Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1969.
Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.
16. januar 1969
Den tjekkiske student Jan Pallach laver selvmordsbrænding på Wenzelspladsen i Prag i protest mod den russiske invasion i august 1968.
Jan Palach (
Jan Palach (
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen: 20. august 1968, om invasionen.
23. januar 1969
Syndikalisten Andreas Fritzner dør i Sundby. (Født i Kbh. 31. januar 1887, se denne)
25. marts 1969
Efter deres bryllup den 20. marts afholdte John Lennon og Yoko One deres første bed-in i Amsterdam, frem til 31. marts.
Fra 26 maj til 2. juni opførte John Lennon og Yoko Ono deres bed-for-peace i Montreal, hvorfra de udgav sangen Give Peace a Chance med forskellige gæste-medvirkende.
Bed In, The – John Lennon, Yoko Ono 1969 (Video-omtale)
Bed-In (
John Lennon and Yoko Ono Bed In Preview
Give Peace a Chance ( Optagelse på Hotelværelse i Montreal + tekst + Give Peace a Chance (
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen: 8. oktober 1940 (John Lennon fødedag)
26. marts 1969
Miljøorganisationen NOAH stiftes. Fra 1988: NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark.
NOAH (dansk miljøorganisation) ( (eget site). Se her om organisationens start og historie.
Miljøbevægelsens rødder- en antologi. Redaktion Asger Hougaard mfl. (NOAH’s Forlag, 2019, 250 s.). “Sammen med aktivister og fagfolk gør vi status over 50 års historie fyldt med ø-lejre, vedvarende energi og økologiske alternativer til vækst og kapitalistisk kassetænkning.” Med indholdsfortegnelse + 4 første kapitler online.
Nye aktivister kan starte her. Af Vibeke Nielsen (, 4. maj 2019). “De mest medrivende og inspirerende kapitler byder på aktivisters personlige fortællinger …”
Danmarks første miljøbevægelse: NOAH 50 år – stadig grøn og kapitalismekritisk (Arbejderen, 8.-10. marts 2019, s. 5). “NOAH blev oprettet i 1969 og var den første miljøbevægelse i Danmark … en særlig stemme i miljødebatten.”
I 50 år har NOAH sagt det samme – nu begynder det at trænge ind. Af Jørgen Steen Nielsen (, 9. marts 2019, side 8-9). Om miljøbevægelsens start “herhjemme med en stinkende, bloddryppende aktion på Københavns Universitet. Et halvt århundrede senere kan NOAH notere, at aktivismen for at redde planetens miljø og klima nu mobiliserer så stærkt som nogensinde.” Kræver abonnement.
26. marts 1969
Forfatteren kendt som B. Traven dør som Traven Torsvan Croves. (født sandsynligvis i Chicago, 5. marts 1890, se denne dato for links.) Levede også som tyske forfatter og revolutionær Ret Marut.
Travens dødsdag opgives fejlagtigt også som 27. marts 1969. Hans aske blev spredt fra fly over Chiapas i Mexico.
26. april 1969
Tegneren og montagekunstneren John Heartfield dør i Berlin. (Født 10. juni 1891, se denne).
5. maj 1969
Premieren på John Waynes film ‘De grønne djævle’, der forherliger USAs krig i Vietnam, fører til sammenstød ved Saga-biografen på Vesterbrogade i København mellem demonstranter og ‘De vilde Engle’, især søndag-mandag 5.-6. maj, inden biografens ejer bøjer sig og tager filmen af plakaten.
Originale plakat for filmen om helte i Helvede
“So you don’t believe in glory. And heroes are ou of style. And they don’t blow burles anymore. So take another look – at the special forces in a special kind of hell -.”
30. maj 1969
Folketinget vedtager ved 3. behandling, at Danmark som det første land frigiver billedpornografien med Lov nr. 224 af den 4. juni 1969 om ændring i borgerlig straffelov (pornografiske billeder m.v.). Loven trådte i kraft den 1. juli 1969.
