El Guernica. Painting by Pablo Ruiz Picasso. the painting was a protest and a visualization of the bombardement of the little Basque town, see april 26. 1937 below. Photo by Antonio Marín Segovia. (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).
El Guernica. Painting by Pablo Ruiz Picasso. the painting was a protest and a visualization of the bombardement of the little Basque town, see april 26. 1937 below. Photo by Antonio Marín Segovia. (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0). Source: flickr.com.

Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1937.

Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.


Nye blade 1937:

Århus Ekko. Politisk Ugeblad.

Fjerde Internationale. Skandinavisk organ for revolusjonær internasjonalisme. Udgivet af “Leninistisk Arbejdsgruppe”. Tilsluttet sekretariatet for 4. internationale.

Sex og Samfund. Udg. af Sexuel Sundhed.

Spartakus. Internasjonalt informasjonsblad for ”Socialistisk Samvirke


Arbejderhistorisk Bladliste, under året 1937

1. januar 1937

The Tribune, Issue 2, January 8, 1937. Source: Working Class Movement Library (Pinterest.co.uk)Cover illlus.  “‘Holy Mother, Is This Thy Will?” ‘highlighting the plight of the civilian population during the Spanish Civil War by Arthur  Wragg’. (on Wragg: article from Illustrated Boks: ‘His distinct black and white artwork had tremendous social impact’.

Engelske Labour-venstrefløjs-tidsskrift The Tribune begynder udgivelsen.

Critical tradition: Tribune then and now. By Hilary Wainwright (Red Pepper, December 23, 2018). “As the relaunched Tribune prepares its second issue … asesses the history of the paper and the left Labour MPs who rallied around it …”

Tribune of the people 1. By Chris Harman (International Socialism, No.21, Summer 1965, pp.5–15; online at Marxists Internet Archive) + Part 2: Tribune of the People – The wasted years (Ibid, No.24, Spring 1966, pp.15–23).





10. april 1937

På baggrund af anklagerne mod Trotskij i de såkaldte Moskvaprocesser, starter høringerne under ledelse af John Dewey i Mexico.


Minnen av John Dewey-kommissionen: Fyrtio år efteråt (pdf). Av Alan Wald (Marxistarkiv.se, 28. november 2018, 10 s.). Översättning från The Antioch Review (årg.35, nr.4, hösten 1977).

The Case of Leon Trotsky: Report of Hearings on the Charges Made Against Him in the Moscow Trials. By the Preliminary Commission for Inquiry … Held April 10 to 17, 1937 at Avenida Londres, 127 Coyoacan, Mexico (Merip Publishers, New York, 617 p.; online at Marxists Internet Archive). På svensk: Fallet Leo Trotskij (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se, 415 s.)

Not Guilty: Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made Against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials. John Dewey, et al. (Harper and Brothers Publishers, 1938, New York, 422 p; online at Marxists Internet Archive). På svensk: Icke skyldig: Undersökningskomissionens rapport om anklagelserna riktade mot Leo Trotskij under Moskvarättegångarna (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se, 213 s.).

75 years ago: Opening of the Dewey Commission on Moscow accusations against Trotsky (World Socialist Web Site, This week in history, 9 April 2012)

75 years ago: Stalin calls for extermination of political opponents (World Socialist Web Site; This week in history, 26 March 2012)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Tidslinje 19. august 1936 for links om Moskva-processerne


26. april 1937

I Den Spanske Borgerkrig, bomber det tyske luftvåben, Legion Condor, den baskiske by Gernika (spansk: Guernica)


Guernica was a dress rehearsal for the Nazi war that followed. By Anne Colamosca (Jacobin, April 26, 2022). “The bombing of Guernica on this day in 1937 wasn’t just part of the Spanish Civil War but a show of Nazi Germany’s military might. When antifascist journalist George Steer uncovered Germany’s responsibility, it prepared the world for the terror that followed.”

The attack on Guernica revealed the horror of aerial warfare. By Esme Choonara (Socialist Worker, Issue 2048, 28 April 2007). “In April 1937, Pablo Picasso read an article in the French Communist daily, L’Humanité, reporting that “Guernica, the most ancient town of the Basques, was completely destroyed yesterday afternoon by insurgent air raiders.”


Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Se også om Pablo Picassos maleri Guernica:

A special obscenity. By Cal Winslow (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 26 April 2017). “Picasso painted Guernica eighty years ago this spring. It still stands as a searing protest against the brutality of war and fascism.”

Guernica: a horror of war that gave us a canvas of genius. By Andy Ridley (Socialist Worker, Issue 2146, 11 April 2009). “Picasso’s Guernica, one of the most powerful indictments of the barbarity of war, has come to London this month.”

Picasso – 70 years since Guernica. By David Sullivan (In Defence of Marxism, 10 August 2007). “To the degree we realise the truth expressed in this work, Guernica stands as possibly the greatest painting of the 20th Century.”

Guernica: shock and awe in paint. By Mike Gonzalez (Socialist Worker, Issue 2048, 28 April 2007). “Anger at the event inspired Pablo Picasso to produce a painting that defines the horror of war.”

Picasso’s Guernica. By Scott Johnson (International Socialist Review, Issue 52, March–April 2007). “Seventy years after its creation, it has remained, unfortunately, timeless. But while the mural portrays the innocent victims of war, the story of Guernica””and its creator””is also about the struggle for their liberation.”

UN conceals Picasso’s ‘Guernica’ for Powell’s presentation. By David Walsh (World Socialist Web Site, 8 February 2003). “United Nations officials covered up a tapestry reproduction of Pablo Picasso’s anti-war mural “Guernica” during US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s February 5 presentation of the American case for war against Iraq.”


27. april 1937

Den kommunistiske italienske leder og teoretiker Antonio Gramsci dør i Rom efter fængselsophold siden 1934 (født 22. januar 1891 i Ales på Sardinien).


Gramsci, Antonio (Leksikon.org)

Antonio Gramsci 1891-1937 (Marxists Internet Archive’s Danske Afdeling). Gramscis tekster på dansk.

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Personlisten Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937)


3. maj 1937

Regeringstro soldater og politi starter angrebet på telecentralen i Barcolona, der var under arbejderkontrol, domineret af anarkisterne. Et vendepunkt for den sociale revolution i borgerkrigen.


Barcelona May Days (Wikipedia.org)

75 years ago: Barcelona uprising betrayed (World Socialist Web Site,; This week in history, May 7-13)

Series Barcelona May 1937. By Andy Dugan (Socialist Worker, 2007):
The move to crush possibility of change in Spain (Issue 2051, 15 May)
How the counter revolution began in Spain (Issue 2052, 22 May)
Repression that crushed the Spanish revolution (Issue 2053, 2 June)

Trotskij, POUM och majhändelserna (pdf). Av Andy Durgan (Marxistarkiv.se)

The ‘May Days’ of 1937 in Barcelona. By Pierre Broue (Revolutionary History, Vol.1, No.2, Summer 1988)

The May Days Barcelona 1937: The tragic week in May. By Augustin Souchy (Freedom Press, 1987, p.23-60) (online på Libcom.org)

The May Days in Barcelona (1937). By Andrés Nin (Marxists Internet Archive)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


12. maj 1937

Den amerikanske satiriker og stand up’er George Carlin fødes (dør 22. juni 2008)


George Carlin (Wikipedia.org)

An unrependent truth-teller. By Randy Childs (SocialistWorker.org, June 27, 2008)

Social satirist George Carlin dead at 71. By David Walsh (World Socialist Web Site, 24 June 2008)

På YouTube.com ..

kan du finde mange videoklip med Carlin, men nogle er:

Husk mange flere klip flere ude til højre på YouTube.com!


20. juni 1937

Den spanske venstrefløjsleder Andrés Nin myrdes i en fængselslejr uden for Madrid af stalinistiske agenter under den spanske borgerkrig. (Født 4. februar 1892).

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


28. september 1937

Forfatteren og kønsforskeren Susanne Thorbek fødes i København (Dør 19. november 2016, se denne dato)


9. november 1937

Tidligere britiske Labour-leder Ramsay MacDonald dør (Født 12. oktober 1866, se denne)