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24. november 1632
Benedictus de Spinoza (latinsk for Baruch el. Benedict de Spinoza) fødes i Amsterdam. (Dør 21. februar 1677 i Haag).

- Spinoza, Baruch (Benedictus) (Leksikon.org)
- Baruch Spinoza (Denstoredanske)
- Baruch de Spinoza (Wikipedia.no). Fremhævet norsk bok-mål artikel.
- Baruch Spinoza (Wikipedia.org)
- Spinoza, Benidicto (1632-1677) (Marxists Internet Archive; Glossary of People; S). Scroll down. With links & Further Reading.
- Hegel’s Lectures on the History of Philosophy (1805-06). Section Two: Period of the Thinking Understanding, Chapter I: The Metaphysics of the Understanding, A 2: Spinoza (Marxists Internet Archive)
- Benedict de Spinoza (Baruch) (Generation Online). Med bl.a. link til artikel af Antonio Negri.
Sammenlignet med Spinoza virker Voltaire og Locke som oplysningens slapsvanse. Af Rune Lykkeberg (Politiken.dk, 29. september 2015). Anmeldelse af Carl Henrik Koch: Spinoza: kætter og filosof (Lindhardt og Ringhof, 2015, 607 sider).
Marx and Spinoza. By Alex Callinicos (International Socialism, Issue 180, Autumn 2023). “Why discuss Marx and Spinoza now? The appearance of a monumental new biography by Jonathan Israel [Spinoza: Life and Legacy, Oxford University Press, 2023, 1344 p.], an outstanding historian of the early modern Netherlands, is certainly an opportunity to reassess Spinoza.”
The Enlightenment and Spinoza’s revolutionary rationalism. By Hamid Alizadeh (In Defence of Marism,
Charlie Kirk is right to be afraid of Spinoza. By Jason Read (Jacobin, August 11, 2022). “Right-wing culture warriors recently attacked Immanuel Kant as the father of ‘critical race theory’. Now, figures like Charlie Kirk are going after Baruch Spinoza — a radical enlightenment thinker who can actually teach us a few things about how to fight the Right.”
Enlightenment betrayed: Jonathan Israel, Marxism, and the Enlightenment legacy. Part 1-6. By Doug Enaa Greene and Harrison Fluss (Left Voice, July 14 – August 16, 2022). “Jonathan Israel is one of the most important scholars of the radical legacy of the Enlightenment. But a look at Israel’s scholarship shows that his Radical Enlightenment is not radical enough.”
Anmelderartikler af Jonathan I. Israels bøger: Radical Enlighthenment (2002) + Enlightenment Contested (2006) + A Revolution of the Mind (2009) + Spinoza: Life and Legacy (2023)
Review by Vesa Oittinen (Marx & Philosophical Review of Books, 4 April 2024)
Kampen mellem den radikale ridder og den moderate slapsvans. Af Rune Lykkeberg (Information.dk, 27. august 2010)
Kortlægning af den moderne verdens opkomst. Af Frederik Stjernfelt (Information, 15. januar 2010)
The Nation, Jonathan Israel and the Enlightenment. By Ann Talbot and David North (World Socialist Web Site, 9 June 2010)
Mind the Enligthenment. By Samuel Moyn (The Nation, May 12, 2010)
When Reason was revolt. By Chris Harman (International Socialism, Issue 113, Winter 2007)
Forgotten subversives. By Chris Harman (International Socialism, Issue 106, Spring 2005)
Spinoza reconsidered. By Ann Talbot (World Socialist Web Site, 26 August 2003)
Spinoza revisited. By Ann Talbot (World Socialist Web Site, 7 August 2001)
Spinoza: thinker of bourgeois freedom (1978) (IIRE: International Institute of Research and Education, 8 July 2020). “How democratic was the political thought of Spinoza? Mandel argues that to understand the seeming contradictions in Spinoza, we must place him in the historical context of early capitalism and an emerging bourgeoisie.”
Spinoza: kætter og filosof. Af Carl Henrik Koch (Lindhardt og Ringhof, 2015, 607 s.). Anmeldelse af Rune Lykkeberg: Sammenlignet med Spinoza virker Voltaire og Locke som oplysningens slapsvanse (Politiken.dk, 29. september 2015)
Baruch de Spinoza: Teologisk-politisk afhandling. Oversættelse og indledning ved Niels Henningsen (Anis, 2009, 296 s.). Anmeldelse af Lars Sandbeck: Fritænkers hovedværk kan varmt anbefales (Politiken.dk, 11. januar 2010)
Se også:
Message of the Non-Jewish Jew. By Isaac Deutscher (American Socialist, September 1958)
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