Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 2011.
Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.
Tilbageblik på året 2011: Opstande, oprør og revolution
På dansk:
Otte vi vil savne i 2012. Af Ulrik S. Kohl (Modkraft.dk, 2. januar 2012)
På tærsklen til 2012: Endnu en gang om optimisme og pessimisme. Af Alan Woods (Socialistisk Standpunkt, 6. januar 2012)

In English:
A new type of revolution? By Hannah Sell (Socialism Today, Issue 157, April 2012). Review of Paul Mason, Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere: the new global revolutions (Verso Books, 2012)
Dimensions of the global youth revolt. By Zach Zill (International Socialist Review, Issue 81, January-February 2012)
A revolt the world over (SocialistWorker.org, February 2, 2012). Leela Yellesetty reviews journalist Paul Mason’s book on the global rebellion of 2011.
2012: the fire this time. By Mark L Thomas (Socialist Review, Issue 288, January 2012)
2011: A year in revolt (OccupyWallStreet, January 3, 2012)
It’s a wonderful life: 2011 revolutionary remix. By John Rees (Counterfire, 23 December 2011)
Year of rebellion: New Amnesty International report on 2011 Middle East and North Africa uprisings (Amnesty International; Media Advisory, 20 December 2011)
The year of revolt. By the editors (SocialistWorker.org, 16 December 2011)
2011: a revolutionary year. By John Molyneux (Irish Socialist Worker, December 10, 2011)
Spring confronts winter. By Mike Davis (New Left Review, Issue 72, November-December 2011)
Best films of 2011. By David Walsh and Joanne Laurier World Socialist Web Site, December 30, 2011)
Pop and rock music in 2011. By Matthew Brennan and Hiram Lee (World Socialist Web Site, December 31, 2011)
Favorite jazz recordings of 2011. By Hiram Lee (World Socialist Web Site, December 31, 2011)
14. januar 2011
Folkelig opstand fra december måned – tvinger Tunesiens diktatoriske præsident Zine El Abidine Ben Ali til at flygte, den såkaldte Jasmin-revolution. Og tvinger det gamle regimes ministre ud af den nye regering.

Tunesien (Leksikon.org). Med links til meget statistik.
Tunesien (Wikipedia.dk). Opdateret artikel med links til artiklerne på især engelsk og fransk, inkl. artikel om Jasmin-revolutionen
2010–2011 Tunisian protests (Wikipedia.org)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Emneoversigten: Mellemøsten / Middle East
- Linkboxen: Oprøret i Tunesien
25. januar 2011
Opstanden i Ægypten starter med unges demonstration og bosættelse på Tahrir-pladsen i Kairo, på den årlige “politiets dag”:) i protest mod politi-brutalitet. Milion-demoer tvinger landets fjerde præsident, Hosni Mubarak, fra magten.
Optøjerne i Egypten i 2011 (Wikipedia.dk)
2011 Egyptian protests (Wikipedia.org). Længere artikel med bla. tidslinje.
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Emneoversigten: Mellemøsten / Middle East
- Linkbox: Oprøret i Egypten (2011)
30. januar 2011
Den britiske arbejderhistoriker Raymond (Ray) Challinor dør. (Født 9. juli1929)
Hovedværk: The Origins of British Bolshevism (1977)
Raymond Challinor (Wikipedia.org). Med enkelte links.
Raymond Challinor (Marxists Internet Archive). Works 1948-2001.
Ray Challinor 1929-2011. By John Charlton (Socialist Worker, Issue 2238, 8 February 2011)
Raymond Challinor on ‘Class war in the Blitz’ (Workers Liberty, No.18, February 1995)
Before the CP. By Alastair Hatchett (International Socialism, No.103, November 1977, p. 29-30). Review of Ray Challinor, The Origins of British Bolshevism (Croom Helm, 1977): “.. Challinor’s controversial insights provide much food for thought.”
14. februar 2011
Første sammenstød mellem sikkerhedsstyrker, der anvender gummikugler og tåregas, og demonstranter i Bahrain.

Bahrain (Leksikon.org). Ink. link til bl.a. omfattende Statistik
Bahrain slås fortsat for demokrati. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (Modkraft.dk/Nyheder, 15. februar 2012)
2011–2012 Bahraini uprising (Wikipedia.org)
Bloody Thursday (2011) (Wikipedia.org)
Bahrain: Shouting in the Dark (Wikipedia.org) + filmen online (Al Jazeera, 2011, 51 min.)
Witness Bahrain: on the ground international solidarity with Bahrain’s revolution (site)
Bahrain and the Arab Spring (International Socialist Review, Issue 82, March-April 2012). “Ahmed Mohammed, a Bahraini activist visiting the United States, spoke with Zach Zill about Bahrain’s rebellion and what the future holds.”
In the kingdom of tear gas. By Gregg Carlstrom (Middle East Report, April 13, 2012)
Bahrain and the Arab Spring (SocialistWorker.org, February 1, 2012). Ahmed Mohammed, a Bahraini activist visiting the U.S., spoke with Zach Zill.
Bahrain’s Sunni awakening. By Justin Gengler (Middle East Report, January 17, 2012)
Bahrain and the battle between Iran and Saudi Arabia. By George Friedman (Stratfor, March 8, 2011)
Om Abdulhadi al-Khawaja:
Abdulhadi al-Khawaja (Wikipedia.dk). Med links til længere engelske og arabiske artikler mfl.
Ikke et ord om Al Khawaja – på Modkraft. Af Elizabeth Japsen. (Modkraft.dk/blog, 22. april 2012) med mange links i blog og efterflg. debat.
Abdulhadi al-Khawaja foreviget på Nytorv. Af Laura Na Blankholm (Modkraft.dk/Nyheder, 13. april 2012)
Se også:
Class and capitalism in the Gulf: interview with Adam Hanieh (Links, December 5, 2011)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Emneoversigten: Mellemøsten / Middle East
- Linkboxen: Det arabiske forår
14. februar 2011
Massedemonstrationer i den amerikanske delstat Wisconsin mod nedskæringer og angreb på fagbevægelsen.
2011 Wisconsin protests (Wikipedia.org)
The lessons of Wisconsin. By Lee Sustar (SocialistWorker.org, June 21, 2012)
From labor uprising to election disaster. By Lance Selfa (SocialistWorker.org, June 12, 2012)
A Wisconsin idea resurgent. By Allen Ruff (Against the Current, Issue 158, May-June 2012). Review of Paul and Mari Jo Buhle, It Started in Wisconsin: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the New Labor Protest (Verso Press, 2012) + Michael Yates (ed.), Wisconsin Uprising: Labor Fights Back (Monthly Review Press, 2012). See also review by Paul Pryse: Class struggle in Wisconsin (International Socialist Review, Issue 84, June 2012) + Louis Proyect: Two important books on last year’s struggle in Wisconsin (The Unrepentant Marxist, March 16, 2012)
Wisconsin: From the uprising to Recall Walker. By Andrew Cole and Phil Gasper (International Socialist Review, Issue 83, May 2012)
The bottom-up rebellion in Wisconsin (SocialistWorker.org, March 8, 2012) + The road to the Capitol occupation (March 12) + Who led the uprising? (March 13). Chapter 3 by Lee Sustar, in Michael Yates (ed.), Wisconsin Uprising: Labor Fights Back (Monthly Review Press, 2012)
An account from Madison. By Tessa Echeverria and Connor Donegan (Against the Current, Issue 152, May-June 2011)
Wisconsin and beyond. By Kim Moody (Against the Current, Issue 152, May-June 2011)
Class struggle in Wisconsin. By Phil Gasper (International Socialist Review, Issue 77, May-June 2011)
Lessons of Wisconsin’s labor revolt. By Lee Sustar (International Socialist Review, Issue 77, May-June 2011)
15. februar 2011
Den arabiske revolution breder sig til Libyen og imod Muammar Gaddafis styre.
Oprøret i Libyen 2011 (Wikipedia.dk)
2011 Libyan uprising (Wikipedia.org)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Emneoversigten: Mellemøsten / Middle East
- Linkboxen: Opstanden i Libyen
- Tidslinjen: 19. marts 2011 (se nedenfor) international militær indsats mod Libyen.
20. februar 2011
Aktivist-fotografen Svend Espensen dør på Rigshopsitalet i Kbh. (født 10. maj 1955).
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Emnelisten: Socialister på Assistens Kirkegård – Svend Espensen.
11. marts 2011
Japan bliver ramt af jordskæv og tsunami, og Fukushima-atomkraftværket bliver udsat for nedbrud.
- Jordskælvet ved Sendai 2011 (Wikipedia.dk)
- Fukushima I-ulykkerne (Wikipedia.dk)
- 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (Wikipedia.org)
- 2011 Japanese nuclear accidents (Wikipedia.org)
Hvor galt står det til ved Fukushima-kraftværket? Af Kristian Secher (Videnskab.dk, 11. september 2013). “For to år siden skyllede en tsunami ind over Fukushima-kraftværket og udløste den værste atomkatastrofe siden Tjernobyl-ulykken. Flere læsere har spurgt, hvor slemt det egentlig står til nu.”
Et år efter katastrofen på Fukushima atomkraftværket. Af Kenji Kunitomi (Socialistisk Information, 9. marts 2012). “Der er nu gået et år siden den kolossale jordskælvs- og tsunamikatastrofe, der på det voldsomste angreb og ødelagde byer og landsbyer i den nordøstlige del af Japans kystområde.”
Fukushima: Den værste atomkraft-ulykke i 25 år. Af Jens Riis Bojsen (Socialistisk Information, 29. marts 2011). “På papiret burde Fukushima-atomkraftværket have været sikkert. … Ved Fukushima er vi vidne til 3 skandaler …”
The Fukushima nuclear disaster still casts a shadow over Japan. By Gavan McCormack (Jacobin, September 1, 2023). “Twelve years after the Fukushima disaster, Japanese authorities have started pumping wastewater from the plant into the ocean. They insist there’s no danger to public health, but Japan’s neighbors are up in arms about the controversial plan.”
Fukushima—a nuclear warning. By Martin Empson (Socialist Worker, Issue 2745, 8 March 2021). “It’s ten years since two disasters compromised one of the largest nuclear plants in the world. It showed that nuclear power can never be safe.”
Fukushima after five years. By Chie Matsumoto (Against the Current, Issue 181, March-April 2016). “In the five years since the triple meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, at least 100,000 people remain displaced; 80 people have committed suicide in Fukushima alone over the loss of their families, assets and hope for the future.”
In Depth Reports: The Tsunami and nuclear crisis: 1 year later (Scientific American, March 5, 2012). “Japan still struggles with the effects of a powerful earthquake, devastating tsunami and multiple meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.”
Two years after Fukushima. By Pierre Rousset (International Viewpoint, Issue 458, March 2013). “The triple disaster of 11 March 2011 constituted a major turning point in contemporary Japanese history — its political impact is not however unequivocal. It has provoked a radical break in the way in which many Japanese people perceive the authorities and institutions of their country.”
Fukushima: A disaster produced by capitalism. By Peter Symonds (World Socialist Web Site, 10 July 2012). “A damning report by an independent parliamentary commission has catalogued the lack of safety measures that produced last year’s Fukushima nuclear disaster.”
In Fukushima’s wake: How the Greens learned to love nuclear power. By Alexander Cockburn (New Left Review, Issue 68, March-April 2011). “Risks of reactor meltdown on America’s ring of fire, and delusions of mainstream greens seeking climate solutions in the embrace of the nuclear-industrial complex.”
Fukushima disaster: The ever-present nuclear threat. By Pete Dickenson (Socialism Today, Issue 147, April 2011). “It is a tragic irony that the nuclear disaster at Fukushima occurred within weeks of the 25th anniversary of the catastrophe at Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union, the world’s worst nuclear accident.”
Tokyo letter: After the disaster. By Matt Noyes (Against the Current, Issue 153, July/August 2011)
Se også:
Section: Nuclear Power (Union of Concerned Scientists)
Atomkartet etter Fukushima. Av Denis Delbecq (Le Monde Diplomatique, nr.7, juli 2011)
The case against nuclear power. By Chris Williams (International Socialist Review, Issue 77, May-June 2011)
‘Prescription for survival’: A debate on the future of nuclear energy between anti-coal advocate George Monbiot and anti-nuclear activist Dr. Helen Caldicott (Democracy Now!, March 30, 2011)
Can nuclear ever be safe? By Sadie Robinson (Socialist Worker, Issue 2247, 12 April 2011)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Tidslinjen: 26. april 1986 om nedsmeltning af A-kraftværket i Tjernobyl/Ukraine.
