Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 2014.
Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.
Året 2014
The year in music: Favorite recordings of 2014 (World Socialist Web Site, 31 December 2014)
Best films in 2014. By David Walsh and Joanne Laurier (World Socialist Web Site, 30 December 2014)
2014: Twelve things that shaped this year’s politics. By Lindsey German (Counterfire, December 19, 2014). “… twelve features of (2014) that will shape politics in the year ahead.”
The year in film. By Louis Proyect (CounterPunch, December 19-21, 2014)
What was best in 2014? (, December 18, 2014). “ readers speak up for their favorite movies, books, music and streaming content of the year.”
11. januar 2014
Den israelske krigsforbryderen Ariel Sharon dør, født 26. januar.
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Linkboxen: Ariel Sharon (1928-2014)
16. januar 2014
Den spanske venstrepopulistiske gruppe Podemos (= Vi kan) præsenterer sig offentligt.
Dansk (+ norsk)
Emneord: Podemos ( Med en lang række artikler (30. maj 2014 – ).
Nogle erfaringer fra Podemos – et tilbageblik på Pablo Iglesias’ epoke, hvor den spanske venstrefløj var i fremgang. Af Dave Kellaway (Socialistisk Information, 30. august 2021). “For omtrent en måned siden mislykkedes Pablo Iglesias’ forsøg på at bremse højrefløjens fremgang i regionalvalgene i Madrid. Nederlaget blev et personligt vendepunkt for ham, og han trak sig fra alle sine ledende poster i partiet Unidad Podemos og i PSOE’s regering.”
Podemos: Fra ‘vi kan’ til ‘vi kan måske ikke alligevel’. Af Niels Henrik Nielsen ( Revy, 15. august 2021). “Da Podemos-lederen Pablo Iglesias trådte ud af regeringen for at stille op som spidskandidat ved regionsvalget i marts i år, var det et forsøg på at genoplive ånden fra Indignados-bevægelse og genrejse det parti, der om nogen havde udtrykt et opgør med det etablerede system. Det lykkedes ikke. Og Podemos’ (Podemos betyder: ‘vi kan’) krise er åbenlys.”
Podemos: fra Spaniens kriseparti til et parti i krise. Af Óscar García Agustín (, 15. maj 2021). “Den spanske venstrefløjs samlingsparti er havnet i en krise. De gamle partier er på vej frem igen, og Unidas Podemos leder nu efter en ny ledelse, der kan genoplive projektet, og lave politik, som mennesker forstår.”
Podemos mellem populisme og institutionalisme (pdf). Af Lasse Thomassen (Kritisk Debat, 1. marts 2021, s.51-60). “Det spanske venstrepopulistiske parti Podemos har fra starten måttet navigere mellem populisme og institutionalisme, og det har sat begrænsninger for deres ageren i den spanske politiske kontekst.” Scroll ned.
Podemos og venstrepopulismen i dag. Af Carsten Jensen (Kritisk Debat, 23. april 2019; online på DBC Webarkiv). “Kan Podemos holde momentum, og kan det stadig være et parti, der inspirerer til debat i andre dele af det europæiske venstre? Det er de styrende temaer for dette interview med Lasse Thomassen.”
En Podemos-finanslov? Af Eoghan Gilmartin og Tommy Greene (Socialistisk Information, 1. december 2018). “Podemos’ opbakning til Spaniens socialdemokratiske regering risikerer at gøre det til en støtte for de institutioner, som partiet engang gjorde oprør imod. Men det har også sat sit eget fingeraftryk på regeringens dagsorden.”
Et Gramsci-parti i en ikke-Gramsci verden? Af Carsten Jensen (Kritisk Debat, 17. oktober 2016). “Om Podemos, Pablo Iglesias og inspirationen fra Antonio Gramsci.”
“Krisen” i Podemos. Af Miguel Urban Crespo og Brais Fernandez (Socialistisk Information, 24. april 2016). “De menige aktivister, der er rygraden i bevægelsen for forandring, ser på det, der bliver kaldt “krisen i Podemos” med vantro …”
Spansk jordskredsvalg slår hul i to-parti-system. Af Andreas Bülow (, 21. december 2015)
Valget i Spanien: ustabilitet, turbulens og radikalisering. Af Arturo Rodriguez (Revolution, 18. december 2015)
Podemos og den spanske venstrepopulisme: fra klassepolitik til massepolitik. Af Carsten Jensen (Kritisk Debat, 15. december 2015). Anmeldelse af Pablo Iglesias: Politics in a Time of Crisis: Podemos and the Future of a Democratic Europe (Verso, 2015, 253 s.)
Spanien: ‘PODEMOS’ – basisdemokrati i praksis (Autonom Infoservice, 1. november 2015)
Den europeiska vänsterpopulismen – exemplet Podemos (pdf) (, 3. september 2015). Tekster av Alex Fuentes, Jesus Jaen og Ellen Meiksins Wood.
Vår strategi. Av Pablo Iglesias (Le Monde Diplomatique, nr.7, juli 2015). Oversat fra New Left Review (Issue 93, May-June 2015)
Podemos som postkrise-parti: Mellem populisme og radikalisme (pdf). Af Óscar Garciá Agustin (Arbejderhistorie, nr.1, 2015, s.34-57). “I artiklen præsenteres ideerne bag partiets stiftelse, dets særlige organisationsform og program.”
Podemos: fra protest til regeringsduelig. Af Óscar Garciá Agustin (Kritisk Debat, 16. februar 2015) Også på Modkraft/kontradoxa, 18. februar 2015) “… udfordrer ikke kun den spanske og europæiske elite, men også traditionel venstrefløjstankegang”
Spanien: Venstrefløjspartiet ‘Podemos’ – basisdemokrati i praksis (Autonom Infoservice, 15. januar 2015)
Spanien viser vejen for Europas venstrefløj. Af Owen Jones (, 18. november 2014)
Podemos: ”Vores mål er endnu ikke opnået” (Revolution, nr.2, september 2014). David Rey, redaktør for avisen Lucha de Classes og aktivist i Izquierda Unida, om Podemos.
- Podemos (Spanish political party) (
The taming of Podemos. By Héctor Sierra (International Socialism, Issue 174, Spring 2022). “This article asks what charting the trajectory of Podemos can add to a wider theorisation of left reformism.”
Thank You, Pablo Iglesias. By Eoghan Gilmartin and Tommy Greene (Jacobin, May 5, 2021). “Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias has announced his retirement. Over the last decade, he brought the radical left to the heart of Spanish politics — but its challenge to the establishment ultimately fell short.”
Radiance and sunset of Podemos – reasons for a farewell. By Manuel Garí (International Socialism Project, November 8, 2020). “The purpose of this article is to explain why it was necessary to create it and why it was necessary to abandon it. This has also meant reflecting on the balance sheet that can be made and the lessons that can be drawn from the actions of Izquierda Anticapitalista, now Anticapitalistas.”
Podemos: A ‘party-movement’ in government. By Manuel Cervera-Marzal (Jacobin, January 9, 2020). “Upon its creation in 2014, Podemos insisted it was nothing like the political parties that had long dominated Spain. Today, Pablo Iglesias’s party looks like an ever-more institutionalized force — yet one whose activists continue to see themselves as belonging to a ‘social movement’ from below.”
Podemos, Catalonia and the workers’ movement in the Spanish state. By Héctor Sierra (International Socialism, Issue 155, Summer 2017, p.51-72). “Here it will be argued that the two key areas where the Spanish ruling class could have been confronted and undermined … were not successfully addressed by the Podemos campaign.”
Explaining the fading fortunes of Podemos (, July 7, 2016). “Tom Lewis takes stock of the disappointing electoral showing for the radical party Podemos.”
State of change. By Andy Durgan (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 13 June 2016). “Without mass mobilization, Unidos Podemos’s electoral success won’t match up against the forces of austerity.”
Reassessing Podemos. By Andy Brown (International Socialism, Issue 150, Spring 2016). “[A look] at the nature of the Podemos project in the Spanish state and the question of how the left should relate to it.”
Portrait of the leader as a young theorist. By Alberto Toscano (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 19 December 2015). “Ahead of tomorrow’s elections, what do the writings of Pablo Iglesias tell us about where Podemos is going?”
A year of change postponed? By Luke Stobart (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 18 December 2015). “Spain votes in a general election on Sunday. Can Podemos reclaim its earlier momentum?”
Politics in a time of crisis. By Andy Brown (Socialist Review, Issue 406, October 2015). Review of Pablo Iglesias, Politics in a Time of Crisis: Podemos and the Future of Democracy in Europe (Verso, 2015, 256 p.)
Podemos and the Left in Spain. By Tom Lewis (International Socialist Review, Issue 98, Fall 2015)
Understanding Podemos. By Pablo Iglesias (New Left Review, Issue 93, May-June 2015, p.7-22). See also Pablo Iglesias: Spain on the edge (ibid., p.23-42)
A new left rising? Spain’s Podemos. By Manuel Gari (International Socialist Review, Issue 97, Summer 2015)
Challenges for Podemos (Socialist Review, Issue 402, May 2015). “Andy Durgan examines the development and limitations of the radical new party, Podemos.”
Podemos and the paradigm shift. By César Rendueles & Jorge Sola (Jacobin: A Magazine of Culture and Polemic, April 13, 2015). “… what are the limits to its populist strategy?”
The problem with Podemos. By Alberto Garzón (Jacobin: A Magazine of Culture and Polemic, March 13, 2015). “… is its populism enough to transform Spanish politics?”
Podemos: What is it and where is it going? By Laureano Jimenez (In Defence of Marxism, 11 February 2015)
Why Podemos is a big threat to Spain’s political establishment. By Vincente Navarro (Links: Journal of Socialist Renewal, 28 January 2015)
The challenge of Podemos. By Manel Barriere, Andy Durgan and Sam Robson (International Socialism, Issue 145, Winter 2015). “Members of Podemos and En lucha/En lluita in Spain assess the astonishing rise of new left wing party Podemos.”
Understanding Podemos, Part 1: 15-M & counter-politics. By Luke Stobart (Left Flank, November 5, 2014) + Part 2: Radical populism (November 14, 2014) + Part 3: ‘Commonsense’ policy (January 2, 2015)
Where left populism leads (Weekly Worker, Issue 1038, 11 December 2014). “Those who have had such high hopes in Podemos will surely see them dashed, says Daniel Harvey.”
Where did Podemos come from? Where is it going?. By Louis Proyect (NorthernStar, December 11, 2014 – online på WayBack Machine)
Podemos: the political upstart taking Spain by force. By Carlos Delclós (ROAR Magazine, December 9, 2014)
The Left can win (Jacobin, December 9, 2014). “Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias on radical politics and what it takes to build mass movements.”
Spain: Podemos on road to sweeping away two-party system. By Julian Coppens (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, November 7, 2014)
Fighting the new fascism: Juan Carlos Monedero on Podemos, Spain’s new political force. By Sebastiaan Faber (The Volunteer, September 9, 2014). Interview with “one of the party’s founders, political scientist Juan Carlos Monedero.”
Spain’s Podemos: Inside view of a radical left sensation (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, July 15, 2014). “What is the thinking and strategy behind Spain’s new radical political sensation? Podemos European election campaign chief Iñigo Errejón explains.”
Spanish state: Eruption of Podemos sparks turmoil left and right. By Dick Nichols (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, July 1, 2014). “The bigger Podemos’s circles are and the more they distance themselves from fetishising the word ‘left’ …”
Can new left party Podemos make a change in Spain? (Socialist Worker, Issue 2407, 10 June 2014). “As the Spanish state strains under the pressures of the crisis, activists told Dave Sewell about the new party Podemos …”
What can the British left learn from Podemos? By Adria Porta Caballe (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21th Century, June 6, 2014)
Is Podemos a model for the European left? By Markus Lehner (Workers Power, June 2014)
The rise of Podemos. By Guillem Murcia (, June 18, 2014). “On the sources of Podemos’ election success, and explains the political backdrop to the surprising result.”
Se også/See also:
How can the left topple the bosses’ Europe? By Mark L Thomas (Socialist Review, Issue 397, December 2014). “The rise of left formations such as Syriza and Podemos presents new challenges.”
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Tidslinjen: 15. maj 2011 om oprørsbevægelsen Democracia real YA (= M15).
- Tidslinjen: 13. april 2014 om Ernesto Laclau. (Se nedenfor)
Source: In Support of Podemos (Public Voices, Vol.1, No.2, Summer 2014). We express our support of this initiative, of its open and participatory method, hoping that its efforts will materialize and spread throughout many other countrieswe express our support of this initiative, of its open and participatory method, hoping that its efforts will materialize and spread throughout many other countries.. Signed: Gilbert Achcar, Judith Butler, Noam Chomsky, Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, Slavoj Ziezek, et al.
30. januar 2014
Trods modstand, bl.a. rekordstor online underskriftsindsamling, uro i regeringspartiers baglande og demonstration samme dag, vedtager Folketingets Finansudvalg på forslag af finansminister Bjarne Corydon at sælge 19% af energiselskabet DONG til den berygtede amerikanske investeringsbank Goldman Sachs.
Links på
Emneord: Goldman Sachs
Ding dong dynamodemo. Fotoreportage fra demo 29. januar 2014.
