Rosa Park fødes i Tuskegee, Alabama (dør 25. oktober 2005), hvor hun i byen Montgomery 1. december 1955 nægtede at overlade sin plads til hvide pasagerer, og blev anholdt. Det blev omdrejningspunket for en af de mest spektakulære kampagner i borgerrettighedskampen i USA.
The bus on which Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a U.S. civil rights landmark. Photo: by rmhermen (uploaded 18 April 2005). (CC BY-SA 3.0). Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Rosa Parks was a radical. By Jeanne Theoharis (Jacobin, February 4, 2023). “Rosa Parks was born on this day in 1913. Far from being a face of respectability politics, she was a defiant and seasoned working-class organizer who despised the cringing submission that Jim Crow induced and who doggedly fought oppression in all its forms.”
On Rosa Parks’ 100th birthday, recalling her rebellious life before and after the Montgomery Bus (Democracy Now, February 4, 2013). Amy Goodman interviews Jeanne Theoharis, historian, author of the new book, The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks. With Video (58:56 min.) + links.
Rosa Parks—A radical civil rights activist who fought tirelessly. By Sophie Squire (Socialist Worker, Issue 2728, 27 October 2020). “In a testimonial to other activists, Rosa Parks wrote, ‘freedom fighters never retire’. And for her, this proved to be true.”
Rosa Parks at 100. By Dianne Feeley (Solidarity, February 4, 2013). “Rosa Parks struck me as a woman who, although plagued by family illnesses, financial difficulties, and her own poor health, was determined to seek justice and share her experiences and knowledge, particularly with young people.”
Farewell, sister Rosa. By Siobhan Neale and Rebecca Brueton (Socialist Worker, Issue 1975, 5 November 2005). “US civil rights hero Rosa Parks died last month. Her actions inspired millions against racism.”
Farewell, sister Rosa. By Siobhan Neale and Rebecca Brueton (Socialist Worker, Issue 1975, 5 November 2005). “US civil rights hero Rosa Parks died last month. Her actions inspired millions against racism.”
‘A life history of being rebellious’. By Brian Jones (, November 4, 2005). “Her famous act of defiance–refusing to give up her seat on an Alabama bus in 1955–and her subsequent arrest were the sparks that initiated the famous Montgomery bus boycott, the opening shot of activism in the war that smashed legal segregation.”
Rosa Parks was not the beginning. By J. Douglass Allen-Taylor (Alternet, November 2, 2005). “As the story is told by those who were there at the time, in refusing to give up her seat, Ms. Parks actually repeated an action that had been taken several weeks before by another young black woman.”
Rosa Parks and her times. By Dan Katz (Solidarity, 3/83, 3 November 2005). “Rosa Park’s actions had sparked one of the most important political movements of the twentieth century.”
View from the bus. By Leona Vigille (Socialist Rewiev, No.230, May 1999; online at Internet Archive). Review of Rosa Parks’ book, My Story (Puffin, 1992). Scroll down.
2. marts 1955 havde 15årige Claudette Colvin gennemført samme aktion, men ledelsen af borgerettighedsbevægelsen anså den gifte Rosa Parks som mere velegnet som kampagne-figur. (se artiklen: Claudette Colvin, på sitet The Rebellious Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks being fingerprinted on February 22, 1956, by Deputy Sheriff D.H. Lackey as one of the people indicted as leaders of the Montgomery bus boycott. She was one of 73 people rounded up by deputies that day after a grand jury charged 113 African Americans for organizing the boycott. This was a few months after her arrest on December 1, 1955, for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger on a segregated municipal bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Photo: Associated Press. Public domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
14. februar 1913
Den amerikanske fagforeningsleder Jimmy Hoffa fødes i Brazil, Indiana. Formand for transportarbejder m.m.-forbundet, Teamsters (IBT), som blev USAs største & stærkeste fagforening.
Hoffa forsvandt 30. juli 1975, se denne dato for links. Dødserklæring 30. juli 1982.
11.-15. februar 1913
Socialdemokratiets 14. kongres vedtager et nyt, andet principprogram, skrevet af Gustav Bang, der erstatter Gimle-programmet (1888-udg.) og var gældende til 1961. (se om afløseren, Vejen frem, på Tidslinjen 11. juni 1961). Hovedforfattere var Gustav Bang og Gerson Trier.
