Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1957.
Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.
10. februar 1957
Sammenslutningen af 10. februar til dannelse af Danmarks socialistiske Parti (Venstresocialisterne), DSP, stiftes.
- Danmarks socialistiske parti (
- “Danmarks socialistiske parti” – et forsøg (pdf). Af Ole Stender-Petersen (Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie, nr.4, 1974, side 129-146).
25. marts 1957
Traktaten om Det Europæiske Økonomiske Fællesskab underskrives i Rom (Romtraktaten), senere Traktaten om oprettelse af Det Europæiske Fællesskab.
- Rom-traktaten (
- Lov om Danmarks tiltrædelse af De europæiske Fællesskaber ( Traktat-teksten.
Se også:
Den Europæiske Union (EU) (
5. september 1957
Den amerikanske forfatter Jack Kerouacs roman On the Road udgives (New York, Viking), romanen for den amerikanske “beat generation” og beatniks. (Dansk udgave: Vejene. Arena, 1960).
- On the Road (
- Jack Kerouac (
- Klassiker: Skriften er vejen. Af Lars Movin (Information, 5. september 2007)
- Bibelen for rodløse sjæle. Af Rasmus Karkov (, 4. september 2007)
- ‘Take that, Maynard G Krebs!’: the beat generation. By Adam Marks (International Socialism, Issue 133, Winter 2012).
- Use, exchange, literary values and an American classic: Jack Kerouac’s On the Road turns fifty. By Andras Gyorgy (World Socialist Web Site, 24 September 2007).
- The Kerouac connection. By David Widgery (OZ, 1969; online at Reds – Die Roten).
- Chronicle of the Beat Generation. Review article by George Hitchcock (American Socialist, January 1958).
Se også:
- Beat Generation (Wikipedia)
- Tidslinjen 3. juni 1926 om Allen Ginsberg (Socialistisk Bibliotek).
Filmen On the Road
Biografaktuel 4. oktober 2012.
Walter Salles filmatisering af Jack Kerouacs klassiske bog fra 1957, On the Road, om den amerikanske ‘beat generation’ i 1950erne.
- Biografer og data på
- On the Road (film) (
- Vennerne og vejen. Af Jonas Varsted Kirkegaard (, 3. oktober 2012)
- On the Road: a generation in search of a new life. By Sian Ruddick (Socialist Worker, Issue 2322, 29 September 2012)
- The Gatekeepers from Israel and a film version of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road. By Joanne Laurier (World Socialist Web Site, 4 April 2013)
- (2:53 min.) (
25. september 1957
Nationalgarden og militæret bliver indsat for at gennemføre integrationspolitik på Central High School i Little Rock, Arkansas, da 9 farvede studenter, omgivet af mere end 1.000 soldater, skal gennemføre en undervisningsdag.
- Little Rock Nine (
- Fifty years since school integration in Little Rock, Arkansas. By Peter Daniels (World Socialist Web Site, 5 October 2007)
- Little Rock and the fight to end school segregation. By Ken Olende (Socialist Worker, Issue 2069, 22 September 2007)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Linkboxen Black Power: Historie og personer
4. oktober 1957
Første satellit sendes i kredsløb omkring Jorden, den sovjetiske Sputnik I. Det såkaldte rumkapløb var i gang.
Sputnik 1 ( Dansk leksikal artikel, med links til længere på fx engelsk og russisk.
19. oktober 1957
Den austalske marxistiske arkæolog Vere Gordon Childe dør i New South Wales (født 14. april 1892 i Sydney).
- Vere Gordon Childe ( Kort intro på norsk.
- Vere Gordon Childe ( Længere engelsk leksikonartikel.
- Vere Gordon Childe (Marxists Internet Archive). Artikler og bøger online.
- Människan skapar sig själv (pdf). Av Gordon Childe (Gebers, 1954, 310 s.; online på
- My favourite books. By Duncan Hallas (Socialist Review, No.163, April 1993).
The ideas of V. Gordon Childe: In defence of historical materialism. By Laurie O’Connel (Socialist Appeal, 19 October 2022). “Today, 19 October, marks 65 years since the death of Vere Gordon Childe – an archaeologist who, by applying the Marxist view of history, made enormous leaps forward in our understanding of early human societies and the Neolithic revolution.”
Vere Gordon Childe and prehistory: a way of thinking, and much more. By Judy McVey (International Socialism, Issue 169, Winter 2021). Reeview of Terry Irving, The Fatal Lure of Politics: The Life and Thought of Vere Gordon Childe (Monash University Publishing, 2020, 424 p.). “Readers will be enthralled by Irving’s rich investigative research. He uncovers the life of one of the world’s most important intellectuals, who challenged archaeologists, historians and socialists …”
Gordon Childe and Marxist archaeology. By Neil Faulkner (International Socialism, Issue 116, Autumn 2007, p.81-105). [The books] Man Makes Himself and What Happened in History, though empirically and theoretically flawed, remain excellent and highly accessible introductions to prehistory and antiquity.”
No flag, no God and no country. By Phil Shannon (Green Left Weekly, Issue 181, 29 March 1995). Review of Peter Gathercole (ed.), Childe and Australia: Archeology, Politics and Ideas (University of Queensland Press, 1995). “Childe will be remembered for his strengths — his enduring Marxist-influenced contribution to pre-history, and the historical socialist benchmark of How Labor Governs, his critique of Labor in office.”
Back to our roots. By Chris Harman (Socialist Worker Review, Issue 143, June 1991). Review of Bruce G. Trigger, Gordon Childe: revolutions in archaeology (1980) + P.B. Hammond, Physical anthropology and archaeology (1978). “… even if some of the material Gordon Childe used … is out of date, the Marxist approach to such questions is far from being antiquated nonsense.”
