Knowledge is a weapon: Nye links fra Socialistisk Bibliotek
Knowledge is a weapon: Nye links fra Socialistisk Bibliotek.

Nogle af de nyeste links tilføjet på linksamlinger på Socialistisk Biblioteks sider. Some of the latest links, added to the link collections at the Socialist Library’s pages.

Senest opdateret: 2024-12-21 09:29:31

1Julemandshæren (1974)

København, jul 1974: Solvognens julemandshær i aktion (Autonom Infoservice, 20. december 2024). Solvognen var en venstreorienteret aktionsteatergruppe med base i
Christiania. Julemandshæren bestod af omkring 100 deltagere, der aktionerede i juletiden 1974 i 8 dage i træk.” (på linkboxen Jul – andre sider af julen).



Slave to the gift economy (Weekly Worker, Issue 1519, 12 December 2024). “What is the meaning of Christmas? Who is Father Christmas? What is the political economy of his Christmas operation? Jack Conrad provides some answers, but, above all, welcomes elvish resistance.” (på linkboxen Jul – andre sider af julen).


A new Left in Cuba (Issue 150, November-December 2024, p.19-38). “Amid a worsening economic and climatic situation, cultural opening in Cuba has seen a flourishing blogosphere. Interview with an editor of La Tizza, a collectively run digital magazine that aims to revive the free-thinking Marxism of the Pensamiento Crítico tradition.” (på linkboxen Fidel Castro og Cuba).


Understanding the rebellion in Syria (Tempest, December 9, 2024). “Tempest interviews Swiss Syrian socialist Joseph Daher about the process that led to the fall of Assad’s rule, the prospects for progressive forces, and the challenges they face in fighting for a truly liberated country that serves the interests of all its peoples and popular classes.” (på Tidslinjen 15. marts 2011). See also Notes on an interview with Joseph Daher: Graphic notes for understanding the rebellion in Syria (Tempest, December 18, 2024).

6Seattle 1999

The “Battle of Seattle,” a quarter century later. By John Tarleton (Jacobin, November 30, 2024). “Twenty-five years ago today, a broad progressive coalition of protesters blocked and eventually shut down the Seattle World Trade Organization meetings. A longtime activist-journalist reflects on the long twists and shifts made by the American left since then.” (på linkboxen Battle of Seattle, 1999).


Ungdomshusets rydning 2007: Modkraft i undtagelsestilstand (, 23. november 2024). “Rydningen af Ungdomshuset 1. marts 2007 udløste ikke kun uroligheder i København – det ændrede også det alternative medielandskab i Danmark. Ole Wugge Christiansen fortæller om rydningen set fra Modkrafts lokaler på Nørrebrogade.” (på Tidslinjen 1. marts 2007).


Iran’s century: from Imperial prey to Western bugbear (Counterfire, 8 November 2024). “Michael Lavalette looks at the history of modern Iran – a country shaped by Imperialism and resistance.” (på linkboxen Iran 1979).

9Journal: International Socialism

(International Socialism, Issue 184, Autumn 2024). British quarterly online with articles about The US election, Confronting Britain’s far-right problem, Palestinian women’s resistance (1936-1993), Remembering the 1984-5 miners strike, The Popular Front in France, Sudan: revolution, war and imperialism and Transatlantic slavery, capitalism and reparative justice + Book Reviews.

10Journal: Against the Current

(Against the Current, Issue 233, November-December 2024). American socialist bimonthly online with articles about, among others, British Labour (Kim Moody), A century of Surrealism, The UAW and the Southern organising, Repression of a Russian anarchist, Discussing the climate crisis (Michael Löwy) and Chicano, Angeleno and Trotskyist + Book Reviews.

11Frantz Fanon (1925-1961)

Frantz Fanon and the struggle against colonisation. By Ken Olende (Rebel, October 19, 2024). “With a constant stream of media exposing genocidal war in Palestine, child labor in the Congo, and Indigenous struggles in South America, neoliberalism’s colonial nature is clearer than ever. Now is the time to return to the works of Fanon and explore a radically different future liberated from coloniality.” (på linkboxen Frants Fanon).

12Forerunners of socialism


Cuba: “Free” market or democratic planning. By Samuel Farber (New Politics, Democratic planning should not be primarily approached simply from a technocratic point of view, but from a perspective of political self-education through a national debate.” (på linkboxen Fidel Castro og Cuba).

