EZLN - Zapatisterne, se nedenfor, se nedenfor 1. januar 1994. Kilde: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_the_EZLN.jpg

Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1994.

Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.


1. januar 1994

EZLN (Zapatisterne erobrer fire byer i Mexicos Chiapas-provins og træder ind på historiens scene.


EZLN (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional) (Leksikon.org)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Tidslinjen: 17. november 1983, om Zapatisterne

EZLN fane. Kilde: http://www.flickr.com/photos/seven_resist/2638235119/
EZLN fane. Kilde: http://www.flickr.com/photos/seven_resist/2638235119/


20. januar 1994

Kommunisten og modstandsmanden (“Nielsen”) Børge Houmann dør (født 26 marts 1902).

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linkboxen: Børge Houmann, 1902-1994


25. februar 1994

Baruch Goldstein fra det israelske terrororganisation Kach trænger ind i moskeen ved Patriarkernes grav i Hebron og myrder 29 bedende.


Cave of the Patriarchs massacre (Wikipedia.org)

Baruch Goldstein (Wikipedia.org)

20 years since the Goldstein massacre – Seperation policy in Hebron. By Breaking the Silence Video [1:19 min.]

A city of devastation: Hebron 20 years after the massacre. By Einat Fishbain / ‘The Hottest Place in Hell’ (+972, February 25, 2014)
“Since terrorist Baruch Goldstein committed a massacre at the Cave of the Patriarchs 20 years ago today, the situation of Palestinians in Hebron has only deteriorated.”

Watch: Anti-occupation activists bring Hebron to Tel Aviv. By Social TV (+972, February 27, 2014)
“Dozens of Tel Aviv storeowners woke up Tuesday morning to find that anti-occupation activists had posted fake military orders on their storefronts.” Video [1:37 min.)

In Hebron, terror begets a reign of terror. By Michael Omer-Man (+972, February 25, 2014)
“The roots of segregation in Hebron and Baruch Goldstein’s massacre of 29 Palestinian worshipers.”

The day after the massacre, in Hebron’s Jewish settlement. By Yigal Mosko / ‘The Hottest Place in Hell’ (+972, February 25, 2014)
“Something saddened the Jewish settlers of Hebron following the Cave of the
Patriarchs Massacre: the army canceled their Purim parade.”

Photos: 20 years since Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre. Photos by: Anne Paq, Ryan Rodrick Beiler, Yotam Ronen, and Oren Ziv/Activestills.org (+972, February 25, 2014)
“In 1994, the Israeli military responded to a massacre by a Jewish settler by
restricting the movement of Hebron’s Palestinian residents. Two decades later,
the restrictions are more severe …”

Photos: IDF brigade commander vs Hebron’s kindergarten. Text and photos by Dana Direktor / ‘The Hottest Place in Hell’ (+972, February 25, 2014)
“Even a kindergarten, an attempt to bring a small piece of normalcy to the area, has turned into a target for the army, police and settlers.”

Palestinians in Hebron demand Israel ‘Open Shuhada Street’ and protest twentieth anniversary of Ibrahimi mosque massacre. By Allison Deger (Mondoweiss, February 24, 2014)

Watch: 20 years since the Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre in Hebron. By Social TV, Israel (+972, February 21, 2014)
2 videoer fra Israel Social TV om Massakren og om forholdene i Hebron.

The Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre: 20 years later (The Institute for Middle East
Understanding IMEU, February 20, 2014)

A visit to the grave of mass-murderer Baruch Goldstein. By Jeff Klein (Mondoweiss, July 4, 2013)
“The revered Dr. Baruch Kapel Goldstein ” … Son of Israel. He gave his soul for the sake of the people of Israel, The Torah, and the Land. His hands are clean and his heart good ” … He was assassinated for the Sanctity of God.”

The market square is empty in Hebron. By Leehee Rotschild (+972, March 4, 2013)
“There are many injustices under the occupation: small ones and big ones. There is theft and murder and never ending oppression. There is Shuhada Street, and they all exist there.” The street was closed after the massacre by Baruch Goldstein.

From the archive, 26 February 1994: Massacre at the mosque. By Derek Brown (The Guardian, 26 February 2010). Originally published in the Guardian on 26 February 1994.

The real significance of Baruch Goldstein. Chapter 6 in Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky, Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel (Pluto Press, 1999). See the the complete book online at Institut für Palästinakunde (pdf).

