Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 2003.
Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.
15. februar 2003
F15 – verdens første global-demonstration, hvor millioner (anslået 36) deltog i næsten 3.000 protester verden rundt imod den påtænkte krig mod Irak.
“On that day, for the first time in human history , people of every nation on earth said “NO” to a war before it began”.
- February 15, 2003 anti-war protest (
- Surfing F15 (Venstredot, nr. 9, 2003;; online på Internet Archive), med links til omtaler og billeder af dagen 15. februar fra internationationale og danske antikrigsbevægelse mm.). NB: links kan være ændrede.
15 years on from the biggest protest in British history (Counterfire, February 16, 2018). “Lindsey German looks back at the day in 2003 that millions took to the streets to protest the Iraq war.”
15 February 2003: the world against the war. By Sadie Robinson (Socialist Worker, Issue 2340, 16 February 2013). “Over 20 million people across the world joined a global protest against war in Iraq. The scale of the action stunned rulers everywhere.” Med links til tre andre artikler.
Where were YOU on February 15, 2003. By Mike Ferner (, 12 February, 2013). “Here are some images to remind us of what we accomplished when we united on February 15, 2003.”
Iraq 10 years on. By Jessica Elgot (The Huffington Post, 06/02/2013). “The 2003 anti-war march memories of Ken Livingstone, Salma Yaqoob, Ken Loach, Eton College, and organisers.”
Confronting war 10 years on from the largest protest in human history. By Jeremy Corbyn (Stop the War Coalition, 5 February 2013; online at Internet Archive WayBackMachine). “Anyone who was on the huge, million-plus march through London that day will never forget it: it emboldened a whole generation to oppose Western intervention.”
The People v Tony Blair: “The second superpower” (Counterfire, 12 February 2013, 7 p.; online at Internet Archive). Extract from Chris Nineham: The People v Tony Blair: Politics, the Media and the Anti-War Movement (Zero Books, 2013, 100 p.). “The anti-war demonstrations on the February 15th 2003 marked a new phase in the history of movements of protest …”
A mass movement we can learn from: the record of Stop the War (Counterfire, February 15, 2011). “On the anniversary of the massive anti-war protests of 15 February 2003 Alex Snowdon argues socialists and anti-cuts activists have much to gain from assessing the record of the biggest and most politically significant mass movement we have had in recent history.”
15 February 2003: the day we said no to war (Socialist Worker, Issue 2088, 16 February 2008). “Lindsey German recalls how that day saw the biggest demo in British history.”
15 February 2003: the day two million marched for peace (Socialist Worker, Issue 1987, 11 February 2006). “Andrew Murray, chair of the Stop the War Coalition, and leading antiwar activist Jane Shallice look back.”
‘The whole world is marching’. By Eric Ruder (, February 21, 2003). “Masses of people around the world opposed the U.S. drive to war on Iraq as the Bush administration pushed ahead with its invasion plans in early 2003.”
Britain’s anti-war movement looks back on over a decade of war. Video report by Hassan Ghani (Counterfire, 11 February 2013, 9:56 min.)
Confronting war ten years on. Video by Paul Hanes (Counterfire, 11 February 2013, 8:05 min.)
15 February 2003: The day the world said no to war (YouTube, 8 min.). “… the biggest protest in human history … trailer for a feature length film titled ‘We Are Many’ by Amir Amirani about the spirit of the day – a spirit which has been shown time and again since, not least by the Arab Spring uprisings.”
See also: We Are Many: A documentary film, a global community, a digital Archive (site). Med bl.a. video og fotosamlinger.
8. marts 2003
Den amerikanske socialist Julius Jacobson dør i New York (født 2. januar 1922). Medstifter og mangeårig redaktør af tidsskriftet New Politics.
- Julius Jacobson (
- Julius Jacobson (Marxists Internet Archive). 11 articles 1953-1983.
