14.4 C
22. oktober 2024


Philip Agee og bogen CIA Diary : Indside the Company.
Philip Agee og bogen CIA Diary : Indside the Company.

Socialistisk Biblioteks Tidslinje med links til begivenheder og personer i 2008.

Se også Index over personer, organisationer/partier og værker (som bøger, malerier, mm.), steder, begivenheder, mv., der er omtalt på hele Tidslinjen, titler og indhold på emnelisterne osv.

7. januar 2008

Tidligere CIA-agent Philip Agee dør i Havanna, Cuba (født 19. juli 1935 i Tacoma Park, Florida). Blev kendt og hadet for sine afsløringer især om CIA’s antidemokratiske virksomhed i Sydamerika og bl.a. mod vestlige fredsbevægelser.




Specialists in coups and killing. By Todd Chretien (Socialist Worker, US, Issue 658, January 18, 2008). “Following the death of rebel agent Philip Agee, Todd Chretien describes the bloody history of the CIA.”

Philip Agee, former agent who exposed CIA crimes, dies in Cuba. By Patrick Martin (World Socialist Web Site, 14 January 2008). “Philip Agee, the former CIA operative who broke with the agency and devoted his life to exposing its role in political subversion, assassination, torture and support for military dictatorships.”

Terrorism and civil society as instruments of U.S. policy in Cuba. By Philip Agee (Socialism and Democracy, Issue 45, Vol 21, No. 3, 2007). “Both the terrorism and the ‘civil society’ activism must be seen in context of the continuing U.S. effort to overthrow the Cuban government and destroy the work of the revolution.”

Covert Action Information Bulletin, som Philip Agee var med til at redigere.
Covert Action Information Bulletin, som Philip Agee var med til at redigere.

Se også:

CovertAction Information Bulletin (online på Internet Archive). Se her første nummer (July 1978) med artikel af Philip Agee.

CIA (Fredsakademiet; Freds- og sikkerhedspolitisk leksikon)

Om Tim Weiners bog: CIA: fra den kolde krig til krigen mod terror (Lindhardt og Ringhof, 2008, 500 s.):
Kapitalisme eller demokrati? CIA’s historie
(Anderslundkvist.net, 22. december 2008)
En pagt med djævelen. Af Jørgen Dragsdahl (Information.dk, 15. december 2007)
Legacy of Ashes. By John Newsinger (Socialist Review, Issue 323, March 2008)
The life and times of the CIA. By Chalmers Johnson (ZNet, July 25, 2007)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linkboxen: Whistleblowers


14. januar 2008

Journalisten Leif Larsen dør i Holbæk (Født 16. august 1924 i København).
Æresmedlem af Dansk Journalistforbund. Se biografi på wikipedia.dk
Leif Eigil Larsen (16. august 1924 i Helsingør – 14. januar 2008) var i mange år medlem af DKP, og i de senere år medlem af Enhedslistens ældreudvalg. Hans far var Eigil Larsen, stifter af modstandsgruppen BOPA under besættelsen. Larsen kom med i denne sabotagegruppe, og hans bog Borgerlige Partisaner handler om BOPA og dens opbygning.(text fra Wikipedia.dk)



Se også:


  • Borgerlige partisaner. Af Leif Larsen (Gyldendal, 1982, 217 sider). Om besættelsestidens modstandsgruppe BOPA)


26. januar 2008

Tidligere palæstinensiske leder af PFLP George Habash dør i Jordan.
(Født i Lydda i Palæstina 1. august 1925)

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linkboxen: PFLP – “Mod imperialisme, zionisme og arabiske reaktionære” Se afsnittet: George Habash (1925/1926? – 2008)


17. februar 2008

Provinsen Kosovo i Serbien bliver selvstændig stat under navnet Kosova. (Danmark anvender officielt navnet Kosovo).


Moralens vogter: Mediemisbruget af Kosovo-katastrofen. Af Uffe Kaels Auring (Eftertryk, 24. marts 2019). “Læs her beretningen om, hvordan forvrængede fakta tjener til forsvar for en krigspolitik, der ikke vedkender sig sine hidtidige resultater.”

From Enver Hoxha to Bill Clinton. By James Robertson (Jacobin, 18 August 2018). “A brief history of the Kosovo Liberation Army.”

Is Crimea another Kosovo? (SocialistWorker.org, March 27, 2014). “James Robertson recounts the history of Kosovo, before and after the breakup of the ex-Yugoslavia, and assesses the accuracy of Russia’s comparisons to Crimea.”

Kosova: For an independent bi-national federation. By Michael Karadjis (Green Left Weekly, Issue 746, 9 April 2008). “Socialists support the right of the oppressed Kosovar Albanians to self-determination. There is no substance to a ‘legality’ preventing independence for a people who have long struggled for it.”

The meaning of Kosovo’s independence (SocialistWorker.org, Issue 664, March 7, 2008). “Lee Sustar looks at the history of the conflict over Kosovo and the role played by Western imperialism.”

Kosova declares (semi-) independence. By Michael Karadjis (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, February, 2008). “This article is the first in a series that will look at different aspects of the issue of Kosova’s declaration of independence, which has produced markedly different reactions among left-wing and socialist movements around the world.” See also other articles at Links: Kosova.

