Russiske revolution 1905. Source: CLASSICAL ICONOCLAST: Se nedenfor 9. januar 1905.
Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 1905.
Åbning af den 6.500 km lange jernbanelinje mellem Beijing i Kina og Moskva i Rusland (den transsibiriske jernbane). Anlæggelsen afsluttes 6. jaunar 1916.
“Den blodige søndag” (22. januar efter nutidig tidsregning) i Rusland.
The Russian Revolution, 1905: Artistic impression of Bloody Sunday in St Petersburg, Russia, when unarmed demonstrators marching to present a petition to Tsar Nicholas II were shot at by the Imperial Guard in front of the Winter Palace on 22 January 1905. Photo: Ivan Vladimirov (1869–1947). Public domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Den Blodige Søndag (
Efter den russiske “blodige søndag” i Skt. Petersborg udviklede bevægelsen mod zarismen sig til en generalstrejke i oktober og opstand 6.-17. december, hvorunder der 13. oktober dannes de første arbejderråd (sovjetter). (Se Sovjet på
V.I Lenin: Revolutionen i Rusland begyndt, 18.1.1905 (Udvalgte værker, bind 4, s. 17-20, Forlaget Tiden, 1977; online på Marxisme Online)
Russian revolution of 1905 (Marxists Internet Archive). With “Overviews of the 1905 Revolution” + “Contemporaneous documents and participants’ accounts”.
Se også:
Russia 1905 – timeline of a revolution. By Martin Powell Davies (Socialism Today, 2 December 2024). “Dates are given in the old-style Julian calendar used in Russia at the time. This was 13 days earlier than the Gregorian calendar (adopted in Russia in 1918).”
The axis of all events: the 1905 Russian Revolution (Socialist Review, Issue 292, January 2005). “The 1905 Russian revolution, as described by Leon Trotsky.”
Leo Trotski: Femti dager – Sovjetet og revolusjonen (Marxists Internet Archive; Norsk). “Fra ‘Historien om de arbeiderdeputertes råd’, St. Petersburg 1908. Her oversatt etter Leo Trotski: Our revolution, 1918.”
Den russiske revolution. Af Steve Wright (Internationale Socialister, 1984, 27 sider; online på Marxisme Online). Pjece fra Internationale Socialisters Forlag, marts 1987.
The 1905 Revolution: Russia’s great dress rehearsal. Part 65 i Neil Faulkner: A Marxist History of the World (Counterfire, 5 March 2012)
1905: The 1917 Revolution’s dress rehearsal. By Judy Cox (Counterfire, January 14, 2017). “The Russian Revolution of 1917 was led by a working class who, in 1905, had already tasted their own power and experienced bitter defeat.”
1905: Birth of a new power (Socialist Worker, Issue 1933, 8 January 2005). “One hundred years ago the workers and peasants of Russia rose up in revolution and shook their country’s rulers. Megan Trudell looks at the ”’great dress rehearsal’.”
From 1905 to our time. By Shelia Cohen (Against the Current, Issue 119, November-December 2005). “The focus here, is not on the ‘results’ of the 1905 revolution, but on its ‘prospects’.”
Rehearsing for 1917: Russia’s 1905 Revolution. By David Finkel (Against the Current, Issue 118, September-October 2005). “… the 1905 Revolution continues to yield new lessons, with hidden chapters of struggle recovered to inspire and educate us.”
A hidden story of the 1905-7 Russian Revolution: the unemployed Soviet. By Nikolaj Preobrazhenksii (Against the Current, Issue 118, September-October 2005). “The movement of the unemployed in St. Petersburg is a little-known episode of the First Russian Revolution of 1905-7.”
Lessons from the 1905 Revolution. By Hillel Ticktin (Against the Current, Issue 118, September-October 2005). “1905 was a decisive year in socialist history in that the working class movement developed two crucial weapons in its armory: Soviets (workers’ councils) … and the general strike.”
1905: the consciousness factor (International Socialism, Issue 108, Autumn 2005). “Here Pete Glatter looks at the transformations that occurred in working class consciousness.”
The 1905 revolution and its lessons. By Doug Lorimer (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, Issue 28, September 2005). Contents: Soviets of workers’ deputies – January 1905 protest – Bolsheviks and Mensheviks – Anti-feudal revolution – Marxism versus Narodnism – Marxism and the peasantry – Monopoly capitalism – Russo-Japanese War – Lessons drawn by Lenin.
