Upper right: Black - white photograph of the 1989 May 1 demonstration Day with the participation of the opposition and Jacek Kuron, 24 September 2013, Black - white photograph of the 1989 May 1 demonstration Day with the participation of the opposition and Jacek Kuron. Author: Andrzej Iwański (Scanned by Europeana 1989) (CC BY-SA 3.0). Down left:Karol Modzelewski. Festiwal Góry Literatury, 6.07.2017. Source: Own work. Author: Tomasz Leśniowski. (CC BY-SA 4.0) And two edition of the book they wrote together. See below june 17, 2004
Upper right: Black - white photograph of the 1989 May 1 demonstration Day with the participation of the opposition and Jacek Kuron, 24 September 2013, Black - white photograph of the 1989 May 1 demonstration Day with the participation of the opposition and Jacek Kuron. Author: Andrzej Iwański (Scanned by Europeana 1989) (CC BY-SA 3.0). Down left:Karol Modzelewski. Festiwal Góry Literatury, 6.07.2017. Source: Own work. Author: Tomasz Leśniowski. (CC BY-SA 4.0) And two edition of the book they wrote together. See below june 17, 2004

Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 2004.

Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.


23. maj 2004

Maxime Rodinson at "Midden-Oosten "Congres van ASVA in Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam,14 May 1970. Photo: Rob Mieremet (1947–2015), Dutch photographer/Anefo. Collection: Nationaal Archief, the Netherlands. (CC BY-SA 3.0).
Maxime Rodinson at “Midden-Oosten “Congres van ASVA in Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam, 14 May 1970. Photo: Rob Mieremet (1947–2015), Dutch photographer/Anefo. Collection: Nationaal Archief, the Netherlands. (CC BY-SA 3.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Den franske marxistiske mellemøst-historiker Maxime Rodinson dør i Paris (født i Marseille 26. januar 1915). Han er forfatter til en lang række bøger, bl.a. hovedværket fra 1961 om Muhammed, islams grundlægger.


Maxime Rodinson was a revolutionary historian of the Muslim world. By Jean Batou (Jacobin, January 31, 2021). “French historian Maxime Rodinson transformed our understanding of the Muslim world with books like Muhammad and Islam and Capitalism. Rodinson’s pathbreaking work, based on the creative use of Marxist ideas, is still an invaluable guide to the politics of the Middle East today.”

The thinker and the militant (Historical Materialism, Blog, 13 July 2018; online at Internet Archive). “Rationality, Islam, and decolonisation with Maxime Rodinson … In this article, Selim Nadi addresses the relations between Rodinson’s scientific work and political engagement, through an appraisal of Rodinson’s analyses of the tactical and strategic possibilities that Islam offered to anti-colonial struggles.”

Maxime Rodinson: in praise of a ‘marginal man’. By Fred Halliday (OpenDemocracy, 8 September 2005). “The greatest of all French writers on the middle east (and arguably the greatest tout court) is however less renowned today than he deserves to be.”

Maxime Rodinson: Marxist historian of Islam. By Douglas Johnson (The Guardian, 3 June 2004). “He resigned from the Communist party in 1958 … But he remained a Marxist.”

Obituary: Maxime Rodinson. By Aziz Al-Azmeh (Iran-Bulletin / Middle East Left Forum, 2004; online at Internet Archive). “He will be remembered in fondness and admiration in the Arab World and beyond for his forthrightness, his support for the Palestinian people and his not uncritical support for the Arabs and their causes, his iconoclastic Marxism, and for his scholarship.”

Maxime Rodinson on Islamic “Fundamentalism” (Middle East Report, Issue 233, Winter 2004). An unpublished interview with Gilbert Achcar from 1986: “Maxime Rodinson distinguished himself among his peers by applying a critical Marxian interpretive scheme to the Muslim world.”

Maxime Rodinson looks back. By Joan Mandell and Joe Stork (Middle East Report, Issue 269, Winter 2013). Interview with Maxime Rodinson from April 1986: “Maxime Rodinson was a pioneering scholar of Islam and the Middle East, as well as a prominent Marxian public intellectual.”

Texts by Maxime Rodinson online:

On the general nature of the conflict (Reds / Die Roten). The concluding chapter of Israel and the Arabs (Penguin Books, 1982, p.314-355). “We have decided to post this piece because in our opinion it contains an excellent summary of the issues at stake in the struggle between the state of Israel and the Palestinian people, even if the practical proposals at the end of the piece are a bit liberal and wishy-washy, even naïve (particularly in retrospect).”

