Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 2021.
Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.
Året 2021 / The year 2021
- I saw it in the movies (In Defence of Marxism, January 4, 2022). “Alan Woods’ new year’s message 2022.”
- A year of defeat — and hope. By Tom Blackburn (Jacobin, January 2, 2022). “Last year saw setbacks for the Left in much of the world, but recent victories in Latin America are a reminder that socialist politics continue to offer an alternative to a system in crisis.”
- The arts, film and television during the second year of the pandemic. By David Walsh and Joanne Laurier (World Socialist Web Site, 31 December 2021). “By ‘learning to live’ with the virus, the billionaire oligarchs mean they have comfortably adjusted to watching masses of other people die from it.”
- Året der gik: 2021 (, 31. december 2021). “Torkil Lauesen bringer nedenfor en status for det forgangne års politiske landskab og begivenheder.”
- The top films of 2021 (Counterfire, December 31, 2021). “Mark Dee Smith offers a selection of some of the best films of the year.”
- Here’s what you should have read in 2021. By Editors (Jacobin, December 30, 2021). “Should auld acquaintance be forgot? Of course not. Here’s a roundup of our best writing from 2021.”
- Books of the year (Michael Robers Blog: blogging from a Marxist economist, 24 December 2021). “This is not a review of the best books of the year, but a reminder of the books that I have reviewed during 2021.”
6. januar 2021
Trump-støtter stormer og besætter den amerikanske Kongres i Washington.
Before the Storm on Capitol Hill, 6 January 2021. Photo: Tyler Merbler from USA. (CC BY 2.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.
- Stormen på United States Capitol 2021 (
- 2021 storming of the United States Capitol (
- Topics: Trump’s January 6 coup d’état (World Socialist Web Site)
Oprøret i Washington. Af SAPs Forretningsudvalg (Socialistisk Information, 19. januar 2021). “En af forudsætningerne for et kup af denne art er en støtte til det fra centrale dele af kapitalistklassen og statsapparatet. Men det, vi har set, parallelt med Trumps forsøg på at omstøde valgresultatet, har været, at såvel erhvervsliv som hæren har trukket stikket i forhold til Trump.”
Fejlslagent fascistisk kup i USA? Af Peer Møller Christensen ( Revy, 15. januar 2021). “Besættelsen af Kongresbygningen og forsøget på med våbenmagt at tvinge den retmæssigt valgte politiske ledelse i USA til at overgive magten til Trump, er udtryk for, at en fascistisk bevægelse er vokset frem i USA …” Se også Niels Frølich: Borgerkrig i USA? (Ibid., 15. januar 2021).
Vänsterpress om USA – mitten av januari 2021 (pdf) (, 15.1.2021). “Donald Trumps saga som USA:s president är snart slut. Hans sista desperata drag att inspirera till en attack på kongressen i Washington slog slint. Vilket efterspelet blir återstår dock att se.” Se også: Vänsterpress om USA – februari 2021 (pdf) (, 4.2.2021).
“Det er for nemt at kalde demonstranterne foran USA’s kongres fascister” (, 14. januar 2021). Interview med den amerikanske folkesanger David Rovics, som “… kritiserer progressive medier og revolutionære, venstreorienterede kræfter for at fremstille begivenhederne forenklet og sort-hvidt.”
Klovneoptoget i onsdags var ikke ‘uamerikansk’. Det var ærkeamerikansk! Af Morten Hammeken (, 8. januar 2021). “Onsdagens optøjer var kulminationen på 4 år med Donald Trump ved roret. Men racisme og konspirationsteorier har fulgt med USA hele vejen.”
Trumps “opstand” og det amerikanske borgerlige demokratis kaos (Revolution, 11. januar 2021). Oversat fra, 7. januar. “Disse begivenheder er bestemt dramatiske! Men som marxister må vi opretholde en proportionssans. Dette var ikke et organiseret opstandskup, der var på grænsen til at vælte den amerikanske regering og indsætte et fascistisk regime for at knuse arbejderne og venstrefløjen.”
Revisiting January 6 (Weekly Worker, Issue 1399, 16 June 2022). “Hearings into the failed coup bid are all very well and good, says Daniel Lazare. But there is more to the breakdown of the political system than Donald Trump.”
A year after the Capitol riot, nothing useful has been done. By Branko Marcetic (Jacobin, January 6, 2022). “After the January 6 violence at the Capitol, Americans got a bigger national security state. What they didn’t get was solutions to any of the underlying forces that helped bolster right-wing extremism.”