- Tidslinjen: 28. marts 1979 om kernekraftulykken på den amerikanske Tremileø.
- Tidslinjen: 15. april 1975 om det svenske Barsebäck-værk.
15. marts 2011
Demonstrationer i Syrien startede 26. januar 2011, men får 15. marts opstandslignende karakter, pga. sikkerhedsstyrkernes hårde fremfærd. 8. december 2024 indtager oprørsstyrker Damaskus og præsident Bashar al-Assad får asyl i Rusland.
- Civil uprising phase of the Syrian civil war + Timeline + Syrian civil war + Fall of the Assad regime (Wikipedia.org)
- Syria Freedom Forever. Joseph Daher’s Blog (member of the Revolutionary Left Current in Syria)
- Syrian Revolution Commentary and Analysis. “This blog [by Michael Karadjis] …
is dedicated to discussion of the ongoing Syrian revolution an unabashedly pro-revolution, left-wing, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist point of view.” - Understanding Syria: resource page (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism for the 21st Century, January 13, 2016). “Mark Boothroyd has gathered together news sites, analysis, cultural archives and … documentaries to help in understanding the situation in Syria.”
På dansk:
Syrien, geopolitikken og venstrefløjen (Solidaritet.dk, 3. februar 2025). “Forfatteren Santiago Alba Rico polemiserer i dette indlæg mod de dele af venstrefløjen, der ikke glæder sig over Assads fald, men kun ser Syrien som et skakbræt, med USA som den centrale spiller.”
Hvor er Syrien på vej hen? (Solidaritet.dk, 23. december 2024). “Efter glæden kommer eftertanken, skriver Gilbert Achar om udviklingen i Syrien, efter Assad-regimet er blevet væltet. Regimet overlevede kun så længe takket være udenlandsk støtte, og da den blev svagere, væltede regimet. Nu står landet over for magtkampe, hvor også udenlandske magter – først og fremmest Tyrkiet, Israel og USA vil blande sig.”
Den syriske revolution har bekræftet fire konklusioner. Af Morten Hammeken (Solidaritet.dk, 12. december 2024). “Det syriske diktatur var en narkostat, hvis undertrykkelse var værre end frygtet. De internationale magthavere er ligeglade med det syriske folk – og konspirationsteoretikere har misforstået det hele.”
Se også Lucas Carn: Whitewashing af åbenlys imperialisme i Syrien (Arbejderen.dk, 20. december 2024).
Syrien: Assad regimet er faldet – Hvad følger? (Autonom Infoservice, 10. december 2024). “Afslutningen på Assad-regimet betyder enden på et autoritært, umenneskeligt tyranni. Spørgsmålet er imidlertid: Hvad følger?”
Bashar al-Assads pyrrhussejr. Af Leila al Shami (Solidaritet.dk, 8. august 2021). “Frygtens Kongerige er blevet genoprettet. Men prisen har været den totale ødelæggelse af civilsamfundet – og Bashar al-Assad sidder magten i et udbrændt og udmattet land, skriver Leila al Shami, britisk-syrisk menneskerettighedsaktivist.”
En anden fremtid blev bygget i de syriske kommuner – ligesom det skete i Paris for 150 år siden. Af Leila al Shami (Solidaritet.dk, 31. marts 2021). “Vi kan godt måle os med arbejderne i Pariserkommunen: de holdt stand i 70 dage, og vi holder den stadig kørende efter halvandet år.” Se også 2016-interview med Leila al-Shami: Syrien – Burning Country! (Autonom Infoservice, 3. april 2021).
Det syriske oprør 10 år efter: “Styrkeforholdet mellem de militære kræfter har gang på gang vist sig at være afgørende” (Solidaritet.dk, 14. marts 2021). “I Syrien har befolkningen kæmpet mod diktatoren Bashar al-Assad i mere end 10 år. Carsten Jensen kigger tilbage på begivenhederne, og analyserer den stadig igangværende borgerkrig med Gramsci-briller.”
Den syriske Revolution: Hvad kan vi lære af historien? (Solidaritet.dk, 21. april 2020). “I sin kritiske statusopgørelse giver den schweizisk-syriske socialist og forsker Joseph Daher et bud på, hvorfor opstanden led nederlag.”
Syrien hvad nu? (Autonom Infoservice, 31. august 2018). “Assad-regimet og dets støtter fremstår som sejrherrer. Krigen er så godt som forbi, erklærer de for omverdenen. Nu truer slaget om Idlib med at resultere i endnu en masseflugt.”
Den syriske revolution: ”Vore skæbner er forbundne” (Socialistisk Information, 6. maj 2018). “… Dan Fischer og S. Maja [sendte] nogle spørgsmål til Joseph Daher. Vi drøftede, hvordan den syriske folkeopstands skæbne i kampen mod Bashar al-Assads diktatur er forbundet med antiautoritære og antifascistiske kampe på globalt plan …”
Syrien: revolution, kontrarevolution og krig. Af Carolyn Stratton (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr.360, 27. juni 2017). Anmeldelse af Anne Alexander og Jad Bouharoun: Syrien: Revolution, kontrarevolution og krig (Forlaget Modstand.org, 2017, 42 s.).
Warlords, kurderne og Assad-regimet: En kritisk kommentar til Dagbladet Arbejderen. Af Alfred Lang (Autonom Infoservice, 29. marts 2017). “Arbejderen [har] konsekvent givet spalteplads til andres eller egne artikler med åbenlys sympati for det syriske Baath-regime …”
Syrien: “Nu ved tyranner i hele verden, at de kan beholde magten ved hjælp af masse-nedslagtning” (Autonom Infoservice, 22. december 2016). Interview med Leila Al-Shami, medforfatter til Burning Country: Syria in Revolution and War (Pluto Press, 2016, 262 p.).
Er Syriens præsident en krigsforbryder eller en antiimperialistisk allieret? Af Tobias Hovmand (Information.dk, 10. december). “Krigen i Syrien har på mange måder udfordret dele af venstrefløjens holdning til autoritære og undertrykkende regimer.”
Antiimperialisme og den syriske revolution. Af Asley Smith (Socialistisk Information, 3. september 2016). “Denne artikel har fokus på den del af venstrefløjen i USA, som lukker øjnene for Assad-regimets brutale undertrykkelse, men … er [også] relevant og nødvendig i forhold til den danske venstrefløj.”
Den totale syriske opløsning. Af Michael Irving Jensen (Information.dk, 10. januar 2015). Anmeldelse af Reese Erlich, Inside Syria: The Backstory of Their Civil War and What the World Can Expect (Prometheus Books, 2014, 313 p.).
Revolutionen set indefra og hvad venstrefløjen skal gøre (Socialistisk Information, 20. september 2013). Interview med Yasser Munif: “Professor Yasser Munif fra Emerson College i Massachusetts besøgte for nylig Syrien og oplevede her revolutionen på tæt hold.”
Hvem er venstrefløjen i Syrien? Af Kristian Laursen (Modkraft.dk, 5. november 2012). “Venstrefløjen i den arabiske verden er splittet omkring konflikten i Syrien. Nogle mener at Assad-regimet skal styrtes i revolutionens navn. Andre støtter regimets kamp mod det, de ser som fremmede reaktionære statsmagters imperialisme.” Artiklen er også bragt i Gaia ( nr.73, efterår 2012).
Assads massakre? Propaganda i Informations dækning af konflikten i Syrien, 1-2. Af Uffe Kaels Auring (Eftertrykket.dk, august 2012).
Syrien og den revolutionære proces – bidrag til en forståelse. Af Khalil Habash (Socialistisk Information, 29. juni 2012). “Den revolutionære proces i Syrien er lige fra starten blevet mødt med mistro fra dele af venstrefløjen, og det har ført til, at nogen har set den som helt anderledes end de øvrige opstande i regionen.” Også bragt på Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa (12. juli 2012)
‘Der er frygt for at Assads fald vil føre til noget, der er værre for vestlige interesser og for Israel’ (Socialistisk Information, 14. april 2012). Den libanesiskfødte Mellmøsten-ekspert Gilbert Achcar diskuterer situationen i Syrien.
Assad-regimets krig mod egen befolkning. Af Alfred Lang (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 23. februar 2012). “Aftenen før FN’s sikkerhedsråd den 4. februar 2012 gennemførte sin afstemning om en international blokadepolitik mod de syriske magthavere, startede elitetropper fra den berygtede 4. division, ledet af præsident Assads broder Mahir al-Assad, en stor offensiv mod de af oprørerne kontrollerede områder i Syrien.”
Militarisering, militær intervention og manglen på strategi (Socialistisk Information, 28. november 2011). “Den libanesiskfødte socialist, forfatter og aktivist Gilbert Achcar deltog for nylig i et møde for den syriske opposition, hvor han talte om udenlandsk intervention i den aktuelle situation i Syrien.”
Protester i skyggen af de syriske tanks. Af Eric Ruder (Socialistisk Information, 13. august 2011). “Den syriske præsident Bashar al-Assads regime er i gang med en blodig offensiv mod den fire måneder gamle opstand. Eric Ruder ser på den syriske regerings seneste forsøg på at knuse det voksende folkelige oprør.”
Revolten mod Syriens magthavere. Af Alfred Lang (Autonom Infoservice, 18. juni 2011). “Interview med to bloggere om revolten mod Assad-regeringen.”
Protesterne mod Assad vokser trods brutal undertrykkelse. Af Yusef Khalil (Socialistisk Information, 28. april 2011). “På trods af et tungt sikkerhedsopbud og vejspærringer ved byerne gik titusinder af syrere over hele landet på gaden efter fredagsbønnen i såvel moskeer som kirker på ”Store Fredag” (22. april) – som langfredag hedder på arabisk – i den seneste folkelige udfordring af Syriens præsident Bashar al-Assad og hans regime.”
In English:
The Syrian revolution, Iran and Israel: Squaring the circle, refuting myths. By Michael Karadjis (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal,
Syria after Assad (New Politics, Issue 78, Winter 2025). “In an interview, Leila al-Shami analyzes opportunities and obstacles for left, labour and feminist organizing in post-Assad Syria, as well as damages caused by the global campist left.”
See also interview with Gilbert Achcar: Understanding the Middle East (ibid.) + Kevin B. Anderson: After the fall: hope amid the ruins of post-Assad Syria (ibid.
What does the fall of the Assad regime mean for the Palestinian struggle? (Socialist Worker, Issue 2938, 14 January 2025). “Author Anne Alexander and German-Palestinian activist Ramsis Kilani detail the context of the Middle East in the wake of Assad’s fall, the opportunities for mass resistance in Syria and, crucially, what it means for Palestinian liberation.”
The threats ahead of a democratic and progressive Syria. By Joseph Daher (Syria Untold, 4 January 2025). “The Syrian popular classes must organise to achieve the initial aspirations of the Syrian revolution.”
The Middle East after the fall of Assad (Jacobin, January 3, 2025). “In a wide-ranging interview, the political economist Helen Thompson discusses how the fall of Bashar al-Assad in Syria has transformed the region. With an incoming Trump administration, the stage is now set for hawks to confront an isolated Iran.”
Syria: In the shadow of war and revolution (Socialist Worker, Issue 2936, 17 December 2024). “Author Anne Alexander answers your questions on the the fall of the Assad regime, its implications for the Middle East and the prospects for resistance.”
See also Anne Alexander: The dynamics of the Assad regime’s downfall (Socialist Worker, Issue 2935, 9 December 2024).
The collapse of the Assad Regime (New Politics, December 13, 2024). Stephen R. Shalom interviews Gilbert Achcar: “Gilbert Achcar explains the sudden collapse of the Syrian regime.”
Syria: what comes after the despot? (Jacobin, December 11, 2024. Bhaskar Sunkara interviews Anand Gopal: “… why the Assad dictatorship was one of the most brutal regimes of the 21st century and what’s likely to come next in Syria.”