Mohammed (pdf). Translated from the French [1961] by Anne Carter (Penguin, 1971, 361 p.; online at Almuslih.org/Internet Archive).
Bogen på svensk: Muhammed: Om profetens liv och Islams uppkomst (pdf) (Gidlund, 1981, 194 s.; online på Marxistarkiv.se).
The book were forbidden at the American University in Cairo 1998: Non-State Attacks on Academic Freedom: The Islamist Factor (Human Rights Watch, June 2005)

The Arabs in the Greco-Roman world (Annales, Vol.21, No.5, 1966; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “This magnificently presented volume, with a beautiful section of illustrations, is in realty a collection of essays and outlines by the two authors, with the addition of contributions from various scholars.”

See also at Socialistisk Bibliotek:


17. juni 2004

Den tidligere polske dissident og organsator af oppositionsaktiviteter og senere social- og arbejdsminister, Jacek Kuron, dør i Warschawa. (Født 3. marts 1934 i Lwów).
Udgav i 1964 sammen med Karol Modzelewski Åbent Brev til Partiet, og fik i 1965 sin første fængselsdom herfor. Se om Karol Modzelewski (1937-2019) nedenfor.

Ledende i dannelsen af KOR (Komiteen til Arbejdernes Forsvar) i juni 1976 efter en strejkebølge i Radom og Warschawa.


  • Kuron, Jacek (Leksikon.org)
  • Jacek Kuron. Af Jens Mørck (Solidarnosc.dk, 5. maj 2009; online på Internet Archive). Biografi på dansk.
  • Kuron, Jacek (Marxists Internet Arcive). Lille politisk biografi.
  • Jacek Kuron (Wikipedia.org). Med links til bl.a. svensk biografi.
  • Jacek Kuron. By Jairus Banaji (Historical Materialism; online at Internet Archive)

Jacek Kuron 1934-2004. Af Jan Malewski (Socialistisk Information, nr.188, August 2004). “Hans »åbne brev til Polens Forenede Arbejderparti« i 1964 var et veritabelt program for en antibureaukratisk og socialistisk revolution – og kostede ham sin første fængselsdom sammen med Karol Modzelewski. Hans liv afspejler Polens nyere historie og i særdeleshed den antistalinistiske venstrefløjs tragedie.”

Obituary: Jacek Kuron (Socialist Review, Issue 287, July 2004). “Andy Zebrowski explores the life and politics of a leading Polish dissident.”

Obituary: Jacek Kuron (1934-2004). By Andy Phillips (News & Letters, July 2004; online at Internet Archive). “Jacek Kuron, a lifelong Polish dissident who was once a revolutionary activist, died on June l7 at age 70.”

Black - white photograph of the 1989 May 1 demonstration Day with the participation of the opposition and Jacek Kuron, 24 September 2013, Black - white photograph of the 1989 May 1 demonstration Day with the participation of the opposition and Jacek Kuron. Author: Andrzej Iwański (Scanned by Europeana 1989) (CC BY-SA 3.0).
Black – white photograph of the 1989 May 1 demonstration Day with the participation of the opposition and Jacek Kuron, 24 September 2013, Black – white photograph of the 1989 May 1 demonstration Day with the participation of the opposition and Jacek Kuron. Author: Andrzej Iwański (Scanned by Europeana 1989) (CC BY-SA 3.0).


Mitt Polen: mitt liv för och emot kommunismen: självbiografi (Ordfront, 1991, 412 s.). Svensk udgave af selvbiografi.

A Socialist Manifesto. Kuron & Modzelewskis “Åbne brev” findes online på dansk/norsk/svensk/engelsk i forskellige udgaver/uddrag:

