Lenin and his family (V.I. Lenin, N.K. Krupskaya, A.I. Elizarova, M.I. Ulyanova, D.I. Ulyanov and G.Ya.Lozgachev) in the Kremlin’s apartment of V.I. Lenin . Moscow, autumn of 1920. The history of photo restoration in the 1930s N.P. Tikhonov, see here: https://dlib.rsl.ru/viewer/01005464067?page=221 . Photo: I. Leshchenko. Public Domain. See below 22. april 1870.
Lenin and his family (V.I. Lenin, N.K. Krupskaya, A.I. Elizarova, M.I. Ulyanova, D.I. Ulyanov and G.Ya.Lozgachev) in the Kremlin’s apartment of V.I. Lenin . Moscow, autumn of 1920. The history of photo restoration in the 1930s N.P. Tikhonov, see here: https://dlib.rsl.ru/viewer/01005464067?page=221 . Photo: I. Leshchenko. Public Domain. See below 22. april 1870.

Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1870.

Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.
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22. april 1870

Vladimir Iljitj Uljanov (Lenin) fødes i Simbirsk (efter 1924: Uljanovsk). (Dør 21. januar  1924 i Moskva).
Leder af de russiske Bolsjevikker det senere kommunistparti) og den russiske revolution 1917 og den russiske regering og kommunistpartiet

Biografier / Biographies:

Værker / Works:

Lenin 4 years. From a soviet postcard printed in 1947. Photo: Unknown. Public Domain.
Lenin 4 years. From a soviet postcard printed in 1947. Photo: Unknown. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
  • Vladimir Lenin (Marxisme Online). En større række artikler/bøger online på dansk.
  • Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) (Marxistisk Internet Arkiv: Dansk afdeling). Et mindre udvalg online.
  • V.I. Lenin: Udvalgte værker, bind 1-16 (Forlaget Tiden, 1976-1989, “den røde udgave”). Alle 16 bind online på Oktobernet.dk (som pdf-filer).
  • V.I. Lenin Library (Marxists Internet Archive). Work Index: Collected Works, Vol. 1-45 – Selected Works, Vol. 1-3 – Year Index – All Works, by Title – All Works, by Date – Lenin Subject Index – Lenin Quotes.
  • V.I. Lenin Internet Library (Marx2mao.com). Collected Works: Vol. 1-39 in HTML and PDF files + search engine + listing.
  • Speech to the Petrograd Soviet by Gregory Zinoviev celebrating Lenin’s recovery from wounds received in the attempt made on his life on August 30, 1918 (1918) (Marxists Internet Archive; Pamphlet, 1966, 48 p.). See also G. Zinoviev: The Recovery of Lenin (International Press Correspondence, 17 October 1922) + Tidslinjen 23. september 1883 om G. Zinoviev.

Bøger og debat / Books and debate:

Om Lenins bidrag til statskundskaben. Af Aksel V. Carlsen (Arbejderen.dk, 16. november 2018). Anmeldelse af Bertel Nygaard: Vladimir Lenin (Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, 2017, 150 s.).
Se også anmeldelse af Thomas Petersen (Historie-online.dk, 29. november 2017)

Anmeldelser af Kurt Jacobsen: Lenin: en biografi (Informations Forlag, 2012, 382 s.):
Claus Bryld: Historieprofessors Leninbiografi er faretruende nær på sine forlæg (Politiken.dk, 18. november 2012)
Morten Thing: Lenin ejede ikke tvivlens nådegave (Information.dk, 15. november 2012)
Curt Sørensen: Lenin som jacobiner, revolutionen som viljesakt (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 2. november 2012). Udvidet udgave med titlen: Tidsåndens Lenin – en venstrefløjshistoriker i skyggen af det altdominerende højrefløjs paradigme (pdf) (Arbejderhistorie, nr.1, juni 2013, s.75-88). Inklusiv debat med Kurt Jacobsen.

Anmeldelser mv. af Lars T. Lih: Lenin (Solidaritet, 2012, 280 s.), se linkboxen Lars T. Lihs Lenin-biografi (Socialistisk Bibliotek)

Böcker om Lenins teorier och arbete (Marxistarkiv.se). Bl.a. værker af Marcel Liebman og Paul Le Blanc.