Understanding the rebellion in Syria (Tempest, December 9, 2024). “Tempest interviews Swiss Syrian socialist Joseph Daher about the process that led to the fall of Assad’s rule, the prospects for progressive forces, and the challenges they face in fighting for a truly liberated country that serves the interests of all its peoples and popular classes.” See also Notes on an interview with Joseph Daher: Graphic notes for understanding the rebellion in Syria (Tempest, December 18, 2024).
The Syrian revolution returns with a bang: Extraordinary collapse of the genocidal regime. By Michael Karadjis (New Politics, An analysis of the different forces involved in recent Syrian developments.”
Syria explainer: revolution, civil war and Assad’s fall (Socialist Worker, Issue 2935, 9 December 2024). “Arthur Townend answers your questions about Syria in the wake of Bashar al-Assad’s overthrow.”
‘Syrians celebrate when Russian generals involved in war crimes in Syria are killed in Ukraine’ (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, 26 July 2024). Maria Shynkarenko interviews Leila Al-Shami: “Leila Al-Shami is a British-Syrian author and activist. She worked in the field of human rights protection in Syria, participates in international solidarity movements and co-authored the book Burning Country: Syrians in Revolution and War with Robin Yassin-Kassab. She also became known for her criticism of the ‘anti-imperialism of idiots’ of the Western left.”
Syria: how Assad defeated the democratic revolt. By Simon Nielsen (Solidarity & Workers’ Liberty, Issue 612, 3 November 2021). “A bit over ten years since the first protests against the Assad regime broke out in Syria in March 2011, and thanks to the active support of Russia and Iran, Assad has control across the bulk of the country.”
Assad’s pyrrhic victory. By Leila Al-Shami (New Politics, Issue 71, Summer 2021). “This regime will never be seen as legitimate in the eyes of free Syrians. Assad has regained a form of power in much of the country through brute force, foreign sponsorship, and an absence of international solidarity with democratic alternatives.”
Syria and the lust for power. By Louis Proyect (CounterPunch, April 17, 2020). Review of Sam Dagher, Assad or We Burn the Country: How One Family’s Lust for Power Destroyed Syria (Little, Brown, 2020, 336 p.). “[The book] is the definitive chronicle of a tragic war that has left the country in the state described by Tacitus: ‘where they make a desert, they call it peace’.”
Syria: 9 years of struggle for democracy (Socialist Resistance, 8 February 2020). Interview with Joseph Daher: “Assad now seems to be on the verge of winning, but what will be left of the country? Can the regime survive?”
Syria’s unfinished Revolution. By Ashley Smith (Against the Current, Issue 204, January-February 2020). Review of Joseph Daher, Syria after the Uprising: The Political Economy of State Resilience (Haymarket Books, 2019, 386 p.). “[The book] is perhaps the most detailed and comprehensive explanation of the nature of the Syrian state, the causes and character of the revolution, and the reasons for its defeat …” See also review by Chris Slee (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, January 13, 2020) + review by Javier Sethness and Daniel Fischer: Revolution in permanence in Syria, after the uprisings (Transnational Network, March 15, 2020).
The “NGOisation” of the Syrian Revolution. By Julie Hearn and Abdulsalam Dallal (International Socialism, Issue 164, Autumn 2019, p.91-112). “This article takes that unique Syrian experience of revolutionary self-rule and examines the political processes through which Western aid contributed to its destruction.”
“More tribal, more sectarian, more crony capitalist than ever” (Jacobin, 3 August 2019). An interview with Joseph Daher: “Bashar al-Assad has started confiscating the homes of Syrians who fled during the Civil War. For decades, his clan has purged the state of all but the most fanatical loyalists: now, it’s doing the same to society itself.” Svensk udgave på Marxistarkiv.se (14. august 2019).
Trump, Syria, and Counter-Revolution. By Michael Karadjis (New Politics, issue 67, Summer 2019). “The United States was only drawn into Syria to fight the Islamic State (ISIS), and so with the latter’s defeat, withdrawal from Syria is a matter of time.”
Syria from revolution to civil war. By Loubma Mrie (Commune, Issue 2, Spring 2019). “State repression begets the militarization of revolution. And yet, militarization itself incubates counter-revolution. In the Syrian experience since 2012, we hear the questions future revolutionaries must answer.”
Syria, the United States, and the Left. By Ella Wind (New Politics, Issue 66, Winter 2019). “As the war in Syria draws to a close, the debate on the U.S. left over that conflict seems as intractable as ever.”
Syria’s disaster, and what’s next. By Joseph Daher (Against the Current, Issue 196, September-October 2018). “We must recall the original objectives of the Syrian popular uprising for democracy, social justice and equality, against all forms of racism and sectarianism. This is the only way to replace the Assad regime policies …”
Imperialism, Russia and Syria (pdf) (Irish Marxist Review, Vol.7, No.21, 2018, p.31-41). “John Molyneux on imperialism and Russia and Memet Uludag on the Assad regime and their joint article on the political conclusions that follow from this analysis.”
Syria is not exceptional. Part 1-2. By Joe Hayns (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, 27 April-10 May 2018). Interview with Joseph Daher: “In the first part of the interview, Joseph and I discuss the histories of social class, sectarianism, and secularism in Syria; in the second part we discuss Kurdish-Arab relations in the country today.”
Revolution and counterrevolution in Syria. By Tony McKenna (International Socialist Review, Issue 108, Spring 2018, p.57-84). “How is it possible that so many on the left have misread the situation so catastrophically?”
Revolution, counterrevolution, and imperialism in Syria (International Socialist Review, Issue 107, Winter 2017-18; online only). Yassin al-Haj Saleh interviewed by Ashley Smith: “one of the pivotal figures in the Syrian Revolution.” Author of the book Impossible Revolution: Making sense of the Syrian Tragedy (Haymarket Books, 2017, 242 p.).
The Syrian Revolution and Syria today (Irish Marxist Review, Vol.6, No.18, 2017, p.50-54). Interview with the Syrian revolutionary Ghayath Naisse.
Lessons of the Syrian Revolution (International Socialism, Issue 153, Winter 2017, p.57-67). Interview with Syrian socialist Ghayath Naisse about “the brutalisation of Syria, the goals of those intervening and the prospects for socialists in the region.”
Syria and the Left (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 9 January 2017). “To illuminate the history and nature of the Syrian conflict, Yusef Khalil conducted an extensive interview with Yasser Munif, a Syrian scholar who studies grassroots movements in the country.”
The counterrevolution crushes Aleppo (SocialistWorker.org, December 13, 2016). “Ashley Smith analyzes the consequences of the rebel stronghold’s fall.”
The Western left and the Syrian war (Red Flag, November 1, 2016). “Corey Oakley takes up the debates among anti-imperialist forces over what the left should say about Syria.”
Will the left hear the cries from Aleppo? By Ashley Smith (SocialistWorker.org, October 19, 2016). “In the face of a humanitarian horror, a part of the U.S. left wants to absolve Assad and Russia of their crimes in Syria – and blame only the U.S.”
Iraq, IS and the failing war on terror. By Mannt Thain (Socialism Today, Issue 201 September 2016). Review of David Kilcullen, Blood Year: Islamic State and the failures of the war on terror (Hurst, 2016, 256 p.)
Anti-imperialism and the Syrian Revolution (SocialistWorker.org, August 25, 2016). “Ashley Smith explains what’s at stake in a critical test for the international left.” See also Readers’ Views (September 1, 2016) + Louis Proyect: The counter-offensive against Ashley Smith (The Unrepentant Marxist, September 6, 2016)
Self organisation in the Syrian Revolution. By Mark Boothroyd (The Project: A Socialist Journal, August 14, 2016; online at Internet Archive). “Behind the headlines … lie amazing examples of self organisation, the story of which is largely unknown to most in the West.”
Syria is burning, but what fuels the fire? By Mike Noonan (New Politics, Issue 61, Summer 2016). Review of Michael Griffin, Islamic State: Rewriting History (Pluto Press, 2016, 176 p.) + Robin Yassin-Kassab and Leila al-Shami, Burning Country: Syrians in Revolution and War (Pluto Press, 2016, 262 p.)
How did Syria become a burning country? (SocialistWorker.org, March 31, 2016). Interview with Robin Yassin-Kassab, the co-author with Leila Al-Shami of Burning Country: Syria in Revolution and War (Pluto Press, 2016, 262 p.). See review by Yasser Munif (International Socialist Review, Issue 103, Winter 2016-17) + review by Sean Ledwith (Counterfire, September 29, 2016) + review by Louis Proyect (New Politics, April 13, 2016). See also interview with co-author Leila al-Shami: Syria: Not victims but citizens (Socialist Review, Issue 418, November 2016) + Support the Syrian people – not the USA or Russia (RS21, December 16, 2016) + Syrien: “Nu ved tyranner i hele verden, at de kan beholde magten ved hjælp af masse-nedslagtning” (Autonom Infoservice, 22. december 2016)
Syria: from inter-imperial rivalry to inter-imperial crash (Socialist Review, Issue 409, January 2016). “Simon Assaf talks to Socialist Review about the causes and implications of a crisis in which none of the players have control.”
The democratic wager: why the Left must support the Syrian Revolution. By Nick Evans (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, June 7, 2016). Review of Jules Alford and Andy Wilson (eds.), Khiyana: Daesh, the Left and the Unmaking of the Syrian Revolution (London, Unkant, 2016, 278 p.). See the book online (pdf).
Explaining the Syrian civil war. By Ashley Smith (International Socialist Review, Issue 96, Spring 2015). Review of Reese Erlich, Inside Syria: The Backstory of Their Civil War and What the World Can Expect (Prometheus Books, 2014, 314 p.). “For those who want to understand the roots of today’s civil war in Syria and Iraq and why Obama’s war will only make a bad situation worse, Erlich’s book is a must-read.”
Revolution, reaction, and intervention in Syria (New Politics, No.58, Winter 2015). Interview with Joseph Daher, a member of the Revolutionary Left Current in Syria. See also interview with Yassin Al Haj Saleh, one of Syria’s leading political dissidents: Syria and the Left (Ibid.)
Evidence of ‘industrial-scale killing’ by Syria spurs call for war crimes charges. By Ian Black (The Guardian, 21 january 2014). “Senior war crimes prosecutors say photographs and documents provide ‘clear evidence’ of systematic killing of 11,000 detainees.” With link to: A report into the credibility of certain evidence with regard to torture and execution of persons incarcerated by the current Syrian regime (31 p.).
Assad will not be overthrown if ISIS is not overthrown (International Viewpoint, Issue 468, January 2014). Interview of Joseph Daher, member of the Revolutionary Left Current in Syria: “The Western media claimed that the Syrian Revolution was good in the beginning – but recently it has been hijacked by jihadists who have seemed to be the major force on the ground. Has the events of last 3 days proven the opposite? How did it all start against ISIS?”
On Syria crisis and prospects (Against the Current, Issue 167, November-December 2013). Interview with Val Moghadam: “In 2011, it was about protests against an authoritarian regime — as had already occurred in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen and Libya — and about a regime that was hitting back, as had also occurred in Bahrain (with the support of Saudi Arabia). But regional dynamics came into play.”
The crisis in Syria today – how should the Left respond? By Fred Leplat (Socialist Resistance, November 15, 2013)
Syria’s revolution behind the lines. By Yasser Munif (Socialist Review, Issue 384, October 2013). “The story of the Syrian Revolution is written into the town’s tumultuous events that began before the outbreak of the Arab Spring. It is a story about the struggle to drive out Assad’s forces, to put in place effective popular control, and what has become a new struggle between the revolutionary forces and Al Qaeda affiliated Islamist organisations.” See also Ghayath Naisse: Syria: a revolt from below (Ibid.),
Syria between revolution and counter-revolutions (Socialist Resistance, October 2, 2013). Gilbert Achcar was interviewed by Terry Conway: “There can be no doubt that what started in Syria in 2011 is part of the same revolutionary process alongside other countries. It is part of the same phenomenon and driven by the same basic causes – of stalled development, of unemployment and particularly youth unemployment.”
The revolution and the war (SocialistWorker.org, September 11, 2013). “Below is an interview transcript edited with the approval of Dr. Munif. The interview begins as he describes his recent trip to Syria.”
