Den amerikanske kriminal-forfatter Dashiell Hammett dør (født 27.5.1894). Medlem af det amerikanske kommunistparti og idømt ½ års fængselsstraf under McCarthyismen. Dannede par med forfatteren Lillian Hellman.
Dashiell Hammett ( Længere engelsk leksikal artikel, også pæn lang på norsk Wiki.
Portræt af voldens ideologi. Af Bjarne Andersen (, 2. februar 2011). “Hammett skrev bøger om rå vold og udnyttelse, små og store skurke, stærke mænd og smukke damer. Selv var han kommunist, anti-fascist og offer for McCarthys udrensning.”
Dashiell Hammett (The Social Science Collective, 14 December 2020). “Dashiell Hammett (1894-1961) has long been considered the most important writer of hard-boiled fiction. Not only did he give the genre its hallmarks in his short stories, but he also wrote three of its masterpieces in his novels. He was recognized immediately for lifting a previously disreputable style of fiction into literary prominence.”
Dashiell Hammett: Hardboiled writer, communist fighter. By Mick Whale (Socialism Today, Issue 151, September 2011). “Hammett was also an anti-fascist activist and a member of the Communist Party of America. He went to jail rather than hand over evidence that could have been used against other activists during the anti-communist witch-hunt led by Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s.”
Dashiell Hammett lecture. By Joan Mellen ( Dashiell Hammett Lecture, March 5, 2009: “As profoundly as he was a brilliant author, so, simultaneously, was he a political man. From those days when he met socialists on the Baltimore wharves, he had been politically committed.”
Toast to Dash. By Jean-Patrick Manchette (Le Matin, August 16, 1980; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “He is universally recognized as the founder of the American roman noir and the best representative of the genre. Which makes him the best novelist in the world since 1920, and I can prove it.”
Writers reviewed: Dashiell Hammett. By Paul Cunningham (Socialist Review, Issue 446, May 2019). First published in Socialist Review, May 1979: “… the novels remain worthwhile, for the lean, clear quality of Hammett’s writing as he captures the feel of urban life. Hammett’s cities are a miniature of capitalism itself, the gaudy surface hiding misery, oppression and violence.”
Dashiell Hammett ( Oversigt over Hammetts bøger på dansk.
Dashiell Hammett (Pinkerton, 1979, 25 sider). Med artikler af Per Calum og Tom Kristensen + bibliografi af Bjarne Nielsen. Bibliografien findes i en revideret udgave i Dashiell Hammett: Kvinden i mørket (Fremad 1988, s. 77-106).
‘Voldens teolog: Dashiell Hammett’. I Dan Turéll: Sort film (Pinkerton, 1984, s.47-55)
Se også:
Eighty years since John Huston’s The Maltese Falcon. By David Walsh World Socialist Web Site, 1 February 2021). “Huston’s TheMaltese Falcon is concisely and confidently realized, with almost no wasted words or movements. Hammett was a left-wing writer (eventually jailed during the anti-communist witch-hunts), of the hardboiled school.”
Two invented lives. By Phyllis Jacobson (New Politics, No. 23, Summer 1997). Review of Joan Mellen, Hellman and Hammett (New York, HarperCollins, 1996, 572 p.). “Joan Mellen’s exceptional biography, written from a left viewpoint, chronicles not only the tempestuous relationship of Lillian Hellman and Dashiell Hammett but their love affair with Stalinism, as well.”
Official Congo government portrait of Patrice Lumumba as the Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1960. Photo: unknown, Republic of the Congo (Léopoldville) government. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Den afrikanske nationalist og det uafhængige Congos første statsminister Patrice Lumumba myrdes. (Født 1. juni 1925 i Onalua).
Patrice Lumumba (Marxists Internet Archive; Reference Archive)
Congo: Myth-Busting: Dag Hammarskjöld, Katanga, and the coup against the Lumumba government. By Ludo De Witte (Europe Solidaire Sans Frontieres, 8 February 2024). “A terrible myth has developed around the UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld, who died in a plane crash in 1961. Ludo De Witte explains that the UN chief was one of the architects of the Congo crisis that led to the removal and murder of the country’s first leader, Patrice Lumumba. De Witte reveals the true role of the UN, and Hammarskjöld, in the imperialist catastrophe that savaged the Congo in 1960.”