Two, three, many Lenins (Anti CapitalistResistance, 14 February 2024). Review of Lenin: The Heritage We (Don’t) Renounce. Eds. Hjalmar Jorge Joffre-Eichhorn and Patrick Anderson (Daraja Press, 2024, 364 p.). “Ian Parker encountered over a hundred Lenins a hundred years after he died in this very useful book.” See also review by Kevin Crane (Counterfire, 21 March 2024).

The Lenin Scenario (RS21, 10 February 2024). “For the centenary of Lenin’s death, Verso [2024, 164 p.] have published a screenplay by Tariq Ali which dramatises the story of Lenin’s life. Daire Ní Chnáimh reviews, and considers its contribution to left culture.”

Lenin: Responding to Catastrophe, Forging Revolution. By Kevin Crane (Counterfire, 2 November 2023). Review of Paul Le Blanc’s book (Pluto Press, 2023, 272 p.). “Paul Le Blanc’s latest book is an engaging and accessible exploration of the development of Lenin’s thinking across the span of his life.” See also review by Stephan Kimmerle: Lenin between catastrophes and revolution Defending Lenin from ‘Leninists’ (Rupture, 2 May 2024). And Paul Le Blanc’s presentation of the book (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, 20 December 2023) + Paul Le Blanc in conversation with Promise Li and Cliff Connolly: Lenin: Catastrophe and revolution (Tempest, January 15, 2024) + interview: Paul Le Blanc on the meaning of Lenin (Jacobin, January 21, 2024) + Paul Le Blanc: An introduction to Lenin and Leninism (RS21, 21 January 2024) + Paul Le Blanc: Socialism and revolutionary democracy: Lenin’s legacy for our time of catastrophe (Links: Journal for Socialist Renewal, 5 February 2024) + Paul Le Blanc: Lenin’s socialism: Labels and realities (Links: Journal for Socialist Renewal, 13 March, 2024) + Paul Le Blanc: The essential and non-essential in Lenin (Links: Journal for Socialist Renewal, 25 May, 2024).

Lenin’s laughter. By Ilya Budraitskis (New Lef Review, Issue 140/141, March-June 2023). Review of Lev Danilkin, Lenin: Pantokrator solnechnyh pylinok [Lenin: Pantocrator of Solar Dust] (Moscow, Molodaya Gvardiya, 2017, 909 p.). “A new Russian biography of the Bolshevik leader, in the form of a notable contribution to postmodern literature.”
Global Lenin (ROAPE, September 30, 2021). Review of Hjalmar Jorge, Joffre-Eichhorn and Patrick Anderson (eds.), Lenin150 (Samizdat) (Daraja Press, 2021, 344 p.). “Adam Mayer celebrates a new volume on the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Lenin150 (Samizdat) has a sheer diversity that takes one’s breath away.”
See contents and more reviews at Daraja Press.

Socialism and revolutionary democracy: Lenin’s legacy for our time of catastrophe. By Paul Le Blanc (Links: Journal for Socialist Renewal, 5 February 2024). “The overarching theme involves the democratic qualities and continuing relevance of Lenin’s orientation. Within that framework, we will touch first on why Lenin has often been seen so negatively, and then sketch his actual political and organizational views, briefly tracing how this played out in the Russian Revolution of 1917.”

Lenin for the New Year. By Dominic Alexander (Counterfire, 28 December 2023). “As the 100th anniversary of Lenin’s death approaches, here are ten books to help renew the Leninist tradition for the crises ahea.”

Lenin, Elections & Socialist Hegemony (Rebel, March 9, 2021, 86 p.). “… Seán Mitchell provides a close reading of Bolshevik electoral work: exploring the unique and persistent approach to elections that Lenin and his followers utilised as a critical and necessary complement to the mass, collective, self-activity that was the bedrock of Bolshevism.”

Vladimir Lenin’s time in England would shape him forever. By David Broder (Jacobin, April 22, 2020). Review of Robert Henderson, The Spark that Lit the Revolution: Lenin in London and the Politics that Changed the World (I.B. Tauris, 2020, 288 p.). “… a study of Lenin’s spells living in London between 1902 and 1911.”
See also:
Rob Sewell: Review
Alex Snowdon: Review (Counterfire, January 28, 2021)

Trotsky on Lenin. By Dominic Alexander (Counterfire, June 21, 2018). Review of Leon Trotsky, Trotsky on Lenin (Haymarket Books, 2017, 385 p.): “A welcome new edition of neglected writing by Trotsky makes accessible revealing insights into Lenin and Russian society.”