Lessons of the Hebron Massacre. By the editors (Against the Current, Issue 50, May-June 1994)

A tale of two movements. By Phil Marshall (Socialist Review, No.175, May 1994, p.20; online at Marxists Internet Archive)

Jewish killer attacked mosque last year: Evidence is mounting that Baruch Goldstein was known to be dangerous well before the massacre, writes Sarah Helm (The Independent, 1 March 1994)


6. april 1994

Politisk attentat på landets præsident bliver signal til 3 mdr. borgerkrig og massemord på tutsier (ca. 1 mio. dræbte) i Rwanda og en flygtningestrøm (ca. 2 mio.) ud af landet.


Rwanda – en ufortalt historie? Af Loke Bisbjerg Nielsen (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 4. december 2014). En ny BBC-dokumentar stiller spørgsmålstegn folkedrabet i Rwanda 1994.

Remembering the complicity of French imperialism in the Rwandan genocide 30 years on. By Thomas D. (In Defence of Marxism, 9 July 2024). “This genocide was aided and abetted by the French government, which both financed and armed those responsible, often referred to as ‘génocidaires’.”

Genocide in Rwanda—25 years on. By Charlie Kimber (Socialist Worker, Issue 2648, 2 April 2019). “Horrific killingsago were rooted in colonialism, economic crisis and scapegoating.”

The Kagame-Power Lobby’s dishonest attack on BBC documentary on Rwanda: A rejoinder. By Odora-Obote Alex (Pambazuka News, Issue 704, 28 November 2014)

The Kagame-Power Lobby’s dishonest attack on BBC documentary on Rwanda. By Edward S. Herman and David Peterson (Pambazuka News, Issue 702, 12 November 2014)

Global researchers protest BBC Genocide revisionist film (The New Times, October 14, 2014)

Tilbageblik på folkedrabet i 1994. Af Éric Toussaint (Socialistisk Information, 27.04.2014). “… det [er] afgørende at undersøge den rolle, som internationale finansielle institutioner spillede.”

Rwanda, twenty years later. By Samir Amin (MR Online, 9 April 2014)

The Rwandan genocide: from imperialism to barbarism. By Sean Ledwith (Counterfire, 3 April 2014)

Adam Jones on Rwanda and genocide: A reply. By Edward S. Herman and David Peterson (MR Online, 14 August 2010)

On genocide deniers: Challenging Herman and Peterson. By Adam Jones (Pambazuka News, Issue 490, 15 July 2010)

Genocide denial and genocide facilitation: Gerald Caplan and the politics of genocide. By Edward S. Herman and David Peterson (MR Online, 4 July 2010)

The politics of denialism: The strange case of Rwanda. By Gerald Caplan (Pambazuka News, Issue 486, 2010-06-17). Review of Edward S. Herman and David Peterson’s The Politics of Genocide (Monthly Review Press, New York, 2010). See also Michael Karadjis’ introduction to Caplan’s article: Debunking Herman’s genocide denial on Rwanda (Mihalis Balkan Analysis, June 29, 2010)

Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo in the propaganda system. By Edward S. Herman and David Peterson (Monthly Review, May 2010). Excerpted from their book, The Politics of Genocide (Monthly Review Press, 2010)

Rwanda – 10 years since the genocide. By Linda Slattery (World Socialist Web Site, 3 May 2004). See also Letters on Rwanda (13 February 2009) + A reply to correspondence on the Rwandan genocide, by Chris Talbot (February 13, 2009)

Coming to terms with barbarism in Rwanda and Burundi. Review article by Charlie Kimber (International Socialism, Issue 73, December 1996)

The hope and the horror. By Simon Hester and Manny Tanoh (Socialist Review, Issue 178, September 1994). “Across the continent of Africa the effects of the world crisis are seen in the slaughter of Rwanda, the mass strikes in Nigeria and the struggles of impatient black workers in South Africa. Simon Hester and Manny Tanoh look into the roots of the Rwandan tragedy but show that not all politics in Africa today are those of despair.”

Se også:

50 years since Burundi genocide: the endless horror of western imperialiism. By Ben Gliniecki (In Defence of Marxism,


27. april 1994

Første frie valg til Sydafrikas parlament, vindes af ANC (62% af stemmerne) og 27.4. bliver Sydafrikas frihedsdag.
10. maj 1994 bliver ANC-lederen Nelson Mandela Sydafrikas første ikke-hvide præsident (til 1999). Apartheid-perioden (siden 1948) regnes for afsluttet i Sydafrika.


Sydafrika efter apartheid (Baggrund.com, april 2024). “Denne Fokus-serie markerer 30-året for det første frie valg efter apartheid i april 1994 og indeholder bidrag fra forskellige forskere, der beskæftiger sig med landets historie, den nuværende politiske og sociale situation, samt den kulturelle arv fra apartheid.”

