G.E. Zinoviev during the unveiling of a memorial to the German socialists Ferdinand Lassalle and Karl Marx, Petrograd 1918. The photo was subsequently processed by the Soviet censors in the 1930s, in which Zinoviev's face was smeared. Date 1918. Photo: Unknown, State Museum of Political History of Russia. Public Domain.
G.E. Zinoviev during the unveiling of a memorial to the German socialists Ferdinand Lassalle and Karl Marx, Petrograd 1918. The photo was subsequently processed by the Soviet censors in the 1930s, in which Zinoviev's face was smeared. Date 1918. Photo: Unknown, State Museum of Political History of Russia. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1825.

Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.


11. april 1825

Portrait of Ferdinand Lassalle and 3/4 with mustache, jacket with lapels and high collar and bow. Black background forms framework. Grafik from 1927 by Elias (Elie) Smalhout, (1889-1939). Situated at Joods Historisch Museum. Public Domain.
Portrait of Ferdinand Lassalle and 3/4 with mustache, jacket with lapels and high collar and bow. Black background forms framework. Grafik from 1927 by Elias (Elie) Smalhout, (1889-1939). Situated at Joods Historisch Museum. Public Domain. Source: Europeana.eu.

Den tyske arbejderleder Ferdinand Lassalle fødes i Breslau (nu polske Wroclaw). (Dør 31. august 1864 i Geneve).

Mellem liberalisme og socialisme: Georg Brandes og Arbejdernes Læseselskab (pdf). Af Per Dahl (Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie, nr.17, 1987, side 9-51). “Da Georg Brandes i 1874 udgav det tredie bind af sine Hovedstrømninger,
Reactionen i Frankrig, gav han i det første kapitel en lille skitse af to politiske
hovedstrømninger, som havde deres udgangspunkt i det 18. århundrede for
derefter at dominere det 19. århundredet.”

Ferdinand Lassalle og den danske arbejderbevægelse (pdf). Af Trine Lindén (Arbejderhistorie, nr.3, 1998, s.1-12). “Lassalle [må] tildeles en vigtig plads i dansk teoridannelse, da der med hensyn til statsopfattelsen kan tales om en lassalleanismereception — en statsopfattelse der i Danmark havde en yderst central placering i bevægelsens forestillinger om vejen til det socialistiske samfund.”

Lad stå hvad ikke kan falde: en historiografisk analyse af 1970’ernes
forskning og den danske lassalleanismereception (pdf). Af Trine Lindén (Arbejderhistorie, nr.2, 1999, s.39-51). “Hvorfor opstod der konsensus om, at lassalleanismen ingen indflydelse havde, når alt tyder på det modsatte? Forfatteren giver i artiklen et svar på dette spørgsmål.”

Arbejderprogram. Om den nuværende historiske periodes særlige sammenhæng med arbejderstandens idé (1862). Af Ferdinand Lassalle (Socialistiske skrifter, bind XII, 1900; online på Marxisme.dk). Med indledning af Ernst Christiansen.

Karl Marx’s battle against ‘state socialism’. By Tess Lee Ack (Red Flag, 1 January 2023). “Ferdinand Lassalle (1825-64) is often described as the ‘founder of German social democracy’. But his influence on the German workers’ movement was mostly disastrous.”

Lassalle and state socialism. Chapter 5 in Hal Draper: The two souls of Socialism (New Politics, No.1, Winter 1966). “Ferdinand Lassalle is the prototype of the state-socialist – which means, one who aims to get socialism handed down by the existing state. He was not the first prominent example (that was Louis Blanc), but for him the existing state was the Kaiser’s state under Bismarck.”

Lassalle’s legacy (1913). By Rosa Luxemburg (Marxists Internet Archive). “Lassalle’s great creative work consisted in recognising the correct task of the proletariat at the right historical hour and daring to fulfil this with bold action.”

Lassalle and the revolution (1904). By Rosa Luxemburg (Marxists Internet Archive). “In his tactics of struggle, Lassalle certainly did make mistakes. Yet emphasising mistakes in a great life’s work is the trite pleasure of petty peddlars of historical research.”

Ferdinand Lassalle as a social reformer. By Eduard Bernstein (Swan Sonnenschein, 1892, 192 p; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “Where at most there was only a vague desire, he gave conscious effort; he trained the German workers to understand their historical mission, he taught them to organise as an independent political party, and in this way at least accelerated by many years the process of development of the movement.”

Ferdinand Lassalle - die Kämpfer gegen die Capitalmacht, ca. 1860-1870. Photo: Hans Andersen. Public Domain.
Ferdinand Lassalle – die Kämpfer gegen die Capitalmacht, ca. 1860-1870. Photo: Hans Andersen. Public Domain. Source: Europeana.eu.


‘Ferdinand Lassalle: Staten som garant for frihed’. Af Steen Christensen. I: Socialdemokratiske tænkere. Red. Anders Dybdahl (Informations Forlag, 2014, s.50-65 + 313-14). Se uddrag online (Socialdemokratisketænkere.dk).


19. maj 1825

Den utopiske socialist Saint-Simon dør i Paris. (Født i Paris, 17. oktober 1760, se denne).

Begravet på Piere Laschaise kirkegården i Paris.


26. december 1825

Dekabrist-opstanden mod det russiske zar-dømme. Opstanden var et liberalt officer-kup og mislykkedes. (Fandt sted 14. december efter ældre russisk tidsregning).


Dekabristopstanden (Denstoredanske.dk)

Decembrist revolt (Wikipedia.org) engelsk længere artikel.