Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1452.
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15. april 1452
Renæssancens multi-geni Leonardo da Vinci fødes 15. april i landsbyen Vinci nær byen Firenze (dør 2. maj 1519 i Amboise, Frankrig).
- Leonardo da Vinci (Wikipedia.org). Markeret på Wikipedia som “god artikel”.
4 måder, hvorpå Leonardo da Vinci var forud for sin tid (Videnskab.dk, 6. maj 2019). “Leonardo da Vinci opfandt en lang række anordninger, der bruges i dag. Det har nemlig taget knap 400 år at realisere Leonardo da Vincis ideer.”
Leonardo painting auctioned for $450 million. By Sandy English (World Socialist Web Site, 21 November 2017). “On November 15, a painting attributed to the Florentine artist and polymath, Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), sold at Christie’s auction house New York City for $450.3 million dollars, including fees. This is the highest price ever paid for a painting at a public auction.”
Leonardo da Vinci – The Genius in Milan: The marketing of genius. By Lee Parsons (World Socialist Web Site, 23 September 2016). Review of Luca Lucini and Nico Malaspina’s film: “The film, directed by Luca Lucini and Nico Malaspina, focuses on the 16 years, from 1482 until 1499, that Leonardo spent in what was then the city-state of Milan.”
Leonardo da Vinci: Man of Renaissance. Part 1. By Alan Woods (In Defence of Marxism, 4 May 2012) + Part 2 (10 May 2012) + Part 3 (21 May 2012). “Leonardo was the Renaissance man par excellence. More than anybody else, Leonardo was responsible from dragging painting out of the Middle Ages and effecting a genuine artistic revolution.”
Leonardo da Vinci: The art of humanity in a era of rapid change (Socialist Worker, Issue 2279, 26 November 2011). “Ruairidh MacLean visits the new Leonardo da Vinci exhibition and explores the huge impact of his work.”
Leonardo da Vinci: the drawings and the public response. By Clare Hurley (World Socialist Web Site, 21 April 2003). “A recent exhibition of 118 drawings and one unfinished painting by Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) attracted 350,000 visitors to the Metropolitan Museum in New York City.”
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