Litteratur om og af Victor Serge (30. december 1890 – 17. november 1947).
- Indledning / Foreword (in Danish)
- Biografier / Biographies
- Artikler om Victor Serge / Articles on Victor Serge
- Sites / Websites
Victor Serge (30. december 1890 – 17. november 1947), belgisk født af russiske forældre, opvokset i Frankrig og senere russisk statsborger. Han arbejdede som journalist, digter, romanforfatter, historiker og revolutionær politisk skribent/agitator. Politisk havde han en baggrund som anarkist, rejste til Sovjet i 1919 og arbejdede for bolsjevikkerne, støttede Venstreoppositionen mod Stalin og var socialistisk antistalinist til han døde som statsløs i Mexico.
På dansk foreligger Victor Serges selvbiografi: En revolutionærs erindringer. Bd. 1-2 (Politisk Revy, 1976-1977, 533 s.). Online i svensk udgave: En revolutionärs minnen (pdf) (René Coeckelberghs Bokförlag, 1975).
Tekster af Victor Serge:
Marxists’ Internet Archive: Victor Serge (Incl. biographical texts + List of works). Appendix on Trotsky-Serge polemics.
Victor Serge 1890-1947 (Marxists Internet Archive, norsk). Herunder: ‘Den siste utvikling av den spanske revolusjon‘ (1937)
Victor Serge (, svensk).
+ digte & noveller af Victor Serge:
Jordskælv & andre fortællinger (Det Poetiske Bureau, 2021, 234 sider).
“I dette udvalg kan man finde tre store noveller af Serge, oversat og med forord af Thorvald Berthelsen. Det er ‘Hvidehavet’, ‘Hospitalet i Leningrad’ og ‘Jordskælv’. Bogen indeholder foruden de nævnte noveller også et forord med en grundig indføring i Victor Serges liv og forfatterskab.”
Se forordet i lettere revideret udgave: Socialisme og frihed er kampen mod grådig rovdrift på kloden: Victor Serges revolutionære digte (, 17. april 2021).Med biografi.
Så gløderne ulmer i ørkenen (Det Poetiske Bureau, 2016, 234 sider).
“[Bogen] præsenterer den fransk-russiske oprører og anti-stalinist Victor Serges (1890-1947) digte i Thorvald Berthelsens oversættelse og med hans fyldige introduktion.”
Se introduktionen i lettere revideret udgave: Victor Serge som digter (Den smalle bog: digitalt kulturtidsskrift, 28. oktober 2016).
På Socialistisk Bibliotek har vi samlet et udvalg af hovedsageligt engelske tidsskriftartikler og websites om Victor Serge.
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Victor Serge: Proletariatets demokratiske revolution i Finland (Socialistisk Bibliotek, 5. maj 2014). Uddrag fra Victor Serges bog: Year One of the Russian Revolution (Chicago, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972, side 182-191). Artiklen er også online på Marxisme Online.
- Emnelisten: Anarkisme vs. Marxisme
- Emnelisten: Den Russiske Revolution 100 år
- Emnelisten: Den russiske revolution, fra februar – oktober 1917
- Emneoversigten: Anarkisme / Anarchism
- Emneoversigten: Rusland
Emnelisten: Den spanske borgerkrig og revolution 1936-1939
Bjarne A. Frandsen. Juli 2002.
Revideret marts 2017.
Biografier / Biographies
Susan Weissman: Victor Serge: the course is set on hope (London, Verso, 2001, 381 p.). New edition: Victor Serge: a political biography (Verso, 2013, 406 p.).
- Dan La Botz: Victor Serge: conscience of the revolution (New Politics, 30. jan. 2014).
- Richard Greeman: Memoirs of a revolutionary (International Socialism, nr.94, forår 2002).
- Martyn Hudson: For those who will come after us (Weekly Worker, nr.439, 4. juli 2002).
- Bryan Palmer: Review (Against the Current, nr.99, juli-aug. 2002).
- Paul Flewers: Review (Revolutionary History, 8:2, 2002).
Se også:
- Susan Weissman: Obituary: ’In the tail of Trotsky’s comet’ (Socialist Review, nr.299, september 2005; online på Internet Archive).
“Susan Weissman pays tribute to the Mexican artist and son of Victor Serge, Vlady Kibalchich, who died recently.” International forfatterbibliografi
- Victor Serge
Titler og udgaver af Serges værker på dansk.
Leksikon for det 21. århundrede
Spartacus Educational
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Victor Serge: En revolutionärs minnen (1945) (pdf, 226 sider). (René Coeckelberghs Bokförlag, 1975; online på
Marxists Internet Archive
- Jean Riére: Victor Serge: Biographical note
Artikler om Victor Serge / Articles on Victor Serge
Den smalle bog: digitalt kulturtidsskrift
- Thorvald Berthelsen: Victor Serge som digter (28. oktober 2016).