Harriet Tubman from Famous People: Selected Portraits From the Collections of the Library of Congress. Photograph by H. B. Lindsley. Time & Life Pictures dates the image to 1855. MPI dates the image to 1870. Indiana University Department of History & Brooklyn Museum date the image to 1860-1875. Author: Library of Congress. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
10. marts 1913
Den amerikanske abolitionist, aktivisten Harriet Tubman (Minty, Moses) dør i byen Auburn i New York. (Født ca. 1820 i Dorchester County, Maryland). Skabte fra 20. april 1853 den såk. undergrundsbane, der smuglede slavegjorte til frihed, og det anslås at hun personligt reddede mere end 70 personer og hjalp mange flere.
John & Harriet. By Paul Bowers (Brutal South, May 11, 2022). “The short friendship and long vision of John Brown and Harriet Tubman.”
Trump blocked putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 note: this is why. By Sacha Ismail (Solidarity & Workers’ Liberty, Issue 527, 4 December 2019). “She was one of the most remarkable of many remarkable figures in a world-altering social and political upheaval, the civil war and revolution that destroyed slavery in the US.”
A woodcut image of Harriet Tubman, made prior to book publication date of 1869: Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman by Sarah H Bradford. Author woodcut artist not listed; W.J. Moses, printer; stereotyped by Dennis Bro’s & Co. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Harriet. Film review by Ken Olende (Socialist Review, Issue 451, November 2019). “The magnificent new film of her life will inspire anti-racists everywhere. It is a relatively conventional biopic, but the story is so riveting that this does not hold it back.”
Harriet Tubman – freedom fighter (Socialist Worker, Issue 2681, 19 November 2019). “Ahead of a new film telling the story of Harriet Tubman, the escaped slave who helped others on their way to freedom, Socialist Worker celebrates the life of a legend.”
The story of Harriet Tubman and the American Civil War. By W.F. Carlton (Labor Action, Vol.8, No.1, 3 January 1944; online at Marxists Internet Archive). Review of Earl Conrad, Harriet Tubman (Associated Publishers, 1943, 248 p.). “The book tells the story of one of the greatest women in American history, a Negro revolutionary, Harriet Tubman.”
Harriet Tubman (c. 1820 – March 10, 1913), far left, with family and neighbors, circa 1887, at her home in Auburn, NY. Left to right: Harriet Tubman; Gertie Davis {Watson} (adopted daughter born 1874, died ?) behind Tubman; Nelson Davis (husband and 8th USCT veteran); Lee Chaney (neighbor’s child); “Pop” John Alexander (elderly boarder in Tubman’s home); Walter Green (neighbor’s child); Blind “Aunty” Sarah Parker (elderly boarder); Dora Stewart (great-niece and granddaughter of Tubman’s brother Robert Ross aka John Stewart). [Note: Dora Stewart is sometimes cropped out of other versions of this photograph]. Date: Catherine Clinton (2004) gives the date as c. 1885. Source: Bettman/Corbis, through The New York Times photo archive, via their online store, here. Photographer William H. Cheney, South Orange, NJ. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Emily Wilding Davison (11. oktober 1872 – 8. juni 1913) træder ved Epsom Derby ud foran kongens hest (og dør af skaderne 8. juni) til støtte for suffragetternes sag og kvindelig stemmeret.
The English suffragette Emily Davison after she was hit by a horse at the Epsom Derby on 4 June 1913. Photo: C.N.(?), Topical and Farringdon Photo Co. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Death in plain sight (London Review of Books, Vol.35, No.13, 4 July 2013). Marina Warner spoke about Emily Davison and modern martyrdom last month at the Wilding Festival.
Emily Wilding Davison: The one who threw herself under the horse (Counterfire, 3 June 2013). Kate Connelly interviews the people behind a new play about the suffragette hero.
Stealing the suffragettes: Margaret Thatcher’s funeral and false historical parallels. By Katherine Connelly (Counterfire, 19 April 2013)
A suffragette hero: a minute for Emily Wilding Davison. By Kate Connelly (Counterfire, 1 November 2012)
Video: Emily Davison. Muerte en el Derby de Epsom (YouTube, 1:46 min.). Slow sequence.
Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:
Tidslinjen: 13. oktober 1905, om suffragetterne med links til flere samlinger.