Kosovo: A country without an economy? By Adam Novak (International Viewpoint, Issue 397, February 2008). “Media coverage of Kosovo’s recent Unilateral Declaration of Independence has focused on the risk of conflict with Serbia, and the broader geopolitical risks for unresolved separatist struggles in Bosnia and the former Soviet Union.”

Neo-Liberalism and protectorate states in the Post-Yugoslav Balkans (CounterPunch, February 26, 2008). “An interview with Tariq Ali … that sets the context for the most recent developments in the politics of neoliberal transition and the new protectorate states in the post-Yugoslav Balkans …”

Debatt om Kosovo (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se, 34 s.). “Under 1999-2000 debatterades i tidskriften Röda Rummet hur man borde ställa sig till Kosovo-albanernas krav på avskiljande från rest-Jugoslavien.”

Kosovo/a Discussion (New Politics, Issue 27, Summer 1999 + Issue 28, Winter 2000). “New Politics began a discussion of the NATO war in Kosovo/a in it’s issue 27. Here we collect the original article and replies that appeared in that issue as well as some correspondence and additional articles from issue 28.”

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


10. april 2008

Valg til forfatningsgivende forsamling (konstituerende forsamling) i Nepal, som afslutning på borgerkrigen og maoistiske kommunistpartis væbnede opstand, giver flertal af marxistisk-leninistiske partier.

Se: 2008-nepal-election-220.jpg

Velmagtsdage for Nepals kommunister. Af Farooq Tariq (Socialistisk Information, 14. januar 2017). “Kommunisterne har vundet en jordskredssejr i valget til Repræsentanternes Hus …”

Picking up their weapons (Jacobin, 10 September 2018). An interview with Mohan Baidya: “Maoists have ruled Nepal for almost a decade, after helping end centuries of monarchy. But hard-liners disappointed by their record are returning to the armed struggle.”

A new democracy or a new oligarchy? By David Seddon (Jacobin, 26 November 2017). “Recent elections in Nepal may further entrench divisions that have stalled democratic progress for a decade.”

Nepal elections: defeat for Maoists, victory for united left. By Farooq Tariq (Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal, November 28, 2013). “The Nepal election is an eye opener for all the Left forces. Despite all the ideological weaknesses, the left remains a mass force that is not seen in any other country of the region.”

Nepal: a revolution adrift. By Brian Conlon and Kamred Hulaki (In Defence of Marxism, 23 May 2013). “A year and a half later it is time to make a balance sheet, as this was the only self-proclaimed Maoist government in the world.”

Nepal: new demands require a new strategy. By Feyzi Ismail (Counterfire, 16 September 2012). “Expectations for a new Nepal will come to nothing unless a new strategy is found for mobilising mass opposition.”

One divides into two – Nepal’s Maoists in crisis. By Alex de Jong (Socialist Project/The Bullet, No.655, June 19, 2012). “To understand the crisis of the UCPN(M) and the end of the second coalition government led by it, it is necessary to look at the evolution of its leaders’ strategy.”

Interview: Debating the way forward in Nepal (Counterfire, 5 February 2012). Feyzi Ismail interviews Indra Mohan Sigdel (aka Basanta), a politburo member of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist).

The Nepalese revolution: how to unlock it? By Brian Conlon and Kamred Hulaki (In Defence of Marxism, 17 February 2011)

Ekstranummer: Nepal – det nye mot det gamle (pdf) (Rødt! nr.3A, 2010, 86 sider)

Nepalese Maoist and the question of power: does Prachanda offer a way out? By Rajesh Tyagi and Francesco Merli (In Defence of Marxism, 12 November 2008). Med links i bunden til flere artikler.

New Maoist-led government installed in Nepal. By W.A. Sunil (World Socialist Web Site, 2 September 2008)

The new Himalayan republic. By Achin Vanaik (New Left Review, No.49, January/February 2008; online på Transnational Institute). Også i svensk udgave: Himalayas nya republik (pdf) (Marxistarkiv.se)

Storm över Himalaya (pdf). Av John Mage (Clarté, 1/10, 2007)

Nepal: The end of the war – but what next? By David Seddon (Socialist Review, December 2006)

This is no rah-rah revolt. By Tariq Ali (International Viewpoint, Issue 378, May 2006)

Nepal: Next steps in democracy struggle. By David Seddon (Socialist Review, May 2006)

Nepal on the brink. By Yuri Prasad (International Socialism, Issue 110, Spring 2006)


Nepal: A Map of Revolutionary Support (From Kasama, April 20, 2008). This map shows the results of the April 10 vote for the new constitutional congress (called “constituent assembly” in Nepal) – that is scheduled to abolish the monarchy and decide how Nepal is governed in the future.


16. april 2008

Næsten 100.000 offentlige ansatte starter den største strejke siden 1998 efter nej (den 11.4.2008) til overenskomstforslaget.

Strejken ender 6.6.2008 med FOA lønstigning på 13,4% og 13.6. for BUPL og sundhedskartellet (bl.a. sygeplejersker) får 13,3.


13. juni 2008

Irland stemmer nej til Lissabon-traktaten



22. juni 2008

Den amerikanske sociale satiriker, stand up’er og skuespiller George Carlin dør (født 12. maj 1937, se denne)


3. august 2008

Den russiske forfatter Aleksander Solsjenitsyn dør i Moskva (født 11.12.1918 i Kislovodsk (Nord-Kaukasus). Nobelprisen i 1970, landsforvist fra USSR i 1974.

