Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1983.
Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.
11. januar 1983
BZ’erne undslipper politiets udsættelsesaktion mod det ‘bzatte’ hus Allotria gennem en tunnel tværs under gaden.
24 timer vi aldrig glemmer (16): BZ’ernes flugt fra Allotria (DR, 31. oktober 2010, 28:48 min.). Se også: BZ’ere i Allotriahuset (DR/Bonanza, 11. januar 1983, 2:44 min.).
Allotria-huset (
Den dag politiet fik en lang næse. Af Marie Sæhl (, 11. januar 2013)
Tunnelen fra Allotria. Af Ulrik Dahlin (Information, 11.1.2003)
Jævning – omkring Allotria. Film instrueret af Gianfranco (Franco) Invernizzi (Dok-Film, 1985).
Se også:
Om det tidligere værtshus i Allotria: Nat i Allotria. Af Erik Clausen og Leif Sylvester (1977).
Tekstens omtale af Røde Knud er = DKPs formand (1958-1977), Knud Jespersen (1926-1977). (Se Tidslinjen 12. april 1926).
Tidslinjen 1. januar 1983: Allotria-huset/tunellen under gaden
BZ’ernes flugt fra Allotria (serie: 24 timer vi aldrig glemmer; DR, 1:35 min.). P.t. ikke online. (Online på Bonanza; 2:43 min: BZ’ere i Allotriahuset, sendt 11.1.1983)
BZ Allotria 1982-83. JÆVNING – BZ’erne egen film om husene på indre Nørrebro i det tidligere værtshus Allotria og nabohuset BAZOKA (“Den lille fjer”). DOK-film, 1985 (YouTube, 20:43 min.).
BZ. Af Michael Schølardt (
Bz-bevægelsen (
BZ på afstand. Af Anders Hassing (, 16. september 2006)
Hellere dø stående end leve på knæ. Af Anders Fenger (Arbejderen, 14. september 2006)
BZ – et undervisningsmateriale (Det Danske Filminstitut). Inkl. en Tidslinje for BZ-bevægelsen.
BZ-portalen (Facebook). “… et initiativ, skabt af nogen tidligere BZ’ere, der arbejder på at formidle BZ- og Ungdomshusbevægelsens historie og skabe en platform, hvor alle, der har været med, kan få mulighed for at fortælle deres personlige historie, så det ikke kun bliver op til historieforvanskere udenfor miljøet, at fortælle historien om os.”
17. februar 1983
Havnearbejderne i Esbjerg genoptager arbejdet efter 10 ugers hård og desperat arbejdskamp mod regeringens forringelser af supplerende dagpenge.
- Karl Jørgensen-sagen (
- Havnestrejken i 1982/83 (
10 uger mod Schlüter: havnearbejderstrejken ’83. Tillæg om Karl Jørgensen-sagen (VS-forlaget, 1983, 47 sider).
3. marts 1983
Forfatteren Arthur Koestler dør i London. (Født i Budapest 5. september 1905 som Kösztler Arturként).
Kommunistpartimedlem i 30’erne, indtil Moskvaprocesserne, som hans vigtigste politiske roman Darkness at Noon/Mørke Midt på Dagen handler om. Bidrog også til den anti-kommunistiske antologi The God That Failed (1949). Se bogen online på The Charnel-House (pdf). Scroll ned til s. 15-75.
Hans efterkrigstids-bøger er stærkt zionistiske og med emner som mysticistisme og paranormalitet.
Koestler, Arthur (
Arthur Koestler (
Arthur Koestler ( Mindre udgave på dansk.
Arthur Koestler (Spartacus Educational)
Arthur Koestler, Individualist. By John G. Rodwan, Jr (Logos, Vol.10, No.2, 2011). Review of Michael Scammell, Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic (Random House, 2009)
Koestler and Jewish Fascism. By W. Brooks (New International, Vol.13, No.2, February 1947). A review of Thieves in the Night.
The significance of Koestler: an exchange of opinion. By Neil Weiss (New International, Vol.12, No.8, October 1946; on Marxists Internet Archive) with links to debate.
Stalinism ruins another intellectual: four books by Koestler. By Peter Loumos (New International, Vol.11, No.5, August 1945)
Arthur Koestler (September 1944). By George Orwell (The collected essays, journalism and letters of George Orwell, Vol.3, Penguin Books, 1970, p.270-282)
Koestler: A pathetic ‘Knight’ who lost his armor. By R. Fahan [i.e. Irving Howe] (Labor Action, Vol.7, No.8, 22 February 1943; online at Marxists Internet Archive).
False light on the Moscow Trials. By Albert Goldman (Fourth International, Vol.2, No.9, November 1941)
Litteratur på dansk:
Arthur Koestler: Mørke midt på dagen. Oversat af H.C. Branner (Povl Branner, 1946, 223 sider). Se om bogen Darkness at Noon (
Arthur Koestler: Yogien og Kommissæren. København: Samlerens Forlag, 1946. 276 sider).