  • Tekst 25: Åbent brev til partiet, 1964 (His2rie.dk, november 2010). “Jacek Kuroń (1934-2004) og Karol Modzelewski (1937) var overbeviste marxister, da de i 1964 skrev det åbne brev til partiet. De ønskede et direkte arbejderdemokrati. De blev begge arresteret og idømt fængselsstraffe.”
  • Åbent brev til det polske arbejderparti (Dansk Udsyn, årgang 48, 1968, s.220-28).
  • Åpent brev til Det forente polske arbeiderparti (pdf) (Vardøger, nr.5, 1972, s.112-133). “Utdraget av Kurons og Modzelewskis åpne brev til partiet som trykkes her, er oversatt etter den tyske utgaven.”
  • Brev till polska kommunistpartiet (Partisanförlaget, 1969; online på Marxistakiv.se, 69 s.). “Klassiskt oppositionsdokument från Polen i slutet av 1960-talet.”
  • An Open Letter to the Party (New Politics, Spring 1966, p.5-46) + Second Part (Summer 1966, p.72-100). With Editor’s Note: “It is an exciting, extraordinary document, the work of intelligent, principled revolutionaries whose discussion of the new bureaucratic class is the most thoughtful we have seen from socialists in East Europe.”
  • Summary: A Socialist Manifesto for Poland (International Socialism, No.28, Spring 1967, p.25-27; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “It is a landmark in the Marxist analysis of the class societies based on State property which rule in many parts of the contemporary world.”
  • Chapter 10: Program of the Polish Opposition (International Socialist Review, Vol.28, No.1, January-February 1967, p.17-29; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “It was addressed to members of the University of Warsaw sections of the Polish Communist Party and the Young Socialists. Kuron and Modzelewski were tried in July 1965 and are serving three and three-and-a-half year sentences, respectively.”
  • Chris Harman, 1968 and the historic Open Letter to the Polish Communist Party. By John Rose (International Socialism, Issue 158, Spring 2018, p.167-190). “One of 1968’s greatest intellectual achievements, ‘the Open Letter to the Party’ by Jacek Kuroń and Karol Modzelewski, is rarely, if ever, acknowledged.”
Karol Modzelewski. Festiwal Góry Literatury, 6.07.2017. Source: Own work. Author: Tomasz Leśniowski. (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Karol Modzelewski. Festiwal Góry Literatury, 6.07.2017. Source: Own work. Author: Tomasz Leśniowski. (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Se også om Karol Modzelewski:

‘Jeg sad ikke i fængsel i 8½ år for at opbygge kapitalisme’. Af David Ost (Socialistisk Information, 3. juni 2019). “Karol Modzelewski trådte frem i 1960’erne som en fremtrædende kritiker af Polens statssocialistiske diktatur – men han forblev socialist til det sidste.” In English: “I didn’t sit eight and a half years in jail to build Capitalism” (Jacobin, May 19, 2019) + Marxistarkiv.se (26. juni 2019).

Karol Modzelewski – ett liv i broderskapets tjänst (pdf). Av Jan Malewski (Marxistarkiv.se, 4. november 2019, 14 s.). “Denna artikel handlar om Karel Modzelewskis (1937-2019) memoarer Nous avons fait galoper l’histoire – Confession d’un cavalier usé (Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris 2018).”

Polen från arbetarråd till nyliberalism – intervju med Karol Modzelewski (pdf) (Tidsignal, nr. 16, 2018; online på Marxistarkiv.se). “Den här intervjun gjordes 2008 av Przemyslaw Wielgosz, chefredaktör för den polska utgåvan av Le Monde Diplomatique.”

“The rebellion had all the features of a classic revolutionary uprising” (Socialist Worker, Issue 2007, 1 July 2006). “Karol Modzelewski was a student and political activist in 1956. He went on to co-write the Open Letter to the Party, which challenged Stalinism from the left and was key to setting up the Solidarity union. Karol answered questions from Socialist Worker.”

Not the worst kind of renegade. By August Grabski (Solidarity & Workers’ Liberty, Issue 511, 20 June 2019). “An erstwhile revolutionary died as a renegade, somebody who was ashamed of the piece of writing which made him famous among the western anticapitalist left. He might not be the worst one of that sort, but he was still a renegade.”

Se også:

The rise and fall of the left opposition: Poland March ’68. By Jan Malewski (International Viewpoint, Issue 400, May 2008; online at Internet Archive). “Student demonstrations, meetings, petitions, occupations of faculties, beatings-up and arrests, official anti-Semitism – the beginning of the year 1968 in Poland seemed to be an integral part of the vast revolt against the powers in place which was shaking the world.”

Linkboxen: Solidarnosc – den polske sommer 1980 (Socialistisk Bibliotek)


17. juni 2004

Den svenske sociale forfatter Sara Lidman dør i Umea, Västerbotten (født 30. december 1923 i Missenträsk, Västerbotten).

Skrevet en række romaner om landarbejderfamilier i Norrotten. Mest kendt er hendes debutroman Tjæremilen, 1953, på dansk 1954.
Hun blev også kendt for sit engagement i solidaritetsarbejdet med Vietnam og bogen om de strejkende LKAB-arbejdere i Kiruna (se Tidslinjen 9. december 1969).