Lenin for Today. By Tomas Tengely-Evans (Socialist Review, Issue 426, July-August 2017). Review of John Molyneux’ book (Bookmarks, 2017, 288 p.).
See also reviews etc.:
Barney Doherty: Review (Irish Marxist Review, Vol.6, No.18, p.84-86)
A chapter from the book: Does Leninism lead to Stalinism? (John Molyneux Blog, May 5, 2017)

Rescuing Lenin. By John Rose (International Socialism, Issue 155, Summer 2017, p.213-217). Review of Tariq Ali, The Dilemmas of Lenin: Terrorism, War, Empire, Love, Revolution (Verso, 2017, 384 p.).
See also reviews etc.:
Dick J. Reavis: Trials of the Russian Revolution (Against the Current, Issue 191, November-December 2017)
Paul Le Blanc: The Lenin behind the distortions (International Socialist Review, Issue 106, Fall 2017, p.147-158)
Sheila McGregor: Review (Socialist Review, Issue 423, April 2017)
Lindsay German: Review (Counterfire, July 13, 2017)
Edward Lee-Six: Review (Marx & Philosophy Review of Books, 4 April 2019)
Tariq Ali: The legacy of Vladimir Lenin (Jacobin, 25 May 2017). Interview.
Extract from the book: Tariq Ali asks “Why Lenin” (Verso, Blog 24 May 2017).

Review of Alan Shandro, Lenin and the Logic of Hegemony: Political Practice and Theory in the Class Struggle (Haymarket Books, 2015, 392 p.):
Paul Le Blanc: Lenin’s revolutionary Marxism (International Socialist Review, Issue 97, Summer 2015)
Viktoria Ivanova: Alan Shandro, Lenin and the Logic of Hegemony (Marxist Left Review, Issue 13, Summer 2017)

Reviews of Tamás Krausz, Reconstructing Lenin: An Intellectual Biography (Monthly Review Books, 2015, 564 p.):
Chris Nineham: The principles of liberation: how Lenin rescued Marx (Counterfire, August 19, 2015)
Kevin Orr: In from the cold (International Socialism, Issue 147, Summer 2015, p.139-149)
Paul Le Blanc: Sorting through Lenin’s legacy (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, March 10, 2015)
Doug Enaa Greene: Tamás Krausz’s living Lenin (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, March 3, 2015)

Unfinished Leninism: The Rise and Return of a Revolutionary Doctrine. By Alex Snowdon (Counterfire, November 28, 2014). Review of Paul Le Blanc’s book (Haymarket, 2014, 237 p.).
See also review by Jonas Liston: What’s to be done now? (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, August 13, 2014)

The case of the disappearing Lenin. By Kevin Corr and Gareth Jenkins (International Socialism, Issue 144, Autumn 2014). “This article argues against the ‘Kautskyanisation’ of Lenin.”
See reply from Lars T Lih: The strange case of the closeted Lenin (Weekly Worker, Issue 1037, 4 December 2014)

Election and revolution. By Derrick Morrison (Against the Current, Issue 171, July-August 2014). Review of August H. Nimtz, Lenin’s Electoral Strategy from Marx and Engels Through the Revolution of 1905 + Lenin’s Electoral Strategy from 1907 to the October Revolution of 1917 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 244 + 296 p.). New title/edition: The Ballot or The Streets or Both? From Marx and Engels to Lenin and the October Revolution (Haymarket Books, 2019, 504 p.).
Reviews etc.:
Alex Snowden: The ballot or the streets or both? (Counterfire, September 3, 2020).
Todd Chretien: Revolutionary parliamentarism? (International Socialist Review, Issue 99, Winter 2015-16)
Richard Donnelly: Lenin and the Tsarist Duma (International Socialism, Issue 157, Winter 2018)
August Nimtz:
Lenin’s perspective: What exactly does it mean to vote. Part 1 (Against the Current, Issue 231, July-August 2024)
Bringing Marx and Engels into the picture (Weekly Worker, Issue 1171, 21 September 2017)
Taking elections seriously (Weekly Worker, Issue 1173, 5 October 2017)
Triumph of ‘revolutionary parliamentarism’ (Weekly Worker, Issue 1174, 12 October 2017) The ballot, the streets – or both (The Project: A Socialist Journal, April 30, 2014; online at Internet Archive). Interview.

