Foto fra Kominterns VII Kongres i 1935
Foto fra Kominterns VII Kongres i 1935

Komintern blev dannet for at udbrede og organisere erfaringerne fra den russiske revolution i november 1917. Kominterns udvikling er tæt knyttet til udviklingen i den russiske revolution, til de forskellige linjer og diskussioner i det russiske kommunistparti, og fra stalinismens sejr (1924) til Sovjetunionens udenrigspolitiske interesser.



Komintern blev dannet for at udbrede og organisere erfaringerne fra den russiske revolution i november 1917.
Afsnittet Bøger/Litteratur er en opsamling af de værker, der dækker store dele eller hele Kominterns historie eller dokumenter, og som der kan være refereret til i uddrag under især kongresserne på Tidslinjen.
Dokumenter, litteratur mv. om de enkelte kongresser er på Tidslinjen og linket under afsnittet Links til Komintern.

Kominterns udvikling er tæt knyttet til udviklingen i Den Russiske Revolution, til de forskellige linjer og diskussioner i det russiske kommunistparti, og fra stalinismens sejr (1924) til Sovjetunionens udenrigspolitiske interesser.

Derfor er det også en del værker, der koncentrerer sig om fremstilling og dokumentation af Kominterns linje(r) fra de første fire kongresser (1919-1922).

Påbegyndt september 2010. Rev. maj 2023.

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Leksikalt mv.

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Comintern history isn’t just about its leaders. By Aidan Beatty (Jacobin, October 8, 2024). Review of Maurice J. Casey, Hotel Lux: An Intimate History of Communism’s Forgotten Radicals (Footnote Press, 2024, 418 p.). “The Communist International’s history is often told in terms of polemics among its leaders. But studying the biographies of lesser-known militants who came to Moscow gives a more real sense of the movement’s internal life and what it was like to belong to it.”

When the Communist International is your boss (Jacobin, November 14, 2021). Marcel Bois interviews Brigitte Studer: “Throughout history, it’s been hard for agitators and troublemakers to hold down a good job. In the interwar decades, tens of thousands of them were hired by the Communist International — an employer with long hours, difficult bosses, and a lot of opportunities for travel.”
See also:The Communist International was a unique experiment in global politics (Ibid., July 21, 2023). Extract from Brigitte Studer’s book: Travellers of the World Revolution: A Global History of the Communist International (Verso, 2023, 496 p.).

The Comintern’s encounter with syndicalism (Marxist Left Review, Issue 20, Winter 2020). “Ian Birchall examines how the Communist International engaged with syndicalists in an attempt to build an revolutionary working-class movement in the wake of the Russian Revolution.”

The Communist International 100 years on. By Gareth Jenkins and Tony Phillips (International Socialism, Issue 164, Autumn 2019, p.149-170). “This article aims not to give a history of the organisation but to assess some of its achievements and weaknesses. We shall look in particular at three important aspects of the Comintern as a school for strategy and tactics: the united front, the colonial question, and the relationship between the Comintern and the Russian state.”

100 years on: the founding of the Communist International (In Defence of Marxism, 6 March 2019). “Rob Sewell looks back on this momentous event.”

The Comintern – organising to fight for a global revolution (Socialist Worker, Issue 2644, 5 March 2019). “Revolutionaries formed the Comintern 100 years ago. Simon Basketter says this was a world-shaping event and that its activities still hold lessons for socialists today.”

100 years ago – how the Comintern was founded. Part 1-2. By John Riddell (Marxist Essays and Commentary, February 24 + March 3, 2019). “An introduction to the founding congress and its proceedings: One hundred years ago, revolutionary socialists from more than two dozen countries launched a global movement, the Communist International (Comintern).”

The world revolution that wasn’t. By Loren Balhorn (Jacobin, March 2, 2019). “The Comintern was founded on this day in 1919 to carry revolution around the world. We are only now recovering from the legacy of its failure.” See also Louis Proyect: The Comintern, the Stalintern, and the Jacobin Left (The Unrepentant Marxist, March 4, 2019).

The Communist International: Its present-day relevance. By John Riddell (Marxist Essays and Commentaries, May 2, 2018). “Here’s a talk I gave to The Capitalism Workshop in Toronto, April 18, 2018. The Workshop organizers insisted on an emphasis on contemporary relevance, and that is what distinguishes this text from my previous account of my Comintern work.”

35 years of Comintern publishing: A balance sheet. By John Riddell (Marxist Essays and Commentary, February 26, 2018). “The following text is a much expanded and updated version of a talk that I gave in 2013, under the title ‘Toward the United Front: Translations for the Twenty-First Century’.”

The Third International: Revolutionary hope crushed by Stalinism (Socialist Worker, Issue 2189, 20 February 2010). “Dan Swain continues our series with a look at the third attempt to unite workers across borders.”

Comintern: Revolutionary internationalism in Lenin’s time (pdf). By John Riddell (A Socialist Voice pamphlet, 2008, 32 p.). “… during its first five years, while still led by Lenin and his closest collaborators, the Communist International elaborated a program and strategy that incorporate the lessons of the revolution-ary era whose climax was the Russian revolution.The purpose of this pamphlet is to introduce that program.”