Goldman Sachs og metoder til afvikling af den offentlige sektor. Af Anders Lundkvist (4. februar 2014)
Udsalg af arvesølvet? Af Karen Helveg Petersen (29. januar 2014). “Artiklen gennemgår nogle aspekter af Dongs finansielle position og værdiansætning samt de risici, det står over for.”
Andre links:
Goldman Sachs ( Med links om DONG-købet.
Goldman Sachs sælger sidste Dong-aktier: Har tjent 12,4 milliarder. Af Mathias Sommer (, 12. oktober 2017)
Nyrup om DONG-sagen: Der var en ekstrem mangel på kompetence i Finansministeriet. Af Erik Holstein (, 20. februar 2017). Interview med Poul Nyrup Rasmussen: “DONG-ledelsen havde en privat økonomisk interesse i, at firmaet blev vurderet så lavt som muligt.”
Det gyldne projekt, der blæste i vinden. Af Anders-Peter Mathiasen og Erik Valeur (, kronik, 29. december 2016). “Investeringsbanken Goldman Sachs og en række ledende Dong-folk blev forgyldt, da staten solgte de aktier, som kort efter steg til skyhøjt niveau. Nu undersøger Rigsrevisionen forløbet.”
Salget af Dong ligner en ny tamilsag. Af Anders-Peter Mathiasen (, kronik, 4. november 2015). “Det danske samfund har mistet en formue ved at fraskrive sig Dong – er det ikke på tide at Rigsrevisionen kigger på hele suppedasen?” Se også: Kronik på Vildspor. Misforståelser og fakta vedr. bogen ’Det bedste bud’. Svar på kronikken i Politikken af Martin Barlebo, kommunikationschef i DONG Energy (, 10. november 2015)
18 timers eftertanke. Af Anders-Peter Mathiasen (, 11. april 2015). Se også hans ny bog: Det bedste bud (People’s Press, 2015, 250 sider) + anmeldelse af Niels Nørgaard: Goldman Sachs vinder altid: Forrygende bog giver indblik i dramaet bag (, 24. april 2015).
DONG og politikkens disciplinering. Af Jan Helbak (Kritisk Debat, 27. januar 2014)
Dokumentation: Fra strukturreform til DONG (pdf). Af Jan Helbak (Kritisk Debat, januar 2014, 98 sider). En række artikler fra KD 2004-2014.
Video: Goldman Sachs: Power and Peril (CNBC, 2010, 42 min., på
Se også:
»Stop salget af DONG. Gør det« (, 20. september 2019). “I anledning af udgivelsen af Kim Kristensens bog om Enhedslistens første 30 år, bringer Solidaritet her et uddrag fra bogen, der kigger på partiets reaktion på DONG-salget.” (Det hærdede stål: historien om Enhedslistens første 25 år i Folketinget, Momenta, 2019, 300 s.).
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Linkboxen: Kapitalismen i krise (1) 2008
- Linkboxen: Kapitalismen i krise (2) 2009-
30. januar 2014
SFs formand Annette Wilhelmsen bebuder sin afgang som formand, ekstraordinært landsmøde og at SF går fra Thorning-Schmidts S-R-SF-regering. Begrundelsen har baggrund i partiets kritiske holdning til salget af 19% aktier i DONG, som medførte, at flere markante forlod ledelsen af Folketingsgruppen og partiet. Og som medfører, at flere ministre forlader SF. Astrid Krag til Socialdemokraterne og Ida Auken til Det Radikale Venstre.
Kommentar til Kommentariet. Af Anders Lundkvist (, 31. januar 2014)
SF, velkommen tilbage til virkeligheden. Af Jørn Andersen (, 31. januar 2014)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Linkboxen: Socialistisk Folkeparti, SF (1959- )
1. februar 2014
Sidste nr. af VS- tidsskriftet Solidaritet udkommer. Startet som 4 siders 4-uddelingsblad udgivet af «unge arbejdere og studenter», VS’s partiforening i Herning.
For links, se Tidslinjen: 1. maj 1979
5. februar 2014
Demonstrationer mod privatiseringer og arbejdsløshed starter i Tuzla og spreder sig til en række andre byer i Bosnien-Hercegovina til større strejker, protester og opstand mod regeringen.
På dansk:
‘På vej ud af kontrol i en rivende fart’. Her er 5 ting, du skal vide om krisen i Bosnien (, 18. december 2021). “Situationen i Bosnien er blevet anspændt, og risikoen for en ny krig er rykket nærmere. Ulrik Kohl og Eva Milsted Enoksen er selv bosat i landets hovedstad Sarajevo, og skriver om de væsentligste grunde til, at tingene igen er ved at løbe løbsk på Balkan.”
Bosnien-Hercegovina: Basisdemokratisk oprør mod nationalisme og fattigdom. Af Krsto Lazarevic (Autonom Infoservice, 1. maj 2014). “Efter hårde konfrontationer med statsmagten og med nationalister i februar 2014 er der opstået basis- demokratiske strukturer i form af folkeforsamlinger i talrige byer i Bosnien-Hercegovina. De har opstillet en del sociale fælles krav og kræver regeringens afgang.”
Tuzla, arbejdernes og folkets ukendte hovedstad i Europa (Socialistisk Information, 24. marts 2014). “Olivier Besancenot fra det franske NPA rapporterer fra en rejse til Tuzla, som er centrum for et socialt oprør mod privatiseringer og korrupte politikere. Oprøret har bredt sig til hele Bosnien-Herzegovina og tvunget regeringen til at gå af, mens folkeforsamlinger begynder at overtage styringen.”
Socialt oprør i Bosnien-Herzegovina. Af Catherine Samary (Socialistisk Information, 23. februar 2014). “Foråret er kommet allerede midt i vinterkulden, og ingen ved, hvor langt den sociale og demokratiske eksplosion vil gå. Men allerede nu står det klart, at den vil efterlade dybe spor, og at den kan sprede sig som en steppebrand.”
Støt befolkningen i Bosnien-Herzegovina. Af Tariq Ali mfl. (Socialistisk Information, 19. februar 2014). “Vi underskrivere udtrykker vores fulde støtte til befolkningen i Bosnien-Herzegovinas legitime krav og retfærdige vrede. Deres råb om et anstændigt liv, sand demokrati, en solidaritet uden grænser – hverken etniske, nationale eller religiøse, social lighed og retfærdighed – .”
Folkelig opstand ryster Bosnien-Hercegovina. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (, 1. februar 2014). “Regeringsbygninger sat i brand og folkekomitéer oprettet i flere byer: Protester mod privatiseringer og arbejdsløshed har udløst krav om demokratisering af det politiske system i Bosnien-Hercegovina.” Med mange links.
Fremragende kaos i Bosnien. Af Slavoj Ziezek (, 13. februar 2014). “For første gang siden borgerkrigen og den etniske udrensning demonstrerer bosniakker, kroater og serbere nu sammen imod deres nationalistiske ledere.”
In English:
- Bosnia-Herzegovina Protest Files (site)
- 2014 unrest in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 2014 unrest in Bosnia and Herzegovina (
- Bosnia-Herzegovina Protest Files (site). News, statements and documents about protests in BH.
Bosnia-Herzegovina: 25 years after Dayton. By Len Glover (Solidarity & Workers Libery, Issue 575, 9 December 2020)
Plenums, power, politics. By Jan Malewski (International Viewpoint, Issue 473, June 2014)
Bosnia: a new kind of social movement. By Bob Myers (Solidarity, Issue 318, 26 March 2014)
Tuzla, the unknown capital of the Europe of workers and peoples. By Olivier Besancenot (International Viewpoint, Issue 470, 19 March 2014)
Class and democracy in Bosnia’s protest movement. By Mike Carey (Solidarity, Issue 316, 12 March 2014)
The mass popular uprising in Bosnia-Herzegovina: 20 years after the war. By Gal Kim (New Socialist, 26 February 2014)
All power to the plenums? By Mate Kapović (International Viewpoint, Issue 469, February 2014)
Bosnia: a new stage in the European revolution. By Sandro Tsipouras (In Defence of Marxism, 14 February 2014)
Bosnia’s magnificent uprising: Heralding a new era of class politics? By Michael Karadjis (Links, February 13, 2014)
Open letter of support for citizens of Bosnia-Herzegovina. By Tariq Ali m.fl. (CADTM, 12 February 2014)
Bosnians aren’t arguing about national identity now: this is an economic war. By Andrej Nikolaidis (The Guardian, 12 February 2014)
Class struggle in Bosnia and Hercegovina: Casus belli for major social unrest in Croatia? By Karlo Vujeva (In Defence of Marxism, 12 February 2014)
Information concerning the current rebellion in Bosnia and Herzegovina for our foreign comrades. By Red Action (Croatia) (The Red Phoenix, February 12, 2014)
The revolt rocking Bosnia. By James Robertson (, February 11, 2014)
The people’s uprising: a break with Dayton Bosnia? By Andreja Zjykovic (Counterfire, 10 February 2014)
Balkans for the peoples of the Balkans. By Andreja Živković and Matija Medenica (LeftEast, 31 May 2013)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Tidslinjen: 25. juni 1991 om borgerkrigen i Ex-Jugoslavien/on the civil war in Ex-Yugoslavia.
- Tidslinjen: 10. juli 1995 om Srebrenica-massakren.
- Tidslinjen: 24. marts 1999 om NATO-krigen mod Serbien/on the NATO war against Serbia.
- Tidslinjen: 11. marts 2006 om Slobodan Milosevic.
- Tidslinjen: 17. februar 2008 om Kosovos selvstændighed/on the independence of Kosovo.
10. februar 2014
Den britiske venstrefløjs-kulturhistoriker Stuart Hall dør i London (født 3. februar 1932 i Kingston, Jamaica). Aktiv i grundlæggelsen af bl.a. tidsskrifterne New Left Review og Marxism Today.
Stuart Hall (cultural theorist) ( With many notes and online references.
The Work of Stuart Hall. By Duncan Thomas (Verso, Blog, 3 December 2015). “Below is a list of his (staggering) life’s work.”
Multikulturalisme, venstrepolitisk engagement og kulturens politik. Af Mikkel Bolt (, 11. september 2014)
Stuart Hall in perspective. By Alex Callinicos (International Socialism, Issue 142, Spring 2014)
Stuart Hall, 1932-2014. By Robin Blackburn (New Left Review, Issue 86, March-April 2014)
Stuart Hall interviewed by Sut Jhally (Vimeo, 60 min.). London, August 30, 2012.
Stuart Hall Project (, 2013). “… this documentary interweaves 70 years of Stuart Hall’s film, radio and television appearances, and material from his private archive …” One is this:
The great moving nowhere show (pdf). By Stuart Hall (Marxism Today, November-December 1998, p.9-14)
Life and times of the first new left [1989]. By Stuart Hall (New Left Review, Issue 61, January-February 2010, p.177-196)
The despair of the reformist (pdf). By Alex Callinicos (Socialist Review, June 1983). Review of Martin Jacques and Stuart Hall, The Politics of Thatcherism (Lawrence & Wishart, 1983)
The great moving right show (pdf). By Stuart Hall (Marxism Today, January 1979, p.14-20)
Se også/See also:
Marxism Today (
Marxism Today: An anatomy. By John Saville (Socialist Register 1990, p.35-59)
The politics of Marxism Today. By Alex Callinicos (International Socialism, Issue 29, Summer 1985, p.128-168)
The new revisionism in Britain. By Ralph Miliband (New Left Review, Issue 150, March-April 1985, p.5-26). Only abstract online.
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen: januar 1960 om tidsskriftet New Left Review.
27. februar 2014
Efter at opstanden “Euromaidan” i Ukraine førte til indsættelse af en overgangsregering 21. februar og præsident Viktor Janukovitjs flugt, bliver der dannet en udbryderregering på Krim. Russiske soldater tager derefter kontrol over Krim-halvøens militære forlægninger, lufthavne og lokalparlamentets bygning.
Opstanden i Ukraine startede 21. november 2013, se Tidslinjen for links.
På dansk:
- Krimkrisen 2014 (
- Krim (
Annekteringen av Krim och upproret i östra Ukraina 2014 (pdf). Af Martin Fahlgren (, 9. august 2023, 9 s.). “Dessa händelser är fortfarande en stridsfråga inom vänstern, där det på sina håll råder en skrämmande okunskap och faktaresistens. Denna artikel tittar närmare på detta.”
Konflikten i Ukraine: endnu en langvarig, fastfrosset konflikt? Af Søren Riishøj (, 5. november 2019). Anmeldelse af Jens Malling: Krigen i Ukraine – hvordan en geopolitisk konflikt sønderriver et europæisk land (Trembita, 2019, 336 s.). “Hvordan et fornuftigt kompromis om Ukraine kan se ud, får vi ikke svar på i bogen, men den giver et godt indblik i, hvorfor det er svært.”
Ukraine – i Vesten og i virkelighedens verden. Af Jens Jørgen Nielsen (Kritisk Debat, 15. april 2015; online på DBC Webarkiv). “Stadig mere tyder på, at ’det ukrainske projekt’ ikke vil lykkes. For det første står det ret klart, at den ’ukrainske revolution’ ikke udgjorde et opgør med oligark-strukturen …”
Syndikalister i Ukraine: Den fascistiske fare er størst i de russisk besatte områder. Af Asbjørn Nielsen og Maja Maria Christensen (, 11. marts 2015). Interview med aktivister fra organisationen Autonomous Workers Union.