The great Lenin debate – history and politics. By Paul Le Blanc (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, September 1, 2012). Svensk udgave på Marxistarkiv.se (pdf).

Lenin: ‘democratic, socialist and revolutionary’. By Bryan D. Palmer (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, March 1, 2012). Review of Paul Le Blanc (ed.), Lenin: Revolution, Democracy, Socialism (Pluto Press, 2008)

The Lenin who believed the working-class would work ‘miracles’ (Workers’ Liberty, 13 November 2010). Interview with Lars Lih about his new book, Lenin, a short biography (Reaktion Books, 2011, 235 p.)

Lenin and his biographers. By Paul Le Blanc (International Socialist Review, Issue 86, November 2012). Review of books by Carter Elwood, Lars Lih, Philip Pomper, Helen Rappaport, Christopher Read, Robert Service, Katy Turton, James D. White and Beryl Williams.

Review of Neil Harding, Lenin’s Political Thought: Theory and Practice in the Democratic and Socialist Movement (Haymarket Books, 2009, 735 p.):
Paul D’Amato: Lenin’s Marxism. Review of volume 1 (International Socialist Review, Issue 72, July-August 2010)
Paul D’Amato: Lenin and world revolution. Review of volume 2 (International Socialist Review, Issue 74, November-December 2010)

Leninism: It’s not what you think. By Paul Kellogg (Socialist Studies, Vol.5, No.2, 2009, p.41-63).  “There is a complex and buried lived history of Lenin and the original Leninists that –taken seriously –demands a sharp rethinking of our inherited conception of Leninism, and for those who have been influenced by Leninism, a careful rethinking of what ‘Leninism’ means in the context of liberal democracies in advanced capitalism.”

Lenin’s return (International Socialist Review, Issue 59, May–June 2008). Helen Scott, Paul Le Blanc, and Lars Lih discuss Lenin’s relevance today.

Lenin’s life rewritten. By Peter Taaffe (Socialism Today, Issue 93, Jul-Aug 2005). Review of Christopher Read, Lenin (Routledge, 2005)

Service’s Lenin: a disservice to history. By Phil Shannon (Green Left Weekly, Issue 454, 4 July 2001). Review of Robert Service, Lenin: A Biography (Papermac, 2001)

Setting the record straight. By Megan Trudell (International Socialism, Issue 89, Winter 2000). Review of Robert Service, Lenin: A Biography (Macmillan, 2000)

The uses of Dmitri Volkogonov. By Samuel Farber (Against the Current, No.63, July/August 1996). Review of Dmitri Volkogonov, Lenin: A New Biography (The Free Press, 1994)

Paul Le Blanc: Lenin och det revolutionära partiet (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se, 282 sider). Svensk udgave af: Lenin and the Revolutionary Party (Humanities Press, 1990, 417 p.)
See review by Adrian Budd: A new life for Lenin (International Socialism, Issue 70, March 1996)

Tony Cliff: Lenin, Vol. 1: Building the party (1893-1914) (Pluto Press, 1975, 398 sider) + Vol. 2: All power to the soviets (Pluto Press, 1976, 412 sider)
Lars Lih: Falling out over a Cliff (Weekly Worker, Issue 901, February 16, 2012). “Lars T Lih joins in the debate over Tony Cliff’s biography and debunks some myths held by both left and right.”
Tony Cliff’s Lenin (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, January-April 2012). Debate between Pham Binh, Paul Le Blanc, Paul D’Amato and Lars T. Lih.
Bruce Landau: Lenin and the Bolshevik Party (Resistance Books 2002/1996; first published in Revolutionary Communist (No.6, April 1977, p.23-42); online at Links)
Duncan Hallas: Building the revolutionary party (International Socialism, No.79, June 1975)

Marcel Liebman: Lenins Leninism (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se, 323 s.). Svensk udgave af: Leninism under Lenin (Merlin Press, 1975,477 p.)
See review article by Ernest Mandel: Liebman and Leninism (Socialist Register, 1975, p.95-114)

Niels Erik Rosenfeldt: Lenin: en revolutionær fundamentalist (Høst & Søn, 2008, 277 s.)

Louis Fischer: Lenin. Bind 1-2 (Fremad, 1967, 383 + 285 s.)