9. juli 1913
Den britiske marxist og leder af Militant-tendensen i en årrække, Ted Grant, fødes i Germinston, ved Johannesburg i Sydafrika (dør 20. juli 2006 i London).
Ted Grant (Marxistiske klassikere). Se Andre forfattere. Med biografi og tekster på dansk.
Ted Grant – ti år efter hans død (Socialisten, 28. december 2016). “Lasse Bertelsen skriver en personlig beretning om Ted Grants betydning for både sig selv og den trotskistiske bevægelse.”
Stalinisme i efterkrigstiden. Af Ted Grant (Socialisten, 2016, 28 s.). “I anledning af 10-årsdagen for Ted Grants død bringer vi her pjecen Stalinisme i Efterkrigstiden, som er en analyse af de forhold, der opstod efter Anden Verdenskrig.”
Ted Grant – den permanente revolutionære. Af Andreas Bülow (Revolution, 31. juli 2013). Anmeldelse af Alan Woods: Ted Grant – The Permanent Revolutionary (Wellred, 2013, 287 p.). “Der er tale om en bog som både er yderst velskrevet og underholdende, men først og fremmest er det et politisk værk om Teds arbejde for at forsvare marxismen igennem mere end syv årtier.”
Ted Grant: 1913-2006. Af Alan Woods (Revolution, 23. juli 2006). “Han var en mand der kun levede for arbejderklassens og den socialistiske revolutions sag.”
Ted Grant – et liv viet til socialismen (Revolution, 15. juli 2003). “Vi interviewed ham om hans liv, kamp og hvordan han ser verden i dag. Ted har været aktiv trotskist hele sit liv siden 1930’erne i Sydafrika og i Storbritannien siden 1934.”
Ted Grant Internet Archive (Marxists Internet Archive; Marxists Writers). With Biography, Works and Videos.
Ted Grant and Marxism. By Sean Matgamna and Martin Thomas. Appendix in Stalinism and Afghanistan: Socialists and the 1979-89 war (Workers’ Liberty, Vol.3, No.55, October 2016). “Rather than stressing the need for working-class independence, Grant looks to the officers. And not only in 1975! Three years later he was still looking hopefully for ‘proletarian Bonapartists’ to come forward.”
The early years (In Defence of Marxism, 11 April 2014). “This is the first chapter of the biography of Ted Grant [Ted Grant – The Permanent Revolutionary, Wellred, 2013, 287 p.], written by his friend and collaborator for more than 50 years, Alan Woods. It describes Ted Grant’s childhood and early life in South Africa, how he came into contact with the Trotskyists and the background to his emigration to Britain.” See reviews of the book: Ted Grant – The Permanent Revolutionary. By Rob Sewell (Ibid., 5 April 2013). A review of Ted Grant: The Permanent Revolutionary. By Tom Trottier (Ibid., 22 April 2013).
Ted Grant: the unbroken thread of Marxism (In Defence of Marxism, 9 July 2013). “Rob Sewell outlines the important role played by Ted in building the forces of Marxism during his lifetime and discusses the legacy of Ted for Marxists today.”
Ted Grant and Marxism. By Sean Matgamna (Workers Liberty, 19 April 2007). “Prediction was central to Grant’s politics. That was his function; he was the shaman.” With links to Some readings on the Grant tendency.
Ted Grant (1913–2006). By Tony Aitman (Revolutionary History, Vol.9, No.4, 2007, p.275-281). “The death of Ted Grant marks the passing of one of the last of that generation who came into revolutionary activity in the aftermath of the Russian revolution.”
Ted Grant: A political appraisal of the former leader of the British Militant Tendency. Part 1-2. By Ann Talbot (World Socialist Web Site, 27-28 September 2006). “Grant’s entire political perspective since the end of World War II had been based on the assumption that the Kremlin bureaucracy, the social democratic parties and trade unions in the West and the national movements in the former colonial and semi-colonial countries would maintain their political hegemony.”
Ted Grant: 1913-2006. By Alan Woods (In Defence of Marxism, 20 July 2006). “He was a man who only lived for the cause of the working class and the socialist revolution. That was true right to the end.”
In, out, shake it all about (Weekly Worker, Issue 839, October 28, 2010) + Entries and exits (Issue 840, November 4, 2010) + Dances with scabs (Issue 841, November 11, 2010). “How did the far-left policy of Labour Party entry develop? Mike Macnair looks at the changing attitudes of British Trotskyism.”