Bring Patrice Lumumba home. By Ira Dworkin (Jacobin, January 17, 2022). “Congolese anti-colonial leader Patrice Lumumba was assassinated 61 years ago today. The Belgium government still hasn’t return his remains to his family and nation.”
Africa’s Lost Leader. By Darragh Adelaide (Irish Marxist Review, Vol.11, No.34, December 2022). Review of Leo Zeilig’s book (Haus Publishing, 2008). ““Lumumba, Africa’s Lost Leader” tells the story of the first prime minister of the Congo, Patrice Lumumba, who was executed in 1961 following a military coup supported by Belgium and the USA and aided by foreign mercenaries.”
Patrice Lumumba and Congo’s liberation (Socialist Worker, Issue 2782, 19 November 2021). “African socialists Stanley Sithole, Narh Tei-Kumadoe, Naa Adjeley Laryea, Edmore Chinondidyachii Rujato and Munya Gwisai assess the life of Congo’s Patrice Lumumba.”
In memory of Patrice Lumumba, assassinated on 17 January 1961. By Eric Toussaint (CADTM, 17 January 2021). “The figure of Patrice Lumumba has traversed history and still serves today as an example for all who champion the emancipation of peoples. Lumumba never surrendered.”
Why they killed Patrice Lumumba. By Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja (Jacobin, January 17, 2020). “Patrice Lumumba was a radical leader of the Congolese independence movement who resisted Belgian colonialism and corporate interests. That’s why he was assassinated in a US-backed coup 59 years ago today.”
Patrice Lumumba (1925–1961). By Sean Jacobs (Jacobin, January 17, 2017). “Lumumba’s short political life — as with figures like Thomas Sankara and Steve Biko, who had equally short lives — is still a touchstone for debates about what is politically possible in postcolonial Africa, the role of charismatic leaders, and the fate of progressive politics elsewhere.”
Patrice Lumumba and the unfinished business of liberation (Review of African Political Economy, January 15, 2021). “In this celebration of his life and work, the Congolese scholar and activist, Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja, writes about the All-African People’s Conference (AAPC) that Lumumba attended in 1958, and the years of his leadership of the nationalist movement before his murder.”
Britain’s involvement in assassination of Congo’s Lumumba confirmed. By Jean Shaoul (World Socialist Web Site, 18 April 2013). “A senior British politician has revealed Britain’s involvement in the 1961 assassination of Patrice Lumumba, the Congo’s first prime minister.”
Patrice Lumumba’s relevance: Ideas for today’s generation of African leaders. By Antoine Roger Lokongo (Pambazuka News, Issue 613, 16 January 2013; online at Internet Archive). “During the short life of Patrice Lumumba … he committed himself to several important ideas and principles that a new generation of Africans must re-visit.”
Fifty years since the murder of Patrice Lumumba. By Tom Eley (World Socialist Web Site, 22 January 2011). “Though not a socialist, Lumumba’s demand that the Congo should control its own extensive mineral wealth proved to be his death sentence.”
The murder of Patrice Lumumba: Congo’s tragedy (Socialist Worker, Issue 2233, 8 January 2011). “Leo Zeilig looks at his legacy and the fight against imperialism.”
Patrice Lumumba ‘will live forever’. By Leo Zeilig (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, September 2008) + book excerpt: Towards independence (pdf, 33 p.). “He has rightly become a symbol, in Africa and elsewhere, of the fight against imperialism.”
Patrice Lumumba. By Simon Hester (Socialist Review, Issue 331, December 2008). Review of Leo Zeilig, Patrice Lumumba: Africa’s lost leader (The University of Chicago Press, 2008, 198 p.). “This little book is an important addition to our history of the 20th century and essential reading for students of, and activists in, the African liberation struggle.” See also review by Darragh Adelaide (Irish Marxist Review, Vol.11, No.34, December 2022, p.91-92).
