Ilan Pappe og bogen “Den etniske udrensning af Palæstina”


Personliste om den israelske historiker Ilan Pappé og han bog “Den etniske udrensning af Palæstina”. English edition: “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine”.


Den etniske udrensning af Palæstina

Af Ilan Pappe (Klim, 2012, 329 sider)
“Den fremtrædende israelske historiker Ilan Pappe arbejder for international anerkendelse af denne tragedie. Hans banebrydende og kontroversielle bog kaster nyt lys over den palæstinensisk-israelske konflikts oprindelse og udvikling. Her hører vi epokegørende nyt om den virkelige historie bag begivenhederne i 1948.”
Engelske udgave online: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (pdf) (One World, 2006, 313 s.; online på


Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Emneoversigten: Palæstina / Israel
Emnelisten: Israel 1948 og Nakbaen (katastrofen)

Historian Ilan Pappe of Exeter University discusses the people and ideology behind the crimes of the war of 1948, which he describes as the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. This speech was given at the Al-Awda Convention in 2008. (Alternative Focus, 2008, 28:30 min.)


Sites og leksikalt

The Electronic Intifada

  • Ilan Pappe
    Articles by Ilan Pappe from 2003 and forward.

Third World Traveler


Artikler på dansk


Megafængslet Gaza. Af Ilan Pappe (8. januar 2009)
“Det er vigtigt at minde hinanden om, at Vesten kan gøre en ende på denne enestående umenneskelighed og kriminalitet den dag i morgen.”


‘Israel er godt på vej til at tabe PR-kampen’. Af Anna von Sperling (2. oktober 2009)
“Det er ikke sjovt at miste sine venner, og Israel opfører sig stadig mere aggressivt for at genvinde den støtte, landet lidt efter lidt har mistet i USA og Europa. ‘Nu har de igen behov for at minde Europa om Holocaust,’ siger den kontroversielle israelske historiker Ilan Pappe, der gerne vil have alle til at forstå, at Israel aldrig har forhandlet fred.”

Jødisk historiker: PFLP er en legitim oprørsbevægelse. Af Nina Trige Andersen (15. november 2007)
“PFLP opgav terror som middel i 1970’erne og er imod selvmordsbomber og angreb på civile, sagde et af forsvarets vidner, den jødisk-israelske historiker Ilan Pape, på retsmødet i Fighters+Lovers-sagen i går.”

Kamp om fortiden. Af Pia Fris Laneth (16. maj 2002)
“Et universitetsspeciale om massakren på en arabisk landsby i 1948 er endt i retten. Historikeren Ilan Pappé er ved at blive fyret fra Haifa Universitet. Israelerne slås om fortiden.”

Kristeligt Dagblad

Historikeren der siger frække ord. Af Ulla Poulsen (5. oktober 2009)
“Historikeren Ilan Pappe er en af de mest upopulære akademikere i Israel. Han har sin egen version af Israels historie og fastholder, at israelere og palæstinensere lige så godt kan indstille sig på at leve sammen i en fælles stat.”


At nægte Nakba er som at nægte Holocaust. Af Lars Ploug (nr.2, april 2012, s.15-16; online på
“Palæstina Orientering taler med den israelske historiker Ilan Pappe om modtagelsen af bogen ‘Den Etniske Udrensning af Palæstina’ om udrensningsnægtere og om flygtningespørgsmålets fremtid i den israelske offentlighed.”

Ny bog er en bibel for palæstinensere, men en hadepamflet for Israel. Af Anders Jerichow (13. juni 2012)
“Nu får vi en israelsk historikers forsvar for den palæstinensiske udlægning af Israel-Palæstinakonflikten.”

Stop det israelske vanvid… Interview med Ilan Pappe (22. november 2012)
“En tostatsløsningen er en forkert vej at gå …”

Socialistisk Arbejderavis

Israel: Grundlagt på etnisk udrensning (nr.258, 16. august 2006)
“Den anerkendte anti-zionistiske historiker Ilan Pappe skriver om Israel og historien om landets ødelæggende rolle i Mellemøsten.”


Morten Thing: Ilan Pappé forudsiger, at Israel går i opløsning (8. november 2024) “Sammenslutningen Academics For Palestine havde mandag 4. november indkaldt til konference på Københavns Universitet. Her havde de nemlig besøg af den israelske historiker Ilan Pappé, som i sit hjemland bliver kaldt en landsforræder på grund af sine historiske værker om palæstinensernes vilkår. I dag bor og arbejder Pappé i England.”