I Danmark blev hun (endnu mere) kendt, da daværende socialdemokratiske politiker Per Hækkerup under en stor TV-høring om Vietnamkrigen i januar 1967 overfusede hende.

Ligeledes var hun ophildnende taler ved den store Vietnam-demo fra den amerikanske ambassade 27. april 1968, der endte i slagsmål med politiet.


  • Sara Lidman. Af Torben Brostrøm (Denstoredanske.dk)
  • Sara Lidman (Wikipedia.se). Svensk leksikal artikel.
  • Sara Lidman (Bibliografi.dk/International forfatterbibliografi)


Sara Lidman-sälskapet (site)

Sara Lidmans tal i Hanoi – 50 år senare (STV, 19. november 2015). “I november 1965 reste författaren Sara Lidman till Vietnam för att själv se krigets fasor … hon talade till de amerikanska trupperna i Hanois radio.”

Sara Lidman var en kæmpende humanist. Af Eric Danielsen (Kristeligt Dagblad, 11. december 2004). Anmeldelse af Birgitta Holm: Sarah Lidman – i liv og tekst (Bonnier, 1998, 472 sider): “Birgitta Holm har skrevet en grundig og spændende biografi om den svenske forfatter Sara Lidman, der døde tidligere i år.”

Sara Lidman: Tal på demonstration mot Henry Kissinger (12. maj 1984) (Svenska tal)

Sara Lidman taler ved på demo ved Bellacentret mod Verdensbanken, 21. september 1970, (Youtube.com, 2:05 min.)


Samtal över en klyfta. Förskrift (side 1-3) i Bo Gustavson: Från kolonialism till socialism – en essä om ekonomisk utveckling (1965) (Marxistarkiv.se).

Samtaler i Hanoi. Af Sara Lidman (Hasselbalch, 1967, 119 sider)

Grube. Kiruna : uddrag af samtaler med minearbejdere i Kiruna. Af Sara Lidman (Gyldendal, 1969, 140 sider).

Se også:

Sång til Sara Lidman (YouTube.com; 4:10 min.)

Cornelis Vreeswijk: Till Sara Lidman (YouTube.com; 2:30 min.). Lyrics: I stället för vykort (1973).


9. oktober 2004

Den franske filosof Jacques Derrida dør (født 15. juli 1930 se denne dato på tidslinjen)


8. november 2004

USA-styrker og irakiske allierede indleder umiddelbart efter præsident Bush’s valgsejr “Operation Phantom Fury” mod byen Falluja i Irak (“Iraks Guernica”), hvor modstanden mod besættelsen havde havde overtaget kontrollen fra foråret 2003-04.


Cancer, infant mortality and birth sex-ratio in Fallujah, Iraq 2005–2009. By
Chris Busby, Malak Hamdan and Entesar Ariabi (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.7, No.7, July 2010, p.2745-3005)

Flygtninge fra Falluja fortæller. Af Dahr Jamail (Komiteen for et Frit Irak, 23. november 2004; online på Internet Archive)

Sandheden om Fallujah (Socialistiske Arbejderavis, ekstra-tillæg, marts 2005)

Mens Fallujah falder. Af Lance Vagnø Jensen (Modkraft.dk, 19. november 2004)

Michael Schwartz on America’s Fallujan dystopia (TomDispatch.com, December 16, 2004)

Operation ‘Shock and Awe’ – Præsident Bush, Leader of the Western World in war against Iraq. Photo: Khadija Patel

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


11. november 2004

Formanden for PLO og det palæstinensiske selvstyre Yasser Arafat dør i Paris.

(Født i Cairo, 24. august 1929, se denne).


26. december 2004

Jordskælv udløser tsunami i Det Indiske Ocean, der dræber op til 350.000 mennesker.


Tsunami (Denstoredanske.dk)

Jordskælvet i Det Indiske Ocean 2004 (Wikipedia.dk)

Tsunami (Wikipedia.dk)

Tsunamien var naturlig – men det er dens konsekvenser ikke. Af Ji Giles Ungpakorn (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, Nr. 237, 12.1.2005)

Tsunami katastrofen: Rædsler uden ende. Af Rob Lyon (Revolution, 9. januar 2005)

Ten years since the Asian tsunami disaster (2005). By Wije Dias (World Socialist Web Site, 27 December 2014)