We got to Berlin, but did we have to go via Stalingrad? (Counterfire, 31 January 2023). “In the second of his articles marking the anniversary of Hitler’s defeat in the Russian city, Chris Bambery looks at one of the bloodiest and most important battles of the Second World War.”
The road to Stalingrad (Counterfire, 29 January 2023). “In the first of two articles on the anniversary of the German defeat which marked a turning point in the Second World War, Chris Bambery looks at the background to the war in Russia.”
Stalingrad. By Lindsey German (Counterfire, September 26, 2019). Review of Vasily Grossman, Stalingrad (Penguin, 2019, 992 p.) “The novel offers vivid insight into the heroic fight of Russian people at the decisive turning point of World War II.” See also review by Clara Weiss (World Socialist Web Site, 2 June 2021) + review by Gareth Jenkins: Grossman’s Stalingrad (International Socialism, Issue 172, Autumn 2021, p. 103-130).
På dansk også: V. Grossman: Liv og skæbne (Rosinante, 2015, 979 sider). “Kollektivroman om slaget ved Stalingrad.”
Seventy years since the Battle of Stalingrad: how the Soviet Union defeated the Nazis. By Alan Woods (In Defence of Marxism, 4 February 2013). “Saturday marked the 70th anniversary of the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, with the surrender of German troops, a key turning point in the Second World War, where about 800,000 German and Axis troops were either killed or captured, including the entire German Sixth Army and its commander-in-chief – a shattering blow to Hitler.”
Why Stalingrad still matters. By Corinna Lotz (A World to Win, 2008). Review of Michael K. Jones, Stalingrad – How the Red Army Triumphed (Pen and Sword Military, 2007, 304 p.). “[The book] boffers fresh insights and invaluable lessons into how defeat was turned into victory, not only in the face of overwhelming odds but also in direct conflict with Stalin.
Where World War II was won and lost. By Per-Åke Westerlund (Socialism Today, Issue 57, June 2001). Review of Antony Beevors book Stalingrad (dansk udgave 2001, Borgen, 528 s.). “‘Never before had a civilian population suffered so much’, writes the British historian Antony Beevor in this in-depth and well-written book.”
The battle of Stalingrad in film and history. By Louis Proyect (Marxmail.org). “The battle of Stalingrad has also inspired two sharply contrasting films in recent years: German director Joseph Vilsmaier’s 1993 ‘Stalingrad’ is a powerful antiwar film … Made in 2001, Jean-Jacques Annaud’s ‘Enemy at the Gates’ is much less successful.”
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen 22. juni 1941 om Tysklands angreb på Sovjetunionen.
Warriors of the 95th SD on the day of the end of the fighting in Stalingrad. In the front row, the first on the right is the division commander, Colonel V. A. Gorishny, and the second (in a fur coat) – deputy. Division commander Colonel I. A. Vlasenko. Photo: Ukendt. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
27. februar 1943
Tyske hustruer til næsten 2000 anholdte jødiske mænd (fra de såkaldte blandede ægteskaber) protesterer offentligt foran mod arrestationen af deres mænd, der bliver løsladt 6 .marts.
Photo from Jürgen Stroop Report to Heinrich Himmler from May 1943. One of the most famous pictures of World War II.** Photo: ukendt/SS. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Se om dette foto og foregående foto (under datoen 19. april 1943): Stroop Report photographs: Bildbericht (fotomappe om destruktionen af ghettoen under og efter opstanden).
Om dette foto specielt: Warsaw Ghetto boy (Wikipdia.org)
Om den tyske SS-politisoldat Jürgen Stroop (Wikipedia.rg)
80 years since the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. By Clara Weiss (World Socialist Web Site, April 26, 2023). “Last Wednesday, April 19, marked the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943. The uprising was the first act of large-scale urban armed resistance to Nazi rule on the continent.”
Who Will Write Our History: Emanuel Ringelblum and the Warsaw Ghetto archive on the screen. By Clara Weiss (World Socialist Web Site, 24 January 2019). “The film narrates the history of the Ghetto archive through the eyes of Auerbach, a brilliant journalist, one of only three survivors of a staff of 60 people.”
Seventy-five years since the Warsaw Ghetto uprising (The Charnel-House, April 20, 2018).
” … an isolated group of Jewish militants resisted for twenty-nine days against a much larger foe, motivated by a desire to kill as many fascists as they could before they themselves were killed … Here you can download a number of histories and firsthand accounts of the revolt.”
Remembering the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. By Marcus Barnett (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 19 April 2017). “On this day in 1943, a band of Jewish resistance fighters launched an armed insurrection against the Nazis. They were proud socialists and internationalists.”