Pornografi (
Porno er kamppladsen for samfundets moral. Af Sidsel Harder (, 20. august 2023). “At porno formodes at underminere samfundets orden er en rød tråd gennem historien. Men det handler ikke kun om sex, men også køn, race og klasse.” Sidsel Harder er forfatter til bogen Porno (Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2023, 60 s.) (Tænkepause).
Pornografiens historie i Danmark. Af Morten Thing (Aschehoug, 2019, 256 s.).
28. juni 1969
New York-politiets fredagsrazzia i Christopher Street’s Stonewall Inn i Greenwich Village fører til modstand og opstand, der betegnes som den nye bøssebevægelses fødsel.
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Linkboxen: Stonewall 1969
21. juli 1969 (03.56.20 dansk tid)
Neil Armstrong sætter menneskets første fødder på Månen. Rumfartøjet Apollo 11‘s landingsmodul hed Ørnen (!) (“We came in peace” ifølge Nixon).
- Apollo 11 (
- Apollo 11 (
- Konspirationsteorier om månelandingen (
- Moon landing conspiracy theories (
50 år efter: Det har månekapløbet betydet for vores samfund. Af Henrik og Helle Stub (, 21. juli 2019). “Månekapløbet og rumfarten har haft enorm betydning – vi giver dig perspektiverne her.”
Det var ikke et episk fupnummer: Her er fem beviser på månelandingen. Af Søren Bjørn-Hansen (DR, 20. juli 2019). “Der findes utroligt nok stadig mennesker, der betvivler, at vi har besøgt Månen.”
Månelandingen fylder 50: Her er alt, du skal vide, om missioner og konspirationer. Af Elisabeth Lønkjær Eskildsen og Frederik Guy Hoff Sonne (, 20. juli 2019). “Lad det være sagt med det samme: Månelandingen har fundet sted. Men det krævede rigtig meget at nå dertil.”
Prygl til konspirationsteorier om månelanding. Af Thomas Hoffmann (, 20. juli 2009). “Jo, et flag på Månen kan godt blafre, selvom der ikke er nogen vind. Og jo, man kan godt lave et fodaftryk i månestøv, selvom man er næsten vægtløs. En astrofysiker gennemtæsker skeptikeres argumenter for, at USA’s månelanding er et stort fupnummer.”
Fifty years on (Weekly Worker, Issue 1261, 25 July 2019). “A new space race has begun. Rival powers aim to get to the moon and then perhaps go all the way to Mars. Jack Conrad says this is all about national prestige, not adding to humanity’s body of scientific knowledge.”
Fifty years since the first Moon landing. By Patrick Martin (World Socialist Web Site, 20 July 2019). “The first Moon landing remains an epoch-making scientific, technical and organizational achievement.”
How Moon landings projected US power. By Gabby Thorpe (Socialist Worker, Issue 2663, 16 July 2019). “The US ruling class was determined to win the space race—and would use whatever, or whoever, it took to succeed.”
How to argue with a Moon landing denier. By Paul Parsons (, 12 July 2019). “One in six Brits believes that the Apollo 11 landing was a hoax. Our guide can help you debunk their arguments.”
Forty years since the first Moon landing. By Patrick Martin (World Socialist Web Site, 20 July 2009). “Forty years on, the Moon landing remains an unparalleled feat of engineering, organization and daring, using technology that was rudimentary by the standards of the 21st century.”
Moon landing anniversary: Walking to a dark future? By John Parrington (Socialist Worker, Issue 2160, 18 July 2009). “Forty years ago Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the surface of the moon. I was only five years old on 20 July 1969 but I still remember the thrill of staying up to watch the event on television.”
The Moon landings in historical perspective. By Martin McLaughlin (World Socialist Web Site, 20 July 1999). “The Moon landings were the product, not of individual brilliance or genius, but of a gigantic, sustained and highly organized collective effort.”
