Designed by George Bernard Shaw and created by Caroline Townshend in 1910 as a commemoration of the Fabian Society. It shows Shaw with Sidney Webb and ER Pease, among others, helping to build a new world: 'Remould it nearer to the heart's desire'. Currently housed in the Shaw Library at the London School of Economics (founded by Sidney and Beatrice Webb and Shaw). Date 6 June 2006. Photo: Ruth Hartnup from Vancouver, Canada. (CC BY 2.0).
Designed by George Bernard Shaw and created by Caroline Townshend in 1910 as a commemoration of the Fabian Society. It shows Shaw with Sidney Webb and ER Pease, among others, helping to build a new world: 'Remould it nearer to the heart's desire'. Currently housed in the Shaw Library at the London School of Economics (founded by Sidney and Beatrice Webb and Shaw). Date 6 June 2006. Photo: Ruth Hartnup from Vancouver, Canada. (CC BY 2.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons. See below January 4, 1884.

Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1884.

Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.



Nye blade 1884:

  • Demokraten. Århus
  • Den ny Socialist
  • Politiken (dagblad) (se nedenfor, 1. okt. 1884)
  • Statssocialisten


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4. januar 1884

Det socialistiske selskab, Fabian Society, grundlægges i London.


Stalin’s fellow travellers (Weekly Worker, Issue 1200, 26 April 2018). “Paul Flewers looks at the strange case of the Fabians Sidney and Beatrice Webb.”

The Fabian Model. Chapter 6, – i: Hal Draper: The Two Souls of Socialism (New Politics, No.1, Winter 1966). “The Fabians (more accurately, the Webbians) are, in the history of the socialist idea, that modern socialist current which developed in more complete divorcement from Marxism, the one most alien to Marxism.”

Beatrice Webb, Reformist. By C.L.R. James (The New International, Vol.9, No.5, May 1943). “In April, Beatrice Webb died. She was the wife of Sidney Webb, co-author with him of many famous books on the labor movement. Her career deserves examination.”

The Fabian Society, past and present. By G.D.H. Cole (Fabian Society, 1942, 28 p.; online at LSE, Digital Library)

The Fabian “Theory” of Socialism (1925). Chapter in Leon Trotsky on Britain (1925-1928) (online at Marxists Internet Archive)

The History of the Fabian Society. By Edward R. Pease (1916) (Online at Project Gutenberg). “This book describes the growth of Socialist theory in England, and the influence of Socialism on the political thought of the last thirty years.”

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18. januar 1884

Arthur Ransome fødes i Leeds, England. Forfatter populære børnebøger og til bøger og artikler om det revolutionære Rusland efter revolutionen, hvor han var bosat som korrespondent for britiske aviser (og påstået agent for efterretningsvæsenet). (Dør 2. juni 1967).


Crisis and degeneration. By Rex Dunn (Issue 1161, 29 June 2017). Review of David E Lowes (editor), Arthur Ransome, Three accounts of revolutionary Russia (Red Revenant, 2017, 212 p.). “‘The crisis in Russia’ (1921), the third of Ransome’s essays in this volume, is poles apart from the sunny optimism of his earlier ‘Six weeks in Russia’ (1919), which were written between the heady days of the October revolution and the end of the first year of the civil war.”

Arthur Ransome on the Russian Revolution. By Judy Cox (Counterfire, November 7, 2017). “Arthur Ransome wrote the pamphlet, The Truth About Russia, in Moscow in 1918 to win international support for the Revolution.”

Arthur Ransome and the Bolshevik Revolution, Part 1-3. By Dave Hyland (World Socialist Web Site, 25-28 June 2011). “Ransome produced [a] powerful eyewitness account of the unfolding of the Russian Revolution.”

Journalists and revolution: the case of Arthur Ransome (Histomat, January 9, 2011). Review of Roland Chambers, The Last Englishman: The Double Life of Arthur Ransome (Faber & Faber, 2009)

Swallows and Bolsheviks. By Paul Foot (The Independent, 9 August 1992; online at Internet Archive WayBackMachine). Review of Arthur Ransome, Six Weeks in Russia 1919 + The Crisis in Russia 1920 (Redwords, 1992)

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Portræt af Socialdemokratiets ledere i midten af 1880erne C.C. Andersen, Chr. Hørdum og P. Holm: "genrejsningens mænd". Foto: ukendt. Public Domain.
Portræt af Socialdemokratiets ledere i midten af 1880erne C.C. Andersen, Chr. Hørdum og P. Holm: “genrejsningens mænd”. Foto: ukendt. Public Domain. Kilde:

26. juni 1884

Ved Rigsdagsvalget vælges de første 2 socialdemokrater til det danske Folketing (6.805 stemmer = 3,5 af stemmeberettigede). Skomager Chr. Hørdum i 9. kreds (Amagerbro)

  • Chr. Hørdum (Socialister på Assistens Kirkegård)
  • Skrædder P. (Peter Thygesen) Holm i 5. kreds (Nørrebro og Østerbro)
  • P. Holm (Dansk Biografisk Leksikon, 3. udg, 1979-84)

P. Holm (Danske Socialister. Portrætter og Skildringer. Af Frejlif Olsen, 1892, side 6-10; på Wikisource). Ekstra Bladets senere redaktørs personlige portræt.

