUM on the Aragon front during the first ten
months of the Civil War.”
The historical significance of the POUM. By Wilebaldo Solano (Libcom.org). Translated from the Spanish original in March 2015.
“In this text based on a presentation delivered in 1985 at a conference on the POUM held in Madrid, the former leader of the Iberian Communist Youth, and the last general secretary of the POUM, reviews the history of the POUM …”
Trotsky and the POUM. By Andy Durgan (International Socialism, Issue 147, Summer 2015, p.193-205). Review of Alan Sennett, Revolutionary Marxism in Spain, 1930-1937 (Brill, 2014/Haymarket, 2015, 346 p.).
“Sennett … shows how the future POUM leaders’ analysis was clearly influenced by Leon Trotsky’s thought. But Sennett’s account runs into serious difficulties when dealing with the broader questions relating to the history of the Spanish dissident communists.”
The POUM: Those who would? By Doug Enaa Greene (Links: Journal of Socialist Renewal, January 7, 2015). With video talk (1:25:31 min.).
“Thus the central tragedy of the Spanish Civil War is that the anarchists possessed the numbers and organizational muscle for power, but refused to take it. The POUM had a program for waging revolutionary war, but lacked the mass influence, allies and the leadership needed to win.”
Wilebaldo Solano, 1916-2010. By J. Martorell (Against the Current, No. 152, May-June 2011).
“Wilebaldo Solano, the last member of the original leadership of the Partit Obrer d’Unificació Marxista (POUM – Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification), died in Barcelona on September 7, 2010, at 94.” See also Suzi Weissman: Wilebaldo Solano as I knew him (ibid.).
The POUM’s seven decades. By Wilebaldo Solano (Against the Current, No. 143, November-December 2009).
“The Partido Obrero de Unificacion Marxista was founded in Barcelona on September 30, 1935 … It is universally known that POUM was one of the forces that actively intervened in the fight against the fascist-military insurrection in Catalonia, Valencia, Madrid, Asturias and elsewhere.”
Marxism, war and revolution: Trotsky and the POUM. By Andy Durgan (Revolutionary History, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2006, p.27-65; online at Internet Archive Way Back Machine).
“For Trotsky, however, the principal lesson of the Spanish revolution was the need for a revolutionary party. Not surprisingly therefore, much of what he wrote during and after the Civil War concerned the errors of those who considered themselves revolutionary Marxists.” In Swedish: Marxism, krig och revolution: Trotskij och POUM (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se).
International volunteers in the POUM Militias. By Andy Durgan (Libcom.org, December 23, 2007).
According to Andy Durgan (e-mail July 18, 2019): “This article originally written in 1997 is now very dated (and contains quite a few errors). I have an up dated and far extensive piece on the same subject: With the POUM International volunteers on the Aragon Front (1936-1937) (pdf) (EBRE 38, No.8, 2018, p.131-161).
Trotskyists and the POUM (Trotskyist International, No. 18, October-December 1995).
“Keith Harvey explains the politics of the POUM. Their opposition to Stalinism made them the first victims as Stalinism beheaded the Spanish Revolution.”
The Spanish Trotskyists and the foundation of the POUM. By Andy Durgan (Revolutionary History, Vol. 4, No. 1-2, Winter 1991-92, p.11-53; online at Marxists Internet Archive).
“In September 1935 the Spanish Trotskyist group, the Communist Left (ICE), fused with the Workers and Peasants Bloc to form the POUM … Whilst the political development of the POUM, or at least Trotsky’s criticisms of it, are relatively well known [1], the history of the Spanish Trotskyists and their reasons for helping to found this party are far less know.” Se også svensk udgave: De spanska trotskisterna och grundandet av POUM (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se).
Reviews by Al Richardson and Ernest Rogers of Victor Alba and Stephen Schwartz’ book, Spanish Marxism versus Soviet Communism: A History of the POUM (Transaction Books, 1988) (Revolutionary History, Vol. 3, No. 3, Spring 1991, p.46-48; online at Marxists Internet Archive). See debate: POUM problems (Revolutionary History, Vol. 3, No. 4, Autumn 1991, p.40-42; online at Marxists Internet Archive).
Stalinism and the POUM in the Spanish Revolution (1937). By Walter Held (Revolutionary History, Vol. 1, No. 2, Summer 1988, p.11-17; online at Marxists Internet Archive).
“The POUM took a position for the Socialist Revolution against the democratic parliamentary republic (without however, as we will show, posing the necessary practical consequences of this) and this, most honourably, brought upon it the hatred of the scab Executive of Moscow.”
Trotsky and the POUM. By Keith Hassell (Revolutionary History, Vol. 1, No. 2, Summer 1988, p.18-19; online at Marxists Internet Archive).
“Despite Trotsky’s trenchant criticism of the political parties in the workers’ camp in Spain there were few people in Spain who were listening to him.”
How the NKVD framed the POUM (1953). By Jesus Hernández (What Next?: Marxist Discussion Journal, 1996). With introduction by Robert Pitt.
“This account of the POUM’s suppression in 1937 is taken from the memoirs of Jesus Hernández, published in 1953 in Mexico and in a French version as La Grande Trahison (The Great Betrayal).
Leo Trotskij och den marxistiska vänstern i Spanien (1930-1939) (pdf). Av Ignacio Iglesias (Marxistarkiv.se, 98 s.).
“Ignacio Iglesias, författaren till denna skrift, som färdigställdes 1974, är en f d ledande medlem av det anti-stalinistiska vänsterpartiet POUM. Skriften avlossar en ordentlig bredsida mot Trotskijs politik när det gäller Spanien.”
The P.O.U.M. in Spain. By Albert Weisbord (Class Struggle, Vol. 7, No. 1-2, February 1937).
“Many advanced workers, disillusioned with the Socialists and Stalinists, have been willing to believe that in the P.O.U.M. there is some hope that the workers will be able to surmount their difficulties and establish the dictatorship of the proletariat and a socialist regime.”
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek: / See also:
Emnelisten: Den spanske borgerkrig og revolution 1936-1939
Webliography: The Spanish Civil War and Revolution 1936-1939 (Socialistisk Bibliotek).