Glæde i Saigon efter sejren, mens det gamle regime og de amerikanske imperialister flygter i panik. Saigons fald 1975. Foto: manhhai, (CC BY 2.0) Kilde: Se 30. april 1975.
Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1975.
Pol Pot og De Røde Khmerer indtager Cambodjas hovedstad Phnom Penh, og lederen Pol Pot udnævner den “Demokratiske Republik Kampuchea” i Cambodja og bliver dets premierminister.
Cambodia ( Scroll ned til: “1975 Khmer Rouge tager magten”.
Cambodja ( Med artikler, litteratur/film, tidslinje og links.
Folkmordet i Kambodja (pdf). Av Ben Kiernan (, 11. marts 2021, 14. s.). “Ur Ben Kiernan, Blod och jord (2010, 769 s.), som handlar om folkmord i historien, från forntiden fram till idag.”
Stalins mikrober (pdf). Av Philip Short (, 6. december 2016, 41 s.). Kap. 11 ur Philip Short, Pol Pot – The History of a Nightmare (2005). “Detta utdrag handlar om slutskedet av Röda khmerernas välde 1976-1979.”
Pol Pots død: Vesten vasker sine hænder. Af Frank Antonsen (Socialistisk Revy, nr. 4, maj 1998). “Det er ubetinget en god nyhed. Hvad der ikke er en god nyhed er, at de forbrydelser, der blev begået i hans regeringstid 1975-79, vil blive brugt som argument mod kommunismen. Men Pol Pot var aldrig socialist, endsige kommunist, men derimod ultranationalist og stalinist.”
Pol Pot-regimen + Pol Pot-regimen – slutet (pdf) ( Svensk udgave (uddrag) af Ben Kiernan: The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, 1975–1979 (1996). “Bogen är något av ett standardverk vad gäller Röda khmerernas Kambodja/Kampuchea. Första upplagan kom ut 1996, den tredje 2008.”
Hur Pol Pot kom till makten (pdf) ( Svensk udgave (uddrag) af Ben Kiernan: How Pol Pot Came to Power: Colonialism, Nationalism, and Communism in Cambodia, 1930-1975 (1985). “Kapitlen behandlar den kambodjanska kommunistiska rörelsen och befrielsekampen under de avgörande åren från upprorets början 1970 fram till Röda khmerernas seger våren 1975.”
Nixon and the Cambodian Genocide. By Brett S. Morris (Jacobin: A Magazine of Culture and Polemic, 27 April 2015). “The genocidal rule of the Khmer Rouge began forty years ago this month. Their rise to power was inseparable from US intervention.”
The Cambodian Genocide, 1975-1979 (pdf). By Ben Kiernan. Chapter in Samuel Totten (ed.): Century of Genocide: Critical essays and eyewitness accounts (Psychology Press, 2004, p.73-90; online at Internet Archive). “During the years 1975 to 1979, Democratic Kampuchea (DK) was a prison camp state. Its 8 million prisoners served most of their time in solitary confinement. 1.7 million inmates were worked, starved, or beaten to death.”
The death of Pol Pot. By Peter Symonds and Martin McLaughlin (World Socialist Web Site, 18 April 1998). “No more grotesque distortion can be imagined than to categorize as ‘Marxist’ the ideas of Pol Pot and his cohorts.”
The Khmer Rouge Canon 1975-1979. By Sophal Ear (University of California, Berkeley, 1995). Undergraduate Political Science Honors Thesis. “This thesis deconstructs the standard total academic view on Cambodia and constructs the foundation for the Khmer Rouge Canon 1975-1979.”
Cambodia: 1975-1982 (pdf). By Michael Vickery (Silkworm Books, 1999/1984, 369 p.). “Cambodia, however, is a case in which nationalism, populism, and peasantism really won out over communism, and with what results we have seen all too clearly.” See also Michel Vickery’s Publications (
Distortions at fourth hand. By Noam Chomsky & Edward S. Herman (The Nation, June 6, 1977; online at “What filters through to the American public is a seriously distorted version of the evidence available, emphasizing alleged Khmer Rouge atrocities and downplaying or ignoring the crucial U.S. role, direct and indirect, in the torment that Cambodia has suffered.”
Averaging wrong answers: Noam Chomsky and the Cambodia controversy. By Bruce Sharp (, 2002). “Chomsky’s work with regard to Cambodia has been marred by omissions, dubious statistics, and, in some cases, outright misrepresentations. On top of this, Chomsky continues to deny that he was wrong about Cambodia.”