New revelations on the assasination of Patrice Lumumba: A belated trial of Belgian colonialism. By Pierre Dorremans (In Defence of Marxism, 15 March 2005). “[About] the complicity of the Belgian government and the United Nations in this crime.”
The unquiet death of Patrice Lumumba. By Bill Vann (World Socialist Web Site, 16 January 2002). “In November, an all-party commission of inquiry formed by the Belgian government released a report acknowledging that Belgium played a role in the murder of the Congolese leader.”
Dark heart of imperialism. By Charlie Kimber (International Socialism, Issue 92, Autumn 2001). Review of Ludo De Witte, The Assassination of Lumumba (Verso, 2001, 196 p.). “The book is] unravelling an appalling mass of lies, hypocrisy and betrayals had huge repercussions four decades after Lumumba was killed.”
Se også:
The CIA undermined postcolonial Africa from the start. By Alex Park (Jacobin, November 7, 2021). “From undermining national liberation leaders to playing a central role in the assassination of Congolese radical Patrice Lumumba, not enough attention is paid to the CIA’s shameful role in Africa. A new book aims to correct that [Susan Williams: White Malice: The CIA and the Covert Recolonization of Africa, Public Affairs, 2021, 688 p.]”.
Screenshot of footage of Lumumba (center) under arrest by soldiers before transport to Thysville. The other prisoner is MNC politician Christophe Musungu. 5 December 1960. Author: Universal Studios. (CC0 1.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons. Se also the video: Internet Archive.
21. januar 1961
Den belgiske generalstrejke (startede i december 1960) afsluttes.
Demonstrationer i Bruxelles mod enheds retten, studerende sitdownstrike. Dato: 3 januar 1961. Foto: Pot, Harry/Anefo. Copyright indehaver: National Archives. Samling/Arkiv: fotosamling Anefo. (CC0 1.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.
General strike 1960-61: 35 days that shook Belgium. By Erik Demeester (In Defense of Marxism, 15 January 2021). “For five weeks, a total of 1 million workers made the bosses and their state tremble. In this article we look back at those dramatic events.”
Belgium: Strike to Revolution? By Tony Cliff (International Socialism, No.4, Spring 1961, p.10-17). “Since 1886 the Belgian working class has been involved in eight general strikes. We should be hard put to find a better laboratory to study the place of the general strike in the proletarian class struggle, its potentialities and limitations, and. the. effect of other social and political factors on its development and outcome.”
The Belgian General Strike: Diary, December 28-31, 1960. By Maurice Brinton (Marxists Internet Archive). Original pjece her: Belgium: the general strike (Agitator/New Generation Pamphlet, January 1961; online at
12. februar 1961
Den amerikanske antropolog og venstrefløjsaktivist David Graeber fødes i New York. Dør i Venedig, 2. september 2020 (se denne dato på Tidslinjen).
5. marts 1961
Dramaturgen Kjeld Abell dør (født 25.8.1901), forfatter til teaterstykkerne Melodien der blev væk (1935) og Anna Sophie Hedvig (1939).
Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Abell, Kjeld (Socialister på Assistens Kirkegård). Flere links
Ruth Fischer (1895-1961), dissident German Communist Party leader. Fhoto: Photograph by Bain News Service, dated June 16, 1924. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Den tidligere tyske kommunist og partileder Ruth Fischer (oprindelig Elfriede Golke, født Eisler*) dør i Paris 13. marts 1961. (Født 11. december 1895 i Leipzig). Leder af KPD april 1924 – 1. sept. 1925, afløst af den stalinistiske Ernst Thälmann. Skrev bogen Stalin and German Communism (1948).