- Third Camp (
Third Camp Politics: An interview with Phyllis and Julius Jacobson by Kent Worcester (New Politics, June 16, 2016). Originally published in Left History (Vol.18, No.1, 2014, p.39-60). “This interview is taken from three taped conversations with Phyllis and Julius Jacobson that the author conducted in November 1992, September 1994, and November 1994.”
Obituary: Julius Jacobson. By Lee Sustar (Socialist Worker, March 21, 2003). “Jacobson–Julie, as he was known to his friends–personified the best traditions of revolutionary socialist defiance of the status quo and dedication to changing the world.”
Standing fast: Julius Jacobson (1922-2003). By Barry Finger (New Politics, Vol.9, No.3, Whole No.35, Summer 2003). “Julie’s final project, which he considered the culmination of a lifetime of theoretical reflection rooted in political engagement, was to cast a cleansing light over the Stalinist shadow which had so infected and discredited socialism …”
Julius Jacobson (1922-2003). By Samuel Farber (Against the Current, Issue 105, July-August 2003). “I learned a great deal from the principled non-sectarian politics of New Politics.”
The Soviet Union is dead: the ‘Russian Question’ remains. Part I: The Communist past -myth & reality. By Julius Jacobson (New Politics, Vol.5, No.2, whole No.18, Winter 1995 p.125-167; online at Internet Archive)
The Russian Question and American Socialism. By Julius Jacobson (New Politics, Vol.6, No.3, whole No.23, Summer 1997; online at Internet Archive)
Reflections on Fascism and Communism. By Julius Jacobson (Socialist Perspectives, edited by Phyllis Jacobson and Julius Jacobson. Princeton, Karz-Cohl Pub., 1983; online at Marxists Internet Archive)
Isaac Deutscher: the anatomy of an apologist. By Julius Jacobson (New Politics, Vol.3, No.4, Fall 1964, p.95-121 + Vol.5, No.2, Spring 1966, p.47-85; online at Marxists Internet Archive)
Se også:
Phyllis Jacobson, 1922-2010. By Joanne Landy and Stephen R. Shalom (New Politics, May 8, 2010). “For over a half-century Phyllis was an indefatigable fighter against injustice, an anchor for those of us committed to independent socialism … We collect below some memories and thoughts about Phyllis.”
The Third Camp in theory and practice: An interview with Joanne Landy and Thomas Harrison (New Politics, August 12, 2018). Originally published in Left History (Vol.21, No.2, Fall/Winter 2017/18). “As young radicals, Landy and Harrison gravitated to the ‘third camp’ wing of the organized left.”
Tidslinjen 10. september 1904 om Max Shachtman (Socialistisk Bibliotek)
18. marts 2003
Maleraktion mod dansk deltagelse i Irak-krigen.
2 medlemmer af Globale Rødder smider rød maling på hhv. statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen og udenrigsminister Per Stig Møller på gangene på Christiansborg.
Malingangrebet (
»Malingsagen«: Et ikonisk kunstværk med stadig nye drejninger. Af Mikkel Skov Petersen (, 14. oktober 2012)
Se også:
Revolutionen udebliver (DR P1; Krause på tværs, 15. oktober 2012, 57 min.). Samtale med redaktør på, Rune Eltard-Sørensen. Hør om maleraktionen 40 min. inde i udsendelsen. P.t. ikke online.
Lars Grenaa ( Med links.
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen 4. maj 1985 om aktionen mod Schlüter på Rådhuspladsen:
Poul Schlüter overdøves ved sin tale til festen for Danmarks befrielse – 5. maj 1985 (; 2:18 min.)
21. marts 2003
Folketinget vedtager efter tredjebehandling “Forslag til folketingsbeslutning om dansk militær deltagelse i en multinational indsats i Irak” med 61 stemmer for, 50 imod (fremsat 18 marts). USAs krig mod Irak startede 17.3.2003.
Den danske deltagelse i Irak-krigen, 2003-2007. Af Søren Friis (, 10. oktober 2012). Med diverse kilder online.
