Filmplakat for Steven Soderbergh's
Filmplakat for Steven Soderbergh's "Che" 1 og 2

Om Steven Soderberghs film i to dele: Che – Del 1: Argentineren og Che – Del 2: Guerillalederen. Filmene fortæller om Ernesto “Che” Guevara fra sin deltagelse den cubanske revolution og frem til Che’s død under forsøget gennemføre revolutionen i Bolivia i 1967. Hovedrollen som Ernesto Che Guevara spilles af Benicio del Toro.



Interpreting revolution: Che, Part I and Part II. By Victor Wallis (Jump Cut, No.51, Spring 2009)
“The dialectic of victory and defeat in the life of Che Guevara – and what it means today.”

On the roadshow with Che. By Gabriel San Román (Z Magazine, Vol.22, No.2, February 2009)
“Soderbergh’s Che is a historically accurate retelling of Guevara’s life in the Cuban Revolution and attempted revolution in Bolivia. Soderbergh’s offering, which joins the multitude of documentaries and the numerous literary treatments of Guevara, points to the one word best fit to describe the life of Che: voluminous.”

Che: Part 2. By Sasha Simic (Socialist Review, Issue 333, February 2009; online at Internet Archive)
“The second part of Steven Soderbergh’s biographic film of the life of Che Guevara is much more straightforward – and depressing – than the first. It concentrates almost wholly on the debacle of Guevara’s final campaign fought in Bolivia between 1966 and 1967, a campaign which ended in his tragic death.”

Revolution on the big screen. By Jason Farbman (Socialist Worker, US, January 22, 2009)
“It is stunning and delightful to discover a major motion picture taking up a nuanced study of the revolutionary whose image alternately inspires hope and disgust. Neither deifying nor damning him, A Revolutionary Life synthesize years of research to present new ideas to the already crowded field of documentaries and biopic.”

’Che’: Revolution as icon. By Becky Crocker (Solidarity, 3/144, 15 January 2009)
“This film presents the essence of what the Cuban revolution is to so many, an iconic (rather than realistic) struggle. The heroism of armed combat, infused with revolutionary ideals, is what makes this an engaging war film, but differentiates the Cuban revolution from the kind of democratic workers’ revolution that should be a model for socialists.”

Director Steven Soderbergh and actor Benicio Del Toro Sign Autographs for fans at the Press conference for the film "Che", 10 September 2008. Photo by Chris Harte. (CC BY-SA 2.0).
Director Steven Soderbergh and actor Benicio Del Toro Sign Autographs for fans at the Press conference for the film “Che”, 10 September 2008. Photo by Chris Harte. (CC BY-SA 2.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Che: Part One. By Nick Grant (Socialist Review, Issue 332, January 2009)
“We watch a man for whom the key to revolution is love – of freedom and of the people. Selflessness, democratic discipline and humility rule. Rambo this is not. Cynics may claim that Soderbergh is damning socialist struggle as idealistic, utopian and doomed.”

Searching for the man behind the myth. By Peter Arkell (A World to Win, 2009)
“It is a bold undertaking, making a film about Ernesto ’Che’ Guevara because of all the myths that surround his life and death. Che Part 1, succeeds because it focuses on a particular aspect of the story telling it faithfully rather than trying to tell it all.”

Steven Soderbergh’s ’Che’. By Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxist, January 8, 2009)
“We must applaud Soderbergh and Benicio del Toro, the actor that efficiently manages to make the public get closer to a flesh and blood hero of high spiritual stature and for accepting the challenge of taking this story to the screen …”

Steven Soderberg’s ’Che’. By Stuart King (Permanent Revolution, January 2, 2009; online at Internet Archive)
“As a film ’Che’ is never less than gripping, the fact that it is overwhelmingly dominated by Che’s military exploits is both its strength and its weakness. Don’t go to this film expecting to get a history or explanation of the Cuban revolution – you will come away disappointed.”

Che: the inspiring life of a vibrant revolutionary. By Gareth Jenkins (Socialist Worker, Issue 2132, 20 December 2008)
“Sympathetic cinema portraits of great revolutionary figures are rare. So this new film about Che Guevara is extremely welcome.”

Se også baggrundsmateriale fra Socialistisk Bibliotek om Che Guevara og venstrefløjens diskussioner af det cubanske samfund (og bogen som filmen bygger på):