Sydafrika – 30 år efter Mandelas løsladelse. Af Ann Langwadt og Morten Nielsen (Arbejderen.dk, 22. marts 2020). “Vejen til frihed for Sydafrikas sorte og fattige befolkning er stadig lang og stejl, og resultatet 30 år efter Mandelas løsladelse den 11. februar 1990 er ikke det smukkeste.”

Dengang de borgerlige gav Mandela den kolde skulder og holdt hånden under apartheid (Arbejderen.dk, 12. februar 2020). “På 30-årsdagen for befrielsen af Nelson Mandela tager Arbejderen et kig tilbage til tiden, hvor det sydafrikanske apartheidregime havde flere danske venner blandt borgerlige politikere i Danmark. Pia Kjærsgaard kaldte Mandela for en “terroristleder”, og de borgerlige partier afviste at boykotte apartheidregimet.”

Sydafrika: 20 år efter apartheid. Af Jørn Andersen (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr. 338, 1. maj 2014; online på Internet Archive). “Den 27. april var det 20 år siden det første demokratiske valg i Sydafrika … Apartheid og kapitalisme var tæt sammenvævet. Det var modstanden desværre kun delvist.”

Did boycotts, divestment and sanctions overthrow the Apartheid regime in South Africa? By Ben Morken (In Defence of Marxism, 6 December 2023). “The truth is that the hated regime was not overthrown by international sanctions and disinvestments. As we have seen, these had a minimal impact on the regime … The key lesson is that the decisive blow against the Apartheid regime was dealt by a revolutionary mass movement, led by the South African working class.”

South Africa: The ANC monolith cracks (Socialist Worker, Issue 2401, 29 April 2014). Irvin Jim, head of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa, and Dali Mpofu of the Economic Freedom Fighters, speak to Socialist Worker’s Ken Olende.”

South Africa’s resource curses and growing social resistance. By Patrick Bond (Monthly Review, Vol.65, No.11, April 2014)

The centennial of the ANC: what does it mean for the working class? By Vusumuzi Martin Bhengu (In Defence of Marxism,, 23 January 2012)

ANC centenary: a display of elite power. By Ayanda Kota (Counterfire, 10 January 2012)

A poisoned chalice: liberation, ANC-style. By John S. Saul (The Bullet, January 6, 2012; online at Internet Archive)

South Africa: an unfinished revolution? By Neville Alexander (Links, May 13, 2010)

Struggle continues for real liberation (Socialist Worker, Issue 1897, 17 April 2004). “Trevor Ngwane, a South African anti-capitalist activist, writes on the problems, and the resistance, in post-apartheid society as South Africans voted in a new general election.”

From racial to class apartheid: South Africa’s frustrating decade of freedom. By Patrick Bond (Monthly Review, Vol.55, No.10, March 2004)

South Africa after apartheid. By Alex Callinicos (International Socialism, Issue 70, March 1996, p.3-46)

Post Apartheid South Africa (Against the Current, No.58, September/October 1995):
The Editors: A note of Introduction
John Pape: Year one of the transition
Dan Connell: What’s left of the grassroots left?

Video: Apartheid Did Not Die (YouTube, 1998, 51 min.). An analysis of South Africa’s new, democratic regime.


‘Apartheid døde ikke’. Kap. 4 i John Pilger: Frihed næste gang (Det Poetiske Bureau, 2010). Anmeldelse i Socialistisk Information (26. juni 2010)

Aktivister mod apartheid: dansk solidaritet med Sydafrika (pdf). Red. Morten Nielsen, Patrick Mac Manus, Kathrine Toftkær Larney og Gunnar Gunnarsen (Sydafrika Kontakt, 2004, 139 sider; online på Jakobsgaardstolten.dk).

Bookwatch: South Africa – the struggle continues. By Charlie Kimber (International Socialism, Issue 64, Autumn 1994)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


4. maj 1994

Cairo-aftalen (Oslo I-aftalen) mellem Israel og PLO, Det palæstinensiske selvstyre etableres pr. 17. maj 1994, giver palæstinensisk kontrol over kun 67% af Gaza-striben.


Osloaftalen (Leksikon.org).

Palæstina – selvstyreområderne (Denstoredanske.dk)


21. maj 1994

Den britiske marxist og sociolog Ralph Miliband dør i London (født 7. januar 1924, se denne).


19942200.jpg 12. juni 1994

Første nummer af den progressive månedlige lokalavis for Nørrebro – På Gaden – udkommer. Sidste nummer udsendes i december 2007.


På Gaden takker af (Modkraft debatforum, 30. november 2007)

På Gaden : Nørrebro på nettet fortsat bydelssite.


