Women were at the forefront of the popular Palestinian uprising known as the Intifada, which lasted from 1987 to 1991. Palestinian women at the Jabaliya refugee camp in the Gaza Strip confront Israeli soldiers over the mistreatment and arrest of Palestinian youths. Photo: flickr / Robert Croma. (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).
Women were at the forefront of the popular Palestinian uprising known as the Intifada, which lasted from 1987 to 1991. Palestinian women at the Jabaliya refugee camp in the Gaza Strip confront Israeli soldiers over the mistreatment and arrest of Palestinian youths. Photo: flickr / Robert Croma. (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).

Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1987.

Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.


2. januar 1987

Civilingeniør Eigil Poulsen dør efter mange års aktivisme, på venstrefløj og for fredsagerne. (Født 7.3.1904).


  • Poulsen, Eigil (Fredsakademiet; Freds- og sikkerhedspolitisk leksikon).
  • Ravnstrup. Af Eigil Poulsen (Fredsakademiets Sangbog). Sang tilegnet Ravnstrup fredslejrens kvinder.


80 år i bevægelse: et festskrift i anledning af Eigil Poulsens 80-årsdag. Red. Bente Clod (Datterselskabet, 1984, 143 sider)

Om “80 år i bevægelse” (Clod.dk)


1. april 1987

Den automatiske dyrtidsregulering (var i forvejen suspenderet) afskaffes af den socialdemokratiske regering.
Var blevet indført i 1919 .


Dyrtidsregulering (Denstoredanske.dk)


11. april 1987

Italienske forfatter Primo Levi tager tager sit eget liv. (Født 31. juli 1919, se denne).


13. april 1987

Den fjerde formand for Danmarks Kommunistisk Parti (DKP) Jørgen Jensen dør. (Født 17. januar 1920) Efter to tidligere karasmatiske formænd (Aksel Larsen, 1932-58  & Knud Jespersen, 1958-77) fik han tilnavn’Vandgrød’.
Under hans ledelse fik partiet ved valget i december 1,1% af stemmene og røg dermed ud af Folketinget. Efterfulgt af Ole Sohn, 1987-91.
Hør Lydoptagelser af DKP’s centralkomitemøder (Arbejdermuseet). Jørgen Jensens vurdering af folketingsvalget 1981, hvor partiet fik 1,1% af stemmerne (optagelse nr. 2 på siden, 4:08 min.).

Danske kommunister; Arbejdermuseet. Kilde: https://www.arbejdermuseet.dk/viden-samlinger/temaer/danske-kommunister/dansker-kommunister/
Danske kommunister; Arbejdermuseet. Kilde: https://www.arbejdermuseet.dk/viden-samlinger/temaer/danske-kommunister/dansker-kommunister/


Jørgen Jensen (Wikipedia.dk)

Jørgen Jensen Arkiv. Sammen med andre danske kommunisters arkiver (Arbejderbevægelsens Bibliotek og Arkiv)

Træk af DKPs historie (indtil år 2000) (DKP, 10. marts 2010)

Se også:

Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti (Wikipedia.dk). Ultrakort “artikel”.

DKP (Leksikon.org)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Tidslinjen: 9. november 1919, om Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti, DKP.


28. maj 1987

Tyske amatørflyver Mathias Rust lander på Den Røde Plads i Moskva.

Mathias Rust and his Cessna 172, resting in Red Square after his landing. Credit: Wiki Commons


Mathias Rust (Wikipedia.org)


4. august 1987

FNs Verdenskommissionen for Miljø og Udvikling (Brundtland-kommissionen) under ledelse af norges tidl. statsminister Gro Harlem Brundtland udgiver “Brundtland-rapporten” om klodens miljømæssige tilstand og om global bæredygtig udvikling Vor fælles fremtid.



Vores fælles fremtid. Brundtland-kommissionens rapport om miljø og udvikling (FN-forbundet og Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke 1987, 360 sider).


17. august 1987

Den sidste overlevende i Spandau-fængslet fra Nürnberg-retssagen (se om denne 20.11.1945) Rudolf Hess hænger sig i fængslet. Derefter rives fængslet ned.


Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

15. oktober 1987

Den revolutionære marxist og pan-afrikaner, præsident for Burkina Faso (tidligere Øvre Volta) 1983-1987, myrdes under et kup styret af fransk imperialisme. (Født 21. december 1949). Blev kaldt “Afrikas Che Guevara” og “Den sorte Che”.

Thomas Sankara. Source: http://www.anticapitalistes.net/spip.php?article3244
Thomas Sankara. Source: http://www.anticapitalistes.net/spip.php?article3244


Af/By Thomas Sankara:

How imperialist ‘aid’ blocks development in Africa. By Thomas Sankara (The Militant, Vol.73, No.14, April 13, 2009). Tale i FN 4. oktober 1984.