Demonstranter på Nevsky Prospect i Byens Duma-bygning, 18. oktober 1905. Photo: ukendt. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
The Russian Revolution of 1905: change through struggle (Revolutionary History, Vol.9., No.1, 2005, p.1-233). “This issue, devoted to the study of the 1905 revolution in Russia, has been compiled by a guest editor, Pete Glatter, to whom the Editorial Board wishes to record its thanks and appreciation for assembling and translating a wealth of material new to the English reader.” See online (ReserachGate): Patterns of conflict in the 1905 Revolution, by Mike Haynes (p.215-233).
Review: The first Russian Revolution, by Kevin Murphy (International Socialist Review, Issue 45, January-February 2006)
1905. By Tony Cliff (Socialist Review Review, Issue 72, January 1985). “Without the experience and lessons learnt in 1905 it is doubtful if the uprisings in 1917 would have led to the establishment of workers’ power.”
The 1905 Revolution. Chapter 7 in Tony Cliff: Lenin, Vol.1 (Pluto Press, 1975, p.149-168). Contents: The rise of police trade unionism – Bloody Sunday – Lenin and Gapon – Fighting the Bolsheviks’ sectarian attitude towards the trade unions and the Soviet.
Første nummer af det anarkistiske tidsskrift Skorpionen: Anarkistisk Organ udkom, red. Sophus Rasmussen. (På forsiden: “Udkommer saa vidt muligt 2 Gange maanedlig”)
Digteren Jeppe Aakjær (10.9.1866 – 22.4.1930) får i dagbladet Politiken trykt digtet Jens Vejmand. Kommer i samlingen Rugens Sange (1906) med melodi af Carl Nielsen (hør: Erik Grips Jens Vejmand 1996 på, 2:55 min.).
Skal man sætte en sten for Jens Vejmand? Af Mads Havskov Hansen (Netavisen Pio, 22. maj 2018). “Lokale ildsjæle vil give Jens Vejmand en gravsten. Er det historieforfalskning eller en anerkendelse af det samfund, vi har bygget?”
Den sande historie om Jens Vejmand. Af Torben Enghoff (, kronik, 3. august 2022). “Sangen og digtet blev begyndelsen til Jeppe Aakjær og Carl Nielsens frugtbare og næsten kærlighedsbetonede samarbejde.” Under betalingsmur.
A century of writing on the IWW, 1905-2005 (pdf). An annotated bibliography of books on the Industrial Workers of the World. Compiled by Steve Kellerman (Industrial Workers of the World, Boston, 2007, 36 p.; online at Internet Archive)
Under the Iron Heel: The Wobblies and the Capitalist War on Radical Workers. By Tom Mackaman (World Socialist Web Site, 16 January 2023). Review of Ahmed White’s book (University of California Press, 2022, 360 p.). “The greatest testament to the IWW’s influence was provided by the extraordinary lengths the American ruling class went to destroy it.”
See also Interview with author Ahmed White on the historical significance of the Industrial Workers of the World (Ibid., 1 February 2023).
The Wobblies (1979): What the IWW means for the working class today. By Tom Mackaman (World Socialist Web Site, 25 May 2022). “The re-release of the documentary is most timely.”
Worldwide Wobblies remembered. By Fran Shor (Against the Current, Issue 193, March-April 2018). Review of Peter Cole, David Struthers and Kenyon Zimmer (eds.), Wobblies of the World: A Global History of the IWW (Pluto Press, 2017, 312 p.).
Wobblies of the World, Unite (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 18 December 2017). An interview with Peter Cole: “True to its name, the Industrial Workers of the World spanned the globe — an international history that has long been forgotten.”
One Big Union, one long fight. By Robert Young (Monthly Review, Vol.69, No.6, November 2017). Review of The Wobblies, a film directed by Stewart Bird and Deborah Shaffer, 1979 (DVD/Docurama, 2006, 89 min.) + Fred W. Thompson and Jon Bekken, The Industrial Workers of the World: Its First Hundred Years (Cincinnati, IWW, 2006, 247 p.)
The Wobblies in their heyday, a hard-headed history of the IWW. By Staughton Lynd (MRZine, 24 November 2014). Review of Eric Chester, The Wobblies in Their Heyday: The Rise and Destruction of the Industrial Workers of the World during the World War I Era (Praeger, 2014, 316 p.)
The legacy of the IWW: To break their haughty power. By Joe Richard (International Socialist Review, Issue 86, November 2012). “The IWW tried to be both a union and a revolutionary organization at the same time, and in attempting this, never fully succeeded at either.”
An injury to one is an injury to all (, August 20, 2009). “Adam Turl chronicles the rich radical working-class history of Industrial Workers of the World.”