Dark side of the moon (Socialist Review, Issue 232, July/August 1999). “On the 30th anniversary of man’s first walk on the moon, John Parrington looks at the real reasons for the space race.”
Forty years since first moon walking (Weekly Worker, Issue 778, July 16, 2009). “Was going to the moon the greatest event in world history? Jack Conrad argues that the left would be mistaken to fall for the hype.”
15. august 1969
Britiske tropper indsættes i Nordirland til sikring af ro og orden, Operation banner. Opretholdes til 31. juli 2007 (se denne)
Nordirland (
Operation Banner (
1969 Northern Ireland Riots (
Socialist Worker (Issue 134, 21 August 1969). “This new document archive is intended to draw together links to documents, critiques, controversies and writers connected with the British IS/SWP. The first controversy covered is whether the IS supported the introduction of British troops to Northern Ireland in August 1969).
The Battle of the Bogside. By Eamonn McCann (Socialist Worker, Issue 2164, 15 August 2009)
Se også:
Section Irland (Reds – Die Roten; English texts)
Ireland: Republicanism and Revolution. By Alan Woods (Wellred Books, 2005, 135 p.; online at In Defence of Marxism)
Bookwatch: Ireland. By Pat Riordan (International Socialism, Issue 66, Spring 1995, p.139-147)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Tidslinjen: 5. oktober 1968, om borgerretttighedsmarch i Derry.
- Tidslinjen: 15. august 1969, britiske tropper indsættes i Nordirland.
- Linkboxen: Bloody Sunday, om borgerrettighedsmarch 30. januar 1972.
15. august 1969
Første Woodstock-festival åbner.
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Linkboxen Woodstock: 3 days of peace & music
2. september 1969
Den vietnamesiske uafhængigheds revolutionære leder og stifter af landets kommunistiske parti, Ho Chi Minh dør (født 19. maj 1890, se denne)
25. september 1969
Forlaget Demos stiftes, senere foreningen og butikken Demos.
- Demos (
- Demos (
- Demos (eget site), herunder Demos historie
Demos’ bog- og pladeudgivelser (1969-2006, – i: Erik Jensen: et liv i politik (pdf) (Særnummer af Demos Nyhedsbrev, nr.100, 2009, side 90-98).
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen: 23. august 1968, om en af stifterne, Erik Jensen.
8. oktober 1969
Første offentlige fremtræden af den amerikanske militante og venstreradikale gruppe Weatherman (fra december 1969: Weathermen Underground), der arrangerer Days of Rage ( i Chicago.
Tog navn efter linje i Bob Dylans sang Subterranean Homesick Blues: “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows” (se om sangen på
Leaders of the radical American student group the Weathermen, (left to right) Jim Mellen, Peter Clapp, John Jacobs, Bill Ayers, and Terry Robbins (1946 – 1970), march at the van of a group of demonstrators during the ‘Days of Rage’ actions organized by the Weathermen to protest the trial of the Chicago Seven and ‘to bring the war home.’ (Photo by David Fenton/Getty Images)
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Linkboxen: The Weatherman (Weather Underground Organization), 1969-77
20. oktober 1969
De studerende på Østasiatisk Institut ved Københavns Universitet afslører Forsvarets Efterretningstjenestes (FET) lyttecentral Kejsergade 2 i kælderen, der især var rettet mod Hovedpostkontoret pga. udenlandske ambassaders teleforbindelser.
Sagen fører til beslaglæggelser af bladene Vietnam-Solidariet og Politisk Revy.
Kejsergadesagen (
Kejsergade, København (1001 fortællinger om Danmark)
Kejsergadesagen (
Kejsergadesagen (
Med på en lytter Af Søren Plum (Information, 28. december 1998)
Kejsergadesagen: undersøgelse af danske omnibusavisers mediering af en politisk skandale i 1969 (pdf). Af Mikkel Elbek Linnet (Speciale ved Roskilde Universitetscenter, september 2006, 128 sider)
Spionernes krig: historien om Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste. Af Hans Davidsen-Nielsen (Politiken, 2008, 310 sider)
19. november 1969
“Det varme efterår” i Italien starter, med massestrejker, ca. 20 mio. strejker, og skærpet klassekampssituation frem til midt-70’erne.