Se Linkboxen Solsjenitsyn, gulag og stalinismen (Socialistisk Bibliotek)



8. august 2008

Georgiens angreb på løsrivelsesprovinsen Sydossetien fører til russisk besættelse af provinsen og angreb ind i Georgien.


Russo-Georgian war (Wikipedia.org)

Invasionen af Georgien – et vendepunkt i verdenssituationen. Af Alan Woods (Socialistisk Standpunkt/Revolution, 1. oktober 2008; online på Marxist.com)

Nordkaukasus: Frosne konflikter i ildkamp. Af Mikael Hertoft (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 12. august 2008) + Georgien: Saakashvilis magtgrundlag vakler (13. august)

Debat: Thomas Bindesbøll Larsen: Rusland og krigen i Kaukasus (18. august) + Mikael Hertoft: Et fjendebillede vokser op (2. september) + Thomas Bindesbøll Larsen: Fjendebilleder, folkeret og fakta (6. oktober)

Georgia: Pawn in the new great game. By Tim Nelson (Socialist Review, Issue 349, July-August 2010). Review of Per Gahrton’s book (Pluto, 2010)

Dented hegemony and Georgia’s nasty little war (International Socialism, Issue 120, Autumn 2008)

From the Caucasus to the Balkans – an unstable world order. By Catherine Samary (International Viewpoint, Issue 404, September 2008)

Towards a second cold war? Ossetia-Georgia-Russia-U.S.A. By Noam Chomsky (CounterPunch, September 11, 2008)

Nato and Russia: Georgia on their minds. By Dave Crouch (Socialist Review, Issue 328, September 2008)

The Russian-Georgian clash. Suzi Weissman interview with Ronald Grigor Suny (Against the Current, No.136, September/October 2008)

Seven years after 9/11: The invasion of Georgia – A turning point in world relations, Part One. By Alan Woods (11 September) + Part Two (In Defence of Marxism, 12 September 2008)

Conflict in the Caucasus. By Rob Jones (Socialism Today, Issue 211, Sept 2008)

The Russo-Georgian war and the balance of power. By George Friedman (Stratfor, August 12, 2008)
Se også:

System failure: Economic turmoil and endless war. By Alex Callinicos (Socialist Review, Issue 329, October 2008)
Se også:

Manufactured revolutions? By Dragan Plavsic (International Socialism, Issue 107, Summer 2005)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek

Tidslinjen: 27. februar 2014, om russisk angreb på Krim-halvøen.


23. august 2008

2008erikjensen.jpg Erik Jensen dør af kræftsygdom i Kbh. (født 3.9.1937 på Christianshavn i Kbh.). Han var initiativtager til Forlaget Demos og DDVs Forskergruppe/Dokumentationsgruppen Demos, senere Foreningen Demos.

Nekrologer mv.:

Jensen, Erik. Af Tove Jensen (Leksikon.org, 7.2.2018). Længere artikel (Foto: Brian Berg, Monsun)

Nekrolog: Stafetten er givet videre. Af Peter Sommerfeldt, Anne Jessen og Anneli Bang (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 27. august 2008). “Den antiracistiske, antifascistiske og antiimperialistiske bevægelse har mistet et stort menneske og politisk talent, som favnede bredt og var et stort aktiv i kampen mod enhver form for undertrykkelse og diskrimination.” Også på Arbejderen.dk: Erik Jensen – 3. september 1937 – 23. august 2008 (28. august 2008).

Mindeord: Erik Jensen er død. Af Poul Møller (Socialistisk Information, 2. september 2008). “Den 23. august 2008 døde Erik Jensen. Han var først og fremmest kendt for sit arbejde i foreningen Demos, for sin dokumentation af og aktiviteter mod den yderste højrefløj. Men Eriks engagement var større end det. En af dem, der kendte Erik Jensen helt tilbage fra 1960´erne, er Poul Møller.”

Venstrefløjens dokumentarist: nekrolog (pdf). Af Petter Sommerfeldt (Vietnam Ajour, nr.3, 2008)

Erik Jensen 70 år. Af Petter Sommerfelt (Arbejderen.dk, 8. september 2007). “Reception for fødselaren på torsdag.”




  • Erik Jensen: et liv i politik (pdf) (Særnummer af Demos Nyhedsbrev, nr.100, 2009, 98 sider; online på DBC Webarkiv). “Erik Jensen fortæller om sit engagement på den politiske venstrefløj til Morten Thing og Petter Sommerfeldt – med fokus på perioden fra 1960 til 1975.” Med Tidslinje for Vietnambevægelsen (side 73-89) + Demos’s plade- og bogudgivelser (side 90-98).
  • Det antimuslimske univers. Red. Erik Jensen og Arne Lund (Særnummer af Demos Nyhedsbrev, nr.89-91, 2006, 80 sider). Scroll ned.
  • Fronten i Danmark: den ekstreme højrefløj fra 1995 til 2005 (Særnummer af Demos Nyhedsbrev, nr.84-86, vinter 2005, 130 sider).
  • De hemmelige tjenester: PET og FE gennem 40 år: en oversigt (pdf). Af Erik Jensen (Særnummer af Demos Nyhedsbrev, nr.49-51, 1998, 92 sider)
  • Forsyningslinie Nord: de dansk-tyske nazi-forbindelser 1970-1995 (Særnummer af Demos Nyhedsbrev, nr.36-38, forår 1995, 64 sider)

