Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg, Gauteng, on 13 May 2008. Author: South Africa The Good News. (CC BY 2.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg, Gauteng, on 13 May 2008. Author: South Africa The Good News. (CC BY 2.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1990.

Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.


2. februar 1990

Rydningen af Sorte Hest og Mekanisk Musikmuseum, de sidste store BZatte huse i København.


11. februar 1990

ANCs leder Nelson Mandela løslades efter 27 år i det sydafrikanske apartheid-systems fængsler.


Se også:

Mandela Center (Danmark)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


11. marts 1990

Lithauen erklærer uafhængighed af Sovjetunionen.


Litauen (


13. marts 1990

Den tyske socialist Oscar Hippe dør. Født 1. april 1918, se denne), deltog i den tyske revolution 1918 og forblev aktiv i venstreooppositionen.


21. marts 1990

Namibia, nabo til Sydafrika.

Namibia bliver som sidste afrikanske koloni (under Sydafrikansk herredømme) uafhængigt.





31. marts – 1. april 1990

Modstand og protester mod den konservative regerings forslag om poll tax (kommunal kopskat) (“Don’t pay – Don’t collect”) kulminerer med massive optøjer i London 31. marts – 1. april.
Skatten umulig at gennemføre og ophæves 23. marts 1991.


The Anti-Poll Tax Federation: Organisation and spontaneity. By Andrew Stone (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21th Century, 27 March 2020). Revolutionary reflections: “The anti-poll tax movement was arguably the most successful social movement in Great Britain since the 1970s.See part 2: The moral economy of the anti-poll tax movement (9 October 2020) + Part 3: ‘Mob rules’ (6 November 2020).

Can’t pay won’t pay. By Andrew Stone (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21th Century, 31 March 2020). “The 30th anniversary of the Trafalgar Square riot is a good time to reflect on Simon Hannah’s engaging account of the movement that scuppered Thatcher’s poll tax.”

Thatcher’s downfall – 25 years since the poll tax riot. By Sadie Robinson (Socialist Worker, Issue 2447, 31 March 2015). “The anti poll tax riot in 1990 helped oust Margaret Thatcher. The movement also struck a blow against everyone who said it was impossible to fight back.”

Bollocks to the Poll Tax (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21th Century, March 31, 2015). “Colin Revolting remembers the day 25 years ago …”

Poll Tax riot: The day that sunk Thatcher’s flagship (Socialist Worker, Issue 2194, 27 March 2010). “A pressure cooker of anger that had been building up in Britain exploded on the streets of central London on Saturday 31 March 1990.”

The great anti-poll tax victory: How 18 million people brought Thatcher down (Socialism Today, Issue 136, March 2010). “Peter Taaffe looks back on the ‘unofficial’ mass movement which humbled the seemingly invincible Margaret Thatcher.”

Fifteen years since the poll tax revolt (Socialist Worker, Issue 1946, 9 April 2005). “The biggest riot in modern British history took place 15 years ago last week in London. Anti poll tax activists share their recollections.”

Poll Tax: “We Won’t Pay”: How Thatcher was defeated (1990) (In Defence of Marxism, 19 April 2013). “We reproduce here the Militant pamphlet which marked this important turning point, written by Rob Sewell.”

Beating the Poll Tax (Anarchist Communist Federation, March 1990; online at “… a widely distributed booklet that encouraged and analysed the rise of mass revolt against the Community Charge in 1989/90 as it was happening.”


7. april 1990

Færgen Oslo-Frederikshavn, “Scandinavian Star” forulykker ved brandkatastrfe  i Skagerak, 159 omkommer. årsagen og ansvaret for branden og dens omfang blev genstand for pårørendes mangeårig kamp om ansvar og for flere undersøgelser.


M/S Scandinavian Star ( Med links.

Støttegruppen for efterladte og overlevende fra Scandinavian Star (

Stiftelsen etterforskning av mordbrannen Scandinavian Star (Stiftelsen) (

Manden der ikke ville godkende ‘Scandinavian Star’. Af Lars Halskov (, 20. september 2015). Lars Halskovs bog Branden: gåden om Scandinavian Star udkommer 29. september (Politikens Forlag, 390 s.)

