The Lomborg Deception


Emneliste med debatindlæg anmeldelser af Howard Friels bog “The Lomborg Deception” fra 2010. Bogen er en kritik af den ledende klimaskeptiker Bjørn Lomborg.

The Lomborg Deception: Setting the Record Straight About Global Warming

By Howard Friel (Yale University Press, 2010, 272 p.)
“In this major assessment of leading climate-change skeptic Bjørn Lomborg, Howard Friel meticulously deconstructs the Danish statistician’s claim that global warming is ‘no catastrophe’ by exposing the systematic misrepresentations and partial accounting that are at the core of climate skepticism.”

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Lomborg som performance-kunstner. Af Kristian Strøbech (, 10. marts 2010; online på Internet Archive)
“Der har ikke været meget omtale i DK af Lomborgs tur i fact-tjekker maskinen.”

Her er de spørgsmål, Bjørn Lomborg glemte at stille. By Howard Friel (, 1. september 2010)
“Den omstridte økonom er måske ikke længere klimaskeptiker, men hans ‘løsninger’ på klimaforandringerne forholder sig stadig ikke til selve kerne-problemet ved CO2-opvarmningen af vores planet.”

The Lomborg Deception: Debunking the claims of the climate-change skeptic. Review by Sharon Begley (Newsweek, February 22, 2010)
“Although Friel engages in some bothersome overkill, overall his analysis is compelling.”

A response by Bjorn Lomborg to Howard Friel’s ‘The Lomborg Deception’ (pdf) (, February 23, 2010, 27 p.)
“… it is obvious that Friel has no interest in fair-minded criticism or
honest disagreement. Rather, he seems determined to portray me as devious, deceptive, and intellectually dishonest.”

Response by Howard Friel to Bjørn Lomborgs comment about The Lomborg Deception (pdf) (Yale University Press, February 26, 2010, 20 p.; online at Internet Archive WayBackMachine)
“Before I read Cool It in fall 2007, my experience in hermeneutics of deception mostly dealt with books and texts that sought to justify war. Lomborg’s book’s are no worse than those, but they are no better. Perhaps twenty or fifty years from now, if and when the fuller impacts of man-made global warming are more apparent, people might argue that they were worse.”

Howard Friel´s book ‘The Lomborg Deception’. Review by Kåre Fog (Lomborg-errors, 2010)
“Friel thinks that he has done much to document that indeed Lomborg cheats, dupes and deceives. I agree.”

Lomborg´s rebuttal: Who is right, Lomborg or Friel? By Kåre Fog (Lomborg-errors, 2010)
“Even though much of Friel’s criticism is to the point, Lomborg does not admit that he has made any mistakes at all. Instead, he uses a lot of spin to conceal his mistakes.”

Lomborg’s public diplomacy. By Howard Friel (ZNet, March 11, 2010)
“Lomborg is given generous access to mainstream news outlets to repeat assertions about global warming from his books, where his assertions can be described as occasionally accurate, narrowly accurate but misleading, wholly inaccurate, wholly misleading, or fabricated, with the most important claims being the ones most likely to be misleading or fabricated.”

Andrew Revkin’s climate centrism. By Howard Friel (ZNet, March 16, 2010)
“[New York Times] has aided the career and boosted the influence of the ‘centrist’ Bjorn Lomborg, who argues prominently even today that the world needn’t focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions to respond to global warming.”

Bjorn Lomborg on CO2. By Howard Friel (ZNet, May 11, 2010)
“The main problem with Lomborg’s opposition to cuts in CO2 emissions, and his plan to focus primarily on long-term development of non-carbon technologies, is that he systematically ignores the problem of the steady increase of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere over the course of this century.”

Serial mistake-makers on climate change (Part I): On Matt Ridley and Bjorn Lomborg. By Howard Friel (ZNet, June 9, 2010)
“What shall we call them – those ‘skeptical environmentalists’ and ‘rational optimists’ about global warming – superheroes of best-selling books who write and speak in open opposition to facts and science as easily as Superman and Spiderman defy gravity and other laws of the physical world.”