Det store magtspil: Ukraine i fokus. Af Steffen Østergaard Sørensen (Socialistisk Information, 1. november 2014). Anmeldelse af Demos Dokumentationsgruppe: Det store magtspil – med Ukraine i fokus (Demos Nyhedsbrev, nr.109-111, 2014, 59 sider)
Ukraine-krisen og en ny verdensorden? Af Jens Jørgen Nielsen (Kritisk Debat, 15. oktober 2014; online på DBC Webarkiv). “Krisen i Ukraine har ikke bare en regional betydning. De politiske og økonomiske følgevirkninger rækker langt ud i fremtiden og får konsekvenser for hele verden, selvfølgelig ikke mindst for EU.”
Ukranie-konflikten: At skyde sig selv i foden. Af Jens Jørgen Nielsen (Kritisk Debat, 15. august 2014; online på DBC Webarkiv). “De sociale forhold i Ukraine er katastrofale, og landet er dybt splittet af en borgerkrig. Udviklingen er ikke til gavn for Europa.”
Ukraine: Mellem pest og kolera – er der en udvej? Af Joanne Landy (Socialistisk Information, 22. juli 2014). “Regeringerne i USA og Rusland forsøger at tilpasse situationen i Ukraine til deres egne interesser, ikke til gavn for det ukrainske folk. Ukraine har længe lidt under dominansen fra Moskva, under de russiske zarer og senere i Sovjetunionen, som det mest rædselsvækkende, under Stalin.”
Ukraine og vestens hykleri. Af Jens Jørgen Nielsen (Kritisk Debat, 15. april 2014; online på DBC Webarkiv). “Jeg har mulighed for at følge med i både vestlig og russisk mediedækning af hele Ukraine-problematikken. Der er tale om to helt forskellige fortællinger, narrativer, som det hedder lidt mere akademisk.”
Vestens rolle i Ukraines gasproblemer. Af Karen Helveg Petersen (, 27. marts 2014). “Naturgasforsyningen fra Rusland til Ukraine og Vesteuropa er en faktor i den igangværende konflikt i området. Bag larmen fra krigstrommerne i Europas sydøstlige hjørne ligger blandt andet det betændte forhold omkring naturgasforsyningen fra Rusland til Ukraine og Vesteuropa.”
Ruslands anneksion af Krim: hvilke konsekvenser for internationale relationer? Af Francesco Merli (Revolution, 24. marts 2014). “Putins tale understreger den stigende frustration hos den herskende klasse i Rusland, mod USA’s konstante indblanding i hvad de anser som deres naturlige indflydelsessfære.”
Ukraine: ”Venstrefløjen har ikke mere end 1.000 aktivister …” (Autonom Infoservice, 20. marts 2014). Interview med sociologen Volodimyr Ischtschenko om venstrefløjens fremtid i Ukraine.”
Solidaritet vil redde Ukraine fra intervention (Socialistisk Information, 8. marts 2014). “Den socialistiske sammenslutning ‘Venstreoppositionen’ fremlægger sin vurdering af den russiske agression i Krim og de ukrainske nationalisters destruktive rolle.”
Storpolitiken, Ukraine og den danske mediepropaganda. Af Curt Sørensen (, 6. marts 2014). “Jeg skal love for at Jakob Lindbloms – i øvrigt fortræffelige – artikel om udviklingen i og omkring Ukraine har fremkaldt betydelig ophidselse og en del vrede indlæg … Jeg skal blot i al stilfærdighed i forlængelse af Jakobs indlæg fremhæve den storpolitiske indramning.”
EU’s hykleri i Ukraine. Af Jacob Lindblom (, 5. marts 2014). “For at forstå det ukrainske galehus, så kræver det lidt historie.”
In English:
- 2014 Russian military intervention in Ukraine (
- 2014 Ukrainian revolution (
- 2014 Crimean crisis (
- 2014 pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine (
- Topics: Ukraine (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal)
2014: how Russia seized Crimea. By Dale Street (Solirarity & Workers Liberty, Issue 700, 20 February 2024). “Ten years ago — in the early hours of 23 February 2014 — Russian President Vladimir Putin met with his personal advisers and military and security chiefs. The meeting agreed that Russia should seize the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.”
A US-backed, far right–led revolution in Ukraine helped bring us to the brink of war. By Branko Marcetic (Jacobin, February 7, 2022). “In 2014 Ukraine, great power gamesmanship, righteous anger at a corrupt status quo, and opportunistic far-right extremists toppled the government in the Maidan Revolution. Today’s crisis in Ukraine can’t be understood without understanding Maidan.”
Self-determination for Ukraine! (Workers’ Liberty, 5 January 2022). “Marko Bojcun spoke to Sacha Ismail about the threat of conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Marko is an independent writer and former academic.”
Explaining Ukraine’s second Maidan. By Maciej Bancarzewski (International Socialism, Issue 158, Spring 2018). Review of Chris Kaspar de Ploeg, Ukraine in the Crossfire (Clarity Press, 2017, 353 p.): “The book is a critical left wing antidote to the media bias and blackout on Ukrainian current affairs.”
A socialist case for Ukraine (Socialist Review, Issue 400, March 2015). “On the anniversary of the fall of Ukrainian President Yanukovych, which marked the onset of the current conflict, Rob Ferguson and Tomas Tengely-Evans interview Volodymyr Ishchenko in Kiev.”
Leftists, Liberals, and Ukraine: A tale of double standards. By Stephen Velychenko (Krytyka, March 2015). Review of Stephen Lendman (ed.), Flashpoint Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks World War III (Clarity Press, 2014): “Pro-Kremlin leftists and liberals seem to think Putin’s Russian neoliberal capitalism preferable to Anglo-American and European neoliberal capitalism and tolerate his imperialist drive to maintain Russian hegemony if not full control over Ukraine.”
The oligarchic rebellion in the Donbas. By Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski (International Viewpoint, Issue 480, January 2015). “In the geopolitics of domination of Russian imperialism in Ukraine and all along the western extent of the “Russian World” – conceived in the monarchist-orthodox manner and that of the Black Hundreds and White Guards – the Donbas is extremely important.”
Russian imperialism today. By Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski (Ukraine Solidarity Campaign, November 27, 2014). “Over the centuries, until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the peoples who were conquered and annexed by Russia suffered three successive forms of Russian imperialist domination.”
Ukraine: No siding with nationalists (Weekly Worker, Issue 1025, 11 September 2014). “Eddie Ford argues that working class political independence cannot be built by backing the pawns of imperialism.”
Ukraine: imperialism, war and the left. By Rob Ferguson (International Socialism, Issue 144, Autumn 2014). “A debate has emerged on the left over how to respond to Russia’s role in the conflict. Behind these debates lie differences in approach to the understanding of imperialism in general and, among Marxists, how we should apply our understanding of the classic theory of imperialism developed by revolutionaries in the early 20th century.”
The Russian far right. By Ben Neal (The Project: A Socialist Journal, September 3, 2014; online at Internet Archive). “… [about] the Russian far right and the extent of its involvement in the civil war currently raging in south eastern Ukraine.”
Understanding the Civil War in Ukraine. By David Mandel (The Bullet, E-Bulletin, No.1025, August 24, 2014). “My goal is to offer a framework that can help in understanding and evaluating the mass of information about the conflict coming from governments and the media.”
Crisis in Ukraine (pdf) (A New Politics pamphlet, June 2014, 24 p.). “Here we offer three articles that we think help us make sense of what’s going on, by Joanne Landy, Kevin B. Anderson, and Sean Larson. Landy and Anderson attempt to provide a political assessment of what has been going on, while Larson offers some important background on the Ukrainian elite.”
Ukraine’s fractures (New Left Review, Issue 87, May-June 2014). Også i svensk oversættelse på (pdf, 18 s.). “Kiev-based sociologist Volodymyr Ishchenko discusses the unfolding of the Ukrainian crisis and its outcomes to date.”
Ukraine’s spiraling crisis. By David Finkel (Solidarity (US), May 7, 2014). “The crisis is closer to the point where one explosion or tactical miscalculation might overtake the rational calculations of imperial state interests.” With links to Darkness in May: A socialist eye-witness in Odessa (May 4) + interview with Volodymyr Ishchenko, a sociologist studying social protests in Ukraine (April 19).
Eye-witnesses in Odessa (Solidarity (UK), Issue 323, 7 May 2014). “Articles by Ukrainian and Russian left activists (and one by the Russian Communist Party) about last Friday’s events in Odessa …”
Ukraine: A call for solidarity against the neo-fascist violence of ‘Black Friday’ (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, May 5, 2014). “This appeal and article are from Borotba (“Struggle”), an important organisation of the Ukrainian left.”
Boris Kagarlitsky on eastern Ukraine: The logic of a revolt (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, May 1, 2014). “Boris Kagarlitsky on the background to Ukraine’s growing revolutionary movement in the south east”.
Ukraine: a carnival of reaction looms? By Rob Ferguson (Socialist Review, Issue 391, May 2014). “The most reactionary forces have seized the initiative on both sides of the divide.”
Report from a visit in Kiev in April 2014 (, April 29, 2014). “These are notes from discussions with activists of left-wing groups in Kiev in April 2014, including members from the Autonomous Workers’ Union, Left Opposition and Student Direct Action, as well as visits at Maidan.”
Where is Putin’s Russia going? (, April 22, 2014). Interview with Ilya Budraitskis, a historian and spokesperson for the Russian Socialist Movement.
Imperial delusions. By Alex Callinicos (International Socialism, Issue 142, Spring 2014). “The reaction of the Western left to this enormous crisis has been, to put it mildly, confused. Far too many (including some who should know better) have been willing to cast a blind eye at or find excuses for Russia’s military intervention.”
A CounterPunch special report: The Ukraine imbroglio and the decline of the American Empire. By Arno J. Mayer (April 18-20, 2014). “It might also be salutary to note that this standoff on Ukraine-Crimea is taking place in the unending afterglow of the Second Cold War and at a time when the sun is beginning to set on the American Empire as a new international system of multiple great powers emerges.”
Boris Kagarlitsky on Ukraine: From the Maidan to the revolution? (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, April 13, 2014). “In Ukraine, a genuine revolution is unfolding. This may seem strange, but it is something very characteristic of the history of that country.”
Is Crimea another Kosovo? (, March 27, 2014). “ recounts the history of Kosovo, before and after the breakup of the ex-Yugoslavia, and assesses the accuracy of Russia’s comparisons to Crimea.”
Annexations. By Susan Watkins (New Left Review, Issue 86, March-April 2014). “The actual record of 20th-century land grabs, and the cross-cutting geopolitical pressures bearing down on Ukraine.”
Editor of Ukranian leftwing site: The enemy is within (In Defence of Marxism, 25 March 2014). “We publish an interview with Ukrainian left-wing activist Kolesnik Dmitry. The interview gives an excellent insight to the situation in Ukraine and the forces that are at play.”
Ukraine: four points in response to Chris Nineham. By Anindya Bhattacharyya, Estelle Cooch and Ben Neal (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, March 24, 2014). “It suffers from a degree of strawfiguring: caricaturing one’s opponents’ positions, but we are all guilty of that to some extent. We want to mark, however, that “the main enemy is at home” was a response to the left openly backing their domestic imperialist war effort.”
Ukraine: why being neutral won’t stop a war (Counterfire, 23 March 2014). “Chris Nineham argues that being against imperialism in general isn’t enough – anti-war activists in the West need to oppose the aggressive expansion of the Nato military alliance.”
Ukraine: Positions of the European left (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, March 21, 2014). “A number of European left parties have released statements on the developments in Ukraine, Crimea and the region.”
The battle over Ukraine intensifies (, March 19, 2014). “ reports on the latest stage of a crisis that could tear Ukraine apart.”
Discussion: What stand for socialists on events in Crimea and Ukraine? By Roger Annis (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, March 18, 2014). “Two distinct views on the left have emerged to describe the political upheaval that has shaken Ukraine and Crimea in recent months.”
Crimea: a divisive, dangerous assault. By Gabriel Levy (New Socialist, 17 March 2014). “Struggles over social issues could be the starting-point for countering the poisonous effect of pro-Russian separatism on one side and extreme Ukrainian nationalism on the other. But radical socialists in Kyiv and in eastern Ukrainian cities emphasise that, in the immediate future, launching such struggles will not be easy.”
Who benefits from Ukraine’s economic crisis? (Hint: not average Ukrainians). By Jack Rasmus (Common Dreams, March 17, 2014). “What interests—in the Ukraine and global (i.e. western Europe, USA, Russia)—stand to benefit economically from recent and future events in the Ukraine? Who stands to lose?”
Ukraine between ‘Popular uprising for democracy’ and ‘Fascist putsch’. By David Mandel (MR Online, 12 March 2014). “In sum, although one cannot speak of a “fascist putsch,” fascists forces have emerged from the events with increased strengthen and legitimacy.”
Ukraine and the national question (, March 11, 2014). “ and explain how the imperial relationship with Russia has affected Ukraine’s economic and political developments, past and present.”
A contradictory revolt in Ukraine. By Tomas Tengely-Evans (Socialist Review, Issue 389, March 2014). “The situation in Ukraine is fast moving and complex and it is easy to misunderstand what’s at play.”