Reviews, debates and interviews in English

Against the Current

Ethnic cleansing: Palestine reality. By Joel Finkel (Issue 139, March-April 2009)
“His book is hardly pleasant reading, but one would not expect it to be. Basing his work on that of previous historians as well as on an examination of recently declassified official documents, Pappé forever puts to rest any doubt that Palestinians were systematically and brutally expelled from their homeland.”

Pappe and Israel’s New Historians. By Kit Adam Wainer (Issue 152, May-June 2011)
“A scholar and activist, Ilan Pappe is the most radical of the new historians. In Out of the Frame Pappe describes his own evolution as a writer and political activist and places his own history in the context of the emergence of the new historians.”

Review by Stephen Lendman (9 February, 2007)
“This review is lengthy so readers will know in detail what Israeli authorities successfully suppressed for decades. Pappe courageously revealed it in a book begging to be read and discussed by all people of conscience and good faith.”


The ethnic cleansing of Palestine: An interview with Ilan Pappe. By Fatma Elshhati, Miho Seki and Anthony Löwstedt (January 1-3, 2010)
“The ethnic cleansing of Palestine is still ongoing today, according to Pappe, and it is an intentional policy by the state of Israel … His research and findings, as well as his ideals, have been viewed in a negative light by Israelis, and their reactions have led to his exile from his home in Haifa.”

Green Left Weekly

The state of Israel’s bloody foundations. By Phil Shannon (Issue 735, December 12, 2007)
“Pappe’s rigorous and humane history helps to uncover the ruined villages and homes, the lost lives and citrus groves, beneath the Israeli housing settlements, universities, tourist attractions, forests and theme parks which have literally buried the real history of 1948.”

Jerusalem Quarterly

Looking at evil without blinking (pdf). By Raja Shehadeh (Issue 33, Winter 2008, p.65-70; online at Institute for Palestine Studies)
“One of the merits of the book is its powerful impact on readers, who see what is familiar in a new and revealing light. Another important aspect of the book is that it focuses not only on the destruction, but describes the ancient villages with a real sense of loss.”

Journal of Palestine Studies

The 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine (pdf). By Ilan Pappe (Vol.36, No.1, Autumn 2006, p.6-20)
“This article, excerpted and adapted from the early chapters of a new book, emphasizes the systematic preparations that laid the ground for the expulsion of more than 750,000 Palestinians from what became Israel in 1948.”

Logos: a journal of modern society & culture

Power and history in the Middle East: A conversation with Ilan Pappe (Vol.3, No.1, Winter 2004; online at Internet Archive)
“I think that the ethnic cleansing in 1948 will never allow Israel to reconcile with the Palestinians and the rest of the Middle East, nor to live in peace with its own Palestinian minority unless Israel boldly faces the past. The ethnic cleansing included the destruction of more than 400 villages, 11 towns and the expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians.”

The New Republic

The liar as hero. By Benny Morris (March 17, 2011)
“At best, Ilan Pappe must be one of the world’s sloppiest historians; at worst, one of the most dishonest. In truth, he probably merits a place somewhere between the two.”

History and myth in Palestine (January 8, 2014). Interview with Ilan Pappé.
“Historical honesty is critical to challenging the myths and distortions built up by Zionists about Israel’s colonial project.”



The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. By Ilan Pappe (60 min.)
Vancouver University, March 29, 2008: “This is a unique opportunity to hear the renowned Israeli historian and author, Ilan Pappe speak about his recent book where he lays out the past, present, and offers suggestions for the future, of Israeli/Palestinian relations.”

Israeli Myths & Propaganda. Ilan Pappe (66 min.)
“Full Interview: Professor Ilan Pappe reveals the truth about the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.”


Se også

Det moderne Palæstinas historie: et land, to folk

Forside: Det moderne Palæstinas historie Ilan Pappe
Forside: Det moderne Palæstinas historie Ilan Pappe

Af Ilan Pappe (Klim, 2009, 396 sider)
“Palæstina bebos af to folk med hver sin nationale identitet. Ilan Pappe beskriver landets historie fra tiden under det Ottomanske Rige først i 1800-tallet frem til vor tid.”

  • Exposing and opposing Zionism: A conversation with Ilan Pappé. By Chris Marsden (World Socialist Web Site, 29 August 2024)
    “It’s not a moment of Epiphany, where you wake up and suddenly you are on the other side of the Rubicon. It takes time. But there is a moment where you feel that you know enough and you understand enough and you have heard enough to challenge fundamentally the narrative of your own society, of your own state.”