V. Gordon Childe 25 years after: his relevance for the archaeology of the eighties (pdf). By Ruth Tringham (Journal of Field Archaeology, Vol.10, No.1, Spring, 1983, p.85-100). Review article of three monograph: Sally Green, Prehistorian: A Biography of V. Gordon Childe (1981); Barbara McNairn, The Method and Theory of V. Gordon Childe (1980); Bruce Trigger, Gordon Childe: Revolutions in Archaeology (1980).
Kulturernes historie. Af Gordon Childe (Steen Hasselbachs Forlag, 1965, 293 sider).
Europas kulturhistorie. Af V. Gordon Childe (Munksgaard, 1958, 173 sider).
3. november 1957
Den radikale seksualforsker og psykoterapeut Wilhelm Reich dør i statsfængslet i Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, USA. Født i en landsby i Galizien, 24. marts 1897.
- Reich, Wilhelm. Af Erik Grønseth (
- Reich, Wilhelm (Marxists Internet Archive; Encyclopedia of Marxism: Glossary of People). Scroll ned.
- Wilhelm Reich ( Med mange links.
- Orgone energy (The Skeptic’s’ Dictionary). Med mange links, bl.a. FBI’s files.
Artikler på dansk:
Den seksuelle frigørelse begyndte allerede i 1930’erne. Af Bertel Nygaard (, 15. juni 2016). “‘Orgastisk potens’. Det var nøgleordet, da psykoanalytiker Wilhelm Reich i 1930 skrev programteksten til en kongres om seksualitet i Wien.”
Da fascismen blev bekæmpet med orgasmer. Af Ask Hansen (, 22. august 2014). Interview med Lea Korsgaard om hendes bog: Orgasmeland: da den sexuelle revolution kom til Danmark (Gyldendal, 2014, 432 s.): “Glem alt om, at den seksuelle frigørelse begyndte i 1960’erne – ny bog føjer et kapitel til forståelsen af vores seksualhistorie.”
Offer på drømmenes slagmark. Af Lotte Folke Kaarsholm (, 10. februar 2012). Om Christopher Turners bog: Adventures in the Orgasmatron: Wilhelm Reich and the Invention of Sex (Fourth Estate, 2011, 532 p.). See Christopher Turner: Wilhelm Reich: the man who invented free love (The Guardian, 8 July 2011).
Articles in English:
Creative genius or crazy scientist? – delusional or defamed? – paranoid or persecuted? By Bernd Nitzschke (Logos: a journal of modern society & culture, Vol.7, No.1, Winter 2008; online at Internet Archive). “A biographical essay commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Wilhelm Reich.”
Marxism and Psychoanalysis: Notes on Wilhelm Reich’s life and works (In Defence of Marxism, 15 October 2004). “Alessandro D’Aloia looks at the rise and fall of Reich.”
The sexual politics of Wilhelm Reich (Socialist Standard, No.825, May 1973). “In his view, the restrictions on sexual activity imposed through the father-dominated family structure produced people dependent on authority and incapable of independent thought and action.”
WR: World Revolution or Wishful Revisionism? By Tirril Harris (International Socialism, No.54, January 1973). “A young psychoanalyst very close to Sigmund Freud in the 1920s, Reich joined the Communist party in 1927.”
Wilhelm Reich and the sexual revolution (The Anarchist Library). “In her article, originally published in Now in 1945, Marie Louise Berneri reviews the pioneering work of Wilhelm Reich, focusing on Reich’s then recent publication, The Function of the Orgasm (1942).
Litteratur på dansk:
- Fascismens massepsykologi. Af Wilhelm Reich (Rhodos, 1974, 487 sider)
- Hvad er klassebevidsthed?. Af Wilhelm Reich (Rhodos, 1973, 141 sider)
- Wilhelm Reich i Danmark, af Ellen Sierstad + Wilhelm Reich og orgonomien, af Ola Raknes (Rhodos, 1972, 218 sider)
- Orgasmens funktion: den biologiske energis seksualøkonomiske grundproblemer. Af Wilhelm Reich (Rhodos, 1971, 391 sider)
- Sexuel viden og kamp. Af Wilhelm Reich (Mondes Forlag, 1933, 47 sider)
Se også/See also:
- Kampen om Lev Trotskij. Av Morten S. Smedsrud (, 29. juni 2016). “Doktoravhandling med nye funn om Trotskijs tid i Norge og strid mellom Martin Tranmæl og Wilhelm Reich.”
- Freud, seksualreform og frisind i 1930érne (pdf). Af Morten Thing (Kvinder, Køn & Forskning, nr.4, 2002, s.6-24; online på RUC)
- Left-wing homosexuality: emancipation, sexual liberation, and identity politics. By Jeffrey Escoffier (New Politics, Issue 45, Summer 2008)
24. november 1957
Den mexicanske maler Diego Rivera dør (født 8. december 1886, se denne).
20. december 1957
Engelske “singer-song writer and political activist” Billy Bragg fødes i London.
- Eget website, blog, musik, shop, gallery, links.
- Billy Bragg (
24. december 1957
Spanske forfatter Arturo Barea dør i England (født i Badajoz, Spanien, 1897), forfatter til erindringstrilogien om bl.a. Den Spanske Borgerkrig: Smedjen; Den blodige vej; Oprøret (da.: 1941-46).
- Tema: Litteratur om Spanien (
- Arturo Barea (
- Arturo Barea (
- Stemmen fra Madrid. Af Bjarne Nielsen (, 22. december 2007)
Life and works of a Spanish rebel. By Luke Stobart (International Socialism, Issue 123, Summer 2009). Review of Michael Eaude, Triumph at Midnight of the Century: A Critical Biography of Arturo Barea (Sussex Academic Press, 2009)