* Storesøster til komponisten til flere kendte tyske arbejdersange, Hanns Eisler, bl.a. “Roter Wedding”.(, 3:09 min.) og DDRs nationalmelodi ‘Auferstanden aus Ruinen’
Fischer, Ruth (Marxists Internet Archive; Glossary of People)
Ruth Fischer: The ongoing fascination of the ultra-left. By Nathaniel Flakin (Historical Materialism/Blog, ). Review of Mario Keßler, Ruth Fischer: Ein Leben mit und gegen Kommunisten (1895–1961) (Böhlau Verlag, 2013, 758 s.). “Despite my disagreements with Keßler, this excellent work of scholarship offers a rich historical account …”
Ruth Fischer: Communist and Anti-Communist between Europe and America, 1895-1961. By Mario Kessler (Logos, Vol.11, No.2-3, Spring-Summer 2012). “To explain why Ruth Fischer’s political itinerary went to such extremes – astonishing even in the ‘Age of Extremes’, to quote Eric Hobsbawm – is the purpose of the following remarks.”
Ruth Fischer and German Communism. By Paul G. Stevens (Fourth International, Vol.10, No.3, March 1949; online at Marxists Internet Archive). Review of Ruth Fischer, Stalin and German Communism (Harvard University Press, 1948, 687 p.). “Fischer’s book can be characterized succinctly as an interesting personal document, valuable for historical research, but lending itself to diverse interpretations, at best to confusion and at worst to manipulations in the current ideological campaigns against Marxism.”
Stalin and German Communism. By Paul Mattick (Western Socialist, March-April, 1949; online at Marxists Internet Archive). Review of Ruth Fischer, Stalin and German Communism (Harvard University Press, 1948, 687 p.). “The bulk of the book, however, remains interesting mainly as an example of the professional revolutionist’s view of history.”
Inside German Communism/Hamburg at the Barricades. By Chris Harman (International Socialism, No.98, May 1977, p.30-31; online at Marxists Internet Archive). “Ruth Fischer’s Stalin and German Communism is notoriously dishonest and unreliable.”
* “Både konservative politikere og flere af hendes egne partifæller kritiserede dette, og mente at hun gik i kommunisternes ærinde og at hun måtte gå af som minister. Ikke desto mindre holdt hun sin tale, hvor hun bl.a. sagde: ‘… kaprustningens vanvid må standses – vi vil ikke længere være med til dette!’” Kilde: Bodil Koch, 1903-1972. Af Eva Lous (
12. april 1961
Den russiske kosmonaut Jurij Gagarin bliver første mand i rummet i Vostok 1 i 1 time og 29 min. (dør 27. marts 1968).
Hans Magnus Enzensberger: Forhøret i Havana (Gyldendal, 1971, 184 sider). Se udddrag af bogens indledning: Svinebugten – et overblik (Cubabladet, nr.2, 2001)
Starten på den første ‘Freedom Rides’ til USAs sydstater, der ville udfordre raceadskillelsen ved direkte aktion. Medfører voldsomme angreb især i Alabama og blev begyndelsen til militante borgerrettighedsbevægelse.
The Freedom Riders History ( 5.03 min.). In the spring of 1961, black and white civil rights activists rode buses to protest the segregationist policies of the Deep South (Marian Holmes, Brian Wolly, Photos courtesy of Corbis, Getty Images and Library of Congress, Audio clips courtesy of Smithsonian Folkways).
50th Anniversary of the First Freedom Ride: New documentary recounts historic 1961 effort to challenge segregated bus system in the deep South (Democracy Now! May 4, 2011). “At last year’s Sundance Film Festival, we spoke to Stanley Nelson about his new documentary, which tells the story of what happened to these brave students and how they inspired hundreds of others to join the Freedom Rides and eventually succeed in desegregating public transportation.”
The Jackson Freedom Ride. By Fred Halstead (International Socialist Review, Vol.23, No.2, Spring 1962). “So what was the Jackson Freedom Ride and Jail-in? For the South, it was an event out of which a new cadre of young and militant Negro leaders took the initiative. For the country as a whole, it was a school and a convention for a part of the vanguard of the new generation of American youth, which will not be a silent or a frightened one.”