- Hot Autumn (
Workerism and autonomism in Italy’s “Hot Autumn” (Marxist Left Review, Issue 25, Autumn 2023). “Luca Tavan revisits the explosive period of working-class struggle in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and critiques the autonomist ideas that led to the defeat of the movement, and continue to shape the left today.”
The autumn and fall of Italian Workerism. By David Broder (Catalyst, Vol.4, No.3, Winter 2020). “The demise of old labor movement structures has posed the problem of subjectivity — and drawn attention to the operaista current active in 1960s and ’70s Italy. Yet a focus on outbursts of militancy ultimately misled activists, taking them away from an understanding of the behavior of the working class as a whole.”
The ’Hot Autumn’ of 1969: when Italy erupted. By Chris Bambery (Socialist Worker, Issue 2172, 10 October 2009). “Forty years ago, the ‘Hot Autumn’ strike wave challenged Italy’s rulers. It brought women and unorganised workers onto the centre stage of struggle.”
1969: Italy’s ‘Hot Autumn’. By William Keach (International Socialist Review, Issue 67, September-October 2009). “In the course of 1969, millions of workers went on strike … What happened to the revolutionary political energy and potential released in those heady days of 1969?”
The Workerists and the unions in Italy’s ‘Hot Autumn’ (, October 31, 2006). Extract from Steve Wright’s book ‘Storming Heaven’ (Pluto Press, 2002). “A brief history of the Italian Workerists in the ‘Hot Autumn’ of 1969, when unions succeeded in recuperating radical working class demands – leaving the Workerists to pursue the doomed road of all-or-nothing armed struggle.”
Se også:
The new workerism: the politics of the Italian autonomists (1980). By Jack Fuller (International Socialism, Issue 92, Autumn 2001). “The autonomists are a recognisable current in Italian politics by virtue of a series of concepts and themes which have been developed over the last 20 years by their theorists. It is these concepts which have to be examined.”
4. december 1969
Den Sorte Panter Fred Hampton myrdes af politiet.
- Fred Hampton (
- Fred Hampton (Spartacus Educational)
- Fred Hampton Martyr (
The life andlLegacy of Fred Hampton. By Jairus Banaji (Historical Materialism; online at Internet Archive)
The FBI agent and informant behind Fred Hampton’s murder. By Aaron J. Leonard (Jacobin, April 19, 2024). “Special Agent Roy Martin Mitchell was recognized within the FBI for his skill in developing informants in’“the racial field’. Now we know the extent of Mitchell’s activities — including how they aided the killing of the Black Panther Party’s Fred Hampton.”
Newly obtained FBI files shed new light on the murder of Fred Hampton. By Aaron J. Leonard and Conor A. Gallagher (Jacobin, March 3, 2021). “The horrifying story of the 1969 police murder of Fred Hampton is now well known. But there’s still much to be revealed about the case — like the information in bureau files newly obtained by Jacobin …”
See also: We obtained new FBI documents on how and why Fred Hampton was murdered (Ibid., March 23, 2021).
