COP15 demonstration 12 december 2009 moving towards the Bella Centre. Photo: Pechke. Public Domain.
COP15 demonstration 12 december 2009 moving towards the Bella Centre. Photo: Pechke. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Denne emneliste er lavet på baggrund af FN’s klimakonference november/december 2009 i København. Emnelistens indhold er baggrund, dokumentation og debat om den globale opvarmning og de nødvendige ændringer af samfundet.





FN’s klimakonference november/december 2009 i København er baggrund for denne emneliste. Emnelistens indhold er baggrund, dokumentation og debat om den globale opvarmning og de nødvendige ændringer af samfundet.
Den engelsksprogede del har også et bredere afsnit med diskussioner om klima, miljø, kapitalisme og socialisme.
Endvidere materiale om de såkaldte klimaskeptikere, som i Danmark står stærkest i den borgerlige lejr, se appendix om Klimaskepsis.
Og i Danmark mener et stort mindretal (30 pct.), at den globale opvarmning overvejende er et resultat af naturlige klimaforandringer (eller slet ikke eksisterer) (, 30.4.2008). I en nyere undersøgelse er tallet steget til 40 pct. (, 12.2.2010) + Grafik. Ifølge Klimabarometeret (Concito, 2018), er udviklingen nu vendt.

Bjarne A. Frandsen
December 2008. Revideret og ajourført oktober 2019.

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Banner fra demonstrationerne i Rostock mod G8-topmødet i Heiligendamm den 2. juni 2007 – før det egentlige topmøde begyndte. Kilde:
Banner fra demonstrationerne i Rostock mod G8-topmødet i Heiligendamm den 2. juni 2007 – før det egentlige topmøde begyndte. Kilde: KPnet.


Sites og temaer, 2009 (på dansk)


12. december-initiativet (; online på Internet Archive)
“Vores ambition er at samle alle, der ønsker en ambitiøs og socialt og globalt retfærdig klimaaftale, til en stor, bred og folkelig fælles demonstration lørdagen midt under topmødet.”

350: Klimabevægelsen i Danmark
“350 Klimabevægelsen i Danmark er en demokratisk og folkelig forening med hjemsted i København.”

Tema: Klimatopmødet i København (COP15)
Om Klimatopmødet, Enhedslistens klimapolitik og artikler, blog, English (online på Internet Archive).

Klima SOS
“Klima SOS er startet af NOAH [som dansk del af Big Ask] … Big Ask handler i alle lande om årlige reduktioner i drivhusgasudledningerne sikret gennem en klimalov.”
“ er et uafhængigt medie, som dækker begivenhederne i forbindelse med klimatopmødet i København, december 2009. Vores målsætning er at følge kampen om klimaet, dér hvor den foregår – på gaden, bag facaden, og mens tingene sker.” (online på Internet Archive).

Peoples Climate Action
“People’s Climate Action skal fungere som en strategisk og praktisk platform, der sikrer, at der er gode rammer, rummelighed og velkoordinerede aktiviteter op til klimakonferencen i december i år.”


Baggrund og debat

350: Klimabevægelsen i Danmark
“350 Klimabevægelsen i Danmark er en demokratisk og folkelig forening med hjemsted i København.”

Bjerknessenteret for klimaforskning (BCCR)
“BCCR har et internasjonalt ledende forskningsmiljø med særlig styrke på klimaforståelse, klimamodellering og scenarier for fremtidig klimautvikling og kvantifisering av klimaendringer.”

Climate Greenwash Awards 2009
“Climate Greenwash Awards 2009 er arrangeret af Corporate Europe Observatory, ATTAC-Danmark, Klimabevægelsen, KlimaX og NOAH for at udfordre de store virksomheders forsøg på at sætte dagsordenen ved klimatopmødet.” Sitet er på dansk og engelsk (online på Internet Archive).

Concito: Danmarks grønne tænketank
“Concito har til formål at analysere og formidle, hvordan omstillingen til det klimaneutrale samfund kan ske bedst og billigst i Danmark og i andre dele af verden.”

“Denne hjemmeside indeholder information om Danmarks værtskab for FN’s Klimakonference (COP15) i København, 30. nov. til 11. dec. 2009.” (online på Internet Archive).

Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut (DMI)
DMI’s sider om klima
“Her er information om effekterne af klimaforandringerne, hvordan man finder frem til jordens middeltemperatur samt hvordan de der drivhusgasser fungerer.”

Danmarks Radio

  • Klima
    Få den nyeste viden inden for klima & klimaforandringer.”

Klimamyter: Hvad er rent faktisk sandt om klimaforandringerne? (7. oktober 2019)
“En af verdens førende klimaforskere [Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen] afgør, om klimamyterne holder vand.”

Drivhuseffekten: Det store eksperiment
“Hjemmesiden ‘Klimaændringer og vedvarende energi’ – – blev oprettet i 1999 i forbindelse med udgivelsen af en undervisnings cd-rom om drivhusefekten og det globale klima.”


Extinction Rebellion Danmark
Oprør for livet: “Extinction Rebellion Danmark er en del af den internationale Extinction Rebellion (XR) bevægelse, der startede i Storbritannien i 2018.”

Klimaforandringer. Af Ebbe Sønderriis + Malene Fenger-Grøndahl (august 2013/maj 2018)
Tema: Miljø
“Her finder du nyheter om alternativ energi, forurensning, miljøgifter, klima, miljøvern, naturvern og plast.”

Det alle miljøforkjempere bør vite om kapitalismen. Av John Bellamy Foster og Fred Magdoff (Rødt!, nr.2a, 2010, s.54-81). Oversat fra: What every environmentalist needs to know about capitalism (Monthly Review, Vol.61, No.10, March 2010, p.1-29)

Nyhedstema: Klima

Sektion med nyhedsartikler.

Ingeniørforeningen i Danmark (IDA)
Er Danmark på rette vej? (pdf, 12 sider)
“En opfølgning på IDA’s Klimaplan 2050. Status 2015.”

Internationale Socialister
Tema: Klima/Global opvarmning
Dansk forum om klima og eneri. Med Debat, Viden, Klummer (bl.a. Sebastian Mernild) og emnedelte Klimalinks.

Klimakommissionen (2008)
“Regeringen nedsatte i marts 2008 en klimakommission … [som] skal give sit bud på, hvordan regeringens vision om, at Danmark i fremtiden bliver uafhængig af fossile brændstoffer kan nås.” Sitet er nedlagt.

Klimakommissionen: Guld og grøn energi. Af Finn Kjeller (Socialistisk Information, 22. oktober 2010). “Vi bliver klimavenlige og uafhængige af fossile brændsler, mens vi forbruger mere år for år. Det lyder næsten for godt til at være sandt. Og det er det også!”

Klimakommisionen er ude af trit med virkeligheden. Af Klaus Illum (, 7. oktober 2010). “Klimakommissionen regner med, at vi kan fjerne de fossile brændstoffer og fortsætte væksten uhæmmet. Men de glemmer flere elementære grunde til, hvorfor væksten ikke kan fortsætte.”

“Klimarådet er et uafhængigt ekspertorgan, der rådgiver om, hvordan omstillingen til et klimaneutralt samfund kan ske på en omkostningseffektiv måde, så vi i fremtiden kan leve i et Danmark med meget lave udledninger af drivhusgasser og samtidig fastholde velfærd og udvikling.”
Ny rapport om vejen til 70-procentsmålet i 2030 (9. marts 2020). Om rapporten Kendte veje og nye spor til 70 procents reduktion (154 sider). “I en ny rapport præsenterer Klimarådet en række anbefalinger, der skal få Danmark i mål med 70 procent reduktion i 2030.”

Klimaændringerne: Menneskehedens hidtil største udfordring
Redigeret af Hans Meltofte (Hovedland, 2008, 152 s.)
Se bogen online (pdf) (DCE, Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi, Aarhus Universitet).

Mandag Morgen
Tema: Energi og miljø
Termostaten står på klimakaos. Af Finn Kjeller (26. februar 2013)
“Forskningsrapporter på stribe slår fast: De seneste års hedebølger og tørke, uvejrskatastrofer og oversvømmelser er kun en forsmag på den fremtid, der varmes op til.”
Se også artikler med Emneord: Klima

NOAH’s Energihandlingsplan 2050: Vejen til et Danmark uden fossile brændsler
Tekst af Stig Meldgaard (NOAH’s Forlag, maj 2010, 106 sider)
“NOAH’s Energihandlingsplan 2050 er en kortlægning af, hvordan vi kan nedbringe de danske udledninger med mindst 6 procent årligt, med 2030 som tidsfristen til at omlægge Danmark til en fossilfri energiforsyning og 2050 som året, hvor de samlede danske udledninger er nedbragt til nul.”