14Angela Davis (1944- )

Angela Davis’s life’s work is exposing state repression. By Cecilia Sebastian (Jacobin, October 27, 2024). “Angela Davis became world-famous in her twenties when the FBI put her on its most wanted list. Since securing her freedom, Davis has worked for half a century to expose the practice of repression in formally democratic states like the US.” (på linkboxen Angela Davis).

15Mao Zedong (1893-1976)

The myth of Mao’s ‘anti-imperialism’. By Parson Young (In Defence of Marxism, (på linkboxen Folkerepublikken Kina, 1949- ).

16Lenin (1870-1924)

A hundred years is enough (Weekly Worker, Supplement, Issue 1507, September 19, 2024). “Three books, all published in 1924, laid the ideological groundwork for a Lenin cult, which is still responsible for the confessional sects and academic historians alike getting the Bolsheviks and the Russian Revolution so wrong. Lars T Lih shows that there was no Hegel moment, no April theses break, no conversion to Trotsky’s theory of permanent revolution.” (på linkboxen 22. april 1870).


Israel! Hvordan kunne det gå så galt. Af Morten Thing mfl. (, 23. september 2024). “Engang repræsenterede Israel mange jøders drømme og håb om et godt samfund. Det er en klar kontrast til den brutalitet, staten Israel i dag udviser, og store dele af landets befolkning bakker op om.” (på linkboxen Zionisme – Antizionisme).

18The New Deal (US)

Race and the New Deal. By Katie Rader (Catalyst, vol.8, No.1, Spring 2024). “This essay reexamines the common scholarly and political refrain that the New Deal was fundamentally racist. In a close examination of the most influential arguments from this view, I show that they fail to make the case that racial animus was the main driver behind the legislation’s shortcomings and present little guidance for moving forward.” (på linkboxen New Deal-politikken i USA).

19Marx og miljøet

Marx bliver gjort mere miljøbevidst i Japan (, 16. september 2024).
“Den japanske marxist, Kōhei Saitō, er bl.a. kendt for sin bestseller-bog Marx og det antropocæne, der netop er udkommet på dansk [Marx i den antropocæne tidsalder, Djøf Forlag, 2024, 300 s.]. Kritisk Revy bringer i den anledning et interview fra New Left Review med Saitō.” (på linkboxen Marx & Engels – og miljøet).


Marxism and the critique of antisemitism (Historical Materialism, Vol.32, No.1-2, 2024). “This introduction and the special issue as a whole give some possible avenues for reflection: connection with Islamophobia, the place of Zionism and Holocaust memory in the projection of Western power, the rise of a new far right, and the shifting class position of both Jewish and other racialised communities, imperialism, and the ongoing crises of capitalism.” (på linkboxen The Politics af Anti-Semitism).


Israel is waging war on palestinian prisoners. By Lisa Hajjar and Basil Farraj (Middle East Report, 4 September 2024). “Reports of systemic torture and rape in Israeli prisons have exploded in the year since October 7, but the state’s carceral violence has a longer history.” (på linkboxen Zionisme – Antizionisme).

22Journal: New Politics

(New Politics: An Independent Socialist Journal, Issue 77, Summer 2024, 171 p.). American half-yearly online with sections about Protesting the War in Gaza, The U.S. Election, U.S. Politics, Labor in China, International Politics, Socialist Theory (Socialists and elections + Eco-Marxism) + Book Reviews.

23Journal: Middle East Report

Post-Fossil Politics (Issue 311, Summer 2024). “Taken together, the issue provides a sharp account of how power flows—through diesel generators, carbon credits, solar farms, value chains and submarine cables—and at what cost.”


Hamas: A Marxist appraisal (Marxist Left Review, Issue 27, Autumn 2024). “Omar Hassan critically assesses the Palestinian organisation Hamas, arguing that its politics and strategy offer no possibility of achieving Palestinian liberation.” (på linkboxen Hvad er Hamas?).

25Journal: Marxist Left Review

(Marxist Left Review, Issue 27, Autumn 2024). Australian half-yearly journal online with articles about Palestine will be free, Understanding Hamas, Palestine and Settler Colonial Theory, The Portugese Revolution and Degrowth Communism.


Decolonize Palestine
“Decolonize Palestine is an independent, self-funded project founded by two Palestinians living in Ramallah.” With sections Palestine 101, Myths, Rainbow washing, FAQ and Reading list. (på linkboxen Zionisme – Antizionisme: Historien om racisme og etnisk fordrivelse).