Chomsky and Pol Pot’s genocidal regime in Cambodia (, with chapters from Chomsky/Herman’s book After the Cataclysm (1979) + critique/debate The Times Higher Educational Supplement (1980-1981) with Marxist academic Steve Lukes, one of Chomsky’s earliest critics.
Se også:
De Røde Khmerer: folkemord og forsoning i Cambodja. Af Peter Frederiksen og Anette Marcher (Frydenlund, 2002, 103 s.). Se om bogen på + med Kildetekster online.
Dengang Pol Pot smilede. Af Bjarne Nielsen (, 15. oktober 2009). Anmeldelse af Peter Fröberg Idling: Pol Pots Leende (Stockholm, Forlaget Atlas, 2006). Dansk udgave: Pol Pots smil: om en svensk rejse gennem de røde khmerers Cambodja (Gyldendal, 2009).
Folkemordernes danske venner. Af Peter Frederiksen (, uden år). Med arbejdspørgsmål til undervisningsbrug, med henv. til nedenstående bog af samme forfatter:
Kindkys af Pol Pot. Af Peter Frederiksen (, 1. august 2004; online på Internet Archive). Uddrag af Peter Frederiksens bog: Kindkys af Pol Pot: Kampuchea og den danske forbindelse (Lindhardt og Ringhof, 2004). Se anmeldelse af Kristian P. Hansen (
Smiler folk ikke mere i Kampuchea? (pdf). Af Peter Frederiksen (Arbejderhistorie, nr.2-3, 2004, s.79-98). Om Kommunistisk Arbejderpartis besøg i Kampuchea 1978.
Apropå lik i garderoben: Internationalen om Röda khmerernas seger våren 1975 (pdf). Av Martin Fahlgren (, 26. oktober 2011, 8 s.). “Vad som hände vet vi nu, men vad visste och sade vi då?”
“Ein skulle vere bra dum for å svelte i Kampuchea”: AKP (m-l) vitjar Pol Pot, 1978. Kapitel i: Den store ml-boka (pdf) (Kagge Forlag, 2009, s.69-87; online på Internet Archive). Scroll ned.
‘Razor sharp factional minds’: the Fourth International debates Kampuchea. By Pete Goodwin (International Socialism, Issue 5, Summer 1979, p.106–114). “This debate at the least sheds some interesting new light on the ‘orthodoxy’ of ‘orthodox Trotskyism’ and at the best may prompt some of its more open-minded adherents into critical reflection.”
30. april 1975
In this April 29, 1975 file photo, South Vietnamese civilians try to scale the walls of the U.S. embassy in Saigon in an attempt to get aboard evacuation flights. AP Photo/Neal Ulevich. (CC BY-NC 2.0). Source:
Saigon-regimet overgiver sig til den Nationale Befrielsesfront (FNL) i Sydvietnam og 30 års borgerkrig og USA-intervention er slut. Vild flugt fra Sydvietnams hovedstad Saigon af amerikanere og kolleboratører.
Ikke et sted men en sindstilstand: Vietnam 40 år efter (, 2. maj 2015). “Lasse Jensen skriver her erindringsbilleder om den krig, der kom til at præge en hel generation.”
Honor the Vietnamese, not those who killed them: Vietnam War 50 years on. By Michael D. Yates (Monthly Review, Vol.67, No.1, May 2015). “Not only did the United States ravage Vietnam with unprecedented and murderous ferocity, committing war crimes in nearly every village, but this criminal conduct was official government policy.”
Forty years since the fall of Saigon. By Bill Van Auken (World Socialist Web Site, 30 April 2015). “Today, April 30, marks the 40th anniversary of the 1975 fall of Saigon, an event that marked the decisive defeat of the largest US military intervention since the Second World War.”
From the fall of Saigon to our fallen Empire. By Christian Appy (, April 26, 2015). “Defeat in Vietnam might have been the occasion for a full-scale reckoning on the entire horrific war, but we preferred stories that sought to salvage some faith in American virtue amid the wreckage.”
The fall of Saigon 1975 (Independent, 5 March 2005). “Thirty years ago next month, the Vietnam war reached its chaotic and terrifying final act. Here, the journalist John Pilger recalls how he found himself at the centre of one of the most extraordinary events of the twentieth century.”
The fall of Saigon. By Murray Smith (International Viewpoint, Issue 367, May 2005). “This was the final episode in the epic struggle of the Vietnamese people to liberate and unify their country. In the course of over thirty years of war and suffering, they inflicted not just one but two major defeats on imperialism.”
The fall of Saigon: Thirty years after the end of the Vietnam War (Socialist Worker, Issue 541, April 29, 2005). “Here, Joe Allen answers the questions that the corporate media will ignore.”