Gladiatorerne. Af Arthur Koestler (Povl Branners Forlag, 1948). Roman.
29. juni 1983
Den spanskfødt fransk-mexicanske filminstruktør Luis Buñuel dør i Mexico City (Født 22. februar 1900, se denne).
17. august 1983
Starten på fagbevægelsens blokade mod La Cabana i Herning.
La Cabana (Konflikter om organisations- og ledelsesret; Plads til os alle)
Blokade (
6. september 1983
Politiets brandstiftersag mod havnearbejdernes talsmand Karl Jørgensen falder fra hinanden, han løslades. (se ovenfor: 17. februar 1983)
27. september 1983
Den australske venstrefløjsjournalist Wilfred Burchett dør i Sofia, Bulgarien (Født 16. september 1911 i Melbourne, Australien). Kendt for skildringen af atombomberne over Japan i 1945 og af Vietnamkrigen.
Wilfred Burchett (
Wilfred Burchett, 1911-1983 (Marxists Internet Archive; Writers Archive)
Fortidens spøgelser: Journalisten, der ‘gjorde ensidighed til en dyd’. Af Ulrik Dahlin (Information, 17. marts 2008)
Wilfred Burchett: A one-man truth brigade. By Brendan Doyle (Green Left Weekly, Issue 737, 30 January 2008)
The Forgotten History War: Wilfred Burchett, Australia and the Cold War in the Asia Pacific. By Jamie Miller (The Asia-Pacific Journal: JapanFocus)
25. oktober 1983
USA invaderer Grenada, som første militære overgreb siden nederlaget i Vietnamkrigen 1975.
- Grenada (
- Grenada (
- Invasion of Grenada (
- The Grenada Revolution (site). “Learn the basics of the story of the revolution online.”
How a revolution on the tiny island of Grenada shook the world. By Brian Meeks (Jacobin, March 13, 2021). “On this day in 1979, the most remarkable social revolution in the modern history of the Anglophone Caribbean began. Today, we remember not only the crisis and imperialist invasion that brought the Grenadian Revolution to an end, but its tremendous accomplishments.”
Grenada’s Revolution at 40. By Ronan Burtenshaw (Jacobin, September 2, 2019). “Forty years ago, a socialist revolution in the tiny Caribbean island of Grenada threatened to upturn the world economic order.”
1983: The US invasion of Grenada (, September 9, 2006). “Historian Howard Zinn’s account of the American invasion of the small Caribbean island of Grenada, ostensibly to ‘protect’ US citizens, but in fact to re-assert US military and financial dominance over the region.”
Remembering Reagan’s Invasion of Grenada (Democracy Now!, June 10, 2004). Interview with Bishop’s former Press Secretary Don Rojas.
Grenada: Litteratur om Grenada på Tidsskriftcentret (Tidsskriftcentret, november 1983, 28 sider)
17. november 1983
Zapatisterne (EZLN – Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional) dannes i hemmelighed i den sydlige mexikanske delstat Chiapas. Efter 10 års forberedelse slår bevægelsen til med væbnet oprør nytår 1993/94.
- EZLN (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional) (
Hvem er zapatisterne? (Internationalt Forum – Mexicogruppen; online på Internet Archive). Længere artikel.
En gnist af håb: læren af den zapatistiske revolution 25 år efter. Af Hilary Klein (Kritisk Debat, 15. juni 2019; online på DBC Webarchive). “I en periode med forhøjet polarisering i USA og på tværs af regionen er det værd at se tilbage på zapatististernes evne til at forene mange dele af samfundet under et samlende banner og deres evne til at minde os om, hvad vi har til fælles.”
National og global kamp. Af Benjamin Carl Egerod (, 20. januar 2011). Anmeldelse af Charlie Emil Krautwald og Daniel Nikolaj Madsen: En ny tids revolutionære: zapatisterne og den globale modstand (Forlaget Comandanta Ramona, 2010, 192 sider. 2. udgave, 2012, 200 sider). Se også anmeldelse af Esben Sørensen (pdf) (Det Ny Clarté, nr.57, maj 2013, s.57-58). Scroll ned.
EZLN – 15 års kamp: En ungdom med vrede og værdighed. Af Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos (Gaia, nr.62, forår 2009). “Mexicogruppen ønsker Zapatisterne tillykke med 15 års kamp og bringer her et forkortet uddrag af festivalens åbningstale.”
Zapatisterne – en ny tids revolutionære (Gia, nr.33, sommer 2001). Lille artikel med Faktaboks Chiapas.
Om Zapatisternes magtopfattelse og strategi. Af Torkil Lauesen (Gaia, nr.21, sommer 1998). “Det følgende er et forsøg på at forklare og fortolke zapatisternes måde at tænke og kæmpe på.”
En ny tids revolutionære? Af Thomas Olesen (Information, Kronik, 1. august 1998). “Den zapatistiske oprørsbevægelse EZLN betragter ikke erobringen af statsmagten som
et mål. Om det er udtryk for en bevægelse i krise eller en ny måde at gøre oprør på er genstand for en vigtig debat.”