Nedtælling for Scandinavian Star. Af Ulrik Dahlin (, 27. januar 2015)

Skibskatastrofen, der ikke vil gå i glemmebogen. Af Ulrik Dahlin (, 8. oktober 2010)

Enmandshæren fra Korsør. Af Ulrik Dahlin (, 21. september 2007). Interview med Mike Axdal, forfatter til bogen: Scandinavian Star: mordbrand med statsstøtte (Nautilus Forlag, 2006, 256 s.)



5. juli 1990

Den danske sociale sanger og sangskriver Jan Toftlund dør i Retsvindinge på Fyn.
(Født i København 2. december 1949, se denne)


16. juli 1990

Frihedsrådets leder, kommunisten, minister i befrielsesregeringen (5. maj til 30. oktober 1945), første formand for Fredens Tilhængere, medstifteren af SF, Københavns Universitets rektor i ’68 mm., Mogens Fog dør. (Født 9. juni 1904 på Frederiksberg).


Kommunisten: Mogens Fog 1904-1990. I Morten Thing: Portrætter af 10 kommunister (Tiderne Skifter, 1996, s.220-239). Scroll ned.

Fog versus Hedtoft – november 1943: en studie i kommunisme og antikommunisme (pdf). Af Hans Kirchhoff (Arbejderhistorie, nr.2, 2020, s.182-211). “Mogens Fog, med tætte forbindelser til DKP’s illegale ledelse, søgte i efteråret 1943 kontakt til Hans Hedtoft fra Socialdemokratiet for at … rydde vejen for en enhedsfront mellem de to partier. Forhandlingen affødte en brevveksling, som artiklen aftrykker in toto og sætter i kontekst.”

Mogens Fog og Aksel Larsen: allierede med forbehold (pdf). Af Morten Møller (Arbejderhistorie, nr. 2, 2008, s.17-32)

Den nye modstandsbevægelse: Mogens Fog og Fredens Tilhængere 1950-1959 (pdf). Af Morten Møller (Arbejderhistorie, nr.3, 2008, s.34-51)

Fredens Tilhængere i Danmark ( Ordbog). Med links.

Fredens Tilhængere (

Medlemmer af modstandsbevægelsens ledelse, Frihedsrådet, fotograferet efter befrielsen. Fra venstre: Erik Husfeldt, Alfred Jensen, Frode Jakobsen, Børge Houmann, Mogens Fog, Aage Schoch, Ole Chievitz og C.A. Bodelsen. Arne Sørensen står udenfor billedets kant. Fraværende: Erling Foss, Niels Banke og Hans Øllgaard. Maj 1945. Foto: Ukendt. Public Domain. Kilde: Wikimedia Commons.
Medlemmer af modstandsbevægelsens ledelse, Frihedsrådet, fotograferet efter befrielsen. Fra venstre: Erik Husfeldt, Alfred Jensen, Frode Jakobsen, Børge Houmann, Mogens Fog, Aage Schoch, Ole Chievitz og C.A. Bodelsen. Arne Sørensen står udenfor billedets kant. Fraværende: Erling Foss, Niels Banke og Hans Øllgaard. Maj 1945. Foto: Ukendt. Public Domain. Kilde: Wikimedia Commons.

Fredens Tilhængere. Af Jesper Jørgensen (Arbejderbevægelsens Bibliotek og Arkiv, Årsskrift 2001, s.16-22).

Foto: Frihedsrådet forsommeren 1945, Fra venstre: Ole Chievitz, Frode Jakobsen, Aage Schoch, C.A. Bodelsen, Børge Houmann, Mogens Fog, Hans Øllgaard, Arne Sørensen, Niels Banke og Erling Foss.


Mogens Fog: en biografi. Bd. 1-2. Af Morten Møller (Gyldendal 2009, 832 s.). Se uddrag på Google books 1909fogboer.jpg

To nye biografier over nogle af dansk modstandsbevægelses mest centrale aktører. Af Jens Juhler Hansen (Arbejderhistorie, nr.2, september 2012, s.75-83). Artiklen er p.t. ikke online.
Mogens Fog – en marxistisk demokratiforkæmper. Af Bjarne Nielsen (Arbejderen, 28. maj 2009)
Forføreren Fog. Af David Rehling (Information, 13. maj 2009)
Information og den gådefulde Mogens Fog. Af Morten Møller (Information, 12. maj 2009)
Den røde rektor. Af Ditlev Tamm (Universitetsavisen, 16. juli 2009). “Havde universitetet set anderledes ud uden Mogens Fogs indsats under ungdomsoprøret?”
Dobbelthed og stjernekvalitet. Af Morten Thing (Kritik, nr.194, december 2009, s.116-120)

En bog om Mogens Fog. Red. Elias Bredsdorff (Spektrum, 1991, 282 s.)