NOAH’s klimasider
“Jordens klima – om konsekvenserne af de menneskeskabte klimaændringer. Webstedet er udarbejdet med det primære formål at skabe et webbaseret undervisnings- og informationsmateriale om de globale klimaændringer.” Se også NOAHs site Klima SOS.

Fokus: Klima

Socialistisk Information
Tema: Klima

Turen går til de varme lande: Verdens klima – hvad sker der?
Af Lars Dahlager og Michael Rothenborg (Politikens rejsebøger, 2009, 169 s.)
“… en rejse til en skævere verden, hvor tyfoner, tørke, oversvømmelser og spændinger tager til.” Se bogen online (Udenrigsministeriet).

Tema: Energi og klima (pdf) (nr.35, 2015, 183 s.)
“For å forstå klimaproblemet er det derfor avgjørende å analysere energi-systemenes historiske utvikling.”

Red Verden (2021- )

Der er kæmpe forskel på, om temperaturen stiger med 1,5 eller 2 grader. Af Rachel Warren og Sally Brown (, 10. oktober 2019)
“Synes du, at en halv grads forskel ikke lyder af meget, så læs bare her…”

“Den britiske forsker [Mark Maslin] tager fat i misforståelser, der igen og igen bliver fremført af benægtere af menneskeskabt global opvarmning.”

“Jeg bliver ikke længere for alvor eksponeret for nogen, der sætter spørgsmålstegn ved, om mennesker er årsag til klimaforandringer, siger dansk klimaprofessor.”

Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi


Bøger: Boglister mv. (danske and English)
Danske (+ nogle engelske) bøger.

Ecosocialist resource guide (
“These articles and books provide an introduction to the ecosocialist perspective, focusing on works that are brief, clear, and readily available.”

20 essential books on Marxist ecology. By Ian Angus (Climate & Capitalism, July 27, 2019) “I’ve limited the list to books that are in print and readily available. I’ve avoided academic texts, and books that aren’t clearly Marxist. There are many good non-Marxist books, of course, but this is a Marxist reading list!”

‘Green Capitalism’: a critical review of the literature. Part 1-3 (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, 15-16 March 2019, 34 p.)
“Stephen Graham dissects the discourses of sustainability, Green capitalism and the Green economy.”

Økologi og marxisme: en læseguide af Andreas Malm. Af Vibeke Nielsen (, 18. september 2019)
“Den svenske økosocialist og forsker, Andreas Malm, har lavet en linksamling med anbefalinger til litteratur om klimakrisen.” With link to Reading Guide: Ecology & Marxism (Historical Materialism, 2017).

Finn Kjeller (red.): Økosocialisme: fra systemkritik til alternativ (Solidaritet, 2015, 245 s.) Hele bogen online på Ø (+ anmeldelser og forfatter-videoer)
“Antologien samler bidrag fra engagerede forskere og fagforeningsfolk fra otte forskellige lande: Richard Smith, Daniel Tanuro, Michael Löwy, Pat Devine, Asbjørn Wahl, Nathalie Guay, Lars Hendriksson og Søren Kolstrup.”

Jonathan Neale: Fight the Fire: Green New Deals and Global Climate Jobs (Resistance Books/The Ecologist, 2021, 332 p.; online at The Ecologist)
Review by Keith Danner (Jacobin, April 12, 2022). “Neale is interested in questions of political strategy. How do we make demands which hold together the environmental and labor movements?”
Review by Elaine Graham-Leigh (Counterfire, July 8, 2021). “Jonathan Neale shows that solving climate change requires a movement based in the working class to succeed.”
Review by Owen McCormack (Irish Marxist Review, Vol.10, No.30, 2021). “Neale’s book, written in a non-academic and easy-to-read style is the best and most important book on the climate crisis you could read this year.”
Review by Janet Bujra (ROAPE, April 29, 2021). “Written by a committed socialist and climate activist, with a powerful analysis framed by radical political economy, Jonathan Neale both informs and inspires, with a realistic assessment of the problem of global warming and of potential solutions.”