Syria: War threat, the US-Russia deal and some left delusions. By Michael Karadjis (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, September 25, 2013). “For two and a half years, the Bashar Assad regime has waged a barbaric war against the Syrian populace, using long-range missiles, fighter aircraft, helicopter gunships, tanks, artillery, cluster bombs and almost certainly chemical weapons, not to forget everyday machine gunning and torture, in a bid to crush the heroic uprising of Syria’s ‘wretched of the earth’, the peasants and urban poor, against his gangster-capitalist regime.”
European left statements against the threat of US-led war on Syria (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, September 3, 2013). “Below are a number of statements (or news reports of statements) by European left parties on the crisis in Syria. More will be posted (or expanded) as they come to hand.They include Die Linke (Germany), Syriza (Greece), the Party of the European Left and the New Anti-Capitalist Party (France).
Middle Eastern left: ‘We stand behind the Syrian people’s revolution! No to foreign intervention!’ (Link. International Journal of Socialist Renewals, August 31, 2013). “Statement by the Revolutionary Socialists (Egypt), Revolutionary Left Current (Syria), Union of Communists (Iraq), Al-Mounadil-a (Morocco), Socialist Forum (Lebanon).”
Welcoming the vote of the British Parliament while supporting the Syrian uprising. By Gilbert Achcar (OpenDemocracy, 31 August 2013). “The best way to ‘punish’ the Syrian regime is to enable the popular uprising to break it, not to bomb the country.”
On the signs of intervention in Syria. By the Editors (Middle East Research and Information Project, August 30, 2013). “We asked a few veteran observers to comment on this turn of events.”
Imperial hypocrisy to justify an assault (SocialistWorker.org, August 28, 2013). “Lee Sustar argues that Washington’s threats to carry out a military assault on Syria are an imperialist maneuver behind the façade of “humanitarian” concerns.”
Understanding Syria’s revolution today (SocialistWorker.org, July 11, 2013). “In this edited and expanded version of a speech given at the Socialism 2013 conference in Chicago, Yusef Khalil challenges some of the left’s prevailing ideas about Syria and looks at the challenges for revolutionaries.”
Issues in the current stage of Syrian revolution. By Michael Karadjis (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, July 9, 2013). “The Syrian revolution, which broke out in February 2011 as a democratic mass revolt against the dictatorship, is still the fundamental fact. The fact that after eight months of slaughter by the regime revolt was forced to take up arms by late 2011 does not change that.”
Self-organization in the Syrian people’s revolution. By Ghayath Naisse (International Viewpoint, Issue 462, July 2013). “This is a genuine popular revolution; the driving social forces are the workers and more broadly the impoverished urban and rural social strata … They have created structures of self-organization and coordinating bodies, as well as embryos of self-government, local councils and civil advice bureaus.”
Roundtable on the Syrian crisis (Campaign for Peace and Democracy, June 2013; online at Internet Archive). “With contributions from Thomas Harrison, Joanne Landy, Joseph Daher, Michael Karadjis et al.”
Solidarity with the Syrian revolution (SocialistWorker.org, May 1, 2013). “A group of Syrian, Arab and international activists launched the Global Campaign of Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution at the World Social Forum in Tunis last month.”
Why the left must support Syria’s revolution (SocialistWorker.org, April 9, 2013). “Yusef Khalil answers the objections of those on the left who reject the Syrian uprising against dictatorship–and demands to know which side they’re on.”
What the Assad regime was and what it has become.By Fred Weston (In Defence of Marxism, 1 March 2013). “Those on the left who have come out in support of the Assad regime, see in it some “progressive” and “anti-imperialist” elements. The truth, however, is very concrete: there isn’t an ounce of anti-imperialism in the Assad regime.”
Revolution and Imperialism in Syria (Socialist Resistance, February 2, 2013). “Fred Leplat argues that socialists cannot be neutral or ambivalent about Bashar al-Assad’s bloody dictatorship.”
The Syrian people will not submit, nor the permanent popular revolution. By Joseph Daher (International Viewpoint, Issue 452, September 2012). “The resistance of the Syrian people has continued to grow since the beginning of the revolutionary process in March 2011. Its struggle is taking place in the context of the popular struggles in Tunisia and Egypt and has extended to other countries in the region.”
‘Build networks of popular resistance around a democratic charter’ (International Viewpoint, Issue 452, September 2012). Interview with Gilbert Achcar: “I have already said that the main strategic dilemma of the Syrian revolution is to succeed in combining the peaceful mass movement with the armed struggle. It is not conceivable, faced with a regime of the nature of the Syrian regime, that the peaceful struggle can continue infinitely. That would be equivalent to advocating that peaceful demonstrators continue to get slaughtered like sheep, day after day.”
Syria: why the left can’t abandon anti-imperialism. By Dan Poulton (Counterfire, 29 September 2012). “With the West determined to get a foothold in the Arab Revolutions the left cannot afford to downplay the serious threat of imperialist intervention in Syria.”
What is the future of the Syrian revolution? (SocialistWorker.org, August 16, 2012). “Lee Sustar looks at the latest developments in the Syrian revolution–and the debate on the left over the character of the revolution and imperialist intervention.”
The geopolitics of the Syrian uprising/insurgency. By Michael Karadjis (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, August 13, 2012). “The continuing mass uprising against Syria’s Bashar Assad dictatorship on the one hand, and the growing intervention by the reactionary Gulf monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, along with Turkey, on the side of the growing armed insurgency on the other, has led to a situation where many on the left are sharply divided over who to’support’.”
Empire and revolution: Syria and the critics of the anti-war movement (Counterfire, 1 August 2012). “John Rees responds to recent discussions on Syria, imperialism and the Arab revolutions.”
The Syrian crucible. By Jonathan Maunder (International Socialism, Issue 135, Summer 2012). “Some on the left have viewed the uprising fundamentally in geopolitical terms, as a clash between the West and its regional allies, manipulating the uprising to advance their interests, and the Assad regime, which has represented a challenge to Western domination in the region.”
Between imperialism and repression (Counterfire, June 13, 2012). “Sami Ramadani speaks to Samuel Grove about the dynamics of the conflict in Syria, arguing that democratic resistance to Assad’s brutal regime has been eclipsed by reactionary forces, backed by Western and Gulf states.”
Syria, the left and a revolution divided. By John Rees (Counterfire, 9 June 2012). “The battle for the soul of the Arab revolutions has been transformed by imperial intervention, nowhere more so than in Syria.”
Debate: Should socialists support the revolt in Syria? (Socialist Worker, Issue 2295, 24 March 2012). “Socialist Worker has supported the revolution in Syria—but not everyone on the left agrees. Here, Sami Ramadani argues that those leading the resistance are acting in the interests of the West. Simon Assaf, who writes regularly for Socialist Worker on the Middle East, responds by explaining why we should back the revolt and oppose Western intervention.“
In Defence of the Syrian Revolution: The Marxist position on the revolution and Assad’s so-called ‘anti-imperialism’. By Farshad Azadian and Basel Sulaiman (In Defence of Marxism, 15 March 2012). “In this article, we outline what we believe should be the Marxist position in relation to the Syrian revolution, the imperialists and the tasks that lie ahead. It is the task of Marxists to support the revolutionary Syrian people in overthrowing the brutal Assad regime, and to patiently explain the way forward.”
The Syrian regime’s business backbone. By Bassam Haddad (Middle East Report, Issue 262, Spring 2012). “Beginning in the 1970s, the regime has forged networks of capital that bind elite business actors to state officials as the latter, and their offspring, venture into the commercial realm. These ties have paid dividends in times of crisis, both in the past and in the present.”
Hamid Dabashi, Vijay Prashad, Syria, and the left. By Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxist, March 5, 2012). “As I have pointed out repeatedly, the pro-Assad left is basically using the same logic as the pro-Obama left without realizing it … As bad as Ahmadinejad, al-Assad or Qaddafi are or were, they are lesser evils.”
Syria’s Revolution (Socialist Worker, Issue 2290, 18 February 2012). “Simon Assaf examines the regime of Bashar al-Assad and the nature of the revolt against it.”
Syria’s revolution, and imperialism. By Richard Seymour (Lenin’s Tomb, January 30, 2012). “… I situate myself on the side of the popular opposition. Not in an undifferentiated manner, and not without confronting the political problems (of eg sectarianism, pro-imperialism etc) that will tend to recur amid sections of the opposition to any of these regimes. But without conditions or prevarication.”
Syria: The regime is shaking – elements of dual power emerge. By Mousa Ladqani (In Defence of Marxism, 29 January 2012)
What’s at stake in Syria? (SocialistWorker.org, January 10, 2012). “Lee Sustar looks at the prospects for the Syrian revolution as the West tries to crack the regime of Bashar al-Assad through economic and political pressure.”
Syria: a revolution on the march. By Ghayath Naisse (International Viewpoint, Issue 440, September 2011). “Since March 15th of this year, Syria has been experiencing a popular uprising against the dictatorial regime of Bashar al Assad. Faced with peaceful demonstrations by the Syrian masses initially demanding freedom and dignity, the dictatorship has responded with a bloodthirsty and ferocious repression.”
Where is Syria’s revolution going? (SocialistWorker.org, August 30, 2011). “Lee Sustar examines the latest phase of Syria’s revolution, the politics of the opposition and the U.S.-led sanctions campaign against the Assad regime.”
Taking sides in Syria (Socialist Review, Issue 360, July-August 2011). “The revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt were major reversals for the US and Israel. But Nato intervention in Libya’s popular rebellion has raised the possibility that imperialism could hijack the revolutions. Simon Assaf asks, can Syria’s uprising avoid falling into the hands of the West?”
Why the Israeli Communist Party defends Assad’s regime. By Asma Agbarieh-Zahalka (Challenge, July 8, 2011). “Nafa’a [the General Secretary of the Communist Party in Israel (MAKI)] has been publicly supporting the Assad regime against the popular uprising in Syria. So have 50 other communist parties. This article proposes an alternative socialist position.”
Trying to drown Syria’s revolution in blood (SocialistWorker.org, June 13, 2011; online at Internet Archive). “Lee Sustar looks at the effort by Syria’s rulers to butcher the growing rebellion.”
Hugo Chavez, Monthly Review, and the Syrian torture state. By Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxist, May 26, 2011). “Finally, it should be understood that others besides MRZine and Hugo Chavez view al-Assad as a ‘reformer’.”
Monthly Review’s love affair with the al-Assad dynasty. By Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxists, May 4, 2011). “Since the crew that runs MR today, except for Michael Yates, has embraced a version of “lesser evil” politics in which you have to hold your nose and back al-Assad because the opposition is worse (at least if you cherry pick the facts), it is useful to remember that it wasn’t always this way.”
Se også / See also:
Blood and treasure: United States budgetary costs and human costs of 20 years of war in Irag and Syria, 2003-2023. By Neta C. Crawford (Costs of War, March 15, 2023, 27 p.). “This paper examines the total costs of the war in Iraq and Syria, which are expected to exceed half a million human lives and $2.89 trillion.”
How the West Stole Democracy from the Arabs. By Sunil Dasgupta (Washington Independent, April 18, 2021).
Review of By Elizabeth F. Thompson’ book (Atlantic Monthly Press, 2020, 496 p.). “Long-ago broken promises and abandoned agreements reverberate yet today.”
See also interview with Elizabeth F. Thompson (Jadaliyya.com, July 3, 2020).
The origins of the criminal Assad dynasty (Marxist Left Review, Issue 13, Winter 2017). “Omar Hassan confronts the myth that the Assad dynasty in Syria was ever socialist or anti-imperialist.”
Bomber og okkulte hændelser i Syrien. Af Steffen Hahnemann (Kritisk Debat, 15. oktober 2013; online på DBC Webarkiv). “… skildringen af forholdet mellem Frankrig, England, USA og Syrien siden 1. verdenskrig er … fremdraget her for at sætte de aktuelle relationer mellem Syrien og Vesten ind i en historisk sammenhæng.”
Syrien (Leksikon.org)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Emneoversigten: Mellemøsten / Middle East
- Linkboxen: Det arabiske forår, leksikalt, sites og artikler, som analyserer og diskuterer massedemonstrationerne og revolterne i Nordafrika og Mellemøsten foråret 2011
- Tidslinjen 21. august 2013 om giftgasangreb i Ghouta.
- Tidslinjen 29. juni 2014 om ISIS.