Ufortyndet revolutionær socialisme på det store lærred. Af Simon Chievitz (, 21. april 2021). “Med filmen ‘Judas and The Black Messiah’, lykkes det at vise Fred Hampton som et komplekst menneske, men også at beholde hans politiske budskaber, uden de bliver udvandet eller pakket væk i et personligt drama, eller klichéer om den politiske leders svigt af sine nærmeste.” See also English reviews:
Judas and the Black Messiah actually does Fred Hampton justice. By Chip Gibbons (Jacobin, February 19, 2021). “While the film focuses on Hampton, it’s also ultimately about the FBI’s attacks on him. Here, too, the film does history justice.” + Eileen Jones: Flaws and all, you should watch Judas and the Black Messiah (Jacobin, February 21, 2021) + review by Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxist, February 17, 2021) + Helen Halyard and Fred Mazelis: Judas and the Black Messiah: The 1969 state murder of Black Panther Party leader Fred Hampton (World Socialist Web Site, 25 February 2021) + Shabbir Lakha: Where there’s people, there’s power (Counterfire, April 7, 2021) + A ‘messiah’ won’t save us (Tempest, April 4, 2022). “Brian Young Jr. reflects on the themes of solidarity, socialism, and revolutionary struggle in the film Judas and the Black Messiah“.
The Black Panthers and the revenge of the revolution (Socialist Worker, Issue 2743, 21 February 2021). “The new film Judas and the Black Messiah aims to tell the story of Black Panther leader Fred Hampton. Socialist Worker looks back at the revolutionary organisation—and how the state turned to murder in a bid to stop its advance.”
Fred Hampton was assassinated, his fight for Black Liberation is still alive. By Julia Wallace (Left Voice, December 4, 2019). “On December 4, 1969, Chicago police fired about 100 shots into an apartment containing seven sleeping members of the Illinois’ Black Panther Party chapter.”
The assassination of Black Panther leader Fred Hampton. By Ken Olende (Socialist Worker, Issue 2432, 2 December 2014). “The assault upon it was part of an FBI anti-subversion programme called Cointelpro.”
Exposing the FBI’s murder of a Black Panther. By Michael Steven Smith (International Socialist Review, Issue 70, March 2010). Review of Jeffrey Haas, The Assassination of Fred Hampton: How the FBI and the Chicago Police Murdered a Black Panther (Lawrence Hill, 2009, 376 p.). See also interview with Jeffrey Haas (Monthly Review (Vol.61, No.7, December 2009)
The assassination of Fred Hampton: How the FBI and the Chicago Police murdered a Black Panther (Democracy Now, December 4, 2009) + 22 min. video + transcript. “We speak with attorney Jeffrey Haas, author of The Assassination of Fred Hampton: How the FBI and the Chicago Police Murdered a Black Panther.”
Fred Hampton: ‘You can’t kill Revolution’: Ten years since cops murder Panther leader (pdf) (Revolutinary Worker, Vol.1, No.30, November 30, 1979, p.1, 16-18). “Fred Hampton was assassinated, his fight for Black Liberation is still alive.”
The murder of Fred Hampton (, March 2, 2012). “Interview with Fred Hampton’s brother Bill Hampton, who was actively involved in organizing support for the case. This article appeared in the July 1977.”
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Linksamlingen: Black Power: Historie og personer
9. december 1969
Minearbejderstrejken i Nordsverige, Svappavaara, Malmberget og Kiruna (LKAB-konflikten) starter (varer 56 dage, til 4. februar 1970), den Skandinaviske klassesamarbejdsmodel revner.
Kirunastrejken (
LKAB-konflikten (
Den Stora Gruvstrejken 50 år (pdf) (, 11. december 2019). Artikelsamling ur svensk vänsterpress.
Gruvstrejken: 40 år 1969-2009 (
Gruvarbetarstrejken i Malmfältet fyller 30 år (Folket i Bild/Kulturfront, 10/1999; online at Internet Archive)
LKAB-strejken (pdf) (Zenit, våren 1970, 103 sider)
30 år har gått kamrat (Klasskamp Norrbottens kanal, 51 min.). Dokumentär av Lars Westman från 2000 om gruvstrejken i Kiruna 1969.
Grube. Af Sara Lidman (Gyldendal, 1969, 140 sider)
Kiruna: en bog om den store faglige Kiruna-strejke … Af Johs. Sperling (Eget Forlag, 1972, 90 sider)