Fortidens synder IX: Da Anker Jørgensen er uforskammet mod USA. Af Ulrik Dahlin (, 27. september 2008). “Store dele af verden jubler i april 1975, da USA bliver tvunget til at forlade Vietnam. Berlingske Tidende og Jyllands-Posten er dog mere optaget af, at Danmarks statsminister er ’uforskammet’ mod USA, fordi han ønsker vietnameserne tillykke med sejren.”
Ken Burns and Lynn Novick’s The Vietnam War (2017, 18 hours). See Site + + Facebook + Reviews:
Tema: Vietnam ( Dokumenter og artikler på svensk. Se menu tv.
Dagbog fra det bombehærgede Vietnam (Autonom Infoservice, 1. april 2015). “Den pakistansk-engelske 68-oprører Tariq Alis dagbog fra hans ophold i det bombehærgede Vietnam, januar 1967.” Uddrag fra Tariq Alis Street Fighting Years: An Autobiography of the Sixties (Collins, 1987).
Fifty years since the U.S. Christmas bombing of North Vietnam. By Andy Thompson (World Socialist Web Site, 29 December 2022). “In one of the greatest crimes of American imperialism in the 20th century, US bombers laid waste to the two largest cities in North Vietnam, Hanoi and Haiphong.”
Vietnam War soldiers helped end the Vietnam War. By Jonah Walters (Jacobin, November 11, 2021). “The anti–Vietnam War movement cut across the civilian-military divide, with active-duty soldiers abroad and stateside defying their commanders and refusing to fight. Those soldiers played a key role in bringing the brutal war to an end.”
A GI rebellion: When soldiers said no to war. By Steve Early (New Politics, August 27, 2019). Review of Waging Peace in Vietnam: US Soldiers and Veterans Who Opposed the War (New Village Press, 2019, 239 p.). “Labor organizer Ron Carver, Notre Dame professor David Cortright, and writer/editor Barbara Doherty have crafted a beautifully-illustrated 240-page tribute to the GI anti-war movement.”
The Vietnam War. Part 98 in Neil Faulkner: A Marxist History of the World (Counterfire, 22 October 2012). “Neil Faulkner explains how an army of peasant guerrillas managed to defeat US imperialism in a full-scale war.”
Hardhats and Hippies: An interview with Penny Lewis (Jacobin, 6 March 2013). “In the popular imagination, opposition to the Vietnam War was driven largely by the privileged, while supposedly reactionary blue-collar workers supported the war effort. That memory is wrong.”
Thirty five years after America’s war. By Ira Berkovic (Workers’ Liberty, 24 June 2010). “America’s war in Vietnam, and the international movements that sprung up in opposition to it, are central events in the history of 20th century radical politics.”
Det blodiga Vietnamkriget (pdf). Av Anders Hagström (Socialistiskt Alternativ, 22. marts 2003; online på “Segern var ett faktum. Över hela världen jublade miljontals människor över en seger som visade att världens starkaste militärmakt, USA, inte var oövervinnerlig. Men segern hade vunnits till ett fruktansvärt pris.”
From quagmire to defeat: Vietnam: The war the U.S. lost. Part 3. By Joe Allen (International Socialist Review, Issue 29, May-June 2003). See also Part 1: From the French conquest to the overthrow of Diem (Issue 29, May-June 2003) + Part 2: From the overthrow of Diem to the Tet Offensive (Issue 33, January-February 2004).
Vietnamkrigen: En international historie, 1945-1975. Af Niels Bjerre-Poulsen (Gyldendal, 2015, 580 sider). Se anmeldelse af Bjarne Nielsen: Fornem bog om Vietnamkrigen (, 29. april 2015) + Jens Holsøe: Mesterligt værk giver forklarende lys over en håbløs krig (, 10. marts 2015)
Krig uden fronter: USA i Vietnam. Af Bernd Greiner (People’s Press, 2009, 480 sider). Se anmeldelse af Bjarne Nielsen: Krigsforbrydelser uden grænser (, 19. august 2009)
Vietnam i streg – Vietnamkrigen gennem 10 års daglige og aktuelle tegninger af bladtegneren Herluf Bidstrup. Af Herluf Bidstrup.(Arbejderforlaget, 1985, [126] illustrerede sider).