Crimea: Danger of wider conflict. By Eddie Ford (Weekly Worker, Issue 1000, March 6, 2014). “Vladimir Putin is unlikely to back down over Crimea.”
Russian socialists against the war (, March 5, 2014). “On March 1, as Russian forces were completing their takeover in Crimea, the issued this statement saying no to war in Ukraine.”
Polite intervention’ and the Ukrainian uprising. By Boris Kagarlitsky (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, March 4, 2014). “The truth is that large-scale capital, both private and bureaucratic, has no need at present for a war.”
Statement of left and anarchist organizations about “Borotba” organization (English, German, Polish, French, Serbo-Croatian) (, March 3, 2014). “We, the collectives and members of Ukrainian leftist and anarchist organizations, announce that “Borotba” union is not a part of our movement.”
The threat of war hangs over Ukraine (, March 3, 2014). “ and provide the background for understanding Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine–and inter-imperialist rivalries that are coming to a head.”
Putin raises the stakes in imperialist Crimea crisis. By Alex Callinicos (Socialist Worker, Issue 2392, 3 March 2014). “Putin is engaging in an inter-imperialist power play. He is betting on the weakness of his rivals. He’s probably right about this.”
Russia, Ukraine and the West: Will there be war? By Alan Woods (In Defence of Marxism, 3 March 2014). “As Ukraine slides deeper into chaos, the sound of war drums gets ever louder.”
Declaration of Internationalists against the war in Ukraine (, March 2, 2014). Signed by KRAS, Russian section of the International Workers Association, Internationalists of Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Israel, Lithuania, Romania, Poland, Anarchist Federation of Moldova, Fraction of the Revolutionary Socialists (Ukraine), Workers Solidarity Alliance (North America).
10 things to remember about the crisis in Ukraine and the Crimea. By Lindsey German (Counterfire, 2 March 2014). “The situation in Ukraine and the Crimea and the rivalry between the West and Russia threatens to explode into a much larger war than has been seen for many years.” See critique from Richard Seymour: Ukraine: against infantile realpolitik (Lenin’s Tomb, March 5, 2014).
Crimea – not ‘ours’ or ‘yours’ (LeftEast, 2 March 2014). “Events in Ukraine are moving at a terrifying speed. This statement was prepared by the editors of the OpenLeft in the morning of March 1, 2014. Today, March 2, Russians in different cities will hold rallies against a possible Russian intervention into Ukraine.”
Ukraine: between Russia and the West. By Alastair Stephens (Counterfire, 2 March 2014). “Ukraine risks being torn apart by forces encouraged by the West and their pro-Russian opponents.”
Ukraine: Regime fall followed by fresh chaos. By Tony Iltis (Green Left Weekly, Issue 999, March 1, 2014). “The corruption and anti-people economic policies of the politicians elected after the “Orange Revolution” ― protests that brought down the government in 2004 ― has created scepticism about establishment politicians of all parties.”
Behind the Ukraine crisis (Socialism Today, Issue 176, March 2014). “Rob Jones looks at the different forces behind the Ukraine crisis.”
For the independence of Soviet Ukraine. By Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski (Life on the Left, March 6, 2022). “Originally published in the International Marxist Review, in 1989, while Ukraine was still part of the Soviet Union … The text explains the reasoning behind the demand as it was developed in the complex experience of the early Soviet government grappling with the Great Russian prejudices and practices inherited from the Tsarist regime.”
Problem of the Ukraine. By Leon Trotsky (Socialist Appeal, May 9, 1939; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “… his analysis in this article has withstood the test of the years and the turbulent events they encompassed. Today, more than a decade later the struggle of Yugoslavia against the oppressive Great Russian chauvinism of the Kremlin confirms what Trotsky wrote in 1939.”
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Tidslinjen 24. februar 2022 om Ruslands militære angreb på Ukraine.
- Tidslinjen 21. november 2013, om “Euromaidan” i Ukraine.
- Tidslinjen 3. august 2008 om det russiske angreb på Georgien.
14. marts 2014
Den britiske Labour-venstrefløjspolitiker Tony Benn dør i London (fødes 3. april 1925, se denne).
13. april 2014
Den politiske filosof og “postmarxist” Ernesto Laclau dør i Sevilla, Spanien (født 6. oktober 1935 i Buenos Aires, Argentina). Bla. kendt fra bogen Hegemony and Socialist Strategy fra 1985, skrevet sammen med partneren Chantal Mouffe (see the book online at
- Ernesto Laclau + Chantal Mouffe (
- Hegemony and Socialist Strategy (
Diskursteori som projekt og alternativ – en oversigt over Ernesto Laclaus og Chantal Mouffes større udgivelser, 2008-2016. Af Carsten Jensen (Slagmark, nr.74, efterår 2016). Essayanmeldelse: “Postmarxisme eller diskursteori er de ord, Ernesto Laclau og Chantal Mouffe selv har hæftet på deres form for politisk teori og filosofi.”
Højrefløjen skal bekæmpes med populisme. Af Torben Clausen (, 9. juli 2001). Interview med Ernesto Laclau: “Den argentinske politiske filosof Ernesto Laclau efterlyser en ny folkelig og mere populistisk politik.”
Både post-marxisme og post-marxisme: Erneste Laclau og Chantal Mouffes diskursteori (pdf). Af Jacob Torfing (Arbejderhistorie, nr.2, 1998, s.32-44). “En række centrale marxistiske indsigter har overlevet indenfor de samfundsfaglige miljøer på de danske universiteter, blandt andet i kraft af at de er blevet omplantet og har fået et nyt voksested indenfor Ernesto Laclau og Chanta lMouffes diskursteori.”
Ernesto Laclau, Podemos inspirationskälla (pdf). Av Razmig Keucheyan och Renaud Lambert (Le Monde Diplomatique: norsk utgave, nr.10, oktober 2015; online på “Han har fått stort inflytande inom den radikala vänstern i Spanien, men hans synsätt förtjänar en kritisk bedömning.”
Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s Post-Marxism can’t give us a political strategy. By Michael Beay (Jacobin, July 13, 2023). “Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe claimed to have identified the fatal flaw of Marxism and developed a better framework for left politics. But their taboo against class “essentialism” means they can’t identify the strengths and weaknesses of capitalist power.”
Ernesto Laclau: Post-Marxism, Populism and Critique. By Will Horner (Marx & Philosophical Review of Books, 16 July 2015). Review of David Howarth’s (ed.) book (Routledge, 2014, 294 p.). “… the sad passing of Laclau in April last year means this volume is one of the first attempts to present the totality of Laclau’s corpus.”
Ernesto Laclau obituary. By Robin Blackburn (The Guardian, 23 May 2014). “Argentinian philosopher whose ideas influenced politicians from Latin America’s new left.”
Ernesto Laclau (1935–2014) (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, April 16, 2014). “Adrià Porta Caballé looks back at his life and pays tribute.”
Ernesto Laclau, 1935-2014. By Robin Blackburn (Verso, Blog, 14 April 2014). “He was the author of landmark studies of Marxist theory and of populism as a political category and social movement.”
Post-Marxism: An intellectual history (pdf). By Stuart Sim (Routledge, 2000; online at Internet Archive WayBackMachine). See chapter 2-3: “The Laclau–Mouffe affair” (p.12-47).
Hearts, minds and radical democracy. By Dave Castle (Red Pepper, June 1998). Interview with Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe.
Mistaken identity – or can identity politics liberate the oppressed? By Sharon Smith (International Socialism, Issue 62, Spring 1994, p.3-50). Scroll down to the section: Post-Marxism: politics in a void (p.25-32), with a critique of Laclau/Mouffe.
God only knows (pdf) (Marxism Today, December 1991, p.56-58). “Ernesto Laclau discusses why marxism as a system of thought is outmoded.”
Defending the orthodoxy. By Paul Kellogg (International Socialism, Issue 37, Winter 1988, p.118–130). Review of of Ernesto Laclau & Chantal Mouffe, Hegemony & Socialist Strategy (Verso, 1985). “Hegemony is an eloquent textbook of the new revisionism but is completely dishonest in its method.”
Post-Marxism? By Norman Geras (New Left Review, Issue 163, May-June 1987, p.40-82). Only first page online.
Post-Marxism without apologies. By Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe (New Left Review, Issue 166, November-December 1987, p.79-106). Only first page online. See the whole article at
Marxism or Post-Marxism? By Nicos Mouzelis (New Left Review, Issue 167, January-February 1988, p.107-123). Only first page online.
Ex-Marxism without substance: Being a real reply to Laclau and Mouffe. By Norman Geras (New Left Review, Issue 169, May-June 1988, p.34-62). Only first page online.
The Retreat from Class: A New “True” Socialism (pdf). By Ellen Meiksins Wood (Verso, 1986). See chapter 4 (p.47-74) with critique of Laclau/Mouffe. Svensk oversættelse af kap. 4: Autonomiseringen av ideologi och politik (pdf) (, 2. marts 2016, 18 sider)
Beyond class? A reply to Chantal Mouffe. By Peter Meiksins and Ellen Meiksins Wood (Studies in Political Economy, Issue 17, 1985, p.141-165). “In her article Chantal Mouffe calls for a redefinition of the socialist project.”
Working class hegemony and the struggle for socialism. By Chantal Mouffe (Studies in Political Economy, Issue 12, 1983, p.7-26)
Socialist strategy – where next? (pdf). By Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe (Marxism Today, January 1981, p.18-22). Svensk udgave: Den socialistiska strategin: vadan och varthän? (pdf) (Zenit, nr.70, 1981, 11 s.; online på
Photo: Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe (Source: Understanding Podemos: Radical populism (Left Flank, November 2014).
Demokrati og hegemoni. Af Ernesto Laclau og Chantal Mouffe. Red. Carsten Jensen (Akademisk Forlag, 1997, 211 sider)
Se også:
Diskursteori som projekt og alternativ – en oversigt over Ernesto Laclaus og Chantal Mouffes større udgivelser, 2008-2016. Af Carsten Jensen (Slagmark, nr.74, efterår 2016). Essayanmeldelse: “Postmarxisme eller diskursteori er de ord, Ernesto Laclau og Chantal Mouffe selv har hæftet på deres form for politisk teori og filosofi.”
Katalysator #5 – Chantal Mouffe og venstrepopulismen (Radioaktiv, januar 2019). “Janus Rønbach og Kristoffer Schønnemann Andersen diskuterer populismens væsen, med udgangspunkt i Chantal Mouffes nye bog For a Left Populisme.”
Tid til populisme på venstrefløjen? Af Simon Nyborg (Eftertryk, 10. oktober 2018). Anmeldelse af Chantal Mouffe: For a Left Populism: “… diskursteoriens Grand Old Lady, Chantal Mouffe, smider de akademiske gevandter og kommer med en utvetydig opfordring til at etablere en venstrepopulistisk front. Hvad er det lige, der sker for venstrefløjen?”
Politisk bevægelse i Europa og Mellemøsten (pdf). Af André Sonnichsen, Allan Dreyer Hansen & Carsten Jensen (Slagmark, nr.71, 2015, s.213-224). Interview med Chantal Mouffe, der fandt sted i hendes hjem i Hampstead, Nordlondon, primo 2012.
Interview med Chantal Mouffe (
- Europa kan beskytte nationalstaterne. Af Lotte Folke Kaarsholm (20. marts 2007).
- Til kamp mod højre-populismen. Af Jørgen Staun (22. februar 2002).
- Midten fremmer højrefløjen. Af Bjarke Møller (18. februar 2002).
Gramsci, left populism and class struggle. By Rob Jackson (International Socialism, Issue 166, Spring 2020). “I will argue that Chantal Mouffe fetters her project to extend and radicalise democracy by diverging from Gramsci’s politics of socialism from below.”
For a left populism. By Josh Newman (Counterfire, January 17, 2019). Review of Chantal Mouffe’s book (Verso Books 2018, 93 p.). “Mouffe’s elaboration of a left populist strategy contains some useful insights but ultimately rests on the centrist ideology that it appears to criticise.” See also review by Anton Jäger: On the front lines of the Populism wars (Jacobin, 6 August 2018).
Is left populism a viable strategy? By Héctor Puente Sierra (Socialist Review, Issue 441, December 2018). “The renewed interest in this politics is shown by the recent publication of two books by Mouffe and by Laclau.”
17. april 2014
Den columbianske forfatter og Nobelprismodtager (i litteratur 1982). Gabriel José Garcia Márquez, dør i Mexico City, Mexico. (Født i Aracataca, Colombia, 6. marts 1927, se denne)
19. maj 2014
Den amerikanske progressive historiker Gabriel Kolko dør i Amsterdam, Holland. (Født i Peterson, New Jersey, 17. august 1932). Skrev om Roosevelt-tiden, Vietnamkrigen og især den kolde krig.
- Gabriel Kolko (
In memoriam, Gabriel Kolko. By Norman Pollack (CounterPunch, May 21, 2014). “… leaving behind a body of writings, unified in development as he peeled away layer after layer of American power, inequality, foreign aggression, and yes, idiocy as well as criminality and mendacity at the top.”
RIP Gabriel Kolko, a true free thinker. By Frank Furedi (Spiked, 20 May 2014). “He was a genuine radical whose work questioned both the prejudices inherent in conservative discourse as well as on the left. His scathing condemnation of American foreign policy, like his condemnation of the crudity of Maoist rhetoric, stand as a testimony to his intellectual and political integrity.”