Thomas Sankara quotes about women (MsAfropolitan, 25 November 2011)

Thomas Sankara (1949-1987) (Marxists Internet Archive: Sección en Espaniol). Biografi + artikler, spansksproget.

Videoer med taler af Thomas Sankara (YouTube)

A united front against debt (1987). By Thomas Sankara (Viewpoint Magazine, February 2018). “Debt is neo-colonialism, in which colonizers have transformed themselves into ‘technical assistants’. We should rather say ‘technical assassins’.”

Om Thomas Sankara:

En revolutionær blev myrdet, men Thomas Sankaras ideer kan ikke dræbes. Af John Graversgaard (Solidaritet.dk, 14. maj 2021). Kritisk Debat, 15. februar 2018). “Men hvad stod Sankara for? Lad os bygge på hans taler i hans alt for korte regeringsperiode fra 1983 til 1987.”

Burkina Faso (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal). News, articles, reviews (also on Ernest Harsch’s book, “Thomas Sankara: An African Revolutionary” (October 2014).

Thomas Sankara Website (site). Fransksproget site med lang liste over engelsksprogede mindeartikler nederst på siden.

The revolutionary feminism of Thomas Sankara. By Adele Walton (Jacobin, March 8, 2022). “Thomas Sankara, the revolutionary leader of Burkina Faso, is well known for opposing the neocolonialism of the Global North. But on International Women’s Day, we should also remember his strident commitment to women’s liberation.”

The Thomas Sankara I knew (Jacobin, October 15, 2021). An interview with Joséphine Ouédraogo: “Burkina Faso revolutionary leader Thomas Sankara was murdered on this day in 1987. Joséphine Ouédraogo recounts her time as a minister in his government — and their final meeting before he was ousted in a bloody coup d’état.”

We need Thomas Sankara’s political vision today. By Heidi Chow (Jacobin, October 15, 2021). “Thomas Sankara, the socialist president of Burkina Faso, was assassinated 34 years ago today. With Global South debt levels at an all-time high, Sankara’s call for resistance to debt as a tool of neocolonial domination has never been more relevant.”

Thomas Sankara gave his life fighting Neocolonialism. By Benjamin Talton (Jacobin, April 17, 2021). An interview with Brian Peterson: “Anti-colonial revolutionary Thomas Sankara struggled to free his country, Burkina Faso, from the domination of foreign corporations and neoliberal economic institutions. And in 1987, he was assassinated for it.”

Thomas Sankara: An icon of revolution. By Yanis Iqbal (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, November 19, 2020). “A Pan-Africanist, internationalist and Marxist, he was committed to the total liberation of the oppressed masses from the clutches of imperialism. Instead of bourgeois nationalism, Sankara believed in radical nationalism.”

Thomas Sankara (1949-1987). By Adele Walton (Verso, Blog, 15 October 2020). “On the 33rd anniversary of his assassination in a French-backed coup, we celebrate the life and career of the revolutionary leader of Burkina Faso, Thomas Sankara.”

Thomas Sankara and the revolutionary birth of Burkina Faso. By Mamadou Diallo (Viewpoint Magazine, February 2018). “The Sankarist Revolution was the peak of a series of revolts, the breakdown of an inept cycle, and the beginning of a historical sequence that would see Upper Volta become Burkina Faso …”

Exhuming Thomas Sankara: Anti-Imperialism in Burkina Faso, 1983-87. By David Crawford Jones (Marxist Essays and Commentary, August 18, 2017). “There can be no doubt that Sankara represented the ‘great leader’ model of radical change.”
See also John Riddell: Thomas Sankara and national liberation: Internationalism and popular democracy in Burkina Faso, 1983-87 (ibid., August 23, 2017) + 30th commemoration of the assassination of Thomas Sankara (ibid., October 2, 2017)

Burkina Faso: A move towards justice for Sankara under the pressure of the revolutionary masses. By Ben Morken Monday (In Defence of Marxism, 14 December 2015). “The authorities in Burkina Faso recently announced that they are formally charging Gilbert Diendéré with the murder of Thomas Sankara in 1987.”

Resurrecting Thomas Sankara. By Ernest Harsch (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 20 May 2015). “Nearly thirty years after his assassination, African revolutionary Thomas Sankara is still inspiring the struggle for self-determination.”

25 years on: the mixed legacy of Burkina Faso’s Thomas Sankara, socialist soldier. By Peter Dörrie (ThinkAfricapress, 15 October 2012)

Thomas Sankara: an African leader with a message for Europe. By Nick Dearden (Red Pepper, October 14, 2012). “On the 25th anniversary of Sankara’s assassination, Nick Dearden argues we need to remember him to challenge dominant views of Africa and fight our own debt crisis in Europe.”