“Det Poetiske Bureaus Forlag udgav den 26. maj en samling af Victor Serges digte med titlen: Så gløderne ulmer i ørkenen … Den er oversat og forsynet med forord og noter af Thorvald Berthelsen.” Forordet (s.5-23) er næsten identisk med denne tekst.
Se også artiklen i lettere revideret udgave: Portræt af en digter: Victor Serge (Point of View International, 15. april 2017).
Socialistisk Information
- Theodor Lena: Som vi husker Victor Serge – i 75-året for hans død (24. april 2023).
“Victor Serge er til alle tiden min yndlings socialist, det indrømmer jeg gerne. Det er jo rigtigt nok, at Serge manglede Marx’ styrke når det drejede sig om økonomisk og historisk analyse, manglede Lenins strategiske og taktiske instinkt eller Trotskijs organisatoriske styrke. Men Serge står nu øverst på min liste af helt andre grunde: hans enestående ærlighed.”
- Thorvald Berthelsen: Socialisme og frihed er kampen mod grådig rovdrift på kloden: Victor Serges revolutionære digte (17. april 2021).
“Ny novellesamling af Victor Serge, Jordskælv & andre fortællinger, udgives på dansk i næste uge. Oversætter Thorvald Berthelsen fortæller om den revolutionære forfatters liv, hvor forfølgelse, deportation og sult satte sine spor i litteraturen.” - Thorvald Berthelsen: Fra Pariserkommune til Pariserkommune (14. august 2017).
“Den fransk-russiske revolutionære Victor Serge var også en stor forfatter og digter. Vi bringer et kort portræt.”
POV International
- Thorvald Berthelsen: Portræt af en digter: Victor Serge (15. april 2017).
“… digteren Victor Serges tanker om en nytænkning af socialisme med et virkeligt folkeligt demokrati i centrum mere aktuelt end nogen sinde …”
In English:
Against the Current
- Ernie Haberkern: The politics of Victor Serge (nr.142, september-oktober 2009).
“The point of this commentary is not to disparage a brave man whose works deserve to be read. But to blank out the troubling aspects of his political views is hagiography, not history.” - Susan Weissman: A rejoinder: The real Victor Serge (nr.142, september-oktober 2009).
- Susan Weissman: Victor Serge: For our time (nr.136, september-oktober 2008).
“This essay is adapted from a section of a paper she delivered at a July, 2008 conference on Trotsky’s legacy.” - Donald Filtzer: The destiny of a revolution (nr.73, marts-april 1998).
- Susan Weissman: Victor Serge’s world and ours (nr.12-13, januar-februar/marts-april 1988, s.40-46) + Victor Serge’s critique of Stalinism (nr.14, maj-juni 1988, s.36-39).
- Wayne Price: Victor Serge and the Russian Revolution (2007).
“What can anarchists learn from his revolutionary life?” - Beware of Vegetarian Sharks! (pdf).
By Richard Greeman (Praxis Research and Education Center, 2007).
Part 5 (scroll ned):
Who was Victor Serge and why do we have to ask? (s.336-357).
Opposition within the Opposition: Victor Serge and Leon Trotsky, relations 1936-1940 (s.358-386)
Victor Serge and Stalinist political terror: ‘The Case of Comrade Tulayev’ (s.253-277).
- The ideas of Victor Serge: a life of work and arts (nr.28-29, 1997, 258 s.).
Temanummer redigeret af Susan Weissman og består af 14 bidrag om Serge og 1 af Serge: Thirty years after the Russian Revolution (s.239-258). Indholdsfortegnelse og introduktion er online. Richard Greemans artikel Victor Serge and the novel of revolution er online på sitet Reds.
David Renton’s Homepage
- David Renton: The dissident Marxism of Victor Serge.
Chapter from Renton’s book: Dissident Marxism: Past Voices for Present Times (Zed Books, 2004; online på Internet Archive).
The Guardian
- Memoirs of a Revolutionary by Victor Serge (17. august 2012).
“A new edition of Victor Serge’s life story gives Sheila Fitzpatrick fresh reasons to be moved.”
History Workshop
- Peter Sedgwick: The unhappy elitist: Victor Serge’s early Bolshevism (nr.17, forår 1984, s.150-156; online på Marxists Internet Archive).
International Socialism
- Gareth Jenkins: A truly human culture (nr.104, efterår 2004). Review of Al Richardson (ed.), Victor Serge, Collected Writings on Literature and Revolution (Francis Boutle, 2004).