Græshopper og elefanter: USA’s endelige nederlag i Vietnam. Af Wilfred Burchett (Informations Forlag, 1977, 269 sider)
Amerikas krig mod Asien. Af Noam Chomsky (Gyldendal, 1971, 275 sider)
Vietnamkrigen i perspektiv. Af Preben Dollerup og Ebbe Reich (Rhodos, 1966, 232 sider)
Sandheden om Vietnam. Af Franz Schurmann, Peter Dale og Reginald Zelnik (Chr. Eriksen, 1966, 158 sider)
Vietnam – den beskidte krig. Af Victor Vinde (Det Danske Forlag, 1966, 143 sider)
Literature (In English):
The American War in Vietnam: Crime or Commemoration. By John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2016, 196 p.). See review by Kit Klarenberg: When memory yields to pride (Counterfire, October 20, 2016)
Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam. By Nick Turse (Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt and Co., 2013, 370 p.). See excerpts, interview etc. at Nick Turse’s site. See review by Bill Roberts: Crimes of war: ‘Not aberrations, but operations’ (International Socialist Review, Issue 96, Spring 2015) + Michael Uhl: An enfant terrible stumbles upon the Vietnam War: Nick Turse’s flawed, but impassioned book (CounterPunch, April 9, 2013)
Vietnam: The (Last) War the U.S. Lost. By Joe Allen (Haymarket Books, 2008, 253 p.). See review by Paul Le Blanc: Vietnam across the decades (Europe Solidaire Sans Frontieres, 20 August 2008)
A People’s History of the Vietnam War. By Jonathan Neale (The New Press, 2004, 336 p.). British edition: The American War: Vietnam 1960-1975 (Bookmarks, 2000, 235 p.). See review by Paul Le Blanc: Vietnam across the decades (Europe Solidaire Sans Frontieres, 20 August 2008)
Anatomy of a War: Vietnam, the United States, and the Modern Historical Experience. By Gabriek Kolko (Pantheon, 1985, 628 p.)
Motiv fra plakat for demonstration mod Vietnam-krigen den 14. oktober 1972. Linoleumstryk af Jens Nordsø. Kilde: Dansk Vietnamesisk Forening
Denne dag, kl. 21.43 åbner atomkraftværket i Barsebäck i Skåne, Sverige. Efter mangeårig mobilisering, ikke mindst fra dansk side, lukker det 31. maj 2005, kl. 23.59.
Barsebäck (Energibevægelsen OOA : Organisationen til Oplysning om Atomkraft)
Carl Madsen (1903-1978). Af Morten Thing. Uddrag af hans bog: Kommunisternes kultur: DKP og de intellektuelle 1918-1960. Indskannet tekst.
‘En national trussel: Hoffas teamsters’ Forside af magasinet LIFE, 18. maj 1959. (kilde:
30. juli 1975
Den amerikanske fagforeningsleder Jimmy Hoffa (født i Brazil, Indiana, 14. februar 1913). og formand for transport- og bilarbejder m.m.-forbundet, Teamsters (International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT), som blev USAs største og stærkeste fagforening i Hoffas formandsperiode 1957-1971. Han forsvandt 30. juli 1975 i
Detroit-forstaden Bloomfield. Dødserklæring 30. juli 1982.
We shouldn’t be nostalgic for Jimmy Hoffa. By Barry Eidlin (Jacobin, January 2, 2020). “At a time of historic working-class weakness, it’s tempting to watch the portrayal of Jimmy Hoffa in Martin Scorcese’s The Irishman and long for similar labor leadership today. But while Hoffa negotiated contracts that improved the lives of millions, his corruption and autocratic leadership also paved the way for the Teamsters’ decline.”
The life and times of Jimmy Hoffa. By Chris Wright (CounterPunch, November 29, 2019). “The truth is that Hoffa’s Mob connections were hardly the defining feature of his life. Rather, he deserves to be known, in large part, as the preternaturally effective and hard-working—20-hour days six days a week—leader of what was then the largest union in American history, responsible for raising millions of truck drivers, warehousemen, laundry workers, retail clerks, and others into the middle class.”
Scorsese’s Irishman, Dobbs’ Hoffa. By Louis Proyect (CounterPunch, November 29, 2019). See the last part about “Jimmy Hoffa learning how to be a Teamster union organizer from Farrell Dobbs, a leader of the Trotskyist movement.”
The ghost of Jimmy Hoffa won’t go away. By Steve Early (Jacobin, October 12, 2019). “Martin Scorsese’s new film, The Irishman, continues Hollywood’s obsession with the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa. We’re more concerned with what happened to Teamster working conditions under his son, James P. Hoffa.”