One year since the fascist coup attempt of January 6. By Eric London (World Socialist Web Site, 6 January 2022). “Today marks the one-year anniversary of Donald Trump’s attempt to reverse the 2020 election, overturn the Constitution and establish a dictatorship.” See also:
The January 6 hearing: What took 18 months? By Joseph Kishore (Ibid., 10 June 2022).
The January 6 hearings and the ongoing plot against democracy. By Eric London (Ibid., 18 June 2022).
Fourth January 6 hearing documents fake electors plot and fascist threats against election officials, workers. By Barry Grey (Ibid., 22 June 2022).
Testimony exposes Trump’s plan to declare himself dictator. By Barry Grey (Ibid., 28 June 2022).
The unanswered questions about Trump’s January 6 coup. By Patrick Martin (Ibid., 29 June 2022).
The long American meltdown led to the January 6 Insurrection. By David Sirota (Jacobin, January 6, 2022). “The January 6 Capitol riot was the product of a decades-long attempt to destroy democracy in America — one that Democrats have never made an effort to stop by creating a government that is serious about the public interest.”
The record of the World Socialist Web Site on Trump’s coup attempt of January 6. By Eric London (World Socialist Web Site, 2 November 2021). “On Sunday, the Washington Post published a three-part investigation of the January 6, 2021 insurrection detailing Trump’s months-long plot to remain in power no matter the outcome of the 2020 election.”
One coup attempt or two? (Weekly Worker, Issue 1364, 23 September 2021). “There was general Mark Milley too. Daniel Lazare re-examines January 6 in light of the latest revelations.”
January 6, 2021: Donald Trump’s plot against America. By Eric London (World Socialist Web Site, 18 August 2021). “On January 6, 2021, the president of the United States transformed the White House into the command center of a fascistic plot to overturn the results of the election.”
Writings on the “putsch” (Tempest, January 16, 2021). “Aron Amaral and Scott McLemee provide a digest, with links and excerpts, of some of the best of the recent commentary about the events at the U.S. capitol on January 6, 2021.”
The meaning of January 6, 2021. By Bryan D. Palmer (Jacobin, January 26, 2021). “A long history suggests that while the crisis of the moment dictates directing the state’s security resources and personnel toward the Right, this focus will, inevitably, shift back to the Left.”
How the QAnon cult stormed the Capitol. By Daniel Bessner and Amber A’Lee Frost (Jacobin, January 19, 2021). “Perhaps the strangest thing about the media coverage of the Capitol Hill rally was how little of it focused on the visible presence of QAnon. What’s behind the Q cult, and how can we confront it?” See also: Everything you always wanted to know about QAnon but were too weirded out to ask (Jacobin, January 28, 2021).
The fight against Trumpism: lessons of Hitler’s Munich Putsch. By John Westmoreland (Counterfire, January 14, 2021). “As far as historical parallels can be made, we must draw the lessons from the past in the fight against fascism.”
Trump’s ‘march on Rome’. By Daniel Lazare (Weekly Worker, Issue 1330, 14 January 2021). “The January 6 uprising was not a simulacrum, but the real thing: America’s most serious constitutional breakdown since the Civil War. If the coup had succeeded, it would have plunged the US into a period of dark authoritarianism …”
A gallows hangs near the United States Capitol during the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol, 6 January 2021. Photo: Tyler Merbler from USA. (CC BY 2.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Insurgent movement, government complicity, or both? By Xloi and B. Sandor (ThreeWayFight, January 13, 2021). “This article by two Three Way Fight comrades highlights the interplay between insurgent far rightists and forces within the state itself in the Capitol takeover.”
Desperado in the White House: coup fails, Trump faces impeachment. By Dan La Botz (New Politics, January 12, 2021). “We have to call this a failed coup because the intent was to overturn the election of Joseph Biden by forcing vice-president Mike Pence and the Congress to declare Trump the president.”
The Trump insurrection: A Marxist analysis. By Paul Mason (, 12 January 2021). “Whether planned or stochastic, it was still a coup.”
The invasion of Capitol Hill: decaying institutions, rightwing insurrection, and the need for a mass movement. By Cihan Tugal (New Politics, January 11, 2021). “The most significant aspect of January 6, then, is not that the radical right stormed the Congress. It is rather that the authorities allowed them to do so.”