Resources and documentation

American Institute of Physics
The discovery of global warming
“A hypertext history of how scientists came to (partly) understand what people are doing to cause climate change.”

Carbon Trade Watch
“While we witness the emergence of a new carbon economy, key questions remain unanswered regarding the impact global pollution trading will have on society and the environment. Are people being cheated in the name of sustainable development?” See also Tamra Gilbertson and Oscar Reyes: Carbon trading: how it works and why it fails (Critical Currents, No.7, November 2009, 104 p.)

Climate Action Tracker
“CAT is an independent scientific analysis that tracks government climate action and measures it against the globally agreed Paris Agreement aim of ‘holding warming well below 2°C, and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C’.”

Columbia University
Climate Change in a Nutshell: The Gathering Storm. By James Hansen (Earth Institute/Climate Science, 18 December 2018, 55 p.).
“The Nutshell document, is, in our opinion, the single most important analysis currently available for general readers seeking to stay abreast of the science and politics of global warming.” (Notes from the editors, Monthly Review, Vol.70, No.9, February 2019).

The Guardian
Climate wars: Guardian special investigation. By Fred Pearce (9 February 2010- )
“In a major investigation, the leading science writer Fred Pearce uncovers the real story behind the hacked emails.”

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
“The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change.”
6: AR6 Synthesis Report: Climate Change (2023)
6: Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report (2022)
5: Climate Change 2014
4: Climate Change 2007
3: Climate Change 2001
2: Climate Change 1995
1: Climate Change 1990/1992

Special Reports:
The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (September 2019)
Climate Change and Land (August 2019)
Global Warming of 1.5°C (October 2018)

See also:
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (
IPCC errors: facts and spin (RealClimate, 14 February 2010)
Climate change and capitalism
(Michael Roberts Blog, September 28, 2013). På norsk: Klimaendringar og kapitalisme (Gnist/Rødt! nr.4, 2013, s.44-49)

MET Office


New Scientist

  • Environment
  • Climate change: A guide for the perplexed (16 May 2007)
    “For those who are not sure what to believe, here is our round-up of the most common climate myths and misconceptions.”

“RealClimate is a commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists for the interested public and journalists. We aim to provide a quick response to developing stories and provide the context sometimes missing in mainstream commentary.”

FAQ Climate Science: For complete beginners – Those with some knowledgeInformed, but in need of more detail – Informed, but seeking serious discussion of common contrarian talking points

The Royal Society

Climate change: A summary of the science (30 September 2010, 16 p.)
“The guide has been written to summarise the evidence and to clarify the levels of confidence associated with the current scientific understanding of climate change.”

Scientific American
Feature: Climate Change

Skeptical Science
“This website gets skeptical about global warming skepticism. Do their arguments have any scientific basis? What does the peer reviewed scientific literature say?”

The climate change portal/Climate Change Skeptics Corner: SourceWatch contains extensive documented information on so-called ‘climate change skeptics’, their claims and their known corporate or other financiers.

Union of Concerned Scientists
Issues: Global warming
Global warming science – Global warming impacts – Global warming contrarians.

Updating the Climate Science
“Makiko Sato and James Hansen are constructing a web page … [that] will present updated graphs and discussion of key quantities that help provide understanding of how climate change is developing and how effective or ineffective global actions are in affecting climate forcings and future climate change.”

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Global Warming - the Evidence. Artist: Uploadet on August 31, 2006 by Paul Ashton. (CC BY-SA 2.0).
Global Warming – the Evidence. Artist: Uploadet on August 31, 2006 by Paul Ashton. (CC BY-SA 2.0). Source:


Progressive sites and articles
“24 October 2009: International day of climate action.”

Campaign against Climate Change (CCC)
“The CCC exists to push for the urgent and radical action we need to prevent the catastrophic destabilisation of global climate.”

Climate and Capitalism
Ecosocialism or Barbarism: There is no third way.

System Change Not Climate Change
“… a network of North American ecosocialists united in the belief that capitalism is driving climate change and that a radical international grassroots movement can stop it.”

Climate Justice Action (CJA)
“Action network against the root causes of climate change at the December 2009 COP15 climate talks.”