My friend Jimmy Hoffa (; online at Internet Archive). Extract from Steve Fleischman, A Red in the House: The Unauthorized Memoir of S.E. Fleischman (2004). “Hoffa learned early that trade unions in America were forced to fight for survival with bargaining, boycotts and blood. Most of the time, union violence was provoked by industry and government’s use of force…”
Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman: A gangster’s life and claims. By Kevin Martinez and David Walsh (World Socialist Web Site, 3 December 2019). “The filmmakers have divorced The Irishman from a serious assessment of Hoffa’s role, the broader evolution of the American labor movement and conditions of life in the US in the mid-20th century.”
Scorsese’s Irishman, Dobbs’ Hoffa. By Louis Proyect (CounterPunch, November 29, 2019). “I will be nominating it for best film of 2019, with it even edging out some of the foreign language films I prefer.”
The Irishman—an unsettling and melancholy film about age and regret (Socialist Worker, Issue 2681, 18 November 2019). “The Irishman has everything you’d want from a Scorsese gangster film, writes Simon Basketter, but there’s humour and sadness amid the violence.”
Se også:
The Teamster revolt against the Hoffa era. By David Levin (Jacobin, January 20, 2020). “After years of givebacks and autocratic leadership under James Hoffa Jr, the power of the Teamsters has withered. But rank-and-file activists are mobilizing against contract concessions, taking over local unions, and building a coalition to transform the union.”
Gramscis aske. Af Pier Paolo Pasolini (Proceskontrol, 1. maj 2014; blog af Emil Erik Pula Bellamy Begtrup-Bright). Digt (med komentar), oversat af Martin Satz Gleerup og Jens Viggo Mortensen.
Disney, Salò, and Pasolini’s inconsumable art. By Owen Schalk (Monthly Review, Vol.73, No.6, November 2021). “The increasing consolidation of the modern entertainment industry by a small clique of multinational streaming giants is the next step in the ‘standardization of style’ in mass-consumed art. The work of Pier Paolo Pasolini can help remind us of what we’re missing.”
Remembering Pier Paolo Pasolini. By Luca Peretti (Jacobin, June 1, 2018). “A look at the life and politics of Pier Paolo Pasolini, heterodox communist.”
Abel Ferrara’s ‘Pasolini’ (Counterfire, October 1, 2015). “Jim Aindow reviews a film about the final days of Italian film director Pier Paolo Pasolini.”
Spain’s Revolution Against Franco: The Great Betrayal (In Defence of Marxism, 25 June 2019). Extract from Alan Woods book (Wellred Books, 2019, 522 p.): “The following article provides a general overview of the events discussed in far greater detail in the book.”
Spain’s long night of fascism (Socialist Worker, Issue 1977, 19 November 2005). “Thirty years after the death of General Franco, Andy Durgan looks at the the fall of Spanish fascism.”
An unjust transition: energy, colonialism and extractivism in occupied Western Sahara. By Joanna Allan, Hamza Lakhal & Mahmoud Lemaadel (TNI, Transnatinal Institutee/Longreads, 10 November 2021).
– A brief history of the Western Sahara conflict – Extractivism** in occupied Western Sahara – What would a Saharawi-led ‘just transition’ look like? Inspiration and questions from the camps.
** Ekstraktivisme er en kapitalistisk akkumulering, hvorigennem nogle regioner, normalt i det globale nord, udvinder andre regioners naturressourcer, primært til eksport. (Kilde: Facebok-gruppen: Anti-imperialisme, 12.12.2021).
Vestsahara – Afrikas sidste koloni (Autonom Infoservice, 8. februar 2021). “Midt i november sidste år startede efter næsten 29 års våbenhvile en ny væbnet konflikt mellem det marokkanske militær og den venstreorienterede befrielses-bevægelse ‘Frente Polisario’.”
Marokko invaderede: 40 år som flygtning. Af Peter Kenworthy (, 20. oktober 2015). “Vestsahara er Afrikas sidste koloni. Til november er det 40 år siden, at Marokko invaderede og koloniserede landet, som dengang hed Spansk Sahara.”
Se også emneordet Vestsahara på portalen
25. november 1975
Den portugisiske revolutions (25. april 1974, se denne) vendepunkt: Efter at de mest radikale dele af militæret bliver afvæbnet under provokeret forsøg på offensiv og afventende holdning fra arbejderklassen og venstrefløjen, vinder borgerskabet gradvis magten tilbage.
Portugal: the last three months. By Tony Cliff and Robin Peterson (International Socialism, No.87, March-April 1976, p.10-19).
7. december 1975
10 dage efter uafhængighedserklæringen 27.11.75 – efter 400 års portugisisk koloniherredømme – blev Øst Timor invaderet af Indonesien, m. USA’s godkendelse.
Anslåes ca. 200.000 døde af en befolkning på 850.000.
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