19. marts 2011
En historisk dag (den 18.3.), ifølge statsminister Lars Løkke, (“vore udsendte soldater lægger vægt på opbakning”) da et enigt folketing lidt over midnat stemmer for dansk krigsdeltagelse mod Libyen.
En sorgens dag for nogle i Enhedslisten, da partiet for første gang stemmer for krig (se debatten nedenfor).
Libyan no-fly zone (Wikipedia.org). Engelsk Wiki-artikel. Også norsk bokmål-artikel
Security Council approves ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya, authorizing ‘All necessary measures’ to protect civilians, by vote of 10 in favour with 5 abstention (UN Security Council, 17 March 2011)
B 89: Forslag til folketingsbeslutning om et dansk militært bidrag til en international militær indsats i Libyen (Folketinget.dk). Fremsat 18.03.2011, 2. behandlet/vedtaget 19.03.2011. Se her forslag, udvalgsbehandling og afstemning fra hastedebatten.
FN: Advarsler om folkedrab i Libyen var overdrevne. Af Emil Rottbøll (Information.dk, 7. april 2011)

Om Enhedslistens debat:
Nej til imperialistisk krig i Libyen. Af SAP’s landsledelse (Socialistisk Arbejderparti, 9. april 2011; online på Internet Archive)
Enhedslisten har ikke flyttet sig. Af Finn Sørensen (Arbejderen, 5. april 2011) + Om at flytte sig og stå fast, af Jørgen Petersen (7. april) + Svar til Jørgen Petersen: Skal vi støtte Gadaffi? af Finn Sørnsen (14. april) + Et svar til Finn Sørensen, af Jørgen Petersen (15. april)
Enhedslisten trækker støtten til Libyen-krig. Af Charlotte Lund (Modkraft.dk, 30. marts 2011)
Demo mod krigen i Libyen, København 26. marts 2011 (ModkraftTv)
På de libyske oprørers side: en kommentar til den aktuelle debat på venstrefløjen. Af Alfred Lang (Autonom Infoservice, 29. marts 2011)
Derfor stemte Enhedslisten for aktionen i Libyen. Af Frank Aaen, Per Clausen, Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen, Line Barfod (Information.dk, 25. marts 2011)
Ingen Enhedslistestøtte til fortsat krig!. Af SAP’s forretningsudvalg (Socialistisk Arbejderparti, 24. marts 2011; online på Internet Archive)
Ballade i Enhedslisten om Libyen-krig. Af Charlotte Lund (Modkraft.dk, 21. marts 2011). Med links til debatten.
Frank Aaen: Det var rigtigt at gå i krig (Arbejderen, 21. marts 2011). Interview med Frank Aaen + link til interview med Jørgen Petersen/Kommunistisk Parti.
Enhedslisten stemmer for militæraktion mod Libyen. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (Modkraft.dk, 19. marts 2011). Oversigtsartikel med mange links.
SUF tager klar afstand fra militær indsats i Libyen (Socialistisk Ungdomsfront, 19. marts 2011)
Spørgsmål og svar: Enhedslisten og FN-aktionen i Libyen (Enhedslisten.dk, 18. marts 2011)
Enhedslisten stemmer for humanitær aktion i Libyen: Frank Aaens ordførertaler ved folketingsbehandlingen (Enhedslisten.dk, 18. marts 2011)
FUs udtalelse om Libyen fra fredag d 18. marts 2011 (Enhedslisten.dk)
Bloggere på Modkraft.dk (med omfattende debat ifm. de enkelte blogs), bl.a.:
Anna Rytter, Christine Lundgaard, Lars Grenaa, Pelle Dragsted, Mikkel Skov Petersen, Jakob Lindblom og Trine Pertou Mach.
Se evt. nyere indlæg i Blogarkiv th. hos de enkelte bloggere.
Se også:
Emneordet Politikere (på portalen Modkraft.dk/Nyhedssektionen)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Linkboxen: Opstanden i Libyen, med baggrund og den udenlandske debat
imod Enhedslisten (Liste Ø)’s opbakning til enig dansk krigsindsats. Debatten på nettet har givet anledning til skældsord, øgenavne og sekteriske indlæg (og illustrationer!)
22. april 2011
Den amerikanske sanger og sangskriver Hazel Dickens, aktiv for fagforeninger, feminisme, mv. dør i Washington. (Født i Cercer County West Virginia, 1. juni 1935, se denne).
2. maj 2011
Amerikanske specialstyrker angriber Osama bin Ladens tilholdssted og myrder ham i Abbottabad i Pakistan (født 10. marts 1957 i Riyad, Saudi Arabien). Bin Laden anses som leder af terrornetværket al-Qaeda, og som ansvarlig for 11. september (9/11)-angrebet i 2001 på World Trade Center i New York.
Death of Osama bin Laden (Wikipedia.org)
Likvidering af bin Laden kan blive ny konspirationsteori. Af Rasmus Karkov (Videnskab.dk, 4. maj 2011)
Bin Ladens død er guf for konspirationsteoretikere. Af Kristoffer Kræn (Information.dk, 4. maj 2011). “Omstændighederne omkring bin Ladens død danner frodig grobund for konspirationsteorier. Den slags vil altid opstå på grund menneskets fascination af det uforklarlige og skepsis over for autoriteter.”
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Linkboxen: Osama bin Laden og al-Qaeda
4. maj 2011
Aktivisten fra Vietnam-arbejdet, forlaget Demos m.m. Vagn Søndergaard dør på Bispebjerg Hospital (født i Karby, Mors, 13. december 1924).

Vi mindes – Vagn Søndergaard (Demos, maj 2011)
Vagn Søndergaard er død (Arbejderen, 13. maj 2011 – online på WayBack Machine)
Med faklen i hånden. Af Lasse Lavrsen (Information.dk, 12. august 2011)
Inspirerende aktivist og redaktør: nekrolog, Vagn Søndergaard (pdf). Af Wilfred Gluud (Vietnam a jour, nr.3, 2011, s.16-17). Scroll ned.
Vagn Søndergaard: Den blå sten: et tidsbillede (Sohns Forlag, 2006, 156 sider). På smudstitelsiden: Et tidsbillede 1924-1942.
Overvågning fra liv til død. Instr. Vagn Søndergaard (Dokumentarfilm 1986, 35 min.). Kilde: DFI; Fakta om film
Tval Oani (i.e. Vagn Søndergaard mfl.): Vietnambogen: en grundbog i kolonialisme og imperialismens praksis (Demos, 1976, 119 sider)
Folk i Nord Vietnam. Instr. Vagn Søndergaard (Dokumentarfilm prod. af Workshoppen, 1973, 22 min.). Kilde: DFI; Fakta om film
Ho Chi Minh: Frihedens Værksted: udvalgte skrifter. Red. Vagn Søndergaard og oversat af Tove Nørlund (Demos, 1975, 300 sider)
Lars Bonnevie, Carita Nyström og Vagn Søndergård (red): Digte er våben – kampdigte fra tre kontinenter (Demos, 1972, 95 sider)
Knud Jensen og Vagn Søndergaard: Danmark i Sydøstasien (Demos, 1971, 49 sider) (Demos Dokument, nr. 3)
Ho Chi Minh: Dagbog fra fængslet. Oversat af Vagn Søndergaard (Demos, 1970, 112 sider)
Til Vietnam. Red. Ebbe Reich og Vagn Søndergaard (Det Internationale Krigsforbrydelses Tribunals Københavnerkontor og Vietnamindsamlingen Giro 1616, 1967, 39 sider)
15. maj 2011
I Spanien starter oprørsbevægelsen Democracia real YA (= M15, fordi den startede 15 maj) (Indignados). Inspireret af folkelige oprør i Island og Egypten, omdøbes den centrale Plaza del Sol i Madrid til både Islands Plads og Tahrirpladsen.
Besættelsen ophæves den 7. juni.
Besættelsen af Plaza del Sol i Madrid 20. maj 2011 (YouTube: 34 sec.)
Anti-austerity movement in Spain (Wikipedia.org)
15. oktober: Kæmpe sejr for de indignerede. Af Éric Toussaint (Socialistisk Information, 23. oktober 2011). “Ikke siden februar 2003 er en appel om en international aktionsdag blevet mødt med så stor genklang. I Spanien hvor Indignados-bevægelsen startede, marcherede næsten 500.000 demonstranter gennem gaderne i 80 forskellige byer.”
15. maj bevægelsen i Spanien. Af Murray Smith (Socialistisk Information, 25. august 2011). “Den 15. Maj eksploderede en ny politisk kraft på den politiske scene i Spanien. En uge før de regionale og kommunale valg besatte titusinder af unge mennesker de største pladser i Madrid, Barcelona og mange andre spanske byer.”
Spanien: Oppe og nede (Socialistisk Information, 29. maj 2011). “Miguel Romero analyserer det seneste lokalvalg i Spanien og sætter det i sammenhæng med den omfattende protestbevægelse mod arbejdsløshed og nedskæringspolitik.”
Democracia Real Ya: Arabisk forår og spansk sommer. Af Benny Åsman (Socialistisk Information, 26. maj 2011). “De kalder sig 15. maj-bevægelsen og kalder til demonstration for frihed, arbejde og et menneskeligt samfund. Nej, det er ikke endnu en af de arabiske revolutioners dato-bevægelser. Det arabiske forår har spredt sig til vores eget kontinent.”
Spanien – de arabiske folkeopstandes næste stop? (Autonom Infosevice, 19. maj 2011)
Oprørsbevægelse vokser ud af lokalprotester i Spanien. Af Laura Na Blankholm (Modkraft.dk, 24. maj 2011)
Protester i Madrid (Arbejderen, 20. maj 2011; online på Internet Archive)
Tag: Spanishrevolution (Modspil.dk). Flere artikler på dansk & engelsk, fotoserie, manifesto, m.m.
The Indignados movement changed Spanish politics forever (Jacobin, May 15, 2021). An interview with Juan Carlos Monedero: “his day in 2011, the Indignados protesters occupied Madrid’s Puerta del Sol to denounce Spain’s dominant parties and their austerity agenda. Ten years later, the Spanish left no longer has that insurgent dynamism — but it’s had an enduring success in breaking a previously monolithic neoliberal consensus.”
‘No one represents us’: the 15 May movement in the Spanish state. By Andy Durgan and Joel Sans (International Socialism, Issue 132, Autum 2011). “To understand how such an explosion has been possible it is necessary to look both at the effects of the crisis and the peculiarities of the Spanish left and trade union movement.”
Report from Spain: On the May 15th Movement (pdf) (Insurgent Notes, Issue 4, August 2011)
Austerity with a ‘socialist’ face. By Pat Gallagher (SocialistWorker.org, July 13, 2011)
Tahrir Square comes to Madrid. By Maciej Zurowski (Weekly Worker, Issue 868, June 2, 2011)
The Spanish model. By Isidro López and Emmanuel RodrÃguez (New Left Review, Issue 69, May-June 2011)
Spain: The ‘Indignant’ and the Paris Commune. By Atilio A. Boron (The Bullet, No.507, May 25, 2011)
The uprising over Spain’s future. By Zach Zill (SocialistWorker.org, May 26, 2011)
The Spanish model. By Isidro López & Emmanuel RodrÃguez (New Left Review, Issue 69, May-June 2011)
Spain, hostage to the eurozone. By Mark Weisbrot (The Guardian, 29 January 2011)
25. juni 2011
Græske storstrejker, demonstrationer og protester på gaderne bryder ud i protest mod regeringens forsøg på nedskæringsaftaler (lån) med EU.
Til forskel for protestbevægelsen i 2010 og de 7 generalstrejker i løbet af året, er bevægelsen i 2011 mere præget af krav og former fra det arabiske forår (se linkbox) og den spanske oprørsbevægelse (se 15. maj 2011 ovenfor).