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


26. august 2008

Den tyske forfatter Christian Geissler dør i Hamburg (født 25.12.1928 samme by)


  • Christian Geissler, tysklands store anti-fascistiske forfatter er død. Af Geronimo (Modkraft.dk; debat, September 05, 2008)
  • Christian Geissler (Wikipedia.de)


  • Geissler, Christian: Mindedag for et mord (Danmarks Radio. Hørespilarkivet, 1969, 51 sider, overs. Jørgen Knudsen af Jahrestag eines Mordes.
  • Geissler, Christian: Under anklage (Gyldendal, 1960)


3. september 2008

Niels Jørgensen fra Kommunistisk Arbejdskreds og medstifter af Kommunistisk Arbejdsgruppe (og kernen i Blekingegadegruppen) dør i København. (Født 17. januar 1954).

Niels Jørgensen 1984. Foto: IF
Niels Jørgensen 1984. Foto: IF


Nekrolog: En anti-imperialist er død. Af Jan Weimann og Torkil Lauesen (Modkraft.dk/Kontradoxa, 15. september 2008)

Det handler om politik. Af Niels Jørgensen, Torkil Lauesen og Jan Weimann (Social Kritik, nr. 117, februar 2009, s. 4-61; Tema: Blekingegade – 20 års dobbeltliv; online på Snylterstaten.dk)

Man skal ikke kaste med sten, når… Af Niels Jørgensen (Debatindlæg i Weekendavisen, 2. december 1994; online på Snylterstaten.dk)

Venstrefløjens glorificering af det danske demokrati. Af Torkil Lauesen, Niels Jørgensen og Rene Karpantschof. (Et svar til Preben Wilhjelm. Debatindlæg i Information, 23. februar 1995; online på Snylterstaten.dk)

Solidaritetsarbejde : Politik eller proteinkiks. Af Niels Jørgensen (IF: Blad for international solidaritet, nr. 4-5, 1984, s. 30-33; online på Snylterstaten.dk)

Se også:

Sitet Snylterstaten.dk: Antiimperialisme og arbejderaristokrati

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Emnelisten Blekingegade-sagen

3. september 2008

Benjamin Schou (født 18. november 1973) afgår ved døden på et plejehjem, efter invalidering 1. januar på grund af politiets hårdhændede anholdelse på Rådhuspladsen (1. januar 1992, se denne)


11. september 2008

Preben Møller Hansen, fhv. forbundsformand for Sømændenes Forbund, og formand & folketingsmedlem for Fælles Kurs dør i Kbh. (Født 6. september 1929 i Brønshøj, på Håbets Alle).

Preben Møller Hansen i DR-programmet “Her er dit liv”, 15. jan. 1999. (1 time)



Preben Møllers lonely hearts club band. Af Mattias Tesfaye (Modkraft.dk/Blogs, 15.9.2008). “Sømand og field nigger”.

Nekrolog: Sømændenes formand takker af (Information/Ritzau, 12. september 2008)

Nekrolog: Preben Møller Hansen død – Faklen blev slukket. Af Jørgen Tved (Arbejderen, 13. september 2008)

Nekrolog: Sømandsbossen tog kampen op med alle. Af Hans Jørgen Poulsen (Politiken, 11. september 2008)

Meget blandet video, men med Mogens Glistrup og Preben Møller Hansen sammen først og bl.a. Preben Møller Hansen på Folketingest talerstol, ca. 2:30 min. henne.

Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


15. september 2008

Det amerikanske finansfirma Lehman Brothers går konkurs, den største i USAs historie, og åbner for den internationale “finanskrise”.



Ten years after Lehman: New financial crises in the making. By Nick Beams (World Socialist Web Site, 17 September 2018). “Two characteristics predominate in the plethora of commentaries … The first is the lack of any scientific explanation of the meltdown itself. The second is the fear that, far from its causes having been overcome, a new crisis is very much in the making.” See also: Five years since the collapse of Lehman Brother (ibid., 14 September 2013) + One year since the collapse of Lehman Brothers (ibid., 15 September 2009).”

Ten years from Lehman Brothers – the day the system nearly collapsed (Socialist Worker, Issue 2621, 8 September 2018). “When US banking giant Lehman Brothers collapsed a decade ago, it marked the beginning of a gigantic crash that bosses still want us to pay for today.”

Lehmans, animal spirits and the failure of the progressives (Michael Roberts Blog, September 2, 2018). “Several writers have published accounts of why Lehmans went under and what caused the greatest global financial crash in the history of capitalism so far.”

The market meltdown we’re still paying for. By the editors (SocialistWorker.org, September 16, 2013). “The Wall Street banksters caused the financial crisis of 2008 with their wild gambling with untold billions of dollars–betting on people losing their houses and livelihoods.”