As to how ‘Militant’ developed. By John Archer (Revolutionary History, Vol.9, No.4, 2007, p.281-294). “Although clearly incomplete, the document brings to bear on the question of Militant and the political history of Ted Grant.”
Militant after Grant: the unbroken thread? By Colin Lloyd and Richard Brenner (Permanent Revolution, Issue 10, Spring/Summer 1994, p.100-139). “An analysis of the claims to orthodox Trotskyism by the Militant Tendency and Ted Grant.”
The history and politics of Militant. By Sheila MacGregor (International Socialism, Issue 33, Autumn 1986, p.59–88). “Militant claim to be the ‘Marxists’ inside the Labour Party. This article is an attempt to look both at the nature of their Marxism and their practice as Marxists inside the Labour Party.”
Trotskyology. By Christian Høgsbjerg (International Socialism, Issue 160, Autumn 2018, p. 197-206). Review of John Kelly, Contemporary Trotskyism: Parties, Sects and Social Movements in Britain (Routledge, 2018, 296 p.). “Nonetheless, despite his weak underlying theoretical framework, Kelly has undertaken painstaking empirical research into the records and publications of various groups, archival studies of internal bulletins and papers and interviews with leading members of different Trotskyist organisations.”
See reply from John Kelly: The consolation of familiar ideas (Issue 161, Winter 2018, p.187-190) + rejoinder from Christian Høgsberg: Trotskyism (Issue 162, Spring 2019, p.177-181). See also review by Alex Snowdon (Counterfire, January 10, 2019) + Ian Birchall: Was it all futile? (Review 31, 2018).
Ted Grant’s Speech to Militant Rally 1984, Part 1/4.
23. juli 1913
Leder af det britiske Labour Party Michael Foot fødes (dør 3. marts 2010).
Ved en togulykke i Bramminge ved Esbjerg omkommer 20 personer, deriblandt det socialdemokratiske folketingsmedlem Peter Sabroe (født 23. januar 1867), kendt for højt profilerede børne- og tyendesager og redaktør af bladet Lille Poul: Sabroes avis og Demokraten i Århus (1895-1908).
En samfundsrevser i aktion. Af Svend Vestergaard Jensen (Socialistisk Information, 5. december 2022). Anmeldelse af Erik Voss: Peter Sabroe – De fattiges værner og de riges ris (Forlaget Hovedland, 2022, 400 sider). “En ny bog om en mand, der omkom ved en voldsom togulykke for over hundrede år siden. Hvorfor dog, og hvem forbinder ham i dag med noget af det, der er opnået? Han hjalp mange – ikke mindst børn og tjenestefolk. En inspirator – også for nutiden.”
I Peter Sabroes fodspor (; online på Internet Archive). Århus – byvandring med mening! – Peter Sabroe som visionær – Uregerlig socialdemokrat m.v.
De fattiges værner: Peter Sabroe 1867-1913: 100-året for en socialdemokratisk stridsmand (pdf). Af Karl Vilhelm Christiansen (Peter Sabroe Klubben, 2013, 46 sider)
** Denne verslinje skrev Jeppe Aakjær ikke specialt til Peter Sabroe, selv om digtet indeholder flere biografiske træk til Sabroes virke, – men til den socialdemokratiske presse (strofe 13 i: Den fattiges Blad (
Daværende beskæftigelsesminister (2011-2014) Mette Frederiksen om Peter Sabroe (YouTube, 3:37 min.)
Peter Sabroe – de fattiges værner (2013, 21:37 min.; online på Peter Sabroe Klubben). “Filmen er et portræt af Peter Sabroe og hans liv, som kampagne journalist, politikker og aktivist for de svageste i samfundet til medlemskab af Folketinget frem til hans død i 1913.” Medvirkende Mette Frederiksen og Peter Hummelgaard Thomsen.
Peter Sabroe – børnenes ven og de fattiges beskytter (2013, 24:40 min.; online på Peter Sabroe Klubben ). “En portræt film om Peter Sabroe og hans politiske mærkesager, børn. Fattige og udsatte i samfundet.” Tilrettelæggelse og speak ved Henning Tjørnehøj.
Se også:
Børneforsorg (Arbejdermuseet; Plads til os alle). Om forsorgshjem og Peter Sabroes ‘ sager’ mv.