Fifty years since the Civil Rights Act. By Tom Mackaman (World Socialist Web Site, 2 July 2014). “The law banned racial segregation in most public facilities, forbade discrimination in hiring, and restricted unequal application of voter registration requirements. The reform, bitterly contested within the American ruling class, came in response to the mass protests known as the Civil Rights movement that swept the American South beginning in the 1950s.”
Fifty years since the murder of the Mississippi civil rights workers. By Fred Mazelis (World Socialist Web Site, 23 June 2014). “On the night of June 21, 1964, James Chaney, Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman, participants in the Freedom Summer campaign that aimed to add tens of thousands of disenfranchised African Americans to the voter rolls in the state of Mississippi, were murdered by a gang of Ku Klux Klansmen.”
When the whole world was watching Mississippi (, June 11, 2014). “Marlene Martin tells the story of Freedom Summer 50 years ago–another high point of the civil rights movement that helped change the political landscape in the U.S.”
African-American self-defense. By Malik Miah (Against the Current, Issue 174, January-February 2015). Review of Charles E. Cobb Jr., This Nonviolent Stuff’ Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible (Basic Books, 2014, 294 p.). “Charles Cobb’s provocate title poses a serious question: did armed Blacks play an essential role in the southern Freedom Struggle and the victory of the civil rights movement?”
Nonviolence and black self-defense. By Dick J. Reavis (Against the Current, Issue 208, September-October 2020). “In fact, many direct actions were supported by defense squads that discretely stayed in the background, defending activists after the sun went down. This was especially true in Mississippi.”
Den britiske advokat Peter Benenson (1921-2005) skriver et indlæg i avisen The Observer, “The Forgotten Prisoners” og lancerer en brevskrivningskampagne for udvalgte fanger i hele verden, et initiativ der udviklede sig til Amnesty International, der i 1977 modtog Nobels Fredspris. Danske afdeling blev stiftes i 1964.
Det begyndte med et brev (Amnesty; danske medlemsblad, juni 2021, side 10). Historien om stiftelsen af Amnesty International. Efterflg. i bladet gennemgang af 10-årenes kampagner: Apartheid, tortur, dødsstraf, våbenkontrol, retten til egen krop m.m.
Amnesty Internationals logo. Motto: “Motto: Det er bedre at tænde et lys end at forbande mørket”. Om Amnesty Internationals logo(
31. maj 1961
Lov om prostitutionskunde-forbud – Lov nr. 163 af 31. maj 1961 om ændringer i borgerlig straffelov gør det strafbart med kønslig forhold ved betaling eller løfte herom til en person af samme køn under 21 år (“Den grimme lov”) – fører til forfølgelse af bøsser fra politiets og kriminelle miljøers side. Loven ophæves 4. juni 1965, se denne for links og den såkaldte Jens Jersild-debat.
11.-15. juni 1961
Socialdemokratiets 3. principprogram “Vejen frem”
11.-15. juni 1961 afholdtes Socialdemokratiets 28. kongres, der vedtager partiets 3. principprogram Vejen frem. (Erstatter 1913-programmet, se: Tidslinjen 11. februar 1913; – og erstattes i 1977 af Solidaritet, lighed og trivsel, Socialdemokratiets 4. principprogram).
Socialdemokratiet (Det Kongelige Bibliotek; Digitale samlinger, Partiprogrammer, Socialdemokratiet: 1876-2014). Bredere samling af også arbejdsprogrammer, valg- m.m.
Se også:
Demokratiet i Danmark – Socialdemokratisk set (pdf). Af Karin Hansen og Lars Torpe (Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie, nr. 13, 1983, s.121-161). Om partiets opfattelse af parlamentarisk demokrati og især velfærdsstaten.
Landsorganisationen SUF, Socialistisk Ungdoms Forum, stiftes. Fra 1962 ungdomsorganisation til SF, var i december 1967 med til at danne Venstresocialisterne, VS.
