Illustration fra Diderots Encyclopédie, udg. i Frankrig 1751-1766, som viser et typisk bogbinderi fra perioden. Public Domain.
Illustration fra Diderots Encyclopédie, udg. i Frankrig 1751-1766, som viser et typisk bogbinderi fra perioden. Public Domain. Kilde: Wikimedia Commons




I anledning af årets festival, Golden Days 2010: Globalisering, gossip og grådighed – 1700-tallet, et aktuelt århundrede med kunst, musik, dans, litteratur, debat, filosofi, religionskritik og historie, har vi samlet denne linkbox med links til artikler om Oplysningsiden og til periodens personer og begivenheder.
Der er også linket til poster på vores Tidslinje, som dækker selve Oplysningstiden ca. 1690-1800, og dens forudsætninger i rationalisme og naturvidenskab.
NB: nedenstående links til datoer, er ikke de datoer, hvor personer har haft betydning, men normalt er link til fødedato (eller dødsdato) for personer.
De poster, der er nedenstående, kan rumme link til udgivelser m.m. og til andre personer, der er relaterede til begivenheder.

Leksikalt mv.

Oplysningens verden: Idé, historie, videnskab, kunst. Redigeret af Ole Høiris & Thomas Ledet (Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2007, 600 sider).

Oplysningstiden. Af Johnny Thiedecke (Borgen, 1989, 117 sider). Til til HF, voksenundervisning m.m.

An Experiment on a Bird in an Air Pump by Joseph Wright of Derby, 1768. Oil on canvas paintet by Joseph Wright of Derby (1734–1797), English painter and draughtsman. Collection: National Gallery, London. Public Domain.
An Experiment on a Bird in an Air Pump by Joseph Wright of Derby, 1768. Oil on canvas paintet by Joseph Wright of Derby (1734–1797), English painter and draughtsman. Collection: National Gallery, London. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.


The Enlightenment. Part 45 in Neil Faulkner: A Marxist History of the World (Counterfire, 5 September 2011). “What gave the Enlightenment its subversive, politically corrosive character was its critique of institutions and practices which appeared comparatively irrational in the light of modern thinking …”

On the Enlightenment’s ‘race problem’. By Kenan Malik (Pandaemonium, February 13, 2013). “This has become a common argument in recent years: that the modern roots of the idea of race lie in the Enlightenment.”

The Enlightenment. By Soma Marik (Radical Socialist, 14 October 2009). “The universalism of the Enlightenment was however flawed. Class, gender and race provide three major areas of criticism.”

Enlightenment and anti-capitalism. By Neil Davidson (International Socialism, Issue 110, Spring 2006, p.85-112). “We therefore cannot simply reject the Enlightenment without depriving ourselves of some of the most important intellectual tools necessary for human liberation.”

Islam and the Enlightenment (Socialist Review, Issue 304, March 2006). “Neil Davidson asks why the more advanced civilisations of the Islamic world did not develop a similar movement of their own.”

Interpreting the Enlightenment: Metaphysics, critique, and politics. By Stephen Eric Bronner (Logos, Vol.3, No.3, Summer 2004). “In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, amid the intellectual retrenchment consonant with the unending ‘war against terror’, the Enlightenment legacy has become ‘more than ever before’ a contested terrain.”

The Enlightenment (pdf). Part 5, chapter 3 in Chris Harman, A People’s History of the World (Bookmarks, 1999, p.242-248; online at IS Tendency/Internet Archive WayBackMachine). “The most radical intellectual challenge to received ideas since the rise of class society occurred in the aftermath of the Dutch and English revolutions.”

Race and the Enlightenment, Part 1: From Anti-Semitism to white supremacy, 1492-1676 (Race Traitor, Issue 7, Spring 1997) + Part 2: The Anglo-French Enlightenment and beyond (Issue 10, Winter 1999; online at, January 2010). “American left communist Loren Goldner’s history of the origins of race and racism.”

The great divide: The Enlightenment and its critics. By Stephen Eric Bronner (New Politics, Vol.5, No.3, whole No.19, Summer 1995). “… a critique of the Enlightenment has now become part of the philosophical and polemical stock in trade of many on the left.”

The Renaissance and rationality: The status of the Enlightenment today. By Loren Goldner (Break their Haughty Power, July 24, 1995). “… it is necessary to discuss the limits of the Enlightenment in order to defend it, and to go beyond it.”


Forside fra bogen
Forside fra bogen “Radical Enlightenment” af Jonathan I. Israel

Anmelderartikler af Jonathan I. Israels bøger: Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy and the Making of Modernity, 1650–1750 (2001) + Enlightenment Contested: Philosophy, Modernity, and the Emancipation of Man, 1670–1752 (2006) + A Revolution of the Mind: Radical Enlightenment and the Intellectual Origins of Modern Democracy (2009) + Democratic Enlightenment: Philosophy, Revolution, and Human Rights 1750–1790 (2011) + Revolutionary Ideas: An Intellectual History of the French Revolution from the Rights of Man to Robespierre (2014)

Combined image of
Combined image of “Beer Street” and “Gin Lane”. Two Engravings made 1751 by William Hogarth (1697–1764), British painter and engraver. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Om William Hogarths Beer Street and Gin Lane (1751)

Se også: Enlightened Wit Satire in the Age of Voltaire and Hogarth

(blog, 2018)


Personlister om:

Se om personer og begivenheder i hele perioden på Tidslinjen (Socialistisk Bibliotek):


“En nøyagtig Forestilling af Executionen som skeede uden for Kiøbenhavn paa Stadens Østre-Fælled paa Græverne Struensee og Brandt”. Kobberstik af henrettelsen af Johann Friedrich Struensee (1737-1772), statsmand, greve og Enevold Brandt (1738-1772), greve, hofmand på Østre Fælled, 28. april 1772 lave 1772 af Georg Christian Wilhelm Haas (1751-1817), kobberstikker. Public Domain. Kilde: Det kongelige Biblioteks Billedsamling, Historisk Kronologisk Samling, Danmark, 1767-1774.


[A Reading in the Salon of Mme Geoffrin of the tragedy …. by Voltaire] En stor gruppe af oplysningstidens franske personligheder er på dette postume portrætbillede. Samtidens cafeer og kaffestuer spillede en lige så stor rolle som de elitære saloner, men billedet afspejler nok den oplyste enevældes rammer for Oplysningstiden.