The 1811 German Coast Uprising was a slave revolt in parts of the Orleans Territory in the United States. Date: 10 January 1811. Book illustration by L. J. Bridgman. From M. Thompson (1888). The Story of Louisiana. Boston: Berwick & Smith. Public Domain. See below 8 january 1811.
The 1811 German Coast Uprising was a slave revolt in parts of the Orleans Territory in the United States. Date: 10 January 1811. Book illustration by L. J. Bridgman. From M. Thompson (1888). The Story of Louisiana. Boston: Berwick & Smith. Public Domain. See below 8 january 1811. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1811.

Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.


8. januar 1811

USAs største slaveopstand ved New Orleans, Louisiana, starter på Deslondes plantage. Varer til 10. januar, da hundredevis oprørere slagtes af militæret uden for byen.


1811 German Coast Uprising (

Slaves rebel in Louisiana (African American Registry at WayBack Machine)

1811 German Coast Slave Uprising (Genealogy Trails History Group)

Charles Deslondes (

The unknown slave rebellion. By Derrick Morrison (Against the Current, Issue 156, January/February 2012). Review of Daniel Rasmussen, The Untold Story of America’s Largest Slave Revolt (Harper, 2010)


Marts 1811

Bevægelsen Ludditterne opstår i Manchester i England. I en årrække kæmpede bevægelsen som “maskinstormere” imod industrialiseringen i tekstilindustrien og imod forringelser af arbejdernes løn- og arbejdsforhold.

Frame-breakers, or Luddites, smashing a loom. Machine-breaking was criminalized by the Parliament of the United Kingdom as early as 1721, the penalty being penal transportation, but as a result of continued opposition to mechanisation the Frame-Breaking Act 1812 made the death penalty available: see "Criminal damage in English law". Original unknown. Public Domain.
Frame-breakers, or Luddites, smashing a loom. Machine-breaking was criminalized by the Parliament of the United Kingdom as early as 1721, the penalty being penal transportation, but as a result of continued opposition to mechanisation the Frame-Breaking Act 1812 made the death penalty available: see “Criminal damage in English law”. Original unknown. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

The Luddites were onto something. By Devin Thomas O’Shea (Jacobin, July 7, 2023). “England’s Luddites are often dismissed as kooky technophobes. In reality, theirs was a gutsy pre-Marxist workers’ movement that prioritized people and nature over private property.”

Celebrate the return of Ned Ludd (Counterfire, 20 January 2013). “The Luddites were a movement of protest against the use of technology to destroy their livelihoods. John Westmoreland looks at what we can learn from them.”

The Real Luddites. By Simon Basketter (Socialist Worker, Issue 2292, 28 February 2012). “The word ‘Luddite’ is thrown around as an insult – but the truth is that Luddism was a working class movement that struck fear into the hearts of the rich.”

Luddites were not backward looking. By Cathy Nugent (Workers’ Liberty, 22 February 2012). “The Luddite revolt was not, as it has been depicted, an irrational response to ‘inevitable’ technological change. It was an attempt by the groups of workers most affected by industrialisation to stop their livelihoods from being destroyed.”

The Luddites’ War on Industry: A story of machine smashing and spies (Do or Die, Issue 6, 1997, p.65-72). “Summarizing the rise of the Luddite movement”. Også i redigeret udgave på (October 15, 2015)

Rebels against the machine. By Suzanne Jeffrey (Socialist Review, Issue 169, November 1993). “The common view of the Luddites is of mindless machine wreckers. In fact the Luddite movement was a highly politicised response to the assaults of a new ruling class.”

The Leader of the Luddites. Published in May 1812 by Messrs. Walker and Knight, Sweetings Alley, Royal Exchange. Drawinng: Unknown. Public Domain.
The Leader of the Luddites. Published in May 1812 by Messrs. Walker and Knight, Sweetings Alley, Royal Exchange. Drawinng: Unknown. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

The machine breakers. In E.J. Hobsbawm: Labouring Men: Studies in Labour History, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1968, p.5-22; online at “It was first published in 1952 in the first issue of Past & Present.”

Luddites, Chartists and Plug-Drawers. By Colin Barker (International Socialism, No.40, October/November 1969). Short review.

The Luddites: machine-breaking in regency England. By Malcolm I. Thomis. New edition (David & Charles, 1975, 196 p.; online at (series: Library of Textile History). “A historical overview and analysis of the Luddite movement 1811-1816 which swept parts of the UK as workers smashed machines to defend their jobs, pay and conditions.”

Se også:

The making of the English working class. By E.P. Thompson (Victor Gollancz, 1963) (online i uddrag på Google Books)

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14. juni 1811

Forfatteren Harriet Beecher Stowe fødes (dør 1896)

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Tidslinjen: 20. marts 1852, om Onkel Toms Hytte.


5. juli 1811

Venezuela erklærer sig uafhængigt af Spanien.

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Emnelisten: Hugo Chávez og den ’bolivariske revolution’ i Venezuela


24. december 1811

Det første juletræ tændes i København hos Frederikke Louise og Martin Lehmann (og deres 1½ årige Orla) i Ny Kongensgade nr. 6 (eller 221 ?).

Juletræsbilledet er fra et større julebillede bragt i "Illustreret Tidende" 25. december 1859. NB tjenstepigen er inde i stuen!
Juletræsbilledet er fra et større julebillede bragt i “Illustreret Tidende” 25. december 1859. NB tjenstepigen er inde i stuen!


Københavns første juletræ. Af Karen Sejerøe (Rådshusbiblioteket)

Juletræets historie (

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