When the Warsaw Ghetto rose up (Socialist Worker, 16 April 2013). “Socialist Worker looks at the most important episode of Jewish resistance to Nazis during the Second World War.”
70 years after Warsaw. By Dan Freeman-Maloy (The Bullet, Issue 802, April 11, 2013). “The Warsaw Ghetto revolt has a rightfully iconic place in the long history of underarmed popular resistance to state violence.”
Remembering the Warsaw Ghetto uprising: a tribute to Marek Edelman. By Linda Waldron (Direct Action, Issue 17, November 2009). “He had been the last surviving commander of the resistance forces during the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto uprising against the Nazi occupation.”
The Warsaw Ghetto uprising, 1943. By Jon Dale (Socialism Today, Issue 75, June 2003). “Sixty years ago one of the most heroic struggles against fascism took place.”
On the sixtieth anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. By Sy Landy (Socialist Voice, No.19, Summer 1983/2003; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “To their everlasting glory, the socialist workers of the Warsaw Ghetto rose up to fight the Nazis in spite of the Jewish bourgeoisie and its pro-fascist thugs …”
The Warsaw ghetto and the meaning of resistance. By Al Findley (Labor Action, 20 April 1953; online at Solidarity, No.284, 1 May 2013). “Warsaw wrote two brilliant chapters in its history during the war, and also entered a dark blot on its pages.”
The Warsaw Ghetto: 63 heroic days. By Jacques (Labor Action, Vol.13, No.14, 4 April 1949). “The betrayal of Warsaw – a lesson for our times.”
A heroic struggle for freedom: In commemoration of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. By Ernest Erber (Labor Action, Vol.11, No.17, 28 April 1947). “Neither Anglo-American ‘democracy’ nor Stalinist ‘socialism’ wants to be identified with the traditions of the Ghetto uprising. The memory of these valiant warriors is entrusted to the international revolutionary movement.”
Vladka (Fagele) Peltel Meed describes watching the burning of the Warsaw Ghetto from building outside the Ghetto (Holocaust Encyclopedia, US Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection, 1:32 min.) + Transcript.
Tid til at sørge, tid til at danse: 38 fotografier af Willy Georg fra Warszawas ghetto en sommerdag i 1941. Af Sam Besekow (Alef, Tidsskrift for jødisk kultur & Rhodos, 1992, 61 sider). Indledende essay af Sam Besekow, efterskrift af Klaus Rothstein. Online: 31 af Willy Georgs fotos, på russisk blog.
The Ghetto Fights: Warsaw 1941-43. By Marek Edelman. With introduction by John Rose (Bookmarks, 1990, 119 p.). Marek Edelman’s account online: The Ghetto Fights (pdf) (The Charnel-House) + The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (Literature of the Holocaust) + at Libcom.org. Og i svensk udgave: Upproret i Warszawas getto (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se).
Fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Zivia Lubetkin, David Handwohl, Blake B.Schiff, Anna Heilman, Simcha Rotem, Martin Kogut and Marek Edelman, describe the fighting during the uprising of April 1943. From Yad Vashem’s online exhibition “Voices from the Inferno: Holocaust Survivors Describe The Last Months in the Warsaw Ghetto.” (YouTube.com, 8:28 min.)
Jews captured by Waffen SS soldiers during the suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Photograph from a report filed by Juergen Stroop, commander of the German forces that liquidated the ghetto. Poland, April-May 1943. To the right Hasia Szylgold-Szpiro. Photo: Unknown/SS. Public domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
22. maj 1943
Kommunistisk Internationale (Komintern) opløses efter beslutning i eksekutivkomiteen og Internationalen ophører som “nationalsang” i sovjetisk radio.
Dödsbudet: Upplösningen av Komintern (pdf). Av Pierre Broué (Marxistarkiv.se, 15 sider). Kapitel 35 i Broués stora arbete om den Kommunistiska internationalens historie (1997)
Stalin dissolves the Comintern: The climax of nationalist degeneration. By Sam Adams [i.e. Albert Glotzer] (The New International, Vol.9, No.6, June 1943; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “As an international of revolutionary socialism, the Comintern has been dead a long time.”
How Stalin destroyed communism. By Al Glotzer and Emanuel Geltman (Labor Action, 31 May 1943; online at Solidarity, Issue 286, 15 May 2013). “Although Moscow retained close control of the Communist Parties until the 1960s, the shutting-down was a symbolic disavowal of socialist revolution. This is how socialists commented at the time.”