2. august 1990

Irak invaderer Kuwait (anledning til USAs Operation Ørkenstorm i 1991).


Golfkrigen (

Golfkrigen (

Gulf War (

Imperialism and the Gulf war 1990-1991. By Lynn Walsh (, 1991/2003)

The Gulf War and the new world order. By Avishai Ehrlich (Socialist Register, 1992)

Løgne om Golfkrigen: Generalernes krig mod sandheden. Af Tom Christiansen (Socialistisk Arbejderavis, nr.127, 25. januar 1996)


Temanummer: Golfen og Vesten: Et slag for en ny verdensorden? (Vandkunsten, nr.5, januar 1991, 244 sider)


14. oktober 1990

Den progressive amerikanske komponist Leonard Bernstein dør i New York (født 25. august 1918 i Lawrence, Massachusetts). Hans hovedværk er musicalen West Side Story (1957), med Romeo og Julie-temaet overført til 50’ernes Manhattan West Side.


Leonard Bernstein ( Longer article.

Maestro: A hopelessly one-sided portrait of Leonard Bernstein. By Fred Mazelis (World Socialist Web Site, 2 December 2023). “Exploring every aspect of Bernstein’s life, including his marriage, is certainly legitimate, but what Maestro has done is unacceptably one-sided—and therefore misleading.”

There was far more to Leonard Bernstein than mere charisma. By Fred Mazelis (World Socialist Web Site, 25 September 2018). “It is quite true that the culture that nurtured Bernstein is gone, and also that there will be no simple replica of him in the future.”

The centenary of Leonard Bernstein: One of the greatest musical figures of the 20th century. Part 1-2. By Fred Mazelis (World Socialist Web Site, 24-25 August 2018). “There was simply no one else in the modern era who combined Bernstein’s genius as a composer, conductor, educator and pianist.”

Leonard Bernstein’s tragedy. By Peter Drucker (Against the Current, No.144, January-February 2010). Review of Barry Seldes, Leonard Bernstein: The Political Life of an American Musician (University of California Press, 2009, 276 p.). “Seldes argues convincingly that since Bernstein was very much a social animal, not a composer who could work in isolation, his musical shortcomings were to some extent a reflection of the failure of his left-liberal cultural milieu to define a clear and consistent attitude to U.S. culture.” See also review by Fred Mazelis: The legacy of Leonard Bernstein (World Socialist Web Site, 24 November 2010).

The Bernstein Files. By Alex Ross (The New Yorker, August 10, 2009). “… documents relating to Bernstein’s political entanglements: his eight-hundred-page F.B.I. file, memos from the files of Richard Nixon’s Plumbers, and several lively excerpts from Nixon’s White House tapes.”

The legend of Lenny. By Alex Ross (The New Yorker, December 15, 2008). “The story of Bernstein plays like a modern American fable.”

Se også/See also:

When Leonard Bernstein partied with the Black Panthers. (BBC Front Row, 29 March 2018) “.. we recount the fashionable soiree at the composer’s apartment in which the wealthy elite of 1970s New York mingled with members of the Black Panther Party…”

West Side Story – the official West Side Story website.


22. oktober 1990

Den franske filosof Louis Althusser dør i Paris. (Født Birmendreïs, Fransk Algeriet 16. oktober 1918, se denne)


2. november 1990

Den engelske regeringsleder, konservative Margaret Thatcher, træder tilbage og afløses af John Major.


Linkboxen Bye Bye Maggie: Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) (Socialistisk Bibliotek)

Thatcher og thatcherismen (Gnist/Rødt! Marxistisk tidsskrift, nr.2a, 2013, 43 s.). Ekstranummer.