The trillion dollar crash. By Chris Harman (International Socialism, No. 121, Winter 2009;  online at Marxists Internet Archive). “The only way for states to keep the system going was to return to the methods of wholesale state intervention …”

The October crisis. By Lynn Walsh (Socialism Today, Issue 123, November 2008). “The imminent October meltdown of the global banking system appears to have been averted, at least for the time being. But the credit crunch continues and capitalist leaders are forced to recognise the world is plunging into a deep recession.”

System failure: Economic turmoil and endless war. By Alex Callinicos (Socialist Review, Issue 329, October 2008). “As the worst economic crisis since the 1929 crash rips through the world’s markets, Alex Callinicos analyses the factors driving ever greater political instabilities across the globe.”

Se også:

Finanskrisen i Danmark. Af Anders Hadberg (Socialistisk Information, 31. oktober 2008). “Mens det brænder i USA og store europæiske lande, ser vi nu også at finanskrisen for alvor rammer Danmark. I denne artikel gennemgås hvordan finanskrisen indtil videre har udviklet sig i Danmark og hvordan myndighederne har reageret på krisen.”

Where is capitalism headed?: Marxists look at the world economy. By Hadas Thier, David McNally, Lee Wengraf, Lee Sustar and Michael Roberts (International Socialist Review, Issue 110, Fall 2018, p.47-69). “The financial crisis in 2007 thrust the world economy into the deepest downswing since the Great Depression … The ISR asked a group of Marxist economists to assess the character of our economic epoch and its trajectory.”

Crashed: more the how, than the why (Michael Roberts Blog, August 24, 2018). Review of Adam Tooze, Crashed: How a decade of financial crises changed the world (Penguin, 2018, 720 p.): “Tooze’s new book makes a massive contribution to the economic history of the global financial crash of 2008-9 … It powerfully shows what happened and how, but in my view does not adequately show why it happened.” See also review by Yanis Varoufakis (The Guardian/Yyanisvaroufakis.eu, August 13, 2018) + Adam Tooze’s site.

The political economy of the long depression. By Joseph Choonara (International Socialism, Issue 154, Spring 2018, p.81-110). “The recession of 2008-9 was a long-deferred crisis for the system … The fact that it was not allowed to become a slump on the scale of the 1930s has given us instead a long depression—a prolonged period of relatively sluggish and tentative growth.”

Ten years later. By Michael Roberts (Weekly Worker, Issue 1167, August 10, 2017). “What has the bourgeoisie learnt from the 2008 crash? Not a great deal.”

Margin Call: A look at the parasitical one percent. By Joanne Laurier (World Socialist Web Site, 4 November 2011). “Margin Call attempts to enter into the thinking, motivations and psychology of the Wall Street power brokers who helped crash the world economy in 2008.”

Ti år i finanskrisens skygge (Information.dk, 9. august 2017). “I en ny serie ser Information på, hvad der skete i 2007, hvem der havde ansvaret, hvad krisen har kostet, hvad der er lært eller ikke lært – og om det virkelig er sandt, at det går mod lyse tider for økonomien.” Se også Emne: Finanskrisen. En del under betalingsmur.

Linkboxe på Socialistisk Bibliotek:


31. oktober 2008

Den amerikanske sociale kommentator Studs Terkel dør i Chicago (født i New York, 16. maj 1912, se denne).


31. oktober 2008

Kryptovalutaen Bitcoin kommer til verden. Den anonyme Satoshi Nakamoto udgiver en artikel “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash system”. Systemet blev udgivet som open source i januar 2009.


Skal venstrefløjen holde øje med blockchain-teknologien? (Solidaritet.dk/Kritisk Debat, 15. februar 2022). “Thomas Redshaw argumenterer for, at socialister skal vare sig for at tage blockchain-teknologien til sig – på trods af dens utopiske løfter om digitalt demokrati.”

Hvorfor bitcoin ikke er socialisters allierede – et svar til Ben Arc. Af Yanis Varoufakis (Solidaritet.dk/Kritisk Debat, 15. februar 2022). “15. juli 2020 offentliggjorde Ben Arc i Bitcoin Magazine et åbent brev henvendt til mig som et forsøg på at overbevise mig om, at jeg skulle revurdere min afvisning af bitcoin som en kraft i det godes tjeneste, som et bolværk for at demokratisere kapitalismen og bane vej for socialismen. Her er mit svar.”

Bitcoins strømforbrug er større end hele Danmarks, men det kan nedsættes med 99,99 procent. Af Frederik Guy Hoff Sonne (Videnskab.dk, 15. marts 2019). “Det enorme energiforbrug skyldes ’miningen’ af bitcoin og den såkaldte ‘proof-of-work’-mekanisme, der skal til, for at bitcoin-transaktioner kan gennemføres.”

Et marxistisk syn på Kryptovaluta. Av Håkon Edøy Hanssen (Gnist: Marxistisk Tidsskrift, nr. 2a, 2018). “Kryptovaluta og blokkjeder er ikke en løsning på de enorme ­materielle forskjellene og sentraliseringen av makt vi har i dag. De representerer et nytt slør over problemene i det kapitalistiske varesamfunnet. I realiteten representerer denne teknologien økt sentralisering og maktkonsentrasjon.”