Samtidig billedtekst: “Det eneste eksisterende Billede af Sabroe unde besøg paa et Børnehjem. Sabroe ses mellem drengene på Gelsted Børnehjem. Drengene synes alle mærket af Slid og Arbejde, selv om de vel i Anledning Besøget er i deres Søndagsstads.” Foto: ukendt. Public Domain.
Speeches of August Bebel (pdf) (New York, International Publishers, 1928, 96 p.; online at Marxists Internet Archive) (Voices of Revolt, 6). With critical introduction by Kurt Kersten (p.7-11).
Familie von August Bebel, 1870/80er Jahre. Photo: unbekannt. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
August Bebel took up the struggle against women’s oppression. By Gary Roth (Jacobin, November 12, 2024). “August Bebel was the most important leader of German socialism in the period before World War I. Bebel championed the cause of women’s liberation in his book Women and Socialism, one of the most important and influential socialist texts of its day.”
Socialists have jong fought for Women’s liberation. By Kristen R. Ghodsee (Jacobin, 28 February 2020). “Socialist men can be important organizers in the struggle for both workers’ rights and women’s emancipation. Nowhere is that seen more clearly than in the life of German socialist August Bebel, who did more to win women’s rights than any other nineteenth-century politician.”
Women and socialism: Bebel’s forgotten legacy. By Ben Lewis (Weekly Worker, Issue 959, April 25, 2013). Review of Anne Lopes and Gary Roth, Men’s feminism: August Bebel and the German socialist movement (Amherst, 2000, 261 p.). See also review by Somara Marik (Against the Current, No.109, March/April 2004).
August Bebel. By V.I. Lenin (Pravda, No.6, August 8, 1913; online at Marxists Internet Archive)
August Bebel. By Clara Zetkin (British Socialist, August 1913; online at Marxists Internet Archive)
Tidslinjen Februar 1879 om Bebels bog Kvinden og socialismen/Die Frau und der Sozialismus. Links til bogen online på dansk, English, Deutsch, etc.
Im Gasthof zum Löwen Bendlikon bei Zürich 1893. Von links nach rechts: Ferdinand Simon (1862-1912), Friederike Simon, geb. Bebel (1869-1948), Clara Zetkin, Friedrich Engels, Julie Bebel, August Bebel, Ernst Schattner (1879-1944), Regina Bernstein, geb. Zadek, gesch. Schattner (1849/1852-1923) und Eduard Bernstein (teilweise abgeschnitten). Photo: Herman Greulich. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Foto fra tyske socialisters sammenkomst med bl.a. nr. 2 kvinde fra venstre med hat: Clara Zetkin, (se Tidslinjen 5. juli 1857), derefter med skæg: Frederich Engels (se Tidslinjen 28. november 1820), for bordenden med hat: August Bebel (se ovenfor) og yderst til højre: Eduard Bernstein (se Tidslinjen 6. januar 1850).
21. august 1913
Harry Magdoff, amerikansk økonom og mangeårig redaktør af Monthly Review, fødes i Bronx, New York. (Dør 1. januar 2006 i Burlington, Vermont)
Harry Magdoff (Monthly Review). Articles and interviews.
Theme: Harry Magdoff: a collective portrait (Monthly Review, Vol.58, No.6, October 2006, 96 p.). With articles by Fred Magdoff, John Bellamy Foster, István Mészáros, William K. Tabb and Harry Magdoff.
The optimism of the heart. By John Bellamy Foster (Monthly Review, Vol.58, No.5, October 2006, p.10-26). “The following intellectual biography of Harry Magdoff is a slightly revised and expanded version of a piece that was posted on MRzine a few days after Harry’s death on January 1, 2006.” With a bibliography of Harry Magdoff’s major writings.
Harry Magdoff (pdf). By John Bellamy Foster. I: A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists. Second edition. Edited by Philip Aretis and Malcolm Sawyer (Edward Elgar, 2000, p.385-394). Scroll down.
Remarks on capitalism and the environment it produces. By Harry Magdoff
(Monthly Review, September 16, 2015). Written 1971 or 1972: “In our view, the chief importance of the paper is Magdoff’s early development of ecological ideas, ideas that are now much more common on the left.”