Georg Reinhold Mac: Kammerat Lenin (Branner og Koch, 1967, 236 s.)

Nina Gourfinkel: Lenin (Gyldendals Uglebøger, 1966, 200 s.)

Georg Moltved: Lenin: en biografi (Borgen, 1966, 335 s.)

N.K. Krupskaja: Erindringer om Lenin. Bind 1 (Mondes Forlag, 1934, 220 s.)

Maksim Gorkij: Erindringer om Lenin + Clara Zetkin: Møder med Lenin (Tiden, 1958, 132 s.)

V. I. Lenin making a speech at a meeting dedicated to the laying of the foundation stone for a monument to K. Liebknecht and R. Luxemburg, in Dvorstsovaya Square. Petrograd, 19 July 1920. Photo: Viktor Bulla (1883–1938). Public Domain.
V. I. Lenin making a speech at a meeting dedicated to the laying of the foundation stone for a monument to K. Liebknecht and R. Luxemburg, in Dvorstsovaya Square. Petrograd, 19 July 1920. Photo: Viktor Bulla (1883–1938). Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Se også / See also:

Lenin och Kautsky: en bibliograf (pdf). Av Martin Fahlgren (Marxistarkiv.se, 29.12.2013)

Lars Lih online: Recent studies on Bolshevism, Lenin, and Kautsky (Marxist Essays and Commentary, April 16, 2013)

Kautsky when he was a Marxist (Historicalmaterialism.org, February 2011, 32 p.; online at Internet Archive). A collection of comments by Lenin compiled by Lars Lih.

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

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9. juni 1870

Den britiske forfatter Charles Dickens dør efter omfattende og populært socialt forfatterskab. (Født 12. februar 1812, se denne)

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21. november 1870

I det daværende russiske rige (nu Lithauen) fødes anarkisten Alexander (Sasha) Berkman (dør i Nice, Frankrig, 28. juni 1936). Livslang partner med Emma Goldman.

Sites & articles:

Online litterature:

Anarkismens ABC. Af Alexander Berkman (Hydra Bøger, december 2010, 142 sider). Tidligere dansk udgave 1973 (A.T. Tryk). Bogen er online på Hydra: Anarkistisk Forlag +  Ungdomshuset.dk. Og som Lydbog: “I 2017 indtalte Barrikadens aktivister bogen som lydbog.” (Konfront.dk/Teori & historie, 11. december 2018).

Se: Anarkistisk klassiker revet væk (Modkraft.dk, 12. april 2011) + anmeldelse af Ole Sandberg: Et anarkistisk must (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 12. april 2011). Se også udgivers omtale og bogens historie: Anarkismens ABC nu igen på dansk! (31. januar 2011).

In English:

The ABC of Anarchism (pdf). By Alexander Berkman (Freedom Press, 1977, 86 p.; online at Libcom.org). Published as: Now and After: The ABC … (1929). Articles on the book at Wikipedia.org

Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist. By Alexander Berkman (Mother Earth Press, 1912, 446 p.; online at Libcom.org). “Autobiographical prison account of Russian émigré anarchist Alexander Berkman who was sentenced to 22 years imprisonment for the attempted assassination of an industrialist who massacred striking workers.”

What is Communist Anarchism? By John Molyneux (International Socialism, No.59, June 1973). ” The aim of the book was to set out the author’s ideas, drawn largely from Kropotkin, as comprehensively and simply as possible for the English reader. In this the book was an unqualified success; but it succeeds in exposing with equal clarity the weakness of those ideas.”

Life of an Anarchist: The Alexander Berkman Reader (pdf). Ed. by Gene Fellner. With a new foreword by Howard Zinn (Seven Stories Press, 2005, 344 p.; online at Libcom.org)

Record creator: [US] War Department. (1789 - 09/18/1947): Woman anarchist leader and aid in draft war. Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman convicted of conspiracy against draft law and sentenced to two years in penitentiary and fined $10,000 each, July 9, 1917. International Film Service., 1917 - 1919. Public Domain.
Record creator: [US] War Department. (1789 – 09/18/1947): Woman anarchist leader and aid in draft war. Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman convicted of conspiracy against draft law and sentenced to two years in penitentiary and fined $10,000 each, July 9, 1917. International Film Service., 1917 – 1919. Public Domain.

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