Revolutionary legacy of Thomas Sankara. By James Haywood (Socialist Resistance, Issue 48, October 2007)

Thomas Sankara’s legacy, exclusive interview with Hon. Fidel Kientega. By Bubacarr Sankanu (Thomas Sankara Website, 2007)

Burkina Faso’s pure president. By Bruno Jaffré (Thomas Sankara Website, 2007; online at Internet Archive)

Thomas Sankara: a view of the future for Africa and The Third World. By Ameth Lo (Thomas Sankara Website, October 15, 2005)

Video: Thomas Sankara – the Upright Man (YouTube.com, 52 min.)


Thomas Sankara Speaks: The Burkina Faso Revolution 1983–87 (Pathfinder Press, 1988). See preface by Mary-Alice Waters og Introduction by Michel Prairie online (pdf).

Se også:

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Tidslinjen: 28. oktober 2014, om opstand i Burkino Faso.


30. november 1987

Den amerikanske forfatter James Baldwin dør (født 2. august 1924, se denne).


7. december 1987

Den alternative Nobelpris, The Right Livelihood Award tildeles den livstidsdømte Mordechai Vanunu for afsløringen af Israels atomvåbenprogram. Han blev kidnappet af agenter i Rom 30.10. 1986.


Mordechai Vanunu, Israel (1987) (The Right Livelihood Award): “… for his courage and self-sacrifice in revealing the extent of Israel’s nuclear weapons programme.”

Mordechai Vanunu (Wikipedia.no). Norsk Wiki-artikel.

Mordechai Vanunu (Wikipedia.org). Den engelske kvalitetsstemplede artikel på Wiki.

Danske artikler:

Mordechai Vanunu – historien om en ukuelig fredsaktivist. Af Alfred Lang (Autonom Infoservice, 24. marts 2015). Tidligere udgave bragt på Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa (4. maj 2004)

Han afslørede Israels atomvåben: interview i Østjerusalem. Af Clara Hyldgaard Nankler (Arbejderen.dk, 16. marts 2013)

Udstødt af sine egne – ikke lukket ind af andre. Af Clara Hyldgaard (Information, 19. januar 2013, side 14-15). Interview: “I dag lever han et isoleret liv i det arabiske Østjerusalem. Helst ville han af med sit isralske statsborgerskab, men ingen vil give ham et nyt.”

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


8. december 1987

Intifadaen indledes (den første intifada) i de besatte palæstinensiske områder.


Intifadaen. Kap. 16 i Birgitte Rahbek: En stat for enhver pris: konflikten i Mellemøsten (pdf) (Fremad, 2000, s.249-267; online på Birgitterahbek.dk). Scroll ned.

Marxists and the call for Intifada: what it really means. By Fred Weston (In Defence of Marxism,

The First Intifada 1987-1993—when Palestinians rose up (Socialist Worker, Issue 2884, 1 December 2023). “An uprising from below so powerful that it shook the Israeli state, the Intifada that began in 1987 sparked a new way of confronting Zionism. Sophie Squire interviewed author Phil Marfleet about its ongoing significance.”

Remembering the First Palestinian Intifada. By Scott Cooper (Left Voice, December 9, 2020). “The First Intifada began on December 9, 1987. It was a massive and radical uprising of Palestinian youth against the colonialist state of Israel.”

The First Intifada—30 years since Palestinians rose up against Israel (Socialist Worker, Issue 2584, 8 December 2017). “… a rebellion that lasted five years and inspired solidarity across the Middle East. Nick Clark looks at the Palestinians’ struggle and the lessons for resisting Israel today.”

Roots of resistance: 25 year retrospective on the first intifada (Mondoweiss, December 2012). “… a series of reflections and analysis on this milestone in Palestinian history and turning point in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

Palestine and the Intifada (SocialistWorker.org, December 6, 2012). “Anthony Arnove tells the story of the Palestinian uprising that shook Middle East politics starting 25 years ago this month.”

The Intifada, chapter in Joel Beini and Lisa Hajjar: Palestine, Israel and the Israeli-Palestine conflict: a primer (MERIP, February 2014, 16 p.). Scroll down.

Se også:

On the ground with Palestine’s Intifada generation. By Mezna Qato (Middle East Report, Issue 300, Fall 2021). “From roughly 1988 to 1993, MERIP was virtually alone among US-based magazines for its sustained coverage of nearly every facet of life in the Palestinian Occupied Territories and Israel during those tumultuous years [and after].” With links to many MERIP-articles.

Linkboxen: Den anden intifada: al-Aqsa opstanden i Palæstina (Socialistisk Bibliotek)


26. december 1987 

Bille Augusts film Pelle Erobreren har dansk biografpremiere. Vinder Oscar (bedste udenlandske film 1989).

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Personlisten: Martin Andersen Nexø (1869-1954), med biografiske og litterære links, også om Pelle Erobreren (romanen og filmen)