Driving American decline. By G Francis Hodge (International Socialism, Issue 127, Summer 2010). Review of Gabriel Kolko, World in Crisis: The End of the American Century (Pluto, 2009). “There is much to like in this little book, and it provides an excellent primer for anyone who wishes to start looking more deeply into the contradictions of US capitalism.”
“After Socialism” – sad outcomes. By PHil Hearse (International Viewpoint, 21 April 2007). Review of Gabriel Kolko, After Socialism – Reconstructing Critical Social Thought (Routledge, 2006). “In a quite astonishingly embittered tirade Kolko, knowingly or otherwise, repeats some of the most exaggerated polemics made by right-wing critics of Marxism.”
Gabriel Kolko’s “After Socialism”. By Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxist, December 25, 2006). “Like many critics of socialism in the academy, Kolko blames its failure on bad ideas.”
12. juni 2014
Start på VM i fodbold i Brasilien (afsluttes 13. juli).
Om de sociale, politiske og økonomiske forhold ifm. afholdelsen af VM.
På dansk:
VM i fodbold 2014 (
Elsker fodbold – hader FIFA. Fotograf: Jesper Qvist. Fotoreportage fra “bold-manifestation” 27. juni 2014 ved den brasilianske ambassade.(Modkraft Foto)
Kritikken af Brasiliens fodbold-VM er fuld af myter. Af Marina Jakobsen (, 12. juni 2014)
VM-2014: ‘Alene i Rio de Janeiro er 100.000 beboere blevet tvangsforflyttet …’ (Autonom Infoservice, 6. juni 2014). Interview med Clara Hirt, aktivist i en lokal basiskomité i Rio de Janeiro.
In English:
2014 protests in Brazil (
The story of resistance to FIFA’s war on Brazilian people – Video Blog (Revolution News, 06/13/2014 – online på WayBack Machine)
Neoliberal games. By Mike Marqusee (International Socialist Review, Issue 93, Summer 2014). Review of Dave Zirin, Brazil’s Dance With the Devil: The World Cup, the Olympics, and the Fight for Democracy (Haymarket Books, 2014, 262 p.)
Resistance in Rio (RS21, June 23, 2014). “Ali Sargent, based in Brazil, looks at the background and character of the protests.”
World Cup of repression, protests and strikes is changing the game in Brazil. By Henrique Sanchez (Socialist Worker, Issue 2407, 15 June 2014)
Hybrid loyalties at the World Cup. By David McMurray (MERIP, June 15, 2014). “The World Cup stirs up nationalist fervor across the Mediterranean, but nowhere more so than in Algeria and France.”
Let them eat soccer. By Mike LaSusa (Jacobin, 13 June 2014). “Anti-World Cup protests rage in Brazil, but political struggle has long known the beautiful game.”
Stealing back the game (Weekly Worker, Issue 1014, 12 June 2014). “As the World Cup begins in earnest, Harley Filben examines the tense political background.”
Brazil: Who is the World Cup for? By Alex Minoru and Gabriel Pinho (In Defence of Marxism, 12 June 2014). “Highlights of the enormous social and class contradictions that have surfaced around the tournament.”
Who’s using the World Cup? By Dave Zirin (, June 11, 2014). “Days before the World Cup begins, mass unrest is making Brazilian leaders worried.”
FIFA World Cup: Wave of protests and strikes unleashed in Brazil. By Farshad Azadian (In Defence of Marxism, 10 June 2014)
Brazilian workers clash with police on eve of World Cup. By Rafael Azul (World Socialist Web Site, 10 June 2014)
FIFA corruption and Brazil 2014: the ugly face of the beautiful game. By Steve Jones (In Defence of Marxism, 9 June 2014)
Striking on the eve of the Cup (, June 5, 2014). “Dirceu Travesso, writing on behalf of the Brazilian labor federation Central Sindical e Popular-Conlutas, calls for international solidarity.”
Pelé said what? By Dave Zirin (The Nation, May 20, 2014). “Even the legend Pelé, often deferential to those in power, has criticized the World Cup.”
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen: 1. juni 2013 om de omfattende demonstrationer og folkelige protester i Brasilien.
29. juni 2014
Den islamiske organisation ISIS ændrer sit navn og kalder sig Den Islamiske Stat (IS), tidligere Islamiske Stat i Irak og Levanten (ISIS/ISIL, Daesh), og opretter et sunni-islamisk kalifat i de kontrollerede områder af Irak og Syrien. IS angriber irakiske Kurdistan, og USA bomber IS-baser.
ISIL/ISIS change its name to IS (Islamic State) to mark the founding of a sunne-islamic caliphat.
Se også/See also the Timeline Tidslinjen 27. august 2014 længere nede for links om militær støtte til kurderne.
På dansk (og svensk):
Islamisk Stat (
Emne: Islamisk Stat (
Splittelsen i global Jihad: Kampen mellem IS og al-Qaeda (pdf). Af Lars Erslev Andersen mfl. (DIIS – Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier, august 2016, 178 s.). “Bogen har i alt 11 kapitler, som på forskellig vis belyser den globale jihadismes aktuelle splittelse.”
Portræt af et religiøst uhyre. Af Svend Vestergaard Jensen (Socialistisk Information, 7. maj 2016). Anmeldelse af Anne Alexander: Islamisk Stat – en militærstat i Mellemøsten (Forlaget Solidaritet, 2016, 104 s.)
Udfordringen fra IS. Af Michael Irwing Jensen (, 7. maj 2016). Anmeldelse af Fawaz A. Gerges: ISIS – A History (Princeton University Press, 2016, 368 p.)
Bekæmpelse af Islamisk Stat er en grænseløs opgave. Af Svend Vestergaard Jensen (, 18. februar 2016). “Den islamiske fundamentalisme kan kun bekæmpes, hvis verdenssamfundet er villig til at gøre op med aggresssiv imperialisme …”
Hvad er forklaringen på jihadisternes ondskab? Af Kenan Malik (, 28. november 2015). “Afkoblet fra de moralske rammer, der engang styrede antiimperialisterne, bebor islamistiske grupper i dag et alternativt moralsk univers.”
’Selv IS-sympatisører vender sig væk fra terroren’. Af Niels Ivar Larsen (, 23. november 2015). Interview med Gilles Kepel.
Terroranalytiker: Islamisk Stat kan ikke bekæmpes med bomber. Af Olympia Strunch (, 17. november 2015). Fra interview med Loretta Napoleoni, forfatter til Islamisk stat (Tiderne Skifter, 2015, 166 s.). Se også Ilyas Dogrus anmeldelse af Napoleonis bog: Kaos i Mellemøsten (pdf) (Det Ny Clarté, nr.30, september 2016, s.62-63). Scroll ned.
Attentaten i Paris: IS har nått sin begränsning (pdf). Av Olivier Roy (New York Times, 16.11.2015; oversat og online på, 20.11.2015)
IS og jihad-manualen. Af Lasse Ellegaard (, 16. november 2015). “Terrorangrebet i Paris ligger i forlængelse af IS’s strategi, som er nøje beskrevet i moderne jihad-teorier.”
Terror er også politik. Af Tobias Havmand (, 11. juli 2015). Anmeldelse af Michael Weiss og Hassan Hassan: ISIS – Inside the Army of Terror (Reagan Arts, 2015, 270 p.)
Hvad ved vi egentlig om Islamisk Stat? Af Lasse Ellegaard (, 24. juli 2015). Anmeldelse af Deniz B. Serenci: Terrorens kailfat: et indblik i Islamisk Stat (Frydenlund, 2015, 176 s.). Se også anmeldelse af Ilyas Dogru: Kaos i Mellemøsten (pdf) (Det Ny Clarté, nr.30, september 2016, s.62-63). Scroll ned.
Islamisk Stat var et forudsigeligt onde. Af Jason Burke (, 21. marts 2015). Anmeldelse af Patrick Cockburn: The Rise of Islamic State: Isis and the New Sunni Revolution (Verso, 2015, 192 p.). Se også: Patrick Cockburn om IS/ISIS: Recensioner av Jihadisternas återkomst (pdf) (, 11.10.2015)
De nye mongoler (, 7. februar 2015). Uddrag fra Loretta Napoleonis bog Islamisk Stat (Tiderne Skifter, 2015, 168 s.). Se anmeldelse af Charlotte Aagaard: Islamisk Stat er et moderne projekt (, 13. februar 2015)
Islamisk Stat i Irak og Syrien: Kalifatets orden skaber kaos i den nye krig mod terror. Af Lars Erslev Andersen (DIIS Report, nr.28, december 2014, 51 sider)
Isis: uppgång och bakgrunden till det nya kriget i Mellanöstern. Tariq Ali och Patrick Cockburn samtalar (pdf) (, 3.10.2014)
Islamisterne kommer – igen. Af Michael Irving Jensen (, 20. september 2014). Anmeldelse af Patrick Cockburn: The Jihadis Return: Isis and the New Sunni Uprising (OR Books, 2014, 150 p.). Se også Patrick Cockburn: Islamiska statens framväxt (pdf) (, 16. februar 2015)
Syrien brinner– två recensioner (pdf) (, 11.10.2014). “Om Aron Lunds viktiga och aktuella bok om upproret i Syrien.”
Situationen i Mellemøsten og vores opgaver. Af François Sabado (Socialistisk Information, 2.10.2014)
Islamiska statens historia (pdf). Av Walead Farwana (, 1. september 2014). Oversat fra: The history of the Islamic State (, August 24, 2014)
Baggrunden for IS: Der mangler et alternativ til venstre (Socialistisk Information, 07.09.2014). Interview med Gilbert Achcar.
Islamisk Stat er overordentlig moderne. Af Jason Burke (, 28. august 2014)
Våben til kurderne! Af Imdat Yilmaz og Allan Ahmad (, 28. august 2014)
Nej til endnu en USA-ledet krig i Irak (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr.340, 28. august 2014). Med links til artikler om ISIS og kurderne.
Kurdernes modstand mod “islamisk Stat” – Jihadisterne. Af Alfred Lang (Autonom Inforservice, 20. august 2014)
Konsolidering af kalifatet. Af Patrick Cockburn (, 11. august 2014). Redigeret udgave af en artikel fra London Review of Books 1. august 2014.
Kurdisk enklave i Syrien under angreb. Af Alfred Lang (Autonom Infoservice, 20. juli 2014)
Hur Isis blev den ångvält det är idag (pdf). Av Patrick Cockburn (, 22. august 2014). Utdrag från Patrick Cockburn, The Jihadis Return: Isis and the New Sunni Uprising (OR Books, 2014)
In English
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (
Iraqi Kurdistan (
2014 American intervention in Iraq (
US vs Free Syrian Army vs Jabhat al-Nusra (and ISIS): History of a hidden three-way conflict (Marxist Left Review, No.14, Winter 2017). “Michael Karadjis answer the ‘comic-book view widely expressed in tabloid journals of the mainstream, left and right’, that alleges the Syrian rebellion against the dictatorship of Bashar Assad is a conspiracy of incompatible forces.”
The roots of ISIS: Imperialism, class, and Islamic fundamentalism (International Socialist Review, Issue 102, Fall 2016). “Ashley Smith interviewed Anand Gopal in mid-June about the roots of ISIS in Iraq.”
Chaos and Caliphate: Jihadis and the West in the Struggle for the Middle East. By Sean Ledwith (Counterfire, June 30, 2016). Review of Patrick Cockburn, Chaos and Caliphate: Jihadis and the West in the Struggle for the Middle East (OR Books, 2016, 428 p.) + Michael Griffin, Islamic State: Rewriting History (Pluto Press, 2015, 176 p.)
How to understand ISIS. By Malise Ruthven (The New York Review of Books, Vol.63, No.11, June 23, 2016). Review of Fawaz A. Gerges, ISIS: A History (Princeton University Press, 2016, 368 p.)
Where does ISIS come from? By Miriam Scharf (International Socialism, Issue 151, Summer 2016, p.115-122). Review of Abdel Bari Atwan, Islamic State: The Digital Caliphate (Saqi, 2015, 256 p.)
Burning Country: Syrians in Revolution and War. By Chris Slee (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, May 4, 2016). Review of Robin Yassin-Kassab and Leila al-Shami’s book (Pluto Press, 2016, 288 p.)
On failing to ‘get it together’: Syria’s opposition between idealism and realism. By Ali Nehmé Hamdan (Middle East Report, Issue 277, Winter 2015 – Kræver abonnement)
Three different takes on ISIS (pdf). By Gilbert Achcar (The Political Quarterly, Vol.87, No.1, January-March 2016). Review of books by Patrick Cockburn, Michael Weiss/Hassan Hassan and Jessica Stern/M. Berger.
Special section: Syria, Iraq, ISIS, and the West (New Politics, Issue 58, Winter 2015)
ISIS, imperialism and the war in Syria. By Anne Alexander (International Socialism, Issue 149, Winter 2016, p.21-38)
On ISIS, by the editors + A Jihadism Anti-Primer, by Darryl Li (Middle East Report, Issue 276, Fall 2015). “What is ISIS, where does it come from and where is it going?”
A brief history of ISIS. By Adam Hanieh (Jacobin: Reason i Revolt, December 3, 2015). “”The real genesis of the Islamic State’s rise needs to be seen in the trajectory of the Arab uprisings.” Svensk udgave på Kort historia om ISIS (pdf).