Late Imperialism: Fifty years after Harry Magdoff’s The Age of Imperialism. By John Bellamy Foster (Monthly Review, Vol. 71, No.3, July-August 2019). “At the very center of the intense debate on U.S. imperialism in the 1960s and ’70s in the context of the Vietnam War was Magdoff’s The Age of Imperialism: The Economics of U.S. Foreign Policy (1969), written just over fifty years after Lenin’s great work.” På dansk: Sen-imperialismen: 50 år efter Harry Magdoffs “Imperialismens Epoke” (Magasinet Arbejderen, nr.3, september 2019, s.23-30). Er under betalingsmur.
Litteratur (på dansk)
Imperialismens epoke. Af Harry Magdoff (Demos, 1970, 194 sider)
Det gamle venstre – og det ny. Af Paul M. Sweezy og Harry Magdoff. I: Politisk Revy (6. årg., nr.129, 8. august 1969, side 7)
Begærets pris. Af Pernille Rübner-Petersen. (Modkraft; Modkultur, 13. august 2013) “Kvinder vil, havfruer eller ej, det samme som mænd: realisere deres begær”.
26. august 1913
Den største arbejdskamp i irsk historie starter (slutter 18. januar 1914). Dele af organiseringerne bliver vigtige i Påskeoprøret 1916.
Den store lockout: Dublinkonflikten i 1913 (, 7. december 2018). “Det er historien om 20.000 arbejdere, deres familier og sympatisørers kamp for forhandlingsret og anerkendelse. En historie om, hvem der skulle have den økonomiske og politiske magt i et skarpt klasseopdelt samfund.”
The stamp of militancy. By Kevin Devine (Socialist Review, Issue 383, September 2013). “One hundred years ago thousands of workers took part in what became known as the Great Dublin Lockout.”
The Dublin Lockout 1913 and the unions today. By Joe Higgins (Socialism Today, Issue 171, September 2013). “In 1913 an immense struggle took place in Dublin between the workers’ movement and big-business leaders intent on breaking trade union organisation.”
Dublin 1913: the “proletarian army” is born. By Tom Harris (Solidarity, Issue 294, 28 August 2013). “A hundred years ago tram workers in Dublin struck after their employer had tried to stop them being members of the Irish Transport and General Workers’ union. The strike spread, eventually involving 20,000 workers, and lasted eight months.”
Let us rise: the Dublin Lockout of 1913 (Counterfire, 26 August 2013). “Sean Ledwith recalls the greatest of early 20th century working class rebellions and considers its legacy.”
Lessons of the 1913 Dublin Lockout (Socialist Worker, Issue 2367, 20 August 2013). “John Newsinger looks at why the struggle lost—and how the workers could have won.”
1913 The great lockout: a survey. By Paul O’Brien (Irish Marxist Review, Vol.2, No.5, 2013, p.5-14). “The 1913 lockout was a pivotal moment in Irish history. This essay will present a survey of the literature published to date on the lockout.”
The 1913 Dublin Lockout: helots and slaves of an empire. By Eóin Gilligan (In Defence of Marxism, 4 July 2012). “The Dublin lockout … stands as one of the most marked episodes of entrenched class conflict in Irish history.”
Jim Larkin, Syndicalism and the 1913 Dublin Lockout. By John Newsinger (International Socialism, Issue 25, Autumn 1984, p.3-36). “This article … is an attempt to resituate the Lockout, to re-establish it as the central event in our understanding of the development of modern Irish society. It is also long overdue for socialists to begin the recovery of something of the remarkable working class phenomenon that was Larkinism.”
Strumpet City. By James Plunkett (Arrow Books, 1969). Dansk udgave: Dublin, Dublin. 2 bind (Lademan, 1970, 246 + 264 s.). See + review by Kevin Devine (Socialist Review, Issue 361, September 2011)
Rebel City: Larkin, Connolly and the Dublin Labour Movement. By John Newsinger (Merlin Press, 2004, 182 p.). See review by Kieran Allen: Militant Dubliners (International Socialism, Issue 106, Spring 2005)
The Great Lockout: Dublin 1913. By John Newsinger (Bookmarks, 2013, 80 p.). See review by Kevin Devine (Socialist Review, Issue 382, July-August 2013).
Tidslinjen: 26. juni 1907 om den irske Dublin-strejke.
22. oktober 1913
Den ungarns-amerikanske fotograf, kendt for sine billeder fra Den Spanske Borgerkrig og D-dagen på Omaha Beach, Robert Capa fødes i Budapest (dør i Thai Binh, Vietnam, 24. maj 1954, se denne).