- Richard Greeman: Memoirs of a revolutionary (nr.94, forår 2002). Review of Susan Weissman, Victor Serge: The Course Is Set On Hope (Verso, 2001). See also review by Paul Flewers (Revolutionary History (vol.8, nr.2, sommer 2002) + The evolution of Victor Serge, by Ian Birchall (Revolutionary History, vol.8, nr.3, 2003).
- Peter Glatter: Victor Serge: writing for the future (nr.76, efterår 1997, s.117-128). Review of Victor Serge’s Russia Twenty Years After (Humanities Press, 1996).
- Richard Greeman: The return of Comrade Tulayev: Victor Serge and the tragic vision of Stalinism (nr.58, forår 1993, s.79-117)
- Peter Sedgwick: The crucial years: Victor Serge on class and party (nr.50, januar-marts 1972, s.9-16).
- Peter Sedgwick: Victor Serge and Socialism (nr.14, efterår 1963, s.17-23; online på Marxists Internet Archive).
Genoptrykt med titlen On socialism. I: Critique (nr.28-29, 1997, s.183-196).
International Socialist Review
- Amy Muldoon: Revolution besieged (nr.102, efterår 2016). Review of Victor Serge, Year One of the Russian Revolution (Haymarket Books, 2015, 552 s.). See also review by Richard Allday (Counterfire, 3. november 2016).
Journal of Trotsky Studies
- Susan Weissman: Serge and Trotsky’s views: post theories strenghts and limitations (nr.4, 1996, s.47-66).
- Daniel Guerin: Anarchists, Bolsheviks and Serge.
Fra Daniel Guerins bog Anarchism.
Se også: Victor Serge (Articles by and on …).
London Review of Books
Tariq Ali: Inquisition mode (42:14, 14. juli 2020). Review article of Victor Serge, Notebooks, 1936-47 (New York Review of Books, 2019, 651 s.) + Letter by Steve Smith (ibid., 30. juli 2020).
“In his writing, Serge dealt with the street tumults and upheavals of his own time and place, at times excited and inspired, at others repelled by the loud march of history. He was a chronicler and analyst of defeats, of historical regression and its causes, of the fearful shadows of unfettered power. The Notebooks are a treasure chest.” See also review by John Cunningham (Solidarity, nr. 558, 5. august 2020) + Tariq Ali, Steve Smith, Trotsky and Serge (Verso, Blog, 25. august 2020). “Susan Weissman responds to Steven Smith’s letter to the LRB on Tariq Ali, Victor Serge and Trotsky.”
Marxists Internet Archive
- Peter Sedgwick: Introduction. I Victor Serge: Memoirs of a Revolutionary (1963, s.ix-xxiv; online at Internet Archive).
The Massachusetts Review
Richard Greeman: Victor Serge: The Russian Heritage (pdf). (53:1, forår 2012, s.14-29; online at Marxists Internet Archive).
Part 1: The Kibalchich Legend
Part 2: Vera Poderevskaya and the feminist legacy of the
Russian intelligentsia
Part 3: Deceit and denial
New Interventions
- Ian Birchall: Victor Serge: Bolshevism and anti-stalinism (nr.1, sommer 2000, s.18-27).
New Left Review
- Victor Serge: Mexican Notebooks: 1940–1947 (nr.82, juli-august 2013, s.30-62).
“Recently discovered diaries of the exiled novelist, with portraits of associates past and present, reflections on the Second World War, and vivid descriptions of the country where Serge lived out his final years.”
New Politics
- Marha Sonnenberg: The imaginative dialectic in the novels of Victor Serge (nr.73, sommer 2022).
“A discussion of Victor Serge’s novels and how literature can enrich revolutionary socialist politics.” - Richard Greeman: On the 70th anniversary of Victor Serge’s Memoirs of a Revolutionary (nr.55, sommer 2013).
“With the publication of the unexpurgated Memoirs, and on behalf of all of Serge’s translators, it was a keen pleasure (and revolutionary duty) to welcome new readers into an English-language section of this invisible international.” - Richard Greeman: Victor Serge on the victory and defeat of the Russian Revolution (nr.14, winter 1993, s.140-172) + debat med E. Haberkern (nr.15, sommer 1993, s.167-172).
Artiklerne er ikke online. - Richard Greeman: Victor Serge: writer and witness (nr.2, vinter 1987, s.202-219).
- Peter Sedgwick: A portrait of Victor Serge (nr.7, sommer 1963, s.86-95).
Red & Black Revolution
- Dermot Sreenan: The Bolsheviks’ pet anarchist: the life, times & confessions of Victor Serge (nr.4, 1998).