Komintern: Demokratiet, magten og partidemokratiet (pdf). Af Niels Christian Sidenius (Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie, nr. 13, 1983, side 39-66). “Nærværende artikel vil …først og fremmest inddrage dokumenter, der mest tydeligt udtaler sig om det borgerlige demokrati, dets forhold til det socialistiske demokrati og til magten i samfundet.”

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Bøger/Litteratur online

The Comintern and its critics (Revolutionary History, Vol.8, No.1, 2001, p.1-238). “All the articles we print relate to the Stalinist degeneration of the Comintern, to those who analysed, opposed, and criticised it, and what happened to them as a result.” Only Contents online; scroll down.

Russisk sproget plakat for Den Kommunistiske Internationale
Russisk sproget plakat for Den Kommunistiske Internationale

Biographical dictionary of the Comintern. By Branko M. Lazitch & Milorad M. Drachkovitch (Stanford Univ., Calif., Hoover Institution Press, 1986, 532 p.). Online partly at Google Books. Chapters: Introduction – Guide to abbreviations – List of biographies – Individual biographies.

The Comintern. By Duncan Hallas (Bookmarks, 1985, 184 s.; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “This small book aims to provide, from a revolutionary socialist point of view, an introduction to the Comintern, from its founding conference in 1919 to its winding-up by Stalin in 1943.”

Krisen i den kommunistiske verdensbevægelse: fra Komintern til Kominform. 2 bind. Af Fernando Claudin (Modtryk, 1977-78, 667 sider).
Online på svensk: Krisen i den kommunistiska rörelsen, del 1 + del 2 (pdf) ( Se her: Studieplan till Claudin, Krisen i den kommunistisk rörelsen.
Online in English: The Communist Movement, vol. 1 + vol. 2 (pdf) (

Svensk plakat for Den kommunistiska internationalen
Svensk plakat for Den kommunistiska internationalen

The Communist International 1919-1943. Documents selected and edited by Jane Degras. Vol. 1-3 (London, Oxford University Press, 1956-1965; online at Marxists Internet Archive) (pdf):
Vol. 1: 1919-1922 (457 p.)
Vol. 2: 1923-1928 (578 p.)
Vol. 3: 1929-1943 (488 p.)

Rise and fall of the Comintern. By K. Tilak [i.e. Leslie Goonewardene] (Bombay, Spark Syndicate, 1947, 157 p.; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “This book … seeks to recount the principal betrayals of the international working class movement by the Third (Communist) International since 1923.”

World revolution 1917-1936: The rise and fall of the Communist International. By C.L.R. James (London, Furnell and Sons, 1937, 429 p.; online at Marxists Internet Archive). With introduction by Al Richardson to 1993 edition (Humanities Press, 446 p.). “This book is  an introduction to and survey of the revolutionary Socialist movement since the War – the antecedents, foundation and development of the Third International – its collapse as a revolutionary force.”

The first five years of the Communist International, Vol. I (1924). By Leon Trotsky + Vol. II (London, New Park, 1973-74; online at Marxists Internet Archive). See introduction by Fred Weston to a new edition (In Defense of Marxism, 10 December 2020).

Kommunistiska Internationalen (Komintern) ( Artiklar, Böcker och Document.

Den Kommunistiska Internationalen: Organ för Kommunistiska Internationalens exekutivkomité. Tidskriften … på de skandinaviska språken. Innehållsförteckning, no. 1,  1920 – no. 6, september 1921 (

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Bøger/Litteratur, kun i print

Den røde underverden: Hemmelig kommunistisk virksomhed i Skandinavien mellem to verdenskrige. Af Jesper Jørgensen, Niels Erik Rosenfeldt og Morten Møller (Gyldendal, 2019, 414 s.). Se interview med Jesper Jørgensen: Kommende bog belyser den »røde underverden« (, 12. juni 2019) + anmeldelse af Rasmus Ravnholdt Johnsen: Kominterns skandidaviske netværk (pdf) (Nyt om Arbejdermuseet, nr.2, 2020, s.14-15)..

Komintern og de dansk-russiske relationer. Red. Jesper Jørgensen, Alexander Chubaryan, Andrei Sorokin og Thomas Wegener Friis (Arbejdermuseet og ABA, 2013, 436 sider). Se Bjarne Nielsen: Spændende ny forskning om Komintern-tiden (, 26. februar 2013) + anmeldelse af Thomas Petersen (

Verdensrevolutionens generalstab: Komintern og det hemmelige apparat. Af Niels Erik Rosenfeldt (Gad, 2011, 432 sider). Se anmeldelse af Peter Mouritzen (

Krisen i den kommunistiske verdensbevægelse: fra Komintern til Kominform. 2 bind. Af Fernando Claudin (Modtryk, 1977-78, 667 sider). Online i svensk udgave på; se ovenfor).