På 12. kongres i januar 1971 tilsluttede SUF sig den trotskistiske 4. Internationale, udgav ugeavisen Klassekampen og kalde sig Revolutionære Socialisters Forbund, RSF – fra 1980 SAP, Socialitisk ArbejderParti (i Enhedslisten fra november 2014: Socialistisk ArbejderPolitik).
Socialistisk Ungdoms Forum i 1. maj demonstration i M.P. Bruuns Gade, Århus, 1961. Foto: Børge Venge, 1. maj 1961. Original i Aarhus Stiftstidendes Billedsamling, Erhvervsarkivet, leveret af Aarhus Stadsarkiv. Kilde: Stiften. [NB skilteteksten tyder dog på 1. maj 1967! – Teksterne på plakaterne: “Solidaritet med Vietnam”. “Demokrati Grækenland” hvor der var militærdiktatur april 1964-dec. 1974.]
Socialistisk Ungdoms Forum 1961-71: med hovedvægten på en behandling af organisationens interne politik og organisatoriske brydninger 1968-71 (pdf). Af Ejner Friis Pedersen (Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie, nr. 7, 1977, s. 135-175)
I DDR indføres trafiksignaler med figurer med runde former, der Ampelmann. Fra 90’erne kommer offentlig debat og nostalgisk stemning i det tidligere DDR for bevarelse af trafikfigurerne.
I Paris massakrerer politiet en demo af overvejende algeriere bosat i Frankrig ved en demonstration for uafhængighed for Algeriet.
Ca. 2.300 såres alvorligt. Dødstallet er omdiskuteret, men går fra mindst 40 til over 200, og endnu flere når man inddrager hele perioden september-december 1961, idet politiet før og især efter d. 17.10. greb til repression: drab, fængsling, internering og deportation.
“Her druknede vi algierne”. Banner på bro over floden Seine i Paris. The most famous shot of the Paris Massacres in 1961. Author or copyright owner: Unknown. Source: (WP:NFCC#4) Archive of the l’Humanité newspaper. 17-10-1961. Use in article (WP:NFCC#7). Paris massacre of 1961. Minimal use (WP:NFCC#3): No other freely usable photo to illustrate these events.
Paris massacre of 1961 ( Med links til kort svensk og længere fransk leksikon-artikler.
Appeal to the French: Algeria FLN October 22, 1961 (Marxists Internet Archive). The French federation of the FLN distributed this tract to the French public.
October 17, 1961: A massacre of Algerians in the heart of Paris. A report by Assiya Hamza (, October 2021). “It was one of the darkest days in France’s history. On October 17, 1961, as the Algerian War of Independence was nearing its end, the Paris police brutally repressed a demonstration of French Algerians in the heart of the city.” With sections: 1961, a decisive year in the Algerian war – Stories of an unspeakable night – Breaking the silence.
On this day in 1961, French police murdered dozens of pro-independence Algerians (Jacobin, October 17, 2021). “The following eyewitness account of the massacre comes from Henri and Clara Benoits, two left-wing activists who the FLN had asked to act as observers that day because of their solidarity with the Algerian movement. This extract is taken from their joint autobiography L’Algérie au cæur [“Algeria in Our Hearts”] (2014).
Paris 1961: “Här dränker man algerier” (Motbilder, 22. maj 2009; online på Internet Archive). “En familj jag känner berättade för mig en gång om hur en av deras franska bekanta besökte dem på 60-talet. Han berättade om hur han sett mängder av lik flyta förbi i floden Seine, mitt i Paris.”
Paris 1961: a hidden massacre. By Tom Whittaker (International Socialism, Issue 116, Autumn 2007). Review of Jim House and Neil McMaster, Paris 1961: Algerians, State Terror and Memory (Oxford University, 2006). See from the book: Generel Introduction (21 p., pdf) (; online at Internet Archive)
Der er efterfølgende en solidaritets-demo ved den franske ambassade i København.
Foto fra solidaritetsdemo ved den franske ambassade i København. Foto: Poul Møller. Fra hans arkivFoto fra solidaritetsdemo ved den franske ambassade i København. Foto: Poul Møller. Fra hans arkiv
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