The Ecologist

Jonathan Neale: Fight the Fire: Green New Deals and Global Climate Jobs (Resistance Books, 2021, 333 p.; online at “Neale’s book, written in a non-academic and easy-to-read style is the best and most important book on the climate crisis you could read this year.”

Global Ecosocialist Network (GEN)
“The purpose of the Network is to assist the worldwide dissemination of socialist responses  to the environmental crisis. Its aim is simply to facilitate the exchange of information, ideas, analyses and debates from an ecosocialist point of view.”

In Defence of Marxism

Brian J. Baker: Discussion document: Global Warming: A socialist perspective, Part 1 (28 April 2008; online at Internet Archive)
“We start today a serialised article on Global Warming, written by one of our readers who challenges the scientific basis upon which the theory of human-caused climate change is based.”

Emil Reed replies to Brian J. Baker on climate change (9 May 2008)
“Brain J. Baker has given an extremely misleading picture of the state of knowledge about climate change.”

Mauro Vanetti: Global-warming deniers and climate change ideologues, Part 1: Basic questions (23 May 2008)
“Baker ridicules the concept of ‘scientific consensus’. It is true that the scientific community does not operate in a vacuum and that it is very often subject to pressures of politics, religion, social rules, prejudices and also directly from the market. But this does not invalidate the concept of scientific consensus altogether.”

International Socialism

Martin Empson: Food, agriculture and climate change (Issue 152, Autumn 2016, p.69-95) “In this article I will explore the environmental impact of agriculture under capitalism, particularly its contribution to climate change.”

Camilla Royle: Marxism and the Anthropocene (Issue 151, Summer 2016, p.63-84)
“This article summarises some of the debates among scientists, explains the criticisms of some on the left and concludes by arguing that, nevertheless, the idea remains useful and that Marxists should seek to use our existing tools to understand the phenomenon.”

Gareth Dale: The growth paradigm: a critique (Issue 134, Spring 2012, p.79-112)
“The growth paradigm, as I use the term, refers to the proposition that economic growth is good, imperative, essentially limitless, and the principal remedy for a litany of social problems. The growth paradigm appears ubiquitous, even natural, but it is uniquely modern.”

Jonathan Neale: Climate politics after Copenhagen (Issue 126, Spring 2010, p.35-64)
“The Copenhagen Climate Change Summit last December saw the leading capitalist powers put their rivalries ahead of the future of the planet. Jonathan Neale draws out the meaning of this pivotal events and maps a strategy for the movement against climate change.”

Paul McGarr: What’s wrong, and what can be done (Issue 119, summer 2008, p.173-176)
Review of Jonathan Neale’s book: Stop Global Warming: Change the World (Bookmarks, 2008)

Paul McGarr: Capitalism and climate change (Issue 107, Summer 2005, p.96-124)
“Climate change is now recognised to be a major threat to the world … Paul McGarr argues that there are easy solutions, but they cannot be achieved without militant anti-capitalist struggle.” See also feedback from James Woodcock: Transport and climate change (Issue 108, Autumn 2005, p.204-207) + Reply from Mark Thomas (Issue 109, Winter 2006, p.200-203)

International Socialist Review

Hothouse Earth: Capitalism, climate change, and the fate of humanity. Part 1. By Chris Williams (Issue 62, November–December 2008) + Part 2 (Issue 64, March 2009). “In the first half of this article Chris Williams outlined the nature and scale of the environmental crisis brought on by global climate change, and assessed such proposed solutions as carbon trading and altering personal consumption habits … Here, he continues his analysis of dubious proposals to deal with climate change and advances an analysis of what must be done to move toward real solutions to the crisis.”

International Viewpoint
Index: Ecology and the Environment

Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal
Hot topics: Climate change

Envisioning ecological revolution (August 2009). Excerpt from John Bellamy Foster’s new book, The Ecological Revolution (Monthly Review Press, 2009)
“The roots of the present ecological crisis, John Bellamy Foster argues in the book, lie in capital’s rapacious expansion, which has now achieved unprecedented heights of irrationality across the globe.”

From Marxism 2011, London, 46:17 min. on

Se also:

Capitalism and Climate Change (John Bellamy Foster)
In this shorter video clip, John Bellamy Foster talks to us about the nature of the struggle ahead and our relation to Capitalism in that struggle. On, 2:43 min.)