Leksikale, sites:
2010-2011 Greek protests + European sovereign debt crisis (Wikipedia.org)
Greek Left Review: The crisis seen from a left perspective (site)
Index: Greece (International Viewpoint)
Topics: Greece (SocialistWorker.org)
Topics: Greece (Links)
Topics: Greece (In Defense of Marxism)
På dansk:
Emneord: Grækenland (på portalen Modkraft.dk)
Grækenlands venstrefløj styrket efter valget. Af Alfred Lang (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 10. maj 2012)
Hellas vs Argentina. Av Maurice Lemoine (Le Monde Diplomatique, nr.4, april 2012)
Vedtagelse af EU’s spareplan sætter ild i Grækenland. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (Modkraft.dk, 13. februar 2012)
Pre-revolutionær situation i Grækenland. Af Alan Woods (Socialistisk Standpunkt, 15. februar 2012)
Grækenland på randen undtagelsestilstand – et spørgsmål om dage. Af Aris Leonas (Socialistisk Information, 23. oktober 2011)
Generalstrejke mod PASOK-regeringen lammer Grækenland (Autonom Infoservice, 21. oktober 2011)
Græsk vrede. Af Anders Lundkvist (Modkraft.dk, 2. juli 2011)
Grækenland: vrede i gaderne. Af Alan Woods (Socialistisk Standpunkt, 1. juni 2011)
Græsk tragedie og europæisk drama. Af Jan Helbak (Kritisk Debat, 15. maj 2011)
Den græske linedans. Af Bent Gravesen (Kritisk Debat, 15. april 2011)
Grækenland er et laboratorium af ekstrem neoliberal politik (Kritisk Debat, 15. april 2011). Interview med Kostas Isychos og Maria Syrakou.
Meningen med den græske krise. Af Pascal Franchet (Socialistisk Information, 10.05.10)
In English:
The greek crisis and the Left (Socialist Review, Issue 383, September 2013). Interview with Thanasis Kampagiannis, a member of the Greek Socialist Workers Party (SEK).
Greece nearing the breaking point. By Dan Georgakas (Against the Current, Issue 164, May-June 2013)
The state of anti-austerity struggles in Greece. By Costas Panayotakis (New Politics, No.54, Winter 2013)
SYRIZA and the rise of radical left-reformism in Europe. By Donal Mac Fhearraigh (Irish Marxist Review, Vol.1, No.2, 2012)
Exploding the myth of the feckless, lazy Greeks. By Alex Andreou (New Statesman, 18 May 2012)
SYRIZA’s message to Europe. By Alexis Tsipras (SocialistWorker.org, May 14, 2012)
A political earthquake in Greece (SocialistWorker.org, May 9, 2012). Editorial by the Greek socialist group Internationalist Workers Left (DEA, by its initials in Greek), which helped to found SYRIZA in 2004.
Greece: the struggle radicalises (International Socialism, Issue 134, Spring 2012). Interview with Panos Garganas, editor of the Greek newspaper Workers Solidarity.
Greek lessons: democracy versus debt-bondage. By David McNally (The Bullet, No. 602, February 26, 2012)
The Greek and the European crisis in context. By C.J. Polychroniou (New Politics, Issue 52, Winter 2012)
The Greek cauldron. By Stathis Kouvelakis (New Left Review, Issue 72, November-December 2011, p.17-32)
Greece in the eye of the storm. Interview wirh Eric Toussaint (SocialistWorker.org, September 20, 2011)
Greece: austerity and workers’ resistance. By Mark L Thomas and Nikos Loudos (Socialist Review, July-August 2011)
Greece: After the storm – what next? By Christina Laskaridis (Counterfire, 11 July 2011)
What happens if Greece defaults? By Zach Zill (SocialistWorker.org, July 11, 2011)
Video/Transcript: Greece should default. Interview with David Harvey (The Real News, 3 July 2011, 9 min.)
Showdown in Greece. Interview with Panos Petrou (SocialistWorker.org, June 28, 2011)
Greece: The dictatorship of finance capital. By Nick Beams (World Socialist Web Site, 22 June 2011)
The myth of the ‘lazy Greek workers’. By the editorial board of ‘Marxistiki Foni’ (In Defence of Marxism, 4 May 2010)
Greek crisis reveals ‘progressive’ Europe’s reactionary stew. By Paul Kellogg (Links: international journal of socialist renewal, May 3, 2010)
Se også:
Den europæiske gældskrise, 1. del + 2. del + 3. del + 4. del + 5. del + 6. del. Af Anders Lundkvist (Modkraft.dk, maj-juni 2010)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Tidslinjen 5. juli 2015 om græsk folkeafstemning om EU’s sparekrav.
- Tidslinjen 25. januar 2015 om Syriza’s valgsejr.
- Tidslinjen 17. juni 2012 om parlamentsvalget i Grækenland, hvor Syriza fik 17 % af stemmerne.
- Tidslinjen 5. maj 2010 om de græske protester mod regeringens nedskæringspolitik.
9. juli 2011
En ny stat ser dagens lys i Afrika, Sydsudan. FNs medlemsstat nr. 193.
Den nyeste stat pr. dato (1.5.2018)
Sydsudan (Wikipedia.dk). Dansk artikel.
South Sudan (Wikipedia.org). Engelsk artikel.
14. juli 2011
Starten på en teltlejr i Tel Aviv, Israel, der protester mod boligforhold. Lejren udvides og kravene og kritikken af regeringens neoliberale politik bliver mere omfattende. Den 6. august oplever hovedstaden (ca. ½ mio. indbyggere) massedemonstration på 2-350.000.
2011 Israeli housing protests (Wikipedia.org)
Timeline of the 2011 Israeli housing protests (Wikipedia.org)
Fem spørgsmål til Michel Warschawski (Socialistisk Information, 28.09.11)
Historisk fælleserklæring fra palæstinensere og israelere (Socialistisk Information, 28.09.11)
Største demonstration i Israels historie. Af Daniel Morley (Socialistisk Standpunkt, 7. september 2011)
Protesterne i Israel: Måske indser de besættelsen. Af Laura Na Blankholm (Modkraft.dk/Nyheder, 22. august 2011). Interview med den jødisk-arabiske menneskerettighedsaktivist Ezra Nawi.
Masse-protester mod Israels regering. Af Lars Ploug (Modkraft.dk, 15. august 2011). Med links.
Israels regering vælter krisen over på palæstinenserne (Autonom Infoservice, 17. august 2011)
Den arabiske revolution når Israel. Af Walter Leon (Socialistisk Standpunkt, 10. august 2011)
Interview med israelsk venstreradikal: ‘Byg boliger – ikke besættelser’ (Autonom Infoservice, 10. august 2011)
Five questions to Michel Warschawski (International Viewpont, Issue 440, September 2011)
Israel’s largest ever protests oppose inequality. By Jean Shaoul (World Socialist Web Site, 5 September 2011)
Israel rocked by protests. By Moshe Machovér (Weekly Worker, Issue 879, September 1, 2011).
Israel: Capitalists and fundamentalists won’t succeed in derailing revolutionary movement. By Walter Leon (In Defence of Marxism, 1 September 2011)
Social origins of the tent protests in Israel. By Max Ajl (MR Zine, 16.08.11)
The anatomy of Israel’s protest movement. By Jonah Birch and Hadas Thier (SocialistWorker.org, August 12, 2011)
Support Israeli protest movement without illusions (Weekly Worker, Issue 878, August 11, 2011). “Tony Greenstein argues that there is no such thing as the Israeli Jewish nation.”
A few observations on Israel’s protests. By Richard Seymour (Lenin’s Tomb, August 2, 2011)
22. juli 2011
Terrorangreb i Norges hovedstad Oslo, udført af Anders Behring Breivik, med bombeangreb ved centrale regeringsbygninger med 8 dræbte og nedskydning af 69 på AUF sommerlejr på Utøya ved Oslo.
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Linkboxen: Terrorangrebet i Norge 2011
6. august 2011
I London-bydelen Tottenham udvikler demo mod et politidrab på Mark Duggan sig til uroligheder og gadekampe, som breder sig i London de næste 4 nætter og dage ud over engelske storbyer.
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Linkboxen: De engelske uroligheder august 2011
12. august 2011
Menneskeretsaktivisten og forfatteren Patrick Mac Manus dør på Håndværkerhavens Plejehjem i København. (Født 6. oktober 1944 i Dublin, Irland). Flyttede til Danmark i 1970. Formand for Landskomiteen Sydafrika-Aktion (1986-1990). Talsmand for foreningen Oprør (Fra 2004), hvorfor han blev dømt 15. marts 2010 for overtrædelse af “terrorparagraffen”, straffelovens § 114b.
Citat fra hans Facebook-profil:
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” (Desmond Tutu)
Af Patrick Mac Manus:
Patrick Mac Manus’s Blog: For solidarity with the oppressed! (WordPress.com)
For livets håb – et sidste brev til barnebarnet. Af Patrick Mac Manus (Arbejderen, 12. august 2011; online på Internet Archive). “Efter hans eget ønske bringer Arbejderen her hans sidste hilsen til sit barnebarn.”
Pimpernellens tid : Forsvar for flygtningene. Af Patrick Mac Manus (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 13. august 2009)
Den tilkæmpede historie – at fejre menneskerettighederne (Arbejderen, Debat, 10. Dec. 2008)
Om Patrick Mac Manus:
Patrick Mac Manus (Wikipedia.dk). Kort biografisk leksikonartikel med nogle links.
Patrick Mac Manus mindet med knyttede næver (Arbejderen.dk, 12. september 2011; online på Internet Archive).
Til minde om Patrick Mac Manus. Af Jørgen Petersen (Arbejderen.dk, 10. september 2011; online på Internet Archive).
Patrick Mac Manus er død. Af Charlotte Lund (Modkraft.dk, 12. august 2011; online på Internet Archive).
De revolutionære dør aldrig. Af Af Irene Clausen og Johnna Mortensen (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 12. august 2011)
Se også:
- Oprør: Opror.dk (foreningens site)
- Foreningen Oprør (Wikipedia.dk)
22. august 2011
Den progressive forfatter, skuespiller og humorist Jesper Klein dør af kræftsygdom i København. (Født 13. november 1944 i Næstved)
Formand for Kunstnere for Fred.

Jesper Klein (Wikipedida.dk). Med link, filmliste mm.
Jesper Klein (Gravsted.dk) biografi og fotoaf gravsted
Jesper Klein (Denstoredanske.dk)
Jesper Klein var stor. Af Anne Marie Helger (Modkraft.dk/Modkultur, 24. august 2011)
Farvel til en rød lejesvend. Af Charlotte Lund (Modkraft.dk, 23. august 2011)
Jesper Klein mindet med røde faner og fred. Af Charlotte Lund (Modkraft.dk, 5. september 2011)
Fred er ingen kunst – i mindet om Jesper Klein (1944-2011) (Arbejderen, 24. august 2011). “Fredsaktivisten Jesper Klein udgav i 2003 ‘Om Fred’ … Kapitel II: Forsvaret for forsvaret.”
Jesper Klein taler under demo, World Against War København (YouTube.com, video, 1:20 min.)
Den Femte Magt (YouTube.com). Interview med Jesper Klein om filosofi og krigskunst. 3 dele a ca. 9-10 min.
Del 1 – del 2 – del 3
Jesper Klein mindet med røde faner og fred Af Charlotte Lund (Modkraft.dk/Nyheder, 5. setpember 2011). Fra mindehøjtideligheden for Jesper Klein på Arbejdermuseet, 3.9.2011.
Se også:
Kunstnere for Fred (site)
Jesper Kleins introduktion (ca. 2 første min.) ved støttearrangement i Christianskirken på Christianshavn for irakerne i Brorsons Kirke, 2009.
22. august 2011
48 timers generalstrejke i Chile som foreløbig kulmination på en protestbølge siden april, især blandt unge og studerende.
2011 Chilean protests (Wikipedia.org)
Chile: hundredtusinder af studenter og lærere demonstrerer imod regeringen. Af Shaggie og Alfred Lang (Autonom Infoservice, 16. maj 2015)
Studenteroprør sætter Chile på spidsen (Modkraft.dk, 28. september 2012). Interview med studenterlederen José Ankalao.
Udsigt til et socialt og politisk forår. Af Pierre Mouterde (Socialistisk Information, 23.10.11)
Studenterprotester presser Chiles konservative regering. Af Lars Ploug (Modkraft.dk, 16. august 2011)
Chile: Return of the Penguins! By René Rojas (Against the Current, Issue 157, March/April 2012)
Chile’s new left: More than a student movement. By Jeffery R. Webber (International Socialist Review, Issue 80, November-December)
When triumphant neoliberalism begins to crack. By Franck Gaudichaud (International Viewpoint, Issue 441, October 2011)
Chile’s student struggle and the legacy of 1973. By Luis Arce and Rafael Azul (World Socialist Web Site, 16 September 2011)
Chile’s winter awakening. By Roberto Navarrete (Red Pepper, September 2011)
Chile: a generation lost. By Mike Gonzalez (Socialist Worker, Issue 2267, 3 September 2011)
Chile’s long hot winter. By Jason Farbman (SocialistWorker.org, August 31, 2011)
Teenager killed by police in mass demonstrations in Chile. By Joseph Kishore (World Socialist Web Site, 27 August 2011)
Chilean Students: Three months of struggle and still gaining strength. By Diego Carmoni (Permanent Revolution, 27 August 2011)
Biggest protests for more than 30 years. By Celso Calfullan (Socialistworld.net, 08/07/2011)
120,000 students, teachers march in Chile against attacks on public education. By Louis Arce (World Socialist Web Site, 8 July 2011)
Se også:
Elections in Chile: Historic defeat of the right or a win for post-Pinochet Neoliberalism? By René Rojas (New Politics, No.58, Winter 2015)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Linkboxen: Chiles 11. september, om militærkuppet i Chile 1973.
7. september 2011
Troubadouren, folkeoplyseren og den musikalske aktivist Per Warming dør i København. (Født 17. august 1943 i København).
Stifter bl.a. Laboratorium for politiske viser i PH Cafeen.
Modtog Gelsted-Kirk-Scherfig-Prisen 2001.
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Emnelisten: Socialister på Assistens, under Warming, Per
17. september 2011
“Occupy Wall Street” bevægelsen starter teltlejr-aktionen i New Yorks finanskvarter.
Inspireret af teltlejr-aktioner andre steder i verden i 2011. Og spreder sig i USA til andre byer, og til en bevægelse i mange lande.
- Occupy Wall Street (Wikipedia.org)
- Timeline of Occupy Wall Street (Wikipedia.org)
- Occupy Wall Street: We are the 99 percent (site)
- Occupy Wall Street (Democracy Now!). Texts +Videos.
Occupy America (New Politics, 2011-2012). A New Politics Symposium (19 articles): “We invite you to Occupy New Politics with your reports and your interpretations of these important events. So, as you march, rally and occupy, record, report, write and reflect and send your views to us.”
Ingen ledere, ingen vold. Af Nathan Schneider (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 28. februar 2012). Kap. 7 i Nathan Schneider, Naomi Klein m.fl.: Vi er de 99% – Occupy Wall Street Bevægelsen (Tiderne Skifter, 2012, 144 sider). Se også Pil Christensens anmeldelse: En fragmenteret fortælling om de 99 procent (Modkraft.dk, 23. maj 2012).
Inside Occupy-bevægelsen: Et interview med David Graeber, amerikansk anarkist, forfatter og aktivist i Occupy-bevægelsen. Med billeder, videoer og links (Autonom InfoService, 18. maj 2012).
Hvor er Occupybevægelsen nu? Af Pil Christensen (Modkraft.dk/Blog, 16. maj 2012). “Min oplevelse af Occupy bevægelsen, er dannet på baggrund af mit sidste besøg i USA, konkret i The Bay Area, hvor der er Occupy San Francisco, Oakland og Berkeley.”
Besat af Occupy. Af Martin Burcharth (Information.dk, 8. maj, 2012). “Trods færre synlige demonstrationer har Occupy-bevægelsen ændret dagsordenen i USA og vundet indflydelse på flere niveauer – selv i magtens korridorer i Washington.”
USA: Occupy-bevægelse opfordrer til generalstrejke. Af Rune Eltard-Sørensen (Modkraft.dk, 31. oktober 2011). “Blandt iagttagere er der enighed om, at netop etablering af åbne møder i basisdemokratiske protestlejre er afgørende for Occupy-protesternes succes og fortsatte udbredelse.”
Hele verden på gaden mod finansvældet. Af Charlotte Lund (Modkraft.dk, 16. oktober 2011). “Politiet slog i weekenden til mod aktivistlejre i adskillige amerikanske byer og anholdt godt 80 mennesker tilknyttet den verdensomspændende, kapitalisme-kritiske Occupy Wall Street-bevægelse.”
»Højrepropaganda og peberspray gør os kun stærkere«. Af Charlotte Lund (Modkraft.dk, 13. oktober 2011). “Ordene kommer fra 31-årige socialarbejder Nathan Lee, der i de sidste par uger har boet på i demonstranternes teltlejr i den smalle Liberty Park, der ligger mellem højhusene i finansdistriktet mellem Liberty Street, Broadway og Wall Street i New York.”
Occupy Everywhere: en global bevægelse er født (Autonom Infoservice, 16. oktober 2011). “Lørdag den 15. oktober 2011 gik millioner af mennesker i mere end 1.300 byer på gaden. Med mange billeder + videoer.
Tale til besætterne af Wall Street. Af Naomi Klein (Information.dk, 10. oktober 2011). “Vores bevægelse adskiller sig fra de tidligere antiglobalisering protester. Men skal vi forandre samfundets værdier, må vi holde sammen i mange år frem.” Også på Arbejderen.dk (14. oktober 2011).
Faglig støtte til ”Besæt Wall Street” kan give den nye sociale bevægelse muskler (Socialistisk Information, 9. oktober 2011). “En ny venstreorienteret bevægelse breder sig i USA, ”Besæt Wall Street” … 20.000 demonstrerede i New York den 5. oktober, og nu begynder også faglige organisationer at bakke op.”
USA: Occupy everywhere-bevægelse: ‘Stop the machine’ (Autonom Infoservice, 5. oktober 2011). “Den nye brogede anti-kapitalistiske bevægelse Occupy everywhere ( BZ overalt) har bredt sig til omtrent 100 amerikanske byer.”
In English:
Occupy Wall Street at 10: it was annoying, but it changed the world. By Doug Henwood (Jacobin, September 17, 2021). “Ten years ago, I was ready to throw in the towel on this whole politics business — things were too bleak. Then Occupy Wall Street kicked off. Now, thank God, we’re living in the world Occupy created.”
Occupy Wall Street made me a socialist. By Alex N. Press (Jacobin, September 17, 2021). “When I first heard about Occupy Wall Street, I thought it was goofy, even absurd. Maybe it was. But I joined its encampments anyway. Like countless others, it was the first time radical politics ever reached me.”
Ten years since Occupy (Tempest, September 16, 2021). “On the tenth anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, we honor the movement for all its promise. To understand where we can go, we must remember where we have been. Below, we share reflections by Tempest Collective members who participated in the movement.”
See also: Occupy Wall Street goes national (Ibid., October 6, 2021). “More reflections on the ten-year anniversary.”
The occupation heard around the world (SocialistWorker.org, October 25, 2016). “Five years after the autumn of Occupy Wall Street, Jen Roesch tells the story of the fight that called out the 1 Percent–and explains what the 99 Percent can learn from it.”
Occupy: Caught in the headlights. By Daniel Harvey (Weekly Worker, Issue 986, November 14, 2013). Review of Mark Bray, Translating anarchy: the anarchism of Occupy Wall Street (Zero Books, 2013).
The significance of Occupy Wall Street. By Dan La Botz, Robert Brenner and Joel Jordan (Solidarity, August 9, 2012). “The following document is seen as part of the process of understanding and analyzing Occupy and what proved to be the most important development of the Occupy movement–its interaction with the labor unions. This interaction represented the greatest challenge to the movement and to those of us who seek to understand it and learn from it.”
The life and times of Occupy Wall Street. By Jen Roesch (International Socialism, Issue 135, Summer 2012). “Rather than seeing the Occupy movement as representing something distinctly unique that can only be analysed on its own terms, it is more useful to understand it as one expression of a growing resistance.”
The ‘GlobalMay manifesto’ of the International Occupy assembly (The Guardian, 11 May 2012). “The International Occupy assembly wants a better world. Such a world is possible, and here’s how …”
Possible futures for Occupy. By Paul Le Blanc (SocialistWorker.org, April 26, 2012). “The speech below was one of several presentations made by different activists to contribute to a discussion about the next steps for the Occupy movement.”
Occupy America (New Politics, 2011-2012). A Symposium (19 articles): “We invite you to Occupy New Politics with your reports and your interpretations of these important events. So, as you march, rally and occupy, record, report, write and reflect and send your views to us.”
A balance sheet of Occupy Wall Street: notes of a participant. By Doug Singsen (International Socialist Review, Issue 81, January-February 2012). “The current lull in the movement thus presents an opportunity to look back at the development of the Occupy movement and examine some of the key debates and forces that have shaped it so far.”
The Occupy movement and class politics in the US. By Megan Trudell (International Socialism, Issue 133, Winter 2012). “The Occupy movement has its roots in the anti-capitalist movement that emerged in the US at the end of the 1990s.”
From Occupy Wall Street to Occupy the World: the emergence of a mass movement. By Dan La Botz (New Politics, Issue 52, Winter 2012). “We are witnessing the birth of the first major mass movement on the left in the United States since the decline of the leftist upsurge of the 1960s and early 1970s.”
The meaning of Occupy Wall Street (International Socialist Review, Issue 80, November-December 2011). “Participants talk about what has inspired them about OWS, and what they hope for its future.”
The Occupy Wall Street uprising and the U.S. Labor movement: an interview with Steve Early, Jon Flanders, Stephanie Luce, and Jim Straub. By Farooque Chowdhury and Michael D. Yates (MR Online, November 15, 2011). “In order to assess the connections between OWS and the labor movement, we conducted email interviews with four labor activists.”
Generation threat: why the youth of America are occupying the nation. By Christine Kelly (Logos, Vol.10, No.4, 2011). “This early phase of the Occupy movement is best understood as a logical response by a generation in crisis; a generation demanding to be seen and heard and who are in fact entitled to positive governmental response.”
From Occupy Wall Street, to Occupy America: the emergence of a mass movement. By Dan La Botz (International Viewpoint, Issue 441, October 2011). “The movement’s chant ‘We are the 99%’ rang out not only in the Wall Street canyon but also across the country. Now there are scores of Occupy groups across the United States camping out in public places, marching and rallying in cities and towns against corporate greed.”
Turning up the heat on Wall Street (SocialistWorker.org, October 3, 2011). “Danny Katch reports from New York City on the latest stage of the Occupy Wall Street movement after the mass arrest of protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge.”
Raising the voice of protest (SocialistWorker.org, September 30, 2011). “Lee Sustar looks at the significance of Occupy Wall Street and actions in other cities.”
Five things that #OccupyWallStreet has done right. By Mark Engler (Dissent Magazine, September 29, 2011). “#OccupyWallStreet protests are now well into their second week, and they are increasingly capturing the public spotlight. This is because, whatever limitations their occupation has, the protesters have done many things right.”
Right Here All Over (Occupy Wall St.). By Alex Mallis & Lilli Henderson (YouTube, 6:55 min.). “A new angle on Occupy Wall Street reveals the strong micro community that has formed there.”
Se også:
- The World vs Wall Street (Avaaz.org – A World In Action). “Sign the petition”.
- Wall Street. By Doug Henwood (Verso, 1997, 372 p.). “The book is a definitive overview of the financial markets and their economic and political role.”
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Tidslinjen: 15. maj 2011, om det folkelige oprør i Spanien.
- Tidslinjen: 25. juni 2011, om Grækenland.
- Tidslinjen: 14. juli 2011, om Israel.
- Tidslinjen: 22. august 2011, om Chile.
- Emnelisten: Oprøret i Ægypten, og teltlejren på Tahrir-pladsen.
- Emnelisten: The Battle of Seattle : “Globalize This!” – on the Internet.
28. september 2011
KB-Hallen på Frederiksberg brænder ned. Opført 1938, fredet 2011. Scene for verdensstjernes optræden i Danmark, og for mange politiske arrangementer.
KB-Hallen (Wikipedia.dk)
Arbejderbevægelsen og KB Hallen (Arbejdermuseet & Arbejderbevægelsens Bibliotek og Arkiv, 29. september 2011). En række billeder fra arbejderbevægelsens aktiviteter i KB-hallen.
Udstilling: Under eget tag: arbejdernes første forsamlingsbygning (Arbejdermuseet & Arbejderbevægelsens Bibliotek og Arkiv)
28. november 2011
Den italienske venstrefløjspolitiker og redaktør af dagbladet Il Manifesto, Lucio Magri dør i Zurich, Svejts (født 19. august 1932 i Ferrara).