No far right demonstration without zionists. From the storm on Capitol Hill 6 January 2021. Photo: Tyler Merbler from USA. (CC BY 2.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.
We underestimate the far Right at our own peril. By Benjamin L. McKean (Jacobin, January 7, 2021). “Yesterday’s riot of Trump supporters at the US Capitol will likely be a radicalizing event for the far right. We shouldn’t underestimate their ability to cause more death and destruction in the aftermath.”
The insurrection was predictable. By David Sirota (Jacobin, January 7, 2021). “Yesterday’s events were the expression of a dangerous authoritarian movement that has been long in the making.”
We must stand united against Trump and the insurgent far right (Marx21, January 7, 2021). “While Trump lacks the institutional support to pull off a coup in earnest, the rally was a show of force from Trump loyalists, far right groups, and fascists as they continue to organize themselves into a dangerous, coordinated threat unlike anything we have seen in recent US history.”
This was no Joke—Trump’s attempted coup against democracy on January 6. By Peter Hudis (The International Marxist-Humanist, January 7, 2021). “The foiled attack on the Capitol by neo-fascist white nationalists on January 6 marks a potential turning point in combatting the reactionary currents of which Trump is but the mouthpiece and expression.”
Trump Coup. The storm on Capitol Hill Jan 6, 2021. Photo: Blink O’fanaye. (CC BY-NC 2.0) Source:
Se også:
Wilmington 1898: When white supremacists overthrew a US government. By Toby Luckhurst (BBC News, 17 January 2021). “A violent mob, whipped into a frenzy by politicians, tearing apart a town to overthrow the elected government.”
Tidslinjen 8. november 2016 om Donald Trump.
18. februar 2021
Den marxistiske politolog, historiker og venstrefløjs-debattør, professor emeritus ved Aarhus Universitet, Curt Sørensen, dør 18. februar 2021 i Aarhus. (Fødes i Sønderborg 11. februar 1938, se denne).
22. april 2021
Donald Armour Clelland, world-systems teoretiker, sociolog og professor emeritus i sociologi på University of Tennessee Knoxville, er død (født 10. maj 1935). Bidragyder til teorier om globalisering, global commodity chains og race i en globaliseret verden, ofte sammen med hustruen Wilma A. Dunaway, professor emerita i sociologi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
Nekrologer / Obituaries
- Professor Donald Armour Clelland 1935-2021 (
- Professor Donald Armour Clelland (Tribute Archive). Severel shorter obituaries from among others his wife Wilma A Dunaway and Zak Cope, Belfast, Ireland.
- Donald Clelland: World Systems Analysis ( Working papers.
- Donald Clelland (ResearchGate). List of litterature.
- Donald A. Clelland. Dark Value & Dark Exploitation in the Modern World-System.
Articles and working papers, some written with his wife Wilma A. Dunaway, Professor Emerita professor i sociologi, Virginia Tech, writer of several books on the american frontier, gender, family and slavery.
Artikler af / Articles by
The Core of the Apple: Dark Value and Degrees of Monopoly in Global Commodity Chains (pdf). By Donald A. Clelland (Journal of World Systems Research, Vol.20, No.1, Winter/Spring 2014, p.82-111). “… the world-economy is a dynamic system based on flows of value from the underside toward the top … Via an examination of the Apple iPad commodity chain, I show how the bright value captured by Apple depends on the dark value extracted by its suppliers.”
Moving toward Theory for the 21st Century: The Centrality of Nonwestern Semiperipheries to World Ethnic/Racial Inequality. By Wilma A. Dunaway and Donald A. Clelland (Journal of World Systems Research, Vol.23, No.2, 2017, p.400-464). “By 2015, a majority of the world’s population is concentrated in 41 nonwestern semiperipheries that generate 40 percent of the world Gross Domestic Product.”
Frontpage of “Routledge Handbook of World-Systems Analysis”Surplus drain and dark value in the modern world-system. By Donald A. Clelland. In Routledge Handbook of World-Systems Analysis, edited By Salvatore Babones, Christopher Chase-Dunn (Routledge Handbook, 2012, p. 197-206).
Challenging the Global Apartheid Model: A World-Systems Analysis. By Wilma A. Dunaway and Donald A. Clelland (Journal of World Systems Research, Vol.22, No.1, 2017, p. 16-22). “Using world-system concept, this essay challenges the popular racial bifurcation of the world between whites and peoples of color.”
