On May 21, 1781, the royalists executed the Inca José Gabriel Condorcanqui; known as Tupac Amaru. His great uprising began on November 4, 1780 in Tungasuca, south of Cusco, with the support of his wife, Micaela Bastidas, several caciques and thousands of indigenous people. Shortly after, Túpac Amaru II and Micaela Bastidas were captured, tried, and sentenced to death. The sentence was served on May 18, 1781 in the Plaza de Armas of Cusco. Túpac Amaru II was forced to witness the hanging of his eldest son, Hipólito Condorcanqui Bastidas, and other relatives and friends who participated in the rebellion. He also saw the death of his wife. Micaela was strangled in the vile club and finished off with kicks in the belly. They tried to dismember Túpac Amaru with four horses, but he resisted this torment. Finally he was beheaded. Painting at a Museum in Cusco, Peru.
On May 21, 1781, the royalists executed the Inca José Gabriel Condorcanqui; known as Tupac Amaru. His great uprising began on November 4, 1780 in Tungasuca, south of Cusco, with the support of his wife, Micaela Bastidas, several caciques and thousands of indigenous people. Shortly after, Túpac Amaru II and Micaela Bastidas were captured, tried, and sentenced to death. The sentence was served on May 18, 1781 in the Plaza de Armas of Cusco. Túpac Amaru II was forced to witness the hanging of his eldest son, Hipólito Condorcanqui Bastidas, and other relatives and friends who participated in the rebellion. He also saw the death of his wife. Micaela was strangled in the vile club and finished off with kicks in the belly. They tried to dismember Túpac Amaru with four horses, but he resisted this torment. Finally he was beheaded. Painting at a Museum in Cusco, Peru.

Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1780.

Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.


1. marts 1780

Slaveriet ophæves i den amerikanske stat Pennsylvania (som den første)


1780 Pennsylvania Emancipation Act (Slavery in the North).

Slavery in Pennsylvania (site)

History of slavery in Pennsylvania (Wikipedia.org)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linkboxen: Slaveri / Slavery

Linkboxen: Oplysningstiden / The Enlightenment


10. maj 1780

Kabinetssekretær, den reaktionære Ove Høeg-Guldberg (der sad som eneste ikke-jurist i den dommerkommision, der dømte Struensee og Brandt til døden) meddeler politimesteren ordre om at overvåge selskabelige klubber i København.


4. november 1780

Indianerlederen Túpac Amaru II anfører oprør mod den spanske kolonimagt i Peru, der bliver til opstand og nederlag 1781, hvorefter lederen blev sønderrevet af 4 heste. (se illustrationen foroven på siden)
Han gav navn til byguerillabevægelsen og et legalt politisk parti siden 1985: Tupamaros (Movimiento para la Liberación Nacional, MLN) (Leksikon.org).
Og en amerikansk rapper, Tupac Shakur, også navn efter ham.
(Se Wikipedia.org)


Afsnittet Tupac Amaru i: landeartiklen Peru (Leksikon.org)

Video: The Revolt of Túpac Amaru By Alex Dick. (YouTube.com, 5:59 min.) )