Blockchain – for viktig til å overlates til høyresida. Av Jon Ramvi (Gnist: Marxistisk Tidsskrift, nr. 2a, 2018). “Hvis venstresiden ikke finner ut hvordan blockchain kan fungere for deres sak, vil blockchain bli et verktøy for høyresiden. Blockchain er kommet for å bli, og vi må finne ut hva det betyr for en sterk stat, trepartssamarbeidet og den nordiske modellen.”

Regulation has failed (Weekly Worker, Issue 1485, 4 April 2024). “Gambling and swindling on a colossal scale. Hedge funds and bitcoin exchanges should be closed down, demands Michael Roberts.”

Crypto convulsions, digital delusions, and the inexorable logic of finance capitalism. By Ramaa Vasudevan (Monthly Review, Vol.74, No.7, December 2022). “The crypto winter is here. Cryptocurrency, far from being a democratizing force in finance, has led to only further concentrations of wealth and power and increased precarity within the financial sector. The recent fall of Sam Bankman-Fried is only the beginning.”

There is no leftist case for crypto. By Patrick McGinty (Jacobin, October 22, 2022). “Most of us sense cryptocurrency is a scam. But some boosters claim progressives shouldn’t abandon crypto. Examine those claims closely, however, and you won’t find much — perhaps because there really isn’t an argument for crypto from the Left.”

Crypto unTethered. By Michael Roberts (Weekly Worker, Issue 1592, 19 May 2022). “Speculation is inherent in capitalism. That is why we have seen the appearance of cryptocurrencies.”

Crypto won’t solve our problems — we need to democratize money (Jacobin, February 11, 2022). Daniel Denvir interviews Stefan Eich: “Bitcoin was not just a consequence of public disillusionment during the 2008 financial crisis — it was also a response to neoliberal monetary policies that saw money as somehow above politics. But questions about monetary policy are questions about democracy.”

Cryptocurrency is a giant Ponzi scheme. By Sohale Andrus Mortazavi (Jacobin, January 21, 2022). “Cryptocurrency is not merely a bad investment or speculative bubble. It’s worse than that: it’s a full-on fraud.”

Cryptocurrencies: a view from the left (Red Pepper, December 27, 2021). “As cryptocurrencies take the world of finance by storm, Thomas Redshaw examines their rise and what the left should make of them.”

Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and the climate crisis. By Mark Walsh (Irish Marxist Review, Vol.10, No.30, 2021). “Whatever theoretical advantages it may one day offer, the reality is that the short history of cryptocurrency is one of powerful people and nefarious interests riding roughshod over the needs of the many.”

There’s trouble in El Salvador’s Bitcoin paradise. By Hilary Goodfriend (Jacobin, September 20, 2021). “Between the growing authoritarianism of his government and the massive popular pushback to his absurd new Bitcoin law, the honeymoon for El Salvador’s young, centrist, self-styled “disrupter” president Nayib Bukele is over.”

Bitcoin sanctuaries. By Jorge E. Cuéllar (New Left Review/Sidecar, 15 September 2021). “Crypto experiments in Latin America … For El Salvador, this is pure capitalism delivered through cryptography, where the daydream of laissez-faire decentralization masks an unsettling authoritarian creep.”

We need to start taxing Bitcoin. By Dean Baker (Jacobin, June 28, 2021). “Bitcoin is an asset so useless that even if a financial transactions tax completely destroyed it, the world would be better off.”

The dumb money. By Mike Beggs (Jacobin, April 10, 2018). “The definitive explanation of why Bitcoin is stupid.”

Bitcoin Mania. Sue Halpern (The New York Review of Books, Vol.65, No.18, January 18, 2018). Review of Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott, Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World (Portfolio/Penguin, 2016, 348 p.) + David Gerard,  Attack of the Fifty Foot Blockchain: Bitcoin, Blockchain, Ethereum and Smart Contracts (CreateSpace, 2017, 178 p.)

The Bitcoin bubble and cryptocurrency craze. By Adam Booth (Socialist Appeal, 12 January 2018). “This article was published a matter of days before Bitcoin’s value collapsed by half overnight.”

What’s behind Bitcoin mania? By Doug Henwood (Jacobin, 26 December 2017). “Still don’t understand Bitcoin? We’ve got you covered.”

The contradictions of the bitcoin-blockchain frenzy. By Nick Beams (World Socialist Web Site, 23 December 2017). “In seeking to grasp the significance of the present frenzy, it is worth recalling the analysis made by Marx of previous financial bubbles …”

Bitcoin and the bandits: how Wall Street captured the Occupy of money (Red Pepper, December 21, 2017). “The online currency started as an alternative to the failed financial system – but as a huge bubble inflates and bankers board the bandwagon, Tom Walker argues bitcoin has drowned in greed.”

Bitcoin speculation continues to surge. By Nick Beams (World Socialist Web Site, 21 December 2017). “The appetites of financial speculators continue to be whetted by reports of huge gains made by hedge funds that specialise in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.”

Bitcoins — a very capitalist currency. By Alexander Joseph (Socialist Worker, Issue 2585, 19 December 2017). “Bitcoin has been highly successful as speculative asset. But that means it’s not very successful as a form of money …”

Cryptocurrency craze (Weekly Worker, Issue 1183, 14 December 2017). “Does bitcoin open the way to a world free from the control of global authorities? No chance, argues Michael Roberts.”