‘Resoluton of the Presidium of the Executive Committee of the Communist International, 22. maj 1943’. In: R.V. Daniels (ed.): A documentary history of communism, Bind 2 (New York, Vintage Books, 1962, s.129-32)
Se også:
Komintern og de dansk-russiske relationer (Arbejdermuseet og ABA, 2012). Anmeldelse af bogen: Spændende ny forskning om Komintern-tiden. Af Bjarne Nielsen (Arbejderen.dk, 26. februar 2013)
Den socialdemokratiske partiformand Svend Auken fødes i Århus (dør i København 4. august 2009, se denne)
9. august 1943
Fra d. 9.8. begynder lokale generalstrejker, der udvides til lokale folkestrejker i provinsen, fra Esbjerg, Odense til Ålborg-områderne, hvor arbejderne rejser sig imod den fascistiske besættelsesmagt. Den danske regering går af, og den tyske besættelsesmagt indfører d. 29.8. militær undtagelsestilstand i Danmark (“Augustoprøret”).
Illustration: Tysk opråb om militær undtagelsestilstand i Danmark 29. august 1943.
16. september 1943
Danmarks Frihedsråd, Frihedsrådet, dannes i lejlighed hos sproglærer Harrild’s maskinskrivningsbureau, Nørrebrogade 156, 2. sal, i København. Her samledes Mogens Fog, Erling Foss, Børge Houmann, Frode Jacobsen, Aage Schoch og Jørgen Staffeldt fra forskellige modstandsorganisationer
Frihedsrådet var ledelse under Folkestrejken i 1944.
Members of Danish Freedom Council after the Occupation of Denmark. From left: Fra venstre: Erik Husfeldt, Alfred Jensen, Frode Jakobsen, Børge Houmann, Mogens Fog, Aage Schoch, Ole Chievitz and C.A. Bodelsen. Arne Sørensen are standing outside of the edge. Fraværende: Erling Foss, Niels Banke and Hans Øllgaard are absent. May 1945. Photo: Unknown. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Emnelisten: Besættelsen 1940-1945 og modstanden, især afsnittet: Begivenheder 1940-45. Emneliste med artikler om Besættelselsestiden’s vigtigste begivenheder og datoer, 9. april 1940 – 5. maj 1945, og lidt om eftertiden.
Nørrebrogade 156 i København, hvor Frihedsrådet mødes første gang i lejligheden på 2. sal til venstre, bag vinduet, som tangeres af den skråtstillede flagstangs top. Her lå dengang Harrilds ‘bureau for undervisning i sprog, stenografi og maskinskrivning’. Foto: ukendt. (CC BY-SA 2.0). Kilde: Nationalmuseet, Danmark. Billede 2 viser dørskiltet til ejendommen med Harilds Afskrivningsbureau på 2. sal. Foto: C. Mærsk Hendriksen, Politiken. No Known rights. Kilde: Nationalmuseet, Danmark.
“Danmarks Frihedsråd trådte for første gang sammen den 16. september 1943, knap tre uger efter samarbejdspolitikkens ophør ved den danske regerings afgang den 29. august. Tilløbene var begyndt et halvt år før, og et afgørende møde blev holdt i herskabsvillaen på Rosenstandsvej 2 i Ordrup grundlovsdag, den 5. juni.
Deltagerne var den konservative ingeniør Erling Foss fra en af de to familier bag F.L. Smidth, professor, overlæge Mogens Fog, medlem af Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti (DKP), og den socialdemokratiske akademiker Frode Jakobsen. Rådet trådte – uden at det var tilsigtet – sammen på et tidspunkt, der markerede, at modstandskampen var trådt ind i en skærpet fase. Mødet blev holdt den 16. september 1943 på Harrilds Afskrivningsbureau, Nørrebrogade 156 i København. Den franskkyndige Erling Foss havde lånt det med det officielle påskud, at han skulle bruge det til sprogundervisning …” (citat fra: ‘Mødet i Frøken Graes stue’. Af Niels-Birger Danielsen (kilde: https://nielsbirgerdanielsen.dk/moedet-i-froeken-graaes-stue/)
Danmarks Frihedsråd udgiver i november 1943 sit program for krigsafslutningen og efterkrigstiden, “… en Plan for den første Periode efter Besættelsens Ophør”: Når Danmark atter er frit (pdf) (EMU:dk)
Hungry Bengal: War, Famine and the End of Empire. By Elaine Graham-Leigh (Counterfire, December 10, 2015). Review of Janam Mukherjee’s book (Hurst & Company, 2015, 329 p.). “Hungry Bengal demonstrates the central role of imperialism and racism in creating the wartime Bengal famine which killed millions and divided the country.”
See also review by Yuri Prasad (Socialist Review, Issue 409, January 2016). “No socialist interested in South Asia and the British Empire should be without this myth-busting book.”