8. juli 1994

Kim Il Sung, første leder af Den Demokratiske Folkerepublik Korea (Nordkorea) dør. (født 15. april 1912, se denne)


21. september 1994

Den århusianske komiker Jacob Hougaard (født 12. maj 1952 på Færøerne) vælges (opstillet for SABAE) som den første til Folketinget som løsgænger (til 1998).


Jacob Haugaard (Wikipedia.dk). Med links og valgprogram, bl.a. det berømte løfte/krav om “Mere medvind på cykelstierne”.

Sammenslutninen af Bevidste Arbejdssky Elementer (SABAE)

21. september 1994

Enhedslisten kommer i Folketinget 21. september 1994.


Vores historie (1989-2019): Fra splittelse til samling på venstrefløjen (Enhedslisten)
“Fra splittelse til samling på venstrefløjen. Inden dannelsen af Enhedslisten var afmatningen på venstrefløjen markant. Berlinmurens og Sovjetunionens fald forstærkede en eksistentiel krise, og medlemmerne strømmede ud af partierne. Der skulle tænkes i nye baner for at indgyde et nyt håb.”
“1994 blev året, hvor Enhedslisten opnåede sit parlamentariske gennembrud, (mandag den 21. september 1994). Godt hjulpet på vej af Enhedslistens utrættelige kamp mod EU, som stod i skarp kontrast til SF’s ja ved folkeafstemningen i 1993, lykkedes det at få overbevist hele 104.578 (3,1 procent) af vælgerne om, at krydset skulle sættes ved Ø. Resultatet mundede ud i seks mandater, og det politiske landskab i Danmark stod for første gang i lang tid med en stærk og fortrøstningsfuld venstrefløj, der nu også var repræsenteret i Folketinget.”
Medlemmerne i den første folketingsgruppe var: Keld Albrechtsen, Bent Hindrup Andersen, Jette Gottlieb, Bruno Jerup, Søren Søndergaard og Frank Aaen.

Se Tidslinjen 1.-3. december 1989 om Enhedslisten.


27. september 1994

Karl Popper, videnskabsteoretiker og filosof, dør i London (Født i Wien 28. juli 1902).
Hovedværk: Det åbne samfund og dets fjender (1945; dansk: 2001, 2 bd., Bd.1: Platon. Bd. 2: Hegel og Marx).


Popper, Karl Raimond (Leksikon.org)                                                                                 Karl R. Popper. Af Carsten Bengt-Pedersen (Den Store Danske, Gyldendal. Hentet 2. september 2017).                                                                                                              Karl Popper (Wikipedia.dk) + Karl Popper (Wikipedia.org), større engelsk artikel.


Symposium: Karl Popper, 1902-1994 (pdf) (Radical Philosophy, No.70, March/April 1995, p.2-8). Obituaries: Joseph Agassi: Learning from negative instances; Jerry Ravetz: Last of the great believers; Bernard Burgoyne: Question and answer; Robin Blackburn: Popper and the new left.

False consciousness. By Alex Callinicos (Socialist  Review, No.179, October 1994, p.13). Obituary: “Popper’s real importance lies in the fact that he was a great philosopher of science.”

The Poverty of Popper. By Lew Higgins (Socialist Standard, No.1087, March 1995)

Popper Falsifies Marx. By Ian Birchall (1984) (Grim and Dim: The website of Ian Birchall). Longer articel.

The Critics Criticised – Professor Popper Looks at History, Part 1. By E.W. (Socialist Standard, No.622-625, June-September 1956) + Part 2 + Part 3 + Part 4.

Se også:

Marxists Internet Archive: Glossary of people: Po + Objective Knowledge – A Realistist View of Logic, Physics, and History. By Karl Popper. (The second last chapter is reproduced here).


10. december 1994

Nobels Fredspris gives ligeligt (!) mellem PLO-formanden Arafat og Rabin og Peres, hhv. Israels premier- og udenrigsminister.


The Nobel Peace Prize 1994 (The Nobel Foundation).

Se også:

Nobels fredspris: 100 års ubrugte muligheder (Kommunist, nr.1, 2022). “Juristen Fredrik Heffermehl har i flere årtier beskæftiget sig med norsk og internationalt fredsarbejde og med Nobels fredspris. I 2020 udgav han bogen Medaljens Bagside, hvor han giver en analyse af Nobelkomiteens arbejde.”


11. december 1994

Russiske tropper invaderer Tjetjenien.


First Chechen WarSecond Chechen War (Wikipedia.org)

Chechnya: the empire strikes back. By Rob Ferguson (International Socialism, Issue 86, Spring 2000).