Artikler / Articles
Donald Clelland and Radical Interpretation of World-System Analysis. By Informacioni Sekretarijat (Revolutionary People’s Party–Front, Serbo-Croatian, 22 November 2019). Introduction to the theories of Donald A. Clelland.
Nonwestern Semiperiphery and Its Paradoxes: Reflections for Struggles in the 21st Century. By Ana Saggioro Garcia (Journal of World Systems Research, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2017, p. 499-505). A precentation and discussion of ‘Moving toward Theory for the 21st Century: The Centrality of Nonwestern Semiperiphery to World Ethnic/Racial Inequality’ by Wilma Dunaway and Donald Clelland.
Se også / See also
Imperialism and the Transformation of Values into Prices. By Torkil Lauesen and Zak Cope (Monthly Review, Vol. 67, No. 3, July-August 2015). “In this article, we aim to demonstrate that the low prices of goods produced in the global South and the attendant modest contribution of its exports to the Gross Domestic Product of the North conceals the real dependence of the latter’s economies on low-waged Southern labor.”
Global Labour Justice (site). “Global Labor Justice is a new strategy hub supporting transnational collaboration among worker and migrant organizations to expand labor rights and new forms of bargaining on global value chains and international labor migration corridors.”
6. juni 2021
Den britiske socialist Chanie Rosenberg dør i London. (Født 20. april 1922 i Cape Town, Sydafrika). Medstifter af International Socialist/Socialist Workers Party. Livslang partner til Tony Cliff (se personlisten Tony Cliff 1917-2000). Og storesøster til den marxistiske økonom Michael Kidron (se Tidslinjen 25. marts 2003). Talte for britiske Anti Nazi League (ANL) på Blågårds Plads i København på demonstrationen 20. marts efter bombedrabet 16. marts 1992 i Søllerødgade. Se foto fra demonstrationen nedenfor.
Chanie Rosenberg. Kilde: - Chanie Rosenberg (
- Chanie Rosenberg (Marxists Internet Archive). Articles 1957-2012.
Chanie Rosenberg obituary. By Talat Ahmed (The Guardian, 7 September 2021). “My friend Chanie Rosenberg, who has died aged 99, was a remarkable and inspiring revolutionary socialist, active in Britain for more than seven decade.”
Chanie Rosenberg 1922-2021. By Lindsey German (Counterfire, June 8, 2021). “The death of Chanie Rosenberg at the age of 99 marks not just the passing of a fine revolutionary socialist but also the end of that generation who built Trotskyist organisations in the very hard days of the 1930s and 40s against tremendous odds.”
Remembering Chanie Rosenberg (Socialist Worker, Issue 2758, 8 June 2921). “Here we publish our readers’ memories of Chanie Rosenberg.”
Chanie Rosenberg 1922-2021. By Donny Gluckstein (Socialist Worker, Issue 2758, 8 June 2021). “Chanie Rosenberg, who has died aged 99, spent her life fighting the injustices that are still at the centre of world politics today.”

9. august 2021
FN’s klimapanel, IPCC, udgiver første del af sin 6. klimarapport: “… which concludes that the effects of human-caused climate change are now ‘widespread, rapid, and intensifying’.” Rapporten i dag er kun en del af den samlede sjette hovedrapport. I 2022 år kommer yderligere to dele af hovedrapporten.
31.10.-12.11.2021 afholdes FN’s klimakonference, COP26, i Glasgow i Skotland.
20. marts 2023 udgiver IPPC Sjette hovedrapports synteserapport:
Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report (IPPC, March 20, 2023). A Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Sjette hovedrapports synteserapport: Budskaber (DMI, 20. marts 2023). “FN’s klimapanel (IPCC) har i dag sat sidste punktum i sjette hovedrapport. Rapporten vil stå som en videnskabelig hjørnesten mange år frem og danne grundlag for fremtidens klimapolitik.”
»Parisaftalen har fejlet«: Den globale opvarmning når 1,5 grader inden for 10 år (, 20. marts 2023). “Og 2 grader bliver svært at undgå, lyder budskabet fra FN’s klimapanel i verdens vigtigste klimarapport. Et politisk svigt, siger dansk professor.”