7. november 1913
Alfred Russel Wallace in Singapore, 1862. Photo: Marchant, James; Wallace, Alfred Russel. Public domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Den britiske naturforsker og evolutionsteoretiker og -forsker Alfred Russel Wallace dør i Broadstone, Dorset, England. Offentliggjorde 1858 sammen med Charles Darwin den revolutionerende evolutionsteori om den naturlige udvælgelse. Han var også erklæret socialist og støttede kvindernes kamp for valgret. (Født 8. januar 1823).
Wallace100: celebrating Alfred Russel Wallace’s life and legacy (Natural History Museum).
Du kender Darwin: Her er den mageløse historie om evolutionsteoriens anden fader. Af Asbjørn Mølgaard Sørensen (, 11. januar 2020). “En ufaglært naturhistoriker ved navn Alfred Russel Wallace ruskede op i 1800-tallets akademiske miljø med en kontroversiel opdagelse.”
Fugleredernes Filosofi. Af I.P. Jacobsen (I Jacobsen, J. P.: Lyrik og prosa, udg. af Jørn Erslev Andersen og Esther Kielberg, Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab, Borgen, 1993, s. 222-233; online på Arkiv for Dansk Litteratur). “Den danske Darwin-oversætter, forfatteren I.P. Jacobsen om: A.R. Wallace: Om Instinktet hos Mennesker og Dyr (1870) – Fugleredernes Filosofi (1867) – En Theori om Fuglereder (1868) – M.A. Pouchet: Konstruktionsforandringer i Bysvalernes Rede (1870).”
A fascinating new book on Wallace and his ideas. By Matthew Cobb (Why Evolution is True, September 10, 2013). Review of Ted Benton, Alfred Russel Wallace: Explorer, Evolutionist, Public Intellectual. A Thinker for Our Own Times? (Siri Scientific Press, 2013, 230 p.). See also review by Sean Sheehan (Marx & Philosophical Review of Books, 11 Februar 2015).
Alfred Russel Wallace and his inestimable contribution to the workers’ movement (International Communist Current, January 26, 2010). “The strong, positive and persisting relationship between Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin clarified the issue of the development of humanity.”
Charles Darwin: revolution of evolution. By John Parrington (Socialist Review, Issue 333, February 2009). “Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace formulated the theory of evolution and fought for its acceptance across the scientific community.”
Se også debat: Wallace and Darwin by Pete Wearden (Issue 334, March) + A class traitor? by Nick Grant (Issue 334, March) + Darwin and Wallace by John Parrington (Issue 335, April) + Wallace’s evolution by Barry Conway (Issue 335, April).
In Darwin’s shadow. By Michael Shermer ( Excerpt from Michael Shermer, In Darwin’s Shadow: The Life and Science of Alfred Russel Wallace: A Biographical Study on the Psychology of History (Oxford University Press, 2002, 422 p.). Se bogen online på (pdf).
The first Darwinian left: radical and socialist responses to Darwin, 1859-1914 (pdf). By D.A. Stack (History of Political Thought, Vol.21, No.4, Winter 2000, p.682-710). Se om Russel Wallace side 690-694.
Linkboxen: Kampen om Darwin, sites og artikler om Charles Darwin, hans teorier og samtid, og om kritikken fra religiøse kredse.
22. november 1913
Publicity photograph of British composer Benjamin Britten. Back of the photo says 1968, it is stamped as being used in 1971, 1972, and 1973. Photo: Hans Wild for High Fidelity magazine. Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.
Den britiske komponist Benjamin Britten fødes i Lowestoft, Suffolk (dør Aldeburgh, Suffolk, 4. december 1976).
Skrev en række operaer og værker med social og anti-krigs indhold, mest kendt er korværket “War Requem” (1962).
Benjamin Britten ( Længere engelsk, med links til værker mv.
Britten-Pears Foundation (BPF). “We promote the music of Benjamin Britten and his work with singer Peter Pears, and are based at the home they shared, The Red House in Aldeburgh.”
Benjamin Britten – Peace and Conflict ( “A lesser-known theme running through his life – as a war-hating pacifist.” Incl. trailer (3 min.)