Krigens første offer. Af Bo Elkjær (, 17. marts 2013). “Medierne bør benytte ti-årsdagen for Irakkrigens begyndelse som påskud til nødvendig selvransagelse.”
Tema: Irakkrigen (
2002-03 – B 118 (oversigt): Forslag til folketingsbeslutning om dansk militær deltagelse i en multinational indsats i Irak (18.-20. marts 2003)
2002-03 – B 165 (oversigt): Forslag til folketingsbeslutning om dansk militær deltagelse i en multinational sikringsstyrke i Irak (6.-15. maj 2003)
Pressemøde den 21. marts vedr. Irak: Statsministerens indledende bemærkninger (Statsministeriet)
Danmark i Irakkrigen – hvorfor – hvordan? Af Tom W. Petersen (EMU – Danmarks undervisningsportal, 2007)
Irak-krigen. Af Malene Fenger-Grøndahl (FaktaLink, 2009; opdateret december 2016)
Grundlovskomiteen af 2003 vedr. Irak-krigen (site; online på Internet Archive)
Foghs glemte krigstale (, 29.09.2001, 8 min.). Se også Jakob v. H. Holtermann: Foghs glemte tale (pdf) (Weekendavisen, 28.09.2007; online på
Danmark i krig. Af Bo Lidegaard (Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2018, 100 sider) (100 danmarkshistorier). Se indholdsfortegnelse, litteratur og noter på forlagets site.
Den nye krigsdiskurs – grundlovsbrud, Akademia og Højesteret (pdf). Af Nils Bredsdorff og Jørgen Vogelius (Skriftserie fra Roskilde Universitetsbibliotek, nr.53, maj 2010, 35 sider). Tillæg med Højesterets dom af 17. marts 2010.
Kære statsminister: løgnen om krigen i Irak. Af Bo Elkjær (Ekstrabladet, 2008, 206 sider). Se også Bo Elkjær: The lies of the war – the war of the lies (pdf) (Fredsakademiet, February 2004, 89 p.)
Vejen til Irak: hvorfor gik Danmark i krig? Af Martin Kaae og Jesper Nielsen (Gad, 2008, 252 sider). Se anmeldelse i Arbejderen (21.10.2008)
Politiken og krigspolitiken: et læserbrev. Af Jørgen Bonde Jensen (Babette, 2007, 308 sider). Se anmeldelse af Hans Erik Avlund Frandsen: Det nødvendige demokrati (, 24. marts 2008)
Krigen der måtte komme: baggrunden for invasionen af Irak. Af Research Unit for Political Economy (Klim, 2004, 174 sider)
Irakkrigen og den fremtidige verdensorden. Af Preben Wilhjelm (Fredsfonden, marts 2004, 54 sider). Se forkortet udgave på (20. marts 2004)
Irak: er freden brudt ud? Redigeret af Mikael Hertoft (Klim, 2003, 243 sider)
Se også:
Asley Smith: The drive to a war crime + The U.S. war machine unleashed in Iraq + The occupation and the resistance + The end of the occupation (, March 18-21, 2013)
From the Editors (Middle East Report, Issue 266, Spring 2013)
Iraq: what remains. By Joost Hiltermann (Middle East Report, Issue 266, Spring 2013)
The Iraq War, 10 years on (Boston Review, March 20, 2013). “A collection of some of our best writing on the Iraq war.”
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Linkboxen Imod besættelsen af Irak
- Linkboxen Irak-krigens ofre – striden om tal
25. marts 2003
Den britiske venstrefløjsøkonom Michael Kidron død i London (født i Cape Town, Sydafrika 20. september 1930).
Medstifter af Socialist Review Group (senere International Socialists/Socialist Workers Party) indtil midt 70’erne, hvor han blev leder af forlaget Pluto Press.
Hans vigtigste bidrag var forklaringen på kapitalismens lange opsving efter 1945 med teorien om den permanente våbenøkonomi og hans fortolkning af Lenins imperialisme-teori.
- Michael Kidron (
- Michael Kidron (Marxists Internet Archive). With articles and books 1954-2002.