Tredje del af 6. klimarapport blev udgivet 4. april 2022:
Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change (IPPC, April 4, 2022). “The Working Group III report provides an updated global assessment of climate change mitigation progress and pledges, and examines the sources of global emissions. It explains developments in emission reduction and mitigation efforts, assessing the impact of national climate pledges in relation to long-term emissions goals.”
Klimapanel: Omgående handling – det betaler sig! (DMI, 4. april 2022). “Hvis menneskeheden skal begrænse klimaforandringerne, skal vi handle øjeblikkeligt og omstille alle sektorer, ikke mindst energisektoren. Og vi kender allerede de løsninger, der skal i spil, hvis vi skal lykkes med at begrænse fremtidens klimaudfordringer.”
Anden del af 6. klimarapport blev udgivet 28. februar 2022:
Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability (IPPC, February 28, 2022). “The Working Group II contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report assesses the impacts of climate change, looking at ecosystems, biodiversity, and human communities at global and regional levels. It also reviews vulnerabilities and the capacities and limits of the natural world and human societies to adapt to climate change.”
FN’s Klimapanel: Vi skal handle nu (DMI, 28. februar 2022). “Klimaforandringer rammer verden skævt, lyder budskabet i seneste rapport fra FN’s Klimapanel, der har fokus på konsekvenser af klimaforandringer og muligheder for tilpasning.”
- IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (
- FN’s klimapanel ( + Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (
- FN’s klimapanel (DMI)
- Global opvarmning ( + Climate change (
- Sixth Assessment Report (IPPC, August 9, 2021). “The Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report is now out.” See also IPCC WGI Interactive Atlas.
- Tema: Klima (
R6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis (IPPC). “The Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report addresses the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, bringing together the latest advances in climate science, and combining multiple lines of evidence from paleoclimate, observations, process understanding, and global and regional climate simulations.”
Effekten af den globale opvarmning er hurtigere og mere alvorlig end forventet, siger FN’s Klimapanel. Af Daniel Tanuro (, 19. marts 2022). “FN-forskernes dom er ikke til at tage fejl af i den seneste IPCC-rapport. Grænserne bliver konstant overskredet, og vil resultere i store fødevaremangler. Særligt Det globale Syd vil blive nådesløst ramt.”
Klimakrisen er et klassespørgsmål (, 18. september 2021). “Der er brug for klassepolitik, hvis verdens økonomier skal omdannes, og hvis vi skal nå at redde menneskeheden fra klima-apokalypsen. Der er ingen anden udvej, skriver tidligere Labour-leder Jeremy Corbyn.” In English: Climate crisis is a class issue (Jacobin, August 24, 2021).
FN’s klimarapport: 5 grafer afslører, hvor langt vi er på vejen mod at bremse klimaforandringerne. Af Jenessa Duncombe (, 12. september 2021).
“Den nye rapport beskriver to scenarier, som holder opvarmningen på mindre end to grader – og adskillige, som går helt grassat.”
På kanten af afgrunden: her er scenariet, FN’s klimapanel ikke har taget med. Af Daniel Tanuro (, 24. august 2021). “Fremskrivningerne i IPCC-rapporten antager, at vi får gennemført Parisaftalens mål. Men den barske virkelighed er, at vi lige nu befinder os på kanten af afgrunden – og at det sagtens kan ende meget værre end rapporten antyder, skriver den belgiske klima-aktivist.”
FN’s klimarapport giver 5 bud på fremtidens klima: Derfor skal du ikke stirre dig blind på ét scenarie. Af Frederik Guy Hoff Sonne (, 17. august 2021). “Kloden kan blive alt mellem 1,5 og 7,5 grader varmere i år 2100 ifølge rapporten.”
Nyt atlas fra IPCC bryder klimaet ned i byggeklodser: Klimaforandringer berører hver en krog af kloden. Af Niklas Asp Nielsen (, 11. august 2021). “Forskerne har fået en bedre forståelse for klimaforandringerne på regionalt niveau, og du kan fordybe dig i et nyt, interaktivt klimaatlas.”
Ny IPCC-rapport: Verdens klimaforskere kommer med skarp advarsel om truslen fra den globale opvarmning. Af Fiona Harvey (, 10. august 2021). “IPCC’s nye rapport kommer til at være den mest grundige vurdering hidtil. Imens forbereder verdens regeringer sig på afgørende FN-forhandlinger til november.”
»Farlige klimaforandringer er her allerede«: Udenlandske klimaforskere reagerer på ny IPCC-rapport. Af Frederik Guy Hoff Sonne (, 9. august 2021). “Vi skal handle nu, lyder opråbet fra klimaforskere verden over.”
FN’s Klimapanel slår fast: Helt entydigt, at klimaforandringerne er menneskeskabte. Af Niklas Asp Nielsen (, 9. august 2021). “Men vi kan stadig nå at afbøde klimakrisen. Det kræver dog, at vi øjeblikkeligt får bremset udledninger af drivhusgasser i atmosfæren, lyder det fra forskere.”
Ny rapport fra FN’s klimapanel: Havet og temperaturen stiger med hidtil uset hastighed (DMI, 9. august 2021). “FN’s klimapanel har udgivet en omfattende statusrapport på klimaets tilstand i fortiden og i fremtiden. Hovedbudskabet i rapporten er, at den globale temperatur og det globale havniveau stiger med hidtil uset hastighed. Rapporten vil stå som en videnskabelig hjørnesten mange år frem.”
Notes from the Editors (Monthly Review, Vol.73, No.5, October 2021). “What was most significant about the published Part I of the report was that it revealed that even in the most optimistic projection of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways … the consequences for global humanity would nonetheless be catastrophic by the measure of all historical precedents.”
The IPCC Report and the socialist way forward (Tempest, September 21, 2021). “Thomas Hummel elaborates on the ecological and political implications of the most recent IPCC report.”
Code Red has been a long time coming, but we can avert climate catastrophe (Socialist Workers Party, 13 August 2021). “Martin Empson examines the IPCC report and its implications.”
Climate change: the fault of humanity? (Michael Roberts Blog, August 12, 2021). “The culprit is not ‘humanity’ but industrial capitalism and its addiction to fossil fuels.”
Code red for humanity. By Eddie Ford (Weekly Worker, Issue 1360, 12 August 2021). “The IPCC report is out and what it says is grim: major climate change is ‘inevitable’ and ‘irreversible’. Objective circumstances cry out for the left to agitate, educate and organise around a far-reaching minimum programme to prepare the working class to take power on a global scale.”
Capitalism is what’s burning the planet, not average people. By Chris Saltmarsh (Jacobin, August 11, 2021). “Not all humans are equally culpable in the climate chaos outlined in Monday’s IPCC report. Identifying the rich and powerful as the principal culprits is key to stopping further destruction.”
Se også:
- 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (
- COP26 (
Tilbedelsen af neoliberalismen. Af Daniel Tanuro (Socialistisk Information, 24. november 2021). “COP26 skaber et globalt marked for ildebrand og tilbyder det til de kapitalistiske brandstiftere på folkenes bekostning.”
Det store klima COP fup: hvorfor COP26 ikke vil løse klima- og miljøkrisen (pdf). Af Martin Empson (Internationale Socialister/, oktober 2021, 28 s.; online på “Denne pjece udforsker COP’s fiasko – og de virkelige løsninger, vi har brug for.”
Engelsk udgave: The Great Climate COP Out: Why COP26 will not solve the environmental crisis pdf) (Socialist Worker, September 2021, 24 p.)
After COP26. By Martin Empson (International Socialism, Issue 173, Winter 2022). “Like the previous 25 conferences, COP26 saw the capitalist class attempting the impossible; the negotiators in Glasgow were trying to green a system that systematically degrades the natural world through its relentless drive for profit.”
Fight the Fire: Green New Deals and Global Climate Jobs. By Jonathan Neale (Resistance Books, 2021, 333 p.; online at “Neale’s book, written in a non-academic and easy-to-read style is the best and most important book on the climate crisis you could read this year.”
Against doomsday scenarios: what is to be done now? (Monthly Review, Vol.73, No.7, December 2021). John Molyneux and Owen McCormack interviews John Bellamy Foster in early October: “We should of course avoid promoting ‘doomsday scenarios’ in the sense of offering a fatalistic worldview. In fact, the environmental movement in general and ecosocialism in particular are all about combating the current trend toward ecological destruction.”
What to expect from COP26: climate action, climate justice or greenwashing? By Eve Croeser (International Socialism, Issue 172, Autumn 2021). “This article begins with a brief overview of the severity and urgency of the climate crisis … [and] concludes with a brief overview of Marxist responses to the climate crisis, offering some suggestions for further consideration and debate.”
COP-out 26 (Michael Roberts Blog, Oktober 28, 2021). “… the fossil fuel industry would have to be phased out and replaced by clean energy sources. Workers relying for their livelihoods on fossil fuel activity would have to be retrained and diverted into environmentally friendly industries and services. That requires significant public investment and planning on a global scale.”
How do we put out the flames? Bad science and good sense on the climate crisis (Counterfire, October 16, 2021). “Elaine Graham Leigh weighs up the solutions and non-solutions on offer to deal with the climate emergency.”
Emissions Gap Report 2021 (UNEP, UNEP DTU Partnership, 26 October 2021, 79 p.). “With climate change intensifying and scientists warning that humanity is running out of time to limit global warming to 1.5°C over pre-industrial levels, 2021 has been a fraught year for the planet.”
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Emneoversigten: Klima & Miljø / Climate & Environment
- Tidslinjen: 30. november 2015, om FN’s klimakonference i Paris.
- Tidslinjen: 27. september 2013, om FNs klimapanels (ICPP) 5. klimarapport.
- Tidslinjen: 12. december 2009, om protesterne på klimatopmødet i Kbh., COP15.
- Linkboxen: Klimaet og den globale opvarmning / Climate & global warming (2008/2019). På baggrund af FN’s klimakonference november/december 2009 i København.
2. september 2021
Meddelelsen af Theodorakis’ død på forsiden f kommunistpartiet KKE s avis Rizospastis (Greek: Ριζοσπάστης, “The Radical”).
Den græske komponist, forfatter og politiker Mikis Theodorakis dør. Født 29. juli 1925 i Chios, på øen af samme navn i Det Ægæiske Hav.
Parlamentsmedlem 1981-1990 for kommunistpartiet KKE. Og kulturminister i konservativ ledet regering 1990-1992. **
Hans internationalt mest kendte musik er til filmen ‘Zorba, grækeren’ , 1964 (se Wikipedia-artikel om filmen) med temaet i slutscenen (YouTube, 2:51 min).
Skrev også musik til en lang række film, bl.a. den Costa-Gavras politiske film ‘Z’ (1969), om mordet på venstrefløjspolitikeren Lambrakis, se herom på Tidslinjen 21. april 1963.
Hans politisk/musikalske hovedværk menes at være sangen om Mauthausen (en KZ-lejr i Østrig): Mauthausen Trilogy, se dansk artikel på Wikipedia + in English.
- Mikis Theodorakis (Wikipedia, dansk) + longer article in English Wikipedia.
- Mikis Theodorakis (
“Jeg vil forlade verden som kommunist”. Af John Poulsen (Kommunist, nr.11, 2021). “Onsdag den 2. september døde kommunisten, frihedskæmperen og komponisten Mikis Theodorakis 96 år gammel.”
Mikis Theodorakis (1925–2021): the life and work of a great international composer and militant democrat. By Communist Tendency, Greece (In Defence of Marxism, 10 September 2021). “His musical compositions combined an incredible artistic prowess with a remarkable expression of the Greek working class’ mood, aspirations and struggles against poverty and oppression.”
** “… anticipating the end of his life, in October 2020, Mikis wrote a letter to the General Secretary of the KKE, stating: ‘Now, at the end of my life, … I view my most critical and mature years under the banner of the KKE. That is why I want to leave this world as a communist’.”
Mikis Theodorakis: A life of music and resistance. By Muhammad Shabeer (MR Online, September 7, 2021). “Greece will mark three days of mourning to honor the life and career of Mikis Theodorakis. Progressive sections in Greece and abroad, including the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the Progressive Party of Working People (AKEL), condoled his death.”
Mikis Theodorakis obituary. By Gail Holst-Warhaft (The Guardian, 2 September 2021). “Classical composer famed for his film scores to Zorba the Greek and Serpico, and for his firebrand politics.”
Der er oversat digte, dagbog, erindringer af Theodorkis til dansk. Se
11. september 2021
Den fængslede leder Abimael Guzmán/Formand Gonzalo af den maoistiske ‘folkekrigs-guerillaorganisation’ i Peru, Den Lysende Sti, dør. Se om Lysende Sti, nekrologer m.m. på Tidslinjen 7. oktober 1992.
26. december 2021
Den sydafrikanske biskop og menneskerettigheds/anti-apartheidsaktivist Desmond Tutu dør. Født 7. oktober 1931. Se Tidslinjen 10. december 1984.