In English:
- Zapatista Army of National Liberation (
The Zapatistas are not a model for climate action. By Pablo Velasco (Solidarity & Workers’ Liberty, Issue 617, 6 December 2021). “Some climate campaigners are promoting the Zapatistas in Mexico as an inspiration and model for building the climate movement. This is a snare, misunderstanding Zapatista politics.”
Subcomandante Marcos: The Last Gobal Ethical Hero? By Dan La Botz (New Politics, Blog, September 3, 2020). Review of Nick Henck’s book (Black Rose Books, 2019, 152 p.). “If you want a handy little book … this is your book. If you want a discussion of Marcos’ ideas and his role in Mexican political life and in the global left … you will be disappointed.”
Zaptatistas: The costs of autonomy. By Dan La Botz (New Politics, June 29, 2014). Review of Bernard Duterme et al., Zapatisme: la rébellion qui dure. Alternatives du Sud (Paris, Centre Tricontinental and Éditions Syllepse, 2014). “… this important collection of essays published in French by experts and analysts from several countries.”
Subcomandante Marcos steps down – what next for the EZLN? By Dan La Botz (New Politics, May 26, 2014). “Since the Zapatistas’ political decision-making processes are not transparent, one presumes that Marcos played a central role in shaping the EZLN’s autarkic and sectarian strategy that rejected not only Mexico’s corrupt political system and parties, but also coalitions and alliances with others on the Mexican left.”
Twenty years after the Zapatista uprising (, January 21, 2014). “Lance Selfa and Stuart Easterling look at the roots of the Zapatista uprising and its impact on politics in Mexico and internationally in the 20 years since.”
Twenty years since the Chiapas Rebellion: The Zapatistas, their politics, and their impact. By Dan La Botz (Solidarity, January 13, 2014). “The Chiapas Rebellion led by the Zapatistas took place twenty years ago this month. What was the importance of the rebellion and of the Zapatistas? What was the impact at the time? And what has been its political legacy? What is the role of the Zapatistas in Mexico today?”
Why we loved the Zapatistas. By Bhaskar Sunkara (Jacobin, 1 January 2011). “The abandonment of Marxism had more than academic consequences.”
The Zapatistas today: an interview with John Ross (Against the Current, No.130, September/October 2007). “Ross has been reporting on Mexico and Latin America for more than two decades. He has written three books on the Zapatistas.”
On Marcos, Man and Mask. By Dan La Botz (Against the Current, No.130, September/October 2007). Review of Nick Henck, Subcommander Marcos: The Man and the Mask (Duke University Press, 2007, 525 p.). “Henck’s book is principally chronology and secondarily hagiography. The author is not simply an admirer of Marcos; he adulates him as a genius, an inspiration and the direction of the future.”
Zapatistas reenter the political fray. By Lance Selfa (International Socialist Review, Issue 44, November–December 2005). “In September, the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) launched what it called ‘the other campaign’ for social change in the lead-up to next year’s presidential elections.”
Zapatistas: What we intend to do now. Parts 1 & 2 of the 6th Declaration of the Selva Lacandona) (International Viewpoint, 19 June 2005) + Parts 3-4 (20 June) + Parts 5-6 (29 June).
The Zapatista uprising: Ten years later. By Lance Selfa and Stuart Easterling (Socialist Worker [US], January 2, 2004). “The Zapatista movement has raised many questions that challenge the priorities of the free market. But the EZLN and Marcos himself do not believe that it is necessary to get rid of capitalism to achieve the EZLN’s goals.”
The Zapatistas: the challenges of revolution in a new millennium (International Socialism, Issue 89, Winter 2000) + Zapatistas after the Great March – a postscript. By Mike Gonzales (International Socialism, Issue 91, Summer 2001). “The Zapatista movement in Mexico has appealed to some in the anti-capitalist movement as a new method of organisation against global capital. Mike Gonzalez looks at the past inspiration for the movement and its current potential.”
Zapatistas: The ‘first post-modernist guerilla group’? (Trotskyist International, Issue 18, October-December 1995). “Keith Harvey looks at the Zapatistas’ recent evolution and argues that there has always been a reformist logic behind the revolutionary rhetoric.”
“The Zapatistas have opened our eyes” (Socialist Review, No.177, July/August 1994). “The uprising early this year by the Zapatista Army of National Liberation has shaken the Mexican ruling class and echoed round the world. Augusta Dwyer spoke to leading militants of the movement about their struggle.”
Se også:
Om udstillingen i sommeren 2021, se: Mexicogruppen IF (opslag 3. august 2021)
Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities ( Leksikal artikel med oversigt over autonome regioner i Mexico.
12. december 1983
Tre fredsaktivister forskanser sig bag døren til Rådhusets tårnur i Kbh., sætter viserne i står kl. 11,55 – “Fem minuter i tolv !” – og hænger transparant ned over tårnets facade. Låste selv op til tårnet