Tom Paine (1737-1809), britisk-amerikansk politisk skribent.
Den 8. juni 1809 døde den radikale politiske skribent Thomas (Tom) Paine i New York. Han var født i Thetford, Norfolk, England 29. januar 1737.
Med sine politiske pamfletter, især Common Sense, øvede han indflydelse på den amerikanske revolution og var “den største politiske propagandist i historien”, med fx Rights of Man til støtte for den franske revolution.
(Tidsskriftcentret, påbegyndt juni 2009)
Thomas Paine (Denstoredanske). Kort leksikal intro.
Tom Paine (Wikipedia.dk). Dansk artikel med links til større norske artikel og ret store engelske artikel.
Biografi: Thomas Paine (1737-1809). Af Henrik Eismark (Fritanken.dk, 2000; online på Internet Archive WayBackMachine). Længere biografi på dansk.
Tom Paine (Spartacus Educational)
Thomas Paine was history’s greatest hater of the British Crown. By Ryan Zickgraf (Jacobin, September 10, 2022). “The American Revolution was inspired by ruthless criticism of the British monarchy. Why stop now?”
Let’s make Paine’s Age of Reason a reality. By Frank Furedi (Spiked Review of Books, April 2014). Review of Yuval Levin, The Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine and the Birth of Right and Left (Basic Books, 2013, 275 p.))
“Burke’s paternalism won out over Paine’s liberalism. Let the fightback begin.”
A New World: A Life of Thomas Paine by Trevor Griffiths. Review by Ann Talbot (World Socialist Web Site, 18 September 2009)
“Trevor Griffith brings to the stage an 18th century figure who made a significant contribution to both the American and French revolutions and whose writings have continued to influence revolutionary movements ever since.”
Tom Paine, restless democrat. By Mike Marqusee (Red Pepper, June/July 2009)
“This June marks the bicentenary of the death of a man who was buried in obscurity but whose ideas are today claimed by everyone from anarchists to neoliberals. Mike Marqusee celebrates the life, work and ideas of the great revolutionary who declared that ”˜my country is the world and my religion is to do good’.”
Citizen of the world: a brief survey of the life and times of Thomas Paine. By Ann Talbot (World Socialist Web Site, 8 June 2009)
“Paine’s life story reflects the experience of a new social type: self-educated men from poor backgrounds who were making their way in industry, science and, in Paine’s case, politics. He was the most brilliant example of this new phenomenon.”
Tom Paine’s birthday: ‘To world revolution’. By Peter Linebaugh (CounterPunch, January 29, 2009)
“Though a revolutionary opposing kingship, one-man rule, the puppet-show of sovereignty, the war-making essential to monarchy, he was also opposed to capital punishment …”
Mightier than the sword – the impact of the ideas of Thomas Paine on the American Revolution. By Harry Whittaker (In Defence of Marxism, 28 March 2008)
“The year was 1776 and it was time for Americans to sever links with Britain and assert their independence. Thomas Paine set himself the task of writing what was to become the biggest-selling, most widely read and successful political pamphlet in history: Common Sense.
Doubting Thomas. By Joshua Wolf Shenk (Mother Jones, December 2005)
“Paine’s legacy – his physical remains as well as his ideological heritage – is the subject of two recent books.”
Citizen of the world : a brief survey of the life and times of Thomas Paine, 1737-1809. By Ann Talbot (World Socialist Web Site, 30 September 2004)
“Paine’s life story reflects the experience of a new social type: self-educated men from poor backgrounds who were making their way in industry, science and, in Paine’s case, politics. He was the most brilliant example of this new phenomenon.”
Living to some purpose. By Megan Trudell (International Socialism, Issue 69, Winter 1995, page 77-83).
“Paine’s is a life worth celebrating, and for that reason John Keane’s new biography is welcome. Keane is quite right to resurrect Paine – though his task is far from uncontroversial, as a hostile review of his biography by an Oxford don, Jonathan Clark, shows.”
Tom Paine – Revolutionist. By Jean Simon (Fourth International, Vol.13, No.2, March-April 1952)
“Paine opposed monarchy, slavery, poverty, organized religion and the Bible, and the unequal status of women. He was an advocate of universal education, reform of criminal law, pensions far the aged and other social security measures, reduction of armaments and universal peace.”
Thomas Paine (FoundersofAmerica.com)
With prints, posters, shirts, mugs & gifts.
På dansk:
Fritanken.dk. Redigeret af Henrik Eismark. I højrespalten adgang til en række værker og artikler online af Tom Paine oversat til dansk af redaktøren. Bla. Sund Fornuft (1776) og Menneskets Rettigheder II (1792). Sitet er p.t. “dødt”, men tilgængeligt via Internet Archive WayBackMachine.
In English:
Tom Paine: The Age of Reason (1794) (Marxists Internet Archive, Reference writers)
Tom Paine: The Rights of Man (1792) (UShistory.org)
Tom Paine: Common Sense (1776) (Marxists Internet Archive, Reference writers)

Common Sense – et revolutionært skrift (1776). Af Tom Paine (Informations forlag, 2017, 108 sider). Se boguddrag: Common Sense – et revolutionært skrift (Information.dk, 16. marts 2017)
Se også tidligere udgave: Sund Fornuft, oversat af Henrik Eismark (Fritanken.dk, 2001; online på Internet Archive WayBackMachine)
Menneskets rettigheder (1791-92). Af Tom Paine (Informations Forlag, 2017, 336 sider)
Se også tidligere udgave: Menneskets Rettigheder II, oversat af Henrik Eismark (Fritanken.dk, 2000; online på Internet Archive WayBackMachine)
Howard Fast: Borger Tom Paine (Klim, 1983, 307 sider). Roman.
Se engelske anmeldelser mv.: Citizen Tom Paine (Trussel’s EclectiCity).
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