Response to Tariq Ali 2015, or the need for internationalist solidarity. By Joseph Daher (International Viewpoint, Issue 491, December 2015). “Tariq Ali spoke at a Stop the War rally in London … [and] propagating, again, conspiracy views and actually legitimizing Russian imperialist interventions in Syria.”
The 13 November attacks in Paris: the terror of the Islamic State, the state of emergency in France, our responsibilities. By François Sabado and Pierre Rousset (International Viewoint, Issue 490, November 2015). “The Islamic State and other similar movements do not just react; they act according to their own agenda.”
Our job is to defeat imperialism, not Isis. By Alex Callinicos (Socialist Worker, Issue 2480, 17 November 2015)
Islamic State. By Paddy Nielsen (Socialist Review, Issue 407, November 2015) Review of Michael Griffin, Islamic State: Rewriting History (Pluto Press, 2015, 136 p.)
Fascism and ISIS. By Anne Alexander and Haytham Cero (International Socialism, Issue 148, Autumn 2015, p.179-187)
The “Islamic State” and the counter-revolution. By Ghayath Naisse (International Socialism, Issue 147, Summer 2015, p.75-91)
Syria burning: Isis and the seath of the Arab Spring. By Peter Stauber (Counterfire, August 27, 2015). Review of Charles Glass’ book (OR Books, 2015, 142 p.)
ISIS and counter-revolution: towards a Marxist analysis. By Anne Alexander (International Socialism, Issue 145, Winter 2015, p.47-72)
Ethnic cleansing on a historic scale: Islamic State’s systematic targeting of minorities in Northern Iraq (Amnesty International, September 2014, 24 p.)
The rise of ISIS and the origins of the new Middle East war. Tariq Ali in conversation with Patrick Cockburn (CounterPunch, September 29, 2014). Og i svensk oversættelse på (pdf).
The origins of “Islamic State”. By Stephen Wood (Solidarity, Issue 337, 24 September 2014). “Some on the left suggest that ISIS are solely a product of the US …”
How the West created the Islamic State: Follow the money, follow the oil. By Nafeez Ahmed (CounterPunch, September 12-14, 2014). With many links.
Kurds search for unity amid relentless fight to defeat ‘Islamic State’ thugs. By David Holmes (Links, September 2, 2014)
The origins, politics and economics of the Islamic State. By Yassamine Mather (Weekly Worker, Issue 1024, 4 September 2014)
Obama’s new war in Iraq. By Ashley Smith (, August 28, 2014)
How the war on terror created the world’s most powerful terror group. By Patrick Cockburn (The Nation, August 21, 2014). Excerpt from Patrick Cockburn, The Jihadis Return: ISIS and the New Sunni Uprising (OR Books, 2014)
Why is the U.S. bombing Iraq? By Joseph Daher (, August 21, 2014)
How did the sectarian nightmare come true in Syria and Iraq? By Bassem Chit (Socialist Worker, Issue 2417, 19 August 2014)
The way to stop the Islamic State is a united, free Kurdistan – just what the US does not want. By John Rees (Counterfire, August 17, 2014)
The new PKK: unleashing a social revolution in Kurdistan. By Rafael Taylor (, August 17, 2014)
Kurds mobilise to fight ”˜Islamic State’ over vast front. By David Holmes (Links, August 12, 2014)
New fault lines in the Middle East: ISIS in a regional context. By Andy Cunningham (RS21, August 12, 2014)
ISIS threatens the Kurds: US sends bombers. By Martin Thomas (Workers’ Liberty, 11 August 2014)
Bombing Iraq will only intensify a crisis caused by imperialism. By Judith Orr (Socialist Worker, Issue 2416, 12 August 2014)
Isis consolidates. By Patrick Cockburn (London Review of Books, Vol.36, No.16, 21 August 2014). The article is from August 1, 2014.
Retribution in Iraq. By Jack Farmer (RS21, July 4, 2014). On the emergence of ISIS from the disastrous US occupation.
Se også:
The Kurdish crisis in Iraq and Syria. By Joseph Daher (Against the Current, Issue 192, January-February 2018). “This means also supporting the right to self-determination of the Kurdish populations throughout the region.”
Crisis in Iraq: The bitter fruit of war and occupation. By Ashley Smith (International Socialist Review, Issue 94, Fall 2014, p.1-19)
Isis, Khmer Rouge, Taliban: the awful products of US intervention. By Alastair Stephens (Counterfire, August 22, 2014)
Major Kurdish organizations in Iraq. By Martin Van Bruinessen (Middle East Report, Issue 141, July-August 1986)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Tidslinjen: 13. november 2015 om terrorangrebet i Paris.
- Tidslinjen: 21. august 2013 om giftgasangreb i Ghouta/Syrien.
- Tidslinjen: 15. marts 2011 om oprøret i Syrien.
- Tidslinjen: 15. februar 1999 om PKK, Abdullah Öcalan og Kurdistan.
- Tidslinjen: 27. november 1978 om Kurdistans Arbejderparti (PKK).
- Linkboxen: Kurdistan, om Roj-Tv og den kurdiske kamp
- Linkboxen: Osama bin Laden & al-Qaeda
- Linkboxen: Politisk Islam – et reaktionært oprør
- Linkboxen: Imod besættelsen af Irak
30. juli 2014
Camp Total Protest oprettes, en protestlejr imod prøveboringer efter skifergas i landsbyen Dybvad i Nordjylland, og en blokade af det franske energiselskab Total. 17. august 2015 beslutter Total at lukke skifergasboringen i Dybvad permanent.
Skifergas + Hydralisk frakturering (Fracking) (
Skifergas Nej Tak (site). Nyheder – Baggrund – Hvad er skifergas – Skifergas i Danmark – Prøveboring i Frederikshavn – Hvem er vi mv.
Stop Fracking (Greenpeace Denmark). Site: Fornuft eller fracking – Ingen plads til skifergas. Underskriftsindsamling og opdateringer.
Skifergas Nej tak (Facebook-side)
Anti-fracking-lejr har fejret ét års fødselsdag. Af Jan Lars Nielsen (, 5. august 2015)
Civil ulydighed: Blokaden mod skifergas. Af Ebbe Rand Jørgensen (Socialistisk Information, 19.04.2015). “SI har fanget en af aktivisterne på mobilen sent søndag eftermiddag.”
Skifergas – en skamplet for hele Danmark. Af Jens Voldby Crumlin (, 30. juni 2014). “Kampen mod skifergas er ikke kun en kamp mod sort energi og ødelæggelse af miljøet, det er en kamp for at genvinde vores demokratiske kontrol med Danmarks energipolitik.”
Se også:
- Emneordet Skifergas på portalen
- Profitjagt: Skifergas – nej tak. Af Ebbe Rand Jørgensen (Socialistisk Information, 15.12.2013)
9. august 2014
I byen Ferguson (Missouri, USA) bliver 18-årige Michael Brown dræbt af politibetjenten Darren Wilson. Drabet førte til omfattende protester, og yderligere politibrutalitet over for protesterne. #BlackLivesMatter gik fra sociale medier til at være en bevægelse på gaden og med lokalafdelinger.
Senere på året, 24. november 2014, afgjorde en storjury, at der ikke var grundlag for at rejse tiltale mod den politimand, der skød Michael Brown. Afgørelsen gav anledning til utilfredshed, og der udbrød atter protester.
25. maj 2020 dræbes George Floyd under en anholdelse i Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA).
- Shooting of Michael Brown (
- Black Lives Matter ( + Black Lives Matter (
Killing of George Floyd + George Floyd Protests (
Tema: Black Lives Matter (
Hvad betyder sorte liv? (Baggrund, 23. september 2016). “Mikkel Flohr og Yannick Harrison ser nærmere på Black Lives Matter for at forstå, hvad sorte liv betyder i dag.” Også online på (28. september 2016)
Black Lives Matter – när kommer elden (Brand, 27 juli, 2016). Aktuel analyse af BLM-bevægelsen, dens indre modsætninger og udfordringer.
Det kunne ha hendt hvor som helst (Rødt!: Marxistisk Tidsskrift, nr.2, 2015, s.82-89). “… sier Jamala Rogers i et intervju Freedom Road har laget for Rødt.”
Black Lives Matter er hverdagsmodstand. By Miriam Haile & Adelina Kiame (Friktion: Magasin for Køn, Krop og Kultur, nr.10, oktober 2016). Text in English. Some comments on photographs in Danish.
Black Lives Matter (site). “The Black Lives Mater network advocates for dignity, justice, and respekct. (Who We are – What We Believe – Recent Statements – Tweets – Principles – etc.)
More than a moment: what did Black Lives Matter achieve? By Nadia Sayed (International Socialism, Issue 175, Summer 2022). “This article seeks to defend the movement’s achievements while also considering some of its weaknesses and tensions.”
The triumph of Black Lives Matter and Neoliberal redemption. By Cedric Johnson (, June 9, 2020). “Black Lives Matter sentiment is essentially a militant expression of racial liberalism. Such expressions are not a threat but rather a bulwark to the neoliberal project …”
Five years later, do Black Lives Matter? By Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (Jacobin, 30 September 2019). “Five years since its inception, a look at what the Black Lives Matter movement accomplished and the important work it left unfinished.”
The Panthers can’t save us now. By Cedric Johnson (Catalyst: A Journal of Theory and Strategy, Vol.1, No.1, Spring 2017, p.56-85). “This essay is written against the prevailing Black Power nostalgia that informs contemporary struggles against police violence.”
The trouble with anti-antiracism. By Paul Heideman & Jonah Birch (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 11 October 2016). “Movements targeting racial disparities aren’t distracting attention from class inequality …”
Black Lives Matter. By Brian Richardson (Socialist Review, Issue 417, October 2016). “The rise of Black Lives Matter in the US marks an end to the Civil Rights movement’s claim that black people in high places could be the solution for all.”
BLM movement grows stronger. By Malik Miah (Against the Current, Issue 184, September-October 2016). “The power of the movement is its breadth and the role of dynamic women and men in leadership.”
How racial disparity does not help make sense of patterns of police violence. By Adolph Reed, Jr. (, September 16, 2026). “I want simply to draw attention to how insistence on reducing discussion of killings of civilians by police to a matter of racism clouds understanding of and possibilities for effective response to the deep sources of the phenomenon.”
What does Black Lives Matter want? By Robin D. G. Kelley (Boston Review, August 17, 2016). About the document, A Vision for Black Lives: Policy Demands for Black Power, Freedom & Justice: “It is a remarkable blueprint for social transformation that ought to be read and discussed by everyone.”
Black Lives Matter and the struggle for freedom. By Brian P. Jones (Monthly Review, Vol.68, No.4, September 2016). “This article is a discussion of Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation (Haymarket, 2016)
Black awakening in Obama’s America. By Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (International Socialist Review, Issue 100, Spring 2016). Introduction to Keeanga-Yahmatta Taylor’s book, From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation (Haymarket Books, 2016, 300 p.). See review by Haley Pessin: Exploding the post-racial myth (ibid., Issue 101, Summer 2016)
Black Lives Matter: A new movement takes shape. By Khury Petersen-Smith (International Socialist Review, Issue 96, Spring 2015). “The sheer breadth of the movement is another indicator of its power and the chord that it has struck.”
The rise of the #BlackLivesMatter movement (, January 13, 2015). “Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor explains the background for this upsurge and analyzes the movement …”
My city stands with Mike Brown (, December 1, 2014). “… rounds up reports of protests around the U.S. after the decision of a St. Louis County grand jury not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.”
Se også:
Lists of killings by law enforcement officers in the United States (
Behind the epidemic of police killings in America: Class, poverty and race. Part 1-3. By Benjamin Mateus (World Socialist Web Site, 20-22 December 2018). “This study reviews all the data available on police shootings for the year 2017 … It identifies a major omission in all the published accounts: the vast and rising death toll among working-class white men in rural and small-town America …”
Emnebox: Slaveri / Slavery (Socialistisk Bibliotek). Samling af emnelister, linkboxe, personlister, tidslinje mm. på Socialistisk Bibliotek.
Linkbox: Black Power: Historie og personer (Socialistisk Bibliotek).
27. august 2014
Et enigt Folketing vedtager dansk militær støtte til kurderne i kampen mod Islamisk Stat. Også Enhedslisten stemmer for.
Bred politisk opbakning til Irak-mission + Juraeksperter blåstempler dansk støtte til krigen mod IS (, 27. august 2014)
Vedtagelse om dansk støtte til kurdernes kamp mod ISIS (, 28. august 2014). Vedtaget af Enhedslistens hovedbestyrelse august 2014.