Monthly Review

John Bellamy Foster: On fire this time (Vol.71, No.6, November 2019)
About “The outpouring of climate change protests over the last year” and The Green New Deal.

Erald Kolasi: Energy, economic growth, and ecological crisis (Vol.71, No.2, June 2019)
“Here I explore the nature of the relationship between energy and economic growth, highlighting areas where it makes sense to talk about decoupling while also emphasizing some of the fundamental limits and problems of invoking the concept in relation to economics.”

John Bellamy Foster: Making War on the planet: Geoengineering and Capitalism’s creative destruction of the earth (Vol.70, No.4, September 2018)
“Not only is geoengineering now being enthusiastically pushed by today’s billionaire class, by environmental organizations, by think tanks and by fossil-fuel corporations … and the IPCC has incorporated negative emissions strategies based on geoengineering …”

John Bellamy Foster: The long ecological revolution (Vol.69, No.6, November 2017)
“… it is dispiriting but not altogether surprising that some self-styled socialists have jumped on the ecomodernist bandwagon, arguing against most ecologists and ecosocialists that what is required to address climate change and environmental problems as a whole is simply technological change, coupled with progressive redistribution of resources.”

Ian Angus: When did the Anthropocene begin…and why does it matter? (Vol.67, No.4, September 2015)
“In this article I offer an overview of the issues and stakes in the ‘when it happened’ debate.”

John Bellamy Foster and Brett Clark: The planetary emergency (Vol.64, No.7, December 2012)
“The scale and speed of the emerging ecological challenge, manifested not only in climate change but also in numerous other planetary rifts, constitutes irrefutable evidence that the root cause of the environmental problem lies in our socioeconomic system, and particularly in the dynamic of capital accumulation.”

Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster: What every environmentalist needs to know about capitalism (Vol.61, No.10, March 2010, p.1-29)
“Environmental problems are not a result of human ignorance or innate greed. They do not arise because managers of individual large corporations or developers are morally deficient. Instead, we must look to the fundamental workings of the economic (and political/social) system for explanations.” See also interview with Fred Magdoff (MR Online, 24 August 2011)

Richard York, Brett Clark and John Bellamy Foster: Capitalism in Wonderland (Vol.61, No.1, May 2009)
“The inability of received economics to cope with or even perceive the global ecological crisis is alarming in its scope and implications.”

Special issue: Beyond capitalist ecology (Vol.60, No.6, November 2008, 63 p.)
“This number is a second issue focusing on the environmental problem, following our July-August special issue, edited by John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark, and Richard York.”

Special issue: Ecology: The moment of truth (Vol.60, No.3, July-August 2008, 141 p.)
“This number is a special issue [where] we concentrate on the planetary environmental emergency.”
Among the articles:
John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark, and Richard York: An Introduction (p.1-11)
John W. Farley: The scientific case for modern anthropogenic global warming (p.68-90)
“Arguments against the radical journalist Alexander Cockburn, who forcefully proclaimed anthropogenic global warming to be a myth.”

The Pentagon and climate change (Vol.56, No.1, May 2004)
“Abrupt climate change has been a growing topic of concern for about a decade for climate scientists … But it was only with the recent appearance of a Pentagon report on the possible social effects – in terms of instability and war – of abrupt climate change that it riveted public attention.”

Mother Jones
As the world burns (May/June 2005)
A Mother Jones special project on global warming.

Science for the People
Special issue: Geoengineering (Summer 2018)
“Without historical and social context, climate change appears simply as a problem of science, to be solved with technology .. we aim to interrogate the research and technology, the assumptions and costs, as well as the general focus on the technological and how that relates to the social, political, and economic questions that drive this crisis.”
How we know global warming is real and human caused (February 8, 2012)
“Donald R. Prothero addresses climate change denialism head on, demolishing deniers’ arguments and rebuttals, and clearly demonstrating how we know global warming is real and human caused.”

Socialist Register 2007
Coming to terms with nature (2006, 363 p.)
“We see this volume as contributing to the development of a better eco-socialist understanding of contemporary capitalism, and the kind of politics that could lead to an ecologically sustainable as well as a democratic socialism.” With preface and 4 articles online.

System Change Not Climate Change
“… a network of North American ecosocialists united in the belief that capitalism is driving climate change and that a radical international grassroots movement can stop it.”



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