Red Wedge
- Doug Enaa Greene: Victor Serge: On the borders of victory and defeat (5. oktober 2015).
“Serge’s revolutionary career saw him take up such varied roles as organizer, journalist, theoretician, militant, soldier, translator, a prisoner under at least five different regimes, secret agent, and a historian.”
Reds – Die Roten
- Richard Greeman: Victor Serge and the novel of revolution (Socialism, nr.226-227, juli-oktober 1991).
“For men like Serge, in a real sense expulsion meant a loss of identity and reason for living. Henceforth, deprived of political activity and penniless, Victor would devote himself to writing as a way of surviving and of participating indirectly in the struggle.”
Revolutionary History
- Richard Greeman: Did Trotsky read Serge? (vol.7, nr.2, 1999, s.145-158).
- Temanummer: Victor Serge: The century of the unexpected: essays on revolution and counter-revolution (vol.5, nr.3, 1994, s.1-208).
Victor Serge: Lenin in 1917 (s.3-53).
Victor Serge: The class struggle and the Chinese Revolution (s.54-141).
Richard Greeman: The Victor Serge affair and the French literary left (s.142-174).
Victor Serge: Planned economies and democracy (s.177-198).
Julián Gorkin: The last years of Victor Serge (s.199-208).
Socialist Review
- Victor Serge: the untamed revolutionary (nr.371, juli-august 2012).
“George Paizis looks at Serge’s extraordinary life and the lessons its offers for us today.”
Socialist Worker
- How Victor Serge kept the flame of the Russian Revolution alive (nr.2332, 8. december 2012).
“Victor Serge was a writer and revolutionary who lived through the darkest days of the 20th century. George Paizis looks back on his life.”
- Scott McLemee: Preserving the spark of revolution (10. maj 2011).
Review of to books by Victor Serge: Witness to the German Revolution ( Haymarket Books, 2011) + Revolution in Danger: Writings from Russia, 1919–1921 (Haymarket Books, 2011).
- Martyn Hudson: Victor Serge and the question of Kronstadt (nr. 229, 11. januar 2012).
“Whatever the truths of the uprising and its elimination, Kronstadt remains a symbol of a broken revolutionary tradition – a libertarian and a Bolshevik rift that Serge hoped to heal. The lessons he had to teach us are still there to be learned.” - Martyn Hudson: Victor Serge: a life in revolution (nr.218, 28. september 2011).
“Serge was a revolutionary among revolutionaries but his important lies in two things – the fact that he survived and the fact that that survival allowed him to document his survival.”
Spiked Review of Books
- Susan Weissman: Victor Serge: towards freedom (september 2017).
“On the Bolshevik who defended democracy and individual liberty: The spiked review spoke to Weissman about Serge and his relationship to the event that was to define his life – the Russian Revolution.”
- Remembering Victor Serge: On the 75th anniversary of his death (29. november, 2022). “Victor Serge participated in the Russian Revolution and observed it acutely. Theodor Lena pays tribute 75 years after Serge’s death.”
What Next!
- Ian Birchall: Ernie Haberkern and Victor Serge (nr.12, 1998).
- Ernie Haberkern: Ian Birchall and Victor Serge (nr.11, 1998).
- Ian Birchall: Victor Serge: hero or witness? (nr.10, 1998).
- Ernie Haberkern: Victor Serge and ‘Libertarianism’ (nr.9, 1998).
- Victor Serge: Secrecy and revolution: a reply to Trotsky (nr.9, 1998).
World Socialist Web Site
- Andras Gyorgy: But who, after all, was Victor Serge? (19. maj 2008).
Review article about Victor Serges book Unforgiving Years (translated by Richard Greeman, 2008). See also review at Workers Liberty: Hope and its discontents (23. februar 2009).
Sites / Websites
The Charnel-House
- Victor Serge, chronicler of revolution (16. november 2017)
Marxists Internet Archive
- Victor Serge: 1890-1947
Biografi og artikler/bøger af Victor Serge, bl.a. klassikeren Year one of the Russian Revolution fra 1930.
- Victor Serge
Artikler om og af Victor Serge.
- Victor Serge
En række artikler og bøger online i svensk udgave, bl.a. Serges selvbiografi En revolutionärs minnen. Dansk udgave: En revolutionærs erindringer. Bd.1-2 (Politisk Revy, 1976, 533 sider)
Socialistisk Bibliotek
- Victor Serge: Proletariatets demokratiske revolution i Finland (5. maj 2014)
Uddrag fra Victor Serges bog: “Year One of the Russian Revolution” (Chicago, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972, side 182-191). Artiklen er også online på Marxisme Online.