Nogle af de nyeste links tilføjet på linksamlinger på Socialistisk Biblioteks sider. Some of the latest links, added to the link collections at the Socialist Library’s pages.
Senest opdateret: 2025-03-25 13:10:22
1Trumps USA
Oligarkernes kup. Af Kjeld Schmidt (Ny Politik, nr.1, 2025). “Hvordan kunne det ske? Hvordan skal vi forstå det? Det korte svar er, at en klike af mangemilliardærer har taget magten med en falleret kasinoejer og tugthuskandidat som frontmand. Det lange svar er, at det er noget mere kompliceret … Den brik, jeg vil fremhæve som den centrale, er den store omvæltning i forholdet mellem klasserne i det amerikanske samfund, der er sket over de seneste årtier.” (på Tidslinjen 8. november 2025).
2Journal: Marxist Left Review
(Marxist Left Review, Issue 28, March 2025). Australian half-yearly journal online with articles about How capitalism gave us Israeli barbarism, The ANC’s failure to deliver freedom in South Africa, The many failures of Western Marxism, Why the Kenyan youth revolted + Book reviews (China, Kautsky, Africa).
3Amazon strike
Was the Teamsters’ Amazon strike a success? By Sam Gindin (Jacobin, March 17, 2025). “The 2024 holiday season Amazon strike seemed driven more by a desire for media attention than the development of the deep worker base fundamental to forcing the company to accept a union.” (på linkboxen Faglig på Nettet).
4Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919)
Rosa Luxemburg: frihed og klassedemokrati. Af Ellen Agerskov (Clarte: tidsskrift for marxistisk analyse, nr.10, 20. februar 2025). “Hvordan Rosa Luxemburg kunne kalde sig demokrat og anse borgerlige frihedsrettigheder for en forudsætning for virkeliggørelsen af det socialistiske demokrati samtidig med at hun kæmpede for proletariatets diktatur.” (på linkboxen Rosa Luxemburg, 1871-1919).
Palestine, Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict: A primer. By Joel Beinin and Lisa Hajjar (Middle East Research and Information Project, February 2025). “This primer provides an overview of key actors, organizations, historic events, political developments and diplomatic initiatives that have shaped the status and fate of Palestinians and the State of Israel from the late nineteenth century to the present.” (på linkboxen Zionisme – Antizionisme: Historien om racisme og etnisk fordrivelse).
6Journal: Against the Current
(Against the Current, Issue 235, March-April 2025). American socialist bimonthly online with theme about Women in struggle and, among others, Review essay on Communist women writers + Review essay on the USSR’s fate + Reviews of books about Palestine, Zionism and oil.
Det ukrainske samfund tre år inde i modstandskampen mod den russiske invasion: Enhed og splittelse. Af Vitaliy Dudin (, 26. februar 2025). “Det er februar 2025, og mange ukrainere har glemt, hvordan livet var før den russiske invasion. Usikkerhed, smertefulde tab og adskillelse fra familiemedlemmer er blevet en integreret del af befolkningens liv, uanset om man bor i Ukraine eller i udlandet.”
See also: Russia-Ukraine war: three years on (Michael Roberts Blog, February 24, 2025) (på Tidslinjen 24. februar 2022- ).
Sådan aktiverer du en massebevægelse – interview med Alle På Gaden For Et Frit Palæstina-initiativet. Af Mikael Hertoft og Jonas Neivelt (, 19. februar 2025). “I snart halvandet år Københavns gader mindst hver uge lagt asfalt til store demonstrationer for våbenhvile og et frit Palæstina … Solidaritet har interviewet Tara Adler og Bilal Al-Issar.” (på linkboxen Zionisme – Antizionisme).