Bitcoin is not what socialism needs (Paul Cockshott’s Blog: Comments on economics and politics, November 23, 2017). “… in 2015 it took 5000 times as much electricity to process a bitcoin transaction as a visa payment.”

Blockchains and the crypto craze (Michael Roberts Blog: blogging from a marxist economist, September 17, 2017). “More probably, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will remain on the micro-periphery of the spectrum of digital moneys, just as Esperanto has done as a universal global language …”

Cryptocurrency might be a path to authoritarianism. By Ian Bogost (The Atlantic, May 30, 2017). “Extreme libertarians built blockchain to decentralize government and corporate power. It could consolidate their control instead.”

Bitcoin: utopian reflection of a capitalist nightmare (Socialist Appeal, 2017). “How much of the Bitcoin sesnsation is hype, and what is the reality?”

Bitcoin: utopian reflection of a capitalist nightmare. By Ben Gliniecki (In Defence of Marxism, 18 March 2014). “Bitcoin has little prospect for becoming an accepted currency, neither is it a long term investment option.” På dansk: Bitcoin: utopisk afspejling af et kapitalistisk mareridt (Revolution, 26. december 2017)


1. november 2008

Kulturskribenten, journalisten (Land & Folk 1945-1965) og første oplæser på TV-Avisen Eric Danielsen dør. (Født 18. februar 1920 på Frederiksberg).


Den første TV-Avis – 15. oktober 1965 – Youtube, 00:42.

Litteratur (af Eric Danielsen):

  • Kritik af psykoanalysen (Clarté & Dialog, 1955, 89 sider)
  • Myten om mennesket som aggressiv abe (Clarté, 1972, 18 sider; Marxistiske hæfter, 16)
  • Vold – en ond arv?: grundbog i teorier om aggressionens psykologi (Gyldendal, 1978, 139 sider)
  • Skærsilds-terapier: en kritisk indføring i de nye, følelsesforløsende terapier (Hans Reitzel, 1985, 136 sider)
  • Guldets satan: introduktion til Balzac og Den menneskelige komedie (Vindrose, 1994, 244 sider)
  • Psykologiens Mozart: introduktion til L.S. Vygotsky og den kulturhistoriske skole (Dansk psykologisk Forlag, 1996, 102 sider)
  • Den gådefulde Stendhal (Vindrose, 1999, 236 sider)
  • Den ukendte Freud (Dansk psykologisk Forlag, 2000, 255 sider)
  • Flaubert – desillusionens mester: en kritisk biografi (Vindrose, 2005, 233 sider)
  • Zola: En borgerlig rebel. En kritisk biografi (Politisk Revy, Rævens Sorte Bibliotek, 2009, 219 sider). Se anmeldelse af Bo Tao Michaelis: Flot portræt af Bangs franske forbillede (Politiken.dk, 31. juli 2009)


4. november 2008

1987aynrand.jpg Saxo Bank (Liberal Alliances økonomiske bagmænd) genudgiver den højrelibertære koldkriger Ayn Rands mammut-roman Og verden skælvede (Atlas Shrugged) (1. danske udgave 1959), med forord af bankejerne Lars Seier Christensen og Kim Fournais.


Gary Weiss is author of Ayn Rand Nation: The Hidden Struggle for America’s Soul (St. Martin’s Press, 2012)

Forskere: Skatteforbrydere kan ikke hente moralsk støtte hos Ayn Rand. Af Asbjørn Mølgaard Sørensen (Videnskab.dk, 4 november 2018). “Hvis du er en af mange danskere, der har fulgt med i sagen om udbytteskat, som kom til at koste Danmark 12,7 milliarder kroner, så har du sikkert også hørt navnet Ayn Rand.”

Liberal hoffilosof har ikke styr på tænkningen. Af Nils Holtug (Politiken.dk, 25. marts 2015). “Filosoffen Ayn Rand er filosofiens svar på Byggemand Bob.”

Individet er alt. Af Maria Helleberg (Information.dk, 25. oktober 2014). “Hvordan blev en midaldrende russisk emigrant bannerfører for den amerikanske Tea-party-bevægelse og danske Saxo Bank?”

Prometheus i ultraliberal udgave. Af Francois Flahault (Social Kritik, nr.135, oktober 2013, s.28-47). “Hvem er denne Ayn Rand der praktisk taget er ukendt i Frankrig?”. Se også oversætter Erik Jerlungs introduktion: De første mennesker har aldrig eksisteret (s.22-27).

Lad os undgå The End. Af Lars Seier Christensen (Kronik i Børsen, 14. januar 2013). “Jeg håber, at mange flere danskere vil læse ‘Atlas Shrugged’, for Ayn Rands klarsyn bliver bekræftet i disse år.”

Et manifest for psykopater. Af George Monbiot (Information.dk, 15. marts 2012). “Ayn Rands forskruede ultraliberalistiske ideer er blevet det nye ortodokse højres modstykke til marxismen.”

22. juli-terroristen og Ayn Rand. Av Jonas Bals (Gnist/Rødt! nr.3, 2011). “Ayn Rand har øvd og øver fremdeles stor innflytelse på en rekke liberalistiske tenkere og politikere. Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher og den tidligere sentralbanksjefen i USA, Alan Greenspan, har vært erklærte fans.”

