Demonstrations in front of the Greek parliament - Moutza against the parliament (29 June 2011) The most traditional gesture of insult among Greeks: it consists of extending all fingers of one or both hands and presenting the palm or palms towards the person to be insulted in a forward motion. Photo: Ggia (CC BY-SA 3.0) Source:
Demonstrations in front of the Greek parliament - Moutza against the parliament (29 June 2011) The most traditional gesture of insult among Greeks: it consists of extending all fingers of one or both hands and presenting the palm or palms towards the person to be insulted in a forward motion. Photo: Ggia (CC BY-SA 3.0) Source:

Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 2010.

Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.


12. januar 2010

Den franske marxist og ledende medlem af Fjerde Internationale og af det franske NPA, Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste, Daniel Bensaïd, dør. (Født 25. marts 1946).


Daniel Bensaïd: une bibliographie (publications en français). Par Pierre Rousset (Europe Solidaire sans Frontiares, 17 mars 2012); incl. Daniel Bensaïd: A biblography (English and other languages), by Pierre Rousset + Bensaïd, Daniel: … articles publiés par cet auteur (Europe Solidaire sans Frontiares). Articles chronological on the site in French and English, 2010-1968)

Boganmeldelse. Daniel Bensaïd: Et utålmodigt liv (Autonom Infoservice, 24. juni 2017). “Daniel Bensaïd skildrer i sin politiske selvbiografi det ny venstres udvikling i såvel Frankrig som Latinamerika.”

Marxismen, før og nu (Socialistisk Information, nr.236, januar 2011, s.34-42). Interview med Daniel Bensaïd december 2006.

Kommunismens styrke. Af Daniel Bensaïd (Socialistisk Information, nr.233, marts 2010, s.38-41). “Denne tekst var formentlig det sidste, som Daniel Bensaid skrev … Teksten er et bidrag til en serie af essays om kommunismens betydning.”

We Are Alive: A film about the thought, activism and legacy of Daniel Bensaïd. By Mike Watson (Verso/Blog, 26 March 2015). Interview with Chilean director Carmen Castillo.

The formative years of the Fourth International (1933-1938) (pdf). By Daniel Bensaïd (Notebooks for Study and Research, No.9, 1988, 48 p.). På svensk på Åren då Fjärde internationalen grundas (1933-38) (Ur Fjärde Internationalen 4/88)

Revolutionary strategy today (pdf). By Daniel Bensaïd (Notebooks for Study and Research, No.4, 1987, 35 p.). “This lecture was delivered at the 1986 summer
school of the French LCR. The goal of the educational conference was to establish a framework for a discussion on how to orient the LCR after five years of Left
govemment in France (1981-1986).”

The notion of the revolutionary crisis in Lenin. By Daniel Bensaïd (International Viewpoint, 14 November 2014). “This text was the ‘Mémoire de maîtrise’ for Daniel Bensaïd’s MA in Philosophy under the supervision of Henri Lefebvre in 1968.”

Maj 1968, en generalrepetition (pdf). Av Daniel Bensaid & Henri Weber (René Coeckelberghs Partisanförlag, 1968, 261 sider; online på (Lilla Partisanserien, 3). “En ingående redogörelse för maj-68 i Frankrike. Som ledande medlemmar i en av ‘vänstergrupperna’ hade författarna en ledande roll i själva händelserna och unika inblickar i skeendet.”

Nekrologer / Obituaries etc:

Daniel Bensaïd: Aktivist og intellektuel. Af Francois Sabado (Socialistisk Information, 14. januar 2010). “Daniel Bensaïd døde tirsdag den 12. januar. Han var en aktivist, en intellektuel, en kammerat, en ven.”

Daniel Bensaïd was one of Marxism’s great renovators. By Darren Roso (Jacobin, February 24, 2024). “Daniel Bensaïd rejected the idea of historical inevitability, seeing history as a series of crossroads, not a single path. For Bensaïd, class struggle will remain central as long as capitalism exists, but the outcome is always unpredictable.”

Daniel Bensaïd breathed new life into Marxism for the 21st century. By Darren Roso (Jacobin, July 7, 2023). “The French Marxist thinker Daniel Bensaïd grappled with the history of socialist defeats to supply us with a road map for the present. The result was a brilliant reformulation of Marxism that can guide today’s left-wing movements in their struggles.”

Daniel Bensaïd and the broken time of politics. By Alex Callinicos (International Viewpoint, 21 April 2022). “One of Bensaïd’s many great virtues was that he was a highly unorthodox Marxist. This was reflected in his vast and unusual range of intellectual reference, but also in the diversity of topics about which he wrote.”

Alain Badiou remembers the life and work of Daniel Bensaid (Verso/Blog, 22 January 2020). “Here, Alain Badiou pays tribute to his life and work, during a seminar devoted to Plato.”

Daniel Bensaïd and “the last generation of October” (Marxist Left Review, Issue 12, Winter 2016). “Darren Roso on the political activity and theoretical concerns of an important figure on the French far left from the mid-1960s until his death in January 2010.”

The Resolute Subject: Daniel Bensaïd, voluntarism and strategy. By Doug Enaa Greene (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, April 4, 2016). “Yet there remained a stubborn few who refused to accept that capitalism was the sole vision on the horizon, but maintained a stubborn fidelity to Marxism and revolution. One of these was the French Trotskyist, Daniel Bensaïd …”

A critical engagement with the young Bensaïd. By Jonas Liston (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, November 18, 2014). “By looking at Bensaïd, as many others are at the moment, I hope to be a part of recovering a small, but lost part of the puzzle that is our movement’s history.”

Daniel Bensaïd and the broken time of politics. By Alex Callinicos (International Socialism, Issue 135, Summer 2012, p.157-66). “Bensaïd was thus an open but very tough-minded Marxist.”

Daniel Bensaïd and the shape of socialist strategy (Marxist Essays and Commentary, October 16, 2011). “John Riddell looks at the work of Daniel Bensaid and its relevance for Marxist strategy.”

The Red Hussar: Daniel Bensaïd, 1946-2010. By Sebastian Budgen (International Socialism, Issue 127, Summer 2010, p.143-166). “What follows is a first attempt, necessarily inadequate and provisional, to sketch some elements of Daniel Bensaïd’s life and work for a readership [about] his tumultuous story and rich legacy.”

Daniel Bensaïd: The power of indignation. By Michael Löwy (Against the Current, Issue 145, March-April 2010). “With his irreverence, his humor, his generosity, his imagination, he was a rare example of a militant intellectual, in the meaning of these words.”

Daniel Bensaïd 1946–2010. By Alex Callinicos (Socialist Worker, Issue 2185, 23 January 2010). “In recent years Daniel was particularly concerned to educate a new generation of activists in the Marxist tradition.”

Daniel Bensaïd obituary. By Tariq Ali (The Guardian, 14 January 2010). “He was France’s leading Marxist public intellectual, much in demand on talkshows and writing essays and reviews in Le Monde and Libération.”

An embodiment of our tradition. By Gilbert Achcar (, January 13, 2010). “Ever since he contracted AIDS, Bensaïd set out to write and publish at an impressive speed: close to 20 books of various sizes and on various topics in 15 years …”

Daniel Bensaïd, a revolutionary for our times. By Josep María Antentas (International Viewpoint, Issue 420, January 2010). “In Daniel we have lost one of the most prominent figures of the European anti-capitalist left.”

Daniel Bensaïd: militant, intellectual, friend. By François Sabado (International Viewpoint, Issue 420, January 2010). “The quality of Daniel’s intelligence was to combine theory and practice, intuition and political understanding, ideas and organisation.”

Daniel Bensaïd dies. By Martin Thomas (Solidarity, 3/165, 7 January 2010). “Bensaid lived and died a revolutionary; and one capable of learning from mistakes and explaining the lessons in fine and clear prose.”

Video: Search for “Daniel Bensaïd” ( – none in English or Scandinavian).

Doug Enaa Greene (Center of Marxist Education; Cambridge, Massachusett, USA) lectures on Daniel Bensaïd (1946-2010) (; 51:52 min.)

Literature in English:

An Impatient Life. By Daniel Bensaïd (Verso, 2014, 336 p.). “The path from the joyous explosion of May 1968, through the painful experience of defeat in Latin America and the world-shaking collapse of the USSR, to the neoliberal world of today, dominated as it is by global finance, is narrated in the book.”
Daniel Bensaïd: Paris ’68, ‘When history breathed down our necks’ (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, March 1, 2014). Excerpt from from the book.
An unrepentant ’68er’s life. By Keith Mann (Against the Current, Issue 196, September-October 2018)
Review by William Booth (Counterfire, September 5, 2014)
Wrestling with Trotsky, Che, and political impatience. By Dan La Botz (New Politics, August 2, 2014)
Astonished by the present: The impatient life of Daniel Bensaïd. By Alan Wald (International Socialist Review, Issue 93, Summer 2014)
Daniel Bensaïd: Repeated disappointments. By Mike Macnair (Weekly Worker, Issue 1021, 31 July 2014)
Paul Le Blanc reviews Daniel Bensaïd’s memoir, ‘An Impatient Life’ (Links, May 11, 2014)
Go forward to meet the new: Daniel Bensaïd’s An Impatient Life. By Rjurik Davidson (Overland 60, 25 March 2014)
Contra the blasé wisdom of sober old men. By Jeffery R. Webber (The Bullet, E-Bulletin No.955, March 24, 2014)
Struggling for the right of existence: the memoirs of Daniel Bensaïd. By Jane Shallice (Red Pepper, March 2014)
Review by Mark L Thomas (Socialist Review, Issue 388, February 2014)
Daniel Bensaïd’s slow impatience. By Dougal McNeill (Red Flag, 5 February 2014)

Litteratur på dansk:

Den lange march: 4. Internationale gennem 50 år. Af K.Å. Andersson, Daniel Bensaïd mfl. (Socialistisk Arbejderforlag, 1988, 106 sider).

12. januar 2010

Et omfattende jordskælv rammer Haiti, et af klodens fattigste lande.


Haiti’s humanitarian crisis: Rooted in history of military coups and occupations. By Roger Annis and Kim Ives (Internationals Socialist Review, Issue 77, May-June 2011)

Se også:

  • Tidslinjen 1. januar 1804 om slaveoprøret på Haiti (Socialistisk Bibliotek)


27. januar 2010 

Den amerikanske historiker Howard Zinn dør i Santa Monica, Californien. (Født i Brooklyn, New York 24. august 1922). Forfatter til “A People’s History of The United States” og “Voices of a People’s History of the United States”, som også er et oplæsningsprojekt.

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


27. januar 2010

Den amerikanske forfatter J.D.Salinger dør (født 1. januar 1919). Forfatter af bogen The Catcher in the Rye (1953-oversættelsen: Forbandede Ungdom/Klaus Rifbjergs oversætelse, 2004: Griberen i Rugen)

J. D. Salinger called a reporter at The New York Times in November 1974 to criticize the unauthorized release of some of his early writings. Source:
J. D. Salinger called a reporter at The New York Times in November 1974 to criticize the unauthorized release of some of his early writings. Source:


J.D. Salinger 1919-2010: spellbound by the moment. By Jordan Savage (Solidarity, 3/167, 18 February 2010)

J.D. Salinger (1919-2010): An appreciation. By James Brookfield (World Socialist Web Site, 2 February 2010)


10. april 2010

Ved en flyulykke nær den russiske by Smolensk omkommer (sammen med bl.a. den polske præsident) den tidligere kranfører Anna Walentynowics, fra Lenin-skibsværftet i Gdansk, hvis fyring fra værftet udløste de polske strejker fra august 1980, der bl.a. førte til dannelsen af fagbevægelsen Solidarnosc (Solidaritet). (Født 13. august 1929).


Poland: Anger & Hope (pdf). Ewa Barker interviews Anna Walentynowicz (Womens Voice, Issue 46, November 1980, p.13-16; online at Marxists Internet Archive). Scroll down.

Anna Walentynowicz: an inspiring class fighter. By Chris Ford (The Commune, 20.04.2010). Incl. interview with Anna Walentynowicz on the situation in Poland, August 1988.

Obituary: Anna Walentynowicz. By David Shonfield (Counterfire, 13 April 2010). “Anna Walentynowicz, who was killed in the plane crash last Saturday that also took the lives of Poland’s president Lech Kaczynski and 95 others, was one of history’s great unsung heroes.”

Se også:



20. april 2010

En eksplosion på BPs olieboreplatform Deepwater Horizon medfører elleve døde – og en udslipskatastrofe i Den mexicanske Golf. Udslippet blev stoppet efter 85 dage med en “prop” den 15. juli 2010.

Two years since the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster. By Andre Damon (World Socialist Web Site, 21 April 2012)

One year of the BP blowout. By Pauline M. Alvar (Against the Current, Issue 153, July-August 2011)

One year since the BP oil spill: Covering up a catastrophe, Part 1-4. By Tom Eley (World Socialist Web Site, 20-26 April 2011)


25. april 2010

Den britiske socialrealistiske arbejderforfatter Alan Sillitoe dør i London (født 4. marts 1928 i Nottingham). ” .. har ført arbejderklassen og provinsen ind i moderne engelsk litteratur.” (
Skrev den filmatiserede roman Lørdag aften, søndag morgen (Saturday Night and Sunday Morning ,1958; dansk oversLørdag aften – søndag morgen1961) og The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, 1959; dansk overs. Ensom løber og andre noveller1962).


Saturday Night And Sunday Morning (1960) (; 2:25 min.)

Vred stemme er nu tavs. Af Ole Wugge Christiansen (, 26. april 2010). “Sillitoe var en de britiske forfattere, der brød igennem i 1950’erne i bølgen af såkaldte »vrede unge mænd«, der nøgternt og illusionsløst skildrede frustrationer og magtesløshed i engelske arbejderklassemiljøer under efterkrigstidens økonomiske boom.”

Long distance running: Alan Sillitoe (1928-2010) (Socialist Review, Issue 348, June 2010). “The novels of Alan Sillitoe rejoice in working class defiance. John Newsinger writes about a brilliant writer with a sad political trajectory.”

Alan Sillitoe 1928-2010. By Simon Basketter (Socialist Worker, Issue 2198, 26 April 2010). “There was a generation of angry young working class men and they never wrote plays. Sillitoe put them in the public domain.”

Alan Sillitoe obituary. By Richard Bradford (The Guardian, 25 April 2010). “Alan Sillitoe, who has died of cancer aged 82, was one of the most important British writers of the postwar era.”

Alan Sillitoe, 1928-2010. By Jonathan Derbyshire (New Statesman, 25 April 2010). “The novelist who changed the way the working class was represented.”


26. april 2010

Ved retten i Svendborg starter journalist Jørgen Dragsdahls stævning (af 6. februar 2007) for injurier mod Jyllands-Posten og først og fremmest koldkrigs-professoren Bent Jensen, leder af det af Dansk Folkeparti/regeringen gennemtrumfede Center for Koldkrigsforskning (derfor kaldt “LangballeCentret”).
Dommen af 2. juli 2010 dømmer Bent Jensen, der ankede til Østre Landsret, som så 25. oktober 2013 afgjorde, at Bent Jensen ikke kunne dømmes for injurier.

3. juni 2015 afgør Højesteret, at Bent Jensens beskyldningerne mod Jørgen Dragsdahl for agentvirksomhed var strafbare.


3. juni 2015: Dom i Højesteret:

Æreskrænkelser: Jørgen Dragsdahl mod Bent Jensen (Hø, 3. juni 2015): “Udtalelser om, at journalist havde været KGB-agent og af PET var blevet anset for at være KGB-agent, var strafbare.” Med link til landsretten dom (25.10.2013) + byrettens dom (2.7.2010). Se også: Højesterets dom afsagt onsdag den 3. juni 2015 (pdf) (Hø, 61 s.; online på Internet Archive)

Spionanklagen mod mig var sjov i begyndelsen. Af Jørgen Dragsdahl (, kronik, 3. november 2015)

Dragsdahls betændte forhold til sandheden. Af Bent Jensen (, kronik, 2. oktober 2015)

Frirum til fantaster. Af Jørgen Dragsdahl (, kronik, 2. september 2015). Om Bent Jensen-klikens fordrejninger.

Usandhed på usandhed. Af Bent Jensen (, 17. juni 2015). Plus svar fra redaktionen.

Muligt regelbrud baner vej for indsamling til Bent Jensen. Af Ulrik Dahlin (, 12. juni 2015)

Koldkrigssagen. Af Jesper Vind (Weekendavisen, 23.4.2010-12.6.2015). Med 12 artikler.

Advokat: Avis sludrer om dom. Af Ulrik Dahlin (, 5. juni 2015)

Dragsdahl vandt den (foreløbig) sidste runde. Af Ulrik Dahlin (, 4. juni 2015)

Bent Jensens advokat: Alle har ret til udvidet ytringsfrihed. Af Ulrik Dahlin (, 20. maj 2015)

Dragsdahls advokat: Bent Jensen er ikke en god forsker. Af Ulrik Dahlin (, 19. maj 2015)

Sidste runde i koldkrigsopgøret mellem Dragsdahl og Jensen. Af Ulrik Dahlin (, 16. maj 2015). Næste uge tager Højesteret fat på injuriesagen mellem Jørgen Dragsdahl og Bent Jensen.

To mand holder den kolde krig varm. Af Bo Maltesen (, 17. maj 2015)

25. oktober 2013: Dom i Østre Landsret:

Historiker frifundet for injurier mod journalist på grund af udtalelser om agentvirksomhed for KGB og desinformation under Den Kolde Krig (, 25. oktober 2013). Se også: Udskrift af Østre Landsrets dombog (pdf) (, 101 sider; online på Internet Archive)

Mit møde med PET’s arkiv. Af Jørgen Dragsdahl (Kronik i Politiken, 11. december 2013)

En underlig dom. Af Leif Hermann (, 12. november 2013)

Koldkrigsopgør: Ytringsfrihed vandt over hensynet til privatliv. Af Ulrik Dahlin (, 26. oktober 2013)

Dommens dag. Af Pernille Frahm (Modkraft/Blog, 25. oktober 2013)

Bent Jensen, Jyllandsposten og det endimensionelle. Af Steen Gottlieb (Modkraft/Blog, 27. oktober 2013)

Bent Jensens omgang med sine kilder: Dagens kommentar på Facebook til retssagen. Af Jørgen Dragsdahl (, november 2013- ). Kronologiske “Dagens narrehat/fusk”.

Koldkrigssagen. Af Jesper Vind (Weekendavisen, 23.4.2010-12.6.2015). Med 12 artikler.

Generelt om sagen + Byretsdommen:

Dommen over Bent Jensen (Retten i Svendborg: Udskrift af dombogen, 2. juli 2010, 86 sider; online at Internet Archive)

Jørgen Dragsdahl ( Mange link til sagen.

Bent Jensen-Foreningen (site)

Jørgen Dragsdahl (Facebook-side). Med aktuelle kommentarer og links.

Jørgen Dragsdahl (Jakob Holdt: Mine venner). Inkl. billeder, tekster + Holdts tale til Dragsdahls 50-års fødselsdag.

Global sikkerhedspolitik (Jørgen Dragsdahls site). Se her Retssagens domumenter + artikler, foredrag, mm. om emnerne USA, Irak, terrorisme, atomvåben, den kolde krig.

Jørgen Dragsdahl Foreningen (site; online på Internet Archive). Støtteforening for indsamling til Jørgen Dragsdahls sagsomkostninger mv.

En dårlig taber. Af Preben Etwil (, 3. januar 2011). Anmeldelse af Ole Hasselbalchs bog Dragsdahl-sagen, KGB og historieforskningen (Trykkefrihedsselskabets Bibliotek, 2010)

Arne Herløv Petersen-sagen. Af Anne-Mette A. Hansen (Center for Koldkrigsforskning; Fodnoter 6, oktober 2010, 60 sider). P.t. ikke online.

Professorens pincetforskning. Af Jørgen Dragsdahl (, 2. februar 2007). Tilbagevisning af Bent Jensens påstande om desinformation til fordel for Sovjetunionen under Den Kolde Krig.

Se også:

  • Linkboxen Bent Jensens kolde krig (Socialistisk Bibliotek)
  • Dinosauren Dragsdahl. Af Kim Kristensen (, 6. februar 2020). “»Verden er jo blevet vendt på hovedet nogle gange«, siger den kendte og kontroversielle journalist Jørgen Dragsdahl, som i en alder af 70 er gået i gang med at skrive sin selvbiografi om årene med fodnoterne, Fogh-regeringerne og den forsvundne offentlige debat.”


26. april 2010

Den irskfødte, britisk uddannede akademiske Mellemøst-ekspert Fred Halliday dør i Barcelona. (Født i Dublin, 22. februar 1946). Tidligere skribent og redaktør på tidsskriftet New Left Review. Skrev vægtige og omdiskuterede analyser om bl.a. Afghanistan, Iran og den kolde krig.


Fred Halliday’s writings on global politics are a vital resource for the Left. By Jamie Allinson (Jacobin, March 11, 2023). “The Irish scholar Fred Halliday covered an extraordinary range of subjects in his work, from Middle East revolutions to the Cold War. Halliday brought a Marxist perspective to the study of global politics and left behind a rich intellectual legacy.”

Fred Halliday. By Joe Stork (Middle East Report, Issue 255, Summer 2010). “The death of Fred Halliday, a contributing editor of this magazine since 1977, leaves an enormous void in the lives of many of us who were part of MERIP’s first decades.”

Fred Halliday, 1946-2010: a tribute (Open Democracy, 26 April 2010). “Fred Halliday, great scholar, international fighter for justice and openDemocracy columnist, died on 26 April 2010. We opened our website to tributes which poured in from around the world in an unprecedented, online salute.”

Fred Halliday obituary. By Sami Zubaida (Guardian, 26 April 2010). “A larger-than-life character, Fred made an enormous impact in both academia and the media.”

The bilious Fred Halliday. By Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxist, January 31, 2005). “… he certainly has emerged as a prominent supporter of military efforts to tame the unruly Moslem.”

Who is responsible? (Salmagundi, No.150-151, Spring-Summer 2006; online at OpenDemocracy). An interview with Fred Halliday about New Left Review, Tariq Ali, Samuel Huntigton, Edward Said, Bernard Lewis and Maxime Rodinson.

The Iranian Revolution and its implications (New Left Review, No.166, November-December 1987, p.29-37). Interview with Fred Halliday.

The war and revolution in Afghanistan. By Fred Halliday (New Left Review, No.119, January-February 1980, p.20-41)

Revolution in Afghanistan (pdf). By Fred Halliday (New Left Review, No.112, November-December 1978, p.3-44)


Fred Halliday: To timer, der rystede verden: Den 11. september 2001 – årsager og virkninger (Alhambra, 2002, 262 sider)
Purging the demons. By John Rose (Socialist Review, Issue 261, March 2002; online at Internet Archive). Scroll down.
Making peace with America. By Phil Hearse (International Viewpoint, Issue 337, January/February 2002)


5. maj 2010

Den første græske protestbølge mod regeringens nedskæringspolitik begynder. I årets løb bliver der 7 generalstrejker.

Se også 2. protestbølge under Tidslinjen 25. juni 2011



Meningen med den græske krise. Af Pascal Franchet (Socialistisk Information, 10.05.10)

What’s next for the struggle in Greece? By Antonis Davanellos (, July 15, 2010)

No surrender in Greece. By Antonis Davanellos (, May 24, 2010)

Greece’s workers revolt. By Antonis Davanellos (, May 7, 2010)

Workers’ defence: For self-defence and against anarchistic violence (Weekly Worker, Issue 817, May 13, 2010)

Is firebombing a bank an acceptable tactic? By Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxist, May 6, 2010)

The myth of the ‘lazy Greek workers’. By the editorial board of ‘Marxistiki Foni’ (In Defence of Marxism, 4 May 2010)

Greek crisis reveals ‘progressive’ Europe’s reactionary stew. By Paul Kellogg (Links: international journal of socialist renewal, May 3, 2010)

Se også:

Den europæiske gældskrise, 1. del + 2. del + 3. del + 4. del + 5. del + 6. del + Status. Af Anders Lundkvist (, maj-juni 2010)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

  • Tidslinjen 5. juli 2015 om græsk folkeafstemning om EU’s sparekrav.
  • Tidslinjen 25. januar 2015 om Syriza’s valgsejr.
  • Tidslinjen 17. juni 2012 om parlamentsvalget i Grækenland, hvor Syriza fik 17 % af stemmerne.
  • Tidslinjen 25. juni 2011 om 2, protestbølge med storstrejke og demonstrationer.




9. maj 2010

Den amerikanske jazzsanger Lena Horne dør i New York City. (Født 30. juni 1917 i Brooklyn, New York). Var aktiv i borgerrettighedskampen og blev sortlistet i 50’erne. Nægtede under krigen at optræde for kun hvide soldater.


Lena Horne & her times. By Kim D. Hunter (Against the Current, No.147, July/August 2010)

Lena Horne, 1917-2010. By John Andrews (World Socialist Web Site, 13 May

Lena Horne: A campaigner at the side of Du Bois, Robeson, King and Evers
for social and economic justice. By John Nichols (The Nation, May 11, 2010)

Pioneering African American actress, singer and civil rights activist
Lena Horne, 92, dies (Democracy Now! May 11, 2010). A rare 1966
interview with Lena Horne and speak to her biographer, James Gavin.

Lena Horne – en amerikansk legende. Af Aage Jørgensen, JazzSpecial, nr. 162, 2018, side 60-65.

Lena Horne – Stormy Weather (1956):


26. maj 2010

Menig i det amerikanske marinekorps Bradley (senere Chelsea) Manning arresteres pga. whistleblower-arbejde, information til offentligheden via Wikileaks.
Blandt hans info er video fra 21. juli 2007 af amerikansk helikopters nedskydning af mindst 10 civile i Bagdad.
Manning blev idømt 35 års fængsel den 21. august 2013. Transkønnet og skiftede i 2013 navn til Chelsea Manning. Benådet januar 2017 af præsident Obama, fri fra maj 2017.


Vi har alle en forpligtelse til at gøre noget. Af Agnes Ramsussen (Orange Press, 6. juli 2018, s.6; online på Fra møde med whistlebloweren Chelsea Manning på Roskilde Festival 2018: “Whistlebloweren fortalte om konsekvenserne af sin aktivisme og vores fælles ansvar”.

Chelseas Frihed: En sejr for fred i verden. Af Ron Ridenour (, 20. januar 2017). “Jeg håber, at Chelseas handling samt hendes og vores sejr i kraft af løsladelsen snart vil inspirere hundredtusinder af os til at vende tilbage på gaden og kræve en ende på al krigsførelse med profit for øje.”

Whistleblower Chelsea Manning løslades 28 år før tid (Amnesty International, 18. april 2017). Med opsummering af sagen og lækagen.

Manning: En heltegerning imod systemet (Socialistisk Information, 6. oktober 2013). Leder fra tidsskriftet Against the Current: “Vi kender mange af de helte, som har været ledende i frihedskampe eller kampe for social retfærdighed. En sådan person er Chelsea Manning.”

WikiLeaks-soldat risikerer dødsstraf. Af Lars Ploug (, 8. januar 2012). “Den amerikanske soldat Bradley Manning er anklaget for at have lækket hemmeligtstemplede dokumenter til Wikileaks.”


RedMe.txt: erindringer. Af Chelsea Manning (Information, 2022.
325 sider.) Forlags-omtale

In English:

Whistleblower and former political prisoner Chelsea Manning speaks to WSWS. By Norisa Diaz (World Socialist Web Site, 2 May 2018). “The World Socialist Web Site sat down with Chelsea Manning last month to discuss state surveillance, the current political situation and the growing danger of world war.”

Chelsea Manning’s story should inspire us to fight for a better world (Red Flag, 5 August 2017). “Australian socialist Vashti Kenway tells the story of whistleblower Chelsea Manning’s ongoing fight against U.S. war and empire.”

When will his nightmare end? (, February 21, 2013). “Bradley Manning should be renowned as a hero for his part in exposing U.S. war crimes to the world. Instead, as Nicole Colson writes, he’s rotting in a military brig.”

Bradley Manning, the small man who wrote big. By Ellen Graubart (Counterfire, 27 December 2012). “The actions of one principled young US soldier, Bradley Manning, have embarrassed and enraged the most powerful nation on earth.”

Bogotá’s tribute to whistleblowers. (Photo: Quinn Comendant, April 23, 2015)

Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg:
“I was the Bradley Manning of my day. In 1971 I too faced life (115 years) in prison for exposing classified government lies and crimes. President Obama says ‘the Ellsberg material was classified on a different basis’. True. The Pentagon Papers were not Secret like the Wikileaks revelations, they were all marked Top Secret ‘Sensitive’.
Ultimately all charges in my case were dropped because of criminal governmental misconduct toward me during my proceedings. Exactly the same outcome should occur now, in light of the criminal conditions of Manning’s confinement.”
See Daniel Ellsberg’s petition to free Bradley Manning – Daniel Ellsberg: President Obama, Give Chelsea Time Served (video).

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

  • Tidslinjen 13. juni 1971 om Daniel Ellsberg & Pentagon-rapporten/Pentagon Papers. Daniel Ellsberg var en militæranalytiker, som i 1971 offentliggjorde papirer (Pentagon-rapporten) om USAs indsigt i Vietnamkrigens umulighed.
  • Tidslinjen 9. juni 2013 om Edward Snowden, amerikansk efterretningsanalytiker,  som afslører det amerikanske National Security Agency’s spionprogram for overvågning af internetaktiviteter, PRISM.
  • Tidslinjen 22. oktober 2010 om WikiLeaks. (Se længere nedenfor på denne side).


31. maj 2010

Israelske specialstyrker border, i internationalt farvand i Middelhavet, en konvoj bestående af seks civile nødhjælpsskibe på vej til Gaza-striben, og dræber 9 personer.

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linkboxen Israelsk massakre på nødhjælpskonvoj til Gaza : Linkbox om nødhjælpskonvojen “Freedom Flotilla” til Gaza og den israelske massakre


15. juni 2010

Den såkaldte Lord Saville rapport om britiske faldskærmstroppers myrderi blandt irske borgerrettighedsdemonstranter 19. april 1972 (Bloody Sunday) udgives. Samme eftermiddag udlagde den britiske premierminister David Cameron rapporten og betegnede, at “hvad der skete Bloody Sunday ikke var retfærdigt og ikke kan retfærdiggøres .. og var forkert.” (se klip herunder)

Video: Bloody Sunday – A Derry Diary – David Cameron’s Apology (, 4:28 min.)

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linkboxen Bloody Sunday: da britiske tropper myrdede 14 deltagere i en borgerrettighedsmarch 30. januar 1972 + om Saville-rapporten (“Bloody Sunday Inquiry”) 2010 (


27. juni 2010

Den engelske venstrefløjsaktivist, fortaler for arbejderkontrol, fredsaktivist, tidligere redaktør af The Spokesman, Labour MEP’er (ekskluderet for at stemme imod nedskæringer til bl.a handikappede) m.m., Ken Coates dør (født 16. september 1930).

Ken Coates 1930–2010. By Simon Basketter (Socialist Worker, Issue 2209, 10 July 2010)

Ken Coates – 1930-2010. By Keith Flett (Morning Star, 5 July 2010)

Ken Coates: Tireless writer and activist for numerous left-wing causes.
By Stan Newens (The Independent, 2 July 2010)

The legacy of Ken Coates. By Andy Newman (Socialist Unity, 1 July 2010)

Ken Coates obituary. By John Palmer (The Guardian, 29 June 2010)

Ken Coates books (Spokesman Books)


14. august 2010

Sovjet-historikeren Moshe Lewin dør i Paris. (Født 1921 i Vilnius, Lithauen)


Moshe Lewin obituary. By Arfon Rees (The Guardian, 27 September 2010)

Oktoberrevolusjonens fall. Av Moshe Lewin (Le Monde Diplomatique, december 2007). “Hvordan skal man forstå rekkevidden av den russiske revolusjonen i 1917? 90 år etter er det fortsatt mange aspekter som gjenstår å belyse.”

Anmeldelser af Moshe Lewin’s The Soviet Century (Verso, London, 2005). “On the centenary of the Russian Revolution, a classic history of the Soviet era, from 1917 to its fall”:
Review by Alex Miller (Socialist Outlook, Issue 14, Spring 2008, online at Internet Archive)
Contradictory foundation for the future (pdf). By Herman Rosenfeld (Relay, Issue 20, Nov-Dec 2007)
The Soviet Union’s place in history. By Niall Mulholland (Socialism Today, Issue 113, November 2007)
Review by Ian D Thatcher (Revolutionary History, Vol.9, No.2, 2006; online at Marxists Internet Archive)
The brothers grim. By Neal Ascherson (The Observer, 6 March 2005)
Se også bogen i uddrag på Google Books

The inheritance of Joe Stalin. By Colin Barker (International Socialism, No.80, July/August 1977). Review of Moshe Lewin’s Political Undercurrents in Soviet Economic Debates (Pluto Press, 1974). “There is an enormous amount of valuable material in this book. It is ultimately disappointing, however, because it restricts itself to the reformist Russian critics of Stalinism.”


Moshe Lewin: Lenins sidste kamp: opgøret mellem Lenin og Stalin i den unge sovjetrepubliks første år (Politisk Revy, 1977, 214 sider)

Moshe Lewin: Bönderna och sovjetmakten: 1928-1930. En studie av kollektiviseringen i Sovjetunionen (1968) (pdf) (, 7. december 2020, 288 s.).


12. september 2010

Den franske filminstruktør Claude Chabrol dør i Paris. (Født i Paris 24. juni 1930).


Han kom først – og blev ved længst. Af Morten Piil (Information, 13. september 2010)

Claude Chabrol: A brief appreciation. By Marty Jonas (World Socialist Web Site, 13 October 2010)

Claude Chabrol: an appreciation. By Ryan Gilbey (New Statesman, 14 September 2010). This great director was much more than simply a ‘French Hitchcock’.

Claude Chabrol, 1930-2010: An interview with one of the heroes of the New Wave (1995) (New Statesman, 13 September 2010)

25. september 2010

Tidl. energi -og miljøminister Ed Miliband vinder formandsposten i det britiske Labour party over de andre 5 kandidater, især storebror, tidl. udenrigsminister David Miliband. Efter valget 7. maj 2015 trækker han sig som formand.


From Ed Miliband to Jeremy Corbyn (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 12 November 2015). “Ed Miliband was no radical. But he helped lay the groundwork for Jeremy Corbyn’s rise, Robin Blackburn argues.”

The fall and rise of Ed Miliband. By Sean Ledwith (Counterfire, May 3, 2015)

Bye Bye Labour. By Richard Seymour (London Review of Books, Vol.37, No.8, 23 April 2015)

How red is Ed? By Peter Taaffe (Socialism Today, Issue 173, November 2013)

A transparent attempt to rebrand Labour, Part 1-2. By Dave Hyland (World Socialist Web Site, 10-12 September 2011). Review of Mehdi Hasan and James Macintyre, Ed: The Milibands and the making of a Labour Leader (Biteback Publishing, 2011)

Revolution in the Labour Party? What’s new in Ed Miliband’s party? By Sean Matgamna (Solidarity, 3/182, 7 October 2010)

What does Ed Miliband’s election mean for the left? (Socialist Worker, Issue 2220, 25 September 2010) + Labour right mourns after Ed Miliband’s victory by Tom Walker (Issue 2221, 2 October 2010)

Welcome to the old new enemy within. By Eddie Ford (Weekly Worker, Issue 835, September 30, 2010)

Ed Miliband takes up the poisoned chalice as the UK’s Labour Party leader. By Robert Stevens (World Socialist Web Site, 27 September 2010)

A few points about Ed Miliband’s victory. By Richard Seymour (Lenin’s Tomb, 26 September 2010)

Ed Miliband is Labour Party leader. By Martin Thomas (Workers Liberty, 26 September 2010)

Some early thoughts on Ed Miliband’s victory (Histomat, September 25, 2010)

Se også:

  • Searching for Socialism: The Project of the Labour New Left from Benn to Corbyn. By Camilla Royle (Socialist Review, Issue 459, July-August 2020). Review of Colin Leys and Leo Panitch’s book (Verso, 2020, 320 p.). “[The book] is a history of the Labour Party from the 1970s until 2019. Its authors … have condensed their 2000 book, The End of Parliamentary Socialism, to form the first five chapters. The rest of the book consists of new material on Labour under Blair, Brown, Miliband and Corbyn.”


28. september 2010

Den amerikanske filminstruktør Arthur Penn dør i New York. (Født 27. september 1922 i Philadelphia, Penn.)


Arthur Penn, American filmmaker (1922-2010). By David Walsh (World Socialist Web Site, 8 October 2010)

Radical reflections: Arthur Penn, in conversation with Gregory Zucker and Robert White (The Brooklyn Rail, July-August 2010)


22. oktober 2010

Verdenshistoriens største militære lækage, da 391.832 hemmelige amerikanske militærrapporter blev lagt ud på nettet af organisationen (grundlagt af australieren Julian Assange).

Også den danske regering inddrages, især for at dække over udlevering af tilfangetagne irakere til irakiske myndigheders behandling, inkl. tortur og død.


Wikileaks-afsløringer presser den danske regering (, 26. oktober 2010). “Et overblik over sagen.”

Tema: War Logs: Data fra de lækkede krigsrapporter fra (, oktober 2010)
“Information har haft forhånds-adgang til 391.832 lækkede dokumenter fra Irak-krigen. Vi bringer en række afsløringer med særlig fokus på Danmarks rolle, baseret på en detaljeret gennemtrawling af de mange tusinde dokumenter.” Se også: The War Logs: Sådan har vi gjort (, 22. oktober 2010)

Gå på opdagelse i de 391.832 rapporter (Ekstra Bladet, 23. oktober 2010)

Se også:

Løsladelsen af Julian Assange er godt for pressefriheden. Men lad os ikke helgenkåre manden. Af Morten Hammeken (, 28. juni 2024). “Julian Assange er blevet løsladt efter fem år i fængsel. Det er en vigtig sejr for pressefriheden og ytringsfriheden. Men vi må ikke glemme Assanges mildest talt tvivlsomme politiske karakter.”

Wallraff: «Assange er blitt en syndebukk». Av Arn Ruth (Ny Tid, 1. marts 2021, s.14-15). “Det er ubegripelig at en undergraving av rettssikkerheten i et slikt omfang kan finne sted i et demokrati som Sverige, sier Günter Wallraff i samtale med NY TID om Julian Assange-saken. Og legger til: Dødsdommen er så godt som avsagt.”

Øjenvidne til Julian Assanges lidelser (, 14. oktober 2020). “John Pilger har bevidnet Julian Assange’s udleveringsretssag fra de offentlige sæder i det historiske Old Bailey i London. Han har i den forbindelse talt med Timothy Erik Ström fra australske Arena om det, han kalder ‘skamfuldt og skandaløs’.”

Torturekspert i FN: ”Svenske myndigheder konstruerede falske ‘beviser’ mod Julian Assange …” (Autonom Infoservice, 11. februar 2020). Se også: Assange v Swedish Prosecution Authority (

CPH:DOX: Hemmeligheder, krig, ånd og sure sokker. Af Linda Petersen og Sasa Mackic (, 15. november 2013). Anmeldelse af bl.a. We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks.

Julian Assange is free, but justice has not been served. By Chip Gibbons (Jacobin, June 27, 2024). “After a nearly 15-year ordeal, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is free. It’s a victory worth celebrating. But the message has been sent: when it comes to exposing the wrongdoing of powerful governments and corporations, no good deed goes unpunished.”

Free at last! (Weekly Worker, Issue 1497, 27 June 2024). “He exposed US war crimes, dissed the global hegemon and faced life imprisonment. Sir Keir Starmer did nothing to help him. On the contrary, there was complicity with the Obama administration. Marcus Strom welcomes the release, but worries about the continued threat to free speech.”

Taking stock of Julian Assange. By Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxist, October 24, 2013). Longer article about six films on the Wikileaks saga and Julian Assange.

The Fifth Estate: A dishonest film about WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. By Robert Stevens (World Socialist Web Site, 22 October 2013)

Alex Gibney’s We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks: A cinematic disinformation job on Julian Assange. By Richard Phillips (World Socialist Web Site, 2 July 2013)

Iraq War documents leak (

Section: The persecution of WikiLeaks (World Socialist Web Site, 2010)

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