Kommunistisk Internationale 1919-1943. Af Niels Christian Sidenius (Den Røde Kalender 1977, Politisk Revy, side 163-229). Kapitler: 1919-21: KI’s konstituering og revolutionære forsøg – 1921-23: den tyske arbejderklasses nederlag – 1924-25: KI og Sovjetunionen – 1925-28: Højreopportunismen i England/Kina – 1928-35: venstresekterisme og folkefront – 1936-45: den spanske revolution og KIs opløsning.

Kommunistisk Internationale 1928-1935: en analyse og kritik af Kommunistisk Internationales politik, specielt i forhold til fascismen og udviklingen i Tyskland. Af Niels Christian Sidenius (Modtryk, 1978, 283 sider)

Travellers of the World Revolution: A Global History of the Communist International. By Brigitte Studer (Verso, 2023, 496 p.). See excerpt: The Communist International was a unique experiment in global politics (Jacobin, July 21, 2023) + review by Nathaniel Flakin: The worker bees of the Comintern (Left Voice, July 20, 2023).

The Communist Women’s Movement, 1920–22: Proceedings, Resolutions, and Reports. Edited by Michael Taber and Daria Dyakonova (Brill, 2023). “The present volume … contains proceedings and resolutions of CWM conferences, along with reports on its work around the world. Most of the contents here are published in English for the first time, with almost half appearing for the first time in any language.” See review by Anne McShane: International Women’s Day is a socialist holiday (Jacobin, 8 March 2023) + review by Paul Hampton: The Communist Women’s Movement – high point of first wave feminism (Solidarity & Workers’ Liberty, Issue 689, 8 November 2023).

The Communist Movement at a Crossroads: Plenums of the Communist International’s Executive Committee, 1922–1923. Edited by Mike Taber and translated by John Riddell (Brill, 2018/Haymarket Books, 2019, 796 p.). “The new books presents the world movement’s main discussions of the united front policy and resistance to the rise of fascism.” See John Riddell: New Comintern Volume presents debates on United Front, Fascism (Marxist Essays and Commentary, June 28, 2018) + The Comintern debates the United Front: Excerpts from the original leadership debate, 1922 (Ibid, May 5, 2019) + Mike Taber: Introduction to ‘The Communist Movement at a Crossroads’, Part 1-3 (Ibid., May 11-14, 2020) + review by John Riddell: The United Front: adoption and application  (Marxist Essays and Commentary, July 1, 2020) + review by Daniel Gaido:  ‘A fascinating volume offering many treasures’ (Marxist Essays and Commentary, October 13, 2020) + review by Tom Twiss: Charting New Paths: The Comintern in 1922-1923 (Against the Current, Issue 210, January-February 2021) + review by Chris Bambery  (Counterfire, March 11, 2021)

Toward the United Front: Proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International, 1922. Edited by John Riddell (Brill/Haymarket, 2012, 1310 p.). See John Riddell: 35 years of Comintern publishing: A balance sheet (Marxist Essays and Commentary, February 26, 2018)

To The Masses: Proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist International, 1921. Edited by John Riddell (Brill/Haymarket, 2015, 1299 p.). See introduction by John Riddell: The Comintern’s great turn of 1920-21, Part 1-2 (Marxist Essays and Commentary, September 8, 2020) + review by John Rose: Debating the world revolution (International Socialism, Issue 153, Winter 2017)

The Communist International in Lenin’s time. Edited by John Riddell (New York, Pathfinder Press, 1984-1993). With introductions, chronology and glossary:

  • Lenin’s struggle for a revolutionary International: Documents 1907-1916: The predatory years (1984, 604 p.)
  • The German revolution and the debate on Soviet power: Documents 1918-1919: Preparing the founding corgress (1986, 540 p.)
  • Founding the Communist International: Proceedings and documents of the first congress March 1919 (1987, 424 p.)
  • Workers of the world and opressed peoples, unite!: Proceedings and documents of the second congress, 1920, Vol. I-II (1991, 1147 p.)
  • To see the dawn, Baku, 1920: First congress of the Peoples of the East (1993, 344 p.)

Theses, resolutions and manifestos of the first four congresses of the Third International. Edited by Alan Adler, introduction by Bertil Hessel (London, Ink Links/Pluto Press, 1980, 481 p.). With biographical and historical glossary.

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Danske og tyske revolutionære – og spioner – i komintern. Et foredrag af Torkil Sørensen i forbindelse med Arbejderfestival 2018, arrangeret af SFAH (Selskabet for Arbejderhistorie) (; 40 min.)

Se også:

Konferencerapport: Venstrealternativet i det 20. århundrede: Dramaet om ideer og personlige historier i anledning af 100 året for Komintern (pdf). Af Kim Frederichsen, Jesper Jørgensen og Torkil Sørensen (Arbejderhistorie, nr. 2, 2019, side 169-174). Konferencerapport, Det Statslige Arkiv for Social og Politisk Historie, Moskva 26.-28. juni 2019.

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Links til Tidslinjen



Tatlins monument fra 1920 i 3D-projektion
Tatlins monument fra 1920 i 3D-projektion
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