B 122: Forslag til folketingsbeslutning om dansk militært bidrag til støtte for indsatsen i Irak (, 27. august 2014) +
Stedfortræderkrig. Af Jan Helbak (Kritisk Debat, 6. oktober 2014)
Støt kurdernes kamp: No Parasan. Af SAP’s Forretningsudvalg (Socialistisk Information, 3.10.2014)
Muslimer siger fra: Er Islamisk Stat lig med islam? Af Svend Vestergaard Jensen (Socialistisk Information, 3.10.2014)
Våbentransporter: Enhedslisten kan ikke bortforklare tvetydighederne. Af Niels H. Nielsen, Jan Helbak, Jan Mølgård og Niels Frölich (, 18. september 2014)
Våbentransport til Nordirak: Der er et regulært dilemma. Af Peder Hvelplund (, 15. september 2014)
Why Danish leftists supported military aid to Iraq. By Michael Voss (International Viewpoint, Issue 476, September 2014)
Kurderne fortjener vores støtte. Af Nikolaj Villumsen (, 8. september 2014)
Betingelserne for Enhedslisten støtte til våbentransport til Irak blev ikke opfyldt. Af Francesco Castellani, Niels Frølich, Jan Helbak, Niels Henrik Nielsen og Jan Mølgård (, 1. september 2014)
Så flyver den igen… Af Jan Mølgaard (Kritisk Debat, 1. september 2014)
Dansk krigsdeltagelse og støtte til kurderne. Af Jørgen Petersen (, 5. september 2014)
Våben til kurderne! Af Imdat Yilmaz og Allan Ahmad (, 28. august 2014)
Nej til endnu en USA-ledet krig i Irak (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr.340, 28. august 2014)
Enhedslisten atter på krigsstien. Af Nikolaj Møller Kofod (, 27. august 2014)
Hele Folketinget støtter militarisme i stedet for humanitære indsatser (Jan Øberg, 25. august, 2014)
RS mener: Stadig nej til imperialistisk intervention! (, 22. august 2014)
Kurdernes modstand mod “islamisk Stat” – Jihadisterne. Af Alfred Lang (Autonom Inforservice, 20. august 2014)
Dansk venstrefløj støtter kurdernes kamp mod islamister. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (, 17. august 2014)
Kurderne fortjener al vores støtte. Af Pelle Dragsted (, Blog, 17. august 2014)
16. september 2014
Belejringen af den kurdiske by Kobane i det nordlige Syrien indledes af Islamisk Stat.
- Siege of Kobani (
- Syrian Kurdistan (
- Emneord: Kobane (
- The Rojava Report: News from the Revolution in Rojava and Wider Kurdistan.
Min løsning for Tyrkiet, Syrien og kurderne. Af Abdullah Öcalan (, 10. august 2020). “I mere end to årtier har Abdullah Öcalan siddet indespærret på fængelsøen Imrali. Den politiske fange kommer her med sit bud på en ‘demokratisk nation’ som kan samle borgere på tværs af etnicitet og kulturelle traditioner.”
Tiden er kommet. Af Søren Berggreen Toft og Mads Staghøj (, 28. marts 2015). Longread (4 kapitler): “Da Kobane blev belejret af Islamisk Stat, rejste kurdere i Danmark og Europa sig og samledes om kærligheden til den fængslede leder Abdullah Öcalan.” Kræver abonnement.
Kobane holder stadig stand. Af Joakim Medin (, 6. januar 2015). “Information har besøgt den krigshærgede by og dens socialistisk inspirerede modstandsbevægelse.”
Kobanes demokratiske erfaring kan blive model for andre regioner (, 18. november 2014). “Interview med professor Karman Matin fra Sussex Universitet om baggrunden for konflikten mellem kurdere og ISIS i Mellemøsten.”
Kobane, kurdernes kamp og farerne i horisonten. Af Jelle Bruinsma (, 28. oktober 2014). Oversat fra Roar Magazine: “Efter Islamisk Stat er blevet drevet ud af Kobanê, lurer faren for, at USA udøver imperiale særrettigheder og truer kurdiske ambitioner om demokratisk autonomi.”
Kurdere gribes af håb og fortvivlelse, mens Kobane fortsat yder modstand (, 16. oktober 2014). Oversat fra Roar Magazine: “Iskender Doğu rapporterer fra Kurdistan, mens kampfly flyver over hovedet og der er voldsomme sammenstød mellem tyrkisk politi og kurdiske demonstranter.”
En stemme fra Kobane: interview med en kurdisk fighter (Autonom Infoservice, 8. oktober 2014). “I et telefon-interview fortæller Asia Abdullah om den dramatiske situation i den hårdt omkæmpede kurdiske enklave Kobanê.”
The Kurdish freedom movement, Rojava and the Left (Middle East Report Online, July 21, 2020). “Efforts by the Kurds to put revolutionary ideals into practice in Rojava captured the imagination of anarchists and leftists in Europe and North America. Thomas Jeffrey Miley explains the left’s fascination with Rojava, the ties of solidarity that connect the Kurdish freedom movement to Europe, Öcalan’s embrace of a new paradigm of struggle and the dilemmas facing Rojava now.”
Portraits of the Kurdish struggle (Jacobin, August 22, 2019). In interview with Joey Lawrence: “A new collection of photography captures the Kurdish struggle against ISIS — and their efforts to build a radically egalitarian society based on principles of peace and democracy.”
Rojava is under existential threat. By Rosa Burc Fouad Oveisy (Jacobin, February 22, 2019). “Rojava, the site of a remarkable peoples’ revolution, is on the brink of colonization and extermination. The international left must stand against it.”
Examing the revolution in Rojava. By Emma Wilde Botta (International Socialist Review, Issue 108, Spring 2018). Review of Michael Knapp, Anja Flach and Ercan Ayboga,
Revolution in Rojava: Democratic Autonomy and Women’s Liberation in Syrian Kurdistan (Pluto Press, 2016, 272 p.): “… one of the first full-length books to address the emergence of Rojava, an autonomous region in northern Syria that has been heralded by many as a socialist and feminist model for social change.”
The AKP, the Kurds and the siege of Kobane. By Uraz Aydin (International Viewpoint, Issue 480, January 2015). “There is an urgent need for the revolutionary left, despite its weakness, to give its full support to the struggle of the Kurdish people whatever the criticisms of its leadership.”
The false friends of Kobane. By Errol Babacan and Murat Cakir (Jacobin, January 6, 2015). “The significance of the struggle in Kobanê cannot be overstated. But real international solidarity won’t come in the form of military intervention.”
The results of the Kobane war; so far. By Amed Dicle (International Viewpoint, Issue 477, October 2014). “However, Kobane never fell; it resisted, and is still resisting. This resistance is now the main agenda of not only the Kurds and the Middle East, but the whole world.”
Kobane, the Kurds and the Syrian revolution (, October 15, 2014). Svensk udgave på (pdf). “Joseph Daher analyzes the forces at play in this article for his blog Syria Freedom Forever and makes the case that the Kurdish struggle for self-determination and the Syrian revolution against the Assad dictatorship share a common destiny.”
Behind the Kobane tragedy: The Kurdish political movement and Turkey. By Özlem İlyas Tolunay (New Politics, October 14, 2014). “The Kurdish political movement is not monolithic. There are moderate Islamists, leftist and nationalists in it and this reality has a significant effect on their policies.”
Why is the world ignoring the revolutionary Kurds in Syria? By David Graeber (The Guardian, October 8, 2014). “Amid the Syrian warzone a democratic experiment is being stamped into the ground by Isis. That the wider world is unaware is a scandal.”
Kurdistan: the battle for Kobane. By Serge Jordan (Socialist Alternative, October 3, 2014). “Regional war poses new challenges for struggle for Kurdish self-determination.”
Se også:
The elusive quest for a Kurdish State (MERIP, July 14, 2020). “Kurdish communities in the Middle East have been struggling for independence, autonomy and civil rights since at least the 1880s … Djene Rhys Bajalan explains the many challenges, both historically and in the present day.”
The Kurds — a history of agony (Socialist Worker, Issue 2677, 20 October 2919). “As the Kurds once again find themselves under attack and under pressure from imperial powers Nick Clark looks at a history of oppression, betrayal and resistance.”
The Kurdish crisis in Iraq and Syria. By Joseph Daher (Against the Current, Issue 192, January-February 2018). “This means also supporting the right to self-determination of the Kurdish populations throughout the region.”
The New-Old PKK. By Alex de Jong (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, March 18, 2016). “The PKK has continued to struggle for justice in Kurdistan. But its democratic transformation leaves much to be desired.”
Stalinist caterpillar into libertarian butterfly? – the evolving ideology of the PKK. By Alex de Jong (International Viewpoint, 11 March 2015). “The focus is on the movement’s ’official’ ideology as written down in statements of Öcalan and documents of the PKK.”
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Emnelisten: Kurdistan
- Tidslinjen: 27. august 2014 om dansk militær støtte til kurderne i kampen mod Islamisk Stat.
- Tidslinjen: 15. februar 1999 om PKK’s Abdullah Öcalan.
- Tidslinjen: 27. november 1978 om PPK (Kurdistans Arbejderparti).
21. september 2014
People’s Climate March samler 400.000 på Wall Street i New York.
People’s Climate March (
People’s Climate March (site; online at Internet Archive)
Antikapitalister ’oversvømmer’ Wall Street med mennesker. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen og Marion Birkedal (, 22. september 2014). Med links.
10 tesers kritik af den grønne økonomi! En kommentar til People’s Climate March. Af Mads Kissow (Modkraft, blog, 21. september 2014)
The People’s Climate March: Looking back at September 21st. By Dianne Feeley (Solidarity, October 22, 2014)
Against the climate march cynics (, September 25, 2014). “Paul D’Amato answers the objections of several left-wing writers who critiqued the People’s Climate March.”
Worldwide protests against climate change. By Olivia Arigho Stiles (RS21, September 22, 2014)
The climate justice call echoes across the globe (, September 22, 2014). “Danny Katch and Nicole Colson report on a day of protests on September 21.”
The People’s Climate March: thousands demand action. By Elaine Graham-Leigh (Counterfire, September 21, 2014)
Naomi Klein on the People’s Climate March & the Global Grassroots Movement fighting fossil fuels (Democracy Now! September 18, 2014)
22. september 2014
Den såkaldte Paraply-revolution i Hongkong starter, da studenterforeninger begynder demonstrationer og besættelse af bymidte ved lokalregeringens bygning i protest mod den kinesiske centralregerings direktiv om bl.a. forhåndsgodkendelse af kandidater til valg.
Betegnelsen skyldes demonstranternes brug af paraplyer mod politiets peberspray. 9. juni 2019 udbryder der store demonstrationer ifm. en såkaldt udleveringslov (til Kina/fastlandet), Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill (ELAB) Movement.
Danske links:
Hong Kong – en ny fagbevægelse. Af Anita Chan (Socialistisk Information, 14. august 2020). “Faglige ildsjæle startede som en del af pro-demokratibevægelsen, men er nu også begyndt at stille krav om arbejdsforhold, løn, bonusser og beskæftigelsespolitik med henblik på at sikre sig en stemme i byens fejlbehæftede politiske system.”
Den internationale venstrefløj må hjælpe folket i Hong Kong. Af Fjerde Internationale (Socialistisk Information, 31. oktober 2019). “Det er den første bevægelse i en del af Kina, som både er stor, radikal og oprørsk, så kraftfuld at den fik en regering støttet af Kina til at slå bak.”
Oprøret i Hong Kong (Kritisk Debat, oktober 2019). “Vi har valgt her at præsentere et kollektiv [Lausan], som ud fra et venstreorienteret perspektiv og med baggrund i deres personlige tilknytning til Hong Kong arbejder for at producere egne analyser og formidle oversættelser af andre venstreorienteredes bud på udviklingen i Hong Kong, og de perspektiver, oprøret i Hong Kong kan udgøre for den internationale venstrefløj.”
Fire pointer om protesterne i Hong Kong. Af Kevin Lin (Socialistisk Information, 16. september 2019). “Protesterne i Hong Kong har nået et nyt krampagtigt højdepunkt. New York Times kunne rapportere om demonstrationerne 31. august, at man så ‘de mest intense sammenstød siden protesterne om byens skæbne startede i juni’.”
Kina: Masseprotesterne i Hong Kong fortsætter. Af Johnna Mortensen (, 13. august 2019). “I de sidste par måneder har Hong Kong været ramt af massedemon-strationer i protest imod et lovforslag som kunne betyde udlevering af fanger til fastlands-Kina. Selv om lovforslaget hurtigt blev taget af bordet igen, fortsatte protesterne.”
Hongkong: “Den fremherskende følelse er vrede og raseri” (Autonom Infoservice, 9. juli 2019). Interview med en aktivist fra protestbevægelsen i Hongkong. “De aktuelle protester i Hongkong er de mest omfangsrige siden den såkaldte ‘regnbuebevægelse’ i 2014 forgæves prøvede at forandre den snigende tilpasning til forholdene i det øvrige Kina.” Se også: Hongkongs regering fortsætter sin konfrontationskurs (ibid., 5. oktober 2019).
Teenageren, der skræmmer Kinas Kommunistparti. Af Martin Gøttske (, 22. oktober 2014). “18-årige Joshua Wong er frontfigur i protestbevægelsen.”
Fordøm volden: Støt Hong Kong-borgernes kamp for frie valg (Socialistisk Information, 5.10.2014). Udtalelse fra venstrefløjsbevægelsen Left21 i Hong Kong.
Paraply-revolution i Hong Kong udfordrer Kina. Af Alfred Lang (Modkraft/Nyheder, 1. oktober 2014). Med videoklip + links.
In English
- 2014 Hong Kong protests ( Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill (ELAB) Movement.
- Hong Kong extradition law: A timeline of events that led to the current mass protests (2014-2019) (Associated Press, June 12, 2019)
Interview: after the Hong Kong rebellion (International Socialism, Issue 173, Winter 2022). “Lam Chi Leung, a socialist activist based in the region, spoke to International Socialism about the struggle, its roots in earlier social movements and what has happened since.”