Verdensrevolutionen udgår fra Saxo Bank. Af Birgitte Erhardtsen (Berlingske.dk, 5. november 2008). “Saxo Banks lancering af en dansk oversættelse af ultra-liberalistisk roman vandt stort bifald blandt Cepos-medlemmer og førsteårsknægte fra CBS. Spørgsmålet er, om det er noget, der får verden til at skælve.”

Ayn Rand Quote

In English:

Ayn Rand had a fragile ego, incoherent ideas, and bad taste (Jacobin, March 30, 2024). Daniel Denvir interview Lisa Duggan: “Ayn Rand believed that the path to social harmony ran through the inferior masses’ acceptance of brutal rule by their natural superiors. Her perspective was wrong, and its implications were just as grim and nasty as her atrocious personality.”

Who is Ayn Rand? By Lisa Duggan (Jacobin, August 23, 2019). “An upsurge in business activism joined with libertarians and conservatives to usher in neoliberalism’s dominance by the 1980s election of Ronald Reagan. A key piece of that dominance: Ayn Rand’s philosophy of optimistic cruelty, nearly perfect in its immorality.”

Atlas Shrugged: the world’s most boring cult novel. By Finn Lees (RS21: Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century, October 15, 2017). “On 10 October 1957 Random House published Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, a book now regarded by many as the ultimate expression of capitalist greed, as well as perhaps the worst novel ever written.”

Ayn Rand, Pope Francis and the philosophy of greed (Michael Roberts Blog, November 28, 2013). “Rand’s philosophy is really the epitome of thinking by the modern rich elite of the world. She did not believe in God, did not want a monarchy or an aristocracy and certainly not democracy. Society should be ruled by the wealthy and powerful who knew what to do.”

Paul Ryan’s biggest influence: 10 things you should know about the lunatic Ayn Rand. By Jan Frel (Alternet, August 12, 2012). “Here’s a treasure trove of background info on the woman who inspired Romney’s VP pick to go into public office.”

Ayn Rand’s nightmare is today’s Wall Street: Occupy Wall Street must battle 70 years of corporate propaganda. By Pam Martens (CounterPunch, March 26, 2012). “The high priestess of corporate deregulation and free markets, Ayn Rand, wrote a novella in the 1930s. … The book presents a frightening dystopian world produced by the ever present Randian trademark – an out of control government.”

Ayn Rand: the Tea Party’s miscast matriarch. By Pam Martens (CounterPunch, February 27, 2012). “Gary Weiss, long time Wall Street reporter and author, has written a new book, due out this week from St. Martin’s Press, on the rising influence of Ayn Rand in modern politics.”

Rancid individualism and Ayn Rand’s America. By Kathleen Wallace Peine (Dissident Voice, March 26th, 2011). “Rand advanced the absurd notion that selfishness truly is a virtue, a suggestion wildly contradictory to safe societal function.”

Myths of Ayn Rand. By Phil Hearse (Marxsite, August 2009). “Ayn Rand’s system is made possible by a series of fallacies which underpin her system. As she herself said many times about her opponents, these errors are so glaring it’s difficult to believe anyone would make them in good faith.”

As astonishing as Elvis. By Jenny Turner (London Review of Books, Vol.27, No.23, 1 December 2005). Review of Jeff Britting, Ayn Rand (Duckworth, 2005). “Britting’s book presents Rand’s life as Rand would have liked, with the heroine as prodigy and changeling, sprung on the world with the basic structure of her thought intact.”

Ayn Rand and the perversion of libertarianism. By Lance Klafta (Anarchy, No.34, 1993; online at The Anarchist Library). “Ayn Rand’s belief in the inherent depravity of human nature which renders us forever incapable of living without rulers and not descending to the level of ‘savages’, clearly places her outside of the libertarian tradition.”


  • Jennifer Burns: “Ayn Rand: Gudløs kapitalisme og den konservative bevægelse”. I: Amerikanske tænkere: 14 intellektuelle der ændrede USA, red. Astrid Nonbo Andersen og Christian Olaf Christensen (Informations Forlag, 2016, s.236-254 + 342-343)


25. november 2008

Folkeafstemning i Grønland, der giver 75,5% ja til nyt selvstyre, der blandt andet giver dem ejendomsretten til råstofferne i den grønlandske undergrund.


6. december 2008

Det græske politis mord på den 15-årige Alexandros Grigoropoulo, udløser ugelange opstande og gadekampe, og solidaritetsmanifestationer i europæiske byer.




14. december 2008

På en afskeds-pressekonference i Irak får USAs præsident George Bush sin tak, den totale ydmygelse, en sko.


Se også på Socialistisk Bibliotek:

Linkboxen: George W. Bush – A Farewell Kiss, om USAs 43. præsidents periode (2001-2009)

24. december 2008

Den engelske dramatisker Harold Pinter dør (født 10. oktober 1930, se denne)

27. december 2008

Israel overgreb på Gaza – Operaton Cast Lead – koster ca. 1400 døde palæstinensere (+13 israelere) og 2700 sårede, og var if. både FN og Amnesty International overtrædelse af international lov. Tilbagetrækning 21. januar 2009 med efterfølgende blokade af Gaza.


Gaza War (Wikipedia.org)

Se på Socialistisk Bibliotek: