Titanic. Last lifeboat arrived, filled with Titanic survivors. This photograph was taken by a passenger of the Carpathia, the ship that received the Titanic's distress signal and came to rescue the survivors. It shows the last lifeboat successfully launched from the Titanic. Date: 15 April 1912 (original photo taken). Photo: passenger on the Carpathia. Public Domain.
Titanic. Last lifeboat arrived, filled with Titanic survivors. This photograph was taken by a passenger of the Carpathia, the ship that received the Titanic's distress signal and came to rescue the survivors. It shows the last lifeboat successfully launched from the Titanic. Date: 15 April 1912 (original photo taken). Photo: passenger on the Carpathia. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1912.

Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.



Nye blade 1912:




Arbejderhistorisk bladliste, under året 1912. (scroll ned)


8. januar 1912

1912anc_logo220.jpg Den sydafrikanske befrielsesorganisation for det indfødte befolkningsflertals interesser South African Native National Congress (SANNC) dannes i Bloemfontein. (Fra 1923: African National Congress – ANC).



En fagforeningsleders forræderi. Af Peter Kenworthy (Arbejderen.dk, 12. januar 2018). “Efter at have tabt kampen om at efterfølge Nelson Mandela som præsident for Sydafrika foretog Cyril Ramaphosa en politisk og ideologisk kovending.”

Et nyt ANC. Af Mercia Andrews (Socialistisk Information, 21. juli 2012). En aktivist på den sydafrikanske venstrefløj ser tilbage på ANC’s 100-årige historie. Fra en bevægelse, der stod i spidsen for massernes kamp mod apartheidregimet, er ANC blevet statsbureaukratiets og den nye økonomiske elites parti.”

‘Amandla Ngawethu’. Af Gorm Gunnarsen (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 6. januar 2012; online på Internet Archive). “Jeg vil her som historiker forsøge på at opsamle de centrale erfaringer, som den Afrikanske Nationalkongres (African National Congress, ANC), Afrikas ældste befrielsesorganisation, høstede undervejs.”

The ANC’s double bind. By Niall Reddy (Jacobin, June 10, 2024). “After losing its parliamentary majority for the first time, South Africa’s African National Congress is scrambling to form a coalition government. Its options are bleak.”

The beginning of the end of the ANC (Review of African Political Economy, June 6, 2024). “For the first time in South Africa’s 30 years of democracy, the African National Congress (ANC) failed to obtain a majority of votes making a coalition with other parties imminent. Luke Sinwell considers the consequences, and discusses the emergence of a new party, MK, led by Jacob Zuma. Sinwell looks at what has happened to the left, and its repeated failure to make any serious inroads into South Africa’s political scene.”

South Africa’s Communists were crucial to the fight against Apartheid. By Owen Dowling (Jacobin, February 12, 2023). Review of Tom Lodge, Red Road to Freedom: A History of the South African Communist Party 1921–2021 (Johannesburg: Jacana Media, 2021). “From its foundation in the 1920s, the South African Communist Party took up the fight against racism as a central part of its political vision. The party’s heroic record in the anti-apartheid movement has now received the historical treatment it deserves.”

Cyril Ramaphosa is not the answer. By Benjamin Fogel (Jacobin, December 21, 2017). “South Africa needs more than a new leader: it needs a new vision, one that levels economic inequality and dismantles patronage systems.”

What is the ANC and where is the left in South Africa? By Chris Webb (New Socialist, 4 October 2012). “The ANC is a difficult beast to understand. In its contemporary form it is perhaps most adequately described by writer and activist Patrick Bond’s useful “Talk Left, Walk Right” phrase, which describes its strategy of justifying neoliberal or anti-democratic policies using Marxist phraseology and obligatory allusions to struggle heroes.”

The ANC transformed. By Mercia Andrews (International Viewpoint, Issue 449, June 2012). “The ANC celebrated its hundredth anniversary on the 8 January 2012. This is indeed a major achievement for the oldest liberation movement in Africa. In its history it has had to negotiate many difficult challenges, perhaps none more so than retaining a broad unity while maintaining the ability to act and implement strategy. This is a remarkable part of the history of the ANC and bears testimony to generations of extraordinary leaders who shaped and guided the ANC.”

South Africa’s ANC at 100: a balance sheet of bourgeois nationalism. By Bill Van Auken (World Socialist Web Site, 11 January 2012). “The centenary celebration by South Africa’s African National Congress provides a fitting occasion for a balance sheet on the character and fate of the ANC and similar bourgeois nationalist movements.”

A poisoned chalice: liberation, ANC-style. By John S. Saul (Socialist Project/The Bullet, January 6, 2012). “here is good and obvious reason to celebrate the long history of the African National Congress (ANC): the organization’s marked dedication over one hundred years to the cause of the betterment of the lot of the oppressed African people in South Africa. It has also sustained an honourable commitment to a multi-racial, pan-ethnic outcome to the struggle against the unequivocally racist system that both segregation and apartheid came to represent for so long in South Africa. And, not least important, the ANC is now in power.”

Various documents on the Stalinism of the ANC. By Baruch Hirson and others (Searchlight South Africa, No.5, July 1990, p.30-68; online at Libcom.org). “[The article] exposes the authoritarianism at the heart of the African National Congress – an organisation that became fully Stalinist during the Cold War and which continues to operate with a toxic mix of paranoia and authoritarianism.”

Bookwatch: South Africa – the struggle continues. By Charlie Kimber (International Socialism, Issue 64, Autumn 1994, p.159-171)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

11. januar 1912

32.000 tekstilarbejderes begynder 10 ugers strejke i Lawrence, Minnesota, der ender med sejr for arbejderne og syndikalisterne (IWW). Til kvindernes indsats i strejken laves sangen Bread and Roses.

Sangen “Bread and Roses” fra minearbejder-strejkefilmen “Pride” (film, 1914) med fuld tekst:
“… Hearts starve as well as bodies: Give us Bread, but give us Roses!
As we come marching, marching, unnumbered women dead”


Political cartoon which shows a policeman during the Lawrence Strike of 1912 striking down on women and children, who the parents are trying send from Lawrence to other cities which have offered to provide them food and shelter. The caption below the cartoon stated "On February 24 and 25, soldiers and policemen forcibly prevented parents from sending their children away from Lawrence to cities which offered food and shelter." Date: 9 March 1912. Cartoonist: Art Young (1866–1943). Public Domain.
Political cartoon which shows a policeman during the Lawrence Strike of 1912 striking down on women and children, who the parents are trying send from Lawrence to other cities which have offered to provide them food and shelter. The caption below the cartoon stated “On February 24 and 25, soldiers and policemen forcibly prevented parents from sending their children away from Lawrence to cities which offered food and shelter.” Date: 9 March 1912. Cartoonist: Art Young (1866–1943). Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Art Young, Industrial Worker (21 March, 1912)

“Brød og roser”: Tekstilarbejderstrejken i Lawrence, Massachusettes, 1912 (pdf). Af Per H. Hansen (Arbejderhistorie, nr.33, oktober 1989, side 31-50). “Den berømte »brød og roser« -strejke, hvor arbejderne – ledet af de ligeså sagnomspundne wobblier -ikke kun krævede lønforbedringer, men også menneskelig værdighed, er et udmærket eksempel på betydningen af koordineret faglig militant og politisk/parlamentarisk aktivitet.” Scroll ned.

The Bread and Roses Strike was an epic Labor action for workers’ dignity. By Liza Featherstone (Jacobin, January 11, 2024). “The Bread and Roses Strike began on this day in 1912, when women mill workers in Lawrence, Massachusetts, walked out. The strike ended in a landmark victory and popularized an enduring slogan: ‘The worker must have bread, but she must have roses, too’.”

How US textile workers fought back in 1912 (Socialist Worker, Issue 2787, 10 January 2022). “A hundred and ten years ago immigrant and women textile workers came together to beat the bosses and fight attacks on their wages in Lawrence in the US. Sam Ord tells their inspiring story that has lessons for today.”

Bread and Roses: The Lawrence Strike. By Randi Hensley (International Socialist Review, Issue 86, November 2012). “The Lawrence Strike of 1912—also known as the Bread and Roses strike—is one of the most inspiring episodes of working-class history in the United States. This year marks the Lawrence strike’s one-hundredth anniversary, and yet it still holds valuable lessons as our side continues to struggle for workers’ basic rights.”

A strike for bread and roses (SocialistWorker.org, January 11, 2012). “Elizabeth Schulte tells the story of the 1912 Lawrence strike on its 100th anniversary.”

Bread and Roses: the 1912 Lawrence strike (Socialist Worker, Issue 2284, 7 January 2012). “A strike by low-paid women mill workers 100 years ago this month shook the US ruling class – Judith Orr looks back at events and the powerful impact they had on other workers.”

1912: The Lawrence textile strike. By Sam Lowry (Libcom.org, September 10, 2006). “A short history of the strike of 20,000 textile workers, mostly women and girls who included native and immigrant workers, which won big concessions over wages, conditions and hours for the entire textile industry.”

1912 Lawrence strike. By Greg Beiter (Socialistworld.net, 12 July 2002). “The strike was a heroic showdown of over 20,000 immigrant textile workers against the inhuman working and living conditions forced on them by the textile bosses. Lawrence was a milestone for the American labor movement, showing that it was possible to organize women, immigrants and unskilled workers.”

Bread and Roses: The 1912 Lawrence textile Strike (pdf). By Joyce Kornbluh (from Rebel Voices: An IWW Anthology, by Joyce Kornbluh (Charles H. Kerr Publishing, 1988). “It became the most widely publicized I.W.W. conflict, acquainting the nation with the plight of the unskilled, foreign-born worker as well as with the organization’s philosophy of radical unionism.”

Guarding approach to mills, Lawrence, Mass.: Photo shows the Lawrence textile strike of 1912, also known as the "Bread and Roses" strike. Creator(s): Bain News Service, publisher. Date Created/Published: 1912 Jan. 12 (date created or published later by Bain) From George Grantham Bain Collection/Library of Congress. Public Domain.
Guarding approach to mills, Lawrence, Mass.: Photo shows the Lawrence textile strike of 1912, also known as the “Bread and Roses” strike. Creator(s): Bain News Service, publisher. Date Created/Published: 1912 Jan. 12 (date created or published later by Bain) From George Grantham Bain Collection/Library of Congress. Public Domain. Source: flickr.com.

Se også:

“Lawrence Strejken”. I William D. Haywood: Bill Haywoods bog (Gyldendal, 1979, side 217-233)

Tidslinjen 27. juni 1905 om Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)


15. januar 1912

Elias Lunn Bredsdorff (1912-2002), Dansk litteraturhistoriker, underviser, og modstandskæmper, 1945 (May?). Foto: Ukendt. Public Domain.
Elias Lunn Bredsdorff (1912-2002), Dansk litteraturhistoriker, underviser, og modstandskæmper, 1945 (May?). Foto: Ukendt. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Kulturradikaleren og litteraturhistorikeren (især H.C. Andersen) Elias Bredsdorff fødes på Roskilde Højskole (dør 8. august 2002 på Glænø). Også medudgiver af Kulturkampen og Frit Danmark
Introducerede begrebet “kulturradikalisme” på dansk i Politikens kronik 17. juli 1955: “Om at fodre sine karusser” (indskannet på Socialistisk Bibliotek: Kulturradikalismen: to artikler, se denne).


Elias Bredsdorff (1912-2002). I Morten Thing: Kommunismens kultur: DKP og de intellektuelle 1918-1960. Bind 1 (Tiderne Skifter, 1993, s.527-531; indskannet på Socialistisk Bibliotek).

“Elias Bredsdorff (1912-2002)” (Demos Nyhedsbrev, nr. 73 , vinter 2003, side 23-25). “Elias Bredsdorff har ikke mindst insisteret på en åndshistorisk kontinuitet fra brandesianismen til kulturradikalismen. Og han har med sin politiske aktivitet dannet overgangsled til den fornyelse af radikalismen, som fulgte efter 1968.” Scroll ned til nummer (pdf til download).

Litteratur af Elias Bredsdorff:

  • Kulturradikalismen: to artikler, af Elias Bredsdorff (Kronikker i Politiken, 1955; indskannet på Socialistisk Bibliotek)
  • Personlisten H.C. Andersen – i en progressiv vinkel: Sumpplanten, af Elias Bredsdorff (Kronik i Politiken, 1. december 1985; indskannet på Socialistisk Bibliotek)


  • Henrik Pontoppidan og Georg Brandes: en kritisk undersøgelse af Henrik Pontoppidans forhold til Georg Brandes og Brandes-linjen i dansk åndsliv (Gyldendal, 1964, 306 sider; online på Henrikpontoppidan.dk)
  • Kommer det os ved?: Kulturradikale essays 1934-1971 (Thanning & Appel, 1971, 164 sider)
  • Revolutionær humanisme: En introdukto til 1930’ernes venstreorienterede kulturtidsskrifter (Gyldendal,1982, 255 sider)
  • Min egen kurs: Erindringer 1912-46 (Gyldendal, 1983, 183 sider)
  • Mit engelske liv: Erindringer 1946-1979 (Gyldendal, 1986, 256 sider)
  • Gensyn med fortiden: Udvalgte artikler 1933-2001 (Forum, 2002, 188 sider)
  • Ærkedansk. Tolv essayes fra Glænø. (DR, 1992, 183 sider). Baseret på 12 radioforedrag udsendt på Danmarks Radio program 1. (Værkliste, side [184].

Se også:


29. januar 1912

Forfatteren Herman Bang dør under oplæsningsturne i USA (født 20. april 1857, se denne).


12. marts 1912

“En lille gruppe københavnske fagforeningsfolk” samles på Tømrerkroen i Adelgade for at stifte Arbejdernes Andels Boligforening (AAB).


FSB fylder 85 år. Af Inger Cecilie H. Hansen (FSB Beboeren, august 2018, side 29-31). Om Foreningen Socialt Boligbyggeri. En professor i arkitektur fortæller om, hvordan det almene byggeri har udviklet sig. Med billedgalleri for årtierne.

Socialdemokratiet og boligpolitikken – en slags status over resultatet af 25 års socialdemokratisk domineret boligpolitik (pdf). Af Morten Daugaard (Årbog for arbejderbevægelsesens historie, nr. 14, 1984, side 171-204)

Litteratur om arbejderboliger (pdf). Af Ole Hyldtoft (Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie, nr. 14, 1984, side 205-248). “… tilstræber at dække arbejderboligerne i perioden fra omkring 1840 til midten af 1950’erne … med tyngdepunktet på Danmark.”

Se også:

Tidslinjen 30. oktober 1966 om lejerbevægelsen i Danmark (Lejernes LO, LLO)

2. værelser straks! – en aktuel bog om boligspørgsmålet. Af Edvard Heiberg (Monde & Socialistisk Arkitektgruppe, 1935, 78 s.; online på Perbenny.dk). “… et pionerarbejde inden for empirisk marxistisk forskning på dette området.” (fra artiklen nedenfor, side 143)

Lejerkamp – lejerorganisering: et rids af dansk lejerbevægelses historie i det 20. århundrede (pdf). Af Carsten Brønden Poulsen og Knud Knudsen (Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie, nr. 14, 1984, side 171-204)


Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

  • Tidslinjen 15. oktober 1871, Louis Pio dannede Den Internationale Arbejderforening i Danmark på Tømrerkroen
  • Tidslinjen 30. juli 1794. Danmarks første strejkende fra Tømrerskruen havde ophold Tømrerkroen
Tømrerkroen i Adelgade København. Postkort fra Stenders Forlag 1906.
Tømrerkroen i Adelgade København. Postkort fra Stenders Forlag 1906.


12. april 1912

Digteren og maleren Gustaf Munch-Petersen fødes i København. (Dør antageligt 2. april 1938, se denne)


14. april 1912

Skibet Titanic – verdens største og synkefri passagerskib – støder i Atlanten samen med et isbjerg lige før midnat og synker i løbet af 2½ time. Af de 2224 ombordværende dør ca. 1500, stærkt bestemt af klasseforskelle.

Katastrofen får stor betydning som symbolsk og politisk katastrofe, bl.a. sammenbrudsopfattelsen” i kulturen m.m. sammen med Første Verdenskrig.

RMS Titanic departing Southampton on April 10, 1912. Photo: F.G.O. Stuart (1843-1923). Public Domain.
RMS Titanic departing Southampton on April 10, 1912. Photo: F.G.O. Stuart (1843-1923). Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.


Titanic (Denstoredanske.dk)

RMS Titanic (Wikipedia.dk). Med links til bl.a. engelske og norske artikler.


Titanic: a disaster built on class (Socialist Worker, Issue 2298, 14 April 2012). “A hundred years ago the sinking of the Titanic exposed capitalists’ contempt for ordinary people, argues historian John Gray.”

The Titanic disaster 100 years on. By David Humphries (Socialist Standard, No.1292, April 2012; online at Internet Archive). Med citater fra samme avis 1912! + links til andre artikler, bl.a. The Class Struggle Aboard the Titanic.

100 years since Titanic tragedy: prestige and profits still put before safety. By Nick Chaffey and Perry McMillan (The Socialist, 4 April 2012)

Titanic Sinking History (Old Magazine Articles). Incl. Conan Doyle, Bernhard Shaw, etc.

Incl. Titanic History Film Clips

Se også:

Video: Jacob Christian Milling. Københavns Kirkegårde; Københavns Kommune/Kulturcentret Assistens (6:30 min.)  Video om en af de 14  … danskere på Titanic, en del af Levende Fortællinger fra Assistens Kirkegård i København. Side om Jacob Christian Milling (Assistens.dk)

Titanic sinking. Engraving by Willy Stöwer (died on 31st May 1931): Der Untergang der Titanic. Date: 1912. Für die Magazine „Gartenlaube‟ gezeichnet von Professor Willy Stöwer. Public Domain.
Titanic sinking. Engraving by Willy Stöwer (died on 31st May 1931): Der Untergang der Titanic. Date: 1912. Für die Magazine „Gartenlaube‟ gezeichnet von Professor Willy Stöwer. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Se også:

Titanic as a social phenomenon. By David Walsh (World Socialist Web Site, February 25, 1998)

The represenation of class struggle in the movie Titanic: A Thesis (pdf). By Saputra Hadi (English Department, Faculty of Humanities Diponegoro University, Indonesia, 19 p.)

Links om filmen Titanic på X-Ray (Modkraft.dk/Tidsskriftcentret)

Tidslinjen 28. juni 1904 om Norges (“de fattiges Titanic)” forlis.

Teksten til Michael Wiehes sang “Titanic”.
Også kaldet ‘Anden klasses passagerens sidste sang’

og på YouTube.com (m. tekst) 4:20 min. Også i andre udgaver m. Wiehe.


15. april 1912

Nordkoreas Kim Il-Sung fødes (dør 8. juli 1994).


Se også:

North Korea, without the hacks. By Yi San (Jacobin, July 28, 2019). Review of Anna Fifield, The Great Successor: The Divinely Perfect Destiny of Brilliant Comrade Kim Jong Un (PublicAffairs, 2019, 336 p.). “Most US reporting on North Korea is inaccurate fluff produced by self-serving careerists. But a new book finally shows how to do it right.”

North Korea: a divided history (Socialist Worker, Issue 2073, 20 October 2007). “While North and South Korea are in peace talks, US threats towards the North remain. Ha-young Kim looks at the country’s story.”

North Korea’s hidden history. By Owen Miller (International Socialism, Issue 109, Winter 2006). “This recent writing from the South Korean internationalist left is an important corrective to the prevailing views of a left that has not yet been able to disassociate itself entirely from Stalinism.”

The formation of North Korean state capitalism. By Kim Ha-yong (International Socialism; Resources, June 2006). “The central point is to understand that far from embodying a fundamentally different mode of production to South Korea or the West, North Korean society represents only a variation on capitalism: state capitalism.”

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linkboxen: Koreakrigen 1950-1953


5. maj 1912

Første nr. af avisen Pravda udkommer legalt som avis for de russiske socialdemokrater (bolsjevikkerne). Tidligere var avisen bl.a. (fra 3. oktober 1908 blevet udgivet i Wien af Trotskij mfl.
Fra 1917-revolutionen til 22. august 1991 udgives Pravda af Bolsjevikkerne/Kommunistpartiet.


Pravda (Wikipedia.org). Link til kort dansk artikel

Pravda (Truth) (Marxists Internet Archive; Pravda (Glossary of Perodicas)

Pravda: The legal newspaper – A real workers’ paper – Pravda as an organizer. Chapter 19, – i: Tony Cliff: Lenin. Vol.1: Building the Party (Pluto Press, 1975, p.338-352; online at Marxists Internet Archive)

The Revival. Part 4 in Alan Woods: Bolshevism: the road to revolution (Wellred Publications, 1999; online at Marxist.com). Scroll ned til afsnittet Lenin and Pravda (side 374-379)

The revolutionary press. By Chris Harman (International Socialism, No.24, Summer 1984, p.3-44). Scroll ned til afsnittet The Bolshevik Pravda (side 19-24)

Pravda’s Anniversary. By V.I. Lenin (Pravda, No.92, April 28, 1913; online at Marxists Internet Archive)

The workers and Pravda. By V.I. Lenin (Pravda, No.103, August 29, 1912; online at Marxists Internet Archive)
16. marts 1918 meddeler avisen Pravda deklarationen om Polens selvstændighed fra Rusland

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linksamlingen: Den Russiske Revolution, februar-oktober 1917

14. maj 1912

Den svenske dramatiker August Strindberg dør (født 22. januar 1849).
I sine første skuespil og fortællinger erlærer han sig for sociaistisk radikal og kritiserer borgerlig moral. Senere reaktionær.

Portræt af August Strindberg, 1849-1912, olie på lærred, malet i 1885 af Sofie Holten (Danish, 1858 - 1930). Det svenske Nationalemuseum. Public Domain.
Portræt af August Strindberg, 1849-1912, olie på lærred, malet i 1885 af Sofie Holten (Danish, 1858 – 1930). Det svenske Nationalemuseum. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.


August Stindberg (Denstoredanske.dk)

August Strindberg (Wikipedia.dk). Med til til bl.a. den lange, fremhævede svenske artikel.

A. Strindberg, Isbrud, fire Fortællinger (P. G. Philipsens Forlag, 1885, 301 s.). Anmeldelse af A. P.-St. (Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind/Ny række 4, 1886; online på Tidsskrift.dk)

Det paranoides logikk. Av Astrid Hygen Meyer (Klassekampen.no, 27. desember 2012)

Palaces of memory: August Strindberg and Ingmar Bergman. By Richard Adams (World Socialist Web Site, 21 May 2012)


16. maj 1912

Den amerikanske sociale forfatter og kommentator Studs Terkel fødes New York. (Dør 31. oktober 2008 i Chicago).


  • Studs Terkel (Wikipedia.dk). Kort dansk intro.
  • StudsTerkel (Wikipedia.org). Med fine links.
  • Studs Terkel (The Daily Show, April 4, 2006, 4:58 min.)
  • Studs Terkel made oral history. By Peter Dreier (The Nation, October 29, 2018). “Ten years after his death, Terkel’s voice is still a vivid part of our shared experience.”

Studs Terkel’s classic Working turns 50. By Joel Suarez (Jacobin, December 13, 2024).
“Fifty years ago, Studs Terkel documented American workers’ complex inner lives at a pivotal moment of social transformation. His interviews in Working revealed both the dignity and degradation of work, capturing a world on the cusp of profound change.”

My Studs Terkel, and yours. By Frank Fried (Against the Current, No.138, January-February 2009). 2Studs (born Louis) Terkel took his name from the character Studs Lonigan, in the first book of James T. Farrell’s trilogy. Farrell was a revolutionary socialist who, by the early 1950s, left the passions of his youth behind. Our Studs, however, never did.”

Studs Terkel, American writer and documentarian, dead at 96. By Fred Mazelis (World Socialist Web Site, 17 December 2008). “Studs Terkel, the American writer, oral historian and radio host who died on October 31, was a major figure in cultural and social history whose life spanned nearly a century.”

Studs Terkel – talking America. By Mike Gonzalez (Socialist Review, Issue 331, December 2008). “Studs Terkel was that rare thing – a sensitive, thoughtful and attentive listener.”

A chronicler of our side (SocialistWorker.org, November 3, 2008). “Anthony Arnove celebrates the long and defiant life of Studs Terkel, who used his interviews to amplify working-class voices that some preferred not to hear.

14. juli 1912

Den amerikanske sociale folkesangs ypperste, Woody Wilson Guthrie, fødes i Okemah, Oklahoma, USA (dør 3.10.1967 i New York).


Personlisten: “This Machine kills fascists” – Woody Guthrie (1912-1967) (Socialistisk Bibliotek).

10. september 1912

Den kommunistiske tegner Herluf Bidstrup fødes i Berlin (dør 26. december 1988 i Allerød).

Bidstrup-tegning fra “Who are you, Mr. Bidstrup”. Kilde: http://www.herlufbidstrup.org/herluf-bidstrup-bio/ med biografi.


Christian Hans Herluf Bidstrup (Gravsted.dk). Med minibiografi.

Herluf Bidstup (Wikipedia.dk)

Herluf Bidstrup (Denstoredanske)

Herluf Bidstrup (Dansk Biografisk Leksikon)

Herluf Bidstrup (Tegneserie i Danmark)

Herluf Bidstrup (Familien Anker og Bidstrup). Biografi med værker + litteratur

Oktober 1912

Marie Bregendahl. Foto: K. Rasmussen / Det Kgl. Biblioteks billedsamling. (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0).
Marie Bregendahl. Foto: K. Rasmussen / Det Kgl. Biblioteks billedsamling. (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Source: Det Kgl. Biblioteks billedsamling.

Forfatteren Marie Bregendahl (født 6.11.1867 i Fly, død 22.7.1940 i Kbh.) får udgivet sit hovedværk, romanen “En Dødsnat”.

“En Dødsnat” blev læst, 2. oplag udkom allerede samme år, et 3. i 1917, 4. i 1927 og et 5. udkom i 1938, det sidste i forfatterens levetid.


Marie Bregendahl (Wikipedia.dk)

Marie Bregendahl (Kvinfo, Dansk Kvindebiografisk Leksikon)

Marie Bregendahl (Dansk Biografisk Leksikon)

Danmark set gennem en hengemt egn – Marie Bregendahl. Af Johannes Nørregaard Frandsen (Dansk litteraturs historie, bd. 3, side 615-638

Smertens år – En Dødsnat. Af Johannes Nørregaard Frandsen
Se også om Bregendahls forfatterskab:
De stivnede følelsers tragedie – Hendrik i Bakken. Af Johannes Nørregaard Frandsen (Dansk litteraturs historie)

Hun satte ord på et samfund, der var ved at gå under. Af Karen Syberg (Information, 28. marts 2014)

Stationsbyerne 1886-1895 (125 år på Skiveegnen: Byen, egnen og Salling Bank fra 1876-2001 (Salling Bank, 2001; online på Docplayer). Se afsnit om bl.a. arbejderbevægelses start, og afsnittet “Revolutionen i Fly” om Jeppe Åkjær og Marie Bregendahl (s.49-50).

Om Jeppe Åkjær, på Tidslinjen 22. april 1930.

25. november 1912

1912basel_postcard.jpg Basel-manifestet mod den kommende krig vedtages af 2. Internationale på kongres i Basel.
Illustration: Postkort Basel-kongressen, hvor kigens slange bliver spiddet med den røde fane.


Internationales Fredsmanifest (Social-Demokraten, nr. 330, 28. november 1912; online på Marxisme.dk)

Manifesto of the International Socialist Congress at Basel (Marxists Internet Arvhive)

Se også: Første Verdenskrig – Linkbox med materiale fra Tidslinjen om 1. Verdenskrig, begyndelse, begivenheder og afslutning på krigen + fredsinitiativerne..