Om/About Michael Kidron:
The monetary and the military: revisiting Kidron’s permanent arms economy. By Joseph Choonara (International Socialism, Issue 171, Summer 2021, p.123-150). “… the current article will present the theory as developed by Kidron, showing its origins within discussions in Trotskyist circles and the originality of his approach. It will set out some of the controversies surrounding the PAE …”
Michael Kidron’s Marxism (International Socialism, Issue 165, Winter 2020, p.179-187). “Richard Kuper, who edited the new edition of Capitalism and Theory (Haymarket, 2018) and was a member of the International Socialists, and John Palmer, a member of the Socialist Review Group and the International Socialists, spoke to Joseph Choonara and Tomáš Tengely-Evans about the significance of Kidron’s work.”
Modern capitalism (International Socialism, Issue 162, Spring 2019, p.139-142 + 142-164). Alex Callinicos introduces Michael Kidron’s talk Modern capitalism and the crisis (1977). See also John Rudge’s introduction, with Michael Kidron’s entire manuscript (ibid.).
Michael Kidron (1930–2003). By Ian Birchall (International Socialism, Issue 99, Summer 2003, p.103-114). “Ian Birchall introduces a selection of abstracts from his early editorials, spanning among other things, pacifism and the bomb, confronting Nazis on our streets, and the role of the theoretical jornal.”
Michael Kidron (1931–2003). By Samuel Farber (Against the Current, Issue 105, July–August 2003). “With the passing of Mike Kidron, the revolutionary left lost an important thinker and a generous and free spirit. I lost a good comrade, friend and former mentor.”
Permanent legacy: Michael Kidron (1930–2003). By Chris Harman (Socialist Review, Issue 273, April 2003). “Chris Harman remembers Mike Kidron, who helped Marxists understand the post-war boom and Third World revolt.”
Michael Kidron (1930–2003). By Lee Sustar (Socialist Worker, US, Issue 449, April 18, 2003). “As an editor and frequent contributor to the International Socialism journal in the 1960s, Kidron was central to the project of making revolutionary socialist politics relevant to a new generation of radicals.”
Mike Kidron (1930–2003). By Alex Callinicos (Socialist Worker, Issue 1845, 5 April 2003). “The Marxist economist Michael Kidron, who died last week at the age of 72, made an enormous contribution to the Socialist Workers Party’s development during the early years of our tradition in the 1950s and 1960s.”
Michael Kidron (1930–2003). By Richard Kuper (The Guardian, 27 March 2003). “Publisher, writer and socialist whose life’s project was to understand, and help replace, capitalism.”
Debate about “World Capitalism Today”:
Two insights don’t make a theory. By Michael Kidron (International Socialism, Issue 100, Summer 1977) +
Better a valid insight than a wrong theory. By Chris Harman (Ibid.) .
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Personlisten Tony Cliff 1917-2001 (Kidrons svoger).
Tidslinjen 6. juni 2021 om Chanie Rosenberg (Kidrons storesøster).
11. august 2003
NATOs første operation uden for Europa: overtager kontrollen over “freds”styrke i Afghanistan
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Emnelisten Afghanistan – krig og besættelse. Dansk- og engelsksproget materiale med baggrund, dokumentation, historie og debat
14. september 2003
Svensk nej til euro-en.
Emnelisten Svenska NEJ till EMU-sajter (
25. september 2003
Edward Said dør i New York. (Født 1.11.1935 i Jerusalem)
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Personlisten Edward Said (1935-2003)
18. oktober 2003
Den katalanske detektivroman-forfatter Montalbàn dør (født (14 juni 1939) i Barcelona.(opfandt detektiven Carvallo)
Manuel Vázquez Montalbán (
Manuel Vázquez montalbán ( International Forfatterbibliografi)
The anger and ethics of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán. By Mike Eaude (International Socialism, Issue 110, 2006, p.167-172). “Like Chandler’s detective Marlowe, Carvallo is the moral man on the main streets.”