9Bob Dylan (1941- )
Bob Dylan’s Newport performance was a great political drama. By Mike Marqusee (Jacobin, February 20, 2025). “Bob Dylan’s legendary 1965 performance at the Newport Folk Festival takes center stage in the new biopic A Complete Unknown. To really make sense of what happened at Newport, you need to understand the link between US folk music and left-wing politics.” Se også Christian Braad Thomsen: Fra kostalden til universitetet med Bob Dylan (, 19. februar 2025). Anmeldelse af Johannes Andersen: Bob Dylan: nærvær og fravær (Forlaget Hovedland, 2025, 214 s.) (på linkboxen Bob Dylan).
10Black Marxists
How black Marxists have understood racial oppression (Jacobin, February 17, 2025). Jonah Birch interviews Jeff Goodwin: “The rich tradition of Black Marxist thought — one that includes W. E. B. Du Bois, C. L. R. James, and Frantz Fanon, among many others — emphasizes the centrality of capitalism to racial oppression and the destructiveness of that oppression for all workers.” (på Tidslinjen 23. februar 1868; Se også).
Imperial poison in Russian politics: Reaction, cynicism, and division three years after the invasion of Ukraine (Tempest, February 11, 2025). “As we approach the three year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Oleg Shein, a Russian historian, and a former MP in the Russian State Duma, assesses the impact on Russian politics both now and for its future.” (på Tidslinjen 22. februar 2022; Se også).
12Journal: New Politics
(New Politics: An Independent Socialist Journal, Issue 78, Winter 2025). American half-yearly online with themes about The far right in The United States and beyond, The Middle East (Syria) and articles about Richard Wright, Zionism and others + Book reviews).
Trump seizes power in D.C. By Ashley Smith (Tempest, February 4, 2025). “… his administration will be prevented from establishing stable rule by its deep internal divisions, policies that will exacerbate not solve the country’s problems, and its tendency to overreach and impose deeply unpopular policies. All of this will inevitably trigger resistance.” (på Tidslinjen 8. november 2016).
After the fall: hope amid the ruins of post-Assad Syria. By Kevin B. Anderson (New Politics, A few weeks after the epochal fall of the Assad dictatorship, Syria remains in flux. It could not be otherwise after 53 years of the strangulation of civil and political life under one of the world’s most murderous regimes. Nonetheless, some broad outlines of where Syria is going can be discerned.” (på Tidslinjen 15. marts 2011).
15Journal: Middle East Report
Resistance – the axis and beyond (Issue 313, Winter 2024). “The issue provides a kaleidoscopic perspective on resistance to Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza since October 7, 2023. Since Hizballah’s ceasefire and the stunning ouster of Bashar al-Asad in Syria in December, the Axis of Resistance has appeared weaker than ever.”
16Journal: International Socialism
(International Socialism, Issue 185, Winter 2025, 176 p.). British quarterly online with articles, among others, about The US election: an update, Farage and Reform UK: a clear and present danger and Palestinian women’s resistance today: imperialism, Islamism and violence + Book reviews.
Forsker om Løkkes Mellemøst-besøg: “Israel har aldrig accepteret en suveræn palæstinensisk stat”. Af Lars Erslev Andersen (Globalnyt, 13. januar 2025). “På sit aktuelle Mellemøsten-besøg vil udenrigsminister Lars Løkke Rasmussen (M) tale om behovet for en tostatsløsning. Men sandheden er, at Israel aldrig har accepteret ideen om en reelt uafhængig palæstinensisk nabo.” (på linkboxen Zionisme – Antizionisme).
18Journal: Science & Society
(Science & Society, Vol.88, No.3, 2024). American journal online with symposium about Imperialism, Anti-Imperialism, and the Global Class Struggle: “One of the most urgent challenges facing the left is the need to come to terms with the meanings of ‘imperialism’ and ‘anti-imperialism’ in our time.”
Marxism and the critique of antisemitism (Historical Materialism, Vol.32, No.1-2, 2024). “This introduction and the special issue as a whole give some possible avenues for reflection: connection with Islamophobia, the place of Zionism and Holocaust memory in the projection of Western power, the rise of a new far right, and the shifting class position of both Jewish and other racialised communities, imperialism, and the ongoing crises of capitalism.” (på linkboxen The Politics af Anti-Semitism).