Se også:

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9. juli 1884

A portrait of Mikhail Borodin during the 1920s. Photo: Louis Fischer in "The Soviets in World Affairs", 1930. Public Domain.
A portrait of Mikhail Borodin during the 1920s. Photo: Louis Fischer in “The Soviets in World Affairs”, 1930. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Den russiske bolsjevik Mikhail Markovitj Borodin, fødes som Mikhail Gruzenberg, (dør i russisk fangelejr 29. maj 1951, som offer for Stalins “antikosmopolitiske kampagne” i 1949). Kommunistisk Internationales udsending som rådgiver under den kinesiske revolution 1925-27 (se om denne på tidslinjen 12. april 1927).

Optræder også som person i André Malrauxs romaner om perioden i Kina.


Se også:

The Strangled Revolution (1931). By Leon Trotsky (Marxists Internet Archive; Leon Trotsky Archive; Problems of the Chinese Revolution (1927-1931))
Comments on André Malraux’ Les Conquérants,

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7. august 1884

Den tyske revolutionære Paul Frölich fødes i Leipzig (dør 16. marts 1953 i Frankfurt am Main).
Medstifter og en periode i ledelse af det tyske kommunistparti, KPD, og forfatter til klassisk biografi Rosa Luxemburg – Gedanke und Tat (1939). Dansk udgave: Rosa Luxemburg – idé og handling (Solidaritet, 2010, 512 sider). Anmeldelser: En klassiker om Rosa (Socialistisk Information, 16. januar 2011) + Rosa – revolutionens ørn (Arbejderen, 7. december 2014).


The early life of Paul Frölich. By Paul Hampton (Solidarity & Workers Liberty, Issue 612, 3 November 2021). “A recent book, Paul Frölich, In the Radical Camp: A Political Autobiography 1890-1921, edited and introduced by Reiner Tosstorff [Haymarket Books, 2021, 270 p.], provides a window into his life. The book deserves the attention of contemporary socialists.” See also review by Folko Mueller: A revolutionary’s story (Against the Current, Issue 223, March-April 2023).

Paul Frölich, American exile, and Communist discourse about the Russian Revolution. By Riccardo Altieri (American Communist History, Vol.17, No.2, 2018, p.220-231). Biografisk artikel med vægt på Frölichs politiske-teoretiske historie.

A leading rank-and-filer. By Ben Lewis (Weekly Worker, Issue 1014, 12 June 2014). Review of Paul Frölich, Im radikalen Lager: Politische Autobiographie 1890-1921 (1938). Edited by Reiner Tosstorf (Berlin, 2013, 416 p.). “It is undeniable that the publication of these so nearly forgotten memoirs represents a major service to our movement.”

Path of revolution. By Sharon Geoghegan (Socialist Review, Issue 177, July/August 1994). Review of Paul Frölich, Rosa Luxemburg (Bookmarks, 1994). “Paul Frölich includes all Rosa Luxemburg’s political ideas and criticisms of the politics of that period but in a way which relates to the day to day struggles in her life.”

Politics and Rosa Luxemburg: A critical review of Frölich’s biography. By Reva Craine (New International, Vol.IX, No.2, February 1943). “The lack of historic outlook and the fruitless attempt to reconcile opposing points of view make it virtually impossible to get from the book a clear understanding of Luxemburg’s work and role.”

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

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1. oktober 1884

Det danske dagblad Politiken begynder at udkomme.

Første nr af Politiken 1. oktober 1884.
Første nr af Politiken 1. oktober 1884.


Se også:

Kulturradikalisme (

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3. oktober 1884

Friedrich Engels udgiver Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigentums und des Staats. Im Anschluss an Lewis H. Morgan’s Forschungen
Dansk udgave: Familjens, Privatejendommens og Statens Oprindelse. I Tilslutning til Lewis H. Morgans Undersøgelse. Udgivet af Det Danske Socialdemokrati (Socialistisk Bibliotek, Bd. 7, 1888, 123 sider, 40 øre)

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linkboxen: Familiens, Privatejendommens og Statens Oprindelse, 1884

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16. december 1884

Den danske læge og seksualreformator Jonathan Høegh Leunback fødes i Lidemark, Skovbo, Køge (dør i Camoglie, Italien, 24. september 1955, se denne).