S:t Jacob’s Ungdomskör performs “Advance Democracy” by Benjamin Britten at a recent concert in S:t Jacob’s Cathedral in Stockholm, Sweden. (YouTube, 3:36 min.). Advance Democracy (Boosey & Hawkes). “… a piece of unabashed political propaganda.”
Gerry Healy, britisk marxist og stifter af det trotskistiske Socialist Labour League og WRP, Workers Revolutionary Party, fødes (dør 14. december 1989).
Gerry Healy (pdf) (The Lubitz TrotskyanaNet, July 2007). With Biographical sketch (p.1-5) + Selective bibliography (p.6-11)
The damage Gerry Healy wrought: An interview with Aidan Beatty (Jacobin, September 29, 2024). “Head of one of the biggest far-left groups in 1970s Britain, Gerry Healy was accused of rape and sexual abuse. A new biography reflects on the swamp from which he emerged — and how his group’s authoritarian model facilitated his crimes.”
Biography as demonology: Aidan Beatty’s The Party is Always Right: The Untold Story of Gerry Healy and British Trotskyism. By David North (World Socialist Web Site, 18 September 2024). “Aidan Beatty’s new book [Pluto Press, 2024, 240 p.] is not a biography, but rather a political diatribe against Gerry Healy and Trotskyism.”
Shattering account (Weekly Worker, Issue 1318, October 8, 2020). George Evans reviews Clare Cowen’s My search for revolution – and how we brought down an abusive leader (Troubador Publishing, 2019, 204 p.)
The break-up of the WRP: from the horse’s mouth. By Simon Pirani (, February 3, 2013)
Healy’s WRP: the inside story. By Richard Price (Solidarity, Issue 251, 29 June 2012). Review of Alex Mitchell, Come The Revolution: A Memoir (NewSouth, 2011, 544 p.)
In, out, shake it all about (Weekly Worker, Issue 839, October 28, 2010) + Entries and exits (Issue 840, November 4, 2010) + Dances with scabs (Issue 841, November 11, 2010). “How did the far-left policy of Labour Party entry develop? Mike Macnair looks at the changing attitudes of British Trotskyism.”
Trotskyology. By Christian Høgsbjerg (International Socialism, Issue 160, Autumn 2018, p. 197-206). Review of John Kelly, Contemporary Trotskyism: Parties, Sects and Social Movements in Britain (Routledge, 2018, 296 p.). “Nonetheless, despite his weak underlying theoretical framework, Kelly has undertaken painstaking empirical research into the records and publications of various groups, archival studies of internal bulletins and papers and interviews with leading members of different Trotskyist organisations.” See reply from John Kelly: The consolation of familiar ideas (Issue 161, Winter 2018, p.187-190) + rejoinder from Christian Høgsberg: Trotskyism (Issue 162, Spring 2019, p.177-181). See also review by Alex Snowdon (Counterfire, January 10, 2019) + Ian Birchall: Was it all futile? (Review 31, 2018).
24. december 1913
I Calumet, Michigan, USA, bliver julefest, arrangeret af strejkende kobbermineminearbejderes støttegruppe og pårørende i Italian Hall, omringet af strejkebryderkorps, der sætter panik i forsamlingen og 73 omkommer. (Kaldes The Italien Hall Disaster, vi siger: 1913 Massacre)
Italian Hall, Calumet, Michigan, scene of disaster when a crowd upstairs panicked at the (false) cry of “Fire!”, December 24, 1913. Seventy-three people (including fifty-nine children) were killed in the crush at the exit. Photo: rppc.(Real photo postcard). (CC BY-SA 2.0). Source:
PBS’s Red Metal: The Copper Country Strike of 1913 commemorates Michigan’s bitter labor past. By Debra Watson (World Socialist Web Site, 8 January 2014)
Children’s Parade, Calumet Copper Miners Strike. The strike was called on July 23, 1913, and lasted until April, 1914. Photo: RPPC(Real photo postcard) by Calumet New Studio, Calumet, Michigan. (CC BY-SA 2.0). Source:
Trailer: 1913 Massacre: A film inspired by a Woody Guthrie Song. with Authie Guthrie (Vimeo, 2:44 min.)
1913 Massacre: Inspired by a Woody Guthrie Song – A Story of Greed and the Ruin It Brought to an American Town. Produced and directed by Ken Ross & Louis V. Galdieri, 2011. The film – The song, etc. (
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