Skrædderen er faldet … men ideerne vil flyve. Farvel til en ven og kammerat, avismanden og venstrefløjsteoretikeren, Lucio Magri (1932- 2011). Af Bruno Amoroso (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 2. december 2011)
Lucio Magri (Wikipedia.org)
Obituaries: Lucio Magri (Verso, Blogs)
Lucio Magri: Grappling with democracy (Verso/Blog, 30 March 2015). “In Il Manifesto, Luciana Castellina spoke on the publication of a collection of Lucio Magri’s parliamentary interventions.”
Farewell comrades: obituari for Lucio Magri. By Chris Bambery (Counterfire, 29 November 2011)
Lucio Magri: 1932-2011. By Perry Anderson (New Left Review, Issue 72, November-December 2011, p.111-121)
The taylor of Ulm. By Lucio Negri (New Left Review, Issue 51, May-June 2008, p.47-62). This essay has been extracted from a work in progress: The Tailor of Ulm: Communism in the Twentieth Century (Verso, 2011). See review by Mark Bergfeld (Socialist Review, December 2011) + Poker face by Eric Hobsbawm (London Review of Books, Vol.32, No.7, 8 April 2010) + With ‘enemies’ like these, who needs friends? by James Heartfield (Spiked Review of Books, Issue 52, January 2012)
Parting words. By Lucio Magri (New Left Review, Issue 31, January-February 2005, p.92-105). With a short introduction about Magri.
The May events and revolution in the West. By Lucio Magri (Socialist Register, 1969, p.29-54)
Marxismens krise, overgangsprogrammet og nødtilstanden. Af Lucio Magri (Tidsskrift for politisk økonomi, årg.6, nr.2/3, 1979, s.103-22)
Arbejderbevægelsen og krisen: den italienske venstrefløjs diskussion om krisen og det socialistiske perspektiv. Udvalg og efterskrift af Bruno Amoroso og Vibeke Sperling (Modtryk, 1976, 126 s.)
Overgangskapitalismen, staten og krisen. Af Bruno Amoroso og Lucio Magri (RUC Boghandel & Forlag, 1975, 159 s.)
PDUP’s teser: teser til Partito di unita per il comunismo’s 1. kongres. Oversat og med forbemærkning af Vibeke Sperling (Modtryk, [1975], 79 s.)
Vore opgaver i den aktuelle krise. Af Lucio Magri (Socialistisk Politik, nr.1, december 1975, s.20-26)
Il Manifesto: klasse, parti, arbejderråd. Red. Jørgen Stender Clausen (Røde Hane, 1973, 267 sider). Artikler fra tidskriftet/dagbladet Il Manifesto, af bl.a. Lucio Magri og Rossana Rossanda.
Se også:
Il Manifesto (Wikipedia.org). Site for italiensk dagblad.
Proletarian Unity Party (Italy) (Wikipedia.org)
Arrivederci Il Manifesto? Af Alfred Lang (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 29. maj 2012)
“Il Manifesto”s stalinisme. Af Jan Bo Hansen og Kjeld Schmidt (Proletar, nr.3, november 1972, s.22-23)
Il Manifesto: on the wrong side and kicking. By Fabio De Propris (Swans Commentary, June 28, 2010)
An invertebrate left: Perry Anderson on Italy’s squandered heritage (London Review of Books, Vol.31, No.5, 12 March 2009, p.12-18)
Italy: The PDUP Congres. By Paul Ginsburg (International Socialism, No.88, May 1976)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen: 23. april 1924 om Rossana Rossanda.
10. december 2011
Efter en uge med mindre demonstrationer udbryder de største russiske demonstrationer siden 1990erne.
2011 Russian Protest (Wikipedia.org)
Status over decemberbevægelsen. Af Ruslands Socialistiske Bevægelse (Socialistisk Information, 15.01.12)
Perspectives on Putin’s Russia. By Alex Gusev (Against the Current, Issue 158, May-June 2012)
Collapse as crucible: the reforging of Russian society. By Tony Wood (New Left Review, Issue 74, March-April 2012, p.5-38)
Russia: The people are not silent, but what comes next? By Aleksandr Buzgalin and Andrey Kolganov (Links, February 16, 2012)
Preparing for the second wave (Weekly Worker, Issue 896, January 12, 2012). Russian socialist Boris Kagarlitsky spoke to Mark Fischer.
Mismanaged democracy. By Mike Haynes (Socialist Review, Issue 365, January 2012)
A very peaceful Russian revolt. By Boris Kagarlitsky (Links, December 21, 2011)
The struggle emerges in Russia (SocialistWorker.org, December 14, 2011). Boris Kagarlitsky spoke to Lee Sustar.
Russia: An awakened sense of dignity; December 10: A new page in history. By Andrey Kolganov and Aleksandr Buzgalin (Links, December 16, 2011)
December 10: A new page in the history of Russia. By Ilya Budraitskis (International Viewpoint, Issue 443, December 2011)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen: 19. august 1991, om Sovjetunionens opløsning og tiden efter.
15. december 2011
Den britisk/amerikanske kommentator og religionskritiker Christopher Hitchens, der svingede fra revolutionær venstrefløj til højrefløjen, dør i Houston, Texas, USA. (Født 13 April 1949, i Portsmouth, Hampshire, England).
Christopher Hitchens (Wikipedia.org). Very many references & external links.
Reading Christopher. By Richard Lingeman (The Nation, December 16, 2011)
+ Hitchens’ artikler fra The Nation (1978-2006)
Daily Hitchens : Newsfeed, Updates, Videos, Articles, Tweets, Shop, Forum (eget site)
Biography of Christopher Hichens (IMDb – the Internet Movie Database) + Writer/Filmography
Unhitched: The Trial of Christopher Hitchens (Lenin’s Tomb, January 8, 2013). About Richard Seymour’s book (Verso, 2013)
Polemisk livsnyder. Af Niels Ivar Larsen (Information.dk, 16. december 2011)
Memorial for Christopher Hitchens in New York City: A gathering of the unprincipled and politically clueless. By David Walsh (World Socialist Web Site, 25 April 2012)
The late Christopher Hitchens. By Richard Seymour (International Socialism, Issue 134, Spring 2012). Review of Christopher Hitchens, Hitch-22: A Memoir (Atlantic, 2010).
Christopher Hitchens and the nature of rebellion. By Tony McKenna (Counterfire, 27 December 2011)
What kind of commitment? By Mike Belbin (Weekly Worker, Issue 895, December 22, 2011)
Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011). By Alex Callinicos (Socialist Worker, Issue 2283, 17 December 2011)
Journalist, scoundrel Christopher Hitchens dies at 62. By David Walsh (World Socialist Web Site, 17 December 2011)
Christopher Hitchens: an alternative view. By Alex Snowdon (Counterfire, December 16, 2011)
Christopher Hitchens 1949-2011. By Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxist, December 16, 2011)
Farewell to C.H.. By Alexander Cockburn (Counterpunch, December 16, 2011)
Marxist update (blog). Collection of obituaries in menu to the right / Samling af nekrologer i høje side, bl.a. David Beecham and Norman G. Finkelstein.
Christopher Hitchens and the end of triumphalism. By Scott Hamilton (Reading the Maps, December 23, 2011)
The late Christopher Hitchens. By Richard Seymour (Lenin’s Tomb, blog, December 16, 2011)
Christopher Hitchens joins the posse. By Alex Callinicos (Ibo-Talk, 5 October 2001). Discussion forum.
Se også:/See also:
Christopher Hitchens on The Daily Show: Sparring with Jon Stewart over the years. by Alyssa Bereznak (Vanity Fair, December 16, 2011). 4 clips.
Christopher Hitchens – the best of the Hitchslap (YouTube.com, 15 min.)
When Hitchens gets furious (YouTube.com, 9:49 min.)
Christopher in khaki. By Dave Renton (What Next!, No.21, 2001) + Letter by Jim Higgins: How not to hammer Hitchens (What Next!, No.22, 2002)
In perspective: Alexander Cockburn and Christopher Hitchens. By William Keach (International Socialism, Issue 78, Spring 1998)
Response to Christopher Hitchens. By Chris Harman
(London Review of Books, Vol.16, No.2, 27 January 1994)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Emnelisten: Religionskritiske bøger, anmeldelser af og debat om nyere bøger med kritik af religion. Se afsnittet: Christopher Hitchens: God is not Great / Gud er ikke stor
- Tidslinjen, 21. juli 2012, Links om Alexander Cockburn.
17. december 2011
Den nordkoreanske leder siden 1994 Kim Jong-Il dør (født 16. februar 1941).
Kim Jong-Il (Denstoredanske.dk)
Venskabsforening har tillid til Nordkoreas nye leder. Af Charlotte Lund (Modkraft.dk 19. december 2011)
Kim Jong-il (Wikipedia.org)
Kammerat Kim Jong-Il er død, 69 år (pdf). Af Anders Kristensen (Venskabsforeningen Danmark – Den Demokratiske Folkerepublik Korea, 19. december 2011)
Ved Kim Jon Ils død (pdf). Af Henning Jakobsen/DKP (Skub, nr.1, januar 2012, s.21). Scroll ned: “Det var et stort chok – og med stor sorg, at vi har modtaget meddelelsen om Kim Jong Il’s alt for tidlige død.” [sic!]
North Korea: A very Kimist purge. By Eddie Ford (Weekly Worker, Issue 991, December 19, 2013). “The bureaucratic apparatus in North Korea is becoming increasingly dysfunctional.”
How the “left” mourned Kim Jong Il. By Rosie Huzzard (Solidarity, Issue 230, 18 January 2012)
Of kings and Kims. By Eddie Ford (Weekly Worker, Issue 896, January 12, 2012)
Socialism in one dynasty (SocialistWorker.org, January 12, 2012). “David Whitehouse asks why three left-wing organizations would pay tribute to North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong-il.”
The death of Kim Jong-il. By John Peterson (In Defence of Marxism, 20 December 2011)
The death of North Korea’s Kim Jong-il. By Peter Symonds (World Socialist Web Site, 20 December 2011)
Se også:
Nordkorea (Den demokratiske Folkerepublik Korea) (Leksikon.org)
Sabelraslen eller trussel mod mange millioner? Af Clare Doyle (Socialistisk Information, 1.6.13)
Who wants war in Korea? (SocialistWorker.org, June 13, 2013). Interview with Young-ik Kim, a member of the socialist group Workers Solidarity All Together.
North Korea: a divided history. By Ha-young Kim (Socialist Worker, Issue 2073, 20 October 2007)
North Korea’s hidden history. By Owen Miller (International Socialism, Issue 109, Winther 2006)
Where is North Korea going? By John Peterson and Fred Weston (In Defence of Marxism, 10 October 2006)
Resources: Debates in South Korean Marxism (International Socialism). Scroll ned.
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
- Tidslinjen: 15. april 1912, om Kim Il-Sung
- Linkboxen: Koreakrigen 1950-1953
18. december 2011
Skuespilforfatteren, den tidligere systemkritiker og stifter af oppositionsbevægelsen Charta 77 i det daværende Tjekkoslovakiet, og senere præsident, Václav Havel, dør i Prag (født 5. oktober 1936 i Prag).
Václav Havel (Denstoredanske.dk)
Václav Havel (Wikipedia.org). Engelsk længere artikel med links til bl.a. dansk og norsk.
After the death of Vaclav Havel: history is rewritten. By Jean-Marie Chauvier (International Viewpoint, Issue 443., December 2011)
On the death of Václav Havel. By Peter Schwarz (World Socialist Web Site, 21 December 2011)
Vaclav Havel and the struggle for socialism in Czechoslovakia. By Louis Proyect (The Unrepentant Marxist, December 20, 2011)
Attempts to escape the logic of capitalism. By Slavoj Žižek (London Revies of Books, Vol.21, No.21, 28 October 1999, p.3-6). Review of John Keane, Václav Havel, A Political Tragedy in Six Acts (Bloomsbury, 1999)
Se også:
Charta 77 (Leksikon.org)
Charta 77 (Wikipedia.org). Længere engelsk, med links.
The ‘Prague Spring’ and the ‘Prague Autumn’: 40 years on. By Andy Kilmister (International Viewpoint, Issue 407, December 2008)
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen: 6. januar 1977, om Charta 77.