Remembering India’s forgotten holocaust. By Rakesh Krishnan Simha (Tehelka, Vol.11, No.25, June 13, 2014). “The Bengal Famine of 1943-44 must rank as the greatest disaster in the subcontinent in the 20th century. Nearly 4 million Indians died because of an artificial famine created by the British government …”
Hungry Bengal: War, Famine, Riots, and the End of Empire 1939-1946 (pdf). By Janam Mukherjee (Dissertation, University of Michigan, 2011, 384 p.). “A central argument that I will be making throughout this work is that the most profound factor influencing the structural, political, social, economic, and communal fabric of Bengal – during this entire era – was famine.”
Forgotten famine. By John Newsinger (International Socialism, Issue 130, Spring 2011, p.220-221). Review of Madhusree Mukerjee, Churchill’s Secret War: the British Empire and the Ravaging of India during the Second World War (Basic Books, 2010, 368 p.). “The Bengal Famine of 1943-44 is one of the most terrible episodes of the Second World War.”
Se også:
Mike Davis on the crimes of socialism and capitalism (Jacobin, October 23, 2018). “We’ve heard for decades that socialism has a body count. But how does it compare to capitalism? Mike Davis discusses Stalin, Mao, and the staggering holocausts of capitalism’s nineteenth-century heyday.” See here about about the Indian famines of the 1870s.
Hungersnød i Indien og Bangladesh (Kommunistisk Orientering, nr.2, 3. februar 1975, s. 5-11; online på Snylterstaten.dk). “Fra 1800 til selvstændigheden var der i Indien … mindst syv meget omfattende hungersnødsperioder.”
Båd med jøder på vej fra Falster til Ystad i Sverige, mellem september 1943 og oktober 1943. Fotograferet af en af flygtningene. Author: Nationalmuseet. (CC BY-SA 2.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Artikler og bøger:
70 år siden flugten: Jøderne reddede også sig selv. Af Irene Berg Petersen (Videnskab.dk, 1. oktober 2013). “Det fortæller en forsker [Sofie Lene Bak], som efterlyser nuancer i fortællingen.”
Kampen om jøderne (Information.dk, 28. september 2013). Med kommentarer fra Bo Lidegaard, Bent Lexner, Joachim Lund, Lone Rünitz og Bent Blüdnikow.
Bevægende biografi om jødernes flugt over Sundet bliver en anelse for polemisk. Af Hans Hertel (Politiken.dk, 30. september 2013). Anmeldelse af Bent Blüdnikow: Min fars flugt: jødiske skæbner i oktober 1943 (Peoples Press, 2013). Se også kronik af Bent Blüdnikow: Opgør med danske hjemstavnshistorikere (Politiken.dk, 12. september 2013).
Medrivende bog går tæt på de danske jøders mirakuløse flugt. Af Claus Bundgård Christensen (Politiken.dk, 9. september 2013). Anmeldelse af Bo Lidegaard: Landsmænd: de danske jøders flugt i oktober 1943 (Politikens Forlag, 2013, 506 s.). Se interview med Bo Lidegaard (Politiken.dk, 9. maj 2013).
Danske jøder evakueret. Af Svend Vestergaard Jensen (Socialistisk Information, 6. marts 2013). “Da den tyske besættelsesmagt gik i aktion mod de danske jøder i oktober 1943 var den trotskistiske gruppe med til at ‘tømme’ de gamle arbejderkvarterer i blandt andet Adelgade og Borgergade i det indre Købehavn.”
De danske jøders tilbagevenden efter Besættelsen. Af Sofie Lene Bak (Folkedrab.dk, 2012). Se også Georg Metz: Da jøderne kom hjem (Information.dk, 29. september 2012). Anmeldelse af Sofie Lene Bak: Da krigen var forbi: de danske jøders hjemkomst efter besættelsen (Gyldendal, 2012, 253 s.).
Ny bog kradser i glansbilledet af den store danske jødeflugt. Af Kirsten Nilsson (Politiken.dk, 27. oktober 2010). Anmeldelse af Sofie Lene Bak: Ikke noget at tale om: danske jøders krigsoplevelser 1943-45 (Dansk Jødisk Museum, 2010, 275 s.).
Jødeaktionen oktober 1943: Forestillinger i offentlighed og forskning. Af Sofie Lene Bak (Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 2001, 198 s.). Se omtale og indholdsfortegnelse på forlagets site.
Teksten: Hvis dette er et menneske. Af Morten Thing (Giraffen, nr. 10, maj 1993). Om holocaustoverleveren Primo Levis forfatterskab.
26. oktober 1943
Første nummer af Vejen frem: socialistiske Kommentarer udgives (efter 25. oktober) af “en gruppe socialistiske intellektuelle”. Ophører efter 18 numre 1. maj 1945. Online på Det Kongelige Bibliotek.
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