Lausan: Sharing decolonial left perspectives on Hong Kong ( “Through translation, creation, and education, Lausan aims to build solidarity on the international left with Hong Kongers’ unfinished fight to imagine emancipatory futures after colonialism, against both Chinese and Western imperialism.” Se også om Lausan: Oprøret i Hong Kong (Kritisk Debat, oktober 2019).
Hong Kong in Revolt. By Simon Gilbert (Socialist Review, Issue 462, November 2020). Review of Au Loong-Yu, Hong Kong in Revolt: The Protest Movement and the Future of China (Pluto Press, 2020, 224 p.). “Hong Kong in Revolt gives us an indispensable analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the 2019 movement, and in broad brushstrokes offers a way forward for the struggle.” See also review by Dennis Kosuth: Hong Kong’s fight for democracy (New Politics, December 19, 2020) + review by Promise Li: Hong Kong: An uprising and its fate (Against the Current, Issue 210, 2021)
The death of Hong Kong’s autonomy: beyond the crackdown. By Ashley Smith (Spectre, June 6, 2020). “Ashley Smith interviews Au Loong Yu about China’s crackdown and what it means for the pro-democracy movement.”
Neither Washington nor Beijing – A backgrounder. By Au Loong Yu (New Politics, Blog, February 17, 2020). “The two sides mirror each other in terms of their argument. The real picture is actually much more complicated.”
Where things stand in Hong Kong. By Valentina Pegolo (Jacobin, Oktober 4, 2019). “Why is Beijing so worried about the Hong Kong protests? Because they know that the movement, now in its twentieth week, could become a symbol of democratic resistance that all disenfranchised people in the region could rally behind.”
Hong Kong: Tactics are up for debate (Socialist Review, Issue 450, October 2019). “Last month we spoke to Hong Kong revolutionary socialist Lam Chi Leung about the mass movement. Following events in the past month, as well as reponses from readers, we caught up with him again.”
100 days of protests in Hong Kong (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, 18 September 2019). “As protests in Hong Kong have passed their 100th day, Colin Sparks explains more about how the movement is organised, and the role of socialists, workers and migrants within it.” See also Colin Sparks:
Mass mobilisation shakes Hong Kong (ibid., 5 August 2019)
Tensions rise in Hong Kong (ibid., 13 August 2019)
Hong Kong: mass protests in the rain (ibid., 19 August 2019)
Hong Kong demonstrations continue despite police violence (ibid., 27 August 2019)
Arrests fail to slow the movement (ibid., 3 September 2019)
Hong Kong – Protests continue after concessions (ibid., 10 September 2019)
Hong Kong celebrates ’70 years of oppression’ (ibid., 2 October 2019)
Repression and resistance in Hong Kong (ibid., 9 October 2019)
Hong Kong: the occupation of Poly U (ibid., 19 November 2019)
Hong Kong voters back protests (ibid., 26 November 2019)
Hong Kong: opportunities for the movement (ibid., 17 December 2019)
Hong Kong: the democratic movement re-emerges (ibid., 18 May 2020)
Beijing gambles on Hong Kong’s future (ibid., 26 May 2020)
Hong Kong trade unions call for strike (ibid., 9 June 2020)
Beijing tightens the noose (ibid., 23 June 2020)
China ends Hong Kong autonomy (ibid., 2 July 2020)
‘White Terror’ in Hong Kong (ibid., 5 August 2020)
Hong Kong: Resistance goes on (ibid., 10 September 2020).
Three months of insurrection (, Blog, September 27, 2019). An Anarchist collective in Hong Kong appraises the achievements and limits of the Revolt.
Hong Kong: ‘No progress without real system change’ (Socialist Review, Issue 449, September 2019). “We asked local activist Lam Chi Leung about the character of the protesters and how their demands are developing.”
‘A new generation rises’: eyewitness to Hong Kong revolt (Red Flag, 21 August 2019). “The following is an edited transcript of a speech given by Hong Kong socialist Au Loong Yu, via video link, at Perth’s annual Socialism conference on 18 August.”
The rebellion in Hong Kong is intensifying (Jacobin, 1 August 2019). An interview with Au Loong Yu: “Massive demonstrations in Hong Kong have forced the government to shelve a bill that could muzzle dissident voices. But the protesters are still on the streets — and they’re demanding the resignation of Hong Kong’s chief executive.”
Hong Kong’s protests in perspective (Socialist Review, Issue 448, July-August 2019; online at Internet Archive). “John Smith puts the Hong Kong protests of recent weeks into the broader contexts of Hong Kong’s development over the past few decades, its growing connections with the hugely important Pearl River Delta area and the growth of an increasingly aware, organised and militant Chinese working class.”
“Hong Kong’s last battle”. By JS Chen and Sherry Yuen-Yung Chan (Jacobin, 23 June 2019). “Protesters in Hong Kong are still clogging the streets en masse. Their task: to face down not just the authoritarianism of the Chinese Communist Party but the self-dealing of Hong Kong capitalists.”
Everything you need to know about the Hong Kong protests (Jacobin, 18 June 2019). An interview with Au Loong Yu and others: “Hong Kong’s government tried to rush through a bill that would limit civil liberties. Instead they triggered a tidal wave of protests — some of the largest in modern history.”
Citizens and socialists in Hong Kong (Socialist Review, Issue 492, May 2015). “Interview with Hong Kong-based socialist Au Loong Yu about the dangers and opportunities that have emerged from Occupy Central.”
Scholarism on the march (New Left Review, Issue 92, March-April 2015). “Interview with Joshua Wong, leader of Hong Kong’s radical school students.”
Hong Kong: the students have already made history. By Lawrence Wong (Counterfire, December 3, 2014)
The Umbrella Movement and the 1989 Democratic Movement: similarities and differences. By Au Loong-Yu (International Viewpoint, Issue 478, November 2014)
The birth of a new generation under tear gas: the umbrella movement in Hong Kong. By Vincent Sung (International Socialism, Issue 144, Autumn 2014; online only, 6 pages)
What they’s talking about on the streets in Hong Kong. By Ruixue Bai (New Politics, October 9, 2014)
Hong Kong: Statement from four organizations calling for a tactical retreat and a report (New Politics, October 4, 2014)
Black vs yellow: class antagonism and Hong Kong’s umbrella movement (, 3 October 2014). “Best English article so far on Hong Kong’s ‘Umbrella Revolution’ and its background, limitations, and prospects from a Marxist perspective, based on first-hand research.”
Se også / See also:
Left21: A platform aimed to unite and consolidate leftist forces in Hong Kong (site; online at Internet Archive)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Linkboxen China and Capitalism
26. september 2014
I Mexico, Iguala-provinsen, sker en masse-kidnapning af 43 lærerstuderende.
Mexicansk kidnapningssag giver fortsat uro: Demonstration i København. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (, 14. november 2014)
Mexicanske myndigheder rystet af nye afsløringer i sag om forsvundne studerende. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (, 20. december 2014)
2014 Iguala mass kidnapping (
Mass protests in Mexico over Iguala Massacre. By Rafael Azul (World Socialist Web Site, 24 October 2014)
Anger boils over in Mexico. Héctor A. Rivera reports from Mexico City as demonstrations escalate .. (Socialist,, november 12, 2014
10. oktober 2014
Den 17-årige pakistanske skolepige Malala Yousafzai bliver tildelt Nobels fredspris for sin kamp for pigers ret til uddannelse.
9. oktober 2012 blev Yousafzai skudt i hovedet, da hun var på vej hjem med skolebussen, ved et attentat begået af Taliban, og har siden kæmpet for børns og pigers rettigheder.
Fredspris til Malala Yousafzai: Socialist, muslim og feminist. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (, 15. oktober 2014)
Malala Yousafzai ( Større engelsk leksikal artikel, med links til bl.a. kortere dansk.
He Named Me Malala. By Saba Shiraz (Socialist Review, Issue 407, November 2015). Review of Davis Guggenheim’s documentary film.
The Malala you won’t hear about. By Ben Norton (, October 15, 2014). With many links.
The marvelous Malala: a real moment of joy for women. By Bushra Khaliq (Asian Human Rights Commission, October 13, 2014)
Malalai Joya: ‘Fiery salutations to the brave women of Kobane’ (Links, October 12, 2014)
The two most important things about Malala Yousafzai that everyone seems to ignore”¦ (Political Blindspot, October 19, 2013)
The misuses of Malala. By Derrick O’Keefe (, October 15, 2012)
Will American left betray heroine Malala Yousafzai? By Bill Weinberg (World War 4 Report, October 12, 2012)
IMT sympathiser shot in Swat – barbarism must not prevail! By Alan Woods (In Defence of Marxism, 10 October 2012)
Jeg er Malala : pigen, der kæmpede for uddannelse og blev skudt af Taleban. Af Malala Yousafzai (Politikens Forlag, 2014, 343 sider)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Linkboxen: Afghanistan – krig og besættelse
28. oktober 2014
Den danske trotskist og politiske aktivist og solidaritetsarbejder Poul Møller dør i Kbh. (Født 16. oktober 1929).
Flygtningeven er død. Af Tue Magnussen (Globalnyt, 5. november 2014)
En aktivist er gået bort! Af Svend Vestergaard Jensen (, 31. oktober 2014). “Den 28. oktober døde socialisten og trotskisten Poul Møller efter et langt liv som politisk aktivist, kun få dage efter sin 85 års fødselsdag.”
Livstykket har stadig et navn: Poul Møller. Af Arne Lennartz (, 31. oktober 2014)
Poul Møller (
Poul Møller 1929-2014: En aktivist er gået bort!: Fotoserie om/med Poul Møller. Af Wilfred Gluud (Gluud-net; online på Internet Archive). Med links og billeder fra Poul Møllers bisættelse og div. fødselsdage og omtaler/interview.
Solidaritet: Aktivisten Poul Møller – nu hædret med både medalje og orden. Af Tue Magnussen (Socialistisk Infomation, 9. december 2012). “… Poul Møller hædret for sin indsats i abejdet til befrielsen af Algeriet fra den franske kolonialisme …”
Fødselsdag: En aktivist runder de 80. Af Svend Vestergaard Jensen (Socialistisk Information, 27. september 2009). Interview om Poul Møllers politiske liv og udvikling. Afsluttes med note: “Fødselaren frabeder sig udtrykkeligt personlige gaver, men opfordrer til, at man i stedet giver et beløb til en ubeskåret og ubetinget indsamling til PFLP – som et bidrag til palæstinensernes frihedskamp og til kampen mod terrorlovene!”
Medaljer hænger man på… terrorister? Af Linda Hansen (, 12. maj 2005). Om solidaritetsarbejdet med Algeriets frihedskamp og Poul Møllers indsats + om kampen mod terrorlovene!
Se også:
Den trotskistiske forbindelse. Af Lars Borking (, 5. juli 2012). Uddrag af bogen Kampen om Algeriet: den skandinaviske støtte 1954-1962 (Dansk–Algerisk Venskabsforening, 2012)
Trotskisterne og befrielseskampen i Algeriet. Af Åge Skovrind (Socialistisk Infomation, nr.181, november 2003)
Algier Frit (Solidaritetsblad) (
Revolutionære Socialister 1959-1971 (
”Et undertrykt folk har altid ret”: Solidaritet med den 3. verden i 1960’ernes og 1970’ernes Danmark (pdf). Af Karen Steller Bjerregaard (Ph.d.-afhandling, Institut for kultur og identitet, Afdeling for historie, RUC 2010, 499 sider). Om Algiersolidariteten, se især side 99-141.
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen: 5. juli 1962, om Algierkrigen.
28. oktober 2014
Opstanden begynder i den vestafrikanske stat Burkina Faso som svar på præsident Blaise Compaorés forsøg på forfatningsændring. Protesterne gennemtvinger præsidentens afgang.
2014 Burkinabé uprising (
Topic: Bukina Faso (In Defence of Marxism)
New broom in Burkina Faso? (New Left Review, Issue 101, September-October 2016, p.93-119). “Alexandra Reza places Compaoré’s regime and its ouster in a historical context of dictatorship and dependency that has been repeatedly challenged by popular mobilization.”
Mass mobilisations to smash the coup in Burkina Faso. By Ben Morken (In Defence of Marxism, 22 September 2015)
What’s next in Burkina Faso? (, November 6, 2014). “Andy Wynne explains the background to the mass protests in the West African country.”
Masses force president to flee Burkina Faso. By Ken Olende (Socialist Worker, Issue 2428, 4 November 2014)
Burkina Faso: One leader after another overthrown by revolutionary masses. By Ben Morken (In Defence of Marxism, 4 November 2014)
Burkina Faso: the West’s armed puppets broken by the masses. By Explo Nani-Kofi (Counterfire, November 3, 2014)
Mass uprising ousts dictator (SocialistWorldNet, 31/10/2014)
Se også:
Burkina Faso (
Venskabsforeningen Danmark – Burkina Faso (site)
Sankarism (
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen: 15. oktober 1987 om Thomas Sankara, præsident og revolutionær pan-afrikaner.
2. november 2014
FNs Klimapanel (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)) udgiver efter møde i København (27.-31. oktober) den fjerde og sidste del af 5. vurderingsrapport (AR5) om klimaforandringerne.
Links er samlet på Første del udgivet 27. september 2013, se denne)