The dawn of Thatcherism, 40 years on (Counterfire, May 3, 2019). “When economic liberalism fused with social conservatism: Tom Whittaker looks at the origins, impacts and legacy of Thatcher’s politics, four decades on.”

Thatcher’s economic legacy. By Jane Hardy (Socialist Review, Issue 380, May 2013). “Her economic policies as a package reflected the desire of the British ruling class to break the power of the workers’ movement in the workplace and, through higher unemployment, to increase the profitability and competiveness of British capital.”

Thatcher saved their Britain, their privileges (Solidarity, Issue 283, 24 April 2013). Interview with Andrew Gamble, author of Thatcherism, The Free Economy and the Strong State (1988).

Capitalist decline: Thatcher in history (Weekly Worker, Issue 958, April 18, 2013). “Jack Conrad explores the conditions which created Margaret Thatcher and takes issue with the great person version of history.”

Did Thatcher’s economics save the country? (International Socialist Group, 17 April 2013; online at Internet Archive WayBack Machine). “Adam Frew uses empirical data to dispel the myth that Thatcher saved the British economy.”

Thatcher: there was no alternative (Michael Roberts Blog, April 9, 2013). “Thatcher did her job of destroying millions of Britons’ jobs, incomes and lives with enthusiasm, dedication and arrogance. But in the interests of capitalism, there was no alternative (TINA).”

Thatcher behind closed doors. By Simon Basketter (Socialist Worker, Issue 2183, 9 January 2010). “The newly released archives from 1979 give an insight into Margaret Thatcher’s thinking. They also show that, in private, Tories are even more reactionary than they are in public.”

Papers released under 30 year rule reveal full force of Thatcher’s fury. By Alan Travis and Owen Bowcott (The Guardian, 30 December 2009). “The 1979 files provide a fascinating insight into the way she took a grip, first of her ministers, then the country with a pugnacious style that is revealed in hostile handwritten remarks in the margins of previously secret documents.”

Thatcher can teach us (Socialist Worker, Issue 2163, 8 August 2009). “Neil Davidson says revolutionaries can learn from the way Margaret Thatcher led the ruling class to victory in the struggles of the 1980s.” See Debate: How historic was Margaret Thatcher?, by Bob Fotheringham + Myths and reality of Thatcherism – a response, by Neil Davidson (Issue 2166, 29 August 2009).

Thatcher: thirty years on. By Terry McPartlan (In Defence of Marxism, 9 June 2009). “But very few will have been hated by working people with such intensity as Margaret Thatcher.”

Margaret Thatcher: Architect of chaos. By Chris Bambery (Socialist Worker, Issue 2149, May 2009). “Margaret Thatcher’s 11 years in office left a bitter legacy in Britain.”

Thatcher’s bitter legacy. By Peter Taaffe (Socialism Today, Issue 128, May 2009). “For more than a decade, Margaret Thatcher presided over vicious attacks on the working class, wrecking the lives of millions. She was resisted by mass, militant struggle by the miners and printers, and Liverpool city council, among others, …”

Thatcher and the welfare state. By Sue Clegg (International Socialism, Issue 44, Autumn 1989). “This article will look at the Tories’ offensive against the welfare state and attempt to assess how successful it has been.”

The Thatcher years. By Bill Schwarz (Socialist Register, 1987, p.116-152). “Mrs Thatcher promised a crusade. She has brought instead discord, despair and death.”

Thatcherism and women: after seven years. By Elizabeth Wilson (Socialist Register, 1987, p.199-235). “And the most paradoxical aspect of all has been that Margaret Thatcher, the ‘exceptional woman’ par excellence, has done nothing to advance the cause of women, indeed during her period of office the quality of life for the majority of women in this country has deteriorated.”

Law and order, moral order: the changing rhetorics of the Thatcher Government. By Ian Taylor (Socialist Register, 1987, p.297-331). “Here I want to focus on the way in which our political opponents have popularised the law and order issue over the last decade …”

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


28. december 1990

Dagbladet “Land og Folk” udkommer med sidste nummer (startede 5. maj 1921 som “Arbejderbladet”, og 5. maj 1945 som dagblad, organ for Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti.

Se også:

Land og Folk (

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Tidslinjen: 5. maj 1945