Samuel P. Huntingtons “Civilisationernes Sammenstød”


Emneliste med anmeldelser og bogdebat om Samuel P. Huntingtons bog: Civilisationernes sammenstød / The Clash of Civilizations.


Lidt ekstra materiale med debat og kritik af den konservative ideolog Samuel P. Huntingtons (død 24.12.2008) tese om ‘Civilisationernes sammenstød’, som kom som artikel i 1993 og senere i bogform i 1996.

Bjarne A. Frandsen, maj 2008
Revideret april 2019



Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


Civilisationernes sammenstød: mod en ny verdensorden
Af Samuel P. Huntington. Forord af Henrik Jensen, interview med Samuel P. Huntington ved Noa Redington (People’s Press, 2006, 504 sider)

Civilisationernes sammenstød?
Af Samuel P. Huntington. Forord af Martin Krasnik (Informations Forlag, 2006, 63 sider)
Oversættelse af artikel fra tidsskriftet Foreign Affairs, 1993.

Foreign Affairs

Samuel P. Huntington: The Clash of Civilizations? (Vol.72, No.3, Summer 1993, p.22-49; online at Internet Archive)
See also: If not civilizations, what? Samuel Huntington responds to his critics (Vol.72, No.5, November/December 1993, p.186-194). Only first page online. See the full article (pdf, Internet Archive).

På dansk


Andreas Harbsmeier: Udfordringer til de vestlige værdier (26. oktober 2006)
“Hvis man kan bedømme en bogs vigtighed på den kritik, den afstedkommer, må Huntingtons 10 år gamle ‘Civilisationernes Sammenstød’, der i dag udkommer på dansk, siges at være årtiets vigtigste.”

Lettre Internationale

Samuel P. Huntington: Civilisationernes sammenstød? (nr.10, marts 2006, s.5-9)
“Et tesen om civilisationernes sammenstød blevt til virkelighe? Samuel Huntingtons stærk kontroversielle artikel danner udgangspunkt for diskussion og bringes her for første gang i i uddrag i dansk oversættelse.”

Edward W. Said: Uvidenhedens sammenstød (nr.10, marts 2006, s.10-11)
“Samuel Huntingtons teori om civilisationernes sammenstød er forenklet og fordummende. Og den er for farlig til, at vi kan sidde den overhørig, mener Edward W. Said. Her tager han til genmæle.”


Huntington stillede de rigtige spørgsmå. Af Lea Wind-Friis (28. december 2008)
“Den afdøde professor blev (u)populær efter 11. september. Han gav forkerte svar på rigtige spørgsmål, siger Ole Wæver.”

Nekrolog: Professor Nørd havde en rygrad af stål. Af Olav Hergel (30. december 2008)
“I 1993 forudsagde Samuel P. Huntington et ‘civilisationernes sammenstød’. Ordene blev efter 11.9.01 et signalement af en ny verdensorden.”

På engelsk

Samuel P. Huntington: The Clash of Civilizations
Samuel P. Huntington: The Clash of Civilizations


Vicente Navarro: Why Huntington and Beck are wrong (April 7/8, 2007)
“The problem with Huntington’s and Beck’s interpretations is that both assume the two civilizations have been in conflict for the past 50 years. But this assumption is wrong.”

M. Shahid Alam: Huntington – Peddling civilizational wars: A critique of Samuel Huntingon (February 28, 2002)
“Why has The Clash dominated public discourse in the West despite its flawed theory, lack of empirical support, and its espousal of hatred as the necessary foundation of cultural identity?”

Journal of World-Systems Research

David Skidmore: Huntington’s Clash revisited (Vol.4, No.2, Fall 1998)
“Big bets, whether in poker or in academics, often fail. Such is the fate of Huntington’s ambitious but seriously flawed effort to chart a new direction in thinking about the future of international relations in the post-Cold War period.”

Monthly Review

Gilbert Achcar interviewed by David Barsamian (June 2003)
Gilbert Achcar is author of the book The clash of barbarisms: September 11 and the making of the new world disorder.
“What we are seeing in this kind of clash is not, therefore, a clash of civilizations or features of civilizations clashing, but a clash of those kinds of barbaric potentials that every civilization include, whether Islamic or Western.”

MR Online

Hisham Bustani: The delusion of the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ and the ‘War on Islam’ (May 29, 2008)
“The clash of civilizations thesis portrays an imminent danger threatening the people of the North. This danger must be confronted and crushed at the source, in its place, before it expands and reaches ‘us’.”

The Nation

Edward W. Said: The clash of ignorance (October 22, 2001)
“‘The Clash of Civilizations’ thesis is a gimmick like ‘The War of the Worlds’, better for reinforcing defensive self-pride than for critical understanding of the bewildering interdependence of our time.”

Socialist Review

Mike Haynes: A war of civilisations (Issue 256, October 2001)
“We are fighting a war against the uncivilised world, claims the right wing. But, as Mike Haynes explains, it is about the assertion of US economic and military power.”


Noam Chomsky on the “Clash of Civilizations”

Noam Chomsky on the Samuel P. Huntington “clash of civilizations”, Islam, and the West’s relashionship to the most extreme Islamic state – Saudi Arabia, a “key ally”, according to Tony Blair. (YouTube, 3:30 min., 2. mar. 2007)