Philadelphia Wobblies. By John Newsinger (International Socialism, Issue 120, Summer 2008, p.167-180). Review of Peter Cole, Wobblies on the Waterfront: International Unionism in Progressive Era Philadelphia (University of Illinois, 2007)
Happy birthday Big Bill (Socialist Review, Issue 292, January 2005). “Mike Davis commemorates the centenary of a high point in American socialist history.”
Wobblies on the Southern home front. By Abra Quinn (Against the Current, No.116, May-June 2005). “However, the IWW successfully organized seamen and maritime workers in the docks and ports of Louisiana and Texas, on the Gulf, and also linked up with timber organizing in the Piney Woods stretching across Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas.”
The Wobblies heritage. By Paul Buhle (Against the Current, No.115, March/April 2005). “The traditions of solidarity across national, race, gender and other boundaries are most meaningful for us today.”
Gifts of the IWW. By Joseph Grim Feinberg (Against the Current, Issue 118, September-October 2005). “After its found in 1905, the union quickly grew, already rivaling other leading unions in strength by the early 1910s and reaching its peak membership in 1923-24.”
The IWW and the black worker (The Journal of Negro History, Vol.55, No.1, January 1970, p.45-64; online at Libcom). “A piece by historian Philip Foner on the IWW’s efforts to organize black workers and its outlook on race in the United States.”
Left unions were repressed because they threatened Capital. By Victor G. Devinatz (Jacobin, April 29, 2024). Review of Under the Iron Heel: The Wobblies and the Capitalist War on Radical Workers by Ahmed White (University of California Press, 2024), Harry Bridges: Labor Radical, Labor Legend by Robert W. Cherny (University of Illinois Press, 2023), and Smelter Wars: A Rebellious Red Trade Union Fights for Its Life in Wartime Western Canada by Ron Verzuh (University of Toronto Press, 2022).
100 years ago, the first Red Scare tried to destroy the Left. By Ahmed White (Jacobin, 23 December 2019). “The first Red Scare that began a century ago with the Palmer Raids wasn’t rooted in irrational hysteria … That purpose was simple: to destroy the Industrial Workers of the World.”
William Z. Foster and Syndicalism. By Avery Wear (Against the Current, Issue 203, November-December 2019). “The syndicalism associated with Foster, despite apparent failure, was a key bridge from a workers’ movement rendered archaic by capitalist restructuring, to one audaciously resurgent.” With Introduction by the editors.
Einstein’s 1905 Revolution: New physics, new Century. By Ansar Fayyazuddin (Against the Current, No.116, May/June 2005). “Einstein’s three major contributions to Physics in 1905 were monumental.”
It’s all relative: Science and socialists. By Duncan Blackie (Socialist Worker Review, Issue 115, December 1988, p.26-27; online at Marxisme Online). “If you haven’t heard of any other twentieth century physicist, you’ll have heard of Albert Einstein. And with good reason: he laid the theoretical framework for the greatest revolution in physics for 250 years.”
Forfatteren Arthur Koestler fødes i Budapest. (Dør i London 3. marts 1983, se denne)
Title: Angleterre Suffragette. The suffragette is selling the ‘Votes for Women’ newspaper outside Morley’s Hotel in Trafalgar Square. The ‘Votes for Women’ newspaper was one of several suffragette newspapers published during the early years of the 20th century, this particular edition was published on Friday 29th April 1910. 1900-1919. Photo: Ch. Chusseau-Flaviens. George Eastman House Collection. No known copyright restrictions. Source:
13. oktober 1905
Det britiske Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) bliver til de militante suffragetter, da … “Christabel Pankhurst and Annie Kenney, armed with a banner painted with ‘Votes for Women’ shouted their question to the Liberals in their meeting – ‘Will the Liberal Government give women the vote?'”
The Suffragettes (Marxists Internet Archive, Subject, Women). Texts, audio, links.
Herstory: Suffragetternes guerillakrig i England. Af Inge Kongsgaard Hansen (Autonom Infoservice, 2011, ajourført 4. marts 2019). “Kvinderne indledte en militant kamp for stemmeret. Det blev en decideret guerillakrig, som for alvor satte parlamentet under pres …”
The working-class suffragettes must not be forgotten. By Liza Featherstone (Jacobin, 14 June 2022). “The women’s suffrage movement is too often remembered as exclusively middle-class and focused solely on votes for women. But socialist and working-class suffragettes played essential roles in the fight for equality.”
How struggle won women the vote. By Sarah Bates (Socialist Worker, Issue 2589, 29 January 2018). “A sea of suffragette colours will mark next week’s centenary of the Representation of the People Act. The Act gave some women in Britain the right to vote for the first time.”
Suffragette – the revolt that won the vote. By Judith Orr (Socialist Worker, Issue 2475, 13 October 2015). “… it was more than a movement led by the middle classes seen in the new film Suffragette. It involved a mass movement …”
Stealing the suffragettes: Margaret Thatcher’s funeral and false historical parallels (Counterfire, 19 April 2013). “Katherine Connelly explains why attempts to claim Thatcher as the heir to the suffragettes are a gross distortion of history and an attack on our struggles today.”
Building a mass movement: lessons from the suffragettes. By Katherine Connely (Counterfire, 7 March 2012). “In 1912 two very different policies fought for dominance in the suffragette movement. Sylvia Pankhurst’s defence of mass protest is still relevant today.”
What did the Suffragettes do? ( Extracts from Andrew Rosen, Rise Up, Women!: The Militant Campaign of the Women’s Social and Political Union, 1903-1914 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974)
Da kvinderne måtte gå under jorden: Suffragetternes kamp for stemmerettren i England 1903-1914. Af Toni Liversage (Gyldendal, 1975, 121 sider)
Se også:
Forget the Pipelines: Blowing up bad history – the peculiar story of Andreas Malm and the Suffragettes. By Mike Haynes (Historical Materialism, [June] 2024). “You would not know it from Malm’s account, but many historians, including feminist ones, think that the Suffragettes’ direct action actually derailed the movement for the vote.”
WSPU leaders Annie Kenney (left) and Christabel Pankhurst, circa 1908. Photo: Unknown author. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons
Om filmen Suffragette, instr. Sarah Gavron. Premiere 23. oktober 2015 (USA):
Civil ulydighed mod en uciviliseret stat. Af Anita Brask Rasmussen (, 27. november 2015). “Film om de britiske kvinders kamp for stemmeret flytter fokus fra talerne i front til arbejderklassekvinderne i mængden.” Kun uddrag (gratis) online.
Drama om kvinders vilkår er hverken dårlig eller uforglemmelig. Af Katrine Hornstrup Yde (, 26. november 2015). “Følelsesladet film om tiden, hvor civil ulydighed var den eneste måde at opnå ligestilling på, lider under lidt for selvbevidst dramatisering.”
Thinking about Suffragette. By Alison Baldree (Against the Current, Issue 181, March-April 2016). “Suffragette focuses on rank-and-file women rather than on the leadership of the suffragette movement ”” a perspective not often told.”
Sarah Gavron’s Suffragette: What do Mrs. Pankhurst and an East End laundress have in common? By Joanne Laurier (World Socialist Web Site, 28 November 2015). “In the end, the film plays fast and loose with history in the interests of pushing a contemporary political agenda.”
Women against men? By Christina Black (Weekly Worker, Issue 1082, 12 November 2015). “Suffragette is essentially a period piece set around 1912-13, which combines historical and fictional characters in a drama depicting the women’s suffrage movement in Britain, culminating in the martyrdom of Emily Davison.”
Suffragette: on the side of the rebels. By Katherine Connelly (Counterfire, October 15, 2015). “Suffragette is a compelling and moving portrayal of the courage of ordinary women who dared to challenge the power of the British state.”
Suffragette – the revolt that won the vote. By Judith Orr (Socialist Worker, Issue 2475, 13 October 2015). “… it was more than a movement led by the middle classes seen in the new film Suffragette. It involved a mass movement …”
Why the suffragettes still matter: ‘they dared to act as the equals of men’ (The Guardian, 19 September 2015). “… we asked writers to reflect on the meanings and modern relevance of the militants’ direct action: Helen Lewis, Tessa Hadley, Jacqueline Rose, Sarah Crompton, Rachel Holmes, Bridget Christie.”
Genesis of ‘new Sinn Féin’ (Weekly Worker, Issue 1191, February 22, 2018). “Kevin Bean looks back to the 1980s and 90s and the taming of the republican movement.”
The end of the old brigade. By Daniel Finn (Jacobin: Reason in Revolt, 22 November 2017). “Gerry Adams is stepping down as Sinn Féin president – what legacy will his long leadership leave behind?”
The politics of Sinn Fein: rhetoric and reality. By Kieran Allen (Irish Marxist Review, Vol.3, No.11, 2014, p.4-15). “Sinn Fein’s primary aim now is to enter a government to manage Irish capitalism rather than abolish it.”
100 years of Sinn Fein, Part 1. By Joe Craig (Socialist Democracy, 1st February 2005) + Part 2 (15th March 2005) + Part 3 (7th May 2005) + Part 4 (15th June 2005) + Part 5 (5th July 2005) + Part 6 (10th September 2005) + Part 7 (15th September 2005)
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